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Automated Complaint System

[Revenue Department]

Project Advisor: Prof. ------------------

Presented by:

------------------ -----------------
------------------ ----------------------
------------------- ---------------------

Faculty of Information Technology

National College of Business Administration & Economics Gujrat
Automated Complaint System
[Revenue Department]



Project submitted to

Faculty of Information Technology,

NCBA & E Gujrat

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


Project Advisor Manager Projects

Page ii

Automated Complaint System is aimed to provide an automated system for complaints

registration against the tehsil based officers of Revenue Department. This system will facilitate the
citizens to register their complaints online from anywhere, track their complaint status and also
can give feedback related to the complaint procedure. Currently, the complaints are registered
manually. The citizens have to visit the complaint cell again and again to register a complaint and
to check if their complaint has been under processing or not, which is a very time consuming,
tiring and slow process. While in this Automated Complaint system, the citizens just have to sign
up for registering a complaint. Citizens as well as the officers of Revenue Department (Assistant
Commissioner, Tehsildar, Vice Tehsildar, Gadawar and Patwari) can file complaints using this
web-system. Now the complainants just need to make a login to start complain 24X7 about any
issue regarding land taxation, land revenue and land authority and their complaints will be
processed in a very short period of time.

Page iii

It is my genuine gratefulness and warmest regard that I dedicate this work to my dear father, who
has been nicely my supporter until my project was fully finished, and my beloved mother who, for
months past, has encouraged me attentively with her fullest and truest attention to accomplish my
work with truthful self-confidence.
This project is also dedicated to -------------- for their endless support, encouragement &
sacrifices during the working of this project. Also, I want to dedicate this work to my honorable
teachers, especially, my Supervisor, Prof. ---------- who taught me that even the largest task can
be accomplished if it is done one step at a time and motivated me a lot during the development
phase. Many ALLAH (SWT) bless you all.
This project is for all those who work hard to achieve something. Those who aren’t afraid to test
their limits. Those who won’t give up whatever the case may be. And those who believe they can
change the world, because as Steve Jobs once said,
“Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world usually do.”


Page iv

First and foremost, I would like to thank Allah Almighty. All of this was accomplished by the
grace of Allah Almighty who gave me strength for the completion of this project no matter what
obstacles I faced from the start till its end.
I am sincerely obliged to many worthy persons, without whom I could have never had the
opportunity of learning greatly with interest. These influential dearest of human beings have
occupied my life joyfully day and night until really my engagement with my project has wholly
come to its end. Again, my work without their help is a work incomplete. Still I am truly indebted
and thankful to:
My supervisor, Prof. --------------, for all the valuable and constructive suggestions, advice,
ideas from planning to the development phase and also thankful to him for his moral support
patience in guiding me through this project. Your noteworthy ideas has made this project more
My Institute, --------------- which provided me a platform to work on this project and a qualified
staff to whom I could discuss my problems, receive suggestions and resolve issues. Officer of
Revenue Department, -------------, Tehsildar, for all his meetings, sessions and knowledge re-
garding Revenue Department and manual complaints registration procedure. Without his well
given knowledge, I could never make a system related to this Government department.
My parents for their support, confidence and encouragement throughout my study. Thank you all.


Page v
Table of Contents
Dedication ..................................................................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgement ..........................................................................................................................v
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... vi
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... ix
CHAPTER 1: Introduction to the Problem.................................................................................1
1.1 Background of problem ............................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Problem........................................................................................................................................ 2
CHAPTER 2: Existing Solutions And Proposed Solution .........................................................4
2.1 Existing Solutions ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Proposed Solution ........................................................................................................................ 5
CHAPTER 3: Analysis ..................................................................................................................6
Structured Approach .....................................................................................................................7
3.1 Vision .......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Supplementary Specification ....................................................................................................... 7
3.2.1 Functional Requiremnets ............................................................................................................................ 7
3.2.2 Non-Functional Requiremnets .................................................................................................................. 10
3.2.3 Design and Implementation Constraints ................................................................................................... 12
3.2.4 Glossary (Acronyms and Abreviations) ................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Software Architecture ................................................................................................................ 14
3.4 Screen Shots .............................................................................................................................. 15
3.5 Use Case Diagrams.................................................................................................................... 22
CHAPTER 4: Design ...................................................................................................................57
4.1 Database Design ........................................................................................................................ 58
4.2 ERD ........................................................................................................................................... 59
4.3 Data Flow diagrams ................................................................................................................... 64
4.4 Activity Diagram ....................................................................................................................... 66
4.5 State Transition Diagrams ......................................................................................................... 68
4.6 System Sequence Diagrams....................................................................................................... 69
CHAPTER 5: Testing ................................................................................................................102
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 103
5.2 Test Plan .................................................................................................................................. 104
5.3 Test Case Specification ........................................................................................................... 109
5.4 Test Cases ................................................................................................................................ 110
5.5 Performance Testing ................................................................................................................ 144
5.6 Security Testing ....................................................................................................................... 144
5.7 Regression Testing .................................................................................................................. 145
CHAPTER 6: Tools Used ..........................................................................................................146
a. Languages ................................................................................................................................ 147
b. Applications ............................................................................................................................. 147
c. Libraries................................................................................................................................... 147
CHAPTER 7: Summary and Conclusions...............................................................................148
CHAPTER 8: User Manual ......................................................................................................150
CHAPTER 9: Lessons Learnt And Future Work ..................................................................169
Appendix A: Project Management Documents .......................................................................171
a. Team Structure ........................................................................................................................ 172
b. Roles & Responsibilities ......................................................................................................... 172
c. WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) ......................................................................................... 173
d. PERT Diagram ........................................................................................................................ 174
e. Scope Statement ...................................................................................................................... 174
f. Project Charter ......................................................................................................................... 176
g. Meetings Summary .................................................................................................................. 177
Appendix B: Bibliography/References .....................................................................................179
Appendix C: Index .....................................................................................................................181

Page vi
List of Tables
Use Case Tables Related To Admin Side .................................................................................. 23
Table 1: Admin_Log_In ............................................................................................................................. 23
Table 2: Admin_Transfer_Complaints ....................................................................................................... 24
Table 3: Admin_Register_User .................................................................................................................. 25
Table 4: Admin_Complete .......................................................................................................................... 26
Table 5: DC_Log_In ................................................................................................................................... 27
Table 6: DC_Update_Status ....................................................................................................................... 28
Table 7: DC_Complete ............................................................................................................................... 29
Table 8: AC_Log_In ................................................................................................................................... 30
Table 9: AC_Update_Status ....................................................................................................................... 31
Table 10: AC_Complete ............................................................................................................................. 32
Table 11: Tehsildar_Log_In ....................................................................................................................... 33
Table 12: Tehsildar_Update_Status ............................................................................................................ 34
Table 13: Tehsildar_Complete .................................................................................................................... 35
Table 14: Employee_Log_In ...................................................................................................................... 36
Table 15: Employee_Complete................................................................................................................... 37
Use Case Tables Related To User Side………………………………………………………...38
Table 16: AC_Log_In ................................................................................................................................. 38
Table 17: AC_Register_Complaints ........................................................................................................... 39
Table 18: AC_Give_Feedback .................................................................................................................... 40
Table 19: AC_Complete ............................................................................................................................. 41
Table 20: Tehsildar_Log_In ....................................................................................................................... 42
Table 21: Tehsildar_Register_Complaints.................................................................................................. 43
Table 22: Tehsildar_Give_Feedback .......................................................................................................... 44
Table 23: Tehsildar_Complete .................................................................................................................... 45
Table 24: Employee_Log_In ...................................................................................................................... 46
Table 25: Employee_Register_Complaints ................................................................................................ 47
Table 26: Employee_Give_Feedback ......................................................................................................... 48
Table 27: Employee_Complete................................................................................................................... 49
Table 28: Citizen_Sign_Up......................................................................................................................... 50
Table 29: Citizen_Log_In ........................................................................................................................... 51
Table 30: Citizen_Edit_Profile ................................................................................................................... 52
Table 31: Citizen_Change_Password ......................................................................................................... 53
Table 32: Citizen_Register_Complaints ..................................................................................................... 54
Table 33: Citizen_Give_Feedback .............................................................................................................. 55
Table 34: Citizen_Complete ....................................................................................................................... 56
Table 35: Items to be tested…………...…………..……………..………………………...…………....105
Table 36: Items not to be tested.…………..………………...………………………………….……....105
Table 37: Features to be tested.…………..…………………..………………………………….……...106
Table 38: Responsibilities ....................................................................................................................... 108
Table 39: Test Case Identifiers….………..………….……..……………………………...…………...109
Test Cases for user side .......................................................................................................................... 110
Table 40: TC-1 .......................................................................................................................................... 110
Table 41: TC-2 .......................................................................................................................................... 111
Table 42: TC-3 .......................................................................................................................................... 111
Table 43: TC-4 .......................................................................................................................................... 112
Table 44: TC-5 .......................................................................................................................................... 113
Table 45: TC-6 .......................................................................................................................................... 113
Table 46: TC-7 .......................................................................................................................................... 114
Table 47: TC-8 .......................................................................................................................................... 114
Table 48: TC-9 .......................................................................................................................................... 115
Table 49: TC-10 ........................................................................................................................................ 116
Table 50: TC-11 ........................................................................................................................................ 116
Table 51: TC-12 ........................................................................................................................................ 117
Table 52: TC-13 ........................................................................................................................................ 117
Table 53: TC-14 ........................................................................................................................................ 118

Page vii
Table 54: TC-15 ........................................................................................................................................ 119
Table 55: TC-16 ........................................................................................................................................ 119
Table 56: TC-17 ........................................................................................................................................ 120
Table 57: TC-18 ........................................................................................................................................ 121
Table 58: TC-19 ........................................................................................................................................ 121
Table 59: TC-20 ........................................................................................................................................ 122
Table 60: TC-21 ........................................................................................................................................ 123
Table 61: TC-22 ........................................................................................................................................ 123
Table 62: TC-23 ........................................................................................................................................ 124
Test Cases For Admin Side .................................................................................................................... 125
Table 63: TC-24 ........................................................................................................................................ 125
Table 64: TC-25 ........................................................................................................................................ 125
Table 65: TC-26 ........................................................................................................................................ 126
Test Cases for DC.................................................................................................................................... 127
Table 66: TC-27 ........................................................................................................................................ 127
Table 67: TC-28 ........................................................................................................................................ 128
Test Cases for AC.................................................................................................................................... 129
Table 68: TC-29 ........................................................................................................................................ 129
Table 69: TC-30 ........................................................................................................................................ 130
Test Cases for Tehsildar ......................................................................................................................... 130
Table 70: TC-31 ........................................................................................................................................ 130
Table 71: TC-32 ........................................................................................................................................ 131
Table 72: TC-33 ........................................................................................................................................ 132
Table 73: TC-34 ........................................................................................................................................ 133
Table 74: TC-35 ........................................................................................................................................ 133
Table 75: TC-36 ........................................................................................................................................ 134
Test Cases for Naib Tehsidar ................................................................................................................. 135
Table 76: TC-37 ........................................................................................................................................ 135
Table 77: TC-38 ........................................................................................................................................ 136
Table 78: TC-39 ........................................................................................................................................ 136
Table 79: TC-40 ........................................................................................................................................ 137
Test Cases for Gadawar ......................................................................................................................... 138
Table 80: TC-41 ........................................................................................................................................ 138
Table 81: TC-42 ........................................................................................................................................ 139
Table 82: TC-43 ........................................................................................................................................ 139
Table 83: TC-44 ........................................................................................................................................ 140
Test Cases for Patwari ............................................................................................................................ 141
Table 84: TC-45 ........................................................................................................................................ 141
Table 85: TC-46 ........................................................................................................................................ 142
Table 86: TC-47 ........................................................................................................................................ 142
Table 87: TC-48 ........................................................................................................................................ 143

