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Dr. GEWING: Are the processes described good degree of reservation of all types of acrylic
already in bulk operation! fibres in unions is obtained.
M i . KRAMRISCH:A number of bulk trials havc
already shown promising results. SCOTTISH SECTIOX
&. P. F. MACNAB:To what extent will the Mr. A. It. MCINNES: Does the fibre play any
Siroset process for permanently pleating wool part in the one-bath process employing
affect the use of acrylic fibres in acrylic-wool Emulsifier OC as anti-precipitant?
unions where the acrylic fibre is used for obtaining Mr. KRAMRISCH:Any effect of the substrate
the pleating effect! can be ignored in this technique.
&. KRAMRISCH:It is not possible to draw a Mr. W. G. B. GRANT: Is it possible to produce
strict comparison. Whereas the object of the solid colours on unions of Acrilan and nylon?
Siroset process is to impart a durable pleat in all- Mr. KRAMRISCH: Two techniques are
wool materials, the introduction of an acrylic fibre possible-
in unions with wool may not be made only with (1) Dye the Acrilan first with cationic (basic)
this object in view, but may also be intended t o dyes, clear any staining of the nylon with acid
utilise other specific physical properties of the potassium perrnanganate, arid then cross-dye the
acrylic fibre. Furthermore, with a union of wool nylon with neutral-dyeing wool dyes.
and an acrylic fibre it is possible to produce two- ( 2 ) Use selected 1 : 1 metal-complex dyes applied
colour effects by suitable dyeing techniques. from a sulphuric acid bath.
Dr. J . K. SKELLY:Are the controlled cooling Mr. P. SCHWARZENBACH: Can a black be
conditions recommended after dyeing acrylic fibres produced on a union of Courtelle together with
as critical for 50 :50 cellulosic-acrylic fibre blends both viscose rayon and secondary cellulose acetate,
as for all-acrylic fibresi' Further, in the case of preferably dyeing a t about 80"c. on account of the
two-stage dyeing processes is controlled cooling cellulose acetate component?
required where the dyebath temperature i.; Mr. KRAMRISCH:It mayobe possible to find a
dropped at the end of the first stage? method of using suitable basic, direct, and disperse ,

Mr. KRAMRISCH:Slow cooling after dyeing is dyes to give a black on this union a t the boil, but
advisable a t all stages with acrylic fibres whether it is questionable whether this would he possible
alone or in unions, although it is perhaps not so a t 80"c.
critical in the latter case. Mr. D. G. EVANS: A further extension of the
Dr. SKELLY: Under whttt pH conditions do use of Emulsifier OC is that it can be considered
Cibacron dyes react with or reserve acrylic, wool, for preventing precipitation, which may otherwise
and cellulosic fibres? occur between a cationic dye and the anionic
Mr. KRAMRISCH:Cibacrons do not dye acrylic dispersing agent used with disperse dyes.
fibres such as Orlon 4% and Courtelle. They have Mr. G. G. CAVEN: Which techniques are sug-
affinity for Acrilan under acid Conditions, but in gested for bulk application to the production of
general the light fastness is appreciably lower than solid colours on Acrilan-wool unions?
with the same dyes on cotton or wool. Acid con- Mr. KRAMRISCH:1 :2 Meta.1-complex dyes citn
ditions are used for applying Cibacron dyes to be used for light colours applied by acid pretreat-
wool, and under these conditions reservation or ment and subsequent dyeing along with products
only slight staining of all types of acrylic fibres such as Cibalan Salt 8 t,ogether with Emulsifier OC,
occurs with most members of the range. Alkaline and for medium and full colours 1 : lmetal-complex
conditions are employed in the application of dyes can be applied in the normal manjler as for
Cibacron dyes to cellulosic fibres, and in general a wool. Individual dye selection is required.

