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Back up Hacer copia de Browse navegar
Capable of Capaz de Cutting-edge Innovador
delete Borrar, eliminar Deny access Denegar el acceso
device dispositivo enable permitir
Equipped (with) Equipado (con) gaming videojuegos
Go viral Difundirse install instalar
tool herramienta update actualizar
upgrade renovar upload Subir, colgar
User-friendly Fácil de utilizar wireless inalámbrico
As long as Siempre que chance posibilidad
Cheer animar evolve evolucionar
gifted Con talento handle Desenvolverse en
In person En persona meaningful significativo
Proof prueba thrilling emocionante
Get over Olvidarse de Give in ceder
Join up reunirse Keep on Seguir, continuar
Pick up aprender Speak out Expresar la opinión
Take over Tomar el control Artificial intelligence Inteligencia artificial
Conveniently located Muy bien situado (be) deadly serious (decir) muy en serio
Deep trouble Serios problemas Heavy rain Lluvia torrencial
Highly unlikely Muy improbable Perfect match Pareja perfecta
Pleasantly surprised Gratamente Rapid increase Incremento/aumento
sorprendido rápido
Slight difference Pequeña diferencia Steady job Trabajo/empleo
Strongly opposed to Totalmente en contra Vast majority Gran/inmensa
de mayoría
Well aware Plenamente Widely accepted Muy aceptado
awareness Conocimiento differ Diferenciarse
differing diferente equip Equipar, dotar
equipment Equipo, material lacate Situar, localizar
location Sitio, localización mean Significar, querer
meaning significado prove Demostrar, probar
proven Demostrado,

- Artificial intellingence is being used more and more with the latest technology

- The controls are conveniently located near the Wheel

- She´s deadly serious, so don´t make her angry

- We Will be in deoo trouble if we don´t take climate change seriously

- If there is heavy rain we can´t drive along that road

- It´s highly inlikely that we can avoid dealing with climate change

- You and Robbie are a perfect match- if he asks, you should go out with him

- I was pleasantly surprised to hear the Good news

- There´s been a rapid increase in the use of GPS apps

- There´s only a slight difference in the Price and the new model is much batter

- I don´t want a temporary position. I want a steady job.

- I´m strongly opposed to the use of plastic plates

- The vast majority of people prefer t osee a human doctor when they are ill.

- I´m well aware of your opinion of my lifesstyle

- It´s widely accepted that you Will need computer skills for most Jobs


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