Page viii
List of Figures
FIGURE-1: Software Architecture ............................................................................................14
FIGURE: Screen Shots ................................................................................................................15
User Interface ...............................................................................................................................15
FIGURE-2:Home Page ......................................................................................................................... 15
FIGURE-3:About Us Page..................................................................................................................... 16
FIGURE-4:Laws and Policies Page ...................................................................................................... 17
FIGURE-5:Location Page ...................................................................................................................... 18
FIGURE-6:Registration Page ............................................................................................................... 19
FIGURE-7:Login Page .......................................................................................................................... 20
FIGURE-8: Privacy Policy Page............................................................................................................ 21
FIGURE: Use Case Diagrams Related To Admin Side............................................................23
FIGURE: Use Case Diagram (Admin) .......................................................................................23
FIGURE-9: Use Case (Admin Login).................................................................................................... 23
FIGURE-10: Use Case (Admin Transfer Complaints) .......................................................................... 24
FIGURE-11: Use Case (Admin Register Users) .................................................................................... 25
FIGURE-12: Complete Use Case (Admin)............................................................................................ 26
FIGURE: Use Case Diagram (DC) .............................................................................................27
FIGURE-13: Use Case (DC Login) ....................................................................................................... 27
FIGURE-14: Use Case (DC Update Complainant Status) ..................................................................... 28
FIGURE-15: Complete Use Case (DC) ................................................................................................. 29
FIGURE: Use Case Diagram (AC) .............................................................................................30
FIGURE-16: Use Case (AC Login) ....................................................................................................... 30
FIGURE-17: Use Case (AC Update Complainant Status) ..................................................................... 31
FIGURE-18: Complete Use Case (AC) ................................................................................................. 32
FIGURE: Use Case Diagram (Tehsildar) ..................................................................................33
FIGURE-19: Use Case (Tehsildar Login).............................................................................................. 33
FIGURE-20: Use Case (Tehsildar Update Complainant Status) ........................................................... 34
FIGURE-21: Complete Use Case (Tehsildar)........................................................................................ 35
FIGURE: Use Case Diagram (Employee)..................................................................................36
FIGURE-22: Use Case (Employee Login) ............................................................................................ 36
FIGURE-23: Use Case (Employee Complete) ...................................................................................... 37
FIGURE: Use Case Diagram Related To Complainants .........................................................38
FIGURE: Use Case Diagram (AC) .............................................................................................38
FIGURE-24: Use Case (AC Login) ....................................................................................................... 38
FIGURE-25: Use Case (AC Register Complaint) ................................................................................. 39
FIGURE-26: Use Case (AC Give Feedback)......................................................................................... 40
FIGURE-27: Complete Use Case (AC) ................................................................................................. 41
FIGURE: Use Case Diagram (Tehsildar) ..................................................................................42
FIGURE-28: Use Case (Tehsildar Login).............................................................................................. 42
FIGURE-29: Use Case (Tehsildar Register Complaint) ........................................................................ 43
FIGURE-30: Use Case (Tehsildar Give Feedback) ............................................................................... 44
FIGURE-31: Complete Use Case (Tehsildar)........................................................................................ 45
FIGURE: Use Case Diagram (Employee)..................................................................................46
FIGURE-32: Use Case (Employee Login) ............................................................................................ 46
FIGURE-33: Use Case (Employee Register Complaint) ....................................................................... 47
FIGURE-34: Use Case (Employee Give Feedback) .............................................................................. 48
FIGURE-35: Complete Use Case (Employee) ...................................................................................... 49
FIGURE: Use Case Diagram (Citizen) ......................................................................................50
FIGURE-36: Use Case (Citizen Signup) ............................................................................................... 50
FIGURE-37: Use Case (Citizen Login) ................................................................................................. 51
FIGURE-38: Use Case (Citizen Edit Profile) ........................................................................................ 52
FIGURE-39: Use Case (Citizen Change Password) .............................................................................. 53
FIGURE-40: Use Case (Citizen Register Complaint) ........................................................................... 54

Page ix
FIGURE-41: Use Case (Citizen Give Feedback)................................................................................... 55
FIGURE-42: Complete Use Case (Citizen) ........................................................................................... 56
FIGURE-43: Database Design ....................................................................................................58
FIGURE-44: Entity Tables .........................................................................................................61
FIGURE-45: ER Diagram ...........................................................................................................63
FIGURE-46: Data Flow Diagram...............................................................................................64
FIGURE-47: Activity Diagram...................................................................................................67
FIGURE-48: State Transition Diagram.....................................................................................68
FIGURE: Sequence Diagram Related To Officers ...................................................................69
FIGURE: Sequence Diagram (Admin) ......................................................................................69
FIGURE-49: Sequence Diagram (Admin: Login) ................................................................................. 69
FIGURE-50: Sequence Diagram (Admin: Transfer Complaints) .......................................................... 70
FIGURE-51: Sequence Diagram (Admin: View Complaint Messages) ................................................ 70
FIGURE-52: Sequence Diagram (Admin: Register Officer) ................................................................. 71
FIGURE-53: Sequence Diagram (Admin: Logout) ............................................................................... 72
FIGURE: Sequence Diagram (DC) ............................................................................................73
FIGURE-54: Sequence Diagram (DC: Login) ....................................................................................... 73
FIGURE-55: Sequence Diagram (DC: View Complaint Messages) ..................................................... 74
FIGURE-56: Sequence Diagram (DC: Update Complaint Status) ........................................................ 74
FIGURE-57: Sequence Diagram (DC: Send Message) ......................................................................... 75
FIGURE-58: Sequence Diagram (DC: Logout) ..................................................................................... 75
FIGURE: Sequence Diagram (AC) ............................................................................................76
FIGURE-59: Sequence Diagram (AC: Login) ....................................................................................... 76
FIGURE-60: Sequence Diagram (AC: View Complaint Messages) ..................................................... 77
FIGURE-61: Sequence Diagram (AC: Update Complaint Status) ........................................................ 77
FIGURE-62: Sequence Diagram (AC: Send Message) ......................................................................... 78
FIGURE-63: Sequence Diagram (AC: Logout) ..................................................................................... 78
FIGURE: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar) .................................................................................79
FIGURE-64: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: Login) ............................................................................. 79
FIGURE-65: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: View Complaint Messages) ............................................ 80
FIGURE-66: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: Update Complaint Status) ............................................... 80
FIGURE-67: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: Send Message) ............................................................... 81
FIGURE-68: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: Logout) ........................................................................... 81
FIGURE: Sequence Diagram (Employee) .................................................................................82
FIGURE-69: Sequence Diagram (Employee: Login) ............................................................................ 82
FIGURE-70: Sequence Diagram (Employee: View Messages) ............................................................ 83
FIGURE-71: Sequence Diagram (Employee: Logout) .......................................................................... 83
FIGURE: Sequence Diagram Related To Complainants .........................................................84
FIGURE: Sequence Diagram (AC) ............................................................................................84
FIGURE-72: Sequence Diagram (AC: Login) ....................................................................................... 84
FIGURE-73: Sequence Diagram (AC: Register Complaint) ................................................................. 85
FIGURE-74: Sequence Diagram (AC: View Complaint Status) ........................................................... 86
FIGURE-75: Sequence Diagram (AC: Give Feedback) ........................................................................ 86
FIGURE-76: Sequence Diagram (AC: View Messages) ....................................................................... 87
FIGURE-77: Sequence Diagram (AC: Logout) ..................................................................................... 87
FIGURE: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar) .................................................................................88
FIGURE-78: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: Login) ............................................................................. 88
FIGURE-79: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: Register Complaint)........................................................ 89
FIGURE-80: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: View Complaint Status) ................................................. 90
FIGURE-81: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: Give Feedback) ............................................................... 90
FIGURE-82 Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: View Messages) .............................................................. 91
FIGURE-83: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: Logout) ........................................................................... 91
FIGURE: Sequence Diagram (Employee) .................................................................................92
FIGURE-84: Sequence Diagram (Employee: Login) ............................................................................ 92
FIGURE-85: Sequence Diagram (Employee: Register Complaint) ...................................................... 93
FIGURE-86: Sequence Diagram (Employee: View Complaint Status) ................................................ 94

Page x
FIGURE-87: Sequence Diagram (Employee: Give Feedback).............................................................. 94
FIGURE-88: Sequence Diagram (Employee: View Messages) ............................................................ 95
FIGURE-89: Sequence Diagram (Employee: Logout) .......................................................................... 95
FIGURE: Sequence Diagram (Citizen) ......................................................................................96
FIGURE-90: Sequence Diagram (Citizen: Login) ................................................................................. 96
FIGURE-91: Sequence Diagram (Citizen: Manage Profile).................................................................. 97
FIGURE-92: Sequence Diagram (Citizen: Change Password) .............................................................. 98
FIGURE-93: Sequence Diagram (Citizen: Register Complaint) ........................................................... 99
FIGURE-94: Sequence Diagram (Citizen: View Complaint Status) ................................................... 100
FIGURE-95: Sequence Diagram (Citizen: Give Feedback) ................................................................ 100
FIGURE-96: Sequence Diagram (Citizen: View Messages) ............................................................... 101
FIGURE-97: Sequence Diagram (Citizen: Logout) ............................................................................. 101
FIGURE: User Manual .............................................................................................................151
Admin Dashboard ......................................................................................................................151
FIGURE-98:Admin Dashboard ........................................................................................................... 151
FIGURE-99:Admin Profile .................................................................................................................. 152
FIGURE-100:Admin View Notification .............................................................................................. 152
FIGURE-101:Admin Forward Complaints .......................................................................................... 153
FIGURE-102:Admin View User ......................................................................................................... 154
User Dashboard ..........................................................................................................................155
FIGURE-103:User Dashboard ............................................................................................................. 155
FIGURE-104:User Profile ................................................................................................................... 155
FIGURE-105:User Edit Profile ............................................................................................................ 156
FIGURE-106:User Change Password .................................................................................................. 156
FIGURE-107:User Complaint Form .................................................................................................... 157
FIGURE-108:User Complaint Status................................................................................................... 157
FIGURE-109:User Message Page ....................................................................................................... 158
FIGURE-110:User Feedback Page ...................................................................................................... 158
DC Dashboard ............................................................................................................................160
FIGURE-111:DC Dashboard ............................................................................................................... 160
FIGURE-112:DC Profile ..................................................................................................................... 160
FIGURE-113:DC Incoming Complaints.............................................................................................. 161
FIGURE-114:DC Send Message ......................................................................................................... 162
FIGURE-115:DC Complaints Page ..................................................................................................... 162
AC Dashboard ............................................................................................................................163
FIGURE-116:AC Dashboard ............................................................................................................... 163
FIGURE-117:AC Profile ..................................................................................................................... 163
FIGURE-118:AC Messages ................................................................................................................. 164
Tehsildar Dashboard .................................................................................................................164
FIGURE-119:Tehsildar Dashboard ..................................................................................................... 164
FIGURE-120:Tehsildar Profile ............................................................................................................ 165
Naib Tehsildar Dashboard ........................................................................................................165
FIGURE-121:Naib Tehsildar Dashboard............................................................................................. 165
FIGURE-122: Naib Tehsildar Profile .................................................................................................. 166
Gadawar Dashboard..................................................................................................................166
FIGURE-123:Gadawar Dashboard ...................................................................................................... 166
FIGURE-124:Gadawar Profile ............................................................................................................ 167
Patwari Dashboard ....................................................................................................................167
FIGURE-125:Patwari Dashboard ........................................................................................................ 167
FIGURE-126:Patwari Profile ............................................................................................................... 168
FIGURE-127: Team Structure .................................................................................................172
FIGURE-128: WBS ...................................................................................................................173
FIGURE-129: PERT Diagram..................................................................................................174

Page xi

Page 1
1. Introduction

1.1 Background of Problem

The Board of Revenue is the successor of the Office of the Financial Commissioner. It was originally constituted
under the provisions of West Pakistan Board of Revenue Act, 1957, which on dissolution of One Unit in 1970,
became the Board of Revenue, Punjab.

