Gr8 T1 DSS WOW Written Task 2022 Individual

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Written Task Term 1 2022

Development of the self in society and World of work

Name Due Date:

Date Issued ________________________

Question 1 2 3 4 5 Total
8 13 16 17 16 70 Marks


Comment: Teacher Signature & Date:


©2022 Teenactiv 1

Learner Instructions:

 This task consists of FIVE questions.

 All questions are compulsory.
 Answer all the questions in this booklet – there are spaces for you to answer in.
 Read the questions carefully – make sure you understand what each question is asking of you.
 Look at the mark allocation to see what you need to do to get maximum marks.
 Answer in blue pen.
 Ensure that you work neatly and legibly.
 Read the note below and complete the declaration that follows.

Plagiarism (to pass off someone else’s work as your own) is an act of fraud involving stealing someone
else’s hard work and lying about it afterwards. Plagiarism is a serious and illegal offence. The following
constitutes as plagiarism:
 Copying from a friend.
 Copy pasting from a website or other source. All work MUST be in your own words.
 Using a source without crediting (referencing) the source.
 Friends and teachers are not considered sources.


I, _________________________________, hereby acknowledge that I understand the definition of

plagiarism and to the best of my knowledge have not plagiarised any part of this project. I declare that all
work contained in this project is my own work.

Sign: ____________________________ Date: _____________________

©2022 Teenactiv 2

Question 1

Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow:

Sine is a shy girl that dreams of having lots of friends and being popular.
She feels like she isn’t like the other learners at her school.
She finds it very difficult to talk to people, make friends and she feels that
she isn’t particularly good at anything.
Sine isn’t very confident that her dreams will ever come true
Source: Unknown

1.1 Define the term ‘self-concept’. (1 x 1) (1)

Lower Order

1.2 What does it mean to influence someone? (1 x 1) (1)

Lower Order

1.3 Explain ONE reason why teenagers should work on having a positive self-concept. (1 x 2) (2)
Middle Order

©2022 Teenactiv 3

1.4 Suggest TWO ways in which you can make sure that you reach your personal potential. (2 x 2) (4)
Higher Order

Question 2
Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

Telling preteens about sex, asking them why pornography

is so common and teaching them that they have both the
right and the responsibility to be in control of what they
will and will not do sexually.
Those issues were on the table when the UN Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and several
African countries, including South Africa, the guidance report
includes definitions of various sex-related terms, ranging from
“heteronormativity” – the belief that heterosexuality is the
normal or default sexual orientation – to “transphobia”, or “the fear, discomfort, intolerance or
hatred of transgender people”.

Adapted from

Accessed 21.01.2022

2.1 Define the term “sexuality”. (1 x 1) (1)

Lower Order

©2022 Teenactiv 4

2.2 List THREE ways your peers influence your sexuality during your puberty years. (3 x 1) (3)
Lower Order

2.3 Name THREE ways the community may influence your own personal values which affect
your sexuality. (3 x 1) (3)
Lower Order

2.4 Describe THREE ways young people can handle a partner’s pressurising them to have sex
(assuming that their partner’s perspective of sexuality is different to theirs). (3 x 2) (6)
Middle Order

©2022 Teenactiv 5

Question 3:
Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow:

Ben and Joshua have been friends all through primary school. They have now started Grade
Eight and they are luckily at the same school, but they are in different classes. Ben is making new
friends and so is Joshua, but some of Ben’s new friends make poor decisions. Over the weekend,
Ben was at Joshua’s house and tried to convince Joshua to steal some of his parents’ alcohol so
they could drink it. Joshua doesn’t like this idea. Usually, they get along and have the same
opinion about everything. This is the first time they have disagreed.

Source: Unknown

3.1 Explain briefly how you would respectfully disagree with a friend if you were in a similar situation.
(2 x 2) (4)
Middle Order

©2022 Teenactiv 6

3.2 Describe TWO ways how Joshua could determine if his relationship is healthy. (2 x 2) (4)
Middle Order

3.3 Discuss THREE pieces of advice you would give a friend if they asked you for help to end a relationship
(3 x 2) (6)
Middle Order

©2022 Teenactiv 7

3.4 Justify the importance of having friends that have a POSITIVE influence on you. (1 x 2) (2)
Higher Order


©2022 Teenactiv 8

Question 4
Study the image below and
answer the questions that follow:


4.1 Explain in your own words the term ‘learning style’. (1 x 1) (1)
Lower Order

4.2 List TWO characteristics of a learner that learns best through hearing information. ( 2 x 1 ) (2)
Lower Order

©2022 Teenactiv 9

4.3 List TWO characteristics of a learner that learns best through hands on experiences while they
learn. (2 x 1 ) (2)
Lower Order

4.4 Briefly summarise TWO of the learning styles you are likely to use when you are studying.
(2 x 2) (4)
Middle Order

4.5 Recommend how each of the two learning styles identified in question 4.4 could most effectively
be applied while studying for a test or examination. (2 x 2) (4)
Higher Order

©2022 Teenactiv 10

4.6 Motivate TWO reasons why you should attempt to understand what your dominant learning style is.
(2 x 2) (4)
Higher Order


©2022 Teenactiv 11

Question 5
Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow:

It was 1:30 a.m., and Anna was trying to keep her mind off her ex-boyfriend, with whom she had ended a
painful relationship hours earlier. It was too late to call the therapist she was seeing to cope with low self-
esteem and homesickness, and too late to stop by a friend’s house. So, she turned to social media. “I’m
having a really hard time right now,” Anna posted on Facebook. “Is there anyone I can call and talk to until I
feel better?”

Almost immediately, three people responded with offers to talk. They were friends she had met playing
Quidditch, a sport based on the Harry Potter fantasy books, and she kept in touch with them online. Anna
talked to two of them until she was able to fall asleep.

The negative effects of social media on young people’s mental health are well-documented by researchers
and the press. Social media can drive envy and depression, enable cyberbullying, and spread thoughts of
suicide. But some academics and therapists are proposing a counterintuitive view: They have found that
social media may also help improve mental health. These benefits have attracted too little attention from
journalists and parents, they say. “Yes, social media is contributing to a new era of adolescent [and adult]
social stress, but when we accept that it is here to stay, we can also see it as a new opportunity for
connection and mindfulness,” according to an online advice column published by the University of
California, Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center.

Accessed from: on 21.01.2022

5.1 Define the term ‘problem solving skills.’ (1 x 1) (1)

Lower Order

5.2 Name TWO problem solving skills that Anna used. (2 x 1) (2)
Lower Order

©2022 Teenactiv 12

5.3 List THREE ways how social media could have a NEGATIVE effect on relationships and
friendships. (3 x 1) (3)
Lower Order

5.4 Explain THREE ways how teenagers can initiate online relationships safely. (3 x 2) (6)
Middle Order

©2022 Teenactiv 13

5.5 Motivate TWO ways how social media was particularly helpful to teenagers who were feeling
isolated because of the Covid-19 pandemic. (2 x 2) (4)
Higher Order


Total: 70 Marks

©2022 Teenactiv 14

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