CELTA Lesson Plan IH Joburg 2019 - 1 - DOLO

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CELTA Lesson Plan

Name: MARIA DOLORES MICELLI Date: 16/01/2020

TP No. 1 No. of students: Time: 45’
Comments on the lesson plan:

Good points in this lesson:

You need to address:

Overall comment:

Overall, for this stage of the course, this lesson was: TO STANDARD / NOT TO STANDARD

SIGNED BY TUTOR ________________________________ SIGNED BY TRAINEE ________________________________

Main Lesson Aim (By the end of the lesson students will be able to review, use, develop, learn, practise… in the context of………….)

By the end of the lesson students will be able to learn and use money verbs in the context of ways of spending and keeping money.

Subsidiary Lesson Aim (By the end of the lesson students will be able to review, use, develop, learn, practise… in the context of………….)

By the end of the lesson students will be able to practise speaking and using the T/L in the context of money.

Personal Aims (Teaching skills YOU want to improve on in this lesson; consider feedback from your previous observed lessons)

To build a good rapport with the students.

To make appropriate use of time.
To ensure the students are fully engaged in the lesson.

Assumptions (What your students already know about the language, an activity, or the topic that will help them in this lesson)

I assume the students are interested in talking about money, how to get it, keep it and use it.

Class Profile (Who are the students; consider their first language(s), ages, interests, language level(s), motivation, etc.)

The students are young adults from France, Mozambique and neighbouring cities who need to improve their level of English for job and
educational reasons.

Materials (Write what materials you are using, page numbers etc. Reference all your handouts here and attach a copy of each to your lesson

Adapted from English File Intermediate, Student’s Book, Oxford University Press, 2005, page 154.
Target Language Analysis Sheet for a Systems lesson (Grammar / Vocabulary)
Analyse the Target Language of I will check students’ Show your analysis of form Show your analysis of pron.
your lesson here: understanding of meaning here here
Include examples from your using: I will clarify and highlight the I will drill the following words
lesson and context following form on the board: and highlight pronunciation:

Concept checking questions/

Be worth timelines etc. (Include these Be + worth /bi wɜːθ/
When something has a particular here and remember to include the
value, we say that it is worth $$$ expected answers from students
to CCQs)
Cost /kɒst/
When we talk about the price of You need a dictionary and you can use it
something, we can also say that the at the library for free. Is it worth buying
product costs $$$ one? (N)
Is a Maserati worth a lot of money? (Y)
When you want to buy a product, the When I say “I paid 7 rands for a phone /ʧɑːʤ/
seller charges you $$$ card”, is 7 rands the cost of it? (Y)
Does a mansion cost a lot of money? (Y)
Borrow When you buy sth, does the salesperson
Borrow + sth + FROM + sb /ˈbɒrəʊ /
I need to buy my lunch but I forgot charge for it? (Y)
my wallet, can I borrow some Is parking charged near the school? (N) Lend + sth + TO + sb
money from you?
Do you have to give the money back
when you borrow it? (Y)
Lend /lɛnd/
Can you borrow money from a bank? (Y)
OK, I borrow some money from
you so you lend some money to Do you give somebody money as a
me. present? (N)
Does he person that asks for the money /əʊ /
have to give it back? (Y)
Owe Owe + sb + sth
You lend me some money and I Do you need to return the money to Owe + sth + TO + sb
have to give it back to you somebody? (Y)
because I owe you some money. Can you keep the money for you? (N)

Can't afford
Do you have enough money to buy sth?
Can / can’t + afford + sth /kɑːnt əˈfɔːd/
I want to buy a burger but I don’t Do you need more money to buy sth?
have enough money so I can’t (Y)
afford the burger.
Is it the money you receive for a job you
do? (Y) /Ɜ ːn/
When you receive money as a Is it the money you receive from your
payment for a work that you do. parents as a gift? (N)
Is it the money you get from a dead
Inherit person? (Y)
To receive money, a house, etc. Is it the money you receive from a
from someone after they have person you see every day? (N)
Is it the money you spend at a
supermarket? (N) /Ɪnˈvɛst/
Invest Is it the money you spend doing
When you put money into a business to get extra money? (Y)
business, for example, to get more
money after a while.
Do you spend all the money you have?
(N) /seɪv/
Save Do you put some money aside for the
I don’t spend all my money, I keep future? (Y)
some to use it in the future.
Do you spend your money in /weɪst/
unnecessary things? (Y)
Waste Do you spend the money in useful
I spend all my money in things? (N)
unnecessary things.
Anticipated problems and solutions
Anticipated problems with meaning of target language (What Solutions (What will you do to help the students?)
could the students misuse/misunderstand?)

Students might confuse or misuse: Remark the fact that:

 BE WORTH and COST  We use be worth for an abstract or subjective value while cost
 COST and CHARGE expresses a monetary value.
 BORROW and LEND.  A product costs an amount of money A seller charges you an
amount of money
 You “borrow something from somebody” and you “lend
something to somebody”.
Anticipated problems with form of target language (What could Solutions (What will you do to help the students?)
students leave out, add, change, etc?)

Students may forget to place the correct form of the verb BE before Highlight the use of this auxiliary verb before worth.

Anticipated problems with pronunciation of target language Solutions (What will you do to help the students?)
(Which sounds could be difficult for students to pronounce? What
might they pronounce incorrectly?)

Instead of /θ/ students might say /d/ in worth. Model and drill correct pronunciation (chorally and individually), and
Instead of /ʧ/ students might say /ʃ / in charge. use phonetic script to help students with difficult phonemes as
Instead of /v/ students might say /f/ in save. necessary.

Other anticipated problems (Problems with materials, learners Solutions (What will you do to help the students?)
and classroom management.)
Procedure (Please include all stages, and enough detail for the reader to understand exactly what the teacher and students do)
Stage Aim Focus Time Procedure Observer’s Comments

Lead in To set the context of T-S 5’ T shows Sts a picture to elicit the word money and stick it
the lesson. on the board. Then, T asks students to discuss in pairs
S-S these two questions: How important is money to you? Can
you buy happiness?
T asks 2 or 3 Sts to share their ideas.

Present To present and T-S 20’ T explains they are going to talk about money verbs. Then,
ation clarify the meaning, S-T T elicits the T/L using definitions.
form, pronunciation T concept checks each vocabulary item, drills the new
of the T/L. word, highlights possible problematic phonemes on the
T remarks the use of the verb BE before worth; in the
same way, T helps Sts realize between the different use of
borrow and lend, and the affirmative and negative form of
To check that Sts S 10-12’ Sts work on their own and complete the sentences with the
have understood the S-S verbs given.
meaning, form and S-T T monitors and assists individual Sts if necessary.
pronunciation of the Allow Sts to pair check.
T/L. Feedback O/C.
T clarifies meaning, form and pronunciation if necessary.

on To allow Sts the S-S-S 8-10’ T tells students they are going to work in groups of 3. they
opportunity to use are going to be journalists and one of them will take notes.
the T/L in a more S-T They have to prepare 4 suggestions for people, the topic is
authentic context. “How should people look after money?”
T uses ICQ to check understanding.
T monitors for errors.
Feedback O/C.
Self Evaluation Name: ____________________ TP No: ______
This document is designed to help you structure your post-observation thoughts. Please complete the sections below in as much detail as
possible following your observed lesson.

Did you achieve your main aims (linguistic and skills)? How was this evident through the different
stages of your lesson?

What were the strengths of the lesson? Justify your comments.

What features of the lesson would you change or do differently? Why?

What are your action points for your next lesson? How will you ensure these are achieved?

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