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Renewable Energy Focus 46 (2023) 1–15

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Study on reducing the grid dependency of urban housing in Nordic

climate by hybrid renewable energy systems
Kari Alanne
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Aalto University, PO Box 14400, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Volatile energy prices and the pursuit of energy resilience drive households and housing cooperatives to
Received 3 March 2023 invest in renewable energy generation (REG) with an aim to reduce grid dependency (GD). The optimal
Revised 19 May 2023 sizing of hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) calls for minimizing both imported and exported
Accepted 19 May 2023
energy plus non-exportable energy dump on site. The Total Energy Transfer Index (TETI) is a novel indi-
Available online 21 May 2023
cator to quantify energy transfer between buildings and the grid. However, the TETI does not specify the
on-site energy dump. The present study introduces another indicator, the Weighted Energy Transfer
Index (WETI), which is the weighted average of imported energy fraction, exported energy fraction
Grid-connected Systems
Grid Dependency
and energy dump factor. The results of a computational study involving a conceptual Finnish townhouse
Total Energy Transfer suggest that using the TETI as a design criterion still allows oversizing the HRES. On the other hand, the
Grid Parity results imply that a realistic target level of grid dependency for an HRES from energy prosumers’ perspec-
Residential Buildings tive is TETI < 1. The economic viability of an HRES presumes that the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) does
not exceed the price of imported energy. The computational results suggest that in Finland, the grid par-
ity of an HRES is obtained at the electricity prices between 17. . .29 €c/kWh, including transfer charges
and taxes.
Ó 2023 The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://

Introduction scale wind turbines provide an option to improve the matching

between generation and load, albeit their implementation in urban
The Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001/EU established a housing is yet limited due to their high capital costs, aesthetical
renewable energy target of at least 32% for the European Union issues, noise, and social acceptability issues [9,10]. A potential
for 2030 and updated it to at least 40% [1]. In 2022, the REPowerEU solution would be a hybrid renewable energy system (HRES), i.e.,
plan was published with an aim to reduce the dependence on Rus- a combination of PV power generation, vertical, roof-mounted
sian fossil fuels and to increase the renewable energy target to 45% wind turbine(s), and an electrical energy storage (EES).
by 2030 [2]. The building sector accounts for 40 % of the energy The optimal sizing of buildings’ REG systems has been
consumption [3]. Besides eliminating the dependency on fossil addressed in several studies [9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17]. The
fuels, renewable energy generation (REG) in buildings has a signif- published studies typically focus on solar energy, although some
icant potential to reduce the grid dependency and to increase the studies indicate a high techno-economic performance for hybrid
resilience of the energy system. renewable energy systems (HRES) [18,19]. Minimizing grid-
Particularly, solar photovoltaic (PV) panels have gained attrac- dependency (GD) in tandem with life-cycle costs has been
tion in residential applications, since their installed costs have fal- recommended in [20], and recent research efforts to that end have
len [4,5]. In Nordic climates, however, renewable energy been reported [21,22,23].
generation in buildings is challenged by several reasons [6]. First, In the literature, the most common metrics for grid dependency
commercial residential solar PV systems typically only yield a is the imported energy fraction (IEF), which is the fraction of
renewable fraction (RF) around 20 % of the buildings’ total con- imported energy in the total demand. When there is a need to
sumption [7]. Second, the increasing penetration of PV systems emphasize power rather than energy, the corresponding indicator
would result in increasing amount of energy to be wasted in sum- is referred to as the loss of power supply probability (LPSP) [20].
mer, since energy storage capacity is expensive, and the energy The loss of load probability (LOLP) has been proposed to determine
export is limited due to issues such as grid stability [8]. Small- the ratio of grid-dependent hours and the total hours in the
1755-0084/Ó 2023 The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
K. Alanne Renewable Energy Focus 46 (2023) 1–15


C Costs [€] EDF Energy Dump Fraction

E Energy [J] EEF Exported Energy Fraction
f Derating factor [-] EES Electrical Energy Storage
I Incident solar radiation [W/m2] GD Grid Dependency
n Project lifetime [y] GP Grid Parity
P Electrical power [W] GSHP Ground-Source Heat Pump
r Real discount rate [%] HOMER Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables
T Temperature [°C] HRES Hybrid Renewable Energy System
W Weight factor [-] HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning
a Temperature coefficient [-] IEF Imported Energy Fraction
q Density [kg/m3] LCC Life-cycle Costs
LCOE Levelized Cost of Energy
Subscripts LIB Lithium-Ion Battery
ann Annualized LOLP Loss Of Load Probability
c Cell (PV) LPSP Loss of Power Supply Probability
d Dumped MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracker
dem Demand NOCT Nominal Cell Temperature
e Exported NPC Net Present Costs
i Imported NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
t Time step O&M Operation and Management
tot Total PV Photo-Voltaic
REG Renewable Energy Generation
Abbreviations RF Renewable Fraction
AC Alternating Current STC Standard Test Conditions
AHU Air Handling Unit STP Standard Temperature and Pressure
TET Total Energy Transfer
ASC Annualized System Costs
CAV Constant Air Volume TETI Total Energy Transfer Index
COE Cost of Energy TRY Test Reference Year
WETI Weighted Energy Transfer Index
COP Coefficient Of Performance
DC Direct Current WT Wind Turbine
DHW Domestic Hot Water

