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Competing Interests Statement

Article/Work Title: Snuff Usage and Knowledge Regarding its Effects among Pakistani Male Students of
Public Medical University, Peshawar

Author(s): Muhammad Ans, Sameen Abbas, Waqas Abdul Aziz, Mishal Bajwa, Anosh Sana and Shairyar

All authors are required to complete and sign below (please check one)

(  ) I declare that I have no significant competing financial, professional, or personal interests that
might have influenced the performance or presentation of the work described in this manuscript.

( ) I have described my potential competing financial, professional, and/or personal interests in the
space below: (Provide details; use additional space if necessary.)


1st Author: M. Ans Date: 20-02-2023

2nd Author: Sameen Abbas Date: 20-02-2023

3rd Author: Dr Waqas Date: 20-02-2023

4th Author: Mishal Bajwa Date: 20-02-2023

5th Author: Dr Anosh Date: 20-02-2023

6th Author: Shairyar Afzal Date: 20-02-2023

Information provided by authors will remain confidential during the review process and may be published
with the article.

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