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Leading 14.

4 Minion Pro 12pt

Everything was in a loss, and he became a popper.
And he found himself roaming from street to street, so hungry.
And he wanted a piece of bread.
He asked everybody, nobody had a piece of roti chapati, not bread.
So, and finally, somebody gave him a dry bread piece of roti chapati,
and he took it, and there was this rule for a householder, the dharma,

Leading 16.8 Minion Pro 14pt

that when a householder is going to eat something,
if someone else is around, he cannot eat by himself.
He has to give it to them and then eat.
This is a lot in those days.
That anybody who is sitting to eat cannot eat by himself

Leading 18 Minion Pro 18pt

if he sees someone else around, he has to feed them and then eat.
So, he was afraid because he has only one roti,
and if he sees somebody has to share with them,
so he was hiding his roti underneath his robe,
and he found some place where there was nobody.

Leading 28.8 Minion Pro 24pt

And then he was about to go and eat that piece of roti
at that moment,
an eagle came and just took the roti also of his hand.
At this moment he could not tolerate, he shouted,
Leading 14.4 Calbri 12pt
Everything was in a loss, and he became a popper.
And he found himself roaming from street to street, so hungry.
And he wanted a piece of bread.
He asked everybody, nobody had a piece of roti chapati, not bread.
So, and finally, somebody gave him a dry bread piece of roti chapati,

Leading 14.4 vardana 12pt

Everything was in a loss, and he became a popper.
And he found himself roaming from street to street, so hungry.
And he wanted a piece of bread.
He asked everybody, nobody had a piece of roti chapati, not bread.
So, and finally, somebody gave him a dry bread piece of roti chapati,

Leading 14.4 Arial 12pt

Everything was in a loss, and he became a popper.
And he found himself roaming from street to street, so hungry.
And he wanted a piece of bread.
He asked everybody, nobody had a piece of roti chapati, not bread.

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