 It is the controlling authority in all matters connected with the administration of land, land
taxation, land revenue, preparation, updating and maintenance of records

 It is the highest Revenue Court and custodian of the rights in land of all the right-holders

 It exercises general superintendence and control over the Revenue Officers and Revenue Courts
in the province and has suo-moto jurisdiction

The Board consists of the following departments/functional units:
 Revenue Department
 Colonies Department
 Consolidation Department
 Relief Department

1.2 Problems

There are many problems in the existing manual system of complaints registration against Revenue
Department. Some of them are following:
 Too much Paper Work:
All the process requires a lot of paper work and efforts. The process involves too much paper
work and requires paper storage which is difficult as papers become bulky when the size of the
complaints received is huge.
 Expensive And Time Consuming:
Time and money is spent on the complaint registration. Complainant has to visit complaint cell
physically and register complaint which is very time consuming. The hiring of workers as the
complaint cell in-charge, junior workers and the electricity cost on their offices is expensive.

Page 2
 Unable to Track Progress:
Complainant is not able to check the status of the progress of his/her complaint.
 No Information about Rejection:
He never knows if the complaint he/she registered has been rejected.
 Handling of Complaints:
The handling of complaints is not efficient. Most of the time, complaint forms are lost and the
citizens have to register it again.
 No Feedback:
The complainant can never give feedback regarding how satisfy he/she is with the procedure
taken against his/her complaint.
 Redundancy of Data:
When the citizen does not get to know about the processing of complaint, they register it again
which causes redundancy of data (same complaint more than one time).

Page 3

Page 4
2. Existing Solutions and the Proposed Solution
2.1 Existing Solutions

The Public of Punjab do not have any online communication method to notify issues and problems
related to the Revenue department. The complaints are registered manually in the complaint cell and
all the processing regarding the complaint is done manually.
The complainant visits the complaint cell located in the district’s Deputy Commissioner (DC)’s
campus and registers his/her complaint to the cell in-charge. The in-charge, then, checks the
complainee and transfers the complaint to the relevant authority of that complainee. It is transferred
through any other junior employee of the office. And the authority of the complaint then further
investigates about the complaint and after the final hearing, the action is decided by the relevant
authority. During all this processing, the complainant is informed only about the hearing (meeting)
through telephone call. It is very time consuming and tedious work.

2.2 Proposed Solution

We have transformed the current manual system to register complaints into automated system. The
automated complaint system for Revenue Department provides convenient way and easy-to-use web
system for people to register their complaints online instead of wasting a lot of time to register
manually. The working level of this project is Tehsil based. The Intention for creating this system
is to simplify the process of registering complaints to Deputy Commissioner office and make it
quicker and cheaper.
After registration, people can just login and register complaints online. This system will give access
to the citizens to register any kind of complaint about various issues that they have with the Revenue
department of their areas. The process on registered complaints will be resolved in short period of
time. User can check current status of registered complaints from this system and the system accepts
complaints from citizens 24 × 7. User can file complaint within minutes, while staying at home or
anywhere. Also the applicant will be informed about all the further processing regarding the
complaint. After a complaint has been closed, system will ask feedback from the complainant
regarding the complaint procedure.

Page 5

Page 6
3. Analysis
3.1 Vision

The main vision of the automated complaint system is to provide a system which provides public
of Tehsil Sialkot a platform to register complaints against/to Revenue Department. It allows clean
and fair land related tasks, guarantees the privacy of the complainer and offers accuracy of the
results generated as the outcome of the entire complaint process.
We are aiming to allow citizens to register their complaints in a more convenient way, by using
resources which could facilitate them and speed up the complaint process while maintaining the
complainer’s confidence and enhancing the entire complaining experience.
The Automated Complaint System aims to fulfill the following requirements:
Tracking Status:
Complainants would be able to track the status of his/her complaint whenever he/she wants to.
Complainer would be able to give feedback after the status has been closed.
Corruption would be eliminated.

3.2 Supplementary Specification

3.2.1 Functional Requirements

The functional requirements [2] of Automated Complaint System are following:
The Admin must be able to:
 Login/Logout
 View Complaints
 Forward complaints
 Register New Officers
 View feedbacks

Deputy Commissioner (DC) must be able to:

 Login/Logout
 View Complaints (Against Assistant Commissioner)
 Update Complaint Status
 Send Messages (Informational Messages)

Page 7
Assistant Commissioner (AC) must be able to:
 Login/Logout
 View Complaints (Against Tehsildar)
 Update Complaint Status
 Send Messages (Informational Messages)
 Register a Complaint (Against naib tehsildar, Gadawar and Patwari )
 View Messages (Informational Messages)
 Give Feedback
 See Complaint Status

Tehsildar must be able to:

 Login/Logout
 View Complaints (Against Vice Tehsildar, Gadawar, Patwari)
 Update Complaint Status
 Send Messages (Informational Messages)
 Register a Complaint (Against AC)
 View Messages as complainer (Informational Messages)
 Give Feedback as complainer
 See Complaint Status as complainer

Naib Tehsildar must be able to:

 Login/Logout
 Register a Complaint (Against Patwari and Gadawar)
 View Messages (Informational Messages)
 Give Feedback
 See Complaint Status

Gadawar must be able to:

 Login/Logout
 Register a Complaint (Against Patwari and Naib tehsildar)
 View Messages (Informational Messages)
 Give Feedback
 See Complaint Status

Page 8
Patwari must be able to:
 Login/Logout
 Register a Complaint (Against Gadawar and Naib tehsildar)
 View Messages (Informational Messages)
 Give Feedback
 See Complaint Status

Citizen must be able to:

 Login/Logout
 Manage Profile (Edit name, password, etc)
 Register a Complaint (Against AC, Tehsildar, Naib tehsildar, Patwari and Gadawar)
 View Messages (Informational Messages)
 Give Feedback
 See Complaint Status

Requirements [3]:
 For signup, a citizen must have a CNIC number.
 Each login will be created on the unique CNIC number.
 For login, the users must have valid username (CNIC) and password.
 Username will always be CNIC number of the user and the password would be combination of
small and capital alphabets with numbers.
 For login, each user must enter a captcha that is the security code and given on the screen.
 For signup, every user must enter valid email address in the mail field.
 Every user must enter valid contact number in the contact field of signup form and it must be
entered to sign up.
 For registering a complaint, the complainant must enter the complainee, the complaint type and
complaint text.
 A user can register one complaint at a time. Next complaint will be registered once the current
complaint procedure is closed and the feedback is given.
 For checking a status, a complaint must be registered.
 The complainant must be able to give the feedback after the complaint’s status is closed.
 A user can search anything related to the user interface in the search bar.

Page 9
 An officer would be able to send informational message to the complainant.
 The admin must login using the username and password. Admin’s username will always be
CNIC as other logins.
 The admin will receive all the complaints after it has been register by the complainant and the
admin will be able to transfer it to the relevant authority. (IMP NOTE: he will press button and
system will forward complaint to relevant authority….complaints against AC will be handled
by DC, complaints against tehsildar will be handled by AC, complaints against naib tehsildar,
Patwari and Gadawar will be handled and forwarded to tehsildar..)
 All the users of the system will have their own portals where they can perform their tasks.
 Users will manage their profile by changing their names, their contact no, email address.
 Clicking on the login button after entering validate data will move the user to the login portal.
 After clicking logout, a user will be moved towards the login page of the web-system.
 The system must be able to store all the complaint and complainant’s related data in the
database named ACS.
 User cannot register a complaint without logging in.

3.2.2 Nonfunctional Requirements Performance Requirements

 The system must be interactive and the delays involved must be less. So in every action-
response of the system, there will be no immediate delays. In case of opening forms, of
popping error messages and saving the settings, the delay would be below 2 seconds. The
system shall be web based and has to be run from a web server. The system shall take initial
load time depending on the internet connection strength which also depends on the media
from which the system is running.
 Response time of the ACS should be less than 2 second most of the time. ACS shall show
no visible deterioration in response time as the number of users or complaints increases.
Response time refers to the waiting time while the system accesses, queries and retrieves the
information from the database.
 The system shall display the location on the map in less than 4 seconds.
 Storage Capacity: Automated Complaint System is design to accept maximum number of
complaints. It shall be able to handle at least 100 transactions/inquiries per second.

Page 10 Safety Requirements

 If there is extensive damage to a wide portion of the database due to catastrophic failure, the
recovery method will restore a past copy of the database that was backed up to archival
storage (typically tape) and reconstructs a more current state by reapplying or redoing the
operations of committed transactions from the backed up log, up to the time of failure.
 Sessions are used to prevent the unauthentic use of any user’s personal information and
complaint record.
 Data Storage: The user’s web browser will never display a user’s password. It would always
be echoed with special characters representing typed characters. Security Requirements

 The system must have protection from unauthorized users. The system should display the
error message if any unauthorized person try to use this app. The main security concern is
for user account hence the proper login mechanism will be used to avoid hacking. Hence,
security is provided from unwanted use of recognition software.
 All the administrative, officers and employees of Revenue Department have unique logins
so system can understand who is login in to the system right now.
 Nobody can change record and valuable data except the admin.
 Captcha is also used on login forms to save the system from robotic unauthentic logins and
failure of system.
 Access control at user side: User cannot access the information of another complainer. A
person can only keep track of its own complaint.
 The complainee can also not access/view the personal details of the complainer. He/she can
never know who the complainer is except when they meet in the officer’s office for

Page 11 Software Quality Attributes

 Correctness: A bug free system which fulfills the correct need/requirements of the client.
The system should start from the correct start terminal and should perform all the tasks
 Accessibility: Administrator and many other users can access the system but the access level
is controlled for each user according to their work scope.
 Stability: The system outcome/output won’t change time to time. Same output will be given
always for a given input.
 Availability: The web-system will be available 24X7. A person can register complaint
whenever he/she wants to. There will be no time limit for that.
 Usability: Automated Complaint System is useable for all time. The Complaint system
should satisfy a maximum number of customer’s needs.
 Portability: The ACS is able to work in new environment, the system design in bootstrap so
it is very helpful for portability. The source code is easily run in the different operating system
other than the one in which it is created without requiring major changes.

3.2.3 Design and Implementation Constraints

 GUI is only in English.
 This system is working for single server.
 The computers must be equipped with web browsers to use the system.
 The system shall run on Windows Operating System.
 Operation system: the development environment will be windows 7 or higher.
 Web-Based: the system will be web based application.
 Memory Constraint: Server must have greater than 500 MB storage space and Hard disk greater
than 1 GB.
 Designing: The design must be in html.
 Language: PHP must be used.

