Lalitaditya Muktapida

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Karkota Dynasty (c.

625 − 855 CE)




• Lalitaditya was the youngest son of the king

Durlabhaka and queen Narendraprabha.
• Kaljana characterizes Lalitaditya as a "world
conqueror’ (Digvijya)
• He is known as ‘Alexander of Kashmir’
• He is known as ‘Samudragupta of Kashmir’
• Commander –in-chief : Chankurya
• Court Poet : Bhuvabhati

➢ One of the most significant conquests of
lalitaditya was that of Kannauj ruled by

➢ Then, Kalhana Mentions his conquest of


➢ The ruler of Gauda (Bengal),

Raajabhadra of the Bhadra Dynasty most
probably submitted before lalitaditya.

➢ North – South : He turned his conquest

to the Deccan India upto the river kaveri.
• He constructed a whole new city and named it ‘Parihaspur’ which
literary means ‘The City of Happiness’ its ruins are still there in
Kashmir about 22 K.M. north of Srinagar.
• Other than Parihaspura he constructed another town
‘Sunishchitpura’ when he decided to conquer the world, Phala-
Pura which as per M.A. Stain is located near Parihaspura, Town
of Lokpunya which is found near the modern Larikpur, the town
of Lalitpur (Now Lethpora) which was built by his architect when he
was campaigning in central and southern India, Parnotsa (present
day Poonch) etc.
Martand Sun Temple
• The temple is located near the city of Anantnag
• It was dedicated to Surya
• Surya is also known by the Sanskrit-language
synonym Martand
• A protected monument under the Archaeological Survey of India.
This temple has been recognised as a “Site of national importance”.
• Under the orders of Sikandar Butshikan, Martand temple
was destroyed completely. Such was the grandeur and
strength of the temple that it took two years for Butshikan’s
men to destroy it! This 1300 plus year old temple is still in
ruins today!
• Built a large vihara with stupa at Hushkapura.

• Installed several images of Vishnu and his aspects in

• a silver image of Parihasa-Keshava (made of 84,000 of palas;
the pala is ancient unit equivalent to 4 tolakas)
• a gold image of Mukta-Keshava (made of 84,000 tolakas of
• a gold image of Maha-Varaha
• a silver image of Govardhana-Dhara

• Raised a pillar which measured 54 hands in height, and

had an image of Garuda (Vishnu's vahana) at the top
Vs Arabs
• Junaid, the Arab governor of Sindh, attacked Kashmir following the orders of Caliph Hisham.

• After the death of Muhammad, four major caliphates were established. Umayyad was the second of
the caliphhates; they hailed from Mecca. Hisham was the 10th Umayyad Caliph.

• The Arabs had established their rule over the Hindu regions of Sindh after Muhammad bin Qasim led
an Umayyad force and defeated Raja Dahir in 711.

• Thereafter, Hindu chiefs rose in rebellion in Sindh. Hisham sent armies to end the Hindu rebellion,
and he was successful. The Umayyads reasserted their rule over major portions in Sindh and lower
Punjab, which were once ruled by Hindus.
• Muhammad bin Qasim was also on an expedition of attacking Kashmir.
• Lalitaditya’s elder brother Chandrapida was then the ruler of Kashmir. Chandrapida sought military
aid from the Chinese, but did not receive any help. Fortunately, the Ummayad Caliph called
back Qasim to Damascus. Hence, during Lalitaditya’s reign, the Ummayad Caliph sent armies to attack
Kashmir again.

• Lalitaditya Muktapida defeated Junaid and thus the Arab attempt of plundering Kashmir failed.
Junaid also attacked North India, but failed in this expedition.
• Besides, Lalitaditya Muktapida defeated Momin of Bukhara (Uzbekistan), the heart of the Persian
civilization, located in the Silk Route and expanded his territory near the banks of the Caspian Sea.
Vs Dards
• Lalitaditya was an ambitious ruler and he cannot tolerate his enemies. There
is a story that he defeated an Arab expedition somewhere in Krishnaganaga
valley(Neelum valley) which was sent to destroy the Saharadapeetha. He
then turned his attention towards Daradas and raided their territories. He
gave some hard blows to Darada forces before they surrendered in front of
• It is also said that he offered food supplies for two lakh, Chinese troops if the
Emperor of the Tang Dynasty sends them in Gilgit-Baltistan’s territory against
the Tibbets. It may be because Tibbets had an eye over Darada territories,
even today we pronounce those territories as ‘Mini Tibet’, and both the
Shah(King) of Daradas and Lalitaditya was not able to repulse the possible
Tibetan attack without the help of the Tang Empire.
• It seems that after defeating Daradas, Lalitaditya got alarmed for the security
of his newly acquired territories, and hence he sends messages to the Tang
Empire asking for their help against the Tibetan Empire. It seems it was the
year 733 A.D. when Lalitaditya first defeated the Daradas.
Vs Tibets
• Lalitaditya Muktapida drove the Tibetans from Baltistan. Ladakh
and some western provinces, which were under the Tibetans then,
were subjugated by him.
• Lalitaditya Muktapida sought help of the Chinese to completely
subjugate the Tibetans, who were then a threat to his rule.
• Chinese chronicles find mention of this meeting.
• P.N.K. Bamzai wrote – ‘It was due to his intention to completely
subjugate the Tibetans that Lalitaditya sent his famous embassy to
the Chinese court. The Chinese Annals mention that U-li-to the
ambassador of Mo-to-pi (Mu ktaph da) the king of Kashmir, came
to the Chinese court to seek aid from the Emperor against the
common enemy, the Tibetans.
• That Lalitaditya should have endeavoured to enlist the friendship of
the powerful Chinese king Yuen Tsun is natural enough seeing that
the Tibetan expansion threatened the Chinese kingdom too.”
• Lalitaditya died about 760CE (36 years reign)
• Jayapida (5th descendent) built a city Jayapura (Present
• He was also known by the name Vinayaditya (rule –
31 years)
• Lalitapida ruled for 12 years.
• Chipyata-Jayapida.

• End of Ancient History of Kashmir.

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