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HE BALKAN Gat WAR YUGOSLAVIA BI DIVIDED DED 1991 At A A td PUBLICATIONS COMPANY Copyright © 1992 by CONCORD PUBLICATIONS CO. 603-609 Castle Peak Road Kong Nam Industrial Building 10/F, B1, Tsuen Wan New Territories, Hong Kong All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without ‘he prior written permission of Concord Publications Co. We welcome authors who can help ‘expand our range of books. If you would like to submit material, please feel free to contact us. We are always on the look-out for new, unpublished photos for this series. If you have photos or slides or information you feel may be useful to future volumes, please send them to us for possible future publication, Full photo credits will be given upon publication, ISBN 962-361-910-3 Printed in Hong Kong Front Cover ‘Croatian special force oficer poses with the Singapore Utimax 100 ight machine gun. Back Cover Federal M-84 abandoned by its crew, with the engine still running, and wih ll equipment, weapons and ammo lft Inside the vehicle Al photos by Eric Micheletti unless otherwise stated. Yugoslavian Republic of Slovenia, the Slovenian parliament voted in favor of independence. However, Slovenia's movement towards freedom was Not going to be os easy as it seemed. The Federal Government in Belgracie announced that there would be military action taken against Slovenic and all Federal ‘Aimy barracks in Slovenia and Croatia were put in ful alert, The next day, Slovenia's temitorial forces were mobilized as barricades and roadblocis were erected ‘against the possible Federal Army's intervention, (On Thursday, 27th June 1991, Federal Army tanks left their barracks and headed for Ljubljana and the airport, At the same time, border posts were seized by Federal helibome and airborne commandos. Continuous fighting occurred at Maridor and Poljane near the Austrian border. On 28thJune, the military situotion had reversed Badly prepared, the partial mobilization undercut the Federal ‘Army's logistics capability with the troops running out of food and fuel. The advance bogged down, the Federal forces were no longer on the offensive but found them eithercut off from theirbasesorbesiegedin theirbarracks, Understandably. young recruits from Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia of Bosnia were poorly motivated and fett unconcemed with the war and surrendered to the Slovenes in numbers. The Federal Govemment in Belgrade decided to step up its action and launched airstrikes. Jastreb fighter: bombers and Mig-21s bombed Biinik airport as well as several border outposts. But the Federal Army suffereda severe setback and dissensionsbegan to appearamong the JNA (Yugoslav People’s Army). Three factions were clashing within the JNA: those that favored a “Greater Yugoslavia’, the “Greater Serbians” who endorsed 0 126th June 1991 in Liubliana, the capital of the ___WAR IN SLOVENIA _ Serbian expansionism, and the “career soldiers’ who ‘opposed intervention against other republics. At the ‘end, the Federal Army seemed to gain an upper hand ‘and directed further armored thrusts at Slovenia. The Federal Government began to lose grip on Slovenia in early July although it stil retained a large number of border posts. not wiling to give them up. The Federal Government had seriously underestimated the Slovenes’ determination to become independent. The Slovenes were fighting for their homeland and even though they were not professionals, they displayed more ‘courage and motivation than the badly beaten Federal forces, Though lightly armed, the Slovenian territorial forces of TO Ceritoriaina Obramba) hoa od established control over the road from Uubljana to the Croatian capital Zagreb by the first week of July. Lack of motivation und poor coordination eventually pushed the Federalforces back to their departureline. Had the Federal Army committed massive artilery and helicopter strikes and the Slovenian-based forces, the tide could have been changed. (On 10th July 1991, the Brioni agreement was signed. The agreement stipulated that the Federal forces would withdraw from Slovenia and that the Slovenes would hand back all captured equipment, and that Intemational observers would be sent in to monitor the ceasefire. But more importantly, the Brioni agreement allowed both parties the respite they so badly needed, However. when warbroke outin Croatialateron, Slovenia disregarded the Brioni agreement and kept the heavy equipment to themselves instead of handing it back to the Federal Army. Slovenia enjoyedsome time of peace when the Federal Amy was busy fighting the Croats. Eventually Slovenia was recognized by the E.E.C. as an Independent country on 18th January 1992. to Hungary, Austra avd Maly ‘and commercial trucks were parked across highways to block the advance of te Feceral forces. Machine guns and ant Federal frees often could continue their advance without problem. Federal aviation joined in the attack on the barricade of trucks and buses, hammering them with rockets and bombs, Example of blockade using tr mountain road to 3p tha Federal forces, Slovenes, tka pslavs, master s tactic well and learned much when fighting as partisans ‘against the Germans during WWI, A good example of @ barricade formed within a fow minutes at GGordnja Radgona to stop the advance of a Federal column. Two days later, this Federal column was trapped and ambushed, Slovenian reservists and civilian trapping @ group of Foderal armored vehicles against the Austrian border at Gorsinia Radgona, around 150 meters away from where they fand. The civilian is heavily armed with the M72B4 light achine gun while the reservist is equipped with the classic 1M70B1 with wooden stock {Slovenian civiian on the look-out for Federal troops. He is armed with a 7.62mm M72B1 light machine gun with bipod and taped together ‘magazine clips. Despite early