analysis period particularly in applications, where the GD is problem is subjected to a balance constraint that ensures the
assigned to systemic reliability [24]. All these fractions vary equality between energy supply and demand. However, a cost con-
between zero and unity, where zero refers to a standalone system. straint is necessary to ensure the economic viability of the HRES for
Relying on the IEF (LPSP) alone would provide a biased guide- the prosumer in comparison with the market price of energy. On
line for the design of hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) the other hand, the LCOE is commonly regarded as a metrics for
since it allows oversizing, posing a burden (and a potential stability a comparison between the energy costs of HRES and the price of
problem) to the grid due to the exported energy [22]. Hence, other grid energy, assuming a fixed or variable profile for the price of grid
performance indicators have been proposed. The on-site energy energy. In terms of grid-connected systems, however, the LCOE
matching index (OEM) has been defined as the ratio of locally used depends on the price of grid energy. To that end, grid parity anal-
and locally generated energy so that the on-site system boundary ysis has been used as a method to evaluate the economic viability,
is at the grid interface [25]. The OEM has been developed to quan- albeit so far mainly at large scale (national energy system) rather
tify energy matching rather than the GD, however, wherefore its than small scale (single prosumers) [26]. The prosumer’s grid par-
unity (instead of zero) represents the standalone system. The novel ity is hard to reach in countries like Finland, where the market
total energy transfer index (TETI) is defined as the ratio of total price of electricity has conventionally been low. Thus, the energy
energy transfer including import and export and the local energy transition calls for realistic target levels of GD to yet maintain
generation [21]. The TETI is a descriptive indicator for the GD but the economic viability of grid connected HRES.
given that it only considers the grid interaction without explicating In the present study, both the total energy transfer and grid par-
the system’s internal power management ability (e.g., unmanage- ity analyses are implemented in a conceptual townhouse located in
able power due to undersized inverter), the conception of the sys- Finland with an aim to recognize a technically and economically
tem performance may remain biased. For example, the TETI may viable level of grid dependency that can be obtained using grid
obtain the value zero (both import and export are zero), although connected HRES in Nordic climate. Two indicators are imple-
energy dump exists. Since the energy dump is an undesired effect, mented to determine the GD and their implications for the system
an HRES with poorly designed on-site power management is still sizing are discussed, namely, the Total Energy Transfer Index (TETI)
indirectly grid dependent. introduced in [21] and the Weighted Energy Transfer Index (WETI),
Earlier studies have commonly addressed the issue of grid which is the weighted average of imported energy fraction (IEF),
dependency by considering the design of HRES as an optimization exported energy fraction (EEF) and energy dump factor (EDF). To
problem with an aim to co-minimize the GD and cost functions find out the relation between GD and the prosumer’s grid parity,
such as cost of energy (COE), annualized system cost (ASC), break-even price of energy is determined for various design
levelized cost of energy (LCOE), or life cycle cost (LCC) [21]. The options. This study is parametric analysis in essence, rather than
K. Alanne Renewable Energy Focus 46 (2023) 1–15

P Dt1 P
optimization. All the research data are acquired from simulations import ( t1þ Eimp;t þ t2
t1 t2Dt2 Eimp;t ) is visualized as the area ‘‘I‘‘
using the whole-building simulation tool IDA-ICE and the HOMER between load and generation curves, whereas the area ‘‘IIa” repre-
Pro design tool. Pt2Dt2
sents energy export ( t1þ Dt1 Eexp;t ) and area ‘‘Iib” (on top of the hill
The research methodology and data are described in Section 2.
shaped by the energy generation curve) dumped energy
The results of the study are presented with discussion in Section 3. P
( t Edump;t ).
The findings are expected to be useful for researchers, engineers,
To address the suitability of the total energy transfer analysis as
and policy makers who seek mechanisms to support the appropri-
a sizing method of the HRES, an alternative method is proposed in
ate design and implementation of HRES in buildings and thus
the present study to quantify the grid dependency. To that end, the
energy resilience.
following three indicators are introduced. The imported energy
fraction (IEF) is the fraction of imported energy in the total
Materials and methods demand, and it is defined as
t¼1 Eimp;t
Research methodology IEF ¼ P8760 ð3Þ
t¼1 Edem;t
Total energy transfer analysis where Edem;t is the total energy consumption (load) at t-th hour.
In the present study, it is acknowledged that minimizing grid The exported energy fraction (EEF) is the fraction of exported
dependency (GD) calls for the minimization of both imported energy in the total renewable energy generation
and exported energy. Therefore, the total energy transfer (TET)
between the building and the grid has been chosen as the key per- t¼1 Eexp;t
EEF ¼ P8760 ð4Þ
formance metrics for the GD assessment.
t¼1 EREG;t
The TET is defined as the sum of imported and exported energy
The energy dump fraction (EDF) is
ETET;t ¼ Eexp;t þ Eimp;t ð1Þ P8760
where Eexp;t is the energy exported to grid, Eimp;t is the energy EDF ¼ Pt¼1
t¼1 EREG;t
imported from grid and ETET;t is the total energy transfer at t-th
hour. The three indicators defined by Eqs. (3)-(5) are aggregated to a
The novel total energy transfer index (TETI) introduced in [21] single number by calculating their weighted average.
represents the ratio of the total energy (the sum of energy exported
to the grid and energy imported from the grid over a year) and the
total renewable energy generation (PV, wind) over a year. It is where WIFE, WEEF, and WEDF are individual weight factors for
defined as IEF, EEF, and EDF, respectively. All the indices are normalized to
vary between zero and unity. Thus, the weighted average is also
t¼1 ETET;t normalized, which requires that WIFE + WEEF + WEDF = 1. In contrast
TETI ¼ P8760 ð2Þ
to TETI, the variation between 0 and 1 only is possible. The
t¼1 EREG;t
response of the WETI to oversizing can be adjusted easily by way
where EREG;t is the total renewable energy generation at t-th of the weight factors.
hour. In the WETI method, the condition WETI = 0 refers explicitly to
In the present study, it is argued that the energy export is con- full grid-independency and perfect on-site power management
strained. Therefore, oversizing the HRES would easily result in ability (no need of energy dump). On the other hand, IEF, EEF
energy dump. Thus, the energy surplus is further classified into and EDF are contradictory indicators, because energy export and
exported energy (Eexp;t ) and excess energy (Edump;t ) that cannot be dump tend to increase in tandem with oversizing, whereas energy
utilized (for technical reasons related to the system’s internal import decreases. Therefore, the condition WETI = 1 can be only
power management ability, such as power constraints of the bat- obtained in a theoretical scenario, where all the weight (W = 1)
tery or the grid interface) and must be dumped. is targeted to one of the energy fractions (IEF, EEF or EDF).
The relationship between load and generation over time is illus-
trated in Fig. 1 as a reproduction of Fig. 2 in [25]. In Fig. 1, energy Grid parity analysis
An HRES can be considered economically viable (and thus
attractive to the prosumer) if the levelized cost of energy (LCOE)
remains equal or lower than the price of imported (grid) energy,
including energy and transmission charges and taxes. Correspond-
ingly, if the LCOE exceeds the price of grid energy, the system may
not be considered economically feasible in comparison with
importing all the energy from the grid. The condition of equality
between the LCOE and the price of imported energy is known as
the grid parity (GP) [26]. In the computational study, a break-
even price is found for each alternative REG system design to
determine the system-specific grid parity.
The LCOE is calculated from
C ann;tot
LCOE ¼ ð7Þ
where Cann,tot is the total annualized system cost [€/y] and Etot is
the total amount of energy including the building’s and its systems’
electricity consumption and the amount of energy exported to the
Figure 1. Relationship between load and generation over time [25]. grid during one year [27].
K. Alanne Renewable Energy Focus 46 (2023) 1–15