Page 12
3.2.4 Glossary (Acronyms & Abbreviation)

The acronyms and abbreviations used through out the SRS are following:

SRS: Software Requirement Specification

ACS: Automated Complaint System
DC: Deputy Commissioner
AC: Assistant Commissioner
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
CNIC: Computerized National Identity Card
Database: A collection of data that is organized in such a way that computer can store and accessed
Citizen: Any person from specified Tehsil who registers in the system for registering a complaint.
Employees: Official junior staff of Revenue Department who can be complainer as well as complainee.
They include Naib Tehsildar, Patwari and Gadawar.
Officers: Official senior staff of Revenue Department who can be complainee, complainer and the
solving authority as well. They include AC, and Tehsildar. DC is one of them but he can’t file a
Revenue Department: Revenue department of Punjab is the controlling authority in all matters
connected with the administration of land, land taxation, land revenue, preparation, updating and
maintenance of records of Punjab.

Page 13
3.3 Software Architecture

In the following diagram, we can see the system’s organization/ architecture/ structure.
 Presentation, application and storage tier is being used for the system.
 Having one main database for all activities related to the complaint system (registration,
filing complaint, sending messages, setting statuses, giving feedback etc).
 The internet is being used as the source to use this web system. Without internet, system
cannot be accessed.

FIGURE 1: Software Architecture

Page 14
3.4 Screen Shots

User Interface
Home Page:

FIGURE-2: Home Page

Page 15
About Us Page:

FIGURE-3: About Us Page

Page 16
Laws & Policies Page:

FIGURE-4: Laws & Polices Page

Page 17
Location Page:

FIGURE-5: Location Page

Page 18
Registration Page

FIGURE-6: Registration Page

Page 19
Login Page

FIGURE-7: Login Page

Page 20
Privacy Policy Page

FIGURE-8: Privacy Policy Page

Page 21
3.5 Use Case Diagrams

A use case is a list of actions or event steps typically defining the interactions between a role
(known in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) as an actor) and a system to achieve a goal.
The actor can be a human or other external system. The actors that are used in the use case of
automated complaint system are:
 Admin
 Deputy Commissioner (DC)
 Assistant Commissioner (AC)
 Tehsildar
 Employees (Naib, Gadawar and Patwari).
 Citizens
 System

Where the officers of Revenue department: AC, Tehsildar and Employees can act as officers as
well as users (complainants) in different situations. That’s why the next portion describes the
diagrams related to admin and user sides. The tabular scenarios of all the use cases are also given
in this document.

Page 22
Use Case Diagrams & Tables Related To Admin Side

3.5.1 Use Case 01_Admin_Log_in

Only authorize user can login to the system with authorize user name and password.

FIGURE-9: Use case (Admin Login)

Identifier UC-1
Priority High
Purpose To access the admin panel.
Pre-conditions System Running Perfectly.
Post-conditions Successfully Login.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 System will check the CNIC, password
 Admin select role and
and captcha.
1 enter login details.
 System allows the user to login if the
entered data is valid.
Alternate Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 If the login details are  System will not allow the user to login and
invalid show the retry button.

Table 1: Admin_Log_In

Page 23
3.5.2 Use Case 02_Admin_Transfer_Complaints
Admin transfers complaints to the relevant authorities. If the complaint is against AC, it is
transferred to DC, if against Tehsildar then it is transferred to AC, if against employees
(Patwari, Gadawar or Naib/ Tehsildar) then it is transferred to the Tehsildar.

FIGURE-10: Use case (Admin Transfer Complaints)

Identifier UC-2
Purpose To Transfer Complaints to the related authority.
Priority High
Pre-conditions Admin must receive complaints before transfer.
Post-conditions Successfully Transfer Complaints to the associated
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 Admin Click on Transfer
complaint Option.  System successfully transfers
1  Admin select authority from complaints.

Table 2: Admin_Transfer_Complaints

Page 24
3.5.3 Use Case 03_Admin_Register_Users

FIGURE-11: Use case (Admin Register Users)

Identifier UC-3
Purpose To Register new government employees.
Priority Medium
Pre-conditions Admin must login to register a new user.
Post-conditions Successfully Register Users.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 Admin Click on Register User
Option.  System successfully register
1  Admin enter the details related user.
to registration.

Table 3: Admin_Register_Users

Page 25
3.5.4 Use Case 04_Admin_Complete

FIGURE-12: Complete Use case (Admin)

Identifier UC-4
Purpose To Perform their tasks
Priority High
Pre-conditions Admin must login to perform different tasks.
Post-conditions Successfully perform activities.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 Admin can view complaints  System successfully transfers
from Notification. complaints to the related
 Admin can forward authority.
 Admin can also view
feedbacks received from the  System would show feedback
2 successfully.
Complainant after completion
of complaint.
 Admin can also manage  System successfully saved
3 changes
other’s profile and then logout.
Table 4: Admin_Complete

Page 26
3.5.5 Use Case 05_DC_Log_in

FIGURE-13: Use case (DC Login)

Identifier UC-5
Purpose To Receive complaints and to perform further execution
Priority High
Pre-conditions System Running Perfectly.
Post-conditions Successfully Login.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 System will check the CNIC, password
4 DC select role and
and captcha.
1 enter login details.
 System allows the user to login if the
entered data is valid.
Alternate Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 System will not allow the user to login
 If the login details are
1 and
Shows the retry button.
Table 5: DC_Log_In

Page 27
4.1.1 Use Case 06_DC_Update_Status

FIGURE-14: Use Case (DC Update Complainant Status)

Identifier UC-6
Purpose To Update complainant status.
Priority High
Pre-conditions Must receive complaint before updating status
Post-conditions Successfully update status.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 User send message related to
 System allows the user to
1 status
send status.
( on work or closed)

Table 6: DC_Update_Status

Page 28
4.1.2 Use Case 07_DC_Complete

FIGURE-15: Complete Use Case (DC)

Identifier UC-7
Purpose To Perform duty.
Priority High
Pre-conditions User must login for processing.
Post-conditions Successfully operate tasks and Logout.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 DC Click notification option to  System shows complaint
1 view complaint messages and messages and sent
send messages. messages.

 DC clicks on update status option

 System successfully updates
2 and then updates complainant
complainant status

Table 7: DC_Complete

Page 29
4.1.3 Use Case 08_AC_Log_in

FIGURE-16: Use case (AC Login)

Identifier UC-8
Purpose To Receive complaints and to perform further execution
Priority High
Pre-conditions System Running Perfectly.
Post-conditions Successfully Login.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 AC select role  System will check the CNIC, password
and enter login and captcha.
details.  System allows the user to login if the
entered data is valid.
Alternate Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 If the login details  System will not allow the user to login and
are invalid show the retry button.

Table 8: AC_Log_In

Page 30
4.1.4 Use Case 09_AC_Update_Status

FIGURE-17: Use Case (AC Update Complainant Status)

Identifier UC-9
Purpose To Update complainant status.
Priority High
Pre-conditions Must receive complaint before updating status
Post-conditions Successfully update status.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 User send message related
 System allows the user to
1 to status
send status.
( on work or closed)

Table 9: AC_Update_Status

Page 31
4.1.5 Use Case 10_AC_Complete

FIGURE-18: Complete Use Case (AC)

Identifier UC-10
Purpose To Perform tasks.
Priority High
Pre-conditions User must login for processing.
Post-conditions Successfully operate tasks and Logout.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 AC Click inbox Option to view
 System shows complaint
1 complaint messages and send
messages and sent messages.

 AC clicks on update status option

 System successfully updates
2 and then updates complainant
complainant status

Table 10: AC_Complete

Page 32
4.1.6 Use Case 11_Tehsildar_Log_in

FIGURE-19: Use Case (Tehsildar Login)

Identifier UC-11
Purpose To Receive complaints and to perform further execution
Priority High
Pre-conditions System Running Perfectly.
Post-conditions Successfully Login.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 System will check the CNIC,
 Tehsildar select role and enter password and captcha.
1 login details.  System allows the user to
login if the entered data is
Alternate Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
5 System will not allow the user
1  If the login details are invalid to login and show the retry

Table 11: Tehsildar_Log_In

Page 33
5.1.1 Use Case 12_Tehsildar_Update_Status

FIGURE-20: Use case (Tehsildar Update Status)

Identifier UC-12
Purpose To Update complainant status.
Priority High
Pre-conditions Must receive complaint before updating status
Post-conditions Successfully update status.

Typical Course of Action

S# Actor Action System Response
 User send message related to
 System allows the user to
1 status
send status.
( on work or closed)

Table 12: Tehsildar_Update_Status

Page 34
5.1.2 Use Case 13_Tehsildar_Complete

FIGURE-21: Complete Use case (Tehsildar)

Identifier UC-13
Purpose To Perform tasks.
Priority High
Pre-conditions User must login for processing.
Post-conditions Successfully operate tasks and Logout.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 Tehsildar Click inbox Option to  System shows complaint
1 view complaint messages and messages and sent
send messages. messages.

 Tehsildar clicks on update status

 System successfully
2 option and then updates
updates complainant status
complainant status.

Table 13: Tehsildar_Complete

Page 35
5.1.3 Use Case 14_Employee_Log_in

FIGURE-22: Use Case (Employee Login)

Identifier UC-14
Purpose To Receive complaints and to perform further execution

Priority High

Pre-conditions System Running Perfectly.

Post-conditions Successfully Login.

Typical Course of Action

S# Actor Action System Response
 System will check the CNIC,
 Employee select role and password and captcha.
1 enter login details  System allows the user to
login if the entered data is
Alternate Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
6 System will not allow the user
1  If the login details are invalid to login and show the retry

Table 14: Employee_Login

Page 36
6.1.1 Use Case 15_Employee_Complete

FIGURE-23: Complete Use case (Employee)

Identifier UC-15
Purpose To Perform tasks.
Priority High
Pre-conditions User must login for processing.
Post-conditions Successfully operate tasks and Logout.

Typical Course of Action

S# Actor Action System Response
 Employee Click on notification
 System shows complaint
1 Option to view complaint

Table 15: Employee_Complete

Page 37
Use Case Diagrams & Tables Related To Complainants

6.1.2 Use Case 16_AC_Log_in

FIGURE-24: Use Case (AC Login)

Identifier UC-16
Purpose To Receive complaints and to perform further execution
Priority High
Pre-conditions System Running Perfectly.
Post-conditions Successfully Login.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 System will check the CNIC,
password and captcha.
 AC enter login details
1  System allows the user to
login if the entered data is
Alternate Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
7 System will not allow the user
1  If the login details are invalid to login and show the retry

Table 16: AC_Log_In

Page 38
7.1.1 Use Case 17_AC_Register_Complaints

FIGURE-25: Use Case (AC Register Complaint)

Identifier UC-17
Purpose To Register Complaints

Priority Medium

Pre-conditions AC must login to register Complaints

Post-conditions Successfully Register Complaint.

Typical Course of Action

S# Actor Action System Response
 AC Click on Register Complaint  System
Option successfully sent
 AC fill the form to register complaint complaint.
 AC enter textual data.
Table 17: AC_Register_Complaints

Page 39
7.1.2 Use Case 18_AC_Give_Feedback

FIGURE-26: Use Case (AC Give Feedback)

Identifier UC-18
Purpose To Give feedback.

Priority Medium
Must login and processing related to complaints must be
Pre-conditions closed.
Post-conditions Successfully Give Feedback.

Typical Course of Action

S# Actor Action System Response

 AC clicks on feedback option to  System successfully sent

1 feedback.
give feedback.

