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wB-sLG-11/12/23/ 2023-HR - ADMTN

l/483/ it)/,itc, \

*ffice of the (ieneral Mancger

Asi"rufe;sh Mul<herjee Road, Sili guri-
7 340?',1 Bnffi"Skr{frqrffiry
i !:liii;l '!xil.Ji i:1 ill;rirJ

ffi ${&$+,s,1 *&$$*t.{ih$t F* :*$.ffi g_E

tu$ $yH r:t
Phone A3fi-253755:5 .li r::;i:i,1- ,; I lri,:li,: Lr-,1*r ir t,iri

?. rnar'l: qnrslgn b(Dbsn/.co,irt

c;. \\'t'i -S LG- 11,/ 12/ 23 / 202 3-H R - AD M I N/38546 1 Daied at Siliguri, 4'h July,2023.

iltiil_qteasflhs.tneeEns_t1qld witli ljr;[:ir"-iltJnlsxfqrcnrs H-a[ pf _G],Jl_-slf,ss_ac_Slj_]uqe" aQil&

A meeting was held in the Conference hali of GMT office on 3'd June, 2023 with BSNLEU. The

Officers side BSNLEU side

L. ShriA. Siram, GM, Siliguri 1. Shri Amal Jana. District Secretary,
2. 5hri K. Das, DGM (Admn, & HR), SLG 2. Few reprresentafives of BSNLEU
3 ShrrA,. Das, AGM(HR), SLG.
4. Shri 5. Bhattacharjee, AGM Hills.
s. Shri D. P. Singh, EE(Civil), SLG.
6, Shri S.R.P. Baskey, IFA, SLG.
7. Shri N. C. Deb, SDE(Civil), SLC.
, he f*llowing points were discLrssed as per the Agenda submittec.i by BSNL[:U. AGENDA REPI-IE5

01. A separate nreeting with all the District Meetirrg rnay be heid by local arrangement
Sqcreterry of BSNt_EU at their respe-ctive office urith the respective_OA hea.ds.
so tiut grot-rnd reality maybe discussecl.
Forrn L,ccal Council of Siliguri BA. LCM meerhing would be helrJ at BA ie',,r., ,

with all uA heads and Union sentatives.

UJ. Arrange a meeting of Development Meefing r,'rould be held at BA level.
A welfeire committee rnay be formecJ A separat,e rneefing would be held for
formation of welfare committee and iruelfare
issues will be discu5sed.
0 5" ['jerrding fi na I ization of -l"ender, aiternative Quolation already processed
arrangement of guards (Teleplrone Exchange,
GMT office and stores m be arra t
.JC). Up-gracle the maintenance \ /orl{s particularly Cluster iender is in process
the SDO P horres SiligLrri
07 Expedite the maintenance work of lB of p&T
"{GM Hills lras inft:rrned that the Darjeelir-rg
olony, Dar ancl K;rlirn Custonrr,:r Service

A.oHt^r.r Grhoah
v! i3-51.{ii- i ;,," i r,t ?.3 /2023-llR - ADMIN

space and some tranks are interested in taking

the space on rent. The present BSNL CSC may
be accommodated in some nearby room. He
has furtlrer informed that BSNL CSC may be
shifted to Old Customer Service Centre by
disposing the sc.rapped materials- lying'there.
The scrapped material consist of worn otit
iron/plastic material. A local comnlir.i'.','
be formed for assessment r;f base price of
scrapped iron/plastic materials and ACE-9 may
be filled up by controlling officer of the area.
All process may be com'pleted within one
Regd, lQ at Kalimpong, AGM Hills has
informed that ETR lQ is being maintained but
Main lQ is not in good conditiqn 4nd ror:f i:,
damaged, EE(Civil) would examine and iake
necessary action for repairing of the roof.
Regd, P&T Colony lQ,'the matter will be

cB" Publicafion of Gibdation list of each cadre of The Cadre wise list will be iii'oriided
Siliguri BA.
)? Release of Smt. Shagufta Parveen, JE MaLler i:; l-rerrrg lcr-rkei-l ii:tu, : i ,.-

decision will be alter Jul lu t.J -

L'!) CCTV Camera should be arranged and CCTV carrrera is under installation at Siliguri
drinkirrg water supply in Telephone Exch. Telephorre Exchange Building. Further, CCTV
will be installed in GM Oflice and Matigara
Regarding Drinking water supply, matter is
under )).
11 Long back maintenace of quarters in all places It is being planned for outsourcing the vacani
are pending, sanitary systems of the quarter quarters as per BSNL CROP policy. E[(Civii)
particularly in Micro wave compound, TE will prepare a diagram of P&T Quarter Colony
Siliguri and P&T Coiony reported is damaging clearly showing the block wise quarter, types
condition and deserve immediate action for of Quartr:r, occupants in each quarter and
re_pair. vacant quarters. - -

iieitri ., ri l'.' .,1 ' I

nece55, action wiil be taken by EE Civil

L2 Long term pending cases of staff r:onfirmation Necessary actir:rt for confirmatiorr will be
on and after 0L-01-2AA7 in Siliguri business taken up afier obtaining ?ll leces-sary
area. documents.
tl. Office building, Exch bldg including Toilets EE(Civil) will examine and take necessary
should be cleaned and also jungle cutbing action. SDE(Civil) informed that, large quantity
shoirld be done. of store rnaterials were dumped in almost all
the rooms of TE bldg. which is hampering in

WB-SLG-11/1?/23/2O23.HR ADM!N


C3 rryi llg or-rt the CIV iI work. l\J ECESSA aclio

wil be 1a ke n by DGM(Admn for re-arra nginigl
sh ift of tlre store ma teria ls.
14. ir-ement of computer irr zlii seciions of Requirement of computer and printer has
been already given to circle office for floating
of tencler. '
I ;:
L) Toi a re ln condifi,:n and not that necessary artir:n is
EE(Civil) informed
cleaned for k:ng time at Darjeeling being taken and estimated has been
submil'teri to GM Oftice.
to. Printer required at Establish Section, Mobile Requirernent of
corriputer and pri nter for
Section and cartridge required- at Billing ilevv,/repi;lcement ira:; ireer: gi'",er io fircle'
secton at Darjeeling and Kurseong. of ti' ,,. f'.. :.r:lV lt . j , r L, lr rr -, :

.l( tlLJll r r; JJ,.. .. ii

arran consumable iterns
;il t

17. Higher authority should imrnediately Necessaryr action may be taken by controlling
intervene and do the needful for smooth officer i'or smooth funcfion ol the telecorn
running as Darjeeling is a very imp dist. network in the area.
Wlrere VlPs alwa ys visit.
I rB" i'.lo perrnanent stafl' present at Takclah and Matter sol"ted out, no staff rec1d. as oi'ncw
:19 Darjeeling Fiills requires basic amenities like Ty. Adrr. may be apl:iirui iur i'iir,.rr,r .,
pliers, long nose, batteries OFC cutlers etc. needs.
2',n. lnrn'lediate joining of the official transferred Will be done after September 2023
irom Bahrampur to Darjeeling

Atat^,'.^^, Grhoah
Dy, Genera r nll rrP#Uffi -t
Cr,rs 11',., 6M'[, BSN[." ,$if iguri [3]\
. l.rl'.:.;,-
1" Al[the officers present isr the rneeting.
2" 'Ihe Dist. Secy, B$tn{LHL.}, $iliguri.

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