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Should the age of voting be lowered to 16?

People have brought up the idea that the age to vote should be lowered to 16. Some
argue that 16 years old teens are capable of understanding an issue and being able to
make a decision to solve or vote based on their beliefs, nevertheless, teens under the
age of 18 have not fully developed enough to make this kind of big decision because
self-regulation does not mature until about age 22.

Teens under 18 have not fully developed enough to make this big decision. Making a
decision when angry or exhausted, the most critical skill is self-regulation, which
enables you to control your emotions, withstand pressure from others, resist temptation,
and check your impulses. Unlike cold cognitive abilities, self-regulation does not mature
until age 22, as research has shown. For example, young children are at risk of fentanyl
exposure of fentanyl as they explore their world by touching and taking things within
their reach. Especially on social media and people working with illegal dealers. This
shows how teens are not fully capable of making these kinds of big decisions and being
able to vote, which affects the communities.

Overall voting should not be lowered to the age of 16. For scientific reasons,
Neuroimaging studies show that brain systems are mature by mid-adolescence. This
research evidence shows that voting should start by the age of 18.

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