Table 18: AC_Give_Feedback

Page 40
7.1.3 Use Case 19_AC_Complete

FIGURE-27: Complete Use Case (AC)

Identifier UC-19
Purpose To file complaints.
Priority Medium
Pre-conditions AC must login to file complain.
Post-conditions Successfully Register complain
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 AC Click on register complaint  System successfully sent complains.
option to file a complaint.
 AC can check status from status
2 option and view messages from  System allow user to view all.
messages option.
 AC can also give feedback after  System successfully saved changes.
complaint completion

Table 19: AC_Complete

Page 41
7.1.4 Use Case 20_Tehsildar_Log_in

FIGURE-28: Use Case (Tehsildar Login)

Identifier UC-20
Purpose To Receive complaints and to perform further execution
Priority High
Pre-conditions System Running Perfectly.
Post-conditions Successfully Login.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 Tehsildar select role  System will check the CNIC, password
and enter login and captcha.
details  System allows the user to login if the
entered data is valid.
Alternate Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 If the login details are 8 System will not allow the user to login
invalid and show the retry button
Table 20: Tehsildar_Log_In

Page 42
8.1.1 Use Case 21_Tehsildar_Register_Complaints

FIGURE-29: Use Case (Tehsildar Register Complaint)

Identifier UC-21
Purpose To Register Complaints
Priority Medium
Pre-conditions Tehsildar must login to register Complaints
Post-conditions Successfully Register Complaint.

Typical Course of Action

S# Actor Action System Response
 Tehsildar Click on Register Complaint
Option  System
1  Tehsildar fill the form to register successfully sent
complaint complaint.
 Tehsildar enter textual data.

Table 21: Tehsildar_Register_Complaints

Page 43
8.1.2 Use Case 22_Tehsildar_Give_Feedback

FIGURE-30: Use Case (Tehsildar Give Feedback)

Identifier UC-22
Purpose To Give feedback.

Priority Low
Must login and processing related to complaints must be
Pre-conditions closed.
Post-conditions Successfully Give Feedback.

Typical Course of Action

S# Actor Action System Response

 Tehsildar clicks on feedback option  System successfully

1 sent feedback.
to give feedback.

Table 22: Tehsildar_Give_Feedback

Page 44
8.1.3 Use Case 23_Tehsildar_Complete

FIGURE-31: Complete Use Case (Tehsildar)

Identifier UC-23
Purpose To file complaints.
Priority High
Pre-conditions User must login for processing.
Post-conditions Successfully operate tasks and Logout.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 Tehsildar Click on register  System successfully sent
1 complaint option to file a complains.
 Tehsildar can check status  System allow user to view
2 from status option and view all.

Table 23: Tehsildar_Complete

Page 45
8.1.4 Use Case 24_Employee_Log_in

FIGURE-32: Use Case (Employee Login)

Identifier UC-24
To Receive complaints and to perform further
Priority High
Pre-conditions System Running Perfectly.
Post-conditions Successfully Login.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 Employee select  System will check the CNIC,
role and enter login password and captcha.
details  System allows the user to login if the
entered data is valid.
Alternate Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 If the login details 9 System will not allow the user to login
1 and show the retry button
are invalid
Table 24: Employee_Log_In

Page 46
9.1.1 Use Case 25_Employee_Register_Complaints

FIGURE-33: Use Case (Employee Register Complaint)

Identifier UC-25
Purpose To Register Complaints
Priority Medium
Pre-conditions Employee must login to register Complaints
Post-conditions Successfully Registered Complaint.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 Employee Click on Register
Complaint Option  System successfully
1  Employee fill the form to register sent complaint.
 Employee enter textual data.
Table 25: Employee_Register_Complaints

Page 47
9.1.2 Use Case 26_Employee _Give_Feedback

FIGURE-34: Use Case (Employee Give Feedback)

Identifier UC-26
Purpose To Give feedback.

Priority Low

Pre-conditions Must login and processing related to complaints must be

Post-conditions Successfully Give Feedback.

Typical Course of Action

S# Actor Action System Response

 Employee clicks on feedback  System successfully sent

1 feedback.
option to give feedback.

Table 26: Employee_Give_Feedback

Page 48
9.1.3 Use Case 27_ Employee_Complete

FIGURE-35: Complete Use Case (Employee)

Identifier UC-27
Purpose To file complaints.
Priority High
Pre-conditions User must login for processing.
Post-conditions Successfully operate tasks and Logout.

Typical Course of Action

S# Actor Action System Response
 Employee Click on register  System successfully sent
1 complaint option to file a complains.
 Employee can check status
from status option and view  System allow user to view
2 all.
messages from message

Table 27: Employee_Complete

Page 49
9.1.4 Use Case 28_Citizen_Sign_Up

FIGURE-36: Use Case (Citizen Signup)

Identifier UC-28
Purpose For Registration.
Priority High
Pre-conditions System Running Perfectly.
Post-conditions Successfully Login.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 System will check all details
 Citizen enter Sign-
1  System allows the user to Sign-Up
Up details
if the entered data is valid.
Alternate Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 Citizen enter Sign-Up 10 System would not response.

Table 28: Citizen_Sign_Up

Page 50
10.1.1 Use Case 29_Citizen_Log_in

FIGURE-37: Use Case (Citizen Login)

Identifier UC-29
Purpose To access account.
Priority High
Pre-conditions Citizen must be Registered.
Post-conditions Successfully Login.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 System will check the CNIC, password
 Citizen select role and
and captcha.
enter login details
 System allows the user to login if the
1  If the login details are
entered data is valid.
 System will not allow the user to login
and show the retry button
Alternate Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 If the login details are 11 System will not allow the user to login and
1 show the retry button

Table 29: Citizen_Log_In

Page 51
11.1.1 Use Case 30_Citizen_Edit_Profile

FIGURE-38: Use Case (Citizen Edit Profile)

Identifier UC-30
Purpose To Edit profile.
Priority Low
Pre-conditions Citizen must login to Managed Profile.
Post-conditions Successfully Save Changes.

Typical Course of Action

S# Actor Action System Response
 Citizen Click on Manage Profile  System successfully
1 Option save changes.
 Citizen Edit their information

Table 30: Citizen_Edit_Profile

Page 52
11.1.2 Use Case 31_Citizen_Change_Password

FIGURE-39: Use Case (Citizen Change Password)

Identifier UC-31
Purpose To Change Password.

Priority Low

Pre-conditions Citizen must enter current password to change password.

Post-conditions Successfully Save Changes.

Typical Course of Action

S# Actor Action System Response
 Citizen Click on Change
 System successfully
Password Option
1 save changes.
 Citizen type previous/ current
password to change password.

Table 31: Citizen_Change_Password

Page 53
11.1.3 Use Case 32_Citizen_Register_Complaint

FIGURE-40: Use Case (Citizen Register Complaint)

Identifier UC-32
Purpose To Register Complaints
Priority High
Pre-conditions Citizen must login to register Complaints
Post-conditions Successfully Registered Complaints.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 Citizen Click on Register Complaint
Option  System successfully
1  Citizen fill the form to register send complaint.
 Citizen enter textual data.

Table 32: Citizen_Register_Complaints

Page 54
11.1.4 Use Case 32_Citizen_Give_Feedback

FIGURE-41: Use Case (Citizen Give Feedback)

Identifier UC-33
Purpose To Give feedback.

Pre-conditions Must login and processing related to complaints must

be closed.
Post-conditions Successfully Give Feedback.

Typical Course of Action

S# Actor Action System Response

 Citizen clicks on feedback  System successfully sent

1 feedback.
option to give feedback.

Table 33: Citizen_Give_Feedback

Page 55
11.1.5 Use Case 33_Citizen_Complete

FIGURE-42: Use Case (Citizen Complete)

Identifier UC-34
Purpose To file complaints and then perform further activities.
Pre-conditions Citizen must Sign-up or Login to file complain.
Post-conditions Successfully Register complain and perform other activities.
Typical Course of Action
S# Actor Action System Response
 Citizen Click on register complaint  System allow the user to
1 file complain
option to file a complain
 Citizen can check status from status  System shows notification
2 option and view messages from option.
 System shows feedback
 Citizen can also give feedback after option after the complaint
complaint completion completion

 Citizen can also manage their profile  System successfully saved

4 changes.
and then logout.

Table 34: Citizen_Complete

Page 56

Page 57
4. Design
4.1 Database Diagram
A Schema is a pictorial representation of the relationship between the database tables in the
database that is created. A database schema is the blueprints of your database, it represents the
description of a database structure, data types, and the constraints on the database. And designing
database schemas is one of the very first and important steps to start developing any
The database diagram of automated complaint system is as follows:
Database Diagram:

FIGURE-43: Database Design

Page 58
4.2 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Entity Tables:


Deputy Commissioner (DC):

Complaint Status:

Page 59
Tehsildar and Assistant Commissioner (AC) are called officers here as both have the same
attributes and same tasks.

Naib Tehsildar, Patwari and Gadawar are employees here. Who have the same attributes and
same tasks to perform using this system.


Page 60
Complaint Message:



FIGURE-44: Entity Tables

Page 61
ER Diagram
An entity relationship diagram (ERD), also known as an entity relationship model, is a graphical
representation of an information system that depicts the relationships among people, objects,
places, concepts or events within that system. ER modeling helps you to analyze data
requirements systematically to produce a well-designed database. So, it is considered a best
practice to complete ER modeling before implementing your database. Entities can be thought
of as nouns. Examples: a computer, an employee, a song, a mathematical theorem, etc.
A relationship captures how entities are related to one another
ERDs model an organization’s data storage requirements with three main components: entities,
attributes, and relationships.
 Entities:
Entities which represent people, places, items, events, or concepts.
 Attributes:
Attributes which represent properties or descriptive qualities of an entity. These are also known
as data elements.
 Relationships:
Relationships which represent the link between different entities.
The ERD of proposed system consists of ten entities:
 Admin
 DC
 Officers
 Employee
 Citizen
 Complaint
 Verification Message
 Complaint Status
 Complaint Message
 Feedback

Page 62

FIGURE-45: ER Diagram

Page 63
4.3 Data Flow Diagram



FIGURE-46: Level-0

Page 64

FIGURE-47: Level-1

Page 65
4.4 Activity Diagram

Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe the dynamic aspects of the
system. Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to represent the flow from one activity to
another activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system.

Purpose of Activity Diagrams

The purpose of an activity diagram can be described as −

 Draw the activity flow of a system.

 Describe the sequence from one activity to another.

 Describe the parallel, branched and concurrent flow of the system.

Page 66
FIGURE-48: Activity Diagram
Page 67
4.5 State Transition Diagram
A state [7] diagram is used to represent the condition of the system. It’s a behavioral diagram
and it represents the behavior using state transitions. State diagrams are also referred to as State
machines and State-chart Diagrams. These terms are often used interchangeably. So simply, a
state diagram is used to model the dynamic behavior of a class in response to time and changing
external stimuli. We prefer to model the states with three or more states.

Uses of state Transition diagram

 We use it to state the events responsible for change in state (we do not show what processes cause
those events).
 We use it to model the dynamic behavior of the system.