efforts by the Federal Army to capture arms caches in Slovenia, more than half o Slovenia's weapons were able to cstbue to its tortor toroes. is Slovonian resent is ready with his Mi factured LAW) to take on any venian civilian is armed with the Yugoslavian assault rifle 5. The launcher itsalt ig not permanently zzle when needed. The grenade launching 9th June 1991, four days after Slovenia declared independenc ral column was ambushed at Gordnja Radgona and totaly 2 by Molotov cocktal ‘AZIL-A31 6x8 shop/van truck destroyed in a convoy. A German Magirus-Deutz 4x4 truck bul under loence in Yugoslavia designated TAM 4500. This is the water tank Fiat Campagnola 1107AD light vehicle built under licence in Yugoslavia and used in large quantities among the JNA (Jugosiavenske Narodna Armia or Yugoslav People's Army) units. This 4x4 vehicle can be used in a wide variety of roles, among them ambulance, command and radio vehicles. ‘The charred remains of a ight tuck {At Nova Goria, near the Austrian border, Slovenian spacial forces attacked a Federal Army unit Asa result, wo T-56 of the 1th Mechanized Corps knocked! out by antitank weapons and 35 Federel goers wore ether killed or captured in only § minutes of lieigh Author with Siovenian solders a day after the successful attack on Federal forces that destroyed two T-55 tanks, 1 of the knocked 9 street. Tho T-85 was apparontly sot ablaze attor it was hi. lowers were stuffed into the gun barrl, a sign of UUndemeath the road sign can be seen the tracks of he destroyed T. A T-55 abandoned intact by Federal forces at Nova Goriea. The red sips identified this tank now belongs to the Slovenian tertoral unit Slovenian reservists discussing the battle that resuted in capture of soveral Federal Army T-S5 tanks. Most were ‘Sed how easily they could capture heavy equipment such fas tanks from the Federal forces, Slovenian reservists guiding a T-58 into a defense position at Nova Gerioa. Bohind tho tank is another captured bridlgelayer ‘A Federal Army T-55 tank captured by the Slovenes at Nova Goriea is now in Slovenian service and putin a defensive Position against a possible counter-attack by the Fodoral Amy. A Slovenian reservist officer giving out the border with aly. He is wearing the new camouflaged uniform of tne "O which was put into service in 1986, Homever, this uniform is notin widespread service. {ul alert fora possible ym berracks around Nova ‘ederal High Command was so surprised on the pabily that organized counter-attack was not mate ofthe TO (Tertorialna Obrama) taking & iting for to move on to a new (Out of the 68,000 reservists in Slovenia, some 38,000, 1 uniorm on top of aT lured 7.65mm Model 84 ina holster, with the ammo pouch at his bek. The Model 84 Is a copy of the Czechoslovak Model 61 Skorpion made under licence in bit by antitank rocket and abandons minutes lator jan mitiamen painted TO onto the M-84 and declared ownership. opened on the Ljvbjana-Nova Goriea highway. captured Slovenian solders inspecting 7-55 tanks that they captured trom the Federal Army. These tanks were later used against Federal troops. Captured Federal Amy T-55s and BTR: SOPU in Slovenian service at Jezersko. Civilians were toying with the machine gun filed to the BTR-50PU Slovenian rosoristsinstaling ammo Box to the Dshk machine gun. Battie 58 were stripped of parts and equipment to be ited to other T- ‘Bombing up of a Slovenian captured T-55 n Jezersko, all the while céosely waiched by Federal troops in position on neatby hil Slovenian 7-55 tanks ready te to Jezersko, a border town, Federal troops were reported to ly some 150 motors away. An urous bystander A pair of Slovenian T-55s in position on the Customs parking lot at Je ‘About 600 meters away from the parking lot some Federal border guards were entrenched However, 48 hours later, the Federal troops withdrew wi ving any fight up trying to ted withthe Slovenian emblem, ‘Slovenian polcaman interrogating a truck driver. ‘762mm M7OAG2 assaui rile with stock extended. The taped together forthe rapid change of magazines. Slovenian reservist in summer combat uniform with leather “Two Slovenian reservists in combat uniform, with gas mask and new temilem on the cap. The one on the left is equipped with the 7.62mm M721 light machine un while the one on the right is armed with the 77.62mm NISS/66A\ carbine. The MBO/GEA\ is a copy ofthe Soviet Simonov ‘SKS rifle bu with a spigottype grenade launcher permanently attached to the muzzie suspenders, 90% of Slovenian solciars were equipped with old leather ‘equipment and oithor an AK-47 or a SKS carbine Slovenians with captured M-53/70 sell propelled antiaircraft gun at Sent. on the Austian border. They aro taking orders from a policeman, During the war, TO troopers ard police units operated closely. Sent has ‘an aitude of 2,000 meters, ‘Slovenian reservist of the TO in combat dress near the Htalian border. In conjunction with the Slovenian TO operations against the Federal ns aco examining ‘Army, soma partisans also joined the rank. Those part a captured M-84 tank This Slovenian partisan is armed with a 12 gauge shotgun. Following the traction ofthe partisans in the WWII era, these modern day partisan are also tough soldiers wel respected by their enomios - the Federal Army roe Officers of the Slovenian TO having a meeting infront of a Federal barrack, Most of the time, they used civilian 4x4 for transportation and communications. Slovenian border guards taking a cigarette break in front of their ‘Seni post alter ropulsing an attack by the Federal troops, a n guard duty on a brid i Slovenian ant-torrorist policoman manning a roadblock leading tothe “They are armed with M7OAi national Airpor, where the Feceral Army deployed tanks and ome SOM ‘rom the cap Slovenian special force policemen guarding a road that loads to the L[ublana International Ai they surrendered after a small skirmish with Federal Army tanks and armored venictes. ‘optical night sight can also be ftad 82mm M60 recoils guns abandoned by their crew. This igned and developed in ‘Stoverian volunteers. 