The Dyeing of Polyester Fibres and Blends

One-day Conference of the West Riding Section held at the Bradford Institute of Technology
on 7th November 1958, M r . R . Heaton in the chair
The first part of this paper reviews the neth hods at present employed in dyeing yarns and hosiery
cornposed of lOOO,/, polyester fibre. The use of disperse dyes in conjunction with carriers and the adoptlion
of high-temperature dyeing methods in the application of disperse dyes and azoic cornbin&t.ionsare
discussed, with descriptions of the machines employed. The second part of the paper is devoted to the
methods employed in the dyeing of blends of polyester fibres with wool, cotton, and nylon,

A tremendous amount of information on the The present paper will be limited to the more.
dyeing of polyester fibres has been made available practical aspects of the subject, and further will be
both in this country and in the United States confined largely to the section of the industry in
during the past few years. I n 1951 I C I published which the author has had personal experience, viz.
a second edition of their manual on this subject of the dyeing of yarns and hosiery. Nevertheless,
some eighty pages, and subsequent research and much of the paper will be equally applicablc to
experience would provide material for a volume other fields of polyester fibre dyeing. It will refer
several times that size. primarily to Terylene (ICI) polyester fibre, although

the dyeing properties of Dacron (DuP) are closely Carriers are organic compounds which increase
similar, if not identical. the rate of diffusion of disperse dyes into the
Owing to the absence of chemically reactive fibre, and various theories have been put forward
groups from Terylene, the classes of dyes available to explain their mode of operation-. A wide
for its coloration are in general limited to the variety of organic compounds are capable of
disperse dyes and certain azoic combinations. I n acting as carriers, including phenolic derivatives
addition, it is possible to apply selected vat dyes such as 0 - and p-phenylphenol (2- and 4-hydroxy-
at 130” an unreduced condition or as their acid diphenyl), carboxylic acids such as benzoic,
leuco compounds, while solubilised vat dyes- e.g. dichlorobenzoic, and salicylic acids, aromatic
Soledons (ICI) and Cibantines (Ciba)- can be hydrocarbons and chlorinated hydrocarbons such
applied to Terylene-cotton fabrics by padding. as diphenyl, mono- and di-chlorobenzene, and
Pigment dispersions may also be padded on to chlorotoluenes, and amines such as diphenylamine.
Terylene fabric in conjunction with appropriate The majority of these compounds, however, have
binders, and fixed by baking. disadvantages which render them unsuitable for
commercial application. Many are too costly for
DISPERSE DYES ON 100% TERYLENE economic use. Benzoic and salicylic acids, for
Although the equilibrium absorption capacity of example, must be used in concentrations of up to
Terylene for disperse dyes is greater than that of 20 g./litre. Many of the chlorinated derivatives
nylon, their rate of diffusion into the fibre is very are toxic, while other effective carriers are difficult
much lower, and dark colours of adequate fastness to remove from the fibre, resulting in objectionable
cannot be obtained by normal dyeing methods. residual odours or reduction in light fastness of the
By selecting the most rapidly diffusing disperse dyeing. Thus we found that residual diphenyl-
dyes, e.g.- amine would cause a dyeing of C.I. Disperse Blue 26
C.I. Disperse Orange 3 to change to a grey on exposure to light.
C.I. Disperse Red 15 p-Phenylphenol has a less extreme effect but sub-
C.I. Disperse Violet 1 stantially reduces the light fastness of many
C.I. Disperse Blue 26 disperse dyes.
Two of the most effective carriers for general
however, it is possible to dye light to medium purposes are diphenyl and o-phenylphenol. Where
depths at 100%. in conventional dyeing machines. diphenyl is used it is most important, although by
The resulting fastness to washing, steaming, and no means easy, to ensure its complete removal
dry heat treatments is in general lower than that after dyeing, since residual traces leave an
obtained with more slowly diffusing dyes applied objectionable odour in the goods and reduce the
by special methods, but the wet fastness is much fastness to sublimation of the dyeing. We
higher than that of the same dyes on nylon, and experienced considerable trouble a t one time when
this method is quite suitable for many of the we were using diphenyl as a carrier in dyeing spun
lighter hosiery colours. Terylene half hose, the dye volatilising from dark
Plain continuous-filament Terylene has not dyeings on to the hosiery press and marking back
been found very acceptable for men’s footwear on to other dyeings of Terylene and nylon which
owing to its hardness and non-absorbency, but were pressed subsequently. o-Phenylphenol is
spun Terylene staple yarns have been used quite more easily removed, particularly by alkaline
extensively for this class of goods, and more treatments, and is a very satisfactory carrier when
recently crimped (“bulked”) Terylene yarns have used in a concentration of 3 g./litre.
become popular, particularly for the production of o-Phenylphenol itself is insoluble in water, but
fancy effects in conjunction with crimped nylon. it readily dissolves in caustic soda to form a
They are usually dyed in side-paddle machines of sodium salt. In that form it is ineffective as a
improved Gorrie design. The latest machines of carrier and must be acidified with acetic acid to a
this type are equipped with variable-speed gears pH of 64)-6.5 before use, an anionic dispersing
and are totally enclosed, enabling a vigorous boil agent being added to maintain the free phenol in
to be maintained. a state of dispersion. This acidification may be
About two years ago an attempt was made to carried out before or after addition to the dyebath.
introduce Terylene as a competitor to nylon in It is essential trhatthe carrier is effectively emulsi-
ladies’ fully fashioned hose. The panel was fied. If by any mischance concentrated carrier is
knitted with a 25-denier, 3-filament yarn, heavier deposited on the fibre, the resultant local swelling
multifll yarns of lower filament denier being will produce deeply coloured “carrier spots”. This
used in the welts and feet. After preboarding effect may, for example, be produced by a con-
and scouring it was found possible to dye these densate of liquid carrier on the upper part of a
hose a t the boil in conventional hosiery colours machine dripping back on t o the goods. This may
without the use of carriers. These stockings, how- be avoided by starting the dyeing on the alkaline
ever, did not prove popular, largely owing to their side and liberating the free phenol by gradual
lack of recoverability from distortion, and soon addition of acid a t the boil.
passed out of fashion. After dyeing, particularly with dark colours, it
is often found that a small amount of disperse dye
Carrier Dyeing remains unfixed on the surface of the fibre. This
For men’s half hose it is of course necessary t o can be removed by a reduction-clearing treatment
use carriers in order to obtain the deeper colours. without affecting the dye which has penetrated into
PAIWRIL)G~;-- 375

