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Clean Hands, Bright Futures: Enhancing Student Hygiene through Washing Area

Expansion in Gingoog City Colleges, Inc.


Education is the cornerstone of a brighter future for every child, and

their health plays a pivotal role in ensuring their overall well-being and
ability to learn. Yet, the path to a brighter future can be obstructed by an
often overlooked, yet critical factor – hand hygiene. Hygiene is an old
concept related to medicine, as well as to personal and professional care
practices. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), hygiene refers
to the set of practices linked to the conservation of health and healthy living.
It involves practices and conditions that help to maintain health and prevent
the spread of diseases as well as practices that deal with the preservation of
health. Personal hygiene plays a major role in promoting a healthy life. The
simple act of washing hands is a fundamental component of maintaining
health and preventing the spread of infectious diseases. However, for many
students, especially in underserved communities, access to clean and
adequate washing facilities in educational institutions remains a pressing

In today's world, where health and safety are paramount concerns,

ensuring proper hygiene practices is essential for the well-being of students,
faculty, and staff in educational institutions. Gingoog City Colleges (GCC)
has long been committed to providing quality education and fostering a
supportive community. Gingoog City Colleges, Inc., is a private, non-
sectarian Educational Institution, that was first conceived in 1966 by a
group of teachers of a leading private school in Gingoog City. The school
formally opened in the school year 1967-68. In February 1968, the school
was named Teacher’s Academy, Inc. Later, officers of the corporation
changed the name from Teacher’s Academy to Gingoog City Jr. College.
Observations from some alumni, parents, teachers, and students that name
Gingoog City Jr. College give the impression of being a beginner and of being
unstable perhaps because of the word “Junior”. This prompted the
administration to work for another change of name from Gingoog City Jr.
College to Gingoog City Colleges, Inc. At present, Gingoog City Colleges, Inc.,
Clean Hands, Bright Futures: Enhancing Student Hygiene through Washing Area
Expansion in Gingoog City Colleges, Inc.

is currently led by Mrs. Tita G. Garrido. A school that abides by the core
values abbreviated as HAIL (humility, accountability, integrity, and loyalty)
is considered one of the leading private schools in the city, with a
respectable track record of student performance and achievements. Like
many educational institutions, Gingoog City Colleges has a mission that
guides its operations. The school’s mission statement, mentions that they
aim to touch the lives of students and develop the students into creative,
competent, productive, and responsible individuals imbued with strong
moral and spiritual values responsive to the needs of the global community.
The school’s mission is to provide an environment that fosters holistic
development and empowers students to reach their full potential. It also
encourages and aims for its student’s academic excellence and the
development of personal intellectual and technical skills they need to stand
as a community. However, in light of the ever-increasing emphasis on
hygiene and the need to adapt to new challenges, we are presented with a
compelling opportunity. Aligning with the mission of Gingoog City Colleges,
this concept seeks to improve student hygiene by expanding washing areas
on our campus, reflecting our belief in the importance of good hygiene
practices for overall student well-being. We also aim to create a beneficial
and healthy environment that aligns with our core values and supports the
aspirations of the students. By creating accessible, convenient, and hygienic
washing areas, we aim to empower the students with essential life skills,
encourage community engagement, promote holistic development, and
uphold sustainability principles, all of which are core aspects of the
institution’s mission.

The project recognizes that access to clean water and soap is not merely
a matter of convenience; it is a matter of educational equity and the key to
unlocking a brighter future for all students. It also addresses the critical
issue of inadequate access to handwashing facilities in schools, aiming to
enhance student hygiene. The project recognizes that this problem affects
students' health, academic performance, and broader community well-being.
It expects to increase handwashing rates, reduce absenteeism, raise
Clean Hands, Bright Futures: Enhancing Student Hygiene through Washing Area
Expansion in Gingoog City Colleges, Inc.

awareness about hygiene, and positively impact students' overall well-being.

This initiative aligns with the funder's mission to improve public health and
education and involves partners who share the vision of nurturing students'
well-being. The potential impact extends beyond individuals to promote a
healthier, more resilient society. By supporting this project, the funder can
make a lasting difference in students' lives and the communities they serve.

As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, with its health

crises, and the pressing need for infection control, a school campus must
not only be a hub for intellectual growth but also a haven for health and
well-being. This initiative is born out of a commitment to nurture both the
minds and bodies of the students, creating an environment where they can
thrive academically while safeguarding their health. The expansion of
washing areas within Gingoog City Colleges, Inc., is not just about
responding to the immediate challenges, but it is a proactive step toward
creating a campus that is clean, safe, and beneficial to learning, empowering
students to reach for bright futures.