8 away trom the tank. The neat was 20 intense that was not possible to touch the wreck two ho were killed Fedoral T-55 tank hit by an anti commande, Blood stain can be found on the turret of thie T-55 when it was hit by anti-tank rocket, ‘wounding the commander. Minor damage to the cupola of this T-55 that received an antitank rocket that bounced ot (On the road to Brezice on 2nd July 1991 1a Federal column tried to force through ‘Siovanian barricades. In less than 2 minutos, ‘wo M-60P armored porsonal carriers were destoyed Some 700m away trom where the two N-GOPs were shot, wounded soldiers were being helped from their BTR-SO to stretchers. There were shots everywhere, but the evacuation sil atacted many spectators, This M-84 is retreating, with the turret traversed tothe raar and sil fing bursts a the Slovenes, {An M-84 moves into position to ngage Slovenian forces. 1N-84 engaging Slovenes whila a small eam of JNA solders trying to recover an M-84 abandoned just an hour earlier. Last attempt for the JNA tanks to force trough Slovenian resistance to reach Brezice, ‘but without success. Even the Federal Army deployed an armored regiment, with coordinated air attacks, the wnole operation was fale and the loreas had to retreat. M-84 on the Brezice was the la forces in terior, Federal M-84 after engagement with Slovenian forces i “ ‘A convoy consisting of a dozen BOV-3 AA vehicles was loft abandoned on the road to Ljubljana-Zagreb at Krsko. The author was among the fist ones to ciscover te convoy at @:00AM on July 3, 1991. Al vehicles were full of weapons, ammo and equipment. I was later found aut that the convoy was ambushed the day before and the Federal troops and thir officers escaped during tho night under cover of darkness. Pr: ‘A brand new M7OAB2 assault rifle let by the Noeing crew ofthis BOV= 3 AA vehicle, With low morale, the Federal troops were more willag to run ‘away than to stand and fight Croatian region of krajina, locatednearrthe border with Bosnia Herzegovina. Krajina was o Serbian cominated area which had decided to secede ond become integrated with Serbia. immediately amed conficts started aimed at criving the Croats out of Krajina. Serbian militiamen was formed with the encouragement of the republic of Serbiaandthe Federal military. The local ethnic Serbian police force was the primary source of manpower joined Seibian volunteers from throughout Yugoslavia. Heavy weapons were obtained from the JNAandtherehad been an infiux of supplies from Serbia itselt. By the end of June 1991, confictsintensified between — the Serbian militiamen and the Croats in Krajina, Slavonia and other Croatian regions woiot on predominantly Serbian population. This prompted the intervention of the JNA which sided with the Serbs. The Serbs’ expansionist ambitions were in fact condoned by the Federal Government Whenever the Serbs decided to attack @ Croatian vilage, the Federal ‘Amy wouldlendits unlimited support. When Slovenia and Croatiadeclaredindependence on 26th June 1991 the JNA interfered directly to stop the republics from breaking away. The rationale was simple, the JNA could only survive so long if Yugoslavia existed as a Federal state, oF else the muttinational force would disintegrate Aj t the end of April 1991, civil strife broke out in the iteachrepublicwouldfomits own _armed{forcesafter gaining independence. The mojotity of officers in the JNA was of Serbian origin and favored a strong and united Yugoslavia which they regarded os the first step towards achieving a “Greater Serbia’ However, the JNA had overestimated its forces. ltresolute leadership, poor discipline, lack of cohesion, low morale and desertion led the operations in Slovenia to.aninevitable defeat. Some 2,300 Federal troops were token prisoners during the brie war with Slovenia, though theyweresenthome after the ceasefire. Understandably, the JNA had to try toredeemitshonor and show its true colors when war broke out with Croatia. Even though the JNA suffered a severe setback at the hands of the Slovenian terttorial forces, it was still a force to be contended with, When fighting intensified with the Croats, the Serbian mmiltiajoinedhands with the Federal forces and fight alongside each other. Often the Serbian militiamen were used as shock troops while the Federal Army kept its own force tomanthereserve lines. The war with Croatia reached Its peak in the winter of 1991 whenthe Croatian townsof Vukovar, Vinkovcl,Osjek, Borovoand Dubrovnik were besieged. Heavy fighting continued until Croatia wasrecognized by the E.£.C. on 15th January 1991 as an independent country. U.N. peacekeeping forces would ative in March 1992 to separate the warring parties. __ FEDERAL ARMED FORCES AND SERBIAN MILITIA __ Before the wars with Slovenia and Croatia, under the, control of Defense Minister General Velko Kadljevic and the Federal High Command, the Federal Army was split into three Commands. The Ist Command, with its headquarter in Belgrade, was responsible for parts of Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina. The 3rd Command was entrusted with the defense of southem Yugoslavia while the Sth Command wasresponsiole for the northem port of the Federation which included Slovenia and Croatia The Ist Command was made up of four army corps with thelr artilery and special forces. This comprised theath, 12th, 2athand 37th Infantry Divisions, the Ist Motorized Brigade, the Ist . 