Astavakra Gita by Sri Sri Ravishankar From Transcript 1 MS Word Test

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O Lord,
O Lord,
O Lord,
O Lord,
O Lord,
Thousands of years ago,
there was a king called Jannaka.
He had attained the highest knowledge.
But even after that,
he was curious, he wanted to know more.
There was a little curiosity in him.
But he was fully engaged in all the regular activity of the kingdom.
So one day he was sitting in the kingdom, in the court, in the evening,
and then the people were talking about something, some problem here.
Reports were being read, you know, the reports are read from different places.
So it must have been a little boring and regular report.
When he was listening to it, he started nodding, dosing off.
So he dosed off a few minutes.
When he dosed, he,
he was listening to it.
He started to think of it.
When he dosed, he dreamt.
He must have even snored a little bit.
Then he dreamt.
In the dream, he saw that his whole kingdom was flooded,
and there was famine in other parts, and there was nothing.
There was loss to grains and fields and cattle.
Everything was in a loss, and he became a popper.
And he found himself roaming from street to street, so hungry.
And he wanted a piece of bread.
He asked everybody, nobody had a piece of roti chapati, not bread.
So, and finally, somebody gave him a dry bread piece of roti chapati,
and he took it, and there was this rule for a householder, the dharma,
that when a householder is going to eat something,
if someone else is around, he cannot eat by himself.
He has to give it to them and then eat.
This is a lot in those days.
That anybody who is sitting to eat cannot eat by himself
if he sees someone else around, he has to feed them and then eat.
So, he was afraid because he has only one roti,
and if he sees somebody has to share with them,
so he was hiding his roti underneath his robe,
and he found some place where there was nobody.
And then he was about to go and eat that piece of roti at that moment,
an eagle came and just took the roti also of his hand.
At this moment he could not tolerate, he shouted,
when he shouted, he opened his eyes, he came out of his sleep,
O Lord,O Lord, O Lord, O Lord, O Lord, Thousands of years ago, there was a king called Jannaka. He
had attained the highest knowledge. But even after that, he was curious, he wanted to know more.
There was a little curiosity in him. But he was fully engaged in all the regular activity of the kingdom.
So one day he was sitting in the kingdom, in the court, in the evening, and then the people were
talking about something, some problem here. Reports were being read, you know, the reports are
read from different places. So it must have been a little boring and regular report. When he was
listening to it, he started nodding, dosing off. So he dosed off a few minutes. When he dosed, he, he
was listening to it. He started to think of it. When he dosed, he dreamt. He must have even snored a
little bit. Then he dreamt. In the dream, he saw that his whole kingdom was flooded, and there was
famine in other parts, and there was nothing. There was loss to grains and fields and cattle.
Everything was in a loss, and he became a popper. And he found himself roaming from street to
street, so hungry. And he wanted a piece of bread. He asked everybody, nobody had a piece of roti
chapati, not bread. So, and finally, somebody gave him a dry bread piece of roti chapati, and he took
it, and there was this rule for a householder, the dharma, that when a householder is going to eat
something, if someone else is around, he cannot eat by himself. He has to give it to them and then
eat. This is a lot in those days. That anybody who is sitting to eat cannot eat by himself if he sees
someone else around, he has to feed them and then eat. So, he was afraid because he has only one
roti, and if he sees somebody has to share with them, so he was hiding his roti underneath his robe,
and he found some place where there was nobody. And then he was about to go and eat that piece
of roti at that moment, an eagle came and just took the roti also of his hand. At this moment he
could not tolerate, he shouted, when he shouted, he opened his eyes, he came out of his sleep, and
he saw he is in the coat, and there are people, it's full of people. His hunger was still in the stomach.
He still felt that hungry, it was very hungry. It was dinner time like most of you are having now. But
then he got confused, no, which is real? Maybe this I am dreaming. Is that real or this real? He got
concerned about this, what is reality? And he was one who would never leave questions very easily.
He would come up with questions. So, he called all the scholars in the kingdom and asked them the
solution. Everybody gave some answers, he was not satisfied at all. No answer could satisfy him.
Then someone whispered in him, but this kept bugging in his mind for several days of long search.
Someone said there is one man called Ashtavakra, you should approach him. This man, Ashtavakra,
his body was bent in eight places. I mean he had eight deformities in his body. His legs were, one was
long, one was short, like that hands one was long. There were so many knots in his body. Eight knots,
that's why the name came to him Ashtavakra. Means the man with eight knots, eight bends in his
body. He was the Brahmanjani who nowhere after Brahman. And then he was invited to the court.
Then Ashtavakra tells, there is a conversation between Jannak and Ashtavakra. This is the most
unique conversation that has taken place on this planet. The discussion between Ashtavakra and
Jannaka is a very unique phenomenon. There was someone who has enjoyed the peak of the life and
wanting to know about the self, about the reality. And there is someone who has risen to the
pinnacle of existence and telling them what the reality is. It is called Ashtavakra Gita. The song of
Ashtavakra. Krishna gave the Gita to Arjuna in the battlefield, amidst all chaos. Here Jannaka was
given the Gita. We use the knowledge. We will discuss about that in the coming days. Every evening
we will go through how much we go. One by one small versus couplets. And they are fully pregnant
with all that is needed. So this Gita took place in a royal residence, in a very peaceful Jazul
atmosphere. So Ashtavakra was brought to their palace with all honor. Many people thought, well
this man, he doesn't even look presentable. And he is going to teach the highest knowledge to the
king. But Jannaka was far sighted person. He could recognize the glow, the light. You know it is very
difficult for people to recognize the truth and reality. People recognize pomp and show. Because eyes
are on just the outer. Eyes are unable to see the light or the life which is beyond, which is deep

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