the fibre. The most effective method consists in

treating with caustic soda, hydrosulphite, and
Lissolamine A 50% (ICI) or an equivalent product
(each a t a concentration of 2 g./litre) a t 60%. for
20-30 min. I n the case of loose fibre and dubbing
there is a risk of tendering under such conditions,
and the temperature should be restricted to 50"c.
The dyeings should finally be soaped at, or near,
the boil.
Dyeing at 120-130"~.
The rate of diffusion of disperse dyes into
Terylene increases rapidly with increase of tem-
perature, and dark colours can be dyed with com- #
paratively slowly diffusing dyes in normal dyeing PIG. 1- Steverlynck Maclime
times without the use of carriers if dyeings are
carried out at 120-130%. In addition to improved to the dye vessel (5). According to the position
colour yield, this method results in better levelling of the valve (4) the dye liquor may be passed
and higher wet fastness. This process, of course, through the cheeses from inside to outside or vice
necessitates the use of special dyeing equipment, versa. A proportional volume of liquor is siniul-
but in view of the disadvantages of carrier dyeing taneously circulated through a single specimen
we have found it worth while to install a full range cheese in the container (6) for sampling. From
of pressurised dyeing machines for dyeing all our the dye vessel the liquor returns to the pump
Terylene yarns. for recirculation. Shading additions are made to
After preliminary t,rials we designed a,nd built an the expansion tank ( I ) .through which only a small
entirely new dyehouse for this type of work. It proportion of liquor circulates during normal
consists essentially of two storeys, the machines running. The heat-exchange vessel (3) is fitted
being so mounted on the ground floor as to project with coils (not shown) for steam heating and cdd-
to a convenient working height above the upper water cooling. The system is pressurised by the
floor. This floor also houses the dyers' office, introduction of compressed air through the valve
a matching room equipped with daylight lamps, (7). A reserve tank (8) is provided to which the
and dye store with direct access to the yard. dye liquor may be pumped for temporary storage.
A travelling hoist enables the frames ancl cages
to be moved to any part of the dyehouse and
lowered to the ground floor for loading and unloa,d-
ing. A vacuum plant is provided with poirit)s
between the machines on to which containers can
be lowered for extraction after dyeing. The
machines are equipped with temperature and time
regulators and recorders to ensure adequate control
of processing. All services- water, steam, vacuum,
and waste- are carried between the upper and
ground floors for easy access for maintenmce.
Various types of machines are available for high-
temperature yarn dyeing. We use both the
Longclose and the Pegg types, the latter being
constructed on the Steverlynck system. With FIG. 2- Longclose .Witchiiie
adequately sealed equipment, it is possible, of
course, to raisc the temperature above 1 0 0 " ~ . Fig. 2 illustrates the system on which our
without the application of any external pressure. Longclose machines operate. The pump ( 2 )
Volatilisation of dye liquor may, however, occur in circulates the dye liquor through the reversing
the low-pressure region behind the circulating valve (4),the dye vessel ( 5 ) ,and the specimen con-
pump with resultant loss of efficiency. This can tainer (6), but on return the whole of the liquor
be prevented to some extent by sealing t,he passes through the tank (1). which contains the
machine a t 7O-8O0c., thus developing a static heating and cooling coils. Dye and chemical
pressure by compression of the entrapped air, but additions are introduced into the system t,hrough
application of external pressure by means of com- the small subsidiary vessel (3), which may be
pressed air, as provided in the Steverlynck system, isolated for the purpose.
is a distinct advantage. Another technique is Machines such as the above are suitable for
utilised in the Jagri machines, where the gaseous dyeing all types of Terylene yarns a t temperatures
phase is excluded, and direct fluid pressure is up to 130"c. Colours are first matched on single-
applied by means of a weighted piston. cheese machines, which are also in great demand
The layout of a Steverlynck machine is illustrated for sample dyeing. Spun yarns are best dyed in
in Fig. 1. The dyebath is prepared in the expan- cheese form. I n order to obtain level dyeings it is
sion tank (1)and delivered by the pump (2) through most important that all cheeses should be evenly
the heat exchanger (3) and the reversing valve (4) wound, and t o ensure this we do all our own