182nd, 454th Artillery Regiments and the 389th Rocket Launcher Regiment. The ard ‘Command had 4 divisions and their support units, namely the 2ist. 4st, 42nd and 52nd Infantry Divisions, the 211st and 243d Armored Regiments and the 102nd and 180th Artillery Regiments, The 5th Command comprised the 2nd, sth 10th Infantry Divisions and a task force made up with elements of the 13th, 14th and 3ist infantry Divisions, supported by the 329th Armored Regiment, the 288th ‘and 580th Artilery Regiments Total number of Army conscripts was around 115,000 men with some 500,000 reservists known as partisan brigades. The Al Force and Air Defense Forcesnumbered some 20,000 men while the Navy had 13,000 men and 45,000 reservists. In June 1991 the Federal Amy had in its inventory 800T-54/55.and550 M-64 tanks, Reserve units were equipped with 250 134/85 and M-47 tanks. The mechanized forces had at their disposal 600 infantry fighting vehicles, most of them being the new M-B0A. Also in service were the M- 60 series of ‘armoredpersonnel carrier and the BOVseries of wheeled armored vehicles, as wellas other combat vehicles. ‘he Air Force fielded some 12 Mig-29s, 60 Mig-21s as well as Orao, Jastreb, Galeb and Gazalle helicopters. FEDERAL MINISTRY OF | DEFENSE ‘GUARD MOTORIZED HIGH BRIGADE a MM COMMAND = COMMAND BELGRADE BELGRADE Ist CoMMAND| [ard coMMAND| {st commAND| | COManAn | anna it el BELGRADE SKOPIE BANJA LUKA TTOGRAD PANCEVO (OFFICIALLY ZAGREB) INCE OCTOBER 1991) ne war with Slovan a claiming these tortories they formed Dorder troops. This Federal assault ile with folded stock ‘Sorbian mitamen at Tanja vilage in Slavonia equipped with the WW vintage PPSh-#1 submachine gun with 71-round drum magazine. Local ethnic Serbian police was the primary source of militiamen, joined by ‘Serbian volunters rom throughout Yugoslavia “This Serb is equipped with a Model M145 Thompson submachine ‘un. Yugostavia received some 2,500 Thompson submachine guns trom the United States in the 1960s. In Siavonia, every Serbian and Croatian vilage displayed is fag atthe village entrance, with mitiamen on guard. This is the entrance o Tenja, a Serbian vilage. This vilage is guarded by an M53 machine gun. The M53 Is a Yugoslav copy of the famous WWII German WG-42 ‘machine gun. With a ealioer of 7.92mm, the MBS has an ttfective range of 500m with a combat rate of 300 t9 400 rounds per minute A Slovenian reservist in camoutiaged paratrooper uniform. The weapon he is Holding is the 7:S2mm M76 sem-automate sniping rifle wath (ON-3M scope. A very effective weapon inthis kind of war, the N76 has an coffective range of 800 meters. A captured T-55 and a bridge layer preparing to move out tothe woods to hie from Federal warplanes and te defend Nova Goria. Note the female Soldier inthe cupola ofthe T-5. ‘The Stovonian tortor forces wore able to fight as they had trained, cutting off Federal Army armored and suppty columns with mines and ant tank weapons, and established control over the road from Liubjana to Zagreb. ‘A close-up of the 12.7mm Dshk heavy machine gua fitted to the ‘commander's cupola on a T-55 tank, The Dshk is for ant-airoralt and ant vehicle duties, Rate of fre is 575 rounds per minute, ‘At Jezersko, near the Austrian border, a 7-55 tank captured by Slovenian reserviets with the Slovenian emblem and TO painted onto the “This Slovenian policoman is wearing a lak vest and equipped with gas ‘acs plate for Kenttication purpose. mask. All vehicles were stopped and searched al the roadblock. Antiterorist special fore ofthe Slovenian paliee force armed with the 7.62mm SSG-69 sniping ile. The bol-action SSG-69 is manufactured in ‘Austria by Steyr and s the standard sniping rifle for th Austrian Army. ‘A greater variety of small arms were obtained through the black markets in the word by the Slovenes. This antrterorist policeman is using Gorman Omim HBK MPSA3 submactine gun, woll kod by special force Unis al over the wor Fee me a ‘An M-84 Gestroyed by an anti-tank mine on the road to Brezice. A pair of M-60P armored personne carriers ambushed by Slovenes on the road to Brezice. The lead vehicle is stl in lames when this photo was {aken. Note a dead Federal soldier on the ground undemeath the exit door of ‘A Federal column is stopped some 2km from Brezic, with the M-64s, fring on Siovenian postions. Moments later, a temporary ceaso-re was arranged for evacuating the wounded. Ahor in front of a destroyed T-55, ‘An M-84 on the climb. During this fighting on 2nd July 1991, the Federal Army ost two M-84s and two M-G0Ps. [An M-64 of the Sth Command abandoned by its crew uring the fighting near Brezice. Alaid of anti-tank rockets, this M-84 is fing repeated rounds as quickly as possible to force the Slovenian heads ‘own, ‘A BOV-3 triple 20mm self-propelled antiaircraft gun vehicle deserted by its erew at Kisko after some skirmishes. The BOV-3 has a crew of four and has a cyclic rate of fio of 780 rounds por barrel per minut. ‘A Fedral soldior withthe typical Yugoslavian metal helmet holding the MTOAB2 aseaut rile, ‘The M-84 tank is basically a T-72 built under licen:e in Yugostavia. ‘Armed with a 125mm smocth-bore gun, the M-84 has a crew of three. The N-B4 has a unique retractable wind sensor as well as a unique laser range finger Federal forces regrouping. In the foreground is an M-84 tank while In the background is an M-60PB armored personnel carier with twin 82mm ‘ecolless antitank guns. M-84 patroling @ street in Glina, a Serbian village in Croatia. Clearly shown isthe folding scraper blade, the past shoot armor skits and the smoke mortars. 