Hygiene plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the health and well-being of

individuals, particularly within the context of educational institutions. It has
long been established that handwashing is one of the most effective
measures for preventing the spread of diseases, especially in crowded
environments like schools. Numerous studies have shown that good hand
hygiene significantly decreases the risk of infections and diseases among
students. For instance, research by the World Health Organization (WHO)
indicates that proper handwashing can reduce respiratory infections by up
to 23% and gastrointestinal infections by up to 50%. This leads to a
decrease in absenteeism, which is well-documented to have a direct impact
on students' educational progress. Studies have consistently shown that
students who attend school regularly perform better academically.
Furthermore, research has highlighted the importance of a clean and
Clean Hands, Bright Futures: Enhancing Student Hygiene through Washing Area
Expansion in Gingoog City Colleges, Inc.

healthy learning environment, demonstrating that schools with a culture of

good hand hygiene have fewer disease outbreaks and healthier students.

Knowledge Gap

Many schools, especially in low-resource settings, face challenges in

providing adequate facilities for students to practice proper hand hygiene.
While numerous studies have underscored the significance of hand hygiene,
there is a noticeable gap in the literature regarding the state of washing
facilities in schools and their impact on students' hygiene practices.
Inadequate and overcrowded washing areas, limited access to soap and
water, and insufficient awareness campaigns often hinder students from
practicing proper hand hygiene. This research aims to bridge the existing
gap by investigating the relationship between the availability and quality of
washing facilities in schools and the hygiene behaviors of students. The
existing body of research primarily focuses on the importance of hand
hygiene but falls short in examining how the inadequacy of washing
facilities impacts students' ability to maintain proper hygiene. This research
focuses on promoting proper hand hygiene in schools to prevent infectious
disease transmission and protect students' health. It also highlights the link
between hygiene and academic performance, with clean facilities leading to
better attendance and academic performance. Many studies have
demonstrated that students with access to clean and well-maintained
handwashing facilities are more likely to attend school regularly and
perform better academically. By improving these facilities, we can create a
beneficial environment for student success. The study emphasizes equity
and inclusion in education, addressing disparities in access to clean
facilities. It also suggests expanding handwashing areas to reinforce hygiene
education, equipping students with valuable skills for their health
throughout their lives. This research provides an avenue for enhancing
health education.

The proposed research has both theoretical and practical implications.

On the theoretical front, the study endeavors to develop a conceptual
Clean Hands, Bright Futures: Enhancing Student Hygiene through Washing Area
Expansion in Gingoog City Colleges, Inc.

framework that connects the state of washing facilities with the hygiene
behaviors of students, potentially contributing to our broader understanding
of the social determinants of health within educational settings. This
framework can be a valuable tool for further research and policy
development in this field. On the practical side, the implications of this
research are far-reaching. The findings can inform policy and decision-
making processes in educational institutions, guiding investments in school
infrastructure to enhance hygiene facilities. Moreover, the study may also
serve as a foundation for designing and implementing interventions and
awareness programs that promote better hygiene practices among students.
Ultimately, the research aspires to create a positive impact on student
health, academic performance, and overall well-being, leading to cleaner
hands and brighter futures for the next generation of learners.


Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of our study entitled "Clean Hands, Bright

Futures: Enhancing Student Hygiene through Washing Area Expansion in
GCC," is foundational to the health and prevention of infections and
diseases. The hygiene and sanitation theory emphasizes cleanliness and the
absence of germs. One commonly used framework is Nicole Weber's
Sanitation and Hygiene for Development (2019). Weber theorized that
hygiene and sanitation practices had to be critically analyzed to identify the
impact and significance of improving the development potentials of
maintaining personal hygiene. Weber said that both hygiene and sanitation
aim at creating a disease-free world that is full of healthy people. In
addition, good hygiene and sanitation are critical to help prevent infectious
diseases from spreading throughout the school and even in the community.
According to Weber (2019), Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) is one of
the most effective instruments in promoting health and reducing poverty.
Clean Hands, Bright Futures: Enhancing Student Hygiene through Washing Area
Expansion in Gingoog City Colleges, Inc.

