Haematology: Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Reference Interval

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Name : Mrs.

SUNITHA Register On : 05/12/2020 1:31 PM

PID No. : SSN238782 Collection On : 05/12/2020 1:52 PM
SID No. : 76797605 Report On : 05/12/2020 8:23 PM
Age / Sex : 38 Year(s) / Female Printed On : 06/12/2020 7:32 AM
Ref. Dr : DR. SELF Type : OP
Source :

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Reference
Complete Blood Cell Count
Haemoglobin (EDTA Blood/ 9.3 g/dL 12.5 - 16.0
Automated Blood cell Counter)
Packed Cell Volume 30.0 % 37 - 47
(PCV)/Haematocrit (EDTA Blood/
Automated Blood cell Counter)
RBC Count (EDTA Blood/Automated 4.52 mill/cu.mm 4.2 - 5.4
Blood cell Counter)
Mean Corpuscular Volume(MCV) 66.0 fL 78 - 100
(EDTA Blood/Automated Blood cell
Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin 20.7 pg 27 - 32
(MCH) (EDTA Blood/Automated Blood
cell Counter)
Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin 31.1 g/dL 32 - 36
concentration(MCHC) (EDTA Blood/
Automated Blood cell Counter)
RDW-CV 13.3 % 11.5 - 16.0

RDW-SD 30.72 fL 39 - 46

Total Leukocyte Count (TC) (EDTA 9180 cells/cu.mm 4000 - 11000

Blood/Automated Blood cell Counter)
Neutrophils (Blood) 59.1 % 40 - 75

Lymphocytes (Blood) 33.5 % 20 - 45

Eosinophils (Blood) 3.5 % 01 - 06

Monocytes (Blood) 2.8 % 02 - 10

The results pertain to sample tested. Page 1 of 8

Name : Mrs. SUNITHA Register On : 05/12/2020 1:31 PM
PID No. : SSN238782 Collection On : 05/12/2020 1:52 PM
SID No. : 76797605 Report On : 05/12/2020 8:23 PM
Age / Sex : 38 Year(s) / Female Printed On : 06/12/2020 7:32 AM
Ref. Dr : DR. SELF Type : OP
Source :

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Reference
Basophils (Blood/Automated Blood 1.1 % 00 - 02
cell Counter)
Absolute Neutrophil count (EDTA 5.43 10^3 / µl 1.5 - 6.6
Blood/Automated Blood cell Counter)
Absolute Lymphocyte Count (EDTA 3.08 10^3 / µl 1.5 - 3.5
Blood/Automated Blood cell Counter)
Absolute Eosinophil Count (AEC) 0.32 10^3 / µl 0.04 - 0.44
(EDTA Blood/Automated Blood cell
Absolute Monocyte Count (EDTA 0.26 10^3 / µl < 1.0
Blood/Flow cytometry)
Absolute Basophil count (EDTA Blood 0.10 10^3 / µl < 0.2
/Automated Blood cell Counter)
Platelet Count (EDTA Blood/ 379 10^3 / µl 150 - 450
Automated Blood cell Counter)
INTERPRETATION: NOTE : Low platelets can be caused by a wide variety of conditions, including viral infections, consumption
coagulopathy, decreased production in the bone marrow and drugs. Values are to be interpreted in a background of patient age,
history and clinical findings.
MPV* (Blood/Calculated) 8.1 fL 8.0 - 13.3

PCT 0.31 % 0.18 - 0.28

The results pertain to sample tested. Page 2 of 8

Name : Mrs. SUNITHA Register On : 05/12/2020 1:31 PM
PID No. : SSN238782 Collection On : 05/12/2020 1:52 PM
SID No. : 76797605 Report On : 05/12/2020 8:23 PM
Age / Sex : 38 Year(s) / Female Printed On : 06/12/2020 7:32 AM
Ref. Dr : DR. SELF Type : OP
Source :

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Reference
Glucose - Random (RBS) (Plasma-R/ 75 mg/dL 50 - 150
INTERPRETATION: NOTE : Factors such as type and time of food intake, infection, physical or psychological stress, exercise
and drugs can influence the blood glucose level.
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) (Serum/ 9 mg/dL 7.0 - 21
Urea (Serum/Urease-GLDH/UV) 18 mg/dL 15 - 45

Creatinine (Serum/Jaffe Kinetic) 0.9 mg/dL 0.6 - 1.1

INTERPRETATION: Elevated Creatinine values are encountered in increased muscle mass, severe dehydration, Pre-eclampsia,
increased ingestion of cooked meat, consuming Protein/ Creatine supplements, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, prolonged fasting, renal
dysfunction and drugs such as cefoxitin ,cefazolin, ACE inhibitors ,angiotensin II receptor antagonists,N-acetylcyteine ,
chemotherapeutic agent such as flucytosine etc.
Uric Acid (Serum/Uricase/Peroxidase) 2.8 mg/dL 2.6 - 6.0