7.558 deserted by Federal forces in the field. Apparently the tankers were nat willng fo fight despite heavy frepower “They simply abandoned thal tanks with all equipment stil on board. Other Federal forces had to come back and retrieve the tanks later on under fie rom Sioverian resents. MT-55 armored recovery vehicle moving top speed to avoid Slovenian ant-ank rockets. ‘An MT-55 ARV protected by a T-55 on the road to Brezice The M-60P has an al-welded steal hull which provides the crew with protection from shell splinters and small arms fre However, the M-60P performs aisappoity when encountering land mines and ang tank rockets ace ‘An M-60P of the Sth Command, part ofthe force tht saw action near Brezice. itis seen operating with an M-84 tank Both the Croatian and Serbian forces use the M-60P. Fear view of a BOV-3 SPAAG clearly showing the thee 20mm cannons. Etfecve ant-aicrat range is believed to be between 1,000 ane 1,500 meters, Iisa cloar weather systom only. ‘An MS2/70 SPAAG of the JNA. The twin S0mm cannon ‘are fully automatic gas operated weapons with a practical rate Of fire of 150 rounds per barrel per minute. Effective ant aircraft range fs 3,000m. ‘Shock troops of the National defense forces, Since Sepiember 1991 most of these men were sent tothe fronine to fight against tho Federal army, ‘Croatian Pala on guard. The SPAS 12 semi-automatic shotgun he is canying can fire buckshot, sold slug, small pellets and tear gas rounds, A grenacie launcher 6an also be fited tothe muzzle. “The Singapore Urtimax 100 is a gas piston operated, air cooled light- weight machine gun that handles lke an assault lle and can be fired from the shoulder, hip oF wath the biped. The rate of fre is 600-540 rounds per ‘minute, This Croatian special foree poses inthe shoulder finng mode, ‘A National Guard special force trooper trom Flake barrack during the ‘May parade. He is armed with a brand now Hungarian AK-47, M70AB2 aseaut rile. He is simply wearing a ak vest, without any ammo pouches for spare magazines. He has two magazine clips taped togather for adied frepower. Croatian Pooja ant-terrorist specialist equipped with a camoutlage combat flak vest, a MPC-1 helmet wrth visor, and armed wih the Urtimax 100 light machine gun, Few Croais were such equipped at the start of the Croatian armored truck mounted with @ M75 20mm anti-aircraft gun. The unique shape of the Unimog light truck can be easly identified under the ‘einforced armor plates. Note the distinctive camouflage patter, 'A Croatian makeshift armor bult during the war. This gigantic armored peteonnel carir is based on a 6x6 truck chassis and is operated by a commando unt, The commandos are preparing fora counter-attack near Nowska, ’A Groatan National Guardsman with his SAR 60 assault rile. Similar to the M-16, the 5.56mm SAR B0 is cheaper and easily obtainable from centered service withthe Croatian National Guardsmen. Singapore Many exotic weapons were obtained through the black market and = This Croatian National Guardsman is sean wearing a flak " Jacket captures from the Federal Army. The camoutlage color Of the fiak jacket is typical of the JNA. He is seen manning an MSS A4 81 tiple 20mm antvalrratt gun at Nova Gradkeca in September 1991 ‘A group of Croatian Natonal Guardsmen on the Vusovar front poses in front of the camera in a comfield. Some 150 meters away were Federal tanks. When ths photos was taken, bullets passed overhaad. Note the variety of weapons use. ‘A Croatian BTR-6OPB 8x8 APC with distincive camoutiage pattem. These National Guardsmen are assigned with the mission to patrol the Zagreb Belgrade highway, to look for any Fedral armored columes. ‘On East Vukovar, behind sandbags is a Croatian National Guardsman ‘armed with the 7.62mim MBS/66At carbin The bayonet sin the folded postion. A combet knife is also attached 0 his ‘boots. (,P. Husson) ‘A Croatian sorgoant shows off his right vision binocular captured from the Federal Army. This piece of equipment is vary rare in the hands ofthe National Guardsmen. Federal M-84 tanks destroyed in Borovo, one of Vukovar's not pieces by anti-tank rockets al case range. (Yves Debay) ‘A Federal Army T-55 tank destroyed in Vukovar, where heavy fighting continued for three months from Sepiember to December 1991. Ouinumbered ten to one wth elocticy and water cut off, with round the clock artilery bombardment, the besieged Croatian town finally elo the Serbs. (Yves Debay) ‘A Croatian 1-55 seen patroling the streets of Sisak In December 1991. Netice the color and pattem of the camoutlage cover. Croatian National Guardsmen examining a destroyed M-84 main battle tank at Farkasic. In one December day, a dozen Federal M-84s were ambushed and destroyed within two kilometers os WF ele used in fre support fle with its 20mm cannon at Farkasic. Besides the 20mm cannon, the 308 also has a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun and a twin launcher for Sagger-iype ATGWs, It has a crew of two and can carry an adgtional ight intantymen. and N-80PBs after clashes wit tothe Sth Army Command. A brand new M84 of the 10t some km from Zagreb. Ele Amy Command. The JNA population in Slovenia ‘wy, Close-up ofthe turtet of an M86, Note the position of the snorkel, the unique laser range finder, and the NSVT 12.7mm heavy machine gun fled te the commander ‘A T-55 fited witha front-mounted BTU-58 dozer blade is waling for ‘orders to attack Slovenian units at the Slovenian-Croatlan border. The crow hhave been cramped inside the tank the whole day. ‘The Federal Amy Sth Command was equipped wih 560 “T-55s and 150 M643 betore the war. Howaver. as the war progressed, 2 high number of M-84s and ‘captured or destroyed by Slovenian and Croatian for inthe world. The Army had about 2,000 T-558 betore the wars with So Croatia, T-55. doserted by Federal foroes in the fild. Apparently the tankers ware not wing to tight despite heavy firepower, They simply abandoned ther tank with all equipment stil an boatd. Other Federal forces had to come back and retrieve the tank later on under fr fom Slovenian resorts, ‘The MT-SS armored recovery vehiclo is Czechoslovakian esigned and buit.Ithas a crane pivoted atthe right hul rear land has a cargo canying area. The commander has & unique cupola on tho forward right sie ofthe hull Rear vow of an MIT-55 ARV cloary showing the crane, the cargo carrying area and the rear dozer blade MT-55 armored Bridgolayer used by the JNA. Its based on a T-55A tank chases withthe turret removed and replaced by a eciscore bridge. The bridge ic