FIGURE-49: State Transition Diagram

Page 68
4.6 Sequence diagram
A sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. It depicts the objects
and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects
needed to carry out the functionality of the scenario. Sequence diagrams are typically associated
with use case realizations in the Logical View of the system under development. Sequence
diagrams are sometimes called event diagrams or event scenarios.
A sequence diagram shows, as parallel vertical lines (lifelines), different processes or objects that
live simultaneously, and, as horizontal arrows, the messages exchanged between them, in the
order in which they occur. This allows the specification of simple runtime scenarios in a graphical

Sequence Diagram Related to Admin Side

Sequence Diagram (Admin Login)

FIGURE-50: Sequence Diagram (Admin: Login)

Page 69
Sequence Diagram (Admin View Complaints)

FIGURE-51: Sequence Diagram (Admin: View Complaints)

Sequence Diagram (Admin Forward Complaints)

FIGURE-52: Sequence Diagram (Admin: Forward Complaints)

Page 70
Sequence Diagram (Admin Register Users)

FIGURE-53: Sequence Diagram (Admin: Register Users)

Page 71
Sequence Diagram (Admin Logout)

FIGURE-54: Sequence Diagram (Admin: Logout)

Page 72
Sequence Diagram (DC Login)

FIGURE-55: Sequence Diagram (DC: Login)

Page 73
Sequence Diagram (DC View Complaints)

FIGURE-56: Sequence Diagram (DC: View Complaints)

Sequence Diagram (DC Update Complaint Status)

FIGURE-57: Sequence Diagram (DC: Update Complaint Status)

Page 74
Sequence Diagram (DC Send Messages)

FIGURE-58: Sequence Diagram (DC: Send Message)

Sequence Diagram (DC Logout)

FIGURE-59: Sequence Diagram (DC: Logout)

Page 75
Sequence Diagram (AC Login)

FIGURE-60: Sequence Diagram (AC: Login)

Page 76
Sequence Diagram (AC View Complaints)

FIGURE-61: Sequence Diagram (AC: View Complaints)

Sequence Diagram (AC Update Complaints Status)

FIGURE-62: Sequence Diagram (AC: Update Complaints Status)

Page 77
Sequence Diagram (AC Send Message)

FIGURE-63: Sequence Diagram (AC: Send Message)

Sequence Diagram (AC Logout)

FIGURE-64: Sequence Diagram (AC: Logout)

Page 78
Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar Login)

FIGURE-65: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: Login)

Page 79
Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar View Complaints)

FIGURE-66: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: View Complaints)

Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar Update Complaint Status)

FIGURE-67: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: Update Complaint Status)

Page 80
Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar Send Messages)

FIGURE-68: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: Send Message)

Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar Logout)

FIGURE-69: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: Logout)

Page 81
Sequence Diagram (Employee Login)

FIGURE-70: Sequence Diagram (Employee: Login)

Page 82
Sequence Diagram (Employee View Complaints)

FIGURE-71: Sequence Diagram (Employee: View Complaints)

Sequence Diagram (Employee Logout)

FIGURE-72: Sequence Diagram (Employee:Logout)

Page 83
Sequence Diagram Related To User Side
Sequence Diagram (AC Login)

FIGURE-73: Sequence Diagram (AC: Login)

Page 84
Sequence Diagram (AC Register Complaints)

FIGURE-74: Sequence Diagram (AC: Register Complaint)

Page 85
Sequence Diagram (AC View Complaint Status)

FIGURE-75: Sequence Diagram (AC: View Complaint Status)

Sequence Diagram (AC Give Feedback)

FIGURE-76: Sequence Diagram (AC: Give Feedback)

Page 86
Sequence Diagram (AC View Message)

FIGURE-77: Sequence Diagram (AC: View Messages)

Sequence Diagram (AC Logout)

FIGURE-78: Sequence Diagram (AC: Logout)

Page 87
Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar Login)

FIGURE-79: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: Login)

Page 88
Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar Register Complaints)

FIGURE-80: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: Register Complaint)

Page 89
Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar View Complaint Status)

FIGURE-81: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: View Complaint Status)

Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar Give Feedback)

FIGURE-82: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: Give Feedback)

Page 90
Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar View Message)

FIGURE-83: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: View Messages)

Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar Logout)

FIGURE-84: Sequence Diagram (Tehsildar: Logout)

Page 91
Sequence Diagram (Employee Login)

FIGURE-85: Sequence Diagram (Employee: Login)

Page 92
Sequence Diagram (Employee Register Complaints)

FIGURE-86: Sequence Diagram (Employee: Register Complaint)

Page 93
Sequence Diagram (Employee View Complaint Status)

FIGURE-87: Sequence Diagram (Employee: View Complaint Status)

Sequence Diagram (Employee Give Feedback)

FIGURE-88: Sequence Diagram (Employee: Give Feedback)

Page 94
Sequence Diagram (Employee View Message)

FIGURE-89: Sequence Diagram (Employee: View Messages)

Sequence Diagram (Employee Logout)

FIGURE-90: Sequence Diagram (Employee: Logout)

Page 95
Sequence Diagram (Citizen Login)

FIGURE-91: Sequence Diagram (Citizen: Login)

Page 96
Sequence Diagram (Citizen Edit Profile)

FIGURE-92: Sequence Diagram (Citizen:Edit Profile)

Page 97
Sequence Diagram (Citizen Change Password)

FIGURE-93: Sequence Diagram (Citizen: Change Password)

Page 98
Sequence Diagram (Citizen Register Complaints)

FIGURE-94: Sequence Diagram (Citizen: Register Complaint)

Page 99
Sequence Diagram (Citizen View Complaint Status)

FIGURE-95: Sequence Diagram (Citizen: View Complaint Status)

Sequence Diagram (Citizen View Messages)

FIGURE-96: Sequence Diagram (Citizen: View Messages)

Page 100
Sequence Diagram (Citizen Give Feedback)

FIGURE-97: Sequence Diagram (Citizen: Give Feedback)

Sequence Diagram (Citizen Logout)

FIGURE-98: Sequence Diagram (Citizen: Logout)

Page 101

Page 102

5.1 Introduction

Web testing [9] is a software testing practice to test the websites or web applications for potential
bugs. It's a complete testing of web-based applications before making live. A web-based system
needs to be checked completely from end-to-end before it goes live for end users. By performing
website testing, an organization can make sure that the web-based system is functioning properly
and can be accepted by real-time users. We have been applied the following different testing
techniques on Automated Complaint System to ensure the quality and efficiency of system.

Functionality Testing:

The below are some of the checks that are performed but not limited to the below list:

 Verify there is no invalid redirects.

 First check all the validations on each field.

 Wrong inputs to perform negative testing.

 Verify the workflow of the system.

 Verify the data integrity.

Usability testing:

To verify how the application is easy to use with.

 Test the navigation and controls.

 Content checking.

 Check for user intuition.

Interface testing:

Performed to verify the interface and the dataflow from one system to other.

Page 103
5.2 Test plan
The Test Plan describes the scope, approach, resources and schedule of intended test activities.
The test plan will keep track of possible tests that will be performed on ACS.
5.2.1 Purpose
To prescribe the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of the testing activities. To identify the
items being tested, the features to be tested, the testing tasks to be performed, and the risks
associated with this plan.
5.2.2 Outline
Structure of our test plan is as follows:
a) Test plan identifier
b) Introduction
c) Test items
d) Features to be tested
e) Approach
f) Item pass/fail criteria
g) Suspension criteria and resumption requirements
h) Environmental needs
i) Responsibilities
j) Staffing and training needs
k) Schedule
l) Risks and contingencies
m) Approvals Test plan identifier

It uniquely identifies the test plan. Test plan identifier is basically the ID assign to each test case.
The test plan identifier for User Registration is TC-1. Introduction
All modules of our system will be tested. All validation checks will be tested through STLC
(Software Testing Life Cycle).

Page 104 Test items
It is a key section for defining the SCOPE of a Test Plan, here we will specify in outline the
items, which will be systems and subsystems, that are to be tested. It include reports and
documentation as well. Major test items are:
Items to be tested
Login Page
Registration Page
Edit Profile
Transfer Complaints
Register Complaint
Complaint Status
Table 35- Items to be tested

Items not to be tested

About Us Page
Location Page
Privacy Polices Page
Laws and Polices Page
Table 36- Items not to be tested

Related Project Documentation:
This lists the project documentation which relates to ACS to be tested. These documents are those
which enable tests to be designed and run.
 Requirements Specification
 Design Documents

Page 105 Features to be tested
Here we will define which of the features of the ACS will be tested here. we need to identify the
functionality that are to be tested in each module or sub module as these are what delivers value
to the team.

Items being Tested Features being Tested

 Valid data while registration
 Invalid data while registration
 Empty fields while registration
 Valid data while Login
 Invalid data while Login
 Empty fields while Login
 Attempt to login while not being registered
 Edit User Profile
Edit Profile
 Change Password
 Accept complaint
Transfer Complaint
 Reject complaint
 Register a complaint
Register Complaint
 Update complaint status
Complaint Status
 View complaint status
 Send complaint message
 View complaint message
 Give feedback in the form of stars
Table 37- Features to be tested Approach
First of all, the Testing Engineer will take over the role of an end-user and will test the ACS to
identify any unexpected behavior or bug. Test Engineer will use test plans, test cases, or test
scenarios to test the system to ensure the completeness of testing.

Page 106
The technique we are going to adopt for testing are:
 Unit Testing
 Black Box Testing
The goal of unit testing is to isolate each part of the program and show that individual parts are
correct in terms of requirements and functionality. Black Box testing is defined as the testing of
combined parts of an application to determine if they function correctly. We applied these testing
techniques to check whether each module of ACS work properly when combine with other
module or not. Normally this type of testing will be performed by developers before the setup is
handed over to the test Engineer to formally execute the test cases. Item pass/fail criteria

For each test in each category, the operational events should take place in the proper sequence
and each of the system entity should be left in the appropriate state following the operation. Either
pass or fail. If any test case will fail, we will write code to pass the test and again that test case
will be tested. Suspension criteria and resumption requirements
If number or types of defects reach a point where the follow-on testing has no value, it will make
no sense to continue testing. In this case, system will be send for further reviews and
In our case, we observe suspension
 Error in php code.
 Database Error.
Resumption Requirements:
Testing of the ACS will resume from the beginning when the reasons for suspension of testing
have been determined, have been corrected, and new versions of the System Entities have been
submitted to the testing group. Environmental needs
The following elements are required to support the overall testing effort at all levels within the

Page 107
Hardware Requirements
 System: Pentium 3 or higher

 Device: PC, Cell phone, Ipad, Laptop

 CPU: Must be 1 Ghz processor

 RAM: greater than 256 MB

 Internet: Required every time; should be > than 1MB.

 Hard Disk Space: 1 GB

 Input: Mouse and keyboard

 Output: Display screen

Software Requirements
 OS: Windows 7, windows 8.1 or windows 10
 Web Browser: Internet explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla.
 Tool: Xampp Server Responsibilities
The developing team of “Automated Complaint System” is responsible for managing, designing,
preparing, and executing the test cases.

Testing Module Performed By

Test Planning ABC, XYZ, LMN

Test Document ABC, XYZ

Test Writing ABC

Test Execution XYZ
Table 38- Responsibilities

Page 108 Staffing and training needs.
Testing was performed and executed by ABC. The other two members XYZ and LMN are
also part of the testing team in one way or another. As testing document and test plans
were done in their presence.
Technical assistance was also provided by our respected supervisor Prof. -------------. Schedule
Testing was conducted at NCBA& E Gujrat Campus, July 5 2019. Risks and contingencies
 The scope of the plan might be changed.
 The test schedule and development schedule might move out an appropriate number of days.
 All stated features might not be tested.
 The system will be rejected by the end user if they found it less interactive and difficult to
use after adding new feature. Approvals
This test plan is being approved by our respected supervisor Prof. --------.