Figure 2. Implementation of the computational study.

The total annualized system cost is imported, stored, exported, and dumped energy are to be specified
  in the annual energy balance (kWh/y). In the computational study,
r ð1 þ r Þn all data are acquired from computer simulation of the whole sys-
C ann;tot ¼ n  C NPC;tot ð8Þ
ð1 þ rÞ  1 tem. Measured data from physical systems are not involved.
The simulation includes two phases. First, a target building is
where r is the real discount rate, n is the project lifetime, and
modelled and simulated using the whole-building simulation tool
CNPC,tot is the net present value of all the costs and revenues over
(IDA-ICE). The IDA-ICE whole-building simulation software has
the project lifetime. In the computational study, capital costs,
been developed by the Division of Building Services Engineering,
replacement costs, O&M costs, and the costs of importing electric-
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and validated in several stud-
ity from the grid are included. Revenues include salvage value and
ies with good agreement [28,29,30,31,32]. The IDA-ICE software
grid sales. Since Eqs. (7) and (8) include both the energy costs and
entails multi-zone buildings, HVAC systems, internal loads, out-
energy exchange (import/export) between the grid and building,
door climate, etc. among others, and provides the dynamic simula-
the dependency between the price of grid energy and LCOE is
tion of heat and air flows with a variable time-step, allowing a
apparent. Consequently, the break-even price is calculated individ-
valid estimate for the building’s hourly energy demand. A detailed
ually for each HRES configuration in the grid parity analysis.
description of the theoretical principles of the tool is presented in
the IDA-ICE user manual [28].
Simulation In the second phase, the simulated hourly demand profile, as
The total energy transfer analysis presumes that the building’s well as the hourly climate file used in the first phase, is imported
energy demand and renewable energy generation from solar and to the Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables (HOMER
wind resources are known on hourly basis. Moreover, the Pro) tool, which has been designed by the National Renewable
K. Alanne Renewable Energy Focus 46 (2023) 1–15

Energy Laboratory (NREL) and widely used in the design of residen- construction in Finland [37]. The total glazing area is about 18 %
tial and communal renewable energy generation systems [33,34]. of the floor area, and its U-value is 1.0 W/m2K. The building envel-
The HOMER Pro design tool provides down- or upscaling of the ope has air tightness (n50) of 2 1/h, where n50 is the number of air
demand profile using a scaling factor. As an output, the tool pro- changes per hour equivalent to an air-leakage rate, with a 50 Pa
vides the cost-optimal configurations and capacities of the REG pressure difference between indoor and outdoor. The parameters
system and calculates the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) as of the building envelope are shown in Table 1.
depicted in Section 2.1.2.
The HOMER Pro tool includes specific models for various REG Climate file
and electrical energy storage (EES) options that can be included
in a micro-grid to match the annual energy supply and demand. The hourly climate file of Helsinki-Vantaa (TRY 2012) is used
Specifically, the electrical output of the PV array (P PV ) is calculated [38]. This is a weather data for dynamic simulations, and it repre-
from sents the Finnish Test Reference Year (TRY), which is an hourly
  data series of external temperatures, relative humidity, wind
PPV ¼ P PV;STC f PV ½1 þ aP ðT c  T c;STC Þ ð9Þ velocities, and solar direction, and radiation describing the current
IT;STC climatic conditions of Southern Finland. The data have been accu-
where P PV;STC is the rated capacity of the PV array under stan- mulated and computed by recording a 30-year period (1980–2009)
dard test conditions (STC), f PV is the derating factor that accounts in Helsinki region.
for losses due to issues such as shading, snow covering, and degra-
dation, IT and IT;STC are the incident solar irradiations on the PV Demand profiles
array in the current time step and in standard test conditions,
respectively, aP is the temperature coefficient, and T c and T c;STC The domestic hot water (DHW) demand profile is based on
are the PV cell temperatures in the current time step and in stan- measurements from 15 district-heated houses in Helsinki [39].
dard test conditions, respectively [27]. The power output of a wind The power demand of lighting, appliances, occupants, etc., is based
turbine is calculated using a turbine-specific power curve that is an on statistical information gathered trough questionnaires and one
expression of the power output as a function of wind speed at the year hourly measured kWh consumption of 1630 Finnish houses
hub height under conditions of standard temperature and pressure over a year [40]. Fig. 3 presents the hourly load profiles for a 24-
(STP). To obtain the wind turbine’s power output in actual condi- hour period with a depiction of domestic hot water heating assum-
tions (P WT ), the specific power output (STP) is corrected using the ing an electric heating system with two coefficients of performance
equation (COP), i.e., COP = 1 (direct electric heating) and COP = 3 (heat
qSTP HVAC systems