hydraulically launehod over ‘the front of he vahicle by an elacto-rycrauile contr! system, [An MT-55 armored bridgelayer captured by the Slovenes. The bridge Is 18m long and ‘2-3 minutes to lay in positon. In service with most of the JNA mechanized infanity divisions, the M- 60P armored personnel carer is designed and builtin Yugoslavia. Fist seen in publi in 1968, Pi similar in dosign to Mi 13 and FVA vile using the SU- The M-6OP has a bow mounted 7.92mm machine gun which is operated by the co-kiver. Behind the co-kiver sts the ‘machine gunner which operates a 12.7mm (05 cal) M2 neavy ‘machine gun fited to a cupola GOV. cell propelied anti-areraft gun ofthe JNA Alr Force ‘Anttaireraft Defense abandoned intact at Toplice area. The primary ole ofthe BOV’3 isto detend airbases, BOV- 4x4 wheeled armored personnel carter fited with metal fences to protect the front wheels. The BOV-1 has a crew of two and can carry an additional eight fully armed infantry, The BOV-s is a member of a family of 4x4 whoolod ‘armored fighting vehiles developed by Yugoslavia in the 4980s. The BOV-. fe fited wth a turret armed wit three 20mm ‘cannon, each af which has a drum magazine holding 60 rounds. ofammo, BOV-1 whesled APC flying Yugoslavian flag is stopped by Croatian National Guardsmen at Yukovar in August 1981. In (October, heavy fighting erupted in Yukovar. Outnumbered ten to one, the Croats managed to hold out against the Serbian Close-up of the 7.62mm M86 machine gun and searchlight mounted on the cupola of a BOV-1, The cupola is on top of the troop compartment which houses eight infantry roped antvairratt gun entered service with the Yugoslav Federal forces in the 19608. It is derived from the Praga 636 twuck with an armored eab and M53 twin 30mm ant-arcrat HOA M Ma/59. However, it stil lacks an all-weather capabiliy NBC system, no night vision equipment and no amphibious ‘capability just ke the MBI. ‘The MS9/70 has an improved fre contra system over the ‘An MSQ/70 on patrol. This system is used by units 0 both sides ofthe confit. Martin Spegel officially created the Croatian National Guard. Capable of being operational in amatteroftours, this armyisreadyto detenditshomeland against Serbian militias and Federal forces. Early in June 1991, the Croatian National Guard is ready. It is made up of 9 brigades (including four on reserve), each with 2,500 to 3,500 men, while the reserve brigades average between 2,000 to 3,000 men. Altogether, the National Guard comprises 13,000 active soldiers with 10,000 in reserve, and can be mobilized in less than 24 hours. 17 intervention brigades nave been created and they are called National Guard Special Forces The Croatian National Guard is entirely made up of volunteers originating from police force or the militia. Most of its officers have been trained in the military academies run by the Federal Army or by the Interior Ministry, Foreign-born Croats can also be found with American Geiman or Australian descent, some were even ex: Legionnaires. When Croatiadeclaredindependence on25th June, 1991, Croatia’s Setbs also declared independence and proclaimed their own autonomous republic of Krajina. ‘Asrnoreandmore Serbian dominatedareas demanded independence from Croatia, Serbian militlamen began 0 128th May 1991 ,Croatian Defense Minister General R_IN CROATIA. J ‘armed conflicts with Croatian National Guardmen. Serbian militia had been armed and encouraged by the JNA. During clashes with Croats, the Federal Aimy offen intervened with infantry supported by tanks, with the Croats often on the losing side. By September 1991 the situation degenerated into an all-out war between the Croatian National Guard and the Federal forces. In October 1991 , Federal forcesiaunched massive alr ‘and ground attacks on the embattled Croatian cities of Vukovar, Borovo, Vinkovel, Osijek and the historic port of Dubrovnik ‘on the Adriatic coast. Heavy fighting continued throughout the winter with the Croats defending their homeland despite overwhelming military superiority of their enemy. Finally. after monthsofhostiities and many failed truces, with Croatia losing controlofathird of its territory, the fighting subsided and Croatia was recognized as an independent country by the E.E.C. on 15th January 1992. On 8th March 1992, United Nations peace keeping forces began ativing in Croatia and Serbia to keep peace between the wariing armies, The disintegration of Yugoslavia has already cost more than 7,000 lives and driven 650,000 people out of their homes. With Bosnia seeking Its Independence in March 1992, trouble is about to start and peace might not come to Yugoslavia yet. dawn rom er Federal Army off wand postions. T ipped with brand new National Guardsmen in camouflage uniform, with row equipped with the German Armorust ant-tank The Armbrust Is a manportable, shoulder-fred, ant Marines of the Ni units, equipped with speedboats, trying to break the blockade on Dut volunteers of the National Guard are ‘communication and nursing ole than in combat duties. mate in tho The National Guard was initaly intended to fight Croatia's counter militamen in Serbian dominated ro Jaration of independance by Cro Guard Corps had National Guard mountain omanian AK-47 which is a copy ofthe he forward pistol grip. ned as an internal secu urgency war against 8 in Croatia, However, mn 25th June 199%, the fight an allout war with Serbia e uniform, armed with avi AKM, ready recognized by “4x4 light truck used by the 20 trucks wore bought from Army Used as a platform to mount the Oerlikon 20mm ant forces carried the brunt of the war withthe SK Croatian special forces operating an Cerlkan 20mm ant- ‘aircraft gun mounted on an Unimog truck BOV-1 armored vehicle in service with the Croatian Policia, formerly the Communist Milicija with the name ‘changed in May 1991 Members of the Croatian Polcija armed with Hungarian AKT during thei frst parade in