Calcium (Serum/Arsenazo III) 9.5 mg/dL 8.8 - 10.6

Phosphorus (Serum/ 3.7 mg/dL 2.6 - 4.5

Magnesium (Serum/Xylidyl Blue) 2.2 mg/dL 1.8 - 2.6

Iron (Serum/Iron - Ferrozine) 20 mcg/dL Men : 65-175

Women :50-170
INTERPRETATION: INTERPRETATION : Low serum iron values are seen in chronic blood loss, insufficient intake or absorption
of iron and increased demand on the body stores. Elevated serum iron values are seen in haemolytic anaemia, increased intake.
Liver Function Test
Bilirubin(Total) (Serum/Diazotized 0.8 mg/dL 0.1 - 1.2
Sulfanilic Acid)
Bilirubin(Direct) (Serum/Diazotized 0.1 mg/dL 0.0 - 0.3
Sulfanilic Acid)
Bilirubin(Indirect) (Serum/Derived) 0.7 mg/dL 0.1 - 1.0

The results pertain to sample tested. Page 3 of 8

Name : Mrs. SUNITHA Register On : 05/12/2020 1:31 PM
PID No. : SSN238782 Collection On : 05/12/2020 1:52 PM
SID No. : 76797605 Report On : 05/12/2020 8:23 PM
Age / Sex : 38 Year(s) / Female Printed On : 06/12/2020 7:32 AM
Ref. Dr : DR. SELF Type : OP
Source :

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Reference
Total Protein (Serum/Biuret) 7.4 g/dL 6.2 - 8.0

Albumin (Serum/Bromocresol green) 4.4 g/dL 3.5 - 5.0

Globulin (Serum/Derived) 3.0 g/dL 2.3 - 3.5

A : G Ratio (Serum/Derived) 1.5 1.1 - 2.4

SGOT/AST (Aspartate 25 U/L 5 - 40

Aminotransferase) (Serum/IFCC
SGPT/ALT (Alanine 17 U/L 5 - 41
Aminotransferase) (Serum/IFCC /
Alkaline Phosphatase (SAP) (Serum/ 96 U/L 42 - 98
PNPP / Kinetic)
INTERPRETATION: Concentration in growing children is higher.
GGT(Gamma Glutamyl 16 U/L < 38
Transpeptidase) (Serum/IFCC /
Lipid Profile
Cholesterol Total (Serum/Cholesterol 145 mg/dL Optimal: < 200
Borderline: 200 - 239
oxidase/Peroxidase) High Risk: >= 240

Triglycerides (Serum/Glycerol 66 mg/dL Optimal: < 150

Borderline: 150 - 199
phosphate oxidase / peroxidase) High: 200 - 499
Very High: >= 500

INTERPRETATION: The reference ranges are based on fasting condition. Triglyceride levels change drastically in response to
food, increasing as much as 5 to 10 times the fasting levels, just a few hours after eating. Fasting triglyceride levels show
considerable diurnal variation too. There is evidence recommending triglycerides estimation in non-fasting condition for
evaluating the risk of heart disease and screening for metabolic syndrome, as non-fasting sample is more representative of the
³usual´circulating level of triglycerides during most part of the day.

The results pertain to sample tested. Page 4 of 8

Name : Mrs. SUNITHA Register On : 05/12/2020 1:31 PM
PID No. : SSN238782 Collection On : 05/12/2020 1:52 PM
SID No. : 76797605 Report On : 05/12/2020 8:23 PM
Age / Sex : 38 Year(s) / Female Printed On : 06/12/2020 7:32 AM
Ref. Dr : DR. SELF Type : OP
Source :

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Reference
HDL Cholesterol (Serum/ 37 mg/dL Optimal(Negative Risk Factor): >= 60
Borderline: 50 - 59
Immunoinhibition) High Risk: < 50

LDL Cholesterol (Serum/Derived) 94.8 mg/dL Optimal: < 100

Above Optimal: 100 - 129
Borderline: 130 - 159
High: 160 - 189
Very High: >= 190

VLDL Cholesterol (Serum/Derived) 13.2 mg/dL < 30

Non HDL Cholesterol (Serum/ 108.0 mg/dL Optimal: < 130

Above Optimal: 130 - 159
Calculated) Borderline High: 160 - 189
High: 190 - 219
Very High: >= 220

INTERPRETATION: 1.Non-HDL Cholesterol is now proven to be a better cardiovascular risk marker than LDL Cholesterol.
2.It is the sum of all potentially atherogenic proteins including LDL, IDL, VLDL and chylomicrons and it is the "new bad
cholesterol" and is a co-primary target for cholesterol lowering therapy.
Total Cholesterol/HDL Cholesterol 3.9 Optimal: < 3.3
Low Risk: 3.4 - 4.4
Ratio (Serum/Derived) Average Risk: 4.5 - 7.1
Moderate Risk: 7.2 - 11.0
High Risk: > 11.0

