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Nclex Review: Urinary Tract Infection

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1. The nurse is teaching an 4.

80-year-old client with a urinary The sensation of thirst diminishes in
tract infection about the impor- those greater than 60 years of age;
tance of increasing fluids in the hence, fluid intake is decreased and dis-
diet. Which of the following puts solved particles in the extracellular fluid
this client at a risk for not obtain- compartment become more concentrat-
ing sufficient fluids? ed. There is no change in liver function
1. Diminished liver function. in older adults, nor is there a reduction of
2. Increased production of antidi- ADH and aldosterone as a normal part
uretic hormone. of aging.
3. Decreased production of aldos-
4. Decreased ability to detect

2. A client with a urinary tract in- 3.

fection is to take nitrofurantoin Antibiotics have the maximum effect
(Macrodantin) four times each day. when a blood level of the medication
The client asks the nurse, "What is maintained. However, because nitro-
should I do if I forget a dose?" furantoin (Macrodantin) is readily ab-
What should the nurse tell the sorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
client? and is primarily excreted in urine, toxi-
1. "You can wait and take the next city may develop by doubling the dose.
dose when it is due." The client should not skip a dose if she
2. "Double the amount prescribed realizes that she has missed one. Ad-
with your next dose." ditional fluids, especially water, should
3. "Take the prescribed dose as be encouraged, but not forced to pro-
soon as you remember it, and if mote elimination of the antibiotic from
it is very close to the time for the the body. Adequate fluid intake aids in
next dose, delay that next dose." the prevention of urinary tract infections,
4. "Take a lot of water with a in addition to an acidic urine.
double amount of your prescribed

3. A nurse is assessing a client 1.

with a urinary tract infection who The client's urine specific gravity is ele-
takes an antihypertensive drug. vated. Specific gravity is a reflection of
The nurse reviews the client's uri- the concentrating ability of the kidneys.
nalysis results pH 6.8, RBC 3 This level indicates that the urine is con-
Nclex Review: Urinary Tract Infection
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per high power field, color-yellow, centrated. By increasing fluid intake, the
specific gravity-1.030 . The nurse urine will become more dilute. Antihy-
should: pertensives do not make urine more
1. Encourage the client to increase concentrated unless there is a diuret-
fluid intake. ic component within them. The nurse
2. Withhold the next dose of an- should not hold a dose of antihyperten-
tihypertensive medication. 3. Re- sive medication. Sodium tends to pull
strict the client's sodium intake. water with it; by restricting sodium, less
4. Encourage the client to eat at water, not more, will be present. Ba-
least half of a banana per day. nanas do not aid in the dilution of urine.

4. A client has nephropathy. The 1.

physician orders that a 24-hour All urine for creatinine clearance deter-
urine collection be done for crea- mination must be saved in a contain-
tinine clearance. Which of the fol- er with no preservatives and refrigerat-
lowing actions is necessary to en- ed or kept on ice. The first urine void-
sure proper collection of the spec- ed at the beginning of the collection is
imen? discarded, not the last. A self-report of
1. Collect the urine in a preserva- weight may not be accurate. It is not
tive-free container and keep it on necessary to have an indwelling urinary
ice. catheter inserted for urine collection.
2. Inform the client to discard the
last voided specimen at the con-
clusion of urine collection.
3. Ask the client what his weight is
before beginning the collection of
4. Request an order for insertion
of an indwelling urinary catheter.

5. A client who weighs 207 lb is 141 mg

to receive 1.5 mg/ kg of gentam-
icin sulfate (Garamycin) I.V. three
times each day. How many mil-
ligrams of medication should the
nurse administer for each dose?
Round to the nearest whole num-
ber. __________________ mg.

Nclex Review: Urinary Tract Infection
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6. A 24-year-old female client comes 2.
to an ambulatory care clinic in The classic symptoms of cystitis are
moderate distress with a probable severe burning on urination, urgency,
diagnosis of acute cystitis. When and frequent urination. Systemic symp-
obtaining the client's history, the toms, such as fever and nausea and
nurse should ask the client if she vomiting, are more likely to accompany
has had: pyelonephritis than cystitis. Hematuria
1. Fever and chills. may occur, but it is not as common as
2. Frequency and burning on uri- frequency and burning.
3. Flank pain and nausea.
4. Hematuria.

7. The client asks the nurse, "How 4.

did I get this urinary tract infec- Although various conditions may result
tion?" The nurse should explain in cystitis, the most common cause is
that in most instances, cystitis is an ascending infection from the urethra.
caused by: Strictures and urine retention can lead
1. Congenital strictures in the ure- to infections, but these are not the most
thra. common cause. Systemic infections are
2. An infection elsewhere in the rarely causes of cystitis.
3. Urinary stasis in the urinary
4. An ascending infection from the

8. The client, who is a newlywed, 4.

is afraid to discuss her diagno- As newlyweds, the client and her hus-
sis of cystitis with her husband. band need to develop a strong commu-
Which would be the nurse's best nication base. The nurse can facilitate
approach? communication by preparing and sup-
1. Arrange a meeting with the porting the client. Given the situation, an
client, her husband, the physician, interdisciplinary conference is inappro-
and the nurse. priate and would not promote intimacy
2. Insist that the client talk with her for the client and her husband. Insisting
husband because good communi- that the client talk with her husband is
cation is necessary for a success- not addressing her fears. Being present
ful marriage. allows the nurse to facilitate the discus-

Nclex Review: Urinary Tract Infection
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3. Talk first with the husband alone sion of a difficult topic. Having the nurse
and then with both of them togeth- speak first with the husband alone shifts
er to share the husband's reac- responsibility away from the couple.
4. Spend time with the client ad-
dressing her concerns and then
stay with her while she talks with
her husband.

