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Name : Abdulrahman Bajsair.

Subject: Web Programming.

- web development is considered as an activity with three broad levels,

At the basement level are the foundational components, necessary to
make it all work,The main-floor level includes the topics on client side
scripting: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and some type of server-side
programming language, such as PHP.

- In Telephone Network calls were routed through operators who

physically connected caller and receiver by connecting a wire to a
switchboard to complete a circuit.

- What is Circuit switching ?

Circuit switching is a type of network configuration in which a physical
path is obtained and dedicated to a single connection between two
-What is the problem of Circuit switching ?
The problem with circuit switching is that it can be difficult to have
multiple conversations simultaneously It also requires more bandwidt
-What is Bandwidth?
Bandwidth is a measurement of how much data can (maximally) be
transmitted along a communication channel.

-What is a Packet Networks?

A network packet is a basic unit of data that's grouped together and
transferred over a computer network,

-What is Packet Networks advantages ?

It is More strong (it is not reliant on a single pathway that may fail) and a
more efficient use of network resources (since a circuit can communicate
data from multiple connections).

-What is communication protocols?

Communications protocols allow any two computers to talk to one
another, so long as they implement the protocol.

-the WWW is only a subset of the Internet

-what is intranet?
*“intranet” (with an “a”), which refers to an internal network using
Internet protocols that is local to an organization or business.
*Intranet resources are often private, meaning that only employees (or

What is internet ?
*“Internet” (with an “e”) is a broader term that encompasses both private
(intranet) and public networked resources.
*Intranets are typically protected from unauthorized external access via
security features such as firewalls or private IP ranges

What are the feature of the web ?

A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to uniquely identify a resource on
the WWW.
2. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to describe how requests and
responses operate.
3. A software program (later called web server software) that can respond
to HTTP requests.
4. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) to publish documents.
5. A program (later called a browser) that can make HTTP requests to
URLs and that can display the HTML it receives.

What is World Wide Web Consortium ?

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), is an organization that standardize
and oversee the growth of the web

What are the advantages of web Applications in comparison to desktop

applications ?
• Accessible from any Internet-enabled computer.
• Usable with different operating systems and browser applications.
• Easier to roll out program updates
• Fewer security concerns about local
• Storage.

What are the disadvantages of web Applications in comparison to desktop

applications ?
• Requirement to have an active Internet connection
• Security concerns about sensitive private data being transmitted over the
• Concerns over the storage, licensing, and use of uploaded data.
• Problems with certain websites not having an identical appearance
across all browsers.
• Restrictions on access to operating system resources
• Clients or their IT staff may have additional plugins added to their

-webmaster is used for web developer.

-What are static websites and dynamic websites?

A static website is one with stable content, where every user sees the
exact same thing on each individual page. On the other hand, a dynamic
website is one where content is pulled on-the-fly, allowing its content to
change with the user

-What are servers and clients ?

*The server is a computer agent that is normally active 24/7, listening for
requests from clients.
*A client is a computer agent that makes requests and receives responses
from the server

-what is the request-response loop ?

the request-response loop is the most basic mechanism on the server for
receiving requests and transmitting data in response.

-What is Web server ?

A web server is a computer servicing HTTP requests.

-What is Application server ?

An application server is a computer that hosts and executes web

-What is Database server ?

A database server is a computer that is devoted to running a Database
Management System (DBMS)

-What is Mail servers ?

A mail server is a computer creating and satisfying mail requests

-What is Media servers ?

A media server (also called a streaming server) is a special type of server
dedicated to servicing requests for images and videos

-What is Authentication servers ?

An authentication server handles the most common security needs of web
applications. This may involve interacting with local networking

-What is the goal behind servers ?

The goal behind server farms is to distribute incoming requests between
clusters of machines so that any given web or data server is not
excessively overloaded.

-What are load balancers ?

load balancers distribute incoming requests to available machines.

-What is data center ?

It is the room of the servers.

-What is ISP ?
Internet Server Provider (or ISP): an organization that provides services
for accessing, using, or participating in the Internet.

-What is a wireless router ?

A wireless router is a hardware device that forwards data packets from
one network to another network.

-A router uses a routing table to help determine where a packet should be


-What is fiber optic cable ?

is a glass-based wire that transmits light and has significantly greater
bandwidth and speed in comparison to metal wires

Define the people who are working in web development:

1) Hardware Architect/Network Architect/Systems Engineer
-The people who design the specifications for the servers in a data
center, and design and manage the layout of the physical and logical
network .
2) System Administrator
choose and install the network operating system, then manage the
shared operating system environments for other users.
3) Database Administrator/Data Architect
will perform maintenance on the databases as well as manage access
for user and software accounts.
4) Security Specialist/Consultant/Expert
test for vulnerabilities, implement security best practices, and make
updates and changes to programming code or hardware infrastructure
to protect a site against well-known or newly emerging (called zero-
hour) threats.
5) Developer/Programmer
focused more on server-side development using languages like PHP.
6) Front-End Developer/UX Developer

7) Content Strategists/Marketing Technologist

is someone who uses his or her experience with existing and
emerging web technologies in conjunction with knowledge about the
audience to craft engaging web content.

8) Business Analyst
Is the interface between the various divisions of the company and the
9) Hosting Companies
Hosting companies or data centers offer many employment
10) Design Companies
These firms will provide professional artistic and design services
11) Start-Up Companies
The smaller start-ups companies often require full-stack developers,
who can take on any role from system administrator through to lead

-What are protocols ?

A protocol is a set of rules that partners use when they communicate.

-The TCP/IP Internet protocols were originally abstracted as a four-layer

1. Application layer
2. Transport layer
3. Internet Layer
The Internet layer provides “best effort” communication. It sends out a
message to its destination, but expects no reply, and provides no
guarantee the message will arrive intact, or at all.
4. Link layer
Responsible for • physical transmission of data across media (both wired
and wireless) and • Establishing logical links.

-Every device connected to the Internet has such an IP address.

-There are two types of IP addresses:

who gives an ISP its IP addresses ?


-What are application layer protocols ?

• HTTP. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol is used for web
communication. • SSH. The Secure Shell Protocol allows remote
command-line connections to servers.
• FTP. The File Transfer Protocol is used for transferring files between
• POP/IMAP/SMTP. Email-related protocols for transferring and storing
• DNS. The Domain Name System protocol used for resolving domain
names to IP addresses.

How then are domain names assigned?

Special organizations or companies called domain name registrars
manage the registration of domain names.

-Domain names are certainly an easier way for users to reference a


-DNS provides a mechanism for software to discover this numeric IP

address. This process is referred to as address resolution.

-What are browser features ?

• search engine integration,
• URL auto completion,
• Form auto completion,
• cloud caching of user history/bookmarks, • phishing website detection, •
secure connection visualization, and much more
-A recent development in browser technology are extensions or add-ons,
which extends basic browser functionality

-Real-world web servers are often more powerful than your own desktop

-Web Servers Operating Systems:

• Linux
• Windows

-Web Servers Web Server Software:

• Apache
• Nginx

-Web Servers Database Software :

• PostgreSQL
• Sqlite
• Oracle
• Microsoft SQL Server
• MongoDB

-Web Servers Scripting Software:

• Python
• Node.js

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