CELTA Lesson Plan IH Joburg 2019 - 3 - DOLO

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CELTA Lesson Plan

Name: MARIA DOLORES MICELLI Date: 22/01/2020

Lesson focus: Reading Level: INTERMEDIATE
TP No. 3 No. of students: Time: 45’
Comments on the lesson plan:

Good points in this lesson:

You need to address:

Overall comment:

Overall, for this stage of the course, this lesson was: TO STANDARD / NOT TO STANDARD

SIGNED BY TUTOR ________________________________ SIGNED BY TRAINEE ________________________________

Main Lesson Aim (By the end of the lesson students will be able to review, use, develop, learn, practise… in the context of………….)

By the end of the lesson students will practice the sub skills of reading for gist and in detail in the context of reading about stereotypes.

Subsidiary Lesson Aim (By the end of the lesson students will be able to review, use, develop, learn, practise… in the context of………….)

By the end of the lesson students will practise speaking in the context of discussing about stereotypes and how they can affect people.

Personal Aims (Teaching skills YOU want to improve on in this lesson; consider feedback from your previous observed lessons)

To provide a good model of a receptive skill lesson at intermediate level.

To make appropriate use of time.
To improve the use of CCQs.
To improve my ttt.

Assumptions (What your students already know about the language, an activity, or the topic that will help them in this lesson)

I assume the students are interested in and will enjoy reading about men and women stereotypes.

Class Profile (Who are the students; consider their first language(s), ages, interests, language level(s), motivation, etc.)

The students are young adults from France, Mozambique and neighbouring cities who need to improve their level of English for job and
educational reasons

Materials (Write what materials you are using, page numbers etc. Reference all your handouts here and attach a copy of each to your lesson

Adapted from English File Intermediate, Student’s Book, Oxford University Press, 2013, pages 28 and 29. (Articles and ex. 1a,1b and 1e.
Target Language Analysis Sheet for a Systems lesson (Grammar / Vocabulary)
Analyse the Target Language of I will check students’ Show your analysis of form Show your analysis of pron.
your lesson here: understanding of meaning here here
Include examples from your using: I will clarify and highlight the I will drill the following words
lesson and context following form on the board: and highlight pronunciation:

Concept checking questions/

timelines etc. (Include these
here and remember to include the
expected answers from students
to CCQs)
Pre-taught Language Analysis Sheet for a Receptive Skills lesson (Reading / Listening)
Analyse the Pre-taught I will check students’ I will clarify and highlight the I will drill the following words
Language of your lesson here: understanding of meaning following form on the board: and highlight pronunciation:
using: (show your analysis of pron.
Concept checking questions.
(Include these here and
remember to include the
expected answers from students
to CCQs)

Stereotypes (n) Is it something that is always true? (No) Stereotypes (n) /stərɪətaɪps/
An idea about a particular type of Can it hurt some people? (Yes)
/rɪˈsɜːʧ /
person or thing, which is often not Research (v) researcher (n)
true. /ˈskɛptɪkəl/
Is it something you do to study one Sceptical (adj)
person? (No)
Research (n)
Study of human behaviour on a Is it something you do to study a group Claim (v) /gɒsɪp/
of people? (Yes)
specific subject Is it done on a specific topic? (Yes) /trɪvɪəl/
Gossip (noun that refers to a
Is it a person that believes something? thing) gossiper (noun that refers
Sceptical (adj) (No) to the person that likes to
Not convinced, having doubts Is it someone that is not convinced gossip)*
about something? (Yes)

Is it when you write something? (No) Trivial (adj)

Claim (v) Is it a synonym of “say” something?
Say that something is true. (Yes)

Is it a formal conversation? (No)

Gossip (n) Is it an informal talk? (Yes)
Casual conversation about other Is it always true? (No)
people’s lives that might be false Can it be rude or unkind? (Yes)
or unkind.
Is it important? (No)
Trivial (adj) Is it irrelevant? (Yes)
Not important, insignificant Is it essential? (No)
Is it insignificant? (Yes)

*Just in case the students ask

about it
Target Language Analysis Sheet for a Productive Skills lesson (Speaking / Writing)
Analyse the Target Language of I will check students’ I will clarify and highlight the I will drill the following words
your lesson here: understanding of meaning following form on the board: and highlight pronunciation:
using concept checking (show your analysis of pron.
questions, timelines, pictures, here)

Anticipated problems and solutions
Anticipated problems with meaning of target language (What Solutions (What will you do to help the students?)
could the students misuse/misunderstand?)