9. The nurse teaches a female client 2.

who has cystitis methods to re- Hot tub baths promote relaxation and
lieve her discomfort until the an- help relieve urgency, discomfort, and
tibiotic takes effect. Which of the spasm. Applying heat to the perineum
following responses by the client is more helpful than cold because heat
would indicate that she under- reduces inflammation. Although liberal
stands the nurse's instructions? fluid intake should be encouraged, caf-
1. "I will place ice packs on my feinated beverages, such as tea, coffee,
perineum." and cola, can be irritating to the bladder
2. "I will take hot tub baths." and should be avoided. Voiding at least
3. "I will drink a cup of warm tea every 2 to 3 hours should be encour-
every hour." aged because it reduces urinary stasis.
4. "I will void every 5 to 6 hours."

10. The client with cystitis is giv- 3.

en a prescription for phenazopy- Phenazopyridine hydrochloride (Pyridi-
ridine hydrochloride (Pyridium). um) is a urinary analgesic that works
The nurse should teach the client directly on the bladder mucosa to re-
that this drug is used to treat uri- lieve the distressing symptoms of dy-
nary tract infections by: suria. Phenazopyridine does not have a
1. Releasing formaldehyde and bacteriostatic effect. It does not potenti-
providing bacteriostatic action. ate antibiotics or prevent crystallization.
2. Potentiating the action of the
3. Providing an analgesic effect on
the bladder mucosa.
4. Preventing the crystallization
that can occur with sulfa drugs.


Nclex Review: Urinary Tract Infection
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When teaching the client with a 1.
urinary tract infection about tak- The client should be told that
ing phenazopyridine hydrochlo- phenazopyridine hydrochloride (Pyridi-
ride (Pyridium), the nurse should um) turns the urine a bright orange-red,
tell the client to expect: which may stain underwear. It can
1. Bright orange-red urine. be frightening for a client to see or-
2. Incontinence. ange-red urine without having been
3. Constipation. forewarned. Other common adverse ef-
4. Slight drowsiness. fects associated with phenazopyridine
include headaches, gastrointestinal dis-
turbances, and rash. Phenazopyridine
does not cause incontinence, constipa-
tion, or drowsiness.

12. A client has been prescribed nitro- 2, 3.

furantoin (Macrodantin) for treat- Clients who are taking nitrofurantoin
ment of a lower urinary tract in- (Macrodantin) should be instructed to
fection. Which of the following in- take the medication with meals and to
structions should the nurse in- increase their fluid intake to minimize
clude when teaching the client gastrointestinal distress. The urine may
how to take this medication? Se- become brown in color. Although this
lect all that apply. change is harmless, clients need to
1. "Take the medication on an be prepared for this color change. The
empty stomach." client should be instructed to take the
2. "Your urine may become brown full prescription and not to stop taking
in color." the drug because symptoms have sub-
3. "Increase your fluid intake." sided. The medication should not be tak-
4. "Take the medication until your en with antacids as this may interfere
symptoms subside." with the drug's absorption.
5. "Take the medication with an
antacid to decrease gastrointesti-
nal distress."

13. Nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin), 75 15 mL

mg four times per day, has been
prescribed for a client with a
lower urinary tract infection. The
medication comes in an oral
suspension of 25 mg/ 5 mL.

Nclex Review: Urinary Tract Infection
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How many milliliters should the
nurse administer for each dose?
________________________ mL.

14. Which of the following statements 1.

by the client would indicate that Stasis of urine in the bladder is one of
she is at high risk for a recurrence the chief causes of bladder infection,
of cystitis? 1. "I can usually go and a client who voids infrequently is at
8 to 10 hours without needing to greater risk for reinfection. A tub bath
empty my bladder." does not promote urinary tract infec-
2. "I take a tub bath every tions as long as the client avoids harsh
evening." soaps and bubble baths. Scrupulous hy-
3. "I wipe from front to back after giene and liberal fluid intake (unless
voiding." contraindicated) are excellent preven-
4. "I drink a lot of water during the tive measures, but the client also should
day." be taught to void every 2 to 3 hours
during the day.

15. To prevent recurrence of cystitis, 1.

the nurse should plan to encour- A woman can adopt several health-pro-
age the female client to include motion measures to prevent the re-
which of the following measures currence of cystitis, including avoiding
in her daily routine? too-tight pants, noncotton underpants,
1. Wearing cotton underpants. and irritating substances, such as bub-
2. Increasing citrus juice intake. ble baths and vaginal soaps and sprays.
3. Douching regularly with 0.25% Increasing citrus juice intake can be a
acetic acid. bladder irritant. Regular douching is not
4. Using vaginal sprays. recommended; it can alter the pH of the
vagina, increasing the risk of infection.

16. The nurse explains to the client 4.

the importance of drinking large Instructions should be as specific as
quantities of fluid to prevent cysti- possible, and the nurse should avoid
tis. The nurse should tell the client general statements such as "a lot." A
to drink: specific goal is most useful. A mix of
1. Twice as much fluid as usual. fluids will increase the likelihood of client
2. At least 1 quart more than usu- compliance. It may not be sufficient to
al. tell the client to drink twice as much as
3. A lot of water, juice, and oth-

Nclex Review: Urinary Tract Infection
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er fluids throughout the day. 4. At or 1 quart more than she usually drinks if
least 3,000 mL of fluids daily. her intake was inadequate to begin with.


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