According to some reports, hygiene was conceptualized by a man named

Ignaz Semmelweis. He is an Austrian-Hungarian physician who discovered
the concept in 1858 when infections were being controlled. Hygiene is very
important because it affects the way we approach people in our daily lives
and build relationships. It also contributes to healthy and positive self-
esteem. Most importantly, good hygiene helps to ensure good health (Tracey,

Many recent evidence shows that hygiene and sanitation-related diseases

are a huge burden; due to lack of sanitation and poor hygiene behavior. The
consequences of poor sanitation, unclean water, water scarcity, and
improper hygiene behavior can be life-threatening for everyone but are
particularly hazardous for children. Schools have repeatedly been implicated
in the spread of diseases. A school’s cleanliness and infrastructure can
significantly impact the student's health and well-being.

A study conducted by FEACHEM R. G. stated that the hands are an

important mode of transmission of infectious diseases among students. A
simple hand washing with soap helps to protect the students from infection.
Hand hygiene significantly reduces illness. On the other hand,
improvements in hygiene behavior are the most important barrier to many
infectious diseases, because, with safe behavior and appropriate facilities,
people reduce their risk of becoming exposed to diseases (H. Valley, 2019).
This also extends to the facilities that enable hygiene to be achieved
(Carolyne K. Wasike, 2010).

In low-income countries, the provision of water facilities, sanitation, and

hygiene promotion in schools is seen as a vital avenue to enhance children's
health and education, with the potential to promote inclusivity and equity.
However, it's important to note that while the concept of school-based WASH
interventions is well-received, studies have shown mixed outcomes
regarding their effectiveness. Celia McMichael (2019) observed that
delivering such interventions doesn't guarantee consistent positive results.
Clean Hands, Bright Futures: Enhancing Student Hygiene through Washing Area
Expansion in Gingoog City Colleges, Inc.

Additionally, Ashish Joshi and Chioma Amadi (2013) conducted a review

exploring the impact of water treatment, hygiene, and sanitation
interventions on child health outcomes, considering factors like access to
safe water, handwashing facilities, and hygiene education. Their findings
revealed that the child's age, gender, grade level, socioeconomic status, and
prior knowledge of hygiene practices were linked to the outcomes.

Further, Anna N Chard et al. (2019) conducted rigorous research on

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Schools (WinS) interventions and found
that, despite providing schools with water supply, sanitation facilities,
handwashing facilities, and health education, the impact on pupil absence
and health was minimal.

The studies suggest that while WASH interventions are recognized for
their potential, the actual impact can be complex and context-dependent.
This highlights the need for more research and tailored approaches to
ensure the effective implementation of WASH programs in schools.


The reviewed literature and studies collectively stress the profound

significance of hygiene and sanitation in safeguarding health, especially in
school settings. Ignaz Semmelweis's historical work highlights the
importance of cleanliness, affecting personal health, social interactions, and
public well-being. Hand hygiene emerges as a crucial tool in disease
prevention while promoting safe behavior and adequate facilities remain key.
WASH interventions in schools are perceived as a means to improve
children's health and education in low-income countries, yet their
effectiveness is variable and context-dependent. Variables like age, gender,
socioeconomic status, and prior knowledge impact outcomes, emphasizing
the need for tailored approaches and further research to ensure the
successful implementation of WASH programs in schools.

IV. Statement of the Problem

Clean Hands, Bright Futures: Enhancing Student Hygiene through Washing Area
Expansion in Gingoog City Colleges, Inc.

General Problem

The current state of hygiene facilities at Gingoog City Colleges

presents a pressing challenge to the overall well-being of its student
population. Inadequate access to clean and convenient washing areas may
compromise students' ability to uphold essential hygiene practices,
impacting not only their health but also potentially affecting their academic
engagement and personal development. Insufficient infrastructure may
contribute to the spread of health-related issues and hinder the creation of a
beneficial learning environment. Thus, addressing this issue through the
expansion and improvement of washing areas becomes crucial for fostering
a healthier and more supportive educational environment at Gingoog City


The research paper seeks to contribute to the creation of a healthier and

more beneficial learning environment for students, ultimately supporting
their academic success and bright futures by focusing on the following
specific objectives:

1. To assess the current state of handwashing facilities in GCC.

2. To investigate the impact of inadequate handwashing facilities on

student hygiene and health.

3. To examine the potential consequences of poor hygiene on student

attendance, academic performance, and overall well-being.

4. To propose recommendations for expanding and enhancing

handwashing areas in GCC.

Research Questions
Clean Hands, Bright Futures: Enhancing Student Hygiene through Washing Area
Expansion in Gingoog City Colleges, Inc.

1. What is the current status of the hygiene facilities at Gingoog City

Colleges, including the number of washing areas available, their conditions,
and their accessibility to students?

2. What are the personal experiences and perceptions of Gingoog City

Colleges students regarding the current hygiene facilities?

