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Chloe bell

Unit 303 1.1

The minimum standards for childminding and daycare for children under age 12 which was set in place
in July 2012, was put into place to ensure that children and Carrers had a set expectation of the care
that will be provided towards the children, so they are properly cared for at a standard to protect and
care for the children's wellbeing. This allows everyone to work together to keep the children safe.

This is practiced in my childcare setting as one of the Minium standards is that staff should have the
required training that the minim standard has set. I received training as soon as I began working in my
daycare. I received training in my health and safety, child protection, food and hygiene and first aid
training. This was provided to me to ensure that the standard was met.

This is spilt into different sectors for example support for children and their families this ensures that
care and support are offered to families in need of help such as financial relief and support, daycare
accommodations, family assistance order and social services.

Furthermore, the introductory section gives general and straightforward information regarding the
legislation. It highlights the welfare of the child and outlines the importance of the child and how it is
the top priority of the legislation to protect the children and provide a safe environment for all children.
It also offers information on parental responsibility.

In addition to, The whistle blowing policy which was set in 1998 was placed to ensure the if a worker
believes that there is concern for a child's welfare or any malpractice in the workplace that they must
raise a concern and report to a senior member of staff or whoever it may concern to ensure the safety
of all the children and staff. It is an employee's legal responsibility to whistle blow this ensures all
childcare setting and or workplaces are held accountable for the duty of care towards the children and
staff and it's essential to maintain the highest standard.

Lastly, the confidentiality policy, in my setting it is essential to keep information regarding the children,
for example records, invoices and emergency contacts. What the confidentially policy does is ensure
that the children's information is not passed on to any other adult without parental consent and that the
information is only passed on to the relevant people such as professionals with permission to access the
information. This policy must be followed unless a child is at risk then the safeguarding policy must be
followed at which the information must be shared will be on a need-to-know Baisis.
Chloe bell

Unit 303 1.3

Child protection is extremely attached to safeguarding to protect and promote the wellbeing of children
and young people and is expands from safeguarding by following steps and procedures in protecting
specific children who are at risk or suffering from abuse or neglect, For instance if a staff member
thought that a child was at risk we would record it and go to our child protection officer so that the
welfare of the child is protected.. Both have the same objectives and aims, which is the safety of
children. Safeguarding refers to protecting children and young people from maltreatment and ensuring
a safe and caring environment for children's health and development.

In my childcare setting we have many forms of safeguarding such as observations and risk assessments
which includes inside and outside areas of the day care to ensure we provide and safe space for the
children to learn and grow, incident/accident sheets are recorded which are signed by the Carrer and
stored also following the policies and procedures this includes fire safety and health and safety also
keeping up to date with training such as child protection and safeguarding.
Chloe bell

Unit 303 .1.4

The duty of care act is a legal and moral responsibility regarding caregivers to uphold a level of care and
safety of the children's wellbeing under their care. This directly relates to my childcare setting as we
have a huge responsibility to ensure the children are in our care and well supported and cared for. So
that all of their needs are met all day. There is a lot of measures to ensure this is achieved by us and
other caregivers, this includes appropriate ratios for example in my room I work with toddlers the ratio
is 1/5 but in order to be vigilant there will usually be always 2 staff no matter the ratio. Risk assessments
are also done daily to assess the risks and dangers to the children are minimized or removed.

It is a duty for caregivers to provide children with specific needs whether this is medical conditions or
allergies with any relief that they are able to give. It is the caregiver's responsibility to provide etiquette
support to a child's induvial need regarding their development. In my setting we have observations on
each child, and we record each child's growth or delays. We can implement that through their play and
songs so that we are catering to what the children need.
Chloe bell

Unit 303 1.5

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