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IELTS Listening Maps/Plans/Diagrams Allie Yu


1. 东西南北

形容词 in the eastern/western/northern/southern part/section of …

2. 位置关系
top 顶端 bottom 底部
above 在……上方 below/underneath 在……下方
left 左:to/on the left, on the left-hand side, take a left, take the first/second left
right 右:to/on the right, on the right-hand side, take a right, take the first/second right
在前方:in front of, at the front, facing
在后方:behind, at the back
在中间:in the centre/middle of …, between A and B
旁边:beside, next to, by, near
对面:opposite, on the other side of … from …, across from
在同侧:on the same side of …
远侧:the far side of …, beyond
在内部:in, inside, within
在外部:out, outside

3. 形状
圆形:round, circle, circular
方形:rectangle, rectangular, square
三角形:triangle, triangular

4. 道路交叉处
junction, intersection
where Road A crosses Road B

IELTS Listening Maps/Plans/Diagrams Allie Yu

5. 拐弯
bend n. 拐弯,弯道 v. (道路)弯曲
直角:a right-angle bend
急转弯:a sharp bend
在道路拐弯处:on the first bend of the road, where the road first bends
lead v. 通向,通往:a path that leads to the yard
lead off (from) 起始于:a path that leads off from the main road
around the corner 拐过去

6. 沿着
along 沿着,顺着:walk/go along
parallel to 平行:The road and the canal are parallel to each other.

7. 起点(starting point)
You/We are here.
We’re standing here …
from …

8. 经过
through 穿过
past 路过

9. 终点
get (to), reach 到达:go straight ahead until you reach the end of the road
It’s just/right there. 就在那儿
… is immediately on the right. 就在右侧

10. 其他高频词汇
end 尽头 bridge 桥(cross/go over a bridge)
corridor 走廊 footbridge 步行桥
corner 角落,街角 (a set of) traffic lights 交通信号灯
pavement/sidewalk 人行道 car park 停车场
path/footpath 小路,小径 parking 停车场;停车位
main path 主路 entrance 入口(main/side ~)
side path 侧边的小径 gate 大门
pedestrian 行人 exit 出口
pedestrian crossing 人行横道

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