3. How has the inadequacy of hygiene facilities affected the hygiene

practices and overall well-being of students?


Proper hand hygiene is essential for maintaining a healthy learning

environment in educational institutions. Gingoog City Colleges has identified
a need to improve student hygiene practices by expanding and enhancing
the washing areas within the campus. This study aims to assess the impact
of this expansion on student hygiene and overall well-being. The
participants in this study will be students of Gingoog City Colleges. A
random sample of 300 students from different grade levels will be selected to
participate in the research. A structured questionnaire will be used to collect
information about students' hygiene practices, their perception of the
current washing facilities, and their overall health. Researchers will use a
checklist to document the cleanliness and functionality of the existing
washing areas. The school will provide hygiene kits containing soap, hand
sanitizers, and instructional materials and will be distributed to a subset of
students to encourage improved hygiene practices.

Before the expansion of washing areas, baseline data will be collected

through the administration of the questionnaire and observations of existing
facilities. After the baseline assessment, Gingoog City Colleges will proceed
with the expansion and enhancement of washing areas on the campus.
Once the expansion is complete, the same set of participants will be
surveyed and observed again to determine changes in hygiene practices and
facilities' conditions. Additionally, the distribution of hygiene kits to a subset
Clean Hands, Bright Futures: Enhancing Student Hygiene through Washing Area
Expansion in Gingoog City Colleges, Inc.

of students will be documented. A follow-up survey will be conducted three

months after the expansion to assess the sustainability of improved hygiene
practices and the long-term impact on student well-being.

The collected data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics which

frequency distribution and percentages will be used to describe the
students' responses to the questionnaire, as well as the conditions of the
washing areas before and after the expansion. Additionally, open-ended
responses from the questionnaire will be thematically analyzed to gain
deeper insights into the students' perspectives on the expanded washing
areas. This research aims to provide valuable insights into the effectiveness
of washing area expansion in promoting student hygiene and overall well-
being at Gingoog City Colleges, with the potential for broader implications in
educational institutions nationwide.


The project is expected to be completed in 16 weeks with the following

indicated as the activity’s durations for every section of the research project:

Research Question Duration

1. Title 1 weeks
2. Introduction 2 weeks
3. Need for this Study 2 weeks
4. Background 2 weeks
5. Objectives 1 week
6. Research Questions and or Hypothesis 1 week
7. Research Methodology 1 week
8. Data analysis interpretations and discussions 3 weeks
9. Summary conclusion and recommendations 2 weeks
10. Reviewing work for final submission 1 weeks
Clean Hands, Bright Futures: Enhancing Student Hygiene through Washing Area
Expansion in Gingoog City Colleges, Inc.


Anna N Chard et al. (2019) Design, Intervention Fidelity, and Behavioral

Outcomes of a School-Based Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Cluster-
Randomized Trial in Laos March 2018International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 15(4)

Carolyne K. Wasike, (2010). Hygiene and Sanitation Theory and Practice:

Implications of Severe Water Shortage to Hospitality Industry in
Kenya, Water Shortage to Hospitality Industry in Kenya OIDA
International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 1, No. 8, pp.
99-103, 2010

Celia McMichael, 2019. "Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Schools

in Low-Income Countries: A Review of Evidence of Impact," IJERPH,
MDPI, vol. 16(3), pages 1-21, January.

Feachem RG. Globalisation is good for your health, mostly. BMJ. 2001 Sep
1;323(7311):504-6. doi: 10.1136/bmj.323.7311.504. PMID:
11532848; PMCID: PMC1121084.

Joshi A, Amadi C. Impact of water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions on

improving health outcomes among school children. J Environ Public
Health. 2013;2013:984626. doi: 10.1155/2013/984626. Epub 2013
Dec 28. PMID: 24454415; PMCID: PMC3888759.

Hygiene for Development (2019). Journal of Water, Sanitation and

Hygiene for Development (2019) 9 (1): 164–171.

H. Valley (2019). International Journal of Environmental Research and

Public Health (IJERPH) 12(2):1902-27 DOI:10.3390/ijerph120201902

Nicole Weber (2019), Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for

Development (2019) 9 (2): 380–391.

Tracey Gauci (2021, February 7). Impact of environmental hygiene interventions

on healthcare-associated infections and patient colonization: a systematic
Clean Hands, Bright Futures: Enhancing Student Hygiene through Washing Area
Expansion in Gingoog City Colleges, Inc.

review. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control. 2022;11:38. doi: 10.1186/s13756-


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