where PWT;STP is the power output at STP, q is the actual air den-
In the computational study, the spaces and domestic hot water
sity in the current time step, and qSTP is the air density at standard
are heated by a generic ground-source heat pump system with sea-
temperature and pressure (1.225 kg/m3). In this model, the hub
sonal COP = 3, including the energy use of the compressor and the
height wind speed is calculated from the wind speed acquired from auxiliary system of the heat pump. The set-point temperature is
weather file by way of either a logarithmic or a power law. 21°C for heating.
For more details on the computational principles, the reader is The house is ventilated by a centralized constant air volume
referred to the HOMER Pro user manual [27]. The implementation (CAV) mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system with heat
of the computational study including the two-phase simulation is recovery control. The average air exchange rate is equal to 0.65 air
summarized in Fig. 2. changes per hour (1/h), and the temperature efficiency of the heat
recovery system is 60%. For air-handling unit (AHU), the supply air
Research data set-point temperature is 18°C. There is no cooling.

Target building Renewable energy integration strategies

The target building (located in Helsinki area, 60°N, 25°E) is a The considered PV system consists of roof-mounted, generic flat
259.6 m2 (heated area) three-storey conceptual townhouse, the plate panels with the rated power of 400 W and dimensions of (1.2
architecture and geometry of which is based on German town- m x 1.8 m). The service marginal on the roof for all directions is to
house design tradition [35,36]. The internal height of each floor be at least 0.4 m. Hence, 24 panels at maximum can be installed on
is 2.6 m, and the storeys are connected by a staircase. The building the roof, the specific power of the entire system being 9.5 kW (at
is of a rectangular shape (7.5 m x 11.5 m). maximum). The generic flat plate panel has the conversion effi-
The energy performance levels of the building envelope and ciency of 19%. The nominal cell temperature (NOCT) is 47 °C, and
building systems satisfy the requirements of the Finnish Building the temperature-dependent power coefficient is 0.5%/°C. The
Code D3 2012, wherefore the building represents energy-efficient panels have a fixed installation on the roof without a tracking sys-
tem. The tilt angle is set as 40° and the panels are directed to the
south. The derating factor is 80%.
Table 1 The wind turbine models used in the computational study are
Building envelope specifications.
the HOMER Pro generic wind turbine model and an ‘‘Aeolos” verti-
Description Thickness (m) U-value (W/m2 K) cal turbine model, both connected to the AC bus. The hub heights
External wall 0.48 0.16 for the 1 kW and 3 kW modules are 17 m and for the 10 kW-
Internal wall 0.09 3.35 module it is 24 m. The hub height of the ‘‘Aeolos” vertical turbine
Roof 0.67 0.09 model is 10 m.
External Floor 0.29 0.17
Electrical energy storage (EES) is one of the critical components
Party wall 0.50 0.43
of the REG system due to the intermittent nature of renewable
K. Alanne Renewable Energy Focus 46 (2023) 1–15

Figure 3. Hourly load of lighting, appliances, and occupants (A) Hourly load of DHW heating (B).

power generation. Lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology has been Economic data
realized as a cost-effective and mature technology for residential
applications [11]. The proposed renewable energy integration The installed PV system costs are estimated via the on-line ser-
strategy relies on the technical specifications of the commercial vice ‘’. The service seeks the best prices for small (3 kW),
LIB Tesla Powerwall provided by HOMER Pro. The round-trip effi- medium (5 kW), large (7 kW), very large (10 kW), and communal
ciency is 89%, the nominal voltage is 220 V, the nominal capacity PV systems. For example, the suggested installed capacities for
is 13.2 kWh, and the maximum charge/discharge current is 31.8 communities of 5, 10, and 15 townhouses are 23 kW, 46 kW, and
A. The state-of-charge (SOC) at the beginning of a simulation per- 67 kW, respectively. The operation and management (O&M) costs
iod is assumed to be 50%. are estimated to be 10 €/y and the module lifespan is 25 years [12].
A functional system also includes a ‘converter’, which is a power The cost estimate for wind power is acquired from the latest
management unit consisting of an inverter, a maximum power Cost of Wind Energy Review by the National Renewable Energy
point tracker (MPPT), and a rectifier. The inverter makes the DC Laboratory [41]. For the rated power of 20 kW, 100 kW and 2.8
power generated by the PV panels to fulfil the AC loads and to MW, the estimated installed costs are 5675, 4300, and 1462 $/
ensure the power quality for grid export. The MPPT matches the kW, respectively. The O&M costs for the systems below 100 kW
PV to the DC bus voltage. The rectifier converts the AC to DC to are 35 $/kW,y. The currency conversion rate for US dollar to euro
charge batteries. The efficiency of the converter (inverter and rec- has been chosen as 0.883 €/$, which represents the average con-
tifier) is assumed to be 95%. version rate between 2017 and 2022. For the roof-mounted
The building is connected to a 0.4 kV (AC) power grid via a bi- ‘‘Aeolos” turbine model, the baseline is set to the price suggested
directional interface. The main fuse is 3x25 A, allowing a 17 kW- for a 1 kW turbine by HOMER Pro (i.e., 5320 $), which is 65% of
grid interface (both directions). In such a system, the inverter size the price suggested by NREL for free-standing (pole-mounted) tur-
is restrained to 15 kW at maximum [40]. bines. The lifespan is assumed to be 20 years.

