Conversation Questions

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Speaking Conversation Questions

(Edisi Pertama)
by Mr. Firdaus Budi

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Conversation Question Topics

Designed for use in Fast English Class

Copyright © 2022 Fast Education Institute

All right reserved.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................. 4
Accidents at Home ............................................................................................................ 5
Advertising ......................................................................................................................... 6
Advice ................................................................................................................................. 7
Amusement Parks ............................................................................................................. 8
Anger ................................................................................................................................... 9
Annoying Things ............................................................................................................. 10
Arguing ............................................................................................................................. 11
Beauty and Physical Attractiveness ............................................................................. 12
Behavior............................................................................................................................ 13
Birthdays .......................................................................................................................... 14
Business ........................................................................................................................... 15
Celebrities......................................................................................................................... 16
Change .............................................................................................................................. 17
Cheating............................................................................................................................ 18
Childhood ......................................................................................................................... 19
Chores ............................................................................................................................... 20
Classrooms ...................................................................................................................... 21
Clothes & Fashion ........................................................................................................... 22
College .............................................................................................................................. 23
Complaining ..................................................................................................................... 24
Computers ........................................................................................................................ 25
Conflict .............................................................................................................................. 26
Corruption ........................................................................................................................ 27
Countries .......................................................................................................................... 28
Creativity........................................................................................................................... 29
Crime ................................................................................................................................. 30
Culture .............................................................................................................................. 31
Dangers............................................................................................................................. 32
Disaster ............................................................................................................................. 33
Do You Wish...? ............................................................................................................... 34
Education.......................................................................................................................... 35
FAST ENGLISH | Written by Mr. Firdaus 4
Topik perlu dipraktekkan langsung dengan tutor


There are a few people I would like to thank for their help in getting me to the point where I
could write this book.

First of all, I would like to thank my parents. Without their love, infinite patience, guidance, and
understanding I would have never made it as far as I have.

I want to thank my wife for her encouragement and love throughout all my successes and

I would also like to thank all of my fellow tutors at Fast English who have kept me sane through
the hard times and celebrated with me during the good times.

Lastly, I would like to thank all of my students at Fast English who have made my years of
teaching fun and interesting

1. Sisa kosakata (Vocabularies) akan disampaikan ketika Anda sedang praktek dengan Tutor Fast
2. Tutor akan menjelaskan topik selama 15 menit mengenai cara menjawab, pembahasan Grammar dan
3. Peserta akan praktek mengenai topik diatas dan tutor akan memperhatikan serta
memperbaiki/mengkoreksi Grammar, Pronunciation, and Vocabulary sampai bisa selama 45 menit
4. WAJIB untuk mengaktifkan microphone ketika sesi praktek berlangsung
FAST ENGLISH | Written by Mr. Firdaus 5
Topik perlu dipraktekkan langsung dengan tutor

Accidents at Home

1. What is the most dangerous thing in your home? How can your home be made less
2. What is the most dangerous thing in your home for a child? How can it be made
less dangerous?
3. What is the most dangerous thing in your home for an elderly person? How can it
be made less dangerous?
4. What dangers can be found in the kitchen that can cause accidents?
5. What can be done to prevent kitchen accidents?
6. What can a parent do to childproof a kitchen?
7. What dangers can be found in bathrooms that can cause accidents?
8. What can be done to prevent bathroom accidents?
9. What can a parent do to childproof a bathroom?
10. What dangers can be found outside the home in the yard that can cause accidents?

English Phonetic Indonesian

The most ðə moʊst Paling
Thing θɪŋ Hal
Be bi Menjadi
Made less meɪd lɛs Mengurangi
Elderly ˈɛldərli Orang lanjut usia
Be found bi faʊnd Ditemukan
Cause kɑz Menyebabkan
Accident ˈæksədənt Kecelakaan
Be done bi dʌn Dilakukan
Prevent prɪˈvɛnt Mencegah
Childproof ʧaɪldpruf Perlindungan Anak
Yard jɑrd Halaman

1. Sisa kosakata (Vocabularies) akan disampaikan ketika Anda sedang praktek dengan Tutor Fast
2. Tutor akan menjelaskan topik selama 15 menit mengenai cara menjawab, pembahasan Grammar dan
3. Peserta akan praktek mengenai topik diatas dan tutor akan memperhatikan serta
memperbaiki/mengkoreksi Grammar, Pronunciation, and Vocabulary sampai bisa selama 45 menit
4. WAJIB untuk mengaktifkan microphone ketika sesi praktek berlangsung
FAST ENGLISH | Written by Mr. Firdaus 6
Topik perlu dipraktekkan langsung dengan tutor

1. What is the most shocking advertisement you have seen?
2. What is the funniest advertisement you have seen? Describe it.
3. What makes an ad memorable?
4. What are the different types of advertising? (Eg. TV)
5. What types of companies choose each type?
6. Do you buy products because of advertising?
7. Do you find advertising persuasive?
8. Should advertisers be allowed to advertise to children?
9. What do you think of celebrity endorsements?
10. Which celebrities advertise which products?
11. Do favorite or annoying celebrities make you want or not want to buy a product?
12. Should there be advertisement-free zones?
13. Is there truth in advertising?
14. What kind of advertisements attract your attention?