LDL/HDL Cholesterol Ratio (Serum/ 2.6 Optimal: 0.5 - 3.0

Borderline: 3.1 - 6.0
Derived) High Risk: > 6.0


The results pertain to sample tested. Page 5 of 8

Name : Mrs. SUNITHA Register On : 05/12/2020 1:31 PM
PID No. : SSN238782 Collection On : 05/12/2020 1:52 PM
SID No. : 76797605 Report On : 05/12/2020 8:23 PM
Age / Sex : 38 Year(s) / Female Printed On : 06/12/2020 7:32 AM
Ref. Dr : DR. SELF Type : OP
Source :

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Reference
e-GFR Study(GLOMERULAR 81.1 mL/min/1.73 Normal: >= 90
sq.m Mild decrease in Renal function: 60 - 89
FILTRATION RATE)- Blood (Blood) Mild to moderate decrease in Renal
function: 45 - 59
Moderate to severe decrease in Renal
function: 30 - 44
Severe decrease in Renal function: 15 -
Kidney failure: < 15

The results pertain to sample tested. Page 6 of 8

Name : Mrs. SUNITHA Register On : 05/12/2020 1:31 PM
PID No. : SSN238782 Collection On : 05/12/2020 1:52 PM
SID No. : 76797605 Report On : 05/12/2020 8:23 PM
Age / Sex : 38 Year(s) / Female Printed On : 06/12/2020 7:32 AM
Ref. Dr : DR. SELF Type : OP
Source :

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Reference
Free T4 (Free Thyroxine) (Serum/ 1.06 ng/dl 0.70 - 1.48
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) 3.02 µIU/mL 0.35 - 4.94
Microparticle Immunoassay(CMIA))
INTERPRETATION: Detection Limit: 0.0025 - 100 Hypothyroid: > 7.1 Reference range for cord blood - upto 20
1 st trimester 0.3-4.5
2 nd trimester 0.5-4.6
3 rd trimester : 0.8-5.2

The results pertain to sample tested. Page 7 of 8

Name : Mrs. SUNITHA Register On : 05/12/2020 1:31 PM
PID No. : SSN238782 Collection On : 05/12/2020 1:52 PM
SID No. : 76797605 Report On : 05/12/2020 8:23 PM
Age / Sex : 38 Year(s) / Female Printed On : 06/12/2020 7:32 AM
Ref. Dr : DR. SELF Type : OP
Source :

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Reference
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 246 pg/mL Deficient Range: < 145
Indeterminate: 145 - 180
(Serum/Chemiluminescent Normal: 180 - 914
Microparticle Immunoassay(CMIA))
Vitamin D(25 Hydroxy Vitamin D) 51.40 ng/mL Insufficiency: <= 30
Sufficiency: 31 - 100
(Serum/Chemiluminescent Toxicity: >= 101
Microparticle Immunoassay(CMIA))
INTERPRETATION: Insufficiency:<= 30
Sufficiency: 31 - 100
Toxicity: >= 101
Vitamin D refers to a group of fat-soluble secosteroids responsible for enhancing intestinal absorption of calcium, iron,
magnesium, phosphate and zinc. In humans, the most important compounds in this group are vitamin D3 and vitamin D2 . D2
and D3 can be ingested from the diet and from supplements. Very few foods contain vitamin D, synthesis of vitamin D
(specifically cholecalciferol D3) in the skin is the major natural sources of the vitamin. Dermal synthesis of vitmain D from
cholesterol is dependent on sun exposure (specifically UV-B radiation). NOTE : Detection limit : 0 - 160

-- End of Report --

The results pertain to sample tested. Page 8 of 8

Name : Mrs. SUNITHA SID No. : 76797605

PID No. : SSN238782 Register On : 05/12/2020 1:31 PM

Age / Sex : 38 Year(s) / Female Collection On : 05/12/2020 1:52 PM

Ref. Dr : DR. SELF Report On : 05/12/2020 8:23 PM

Printed On : 06/12/2020 7:32:35 AM
OP / IP : OP


Glycosylated Haemoglobin
HbA1C - (Blood [EDTA]) 5.7 % Non Diabetic: 4.5 - 5.6
Pre Diabetes: 5.7 - 6.4
Diabetes: >= 6.5
Good glycemic control: < 7.0
Fair glycemic control: 7.1 - 7.9
Poor glycemic control: >= 8.0

Estimated Average Glucose - 116.89 mg/dL 85 - 150

(Blood [EDTA])

[HbA1C] - Turbidimetry-NGSP

QC Data:

[Estimated Average Glucose] [HbA1C] - N

Interpretation Notes:

[Estimated Average Glucose] - Note: Conditions like Uremia, hypertriglyceridemia,hyperbilirubinemia, Alcohol, Aspirin, Aplastic
Anaemia and presence of HbF can give false elevated values. Severe nephropathy, acute or chronic blood loss, hemolytic anaemia,
pregnancy etc., can cause falsely low HbA1c. GHB measurement is not appropriate when there has been a change in diet or treatment
within 6 weeks.

-- End of Report --

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The results pertain to sample tested.


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