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Computer Application
Group Assignment

Group 6

Section Three (3)

Name ID Number

Jima lenjiso abe UGR/8489/15

Hana Girma Ermis UGR/1117/15

Haymanot Maru Zewdu UGR/1859/15

Henok Teferi Belay UGR/9829/15

Hilina Goshu Edeto UGR/7800/15

Jibril abdulkerim Chefa UGR/7832/15

SUBMITTED TO: mr tsegaye

Dec 16, 2023 G.C


Tourism industry are rely on technology to streamline it's operation. So there are many computer
application that are crucial for tourism .those are :

Management Systems (PMS):*Propert PMS software helps hotels and accommodations manage
reservations, guest check-ins and check-outs, room assignments, billing, and housekeeping tasks.

● Customer Relationship Management (CRM): CRM systems allow businesses to track and manage
customer interactions, preferences, and data. In the tourism industry, CRM helps tailor marketing
efforts and personalize guest experiences.
● Online Booking Engines: These applications enable travelers to book accommodations, flights,
tours, and other services directly through a hotel's or travel company's website. Examples include
ResNexus, Rezdy, and Book assist
● Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): These technologies are used for immersive
destination experiences, virtual tours, and enhancing marketing efforts.
● Geographic Information Systems (GIS): GIS technology is used for destination mapping, route
planning, and creating interactive maps for tourists. managing transactions at restaurants, bars,
gift shops, and other on-site amenities.
● Tour Operator Software: Tour operators use software to manage bookings, itineraries,
reservations, and other aspects of their tours and activities. Examples include TrekkSoft,
Checkfront, and Rezdy.
● Restaurant Reservation Systems: These systems allow restaurants to manage reservations, table
assignments, waitlists, and guest preferences. Examples include OpenTable, Resy, and

Advantage and Disadvantage of Computers application in Tourism.


1,Computers play a prominent role in the hospitality and tourism sector in various ways. Some of the
significant roles include:

Reservations and bookings: Computers are used for reservations and bookings of hotel rooms, flights, car
rentals, and other travel-related services. Online booking systems and travel websites allow customers to
make reservations easily and quickly.
2,Customer service: Computers are used for customer service, including handling inquiries, complaints,
and feedback. Customer service representatives use computer systems to manage bookings, process
payments, and provide assistance to customers.


Certainly! While computers have revolutionized various industries, including tourism, there are a few
disadvantages to consider:

1. Overreliance on technology: With the increasing dependence on computers in the tourism industry,
there is a risk of overreliance on technology. In case of technical failures or outages, it can lead to
significant disruptions in operations, such as online booking systems, reservations, and communication
channels. This can impact the overall customer experience and result in financial losses.

2. Security and privacy concerns: Computers hold vast amounts of sensitive data, including personal and
financial information of customers. The tourism industry faces constant threats from cybercriminals who
attempt to gain unauthorized access to this data. Data breaches can not only result in financial losses but
can also damage the reputation and trustworthiness of tourism businesses.

3. Lack of personal interaction: While computers have streamlined many processes in the tourism
industry, they can sometimes lead to a decrease in personal interaction between service providers and
customers. Automated systems, chatbots, and virtual assistants might lack the human touch and
personalized experience that some customers desire.

This can be particularly true for those seeking personalized recommendations, cultural immersion, or
authentic local experiences.

4. Digital divide: The adoption of computer technology in the tourism industry can lead to a digital
divide, where certain groups or regions with limited access to technology may be disadvantaged. Remote
areas, developing countries, or older generations who are less tech-savvy might encounter difficulties in
accessing online booking platforms, searching for information, or utilizing computer-based services. This
can result in inequalities in the tourism sector between those who have access to technology and those
who don't.

5. Job displacement: While computers have automated many tasks in the tourism industry, this can also
lead to job displacement. Traditional roles like travel agents, tour guides, or hotel receptionists might be
replaced by online booking systems, self-check-in kiosks, or automated tour guides. This can have
negative social and economic impacts, as it can lead to unemployment or underemployment for
individuals who were previously employed in these roles.

