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"War of tech giants Amazon Vs. Facebook, which dominate E-commerce in 2023"

Miembros del grupo:

Daniela Melendez Ceballos

Daniel Grajales Valencia

Jeferson Andres Ramos Florez

Kevin Ferney Lara Cely

Docente: Reinaldo Medina Alzate

Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas, Económicas y Financieras

Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina “AREANDINA”

E-commerce - 2505 - 704

30 octubre del 2023



Electronic commerce has gained strength in recent decades and has shown the

world how small, medium-sized and large companies must align and take E-commerce as

an ally for their business. Proof of this we see two large companies such as Amazon and

Facebook. , leaders and pioneers in the digital market where they have positioned

themselves and have grown as a company and reach markets around the world, facing great

challenges but the most important thing is that they have known how to overcome these

challenges and tests, having their advantages and disadvantages are companies that evolve

and grow thanks to commerce, always innovating sales strategies and how to reach and

capture customers.


Production source:


Production source:

Major online challenges faced by the companies in the past 10 years:


The company's profit and sales for the third quarter were well below Wall Street

projections. A rare failure for Amazon that sent its shares down about 3% in stock trading.

In 2021 it was affected by a shortage in supplies and a lack of personnel to work, this

affected the availability of products in online sales.


In 2022, when it was 18 years old after its foundation, it reported a loss of one million users

as a result of this, it’s extremely low stock market value. The other digital platforms gained

more strength.

It has had several lawsuits for data theft, accusations of plagiarism, accusations of false

news, sanctions and fines from the European Union and the United States.

Amazon development:

Amazon develops e-commerce as a sales channel, connecting sellers and buyers from all

over the world, where users can find all kinds of products and services.

Marketplace, it links millions of companies and manages an efficient logistics

process.Affiliate marketing, which generates a commission between 3 and 10%. creates

demand for products that are not readily available at low prices.

Facebook development:

Facebook uses social commerce, you can sell products and services through Facebook,

this is the main social network.

Marketplace where people can buy and sell, it should be noted that the logistics are done

by each Company.


● Amazon operates one of the best e-commerce platforms because it offers a

wide range of global products including computing, storage, database,

analytics, networking, mobile, developer tools, management tools, internet of

things, security and enterprise applications.

● Amazon's business model is sustainable because of its focus on customer

orientation and cost-competitiveness in the distribution of goods that lead to

great opportunities for growth and development at a global level.

● The use of social platforms and online sales is not only good for business, it

is also good for people, online born businesses share the benefits of their

sales directly with customers and at the same time increase the growth of

their budget.

● Facebook, as one of the most important social networks, has a multiplying

effect, since communication is based on the dissemination of information

through the information through the participation of users, which can

contribute to translate into company sales. to translate into sales for the


● Thus, one of the main aspects to be aspects to be concluded regarding

Facebook is that it consolidates multichannel marketing.



Disadvantages, cronuts. digital amazon

Hall, M. (2022, 10 18). Facebook. Retrieved from Encyclopedia Britannica: https://

Charlton, G. (n.d.). How COVID-19 Has Accelerated Digital Transformation.

Retrieved from ecommerce guide:


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