Supervisor’s Signature
5.3 Test Case Specification
5.3.1 Purpose
To define a test case identified by a test plan.
5.3.2 Test case specification identifier
Following are the test case identifiers that will be used in our test:
Serial No. Testing Features Test Case Identifier
1 Valid data while TC-1
2 Empty field in registration TC-2
3 Invalid data while TC-3
4 Valid data while login TC-4
5 Empty field in login form TC-5

Page 109
6 Invalid data while login TC-6
7 Attempt to login while not TC-7
being registered
8 File a complaint TC-8
9 Edit Profile TC-9
10 Change Password TC-10
11 View Complaint Status TC-11
12 Feedback TC-12
13 Admin transfer Complaints TC-13
14 Accepting complaint TC-14
15 Reject complaint criteria TC-15
16 Register new officer TC-16
17 Send message TC-17
18 Complainant view TC-18
Table 39-Test case Identifiers

5.4 Test Cases [10]

5.4.1 Test cases for User side:
User registration

Identifier TC-1
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. User must open ‘Register’ page.
Related use-case(s) Citizen_Sign_Up
Testing is applied on registration form fields to check when new
Short description user enters valid data in all form fields then user must be registered
1. User must have internet access.
2. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) successfully.
3. Register page must be opened.
Input data Correctly enter data in all fields of registration form by user.

Page 110
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to Register page (new user is not register).
3. User enters valid Full Name, valid CNIC*, valid Email, valid
Detailed steps
Password* and valid Contact No* in registration form.
4. Click on REGISTER button.

Expected result(s) User must be registered.

Post-condition(s) User is registered successfully.
Table 40-TC-1

Identifier TC-2
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. User must open ‘Register’ page.
Related use-case(s) Citizen_Sign_Up
Testing is applied on registration form fields to check if user does
Short description not fill “Full Name” form filed then which error message will be
shown to user by system.
1. User must have internet access.
2. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) successfully.
3. Register page must be opened.
User enters valid CNIC*, valid Email, valid Password* and valid
Input data
Contact No*.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to Register page (new user is not registered).
3. User enters valid CNIC*, valid Email, valid Password* and
Detailed steps
valid Contact No* in registration form fields.
4. Click on REGISTER button.

Expected result(s) System must show a validation error.

Post-condition(s) System shows a validation message of “Please fill out this field”.
Table 41-TC-2

Identifier TC-3
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. User must open ‘Register’ page.
Related use-case(s) Citizen_Sign_Up
Testing is applied on registration form fields to check if user enters
Short description
invalid CNIC number i.e. write CNIC with less than 13 numbers
Page 111
then an error message must be shown to user to enter data that is
matched with the format.
1. User must have internet access.
2. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) successfully.
3. Register page must be opened.
User enters valid Full Name*, invalid CNIC*, valid Email, valid
Input data
Password* and valid Contact No* in registration form.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to Register page (new user is not registered).
3. User enters valid Full Name*, invalid CNIC*, valid Email,
Detailed steps
valid Password* and valid Contact No*.
4. Click on REGISTER button.

Expected result(s) System must show some pop up or message to write valid data.
System shows a validation message of “Please match the requested
Table 42-TC-3

Identifier TC-4
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. User must open ‘Register’ page.
Related use-case(s) Citizen_Sign_Up
Testing is applied on registration form fields to check if user enters
invalid CNIC number i.e. write CNIC with greater than 13 numbers
Short description
then an error message must be shown to user to enter data that is
matched with the format.
4. User must have internet access.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) successfully.
2. Register page must be opened.
User enters valid Full Name*, invalid CNIC*, valid Email, valid
Input data
Password* and valid Contact No* in registration form.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to Register page (new user is not registered).
3. User enters valid Full Name*, valid CNIC*, valid Email, valid
Detailed steps
Password* and valid Contact No*.
4. Click on REGISTER button.

Expected result(s) System must show a validation error.

System shows a validation message of “Please match the requested
Table 43-TC-4

Page 112
Identifier TC-5
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. User must open ‘Register’ page.
Related use-case(s) Citizen_Sign_Up
Testing is applied on registration form fields to check if user enters
password that does not match with the given criteria (which is
Short description password should be At least one number, one small and capital
letter and should be 8 or more characters*) then what type of error
will be shown by system to user.
1. User must have internet access.
2. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) successfully.
3. Register page must be opened.
User enters valid Full Name*, valid CNIC*, valid Email, invalid
Input data
Password* and valid Contact No*.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to Register page (new user is not registered).
3. User enters valid Full Name*, valid CNIC*, valid Email,
Detailed steps invalid Password* and valid Contact No* in registration form
4. Click on REGISTER button.

Expected result(s) System must show a validation error.

System shows a validation message of “Please match the requested
Table 44-TC-5

Identifier TC-6
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. User must open ‘Register’ page.
Related use-case(s) Citizen_Sign_Up
Testing is applied on registration form fields to check if user enters
Short description phone number in “Contact No*” field with less than 11 numbers
then an error message must be shown by system to user.
1. User must have internet access.
2. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) successfully.
3. Register page must be opened.
User enters valid Full Name*, valid CNIC*, valid Email, valid
Input data
Password* and invalid Contact No*.
Page 113
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to Register page (new user is not registered).
Detailed steps 3. User enters valid Full Name*, valid CNIC*, valid Email, valid
Password* and invalid Contact No* in registration form fields.
4. Click on REGISTER button.
Expected result(s) System must show a validation error.
System shows a validation message of “Please match the requested
Table 45-TC-6

Identifier TC-7
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. User must open ‘Register’ page.
Related use-case(s) Citizen_Sign_Up
Testing is applied on registration form fields to check if user enters
Short description phone number in “Contact No*” field with greater than 11 numbers
then an error message must be shown by system to user.
Pre-condition(s) 1. User must have internet access.
User enters valid Full Name*, valid CNIC*, valid Email, valid
Input data
Password* and invalid Contact No*.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to Register page (new user is not registered).
Detailed steps 3. User enters valid Full Name*, valid CNIC*, valid Email, valid
Password* and invalid Contact No* in registration form.
4. Click on REGISTER button.
Expected result(s) System must show a validation error.
System shows a validation message of “Please match the requested
Table 46-TC-7

Identifier TC-8
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. User must open ‘Register’ page.
Related use-case(s) Citizen_Sign_Up
Testing is applied on registration form fields to check if user enters
Short description invalid email in “Email” field then an error message must be shown
by system to user.
Pre-condition(s) 1. User must have internet access.

Page 114
2. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
3. Register page must be opened.
User enters valid Full Name*, valid CNIC*, invalid Email, valid
Input data
Password* and valid Contact No*.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to Register page (new user is not registered).
3. User enters valid Full Name*, valid CNIC*, invalid Email,
Detailed steps
valid Password* and valid Contact No* in registration form
4. Click on REGISTER button.
Expected result(s) System must show a validation error.
System shows a validation message of “Please match the requested
Table 47-TC-8

Identifier TC-9
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. User must open ‘Register’ page.
Related use-case(s) Citizen_Sign_Up
Testing is applied on registration form fields to check if user enters
Short description alphabets in Contact No* field then an error must be shown by
system to user.
1. User must have internet access.
2. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) successfully.
3. Register page must be opened.
User enters valid Full Name*, valid CNIC*, valid Email, valid
Input data
Password* and invalid Contact No*.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to Register page (new user is not registered).
Detailed steps 3. User enters valid Full Name*, valid CNIC*, valid Email, valid
Password* and invalid Contact No*.
4. Click on REGISTER button.
Expected result(s) An error to enter valid Contact No occur.
System shows a validation message of “Please match the requested
Table 48-TC-9

Page 115
User login
Identifier TC-10
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s)
3. User must be registered before login into system.
4. User must open User Login page.
Related use-case(s) Citizen_Log_In
Testing is applied on Login page to check when user leave both of
Short description the fields of login form empty, no captcha is entered by user and
no role is selected then which error will be shown by system to user.
1. User must have internet access.
2. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) successfully.
3. User must be registered.
4. User Login page must be opened.
Input data Blank CNIC, password field, captcha and no role is selected.
1. User open UI successfully.
Detailed steps 2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
3. Click on SIGN IN button.
Expected result(s) System must show a validation error.
Post-condition(s) A validation message to “fill out this field” is shown.
Table 49-TC-10

Identifier TC-11
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s)
3. User must be registered before login into system.
4. User must open User Login page.
Related use-case(s) Citizen_Log_In
Testing is applied on Login page to check when user who is not
Short description
registered trying to login into system.
1. User must have internet access.
2. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) successfully.
3. User must be registered.
4. User Login page must be opened.
Input data User enters invalid CNIC and invalid password.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
Detailed steps
3. User write invalid CNIC and invalid password.
4. User select citizen role.
Page 116
5. Click on SIGN IN button.
Expected result(s) System must show a validation error.
System shows an alert of “Incorrect password and please login
Table 50-TC-11

Identifier TC-12
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s) 3. User must be registered before login into system.
4. User must open User Login page.
5. User must remember CNIC and Password for login.
Related use-case(s) Citizen_Log_In
Testing is applied on Login page to check when user enters valid
Short description CNIC, valid password and add correct captcha without selecting
‘citizen role’ then what state will be shown by system to user.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. User must be registered.
3. User Login page must be opened.
Input data User enters valid CNIC, valid password and correct captcha.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
Detailed steps
3. User enters valid CNIC, valid password and correct captcha.
4. Click on SIGN IN button.
Expected result(s) System must show a validation error.
Post-condition(s) System redirected user to login page.
Table 51-TC-12

Identifier TC-13
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s) 3. User must be registered before login into system.
4. User must open User Login page.
5. User must remember CNIC and Password for login.
Related use-case(s) Citizen_Log_In
Testing is applied on Login page to check when user enters valid
CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select ‘AC role’ rather
Short description
than citizen then which type of error will be shown by system to
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running

Page 117
2. User must be registered.
3. User Login page must be opened.
User enters valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Input data
AC role.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
Detailed steps 3. User write valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and
select AC role.
4. Click on SIGN IN button.
Expected result(s) System must show a validation error.
Post-condition(s) System shows an alert of “Incorrect Password Please Login again”.
Table 52-TC-13

Identifier TC-14
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
3. User must be registered before login into system.
Related requirement(s)
4. User must open User Login page.
5. User must remember password.
6. User must select citizen role.
Related use-case(s) Citizen_Log_In
Testing is applied on Login page to check when user enters invalid
Short description CNIC, valid password and select citizen then what response will be
shown by system to user.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. User must be registered.
3. User Login page must be opened.
User enters invalid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and
Input data
select citizen role.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
Detailed steps 3. User write invalid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and
select citizen role.
4. Click on SIGN IN button.
Expected result(s) System must show a validation error.
Post-condition(s) System shows an alert of “Incorrect Password Please Login again”.
Table 53-TC-1

Page 118
Identifier TC-15
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
3. User must be registered before login into system.
Related requirement(s)
4. User must open User Login page.
5. User must remember CNIC.
6. User must select citizen role.
Related use-case(s) Citizen_Log_In
Testing is applied on Login page to check when user enters valid
Short description CNIC, invalid password, correct captcha and select citizen role then
what response will be shown by system to user.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. User must be registered.
3. User Login page must be opened.
User enters valid CNIC, invalid password, correct captcha and
Input data
select citizen role.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
Detailed steps 3. User write valid CNIC, invalid password, correct captcha and
select citizen role.
4. Click on SIGN IN button.
Expected result(s) System must show a validation error.
Post-condition(s) System shows an alert of “Incorrect Password Please Login again”.
Table 54-TC-15

Identifier TC-16
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
3. User must be registered before login into system.
Related requirement(s)
4. User must open User Login page.
7. User must remember CNIC and password.
8. User must select citizen role.
Related use-case(s) Citizen_Log_In
Testing is applied on Login page to check when user enters valid
Short description CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select citizen role then
user must be logged in into user dashboard.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. User must be registered.
3. User Login page must be opened.