K. Alanne Renewable Energy Focus 46 (2023) 1–15

The installed costs of energy storage are estimated using the [43]. According to the latter data source, one Powerwall module
price estimates for Tesla product series by the websites (rated capacity 13.5 kWh) costs 11500 $, whereas the value of
‘‘” [42] and the ‘‘Architectural Digest Review” the package of ten modules (135 kWh) is 80500 $. In Wikipedia,

Figure 4. Price estimates for solar PV (A), wind (B) and battery energy storage systems (C).

K. Alanne Renewable Energy Focus 46 (2023) 1–15

the published price of a larger, Tesla Powerpack module (capacity Results and discussion
200 kWh) is 350 $/kWh, whereas predicts Tesla to push
the price of Tesla Megapack (3.9 MWh) to 328 $/kWh. The lifespan Energy consumption of the target building
of the LIB is assumed to be 15 years.
The installed price estimates for each technology are shown in The dynamic building energy simulation of the target building
Fig. 4. was carried out in the previous work [45]. The simulated annual
The average cost in Fig. 4 is set as the baseline, but due to the thermal energy consumption of the space heating is 29292 kWh/
large gap between the minimum and maximum prices, the result y (113 kWh/m2,y), and that of the DHW heating is 5954 kWh/y
is exposed to sensitivity analysis. The installed costs of micro- (23 kWh/m2,y). The electrical consumption of lighting and appli-
wind power plants depend on whether the turbine is free- ances is 8939 kWh/y (34 kWh/m2,y). The heating electricity con-
standing (pole-mounted) or roof-mounted. The price estimate for sumption is 11749 kWh/y (43 kWh/m2,y), and the total
roof-mounted vertical turbines suffers from the early stage of their electricity consumption is 20688 kWh/y (80 kWh/m2,y). The aver-
commercialization. Therefore, a sensitivity analysis is conducted in age daily consumption is 56.68 kWh/d, whereas the hourly peak
the simulation study for wind turbines, as well. The cost of the demand is 4.96 kW.
power management unit is included in the cost estimate of the
PV and/or the LIB system. Hence, no separate cost data are applied Perceptions on sizing HRES with an aim to reduce grid dependency
to the converter unit.
The present study is to find a break-even price for various REG The annual PV generation for the chosen tilt angle (40°) is close
systems. Therefore, data on electricity prices is needed for compar- to optimal, which results in the annual PV generation of 8420 kWh/
isons only. The price of grid electricity is assumed to include y for a 9.5 kW system. This is the largest recommendable system
energy and transmission fees plus taxes. According to Statistics for the target building, theoretically covering 41% of the house’s
Finland, the total average price of grid electricity over the recent annual consumption. Correspondingly, the lowest theoretical
years has been around 18 €c/kWh for typical single-family house- imported energy fraction (IEF) is 0.59 presuming that internal
holds (types K1, L1 and L2). In the Eurostat, the price for household losses and restraints related to the power conversion and storage
customers for the first half of 2022 was 19.45 €c/kWh [44]. In [11], are neglected. In practice, excess energy cannot be avoided.
the baseline was set to 12.3 €c/kWh, as the average spot price for In the second phase of the simulation, HOMER Pro was set to
2019 was 4.4 €c/kWh, combined a value-added tax of 24 %, a flat optimize the size of the inverter. At the sellback price zero (no
distribution fee of 5.51 €/month and a distribution rate of 4.1 €c/ monetary compensation for exported electricity), the optimization
kWh in the Helsinki region. The future prices provided by Nasdaq ends up with an inverter of 4 kW for a 9.5 kW solar PV system. In
OMX (October 2022) predict, however, that prices as high as 50 €c/ that case, the inverter losses are 398 kWh/y, the imported energy
kWh may be seen in Europe in the conditions of energy crisis. is16354 kWh/y, the exported energy is 2569 kW/y, and the energy
In the literature, electrical utilities are commonly assumed to dump is 1153 kWh/y. The IEF (without battery) is 0.78. The energy
pay one third (33%) of the import price for each kWh of electricity transfer indices (TETI, WETI), calculated as described in Sec-
exported into the grid (e.g., [11]). On the other hand, the increasing tion 2.1.1, are shown in Figs. 5A and 5B for varying of PV and
penetration of on-site REG systems has pushed the feed-in-tariffs energy storage capacities, respectively.
down [8]. The computational study examines the scenarios of no In Fig. 5, the value of the weighted energy transfer index (WETI)
monetary compensation (sellback = 0) and 33% compensation (sell- has been calculated by assigning an equal weight (0.33) for
back = 1/3 of the energy price) for the exported electricity. The pro- imported, exported, and dumped energy fractions. Moreover, the
ject lifetime is chosen as 25 years, and the real discount rate is total energy transfer index (TETI) has been calculated by adding
2.94% (nominal discount rate 5 % with expected inflation 2% the energy dump in the definition of the total energy transfer
detracted), which is a typical discount rate for long-term energy according to the equation
investments in buildings. The discount rate is exposed to sensitiv-
ETET;t ¼ Eexp;t þ Eimp;t þ Edump;t ð11Þ
ity analysis.