2, Computer application in judiciary

Computer applications in the judiciary means using technology and software systems to streamline
various aspects of the legal and judicial process. These applications are designed to improve efficiency,
access to information, case management, and overall effectiveness within the judicial system. Some
common computer applications used in the judiciary include:

1. Case Management Systems: These systems, such as Odyssey, CourtView, or CaseLines, digitally
manage and track case information, court documents, and scheduling. They automate processes like
electronic filing, case assignment, and document sharing among attorneys, judges, and clerks.

2. E-Filing Systems: Electronic filing systems, such as PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic
Records) in the United States, allow lawyers and litigants to submit legal documents to the court
electronically, improving efficiency and reducing the reliance on paper-based filing.

3. Legal Research Databases: Applications like Westlaw, LexisNexis, or Bloomberg Law provide online
access to legal research databases, enabling lawyers, judges, and legal professionals to search for case
law, legal statutes, and legal commentary to support their arguments and decisions.

4. Digital Document Management: Software systems like Adobe Acrobat, DocuSign, or iManage assist in
creating, editing, signing, and securely managing digital documents. These tools help streamline
document workflows, improve collaboration, and maintain document integrity.

5. Judicial Performance Evaluation Tools: These tools provide a platform for evaluating and monitoring
the performance of judges. They track case disposition times, case outcomes, and judicial behavior to
identify areas for improvement and ensure accountability.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Computers application in judiciary

Advantages of Computer Applications in the Judiciary:

1. Enhanced Workflow Efficiency:Computer applications streamline the entire judicial process, from case
filings to case management and trial proceedings. By automating different tasks, such as data entry and
documentation, it reduces the probability of human error, leading to improved accuracy and increased
efficiency. Furthermore, the use of computer applications enables real-time access to case information,
eliminating the need for physical paperwork and reducing administrative burdens.
2. Improved Integration and Collaboration:Computer applications allow for flawless integration and
sharing of information among different stakeholders within the judiciary system. Judges, lawyers, and
other personnel can access and update case-related data simultaneously, ensuring better coordination and
collaboration. This not only facilitate case proceedings but also promotes transparency and minimizes
potential for corruption.

3. Access to Legal Resources:The availability of computer applications in the judiciary provides easy
access to vast legal databases, precedents, and legal literature. Legal professionals can perform
comprehensive research efficiently, saving time and effort. By providing access to a centralized
warehouse of legal information, computer applications facilitate better decision-making and help ensure
consistency and fairness in judicial rulings.

4. Data Analytics and Predictive Analytics:Computer applications can analyze massive amounts of case
data, revealing patterns, trends, and insights. This capability can assist judges in deciding on appropriate
sentences, identifying the potential for someone to become a repeat offender,and even predicting the
outcome of similar cases accurately. It enhances judicial decision-making by providing valuable
data-driven perspectives, reducing subjectivity, and promoting fairness.

Disadvantages of Computer Applications in the Judiciary:

1. Technical Challenges:Implementing computer applications in the judiciary requires substantial

investment in infrastructure, hardware, and software. Courts might face challenges related to system
suitability, software updates, and data security. Furthermore, training personnel to adapt to new
technology and ensuring its seamless integration into existing workflow might pose challenges.

2. Data Security and Privacy Concerns:With the growing dependence on digital platforms, ensuring data
security and privacy becomes crucial. Computer applications in the judiciary store vast amounts of
sensitive and confidential information. Any unauthorized access, data breach, or system failure can
compromise the integrity of the judicial process. Concerns regarding data security and privacy standards
must be addressed adequately to build and maintain public trust in the judicial system.

3,Computer Application in Robotics

Computer applications in robotics refer to the use of software and programming techniques to control and
operate robots. These applications are used in various areas of robotics, including industrial robotics,
autonomous vehicles, medical robotics, and service robots.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Computers application in robotics

Advantage of Computer Appreciate in Robotics

There are several advantages of computer appreciation in robotics. Here are some:

1. Increased processing power: Computers have significantly higher processing power compared to
traditional robotic controllers. This allows robots to perform complex calculations, process large amounts
of data, and make quick and precise decisions. The increased processing power enhances the overall
performance and capabilities of robots, allowing them to carry out tasks with greater efficiency.