English Phonetic Indonesian

The Most ðə moʊst Paling
Shocking ˈʃɑkɪŋ Mengejutkan
Advertisement ədˈvɜrtəzmənt Periklanan
Seen sin Melihat
The funniest ðə ˈfʌniəst Paling lucu
Describe dɪˈskraɪb Menggambarkan
Ad æd Iklan
Memorable ˈmɛmərəbəl Berkesan
Different ˈdɪfərənt Berbeda
Each iʧ Setiap
Persuasive pərˈsweɪsɪv Motif
Be allowed bi əˈlaʊd Diperbolehkan
Advertise ˈædvərˌtaɪz Mengiklankan
Endorsement ɛnˈdɔrsmənt Dukungan
Which wɪʧ Yang mana
Want wɑnt Ingin
Should ʃʊd Seharusnya
Truth truθ Kebenaran

1. Sisa kosakata (Vocabularies) akan disampaikan ketika Anda sedang praktek dengan Tutor Fast
2. Tutor akan menjelaskan topik selama 15 menit mengenai cara menjawab, pembahasan Grammar dan
3. Peserta akan praktek mengenai topik diatas dan tutor akan memperhatikan serta
memperbaiki/mengkoreksi Grammar, Pronunciation, and Vocabulary sampai bisa selama 45 menit
4. WAJIB untuk mengaktifkan microphone ketika sesi praktek berlangsung
FAST ENGLISH | Written by Mr. Firdaus 7
Topik perlu dipraktekkan langsung dengan tutor

1. I want to quit smoking. What should I do?
2. I won 100,000 dollars and I don't know how to spend it. What should I do?
3. I gained a lot of weight in last few years. I want to lose at least 10kg. What should I
4. I have just lost my job. I haven't told my husband/wife yet. How should I tell
5. I found a wallet which had 2,000 dollars in it. How should I spend it?
6. My son doesn't want to go to school. He says that his teacher and all other students
hate him. What should I do?
7. My child wakes up very often in the middle of the night. He sleeps usually during the
day. I haven't had any good sleep for weeks. What should I do?
8. I have a headache. What should I do?
9. I hate working. What should I do?
10. I feel sad. What should I do?

English Phonetic Indonesian

Advice ædˈvaɪs Nasehat
Should ʃʊd Seharusnya
Won wʌn Memenangkan
Spend spɛnd Menghabiskan
Gained ɡeɪnd Memperoleh
A lot of ə lɑt ʌv Banyak
Weight weɪt Berat
Lose luz Mengurangi
At least æt list Setidaknya
Lost lɔst Kehilangan
Told toʊld Memberitahukan
Found faʊnd Menemukan
Wallet ˈwɔlət Dompet
Wake up weɪk ʌp Bangun tidur
Often ˈɔfən Sering
During ˈdʊrɪŋ Selama
Headache ˈhɛˌdeɪk Sakit kepala

1. Sisa kosakata (Vocabularies) akan disampaikan ketika Anda sedang praktek dengan Tutor Fast
2. Tutor akan menjelaskan topik selama 15 menit mengenai cara menjawab, pembahasan Grammar dan
3. Peserta akan praktek mengenai topik diatas dan tutor akan memperhatikan serta
memperbaiki/mengkoreksi Grammar, Pronunciation, and Vocabulary sampai bisa selama 45 menit
4. WAJIB untuk mengaktifkan microphone ketika sesi praktek berlangsung
FAST ENGLISH | Written by Mr. Firdaus 8
Topik perlu dipraktekkan langsung dengan tutor

Amusement Parks
1. Have you ever visited an amusement park?
• If so, what was it called?
• Where was it?
2. What has been the best amusement park you have ever visited? Why?
3. What was your favorite ride or activity? Why?
4. What was your worst ride or activity? Why?
• Was it expensive?
5. If you were to recommend an amusement park, which one would you recommend
and why?
6. What rides or activities would you recommend?
7. How regularly do you visit amusement parks?
8. Can you think of an amusement park ride or activity that would be both enjoyable
and popular?
9. Are you afraid of going on scary amusement park rides?
10. Do you know of anybody who hurt themselves or died at an amusement park?