Students might recognise many items of vocabulary easily because Use CCQs to help them identify the correct use of each word.
they’re very similar in their mother tongue, which is French. Though,
they might have difficulties when recognising the category those
words belong to (that is, verb, noun, adjective, etc.).

Anticipated problems with form of target language (What could Solutions (What will you do to help the students?)
students leave out, add, change, etc?)

Students may have difficulties when writing the words “stereotypes”

and “sceptical” as in French they’re written very similarly, Highlight the spelling of those words.
“stéréotypes” and “sceptique”.

Anticipated problems with pronunciation of target language Solutions (What will you do to help the students?)
(Which sounds could be difficult for students to pronounce? What
might they pronounce incorrectly?)

Instead of /ʧ/ students might say /ʃ / in research. Model and drill correct pronunciation (chorally and individually), and
They may have problems as regards word stress because of the use phonetic script to help students with difficult phonemes as
similarities with their L1, French, and might say /stereotypes/ and necessary. Place dots on the accentuated syllables.

Other anticipated problems (Problems with materials, learners Solutions (What will you do to help the students?)
and classroom management.)

Students may be disruptive while during pair work or O/C. Speak politely and invite them to listen to one another.
Students may not want to work in pairs. Ask them to work in 3s or 4s.
Markers may not work. Check it before the lesson and look for new ones if necessary.
Procedure (Please include all stages, and enough detail for the reader to understand exactly what the teacher and students do)
Stage Aim Focus Time Procedure Observer’s Comments

Lead in To set the context of T-S 6’ T asks students to discuss in pairs about 3 topics that are
the lesson. given in a handout: a) who is…? b) do you think that men
S-S-S or women speak more? c) what topics do men / women
talk more about?
T asks ICQs.
O/C feedback.

Pre To present and clarify T-S 10’ T elicits using definitions, synonyms and antonyms, items
teach the meaning, form, S-T essential to the reading tasks in the lesson.
vocabul pronunciation of the
T uses CCQs to check understanding of the vocabulary
ary T/L.
T drills the words to highlight word stress and problematic

Reading To provide a reason

for gist for reading and to S 8’ T explains they are going to work individually. Half the
check students’ S-S class will work with text A, and the other half with text B.
general understanding S-T They have to read a text in 4’ and answer the question,
of the text. “Who are more talkative, men or women?”
T checks understanding by using ICQs.
T asks them to discuss their answers in pairs (one student
that has text A and one that has text B). O/C feedback.

To give a reason for T explains they’re going to work individually. They have 8’
reading and to check to answer 4 questions about the text. T asks ICQs.
Reading students’ more S 13’ T tells them to discuss their answers in pairs (one student
for detailed S-S
detail that has text A and one that has text B).
understanding of the S-T O/C feedback.
text as well as the
new vocabulary.

Extensi To develop students’ S-S 7’ Students work in pairs and discuss the questions about
on oral fluency. S-T stereotypes. O/C feedback
Self Evaluation Name: ____________________ TP No: ______
This document is designed to help you structure your post-observation thoughts. Please complete the sections below in as much detail as
possible following your observed lesson.

Did you achieve your main aims (linguistic and skills)? How was this evident through the different
stages of your lesson?

What were the strengths of the lesson? Justify your comments.

What features of the lesson would you change or do differently? Why?

What are your action points for your next lesson? How will you ensure these are achieved?

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