winding. It is desirable to give the cheese a n and those of higher molecular weight such as
efficient scour before dyeing, but if caustic alkali C.I. Disperse Black 1 and C.I. Azoic Diazo
is used for this purpose care must be taken to Component 48, which require the presence of a
ensure thorough neutralisation before proceeding carrier or a temperature above 100"~. The
to dye at high temperatures. An anionic dis- former may be applied in the bath as
persing agent may be used with advantage in the 3,X-hydroxynaphthoic acid, but the latter produce
dyebath to assist dispersion of the dye and improve tars under such conditions and must be applied
levelling. in a separate bath. In the single-bath process the
Continuous-filament yarns can be dyed either as Terylene is boiled with a dispersion of the base for
cheeses or in the form of mock cakes. The latter 20-30 min. before addition of the naphthoic acid,
are mounted on "top hat" formers similar to those and dyeing is continued a t the boil for a further
wed for viscose rayon cake dyeing. It is advisable hour. It is essential that the pH of the bath
that these forms should be of stainless steel rather should be maintained a t approx. 3-8 to ensure
than synthetic resin, since the latter tend to adequate exhaustion of the coupling component.
deteriorate a t high temperatures and, moreover, After rinsing, diazotisation and coupling are
may occlude dye, which will diffuse out when they effected by treatment in 8% nitrite and 12%
are subsequently used for dyeing a lighter colour. hydrochloric acid (32"Tw.), starting cold and
I n dyeing viscose rayon cakes the swelling of the warming to 85"c. The operation is completed by
package in water ensures a good seal; the absence a reduction-clear a t 5 0 " ~ followed
. by "soaping"
of such swelling in Terylene may result in a t 80"c. with soda (2g./litre) and an anionic
channelling of the liquor if the cake is not an exact detergent (1 g./litre). I n the two-bath process the
fit on the holder or if its construction allows any f i s t bath is dropped and the Terylene rinsed before
contraction in height during dyeing. applying the 3,2-hy&oxynaphthoic acid. .
Non-stretch textured yarns such as Taslan I n yarn dyeing in pressurised machines a one-
may also be dyed on cheese if fully relaxed before bath process may be used to apply the more
being wound for dyeing. Stretch or crimp complex bases in conjunction with selected
Terylene yarns such as Fluflene, however, are arylamides. It has been suggested2 that the
wound into hanks, relaxed into the form of absence of tar formation is due to the blocking
muffs, and dyed in annular cages as designed for of the carboxylic group of the naphthoic acid, pre-
loose-stock dyeing. If they were dyed in a venting salt formation with the base. Blacks may
stretched condition in cheese form a t high tem- be obtained with C.I. Disperse Black 1 and C.I.
peratures, the crimp would be seriously impaired. Azoic Coupling Component 18, and navy blues
These yarns are often used for knitting patterned with C.I. Azoic Diazo Component 48 and (2.1.
half hose in conjunction with nylon which may Azoic Coupling Component 19. I n the case of the
subsequently be cross-dyed, and dyes of high wet black, dyeing is commenced at 85"c. with the dis-
fastness must be selected. perse black in the presence of an anionic dispersing
agent (2g./litre), and after 10min. a t 120%. the
Pad-Pix Methods coupling component is added as a fine dispersion.
An alternative method of ensuring rapid diffusion The temperature is then raised to 130"~.and
of disperse dyes into Terylene is to apply the dye dyeing continued for 45 min. a t a p H between 6.5
to the surface of the fibre a t conventional tempera- and 8.0. After dyeing, the yarn is given a cold
tures and subsequently submit the material to a rinse in caustic soda (1 g.,ilitre). and the colour
high-temperature treatment. In the early days of developed by diazotising with S-8yo nitrite and
Terylene (1949) we developed and patented a 11-14% hydrochloric acid, starting cold and
technique in which we applied disperse dyes from raising the temperature to 85-90"c. This is
a soap bath a t 80"c. and developed full colours by followed by a reduction-clear and a final soaping.
steaming a t pressures of 2 5 4 0 lb./ 5 . If difEculty is encountered in obtaining a satis-
A similar principle is applied in the Thermosol factory dispersion of the coupling component, the
(DuP)process, in which the Terylene is padded with latter may be dissolved in the minimum amount
disperse dyes and subsequently heat-treated, while of caustic soda and added as the sodium salt. The
Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. have recently free coupling component is liberated by addition
recommended a similar technique in the application of acetic acid a t 130°c.,bringing the pH to 65-7.5.
of disperse dyes in conjunction with Procions to The blue combination is applied in a similar
Terylene-cellulosic fibre mixtures 'j. manner, but a higher temperature and a longer
time are required for adequate diazotisation and
AZOIC DYES coupling.
A limited range of azoic combinations are The use of high-temperature dyeing with
suitable for dyeing Terylene. A number of bases arylamides offers advanfages over the 3.2-hydroxy-
can be used in conjunction with 3,2-hydroxy- naphthoic acid method in shorter dyeing times,
naphthoic acid, applied as dispersions a t the boil, savings in dyes and auxiliaries, and improved fast-
and subsequently diazotised and coupled, and the ness properties. Thus the navy produced with
range may be extended by the use of selected 3,2-hydroxynaphthoic acid has a light fastness of
arylamides of this acid applied a t 1 3 0 " ~ . only 3 , while with (3.1.Coupling Component 19 a
The available bases fall into two groups- those fastness of 6 is obtained.
of low molecular weight such as p-nitroaniline,
~ Certain azoic combinations on Terylene
which may be applied at 1OO"c. without a carrier; unfortunately suffer from a serious defect when

