Chapter 9 Non-Profit Entities - Lecture 1 - Introduction and General Accounting - Student Slides

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Chapter 9

Non-profit entities

Lecture 1 - 2022
Introduction to NPO

▪ Characteristics:
▪ One or more objectives (profit making is not one of them)
▪ Name of the company ends with “NPC” (Non-Profit Company) (or Non-profit organisation –
NPO if registered with the Department of Social Welfare)
▪ Legal entity
▪ Memorandum of Incorporation must set out at least one objective of company
▪ Should apply with SARS for a tax-exempt status, known as Public Benefit Organisation status
(PBO) (can issue section 18 certificates to donors)
▪ May hold shares in a profit company, not allowed to merge with a profit company
▪ Assets and income may not be distributed to members/directors, except for remuneration
▪ Needs to comply with Companies Act (as amended) as well as Non-Profit Organisations Act.

Topic: Non-profit organisations

Nature of the entity
▪ Register an NPC with Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC)
▪ Generate funds to achieve objectives (e.g. services to community)
▪ Main form: membership fees / donations
▪ S10 company in terms of the new Companies Act (previous Article 21 companies)
▪ Not bound by Companies act to meet stringent Accounting requirements
▪ Don’t need auditor
▪ Compile FS within 6 months after FYE
▪ Accounting officer should compile a report
▪ Income tax? > Apply to be tax exempt
▪ VAT? > Depends on the taxable supplies

Topic: Non-profit organisations

Nature of the entity
Accounting specific nature

▪ REMEMBER: Differences in equity

▪ Focus on NON-PROFIT
▪ Difference in accounting terminology: Profit vs Non-profit
▪ Capital <> Fund
▪ Profit for the year <> Surplus for the year
▪ Loss for the year <> Deficit for the year
▪ Profit or loss account <> Income and expenditure account
Accumulated and other funds
▪ What happens to profits (surpluses) or losses (deficits)?
▪ Sole proprietor > Transferred to Capital account
▪ Partnerships > Distributed after agreement through the Distribution account
▪ Companies > Retained earnings, possible distribution as ARR and dividends
▪ NPC > non-distributable, transferred to Accumulated Funds account (E)

Topic: Non-profit organisations

Different types of funds

Topic: Non-profit organisations

Example: Accumulated fund

Topic: Non-profit organisations

Special fund

Interest = R100 000 x 7.5% =

R7 500

NB! Interest income = FUND

according to instructions of
donor. Keep separately and
do not include in statement of
income and expenditure

Topic: Non-profit organisations

Example: General fund

Topic: Non-profit organisations

Accounting entries unique to a NPO
▪ Income
▪ Donations
▪ Proceeds from sales / services rendered
▪ Entrance (entry) fees
▪ Membership fees
▪ All included in Statement of income and expenditure unless specifically excluded

▪ Capitalisation of income
▪ If money is not used for general expenses (i.e. included in above), then money can be
transferred directly to Accumulated funds.

Topic: Non-profit organisations

Example: Entrance fees

Topic: Non-profit organisations

Membership fees (MF)
▪ Payable per annum (by members)
▪ If members owe money for last year > MF Receivable (A)
▪ If members have paid in advance > MF Received in advance (L)
▪ Members did not pay and fees irrecoverable > MF written off (Credit losses)
▪ Money RECEIVED in this year > Bank
▪ Income and expenditure:
▪ Closing transfer
▪ Indicates amount that SHOULD have been received (accrual concept)

Topic: Non-profit organisations

Membership fees
Membership fees receivable Membership fees received in advance

Bank (refund) previous

Income and expenditure Bank current
Credit losses

Membership fees received in Membership fees receivable


Topic: Non-profit organisations

Accounting process
Membership fees account

▪ Step 1: Reverse the adjustments from the previous year (MF Receivable and MF received in
▪ Step 2: Record the receipts in Bank and MF account. Refund members where needed.
▪ Step 3: At the end of the year, complete adjustments (MF receivable & MF Received in advance)
▪ Step 4: Closing transfer > Income and expenditure account

Topic: Non-profit organisations

Example: Membership fees

Topic: Non-profit organisations

Topic: Non-profit organisations
- MF receivable (did not pay this year) = 220 (expected members: 204 +16)
– 209 (paid this year)
– 4 (paid last year, for this year)
= 7 members owe (Thus 7 x R80 = R560)
- MF written off: Owed from last year: R640, received R480.
- R640 – R480 = R160 credit losses
- Income and expenditure amount is balancing amount (in this example)

Topic: Non-profit organisations

Generating income through trading activities
- Examples: selling memorabilia, photos at events, refreshments (tuck shop), clothing, gear etc.
- How will we account for this?
- Prepare a trading account (include all expenses relevant to activity)
- Limit items to relevant items to activity
- Sales minus cost of sales minus any other item that is directly relevant to the activity

Topic: Non-profit organisations

Trading account
Inventory (opening) Sales
Purchases Inventory (closing)
Profit Loss

Topic: Non-profit organisations

Example: Trading account

Topic: Non-profit organisations

Example (continue)

Topic: Non-profit organisations

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