Zagreb, National Guardsman armed with an M70 (Yugoslavian AK: 47) checks out a Croatian-Serblan village for Serbian riltiamen called Chetriks. This Croatian Policia is alming an Wallan 12-gauge Franch SPAS 12 Croatian Poleja team on the look-out for Chetriks in a suspect vilage. shotgun. First introduced in 1979, the SPAS 12 is a shertbarrelled semi- They aro equipped with M70 and SPAS 12. The SPAS 12's an ideal utomatic sholg of fing four shots a second inthe automatic shot sse-quarter fighting, used by many special nis all moda The Franchi SPAS 12 shotgun has a skeleton butt with a special device that enables the firer to carry and fe the gun with one hanes This National Guardsman is armed with an M7281 light machine gun with a 30-round magazine. The M7281 may iso be equipped with a drum magazine holding 75 rounds. A passive right-vsion scope PNSx80 can be fited. The M7281 is (of Yugoslav manufacture. cal force on guard duty near Zagreb. He is armed with a ring, the Croatian government :nds of small arms rom the Black market, especialy through the Eastern European channels. Only when the Croatian forces invaded Federal Aimy barracks that they could obtain weapons and equipment in larger que 19808 with his §.86mm Ulimax is manufactured in a 100-round drum aback i that te PG-7 ant-tank team of the Croatian special forces, This RPG-7 was bought from Hungary. In the beginning of the war, the Croatian forces were il-equipped wth anti-tank weapons Only aroun 200 RPG-7, Armbrust and LAW were available to them, Bosides the Umax 100, the Croatian forces aso leldod the Singapore 5.56mm SAR 80 assault rife. The SAF 80 hi low recoil and is capable of automatic frp, The M-16 tyoe 20 ‘and 30-round magazines can be used. Croatian National Guardsmen folowing a track used by Sorbian militiamen. The one inthe foreground is arrmed with a Yugoslavian M76 7.92mm semi-automatic sniping rifle. The da 4x ON-3M7S scope ‘A Croatian special fore in fring postion with an M7281 ‘7.62mi ight machine gun. The M72is used in fre suppor ole in an nfanty squad, ad is used by bath the Croats and Serbs. ‘Special frees of the Croatian National Guard equipped witha variety of ignt weapons: SAR 89, Utimax 100 and AK: 1 Policia poses in front of the camera. He is heavily armed and well protected by flak vest and rot helmet, months into the war ‘Communication center at Raketze barracks. This station net only 108 to communicate wih their Headquarter at immunications, wl Guardsmen displaying the diferent types of small arms their service atian special forces in their ca from Osijek A cheok-point at Komarevo, south of Sisak. Croatian National Guardsmen are checking passenger cars for hetniks. All the National unifoem, similar to the unsorm, Croatian National Guardsmen exchanging fre wth Serbs some 200m way. While exposing themselves undar enemy fre, they commented that itwas not courageous to be protected behind sancbags. ‘Croatian National Guardsman searching for Serbian sniper In Bijelo- Brdo. The Federal forces regularly invaded the vllage since September 1991 and finally captured it in December 1991 with the support of tanks and ariley During a ll inthe Dati, @ Croatian National Guardsman patois the Bijelo-Brdo with his bieyee, Wi ines taped together. Often, two together. oul amino pouctes, he has the three magazines wore taped Like all wars, when the fighting begins, many ghters ae stil in ivilan Clothings, Ike these Croats. ‘Croatian National Guardsman armed with an M-16A2 on uty at Borovo-Nasali, Skm from Vukovar. During the tirst month of the wat, when Federal forces raided Croatian arsenals and confiscated the weapons, the Croats had to obtain their weapons through the black market. ‘A Croatian National Guardsman aims with a brand new antetank rocket launcher, practices urban fighting in the streets of Borovo-Nasoll rot of @ bank in j8 Used by Croatlan commandos 1 Croatian special forces observation postin Kostaniica during a “quiet” day. This town fell to the Federal Army In ‘Seplember 1991 after 20 days of fierce fighting Fomine ofa car smashed by a Federal tank and buried. Kostaniic, September 1991 This Croatian special force unit is equipped with a few Jeep mounted withthe M75 20mm ant-airrat gun. The M5 Is idea! for close quarter fighting against ground targets. This unit was assigned with the mission to attack enemy strongholds, ‘andi travalled from one hot spot to anther. The unit stayed a few days in Kostanijca where the photos were taken. Croatian commando team patroling a vilage, searching for Serbs. cr rian militiamen. This Land n these commandos used light vehicles as their means of lover airbome jeep was bought from a Dutch surplus, with the Dutch 1e plate sil inact. A hastily built Croatian armed vehicl made from a cvitan truck reinforced with metal plates. Though easily penetrated by antitank rookes, itis bettor than All trucks, whether lightlan heavy, wore used by'the.Groats to carry equipment or ds ‘ntact qun intended to use against both air and ground:targets. The M75 can be red by the carwas If require. ‘The Croats bought a large number of army surplus light trucks in the summer 1991 to equip thet forees. Picturod in the Kemarevo ares, this ex-French German-manufactured Unimog light truck has armor plates. added for Increased protection. The M75 20mm ant-aieaft gun mounted ithe back is used a8 a ground suppor weapon Certainly the most elaborate combat transport vehicle made by the Croats is this massive APC. Bult with a 6x6 truck chassie-with welded armor plates, this APC weights some 20 tons. Though cumbersome, he. vehicle can reach a speed of 120kmMn on highways. Each vehicle ean Cary 20 solders and about 50 vehicles were bul rir to the capture of Federal APCs, ‘The Joop was used in large numbers by Croatian National ‘Guard commanders oa the trot line. Interesting views of a BOV-VP 4x4 armored personnel carrier used by the Croatian Policia forces in Banja area, some 2okm from Kostanijica, This APC is fited with a 7.62mm machine gua turret. Painted in blue prior tothe war, in August 1991, the BOV-VP was the main type of armored car equipping the Croatian forces, though some numbers of BTA-60PB wore aso in serves. NY ‘Tho samo BOV-VP APC destroyed by Serbian milttamen Skm trom the vilage. An antitank rocket hit the engine, kiling all crew on board. 