submitted to heat-setting or steaming processes, as of its sodium salt in portions after the dyebath has
for example the preboarding of hosiery. Under been raised to the boil. The latter technique has
such conditions aggregation and migration of the been found pa8rticularlyadvantageous in preventing
pigment occur, with resultant flattening of the the formation of carrier stains in the dyeing of
colour and reduction in fastness t o rubbing. The piece goods on the winch.
scarlet produced with p-nitroaniline and When the single-bath method is used, the stain-
3,2-hydroxynaphthoic acid is particularly SUS- ing of the wool may be cleared by a treatment with
ceptible to this defect. potassium permanganate acidified with sulphuric
acid. The temperature is raised to 40"c.,and the
VAT DYES brown stain of manganese dioxide removed by the
Vat dyes are not applicable to Terylene by addition of sodium bisulphite. If the two-bath
normal alkaline leuco methods, but selected vat process is used, it is possible to clear before dyeing
dyes may be applied at 1 3 0 " ~in
. unreduced pig- the wool, and in that case a reduction process is
ment form in a similar manlier to disperse dyes. preferred, using ammonia, sodium hydrosulphitc,
With e.g. C.I. Vat Red 1 or C.I. Vat Red 41, and Dispersol VL (ICI) or similar agent. The
extremely bright dyeings of outstanding fastness wool is then dyed in the usual way with acid,
to wet treatments, steaming, and dry heat may be metal-complex, or chrome dyes and, in the case of
obtained. Alternatively, the vat dye may be dark colours, finally "soaped" with an anionic
applied in a similar manner as a dispersion of detergent a t 7 0 " ~ . It should be noted that certain
its acid leuco compound, which is then oxidised. disperse dyes are capable of reacting with
dichromate with a resultant change in colour.
The Dyeing of Terylene Blends C.I. Disperse Reds 11 and 15 are particularly
TERYLENE-WOOL sensitive, and should be replaced by C.I. Disperse
Red 13 if the wool is to be chrome-dyed.
Although mixtures of Terylene and wool offer
the opportunity of two-colour effects in the half TERYLENE-COTTON
hose trade, the chief demand is for solid shades on
Considerably less difficulty is encountered in
yarn for weaving patterned fabrics. The presence
dyeing blends of Terylene with cellulosic fibres. If
of the wool fibre prevents the use of azoic com- fastness requirements are not high, light to medium
binations, severely limits the possibilities of high- depths may be dyed by a one-bath process using
temperatlure dyeing, and necessitates the omission the more rapidly diffusing disperse dyes for the
of the caustic reduction-clear. I n general the
Terylene and direct dyes for the cotton. Deeper
Terylene is dyed with selected disperse dyes, and and faster colours may be produced by the use of
the wool with milling acid, metal-complex, or more slowly diffusing dyes in the presence of a
chrome dyes. carrier, in conjunction with aftertreated direct dyes
For several years wc have been successfully such as Cluprofix (S), Cuprophenyl (Gy), and
dyeing Terylene-wool yarns in cheese form. These Coprantine (Ciba) dyes. In this case a two-bath
yarns are usually woven into patterned fabrics, method is preferable, a reduction-clear being given
which are often subjected to pleating operations, before dyeing the cotton.
and the dyes must therefore be fast t o piece Direct cotton dyes, even if aftertreated, are not
scouring and pleating as well as to light and adequate for the fastest class of work, and we
rubbing. The main difficulty lies in the staining usually dye Terylene-cotton blended yarns on
of the wool by the disperse dyes used for the cheese by a two-bath process with disperse and vat
Terylene. If not adequately cleared, such staining dyes. The Terylene is first dyed a t 1 3 0 " ~with
will result in reduced fastness to all these agencies. selected disperse dyes in the usual way, and the
CSelection of disperse dyes must therefore be based cotton is subsequently vat-dyed in a fresh bath.
not only on their fastness properties on Terylene There is no need for an intermediate clear t o
hut also on their lack of staining of the wool com- remove the staining of the disperse dye from the
ponent. Among the dyes suitable for this purpose
cotton, as the hydrosulphite vat performs this
are- function adequately. The vat dye is usually
C.I. Disperse Yellow 39
applied in the leuco form a t the normal dyeing
(2.1.Disperse Orange 1
temperature, but if penetration difficulties are
C.I, Disperse Red 11 encountered a pigment-impregnation technique
C.I. Disperse Blue 2G.
may be adopted. For reds and maroons an azoic
The yarn is first given a normal wool scow a t combination may be used for dyeing the cotton,
5 0 " ~ .and then dyed a t the boil with a suitable after a reduction-clear, the yarn being given a salt
carrier such as o-phenylphenol. Light colours may rinse after the coupling component bath. Reactive
be dyed by a one-bath process, milling acid or dyes may also be applied to the cotton by the
metal-complex dyes being applied to the wool usual techniques, after first dyeing the Terylene.
together with disperse dyes for the Terylene, but
for dark colours a two-bath process is essential. I n Fabric Dyeing
the majority of cases the Terylene dyebath may be The above methods are equally applicable to
set with dyes and dispersed acidified carrier and fabrics, the Terylene being dyed a t 100"~.with the
gradually raised to the boil. An alterna,tive aid of a carrier if pressurised equipment is not
method is to sta.rt with the necessary amount of available. Recently, however, Imperial Chemical
acid present and to add the carrier in the form Industries Ltd. have introduced ti continuous dyeing