English Phonetic Indonesian

Amusement Park əmˈjuzmənt pɑrk Taman hiburan
Visit ˈvɪzət Mengunjungi
Ride raɪd Mengendarai wahana
Expensive ɪkˈspɛnsɪv Mahal
Recommend ˌrɛkəˈmɛnd Merekomendasikan
Would wʊd Akan
Regularly ˈrɛɡjələrli Secara rutin
Think θɪŋk Berfikir
Both boʊθ Keduanya
Enjoyable ɛnˈʤɔɪəbəl Menyenangkan
Afraid of əˈfreɪd ʌv Takut dengan
Scary ˈskɛri Menakutkan
Hurt hɜrt Menyakiti
Themselves ðɛmˈsɛlvz Diri mereka

1. Sisa kosakata (Vocabularies) akan disampaikan ketika Anda sedang praktek dengan Tutor Fast
2. Tutor akan menjelaskan topik selama 15 menit mengenai cara menjawab, pembahasan Grammar dan
3. Peserta akan praktek mengenai topik diatas dan tutor akan memperhatikan serta
memperbaiki/mengkoreksi Grammar, Pronunciation, and Vocabulary sampai bisa selama 45 menit
4. WAJIB untuk mengaktifkan microphone ketika sesi praktek berlangsung
FAST ENGLISH | Written by Mr. Firdaus 9
Topik perlu dipraktekkan langsung dengan tutor

1. What causes anger?
2. Are there different types of anger?
3. What are various ways people respond to anger?
4. Is anger ever justified? If so, how can we determine whether it is?
5. Is anger ever a good thing? If so, when? Why?
6. Is anger ever a bad thing? If so, when? Why?
7. Are there better and worse ways to respond to one's own anger?
8. How do you decide what to do when you get angry?
9. Do you think men and women show their angry differently?
10. What makes you angry?
11. When was the last time you got angry?
• Tell us about it.
12. What do you usually do when you get angry?
13. What are the situations that make you angry?
14. What are the physical effects of getting angry? (e.g blood pressure...)
15. Is getting angry an effective way of dealing with problems?

English Phonetic Indonesian

Anger ˈæŋɡər Amarah
Cause kɑz Penyebab/menyebabkan
Different ˈdɪfərənt Perbedaan
Types of taɪps ʌv Tipe dari
Various ˈvɛriəs Bermacam-macam
Way weɪ Cara
Justified ˈʤʌstəˌfaɪd Dibenarkan
Determine dəˈtɜrmən Menentukan
Whether ˈwɛðər Apakah
Thing θɪŋ Hal
Better ˈbɛtər Lebih baik
Worse wɜrs Lebih buruk
Decide ˌdɪˈsaɪd Memutuskan
Effect ɪˈfɛkt Memengaruhi
Blood Pressure blʌd ˈprɛʃər Tekanan darah
Dealing ˈdilɪŋ Berurusan

1. Sisa kosakata (Vocabularies) akan disampaikan ketika Anda sedang praktek dengan Tutor Fast
2. Tutor akan menjelaskan topik selama 15 menit mengenai cara menjawab, pembahasan Grammar dan
3. Peserta akan praktek mengenai topik diatas dan tutor akan memperhatikan serta
memperbaiki/mengkoreksi Grammar, Pronunciation, and Vocabulary sampai bisa selama 45 menit
4. WAJIB untuk mengaktifkan microphone ketika sesi praktek berlangsung
FAST ENGLISH | Written by Mr. Firdaus 10
Topik perlu dipraktekkan langsung dengan tutor

Annoying Things
1. What annoys you about living where you live now?
2. What annoys you about taking trains to work?
3. What annoys you about driving a car?
4. What annoys you most about living at home with your family?
5. Do you think you have habits that annoy other people?
6. Does it annoy you when people kiss in public?
7. Do you get annoyed when someone cuts in front of you when you are waiting in
8. What are some new pet peeves you have as a result of recent technology (i.e. cell
phone use)?
9. What annoying habits does your best friend have?
10. Does smoking bother you?

English Phonetic Indonesian

Annoying əˈnɔɪɪŋ Menjengkelkan
Thing θɪŋ Hal
Annoy əˈnɔɪ Membuat jengkel
Most moʊst Paling
Habit ˈhæbət Kebiasaan
Other ˈʌðər Yang lainnya
Cut kʌt Memotong
In front of ɪn frʌnt ʌv Di depan
Line laɪn Antrian
Pet pɛt Binatang peliharaan
Peeve piv Kencing
As æz Membuat kesal
Result of rɪˈzʌlt ʌv Sebagai
Recent ˈrisənt Terkini
Bother ˈbɑðər Mengganggu

1. Sisa kosakata (Vocabularies) akan disampaikan ketika Anda sedang praktek dengan Tutor Fast
2. Tutor akan menjelaskan topik selama 15 menit mengenai cara menjawab, pembahasan Grammar dan
3. Peserta akan praktek mengenai topik diatas dan tutor akan memperhatikan serta
memperbaiki/mengkoreksi Grammar, Pronunciation, and Vocabulary sampai bisa selama 45 menit
4. WAJIB untuk mengaktifkan microphone ketika sesi praktek berlangsung

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