2. Flexibility and adaptability: Computers enable robots to be more versatile and adaptable. By using
software algorithms, robots can constantly learn and improve their capabilities, making them more
flexible in performing various tasks.

3. Sensing and perception: Computers play a crucial role in enabling robots to perceive and understand
their environment. Through various sensors such as cameras, lidar, and ultrasonic sensors, robots can
collect data about their surroundings.

4. Real-time control and feedback: Computers enable real-time control and feedback in robotics. They can
process sensor data and generate control signals quickly, ensuring that robots can respond to their
environment in real-time.

5. Connectivity and integration: Computers facilitate connectivity and integration of robots into larger
systems. Through network protocols and communication interfaces, robots can easily exchange data and
interact with other computers, robots, and devices.

6. Rapid prototyping and development: Computers greatly simplify the prototyping and development
process in robotics. Software simulation tools allow roboticists to model and test their algorithms and
control strategies before implementing them on physical robots.

The disadvantages of Computer Application in robotics

1. Cost: Developing and implementing computer applications in robotics can be quite expensive. The
technology involved, such as advanced sensors and processors, can be costly.

2. Complexity: Incorporating computer applications in robotics introduces complexity to the system.

Coding and programming for robots can be intricate and time-consuming. Furthermore, debugging and
troubleshooting issues with the computer application can be challenging, adding to the overall complexity.
3. Reliability and Stability: Computer applications in robotics may face issues related to reliability and
stability. Software bugs or glitches can lead to malfunctions in the robot's movements or behavior. This
can impact the overall performance and functionality of the robot, potentially compromising its intended

4. Limited Adaptability: Computer applications in robotics may lack adaptability to different

environments or situations. Robots programmed with specific computer applications may struggle to
operate effectively in dynamic or unstructured environments, limiting their versatility and flexibility.

5. Dependency on Technology and Power: Computer applications in robotics heavily rely on

technological infrastructure and power supply. If there are network or power failures, the functionality of
the robots can be compromised. This dependency can disrupt the operations and reliability of the robots.

6. Ethical and Social Implications: The use of computer applications in robotics raises ethical concerns.
Implementing computer applications in robots capable of autonomous decision-making can raise
questions regarding responsibility, accountability, and potential harm to humans or society.

4, Computer Applications in Research

Technology has revolutionized every aspect of our lives, and the field of research is no exception.
Computer applications have become indispensable tools for researchers across all disciplines, enabling
them to collect, manage, analyze, and disseminate data more efficiently and effectively.

Uses of Computer Applications in Research

1,Literature Search and Review: Online databases and search engines like Google Scholar, PubMed, and
JSTOR provide researchers with access to a vast repository of academic and scientific literature. These
tools allow for comprehensive searches, filtering, and organization of relevant articles, saving researchers
valuable time and effort.

2,Data Collection and Management: Researchers gather data from various sources, including experiments,
surveys, observations, and historical records. Computer applications like Microsoft Excel, SPSS, and R
programming language facilitate data entry, storage, manipulation, and analysis, ensuring data integrity
and reproducibility.

3, Statistical Analysis and Data Visualization: Statistical software packages like Minitab, SAS, and Stata
provide researchers with a range of statistical methods for analyzing quantitative data. These tools enable
them to identify patterns, trends, and relationships within data sets, leading to deeper insights and
informed conclusions.

4, Simulation and Modeling: Researchers can create computer models to represent complex systems and
phenomena, allowing them to test hypotheses, predict outcomes, and gain a deeper understanding of
underlying mechanisms. These models can be used in fields like physics, chemistry, biology, economics,
and engineering.

