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Faculty of Engineering
AY 2023 – 2024

Name: Student Number:

TITLE OF THE Tulaog: Sigaw ng mga Nililigaw
INTRODUCTION AND For years, indigenous groups have always taken pride in their own
SUMMARY (In not more
than 5 sentences)
heritage and culture. Their environments always had an impact on their
own beliefs which in turn, protected them for decades. Katutubong
Dumagat is one of the many indigenous groups that rely on the natural
resources around Kaliwa Dam for them to thrive and survive. However,
with the rapidly advancing society and population, their homes and
culture might be in danger because of the onset of problems and
greedy government officials.
ISSUES THAT WERE The key issues that were discussed in relation to globalization were the
manipulation of indigenous people’s rights to further push their
not more than 7 economic agendas, the building of the Kaliwa Dam that might prove
sentences-at least 3) harmful to the environment, and the evergrowing demand for tourism
in places where sacredness is observed.

In the video, it was stated that the MWSS offered the Dumagats home
relocations to build Kaliwa Dam, but when they refused, MWSS still
pushed through with the project. One of the ideologies of globalization
is that it has to be beneficial for everyone in the long run; in
Katutubong Dumagat’s case, not only were they silenced, but their
rights were also disrespected, which is not in line with the terms of

Next, Manila is the capital of the Philippines and the center for national
and international relations for the country; the building of Kaliwa Dam
may prove beneficial for the people in Manila, but it causes
environmental problems when natural calamities strike, the extinction
of endemic species, and the loss of homes for indigenous groups.

Lastly, the increasing demand for tourism around Dumagat territory

disturbs the locals and creates disorder in their natural resources and
cultural practices. It may observe the flow of culture and circulation of
money, but in return, it may lead to environmental degradation and
loss of respect for their traditions.
HOW DOES THE ISSUES The topic of taking advantage of indigenous people's rights to further
economic goals is closely related to globalization and is pertinent to
YOUR COURSE? courses in mechanical engineering. This problem illustrates the ethical
considerations that mechanical engineers must take into account when
working in a globalized world. Mechanical engineers frequently take
part in projects with a global impact and work for multinational
corporations. Understanding these projects' social, cultural, and ethical
dimensions is crucial. It emphasizes the value of ethical
decision-making, responsible engineering practices, and cultural
sensitivity in cross-border collaboration.
THREE REALIZATIONS The three realizations that I had from the video revolved around the
(In not more than 7
utmost respect the Dumagats had not only for its culture and beliefs
but also towards the environment around them. The fact that they
didn’t want their home to be a “tourist spot” even though it would be
easy money for them, only meant that for them, the beauty and
importance of their homes were so much more than a mere cash grab.

Another realization is that the modernization of certain infrastructures

does not only have possible advantages for the metro but can also
prove detrimental to the environment and the tribes relying on natural
resources. Lastly, I saw the reciprocation of respect between Angat
Kalikasan Pilipinas and the Katutubong Dumagat, and that in order for
us to understand and build ways to solve environmental and indigenous
problems, we also need to recognize the sacred beliefs indigenous
people have about their homes.
WHAT SHOULD I/WE DO? One of the first things we should do is to recognize the Dumagats’ need
(In not more than 5
sentences – people and
to be heard about the problems they face, if we truly understand the
government) different factors that lead to their issues, only then can we address
them. Next, we can advocate for them through the spreading of
awareness through social media to further gain traction about their
situations. We can also join rallies and discourse for the government to
see that the Katutubong Dumagats are not alone, and we are there to
fight alongside them. As a mechanical engineering student, it is my job
to find solutions in terms of machinery, and one of the contributions
that I can give is to research more on how to build economically
advancing yet sustainable machines for dams to further support
indigenous groups like the Dumagat.

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