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疑难或精彩之处,可以合卷 沉思,反复揣摩,前后对照,圈圈点点;遇上精彩的句子和
段落,可以回头欣赏,细细品味。读者在与作者的心灵对话中, 能够获得思想的启
jīngdú,lüè dú,liúlǎn,liúlǎn,jiéxuǎn.. hé juǎn chénsī,fǎnfù chuǎimó,
yù shàng jīngcǎi de jùzi hé duànluò, kěyǐ huítóu xīnshǎng, xì xì pǐnwèi
huòdé sīxiǎng de qǐdí hé jīngshén de kuàigǎn.

而看电视的时候,屏幕上闪烁的色彩和画面,大分贝的声音形成纷繁复 杂的刺激
信号,使得孩子们目不暇接, 了孩子思考的机会。心理学家指出:电视声光与画面
xíngchéng fēnfán fùzá de cìjī xìnhào, mùbùxiájiē. stvara brojne složene stimulansne
signale; yīzhí wéichí zài yuánshǐ qūyù yùnzuò, chángqí tíngliú, yǎng
dòngjié, sīwéi biàn dé chídùn, * (postepeno 渐渐 snaga/sposobnost razmišljanja stagnira/zaledi se, razmišljanje
postane zatupljeno 迟钝, poteškoće u adaptaciji za buduće učenje i poslove)

游记》之间,他们往 往选择前者。白纸黑字的阅读是个“苦中
有乐,乐中有苦”的 过程,需要阅读者意志的支持。喜欢看电
和随意地浏览,使读书学 习的主动性难以发挥,计划性难以实
zǔ'ài - hinder, ometati; xiǎngxiànglì - kreativnost (power of imagination); yǐngxiǎng - influence n/v; yìzhì - willpower,
determination; dǐdǎng suzdržavati se; yòuhuò - temptation v; yuánzhù “xīyóu jì” -originalno "putovanje na zapad"; Báizhǐhēizì de
yuèdú čitanje "crno na belo" je patnja u zadovoljstvu i radost u patnji, guòchéng - proces, koji zahteva(支持 zhichi12) volju čitaoca;
wánqiáng - odlučnu, čvrstu, nepokorivu Adj; guànle(navići) yáokòngqì(daljinski upravljač) mō (osetiti,dotaći) bèidòng (pasivno opp.
主动) liú lǎ n (razgledati, tražiti očima) ,jìhuàxìng (plan)
(根据《中国教育报》2005 年 3 月 31 日李红梅、包昌升文章编写)
Reading is accompanied by thinking. When reading, you can read intensively, skim
read, browse, and select excerpts; when you encounter difficulties or wonderful things,
you can close the book and meditate, ponder over and over again, compare them
before and after, and circle them; when you encounter wonderful sentences and
paragraphs, you can turn back Appreciate and savor carefully. In the spiritual dialogue
with the author, readers can gain ideological enlightenment and spiritual pleasure.

While watching TV, the flickering colors and pictures on the screen, and loud sounds
form complicated stimulus signals, making children dizzy and depriving them of the
chance to think. Psychologists point out that the stimulation of TV sound, light and
pictures keeps the brain operating in the original area and cannot stimulate the
development of the thinking area of the brain. If children stay in front of the TV screen
for a long time, it will be difficult to develop the habit of thinking, and gradually their
thinking ability will freeze, and their thinking will become dull, making it difficult to adapt
to future study and work.

Diànshì bùjǐn zǔ'ài háizi xiǎngxiàng lì, sīkǎo lì de fǎ zhǎn, hái zhíjiē yǐngxiǎng háizi de
yuèdú xìngqù, yuèdú yìzhì hé yuèdú de zhǔdòng xìng. Háizi shì nányǐ dǐdǎng diànshì
yòuhuò de, zài diànshì “xīyóu jì” hé yuánzhù “xīyóu jì” zhī jiān, tāmen wǎngwǎng
xuǎnzé qiánzhě. Báizhǐhēizì de yuèdú shìgè “kǔ zhōng yǒu lè, lè zhōng yǒu kǔ” de
guòchéng, xūyào yuèdú zhě yìzhì de zhīchí. Xǐhuān kàn diànshì de háizi, quēfá
wánqiáng de yuèdú yìzhì. Tāmen ná guànle yáokòng qì de shǒu bù zài yuànyì qù mō
shū, tāmen yǐjīng xíguàn yú yīn wài zài de cìjī ér bèidòng dì jiēshòu hé suíyì dì liúlǎn, shǐ
dúshū xuéxí de zhǔdòng xìng nányǐ fāhuī, jìhuà xìng nányǐ shíxiàn. (Gēnjù “zhōngguó
jiàoyù bào”2005 nián 3 yuè 31 rì lǐhóngméi, bāo chāng shēng wénzhāng biānxiě)

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