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CH 2: Interactive SQL for data extraction

 Word comparison operators:

1. Display unique jobs from emp table.

 Select distinct (job) from emp;

2. List the employees whose salary is more than 3000 after 20% increment.
 Select ename , sal from emp
Where (sal+sal*0.2)>3000;

3. List the employees, deptno who does not belong to dept 20 or 30.
 Select ename, deptno from emp
Where deptno NOT IN(20,30);

4. List all employees and their no,jobs who joined before 1981.
 Select empno, ename, job from emp
Where hire_date<’01-JAN-1981’;

5. List all the ename, sal whose annual sal does not fall from 22000 to 45000.
 Select empno, ename, sal from emp
Where sal NOT BETWEEN 1600 and 50000;

6. List all empno, enames, job except president and mgr.

 Select empno, ename, job from emp
Where job NOT IN(‘president’,’mgr’);

7. Display names of all employees whose name is 5 character long.

 Select ename from emp
Where ename LIKE ’_ _ _ _ _’;

8. Display the name of employee who does not work under any mgr.
 Select ename from emp
Where mgr IS NULL;

Client no Name City Pincode State Balance Due

C001 Vikash Jain Mumbai 400054 Maharashtra 15000
C002 V.Chandra Chennai 780001 Tamil Nadu 0
C003 Pramod Patil Mumbai 400057 Maharashtra 5000
C004 Jatin Sapru Mumbai 400057 Maharashtra 0
C005 Virat Kohli Delhi 100001 2000
C006 Mumbai 400050 Maharashtra 0

Based on above table, solve the following queries:

9. Find the names of all clients and their city.

 Select name, city from client;

10. Find all the clients having ‘I’ as second letter in their name.
 Select name from client
Where name LIKE ‘_ i%’;

11. Find all the clients who does not stay in Mumbai or Chennai.
 Select name, city from client
Where city NOT IN (‘mumbai’,’chennai’);

12. Select all clients having balance below 2000 and above 3000.
 Select name , balance from client
Where balance_due NOT BETWEEN 2000 and 3000;

13. List all names having name consist of five alphabets only.
 Select name from client
Where name LIKE ‘_ _ _ _ _’;

14. List all the information of client whose state is unknown.

 Select * from client
Where state IS NULL;

15. Find distinct cities of client.

 Select distinct (city) from client;
 String and numeric functions:
 Sample examples with emp and dual tables:
Write the queries based on emp table , Dept table or dual table.
Q1.Display the employees name by capitalize its initial letter whose number is
1. Select initcap(ename) from emp where empno=7369;

Q2. Concate and display all the employees name with their jobs with a space in between.
2. Select ename || ‘ ‘ || job from emp where empno=7369;

Q3. Display the employee name in lowercase whose number is 7369

3. Select lower(ename) from emp where empno=7369;
Q4. Convert the word “hello” into uppercase and display.
4. Select upper(‘hello’) from dual;

Q5. Select and display the part of all employees name starting at 1st position and ending at 3rd
5. Select substr(ename,1,3) from emp where empno=7369;
Q6. Replace and display the word TICK with TACK.
6. Select replace(‘tick and tack’ , ‘t’, ‘c’) from dual;

Q7.Find out the length of the name of the department whose number is 20.
7. Select length(dname) from dept where deptno=20;

Q8. Extract the character from the number 65 and display.

8. Select chr(65) from dual;

Q9. Extract the number from the character ,’a’ and display.
9. Select ascii(‘a’) from dual;

Q!0. Display all the employees name by left padding with ‘*’ and Right padding with ‘#’.
10. Select lpad(ename , 10, ‘*’), rpad(ename , 10, ‘#’) from emp;
Q11. Concat all the employees name along with their jobs and with a string in
between”is a”.
11. Select concat (concat (ename, ‘is a’), job) from emp;

Numeric Functions

Write the queries based on emp table , Dept table or dual table.

Q1. Find and display the absolute value of -7.5.

1.Select abs(-7.5) from dual;

Q2. Find out the value of 2 power 10 and display.

2.Select power(2,10) from dual;

Q3.Find out the modulus of 11 divided by 3.

3.Select mod (11,3) from dual;

Q4. Display the salary of the employee no 7369 and round it upto 3 decimal places.
4. Select sal, round(sal, -3) from emp where empno=7369;

Q5. Display the salary of the employee no 7369 and truncate it upto 3 decimal places.
5. Select sal, trunc(sal, -3) from emp where empno=7369;

Q6. Find and display the ceil of 14.3 .

6. Select ceil(14.3) from dual;
Q7. Find and display the floor of 14.7
7. Select floor(14.7) from dual;

Q8.Write the function to convert the value 113 to 100 and 110.
8. Select trunc(113,-1) , trunc(113,-2) from dual;

 Date functions:
 Sample examples:
1. Select round (’02-01-2020’ , day) from dual;

2. Select round (’31-12-2019’ , day) from dual;

3. Select round (’02-01-2020’ , month) from dual;

4. Select round (’31-12-2019’ , month) from dual;

5. Select round (’08-08-2020’ , month) from dual;

6. Select round (’08-08-2020’ , year) from dual;

7. Select round (’31-12-2019’ , year) from dual;

8. Select trunc (’08-08-2020’ , day) from dual;

9. Select trunc (’08-08-2020’ , month) from dual;

10. Select trunc (’08-08-2020’ , year) from dual;

 Aggregate functions:

1. Find out the average salary of all employees in emp table.

 Select avg(sal) from emp;

2. Find out the min and max salary of emp table.

 Select min(sal) , max(sal) from emp;

 Clauses:

1. Display employee names and no in ascending order of salary of emp table.

 Select ename, empno from emp Orderby sal asc;

2. Display employee names and no department wise.

 Select ename,empno from emp Orderby deptno;

3. Display the average salary of all departments.

 Select avg(sal) from emp Groupby deptno;
4. Display the sum of salary from emp table where deptno>10.
 Select deptno, sum(sal) from emp Groupby deptno Having deptno>10;

 Multiple row subquery:

1. List the employees of deptno = 20 who’s jobs are same as deptno=10.

 Select ename from emp where deptno= 20 AND job IN (select job from emp where

 Single row subquery:

Q1. List the employees whose department name is CO.
1. Select * from emp where deptno=(select deptno from dept where dname= ‘CO’);
 Set operators:

1. Find distinct jobs from emp and workers table.

 Select distinct (job) from emp UNION Select distinct (job) from worker;

2. Find common name of emp and worker

 Select ename from emp INTERSECT Select wname from worker;


1. Display the number of employees in each department who are working in different
departments along with their deptno respectively.
 Select dept.deptno, count (empno) from emp,dept Where dept.deptno = emp.deptno
Groupby dept.deptno;

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