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1. Peremptory- insisting on immediate attention

2. Ghastly- extremely unpleasant
3. Nonce- word for one occasion
4. Catastrophic- sudden great damage
5. Stab- push a pointed object into somebody
6. Scabbing- cover something with scab(dry protective crust over a wound)
7. Brevity- state of being short
8. Naypyidaw- adobe of kings
9. Niggle- to annoy somebody
10. Contemptuous- feeling that someone does not deserve the value
11. Unscrupulous- being dishonest, cruel
12. Rogue- behaving differently, causing damage
13. Compendium- collection of detailed information
14. Augment- make greater by adding
15. Unrelenting- continuously strong
16. Relentless- not stopping
17. Relentlessness- state of being stubborn/cruel
18. Mutilate- to damage somebody’s body
19. Throng- large crowd
20. Steppe- large area with grass and few trees
21. Alto- lowest singing voice for women and highest singing voice for man
22. Peter- gradually fade
23. Dissipate- gradually fade until it disappears
24. Nonchalant- not excited
25. Sue- asking for money from someone who had done something bad to you
26. Shun- to avoid something
27. Dubious- not sure
28. Varsity- related to university
29. Anticipate- to expect something to happen
30. Blackamoor- very dark skinned person, black African
31. Corroborate- to support idea
32. Evasive- trying to avoid something
33. Gamut- complete scope of something
34. Imperative- very important, urgent
35. Implicit- not expressed in direct way but understood by people involved
36. Panacea- a universal remedy
37. Pruning- to cut branches or parts to make it in better shape
38. Scrutiny- careful investigation
39. Vindicated- to prove something right especially when other people thought differently
40. Knack- skill of doing something difficult that you have naturally
41. Apathy- feeling of not being interested or enthusiastic about anything
42. Adage- phrase for something that is always true(Kahawat)
43. County-area in US which has its own local government
44. Republic- country with elected government and leaders
45. Accentuated- to emphasize something
46. Virulent- very strong and dangerous
47. Rotary- revolving around centre
48. Parochial- relating to church, having a limited scope
49. Vocational- related to occupation
50. Trivial- little importance
51. Flint- hard grey rock consisting nearly pure silica
52. Paradigm- a pattern of something
53. Mingle- mix together
54. Foray- sudden attack into enemy territory to obtain something, raid
55. Vociferous- expressing vehement opinion
56. Vehement- showing strong/intense/forceful feelings
57. Dottier- crazy, eccentric
58. Longevity- long existence
59. Equitous- impartial
60. Impede- delay by obstructing something, hinder
61. Nuances- precise difference in something/ sound/expression
62. Maze- puzzle to find a way
63. Repulsion- feeling of disgust
64. Kiosk- phone booth, ticket counter etc
65. Red-tapism- practice of requiring excessive paperwork
66. Ascertain- make sure of
67. Discretion- quality of behaving in such a manner as to avoid revealing confidential information, freedom to
decide what should be done
68. Stifle- suffocate, stop someone
69. Efficacy- ability to produce a desired result
70. Vogue- popular/ fashionable
71. Cubitus- 5th longitudinal vein from anterior edge of an insect
72. Bandit- enemy aircraft, robber belonging to an lawless area
73. Bellow- a deep roaring sound, (bellows-instrument, Chula fukne wali ~ dhonkini)
74. News- newly received information (Notable Events, Weather, Sports)
75. Gratitude- being thankful
76. Snapshot- informal photograph taken quickly
77. Photo- an image by camera
78. Picture- drawing
79. Click- a short sharp sound
80. Clicks and mortar- traditional business expanded its activities on internet
81. Rendezvous- meeting of persons on a place
82. Anecdote- interesting real life story
83. Charisma- charm that inspire devotion in others
84. Indecisive- not providing a clear result
85. Stipend- amount paid to trainees
86. Salary- compensation amount paid to employees for their service
87. Participle- sharing, participating
88. Tout- attempt to sell
89. Barbaric- savagely cruel, unsophisticated
90. Savage- violent, cruel
91. Sustain- strengthen, support
92. Shimmer- shine with soft wavering light
93. Scalene- unequal sides
94. Refrain- stop oneself from doing something
95. Abstain- restrain from doing something
96. Imminent- about to happen, overhanging
97. Tumbler- drinking glass without handle
98. Clump- small group of trees growing together
99. Flutter- fly unsteadily
100. Camouflage- materials used to make soldiers and equipment difficult to see
101. Morale- feelings of someone at a particular time(happy, sad, confident)
102. Magnificent-extremely beautiful
103. Magnificat- my soul my lord, hymn of virgin marry
104. Lush- grass growing luxuriantly, sexually attractive
105. Outrageous- thing that made you very angry/shocked
106. Vigilant- looking out for danger
107. Meticulous- showing great attention to detail
108. Uncanny- very strange, that you cannot easily explain
109. Ambush- surprise attack from a hidden position
110. Brut- unsweetened, very dry
111. Vandalise- to deliberately destroy property
112. Magnanimous- kind/generous/forgiving
113. Naïve- without experience
114. Vanquish- to defeat somebody in war
115. Anguish- great mental pain/suffering
116. Jocular- humorous, amusing, making people laugh
117. Waggish- humorous in a playful/mischievous manner
118. Trifling- very small, unimportant
119. Menial- not skilled
120. Vivacious- full of energy
121. Compose- parts that together form something
122. Eloquent- able to use language or express your opinions well in public
123. Inquisitiveness- curiosity
124. Erudition- showing great academic knowledge
125. Clarion- a shrill narrow-tubed war trumpet.
126. Mantle- an important role or responsibility that passes from one person to another.
127. Surreal- very strange
128. Skewed- not exact
129. Strands- one part of something
130. Inclusiveness- quality of dealing in many areas
131. Myriad- 10,000(ten thousand)
132. Nooks- small quiet place
133. Discrepancies- state of disagreeing
134. Crept- to move quietly & slowly so that nobody can notice
135. Aberrations- unusual behaviour that is not acceptable
136. Livid- very angry
137. Unscathed- not hurt
138. Logjam- difficult situation in which you can’t make progress easily because there are too many things to do.
139. Proactive- making thing rather than waiting it to happen
140. Sine Qua Non- essential condition
141. Swathes- cover something
142. Reels- feel shocked or upset
143. Tardy- moving slowly
144. Conundrum- confusing and difficult problem
145. Tranquillity-peaceful
146. Insurgency- violent struggle by group of people who refuses to accept the govt.’s power
147. Strides- walk with long steps confidently
148. Scourge- any means of punishment or suffering
149. Garnered- collect something
150. Steer- to take control of a situation and try to influence the way it develops
151. Incessant- continuing without interruption
152. Pinnacle- peak point
153. Permeation- spread or pass throughout
154. Emulate- to imitate
155. Probe- investigation

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