method in which the fabric is padded through a When both fibres are undyed, the dyer is
solution containing disperse dyes, reactive dyes, normally restricted to comparatively light colours
urea, dispersing agent, and thickener, with the on the Terylene, usually with the addition of a
addition of either sodium bicarbonate or soda ash carrier to influence the partition of the disperse dye
according to the type of reactive dye employed. in favour of the Terylene. Prolonging the dyeing
The reactive dye is fixed on the drier, and the dis- time also assists in achieving this result. The nylon
perse dye by subsequent baking a t 175-190%. is cross-dyed to a darker colour in the same or a fresh
Alternatively, the hot-dyeing brands of reactive bath with anionic dyes. If the depth required on
dye may be fixed by a steam treatment. the nylon is not substantially heavier than that on
Solubilised Vat Dyes the Terylene, it is necessary to clear the disperse
dye from the nylon by a reduction treatment before
Although these dyes do not normally dye cross-dyeing. I n certain cases the dyer may be
Terylene, fast coloration of Terylene-cotton fabrics required t o leave the Terylene white. Although
in pale colours can be obtained by padding. The anionic dyes do not dye Terylene, many cause
fabric is padded with a solution containing the dye appreciable staining, and careful selection is
and nitrite, developed with sulphuric acid, washed, necessary to ensure a good white reserve.
neutralised, and soaped, the temperature of padding
and developing depending upon the particular dye A limited range of three-colour effects can be
employed. obtained by including a pattern of Terylene pre-
Pigments dyed to a dark colour. The undyed Terylene may
then be dyed t,o an appropriate pale colour, and
Terylene-cotton fabrics may also be dyed in the nylon cross-dyed with anionic dyes to a eon-
light to medium depths by padding with trasting colour.
recently introduced pigment dispersions such as
Microfix (Ciba), Printofix (S), or Helizarin (BASF) TERYLENE-CELLULOSE ACETATE
in conjunction with the appropriate binders, and
subsequently curing a t 1 4 0 ” ~ . With appropriate modification the above tech-
niques may be applied to mixtures of Terylene with
TERYLENE-NYLON secondary cellulose acetate and cellulose triacetate.
Terylene is frequently used in conjunction with * * *
nylon in the form of crimped or stretch yarns for
the production of fancy effects in men’s half hose. The author wishes to express his thanks to the
These may be knitted with predyed Terylene and Directors of Messrs. Stevensons (Dyers) Ltd. for
undyed nylon, with both yarns undyed, or with a permission to present this paper.
pattern of predyed Terylene in conjunction with STRVENSVNY LTD.
undyed Terylene and undyed nylon. AMBERGATE
In t,he first case the nylon is cross-dyed with
either disperse, acid, or metal-complex dyes. If ( M S . r e i ~ h e d8th December 19.58)
the Terylene has been predyed to a dark colour, References
light t o medium depths may be produced on the J ( ‘ 1 , [ / h e Uye;rifj of “Terylcne” Polyester Fibre (2nd
nylon with disperse dyes, but for dark colours on edition 1954).
the nylon, acid or metal-complex dyes must be 2 Farn and Hadfield, J.s.D.c., 71, 840 (1955).