Figure 5. The values of energy transfer indices for various PV (A) and storage sizes (B).

K. Alanne Renewable Energy Focus 46 (2023) 1–15

The graph in Fig. 5A shows that the TETI remains above unity, The annual generation of 12268 kWh (besides 8420 kWh/y of
which can be interpreted so that the present REG system configu- the 9.5 kW PV system) would be sufficient to satisfy the remaining
ration (9.5 kW PV) is not even close to offer grid-independency. annual electrical consumption (20688 kWh/y). A roof-mounted
The impact of energy dump (dashed line) is not significant in the (vertical) 10 kW Aeolos wind turbine system with the hub height
TETI assessment. Again, the TETI does not give a sign of oversizing, of 10 m would be close to fulfilling the shortage. The graphs in
but suggests that PV systems larger than 9.5 kW would be pre- Fig. 6 show the impact of roof-mounted wind-turbine capacity
ferred to pursue grid-independency. Instead, the WETI starts to on the energy transfer indices in a hybrid renewable energy sys-
grow steeply when the installed PV capacity exceeds 3 kW. Given tem, where the wind turbine supports the installed PV capacity
that equal weights have been assigned for all the energy fractions, of 9.5 kW and two (2) battery modules.
the WETI method penalizes the oversizing strictly. By assigning The data in Fig.6 indicate that the minimum WETI (= 0.2) equals
more weight on the imported energy (and by reducing the weights to the condition TETI = 1. Here, the WETI has been determined
on exported and dumped energy), the WETI method would prefer using equal weights (0.33) for imported, exported, and dumped
either small systems (< 3 kW) or large systems (> 7 kW). This is energy fractions. This is obtained when the installed wind turbine
because the IEF drops steeply when even a small PV capacity is capacity (besides 9.5 kW PV) is around 7.5 kW. On the other hand,
installed, whereas large systems provide the highest level of the TETI yet keeps on reducing with wind turbines larger than 10
energy self-sufficiency. kW. For wind turbines larger than 8 kW, the WETI shows an
By equipping the 9.5 kW PV system with a short-term storage, increasing trend, suggesting that the system is oversized. This
the imported energy fraction (IEF) can be reduced to 0.64, whereas result implies that a realistic target value for sizing the HRES in
it is also possible to get rid of exported and dumped energy. On the the given context would be TETI = 1. On the other hand, the mini-
other hand, increasing the storage capacity beyond 30 kWh (2 mization of WETI would provide a useful objective function to pre-
Tesla Powerwall modules) does not help reducing the IEF anymore, vent oversizing without a need to implement cost constraints.
i.e., the energy import is saturated. The saturation is also indicated In [21], the aim of sizing was to obtain a net-zero energy build-
in Fig. 5B by both TETI and WETI. Both indices reach a plateau at ing. Hence, the sizing problem was subjected to two balance con-
storage capacities beyond 30 kWh. Due to the saturation effect, straints to ensure a sufficient renewable energy generation. It
the largest useful storage capacity is easy to recognize. was required that the annual REG should be equal to or greater
Further reduction of grid dependency requires HRES, i.e., adding than the energy demand of the building, and the annual energy
a wind turbine into the system configuration. The annual power exported to the grid should be equal to or greater than the annual
generation potential of the roof mounted ‘‘Aeolos” turbine model energy imported from the grid. Furthermore, the loss of power sup-
by rated power is in Table 2. ply probability (LPSP) was added as an objective function besides
the annualized costs with an aim to reduce the energy import.
The poor availability of sunlight during the winter period makes
a fully independent HRES hard to realize in Nordic climates such as
Table 2
Annual wind power generation potential for the vertical turbine (‘‘Aeolos”) by size. Finland. Given that fuel-powered systems are not an option in this
context, an HRES equipped with a long-term storage is needed to
Rated power [kW] Production kWh/y
reduce grid dependency. The graphs in Fig. 7 describe a possible
1 1205 pathway towards full grid independency by way of an HRES config-
3 3615
uration with the PV system of 9.5 kW and a pole-mounted micro-
5 6025
10 12050 wind turbine of 15 kW (hub 18 m), which can satisfy the whole
annual energy demand (20688 kWh/y). The graph is a function of

Figure 6. The values of energy transfer indices as a function of installed wind turbine capacity.

K. Alanne Renewable Energy Focus 46 (2023) 1–15

Figure 7. The total energy transfer index as a function of long-term storage capacity.