5,Scientific Computing and Image Analysis: Researchers in various disciplines, including physics,
astronomy, medicine, and biology, rely on computer applications for scientific computing and image
analysis. These tools enable them to process large datasets, visualize complex data, and extract
meaningful information.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Computers application in Reaserch

Advantages of Computer Applications in Research

1,Increased Efficiency and Productivity: Computer applications streamline research processes, saving
researchers time and effort. This allows them to focus on more complex analyses and deeper insights,
leading to more impactful research outcomes.

2,Improved Data Quality and Consistency: Computer applications help ensure data accuracy and
consistency, reducing errors and improving the reliability of research findings. This enhances the
credibility and trustworthiness of research publications.

3,Enhanced Collaboration and Communication: Computer applications facilitate collaboration among

researchers, who can share data, exchange ideas, and access shared resources remotely. This fosters a
more efficient and productive research environment.

4,Global Access to Information and Knowledge: The internet provides researchers with access to a vast
repository of information from around the world. This global connectivity enables researchers to conduct
more comprehensive and in-depth research, leading to broader perspectives.

Disadvantages of Computer Applications in Research

1, Technical Expertise and Learning Curve: Using computer applications effectively requires a certain
level of technical expertise and proficiency. This can be a barrier for researchers who lack programming
or statistical skills, limiting their ability to fully utilize these tools.
2,Potential for Bias and Errors: While computer applications can enhance data analysis and visualization,
they can also introduce biases if not used carefully. Researchers need to be aware of potential pitfalls and
employ appropriate methods to mitigate errors and biases.

3,Data Security and Privacy Concerns: Data collected and stored in digital formats are subject to security
risks, including unauthorized access, data breaches, and potential misuse. Researchers need to prioritize
data security and implement appropriate safeguards to protect sensitive information.

4,Over-reliance on Technology: Reliance on computer applications can sometimes lead to over-reliance

on technology and a diminished focus on critical thinking and interpretation. Researchers should strike a
balance between technology and their own analytical skills to ensure sound research outcomes.

5,Computer application in weather forecasting

-In forecasting we need to look at a lot of weather variables (temperature, dew point, pressure and wind
speed to name a few). We only collect this data from weather observation sites which can be tens to
hundreds of kilometers apart. In order to determine these values at locations between the observation sites
we interpolate.

When you are forecasting you need look at a lot of data and determine what is going on to determine what
is going to happen next. If humans did all the interpolating themselves for all the data they would never
be able to issue the forecast in the time that is expected. Furthermore, now that we have very complicated
values to analyze (vorticity for example) there is no way that a human can calculate the effect of all the
various factors in play. A computer has to do it. Computers are also required for using weather radar, and
yes to a lesser extent satellite data.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Computers application in weather forecasting

Advantages of using computers for weather forecasting:

Since computers are faster and more precise than humans, they are being employed for weather
forecasting. They can also do difficult mathematical sums based on weather forecasts, which is a difficult
chore for many of us.

1. Enhanced data collection: Computers can collect and process vast amounts of weather data from
various sources, including satellites, radar, and weather stations, allowing for a more comprehensive
understanding of weather patterns.
2. Improved accuracy: With advanced modeling and simulation capabilities, computers can predict
weather patterns with greater precision, resulting in more accurate forecasts.

3. Early warning systems: Computers can help in the development of early warning systems for severe
weather events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods, potentially saving lives and minimizing damage.

4. Customized forecasts: Computers can generate customized forecasts for specific locations, industries,
or activities, helping businesses, agriculture, and outdoor events plan accordingly.

5. Accessibility: Weather forecasts generated by computers can be easily accessed by the public through
websites, mobile apps, and other digital platforms, increasing awareness and preparedness for weather

6. Resource optimization: With accurate forecasts, industries such as agriculture, transportation, and
energy can optimize their resources and operations based on anticipated weather conditions.

7. Scientific research: Computers enable meteorologists to conduct advanced research and analysis of
weather patterns, contributing to a better understanding of climate change and its impacts.

Disadvantage of computer application in weather forecasting

There are also a number of drawbacks regarding online weather forecasting, some of which i have
addressed below Like all weather forecasts, online weather forecasts can also be unreliable; as such kind
of prediction is not an easy one to determine.