5 minutes attr this photo was taken, the author was trapped ina firefight on the road and was later takon prisoner by the Serbs. The author was held in Bosnia fora whe and later released The was In September 1991 a HAA a Lil ats 0 i) (One of te fitoon BTR-69PBs used by the Croatian forces to patrol the Zagreb-Belgrade hi ‘amphibious armored persannel carrier has a turret armed with ‘a 14.5mm KPV machine gun and a coaxial 7.62mm PRT machine gun. The erew seems to be in high spit. Howover, two weeks after this photo was taken, the same BTR was ‘dostroyed in bate. ‘A Croatian sniper at Noska, on the Zagreb-Belgrade highway, equipped with @ hunting sila with scope. This type of weapon is very effective in this type of war. luring the war and accounted fc lan atmed.policemer searching for Serbian snipers in the ‘Wukovar subur (P. “These determined Croatian Natio deral forces for three months at the uuardsmen managed to withheld ukovar front despite ton to one CCroas inthe suburb of Vukovar trying to 1 tank column, ‘The National Guardsman with the sniper rifle Is trying to shoot the ‘commander inthe lead M-B4 tank, Without success, they witha fom the at them A Land Rover 109 4x4 vehicle used by the Policia in Vukovar, though the Milicija marking still remains. By November 1991, even the Policia vehicles were camoutlage painted LEIA In August 1991, the Croats attacked some naval bases on the Adriatic coast and captured some aval guns. Here, @ captured 12.7mm heavy machine gun is mounted on a civilian light truck. The Croatian policeman is fring on Federal barracks in Vukovar. (J. Husson) This Croatian. National Guardsmany‘equipped with a flak vest ‘and US. helmet, armed with an MS2 ‘machine gun and grenades, is part of ‘he counteroffensive foroe against the Federal Army .ineMukovar. (J.P. Husson) Croats defending Vukovar. Most ofthese men wer combat during the three months’ siage of the city. la and M72Bi were the most commonly used this war. (.P, Husson) ‘Charred remains of a Federal M-84 tank in Borovo, where severe street! fighting occurred. Several tanks and APCs were: set ablaze by Croatian anti-tank rockets on 17th September +1001. (Yves Debay) uring the battle at Osijek, a Croatian National Guardsman runs for ‘cover after being fired upon by Serbian sniper. ‘Typical eamoutlage-uniform-and-equipment used by the Croatian National Guard in the summer of Osijek area Catholic churches were often good targets for the Serbian artillery. The Orthodox Serbs dealt a psych trying to kil the Cr 'AS war progresses into te Winter, this, Natonal Guardeman ie'seen wearing the type of uniform currenysinservice with the Croatian army forthe ‘Winter. He is armed wth a Romanian AKS47 and ie quarcing an outpost in Brest. infanty transporter ting radar is sen in folded nFtst Commando Brigade. A damaged TAM 110 4x4 light truck. Note the Creatan national emblom as well as insignia of the Fist Commando Brigade. Since November 1991, each Croatian brigade je of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and trucks, with the majority ‘captured trom the Federal army, A KrAZ-255B 6x6 truck used by the engineer unit of he First Commando Brigade. Used in large numbers by the Croatian ‘army is this AUstrian built Steyt-Dalmler-Puch Pinzgauer 4x4 all-terrain vahicle. The roar seargovarearhas a tarpaulin cover and has bench, seats.or eight infantymen. ‘A Croatain T-5 in service wih a motorzes unt By he autumn of 1991, the Cro [At-17°F at Farkas in December 1991, Croatian National ‘Guardsmen showing the ‘V' for Vitor sign on top of an Ma wreck [A destroyed Serbian M.84 tank at Farkasic in December 1991 ‘On a foggy day in December 1991, a pair of Croatian commandos uring a break in the battle at Suna railway staton ‘A Croatian Polisi atmed with former East-German AK-47 at Brest ‘This type of unit worked-well withthe’ National Guardsmen in defending Croatia ‘8 Croatian IM-18 Helical that served with the army reserves in Sunja area. Yugosiavia re {An exU.S. Army ambulance bought from German surplus siilin its orginal camoutlage. Sunja area, December 1981, fed many M-185 from the United States in the 1960s, In the suburb of Kariovao, a Croat advances cautiously, withthe Sorbs ertreched only 50m away. This. area was tolaly In ruins after @ month long bombing and street ghting Eventually, in the beginning of January 1992, the. Croats ‘managed to force the Serbs out ofthis svbur. tian military policemen tina su Notice the barricades reat and the by "N Graoatian T-5 defending Karlovac in December 1991. This tank was captured from the Federal forces only two month eater. A Croatian anti-airraft position at Kratecko. The 40mm Botors L/60 automatic antiaircraft gun was used as infantry support against Serbian units some 3,000m away. This Bolors (gun used Taian Mk-2 shells. Notice the Croatian emblem on the ex-Yugostay army helmet ‘A Croatian church in uns, target ofthe Serbs some Skm from Sisak. During the war, churches and hospitals were pro targes forthe Serbian anion. Funeral ceremony for some Croalan solfers.on a ypical winter day. War finally ended in January 1982 when Croatia was recognized by the EEC and soveral other countries. AFTER THE STORM era Luu Cem S 6 5 oo Ceneene ‘2007 SWORD IN THE SAND: U.S. MARINES IN THE GULF WAR TONY ENGELNART PAT FORAN ARMOR OF THE ~ AFGHANISTAN WAR sy ono Lm an AOA Uist PUBLICATIONS COMPANY 2010 yizs we oS YUGOSLAVIA 1 DIVIDED 1991 a

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