SOP Business 26.07.23

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Statement Of Purpose

The news article published in BBC News titled “AI Workers need more protection, says TUC”
has shed light on two critical issues that have captured my interest and motivated me to pursue a
bachelor’s degree in the field of business. The first issue that piques my attention is the lack of
worker protections in the UK regarding the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI). The
article reflected that the UK lacks any equivalent legislation to regulate AI usage in work
conditions and employment decisions, while the European Union is in the process of passing an
AI Act to control its usage in professional sectors. This disparity raises concerns about the
potential implications on the rights and well-being of workers. Profound life-changing effects
can happen to individuals by the decisions made by AI systems in areas such as hiring and firing.
As I aspire to be a business student, I eagerly want to understand the social impact and ethical
dimensions of the integration of AI in various industries, especially regarding the workforce. The
second issue that sparked my interest is the impact of AI on jobs and industries, demonstrated by
the case of Octopus Energy. The revelation of the CEO that customers prefer AI-written emails
over human-written ones exemplifies the potential detrimental effect of AI on traditional job
roles. While AI offers considerable potential for improving customer service, productivity, and
innovation, it also holds challenges concerning job displacement and the need for reskilling and
upskilling the workforce. I am keenly interested to navigate how organisations can embrace AI
responsibly, effectively explore this transformational shift, and recognise the job creation
opportunities in developing AI-related fields.

The implications of these issues are extensive and have substantial consequences for businesses
and the economy as a whole. The UK’s ability to remain competitive might be hindered by the
lack of AI-specific regulations in the country and the opportunities presented by AI-driven
innovation might be seized. Additionally, AI’s potential ability of job displacement requires
proactive initiatives to protect rights of employees, ensure job security, and promote an inclusive
and just labour market.

As a business student, I recognise the significance of understanding the issues to help shape
implementing AI responsibly in the corporate world. I am keen on uncovering how business can
adopt AI technologies while maintaining ethical standards and fostering a positive impact on the
society. Additionally, I am enthusiastic about investigating how business can proactively invest
in the development of workforce and reskilling programs to enable employees to embrace AI as a
tool for the improvement of productivity, rather than a threat to their livelihood.

In five years from now, I envision myself as an expert business professional, proficient at
navigating the dynamic environment of AI-driven industries. Holding a bachelor’s degree in
business, I see myself spearheading AI integration measures holding a leadership position in a
progressive organisation. My goal is to become a driving behind ethical and responsible AI
implementation harnessing its potential to foster innovation and boost productivity across
different sectors. I desire to be a strategic-decision maker and leverage my profound
understanding of AI implications to ensure sustainable growth and create value for businesses
and society. By that time, I aspire to develop a diverse range of skills, including critical thinking,
analytical problem-solving, and adaptability. These skills will empower me to overcome
challenging situations and capture emerging opportunities in the dynamic world of business.
Moreover, I aim to actively work together with experts from different fields and advocate for
worker protections within the AI revolution. I also want to contribute to policy developments that
strike balance between human welfare and technology advancement. Overall, my ambition is to
become a vanguard of transformative applications of AI and make a positive impact on the
business setting contributing to an inclusive and prosperous future.

The dynamic and ever-changing nature of the business sector particularly appeals to me about
working in the industry. Seeking to pursue a bachelor’s degree in business, I find myself
irresistibly attracted to the diverse range of opportunities and challenges that this field offers. The
business sector is at the cutting edge of innovation, and I am excited about the opportunity to
foster positive transformation and progress through strategic decision-making. In the business
sector, there are many opportunities to explore different fields such as marketing, finance, sales,
and entrepreneurship. The prospect of devising effective marketing strategies, analysing market
trends, and contributing to the success of a company is exciting. Moreover, being a part of a
globally interrelated industry provides a platform to tackle complex problems and collaborate
with diverse professionals. Furthermore, I feel a natural connection between my passion and the
business sector for adopting cutting-edge technology like AI and leveraging them responsibly. I
see myself exploring innovative ways to integrate AI into business processes to optimise
efficiency and productivity. Ultimately, the dynamic nature of the business sector and its
potential for positive impact motivate me to pursue a bachelor’s degree in business and embark
on a fulfilling professional journey.

While pursuing a bachelor’s degree in business, I anticipate facing different challenges and
problems that may necessitate effective strategies to overcome. One potential challenge is the
need for proper time management. Balancing academic responsibilities, personal commitments,
and extracurricular skill development can be demanding. To overcome this, I decide to create a
detailed schedule by dedicating specific time block to each task. Utilising time management tools
and strategies and setting reminders will help me stay focused and organised. Another challenge
could be adapting theoretical knowledge with practical situations. Business is a dynamic field,
and the classroom concepts may differ from the real-world scenarios. To address this, I will
actively seek chances for case studies, internships, and hands-on projects. Engaging with real
business situations will empower me to apply theoretical knowledge effectively and develop
problem-problem solving skills. Moreover, I may face technological challenges, particularly
regarding information technology systems and software used in business domain. To overcome
this, I will improve my IT skills through online courses and workshops. Seeking guidance from
professors and collaborating with peers will also help tackle any IT-related problems. By
proactively addressing these challenges, I am confident that I can make the most of my
bachelor’s journey and prepare myself to outshine in the dynamic landscape of the business

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