1° Teste de Inglês - 2° Ano

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DATA: 28/03/2023
ALUNO (a): VALOR: 5,0
ANO: 2° ANO NOTA ________

Leia o texto e identifique os falsos cognatos:

Terrific food
John's wife is a terrific cook. She makes terrific food. She is one of the best cooks in
town. Her name is Anna, and she is a housewife. She loves preparing all sorts of foods: beef, pork, fish,
pie, salads, and so on.
Actually, John and Anna are thinking of starting a food business. They are going
to talk to their parents to see if they agree. John's father is the mayor of the city and his opinion is
extremely important. John studied business in college, so this is going to be useful in their new
This week they're going to have a party at their large house and invite a lot of people,
including John's father (the mayor), so that they can talk about their idea.

1- São falsos cognatos no texto:

a) Terrific - sort - beef - actually - large
b) Terrific - beef - parents - food - large
c) Terrific - college - new - mayor - business
d) Terrific - large - invite - college – new

2- Identifique o significado correto do falso cognato “Terrific”:

a) Terrível
b) Assustador
c) Muito bom
d) Aterrorizado
e) Excelente

Leia a tirinha para responder as questões 3 e 4

3- The text is?
a) Cartoon
b) Comic Strip
c) Fable
d) Song

4- We generally find this kind of text in:

a) Internet and Magazines
b) Book and Magazines
c) Internet and books
d) Newspaper and books

5- Choose the correct option (Conditional):

Leo is just a careless boy all the time. If Leo _________ so clumsy, he ________ my favourite

a) weren’t/wouldn’t have broken

b) hadn’t been/wouldn’t have broken
c) were/wouldn’t have broken
d) weren´t/would have broken

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