installed storage capacity, and the total energy transfer index is The HOMER Pro tool calculates the LCOE for any system config-
used as an indicator of grid-dependency. uration. To that end, the net present value of capital, replacement,
In Fig.7, the receding descent of TETI curve on the left half of the operational and management (O&M) costs and the salvage value
graph implies that the potential of short-term storage will be are determined. The cost structure for a 9.5 kW PV system
entirely utilized when the storage capacity is increased up to 660 equipped with two electrical energy storage modules is in Table 3.
kWh (50 Tesla Powerwall modules). When the storage capacity In Table 3, the salvage value is a fraction of the replacement
exceeds 660 kWh, a short saturation is seen first, followed by a costs, and it is directly proportional to the component’s remaining
gradual descent, i.e., the transition from short-term to the long- life. The lifespan of the PV panel is equal to the analysis period
term storage. (project lifetime), wherefore the salvage value is zero. The grid
The conclusion regarding the sizing is that obtaining the full interface is the same for all the configurations. Thus, the only
grid independency would require the storage capacity of close to grid-related cost is the net present value of imported energy.
5 MWh, which is more than the capacity of one (1) utility-scale Since the LCOE depends on the price of grid energy, the grid par-
Tesla Megapack unit (3.9 MWh). ity was found by way of an iterative method (‘‘bifurcation”). First, a
break-even price was guessed. Secondly, the LCOE was calculated
Perceptions on sizing HRES with an aim to obtain grid parity and compared with that price. If the LCOE deviated from the
guessed price, the simulation was initialized with a new guess.
In the work of Niveditha & Singaravel [21], sizing an HRES was The procedure was repeated until equality between the guessed
considered a multi-objective optimization problem, where the break-even price and the LCOE (the grid parity) was found. Typi-
annualized system costs (ACS) were minimized in concert with cally, 20-30 simulations were required to optimize the converter,
the total energy transfer index (TETI) and the loss of power supply whereas and 3-10 trials were needed to fix the break-even price
probability (LPSP) subject to the energy balance constraints. With for a single system configuration. The grid parity for a 9.5 kW PV
no economic constraints, however, this kind of an approach may system (no energy storage) is illustrated in Fig 8A.
result in recommendations where the levelized cost of energy In Fig. 8A, the break-even price (10 €c/kWh) is marked by a
(LCOE) remains higher than the total price of grid energy. On the black triangle. The green line indicates the condition, where the
other hand, a fixed or variable price schedule for the grid energy investment in a 9.5 kW system is economically viable (i.e., the elec-
is used, which may result in biased conclusions on the economic tricity price is greater than the LCOE).
viability of the optimized HRES. Hence, a different approach is The dependence between the grid parity and the sellback price
taken in the present study. Here, such a break-even price is found is shown in Fig 8B for various capacities of the PV system. The low-
that equalizes the price of grid energy and the LCOE of a given REG est break-even prices are associated with large (7 kW or more) PV
system configuration (i.e., grid parity). This is also considered a systems. With the zero-sellback rate, the break-even price is satu-
boundary condition for economic viability. rated to the level of around 10 €c/kWh, but with the sellback rate
K. Alanne Renewable Energy Focus 46 (2023) 1–15

Table 3
Cost structure for a PV system (9.5 kW) calculated by HOMER Pro.

System Capital [€] Replacement [€] O&M [€] Salvage [€] Total [€]
PV panel 11792 0 175 0 11967
Grid 0 0 65142A 0 65142
Battery 16336 10576 175 – 2638 24449
TOTAL 28128 10576 65492 – 2638 101558
The net present value of imported energy.

Figure 8. Visualization of the grid parity (A) and grid parity for PV systems by size (B).

of 33% of the electricity price it continues to decrease for systems varies between 24-28 €c/kWh depending on the sellback rate. It
of larger than 9.5 kW. can be also concluded that fulfilling the condition TETI < 1 neces-
The grid parity analysis was conducted for the 14 HRES config- sarily requires a wind turbine to be included in the system (config-
urations shown in Table 4. For each of the listed configurations, the urations 5, 9-11, 13-14). The lowest break-even prices (17-22 €c/
converter was optimized with the sellback rate of 0 €c/kWh with kWh) are obtained with configuration 11 (a roof-mounted 10 kW
an aim to discourage the energy export to the grid. This means that wind turbine, PV panels with the rated power of 9.5 kW, no energy
a small converter is preferred by the optimizer over large one, since storage).
the algorithm concludes that it is more affordable to dump energy The key message of the graph in Fig. 9A is that not depending on
than to export the surplus electricity to the grid without monetary the used energy transfer index (IEF, TETI, WETI), the recommenda-
compensation. The converter losses vary between 363 kWh/y and tion concerning the system configuration is akin. All the indicators
442 kWh/y depending on the system size. prefer the configurations 5, 10 and 14. On the other hand, the WETI
The graphs in Fig. 9 are to depict the configuration-specific method also favours the configurations 3 and 4. This is partly
energy transfer indices (A) and the correlation between energy because the equal weighting for all the energy fractions (IEF, EEF,
transfer indices and grid parity (B) with varying sellback rates. EDF) puts higher value on short-term energy storage capability
Besides the sellback rates 0% and 33% of the electricity price, an than the TETI method does. It can be also concluded from the data
optimistic scenario of 50% sellback rate is presented. in Fig. 9 that establishing sizing recommendations always should
The graphs in Fig. 9 reveal that the lowest TETI value (0.6) is include an economic analysis. For example, the configuration 5 is
obtained with configuration 14, which includes a roof-mounted preferred if the recommendation is merely based on energy trans-
10 kW wind turbine, PV panels with the rated power of 9.5 kW fer indices, although its break-even price is relatively high (30-40
and two Tesla Powerwall battery modules. The break-even price €c/kWh).

Table 4
Descriptions and annual energy transfer for the 14 analysed system configurations.

Gonfig. PV [kW] Storage Wind [kW] Turbine Hub [m] Converter Production Import Export Dump
[modules] type [kW] [kWh/y] [kWh/y] [kWh/y] [kWh/y]
1 9.5 0 0 - - 4 8419 16354 2569 1153
2 9.5 1 0 - - 4 8419 14405 1045 466
3 9.5 2 0 - - 4 8419 13503 385 107
4 9.5 2 5 Horizontal 18 4 11049 11547 910 208
5 9.5 2 10 Horizontal 18 5.33 13678 10151 2199 78
6 9.5 0 1 Vertical 10 4 9624 15493 2912 1153
7 9.5 0 3 Vertical 10 4 12034 13935 3764 1153
8 9.5 0 5 Vertical 10 4 14444 12652 4892 1153
9 9.5 1 5 Vertical 10 4 14444 10395 2816 647
10 9.5 2 5 Vertical 10 5.33 14444 9386 2202 90
11 9.5 0 10 Vertical 10 4 20469 10354 8618 1154
12 0 0 10 Vertical 10 - 12050 12598 3960 0
13 9.5 1 10 Vertical 10 4 20469 7900 6185 749
14 9.5 2 10 Vertical 10 5.33 20469 6855 5560 139

K. Alanne Renewable Energy Focus 46 (2023) 1–15

Figure 9. The configuration-specific energy transfer indices (A) and correlation with grid parity (B).