1. Enhanced data collection: Computers can collect and process vast amounts of weather data from
various sources, including satellites, radar, and weather stations, allowing for a more comprehensive
understanding of weather patterns.

2. Improved accuracy: With advanced modeling and simulation capabilities, computers can predict
weather patterns with greater precision, resulting in more accurate forecasts.

3. Early warning systems: Computers can help in the development of early warning systems for severe
weather events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods, potentially saving lives and minimizing damage.

4. Customized forecasts: Computers can generate customized forecasts for specific locations, industries,
or activities, helping businesses, agriculture, and outdoor events plan accordingly.
5. Accessibility: Weather forecasts generated by computers can be easily accessed by the public through
websites, mobile apps, and other digital platforms, increasing awareness and preparedness for weather

6. Real-time monitoring: Computers can monitor weather conditions in real-time, allowing for immediate
updates and adjustments to forecasts as conditions change.

6,Computer application in cybercrime

1. Computer applications are widely used in cybercrime to carry out illegal activities such as hacking,
phishing, malware attacks, identity theft, and other forms of cyber fraud. Some common computer
applications used by cybercriminals include:

- Botnets: A network of compromised computers that can be controlled remotely to carry out various
malicious activities such as DDoS attacks, spamming, and stealing sensitive information.

- Remote Access Trojans (RATs): Malware that allows cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to a
victim's computer or network, enabling them to steal data, install additional malware, or take control of
the system.

- Keyloggers: Malware that records every keystroke made on a victim's computer, allowing
cybercriminals to capture sensitive information such as passwords and credit card details.

- Phishing kits: Software designed to create fake login pages or emails that mimic legitimate websites or
services, tricking victims into revealing their login credentials or other personal information.

- Cryptocurrency mining software: Malware that hijacks a victim's computer or network resources to mine
cryptocurrencies without their knowledge or consent.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Computers application in cybercrime

Advantages of computer application in cybercrime

1,Efficiency: Computer applications can automate and streamline the process of carrying out cybercrime,
making it faster and more efficient.

2, Scale: With the use of computer applications, cybercriminals can carry out attacks on a large scale,
targeting multiple victims simultaneously.
3,Anonymity: Computer applications can be used to hide the identity of the perpetrator, making it difficult
for law enforcement agencies to track them down.

4, Sophistication: Computer applications can be used to carry out complex attacks that would be difficult
or impossible to execute manually.

Disadvantages of computer application in cybercrime

1, Increased risk of detection: While computer applications can be used to automate and carry out attacks
on a large scale, they also leave behind digital footprints that can be traced back to the perpetrators. This
increases the risk of detection and prosecution.

2, Dependence on technology: Cybercriminals may become too reliant on computer applications and
neglect other aspects of their operation, such as social engineering and physical security. This can make
them vulnerable to counter measures by law enforcement agencies.

3,Unintended consequences: Computer applications used in cybercrime can have unintended

consequences, such as spreading malware to unintended targets or disrupting critical infrastructure. These
consequences can have severe economic and social impacts.

4, Legal and ethical issues: The use of computer applications in cybercrime raises legal and ethical issues,
such as privacy violations, intellectual property theft, and human rights abuses. These issues need to be
addressed to ensure that cybercrime is effectively combated without infringing on individual rights and

Overall, the use of computer applications in cybercrime poses a significant threat to individuals,
businesses, and governments worldwide. It is essential for law enforcement agencies to stay up-to-date
with the latest technologies and develop effective strategies to combat cybercrime.

References books
1. "Computers, Ethics, and Society" by David E. Johnson and Deborah G. Johnson

2. "Justice and Technology in the EU: Judicial Evaluation of Information Systems" by M. Walter and S.

3. "Computers in the Courtroom: The Benefits and Challenges" by Paul C. Giannelli

4, "Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control" by John J. Craig

5, "Robotics: Modelling, Planning and Control" by Bruno Siciliano and Lorenzo Sciavicco


1. Robotics Online (



4. Robotics Business Review (

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