used to ensure adequate wash fastness. These Vickerstaff, Hexagon Digest, (20), 7 (Oct. 1954).
dyes must also be used on the nylon if the Trrylene Schuler, Tezt. Research J . , 27, 352 (195i).
Stevensons (Dyers) Ltd., Partridge, and Key, B P
has been predyed to a light colonr, to avoid staining 659,667.
of the latter. ICJ, Techwicnl I~rjormr~tiorr, Dyehouse No. 423 and 436.

The Finishing of Fabrics containing Wool blended with Terylene

or Acrylic Fibres
c ~tkP Wesf Biding Ahtion heM wt the Bradlord Institute qf Technology
One-doy ( ‘ o n f ~ r e n if’
on 7th November 1958, Dr. R . L . Elliott in the chair

An account is given of niodorn practice in the finishing of fabrics containing wool blended with
polyester or srr,ylic fibres, togother with the new data relating t o the changes in diinensions of wool-
Terylene blended fabrics during finishing and to certain physical properties of the finished cloths.

A t the outset it must be ernphasised that the the last few years, and the purpose of this paper is
finishing of fabrics containing both wool and to give an account of what is known and to indicate
acrylic or polyester fibres is very much in its posslble trends for future work.
infancy. There is little doubt that the optimum The technique adopted in finishing does, of
methods for finishing most types of these blended course, depend on the handle and the finish
fabrics have not yet been found. A n appreciable desired, but in most instances the aim has been to
amount of work has, however, been carried out in obtain a fabric which is as much like wool as

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