Figure 10. The break-even price as a function of long-term storage capacity.

The multi-objective optimization in [21] resulted in system 100 kWh. Therefore, affordable megawatt-hour-scale energy stor-
configurations with the TETI values close to zero. In the context age solutions would be a necessity to make grid-independency
of the present study, corresponding results can be only obtained economically viable for residential-scale energy prosumers.
by including a long-term energy storage in the HRES. To show
the challenge to design such a system in the Nordic conditions, Sensitivity analysis
the grid parity analysis was conducted for a system configuration
including 9.5 kW PV and 10 kW wind turbine to reveal an econom- In the computational study, the energy simulation was con-
ically viable pathway to full grid independency. The break-even ducted for conceptual system configurations using validated simu-
prices as a function of TETI for various energy storage capacities lation tools. On the other hand, the simulation results constitute a
(number of Tesla Powerwall modules) are in Fig. 10. baseline to determine energy transfer indices for comparison
The graph indicates that the TETI values less than 0.1 cannot be between various HRES configurations. Hence, issues such as simu-
obtained with break-even prices below 4.00 €/kWh. The break- lation or measurement errors were omitted in the sensitivity anal-
even price starts to rise steeply when the storage capacity exceeds ysis. Instead, the grid parity analysis is exposed to several
K. Alanne Renewable Energy Focus 46 (2023) 1–15

Figure 11. Sensitivity of the break-even price for the configuration 14.

uncertainties in economic parameters. Thus, the sensitivity of the The lengths of the bars in Fig. 11 describe the sensitivity of the
break-even price to five (5) parameters was examined for the sys- break-even price to the five parameters. The most significant
tem configuration 14. The five parameters are i) the installed cost parameters are the wind turbine price and the real discount rate,
of PV, ii) the installed cost of electrical energy storage (EES), iii), which are represented by the longest bars. The baseline refers to
the installed cost of wind turbine, iv) the lifespan of the wind tur- the break-even price of the configuration 14 without a monetary
bine, and v) the discount rate. compensation for exported energy, i.e., 28 €c/kWh at sellback rate
The minimum and maximum installed PV costs as depicted in = 0. Increasing the sellback rate to 50% of the total energy price
Fig. 4A define the lower and the upper bounds of the installed PV would reduce the break-even price by 4 €c/kWh, to 24 €c/kWh. If
prices. The lower and the upper bounds of the energy storage there is an abundance of REG in the market, however, that high a
prices follow the same proportions in a scenario called sellback rate is not realistic.
‘‘business-as-usual”. For the EES, an optimistic scenario referred In the ‘‘utopistic” scenario, the break-even price reduces by 10
to as ‘‘favourable development” was introduced. Here, it was €c/kWh to 18 €c/kWh at the discount rate of 2.97%. This is of a sim-
assumed that new technologies based on abundant or recycled bat- ilar magnitude as the electricity price for household customers for
tery materials are commercialized, the market development of sta- the first half of 2022 according to the Eurostat, i.e., 19.45 €c/kWh
tic energy storages reaches the level of mass production, or the EES [45], yet high, when compared with the Finnish baseline set in
investments are incentivized. In the ‘‘favourable development” sce- [11], i.e., 12.3 €c/kWh.
nario, the price of EES is 150 €/kWh, which is of the same magni- Overall, the grid parity of a residential-scale HRES is challenging
tude as the Bloomberg estimate for vehicle batteries. to obtain in the Finnish energy market, given that the energy prices
A noteworthy uncertainty is included in the installed costs of will reach the pre-COVID-19 level. However, if the technology price
roof-mounted wind power plants, which is presumably lower than can be still brought down, an HRES provides an attractive enough
the cost estimate for the plants consisting of pole-mounted tur- option due to its assets in reducing grid dependency.
bines. Thus, the upper bound of the installed cost of the roof-
mounted wind turbine was set equal to the NREL estimate
(Fig. 4B) and the lower bound at the level of 50% of the NREL esti- Conclusions
mate, the baseline being at 65%. For wind turbines, the ‘‘favourable
development” scenario was also introduced, including the lifespan This study was to find out the technically and economically
extension from 20 to 25 years. The lower bound of the discount viable level of grid dependency for urban housing in Nordic climate
rate was set to 0% and the upper bound to 5%. through on-site renewable energy generation. To that end, two
The sensitivity analysis was conducted both parameter by methodological approaches were implemented, namely, energy
parameter (keeping the rest of parameters constant) and consider- transfer analysis and grid parity analysis. The Total Energy Transfer
ing the aggregated effect of all the five parameters. To that end, the Index (TETI) and the Weighted Energy Transfer Index (WETI) were
‘‘utopia” scenario was defined to represent the combination of the introduced to quantify the grid dependency and their implications
most favourable parameter values, whereas the ‘‘dystopia” sce- sizing a hybrid renewable energy system (HRES). The prosumer’s
nario included the most unfavourable ones. The results of the sen- grid parity was determined in a computational study for various
sitivity analysis are summarized in Fig 11. design options by finding a break-even price, i.e., price of grid
K. Alanne Renewable Energy Focus 46 (2023) 1–15

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