Page 119
User enters valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Input data
citizen role.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
Detailed steps 3. User write valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and
select citizen role.
4. Click on SIGN IN button.
Expected result(s) User must login successfully.
Post-condition(s) System shows an alert of “Successfully Login”.
Table 55-TC-16

User register a Complaint

Identifier TC-17
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s) 3. User must be login successfully.
4. User must open ‘File a Complaint’ page from ‘Complaint’
option from sidebar of user dashboard.
Related use-case(s) Citizen Register Complaint
Testing is applied on Complaint form to check when user enters
Short description valid information in all form fields then complaint will be
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. User must log in successfully.
3. ‘File a Complaint’ page must be opened.
Input data User enters valid data in all fields.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
citizen role for login into dashboard.
Detailed steps 4. Click on Complaint option from sidebar.
5. Select ‘File a Complaint’ option from dropdown menu of
6. Fill all complaint fields with valid information.
7. Click on ‘submit’ button.
Expected result(s) Complaint must be registered.
Post-condition(s) System shows an alert of “Successfully Registered”.
Table 56-TC-17

Page 120
Identifier TC-18
Priority High priority
1. User must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s) 3. User must be login successfully.
4. User must open ‘File a Complaint’ page from ‘Complaint’
option from sidebar of user dashboard.
Related use-case(s) Citizen Register Complaint
Testing is applied on Complaint form to check when user left
Short description Address and Complaine Text field empty then what validation error
will be shown by system to user.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. User must log in successfully.
3. ‘File a Complaint’ page must be opened.
All other fields are filled except Address and Complaine Text
Input data
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
citizen role for login into dashboard.
4. Click on Complaint option from sidebar.
Detailed steps
5. Select ‘File a Complaint’ option from dropdown menu of
6. Fill all complaint fields except Address and Complaine Text
7. Click on ‘submit’ button.
Expected result(s) System must show a validation error to fill out field.
Post-condition(s) System shows a validation message of “Please fill out this field”.
Table 57-TC-18
Edit User Profile
Identifier TC-19
Priority Low priority
1. System must be running successfully.
2. User must be login successfully.
Related requirement(s)
3. User must open ‘Edit Profile’ page from ‘User Options’ option
from sidebar of user dashboard.
Related use-case(s) Citizen Manage Profile
Testing is applied to check whether user successfully edit personal
Short description
information or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) successfully.
2. User must log in successfully.

Page 121
3. Dashboard must be opened.
4. Edit Profile page must be opened.
Input data User change Name from Edit Your Info form.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
citizen role for login into dashboard.
4. Click on User Options from sidebar.
Detailed steps
5. Select ‘Edit Profile’ option from dropdown menu of ‘Users
6. Replace name with new name, Email with new Email id and
add new Contact.
7. Click on submit button.
Expected result(s) Information must be edited.
Post-condition(s) User personal information updated.
Table 58-TC-19
View Complaint Status
Identifier TC-20
Priority High priority
1. System must be running successfully.
2. User must be login successfully.
Related requirement(s)
3. User must open ‘Complaint Status’ page from ‘Complaint’
option from sidebar of user dashboard.
Related use-case(s) User working
User has registered a complaint and want to see complaint status so
Short description we applied testing to check whether user can successfully view
complaint status or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. User must login successfully.
3. Dashboard must be opened.
User click on ‘Complaint Status’ Option from drop down menu of
Input data
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Detailed steps citizen role for login into dashboard.
4. Click on Complaint option from sidebar.
5. Select ‘Complaint Status’ option from dropdown menu of
Expected result(s) Status must be viewed to user.
Status “PENDING CLEARENCE FROM Admin.....” has been
shown to user.
Table 59-TC-20
Page 122
Change Password
Identifier TC-21
Priority Low priority
1. System must be running successfully.
2. User must be login successfully.
Related requirement(s)
3. User must open ‘Change Password’ page from ‘User Options’
option from sidebar of user dashboard.
Related use-case(s) Citizen Manage Profile
Testing is applied to check whether user can successfully change
Short description
password or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) 2. User must log in successfully.
3. Dashboard must be opened.
4. Change Password page must be opened.
Input data User enters new password in change password field.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
citizen role for login into dashboard.
4. Click on User Options from sidebar.
Detailed steps 5. Select ‘Change Password’ option from dropdown menu of
‘Users Options’.
6. Write old password in old password field.
7. Write new password in New password and Confirm password
8. Click on submit button.
Expected result(s) Password must be edited.
Post-condition(s) User’s password is updated.
Table 60-TC-21

Identifier TC-22
Priority Low priority
1. System must be running successfully.
2. User must be login successfully.
Related requirement(s)
3. User must open ‘Change Password’ page from ‘User Options’
option from sidebar of user dashboard.
Related use-case(s) Citizen Manage Profile
Testing is applied to check when user enter wrong new password
Short description in “Confirm password” field then either its password will be
updated or system will show an error.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Page 123
2. User must log in successfully.
3. Dashboard must be opened.
4. Change Password page must be opened.
User enters correct old password, valid new password but wrong
Input data
new password in confirm password field.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
citizen role for login into dashboard.
4. Click on User Options from sidebar.
Detailed steps 5. Select ‘Change Password’ option from dropdown menu of
‘Users Options’.
6. User enters correct old password, valid new password but
wrong new password in confirm password field.
7. Click on submit button.
Expected result(s) Error must be shown to user.
Error of “Old Pass didn't matched or please type correct in retype
Post-condition(s) password!” is shown to user.
Table 61-TC-22
User’s Feedback
Identifier TC-23
Priority High priority
1. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s) 2. User must be login successfully.
3. Complaint must be closed by relevant authority.
Related use-case(s) Citizen Feedback
User registered a complaint and when complaint’s processing has
been done and status is closed then user can give feedback in the
Short description
form of stars. Now we applied testing to check whether user can
easily give feedback or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. User must log in successfully.
3. Messages option must be opened.
Input data User click on feedback button in messages page.
1. User open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Detailed steps
citizen role for login into dashboard.
4. Click on Feedback button.
5. Give feedback in the form of selecting stars from Rating.
Expected result(s) Feedback must be submitted.
Post-condition(s) Feedback has been submitted in the form of stars.
Table 62-TC-23
Page 124
5.4.2 Test cases for Admin side:

Admin forward citizen complaint to relevant authority

Identifier TC-24
Priority High priority
1. Admin must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s) 3. Admin must be login successfully.
4. Notifications page must be opened.
5. Complaints must be stored in Notifications.
Related use-case(s) Admin transfer Complaints
User registered a complaint (against AC) and it has been viewed to
admin first. Now admin has authority to forward that complaint to
Short description relevant authority (DC) or to reject it on the basis of complaint text.
Here we applied testing to check when admin click on forward
button then either complaint is transferred to DC or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. Admin must be login.
3. Notifications page must be opened.
Input data Admin click on top right Notifications button.
1. Admin open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Detailed steps Admin role for successfully login.
4. Click on Notifications button.
5. Click on View button.
6. Click on forward button.
Expected result(s) Complaint must be transferred to relevant authority.
Post-condition(s) System shows a message of “Forwarded to authorities”.
Table 63-TC-24
Admin reject a complaint
Identifier TC-25
Priority High priority
1. Admin must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s) 3. Admin must be login successfully.
4. Notifications page must be opened.
5. Complaints must be stored in Notifications.
Related use-case(s) Admin transfer Complaints
User registered a complaint (against AC) and it has been viewed to
Short description
admin first. Now admin has authority to forward that complaint to

Page 125
relevant authority (DC) or to reject it on the basis of complaint text.
Here we applied testing to check when admin click on reject button
then either complaint is rejected or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. Admin must be login.
3. Notifications page must be opened.
Input data Admin click on top right Notifications button.
1. Admin open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Detailed steps Admin role for successfully login.
4. Click on Notifications button.
5. Click on View button.
6. Click on reject button.
Expected result(s) Complaint must be deleted.
Post-condition(s) System shows a message of “Deleted Successfully!”.
Table 64-TC-25
Admin Register new officer
Identifier TC-26
Priority High priority
1. Admin must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. Admin must be login successfully.
Related use-case(s) Admin
Whenever new officer has been appointed (DC, AC, Tehsildar,
Naib Tehsildar, Gadawar, Patwari), a login must be given to new
Short description officer so that he/she can manage profile and handle incoming
complaints. We applied testing to check whether admin
successfully register new officer or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. Admin must be login.
3. Admin options must be opened.
Admin first click on ‘Admin Options’ and then select ‘Register
Input data
Officer’ option from dropdown menu.
1. Admin open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Admin role for successfully login.
Detailed steps
4. Admin first click on ‘Admin Options’ and then select ‘Register
Officer’ option from dropdown menu.
5. Registration form is opened and admin enters correct officer
details in form fields.
Page 126
6. Click on register button.
Expected result(s) Officer must be registered.
Post-condition(s) Message of “Successfully Registered” is shown.
Table 65-TC-26

5.4.3 Test cases for DC (Deputy Commissioner):

DC send informational message to complainant
Identifier TC-27
Priority High priority
1. DC must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s)
3. Notifications page must be opened.
4. Complaints must be stored in Notifications.
Related use-case(s) DC Working
All complaints are shown to DC that are against to AC (Assistant
Commissioner) and DC then accept complaints and send complaint
Short description message (complaint message is in the form of date) to citizen who
file complaint. We applied testing to check after accepting
complaint whether message is shown to complainant or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) successfully.
2. Notifications page must be opened.
1. DC first click on Notifications button and then Accept button
Input data below complaint text box.
2. Write date on Dated box to send informational message to user.
1. DC open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. DC enters valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and
select Dc role for login.
Detailed steps 4. Click on SIGN IN button.
5. Click on Notifications button and then Accept button below
complaint text box.
6. Writes suitable date on Dated box.
7. Click on send button.
Expected result(s) Message must be shown to user.
Post-condition(s) Message has been sent to user.
Table 66-TC-27

Page 127
DC close complaint status
Identifier TC-28
Priority High priority
1. DC must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. “Active complaints” page must be opened.
Related use-case(s) DC Working
After complete processing of complaint DC can close status so that
Short description user can give feedback. We applied testing to ensure the working
of close status module when DC actually close it.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) successfully.
2. “Active complaints” page must be opened.
Input data DC click on Active Complaints option from side bar.
1. DC open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. DC enters valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and
Detailed steps select Dc role for login.
4. Click on SIGN IN button.
5. Click on Active Complaints option from side bar.
6. Click on close button.
Expected result(s) Status of complaint must be closed.
User is able to give feedback which shows status of particular
complaint is closed.
Table 67-TC-28

Page 128
5.4.4 Test case for AC (Assistant Commissioner):

AC send informational message to complainant

Identifier TC-29
Priority High priority
1. There should an internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s)
3. AC must be login successfully.
4. “Check incoming complaints” page must be opened.
Related use-case(s) AC Working
All complaints are shown to AC that are against to Tehsildar and
AC then accept complaints and send complaint message (complaint
Short description message is in the form of date) to user who file complaint. We
applied testing to check when AC accept a complaint and write
message then whether it is send to user or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) successfully.
2. “Check incoming complaints” page must be opened.
1. AC click on complaint’s accept button.
Input data
2. Write date on Dated box to send informational message to user.
1. AC open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. AC enters valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and
select Ac role.
4. Click on SIGN IN button.
Detailed steps
5. Click on ‘Complaints’ option and then click on “Check
incoming complaints”.
6. Click on accept button.
7. Writes suitable date on Dated box.
8. Click on send button.
Expected result(s) Message must be shown to user.
Post-condition(s) Message has been sent to user.
Table 68-TC-29

Page 129
AC close complaint status
Identifier TC-30
Priority High priority
1. AC must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. “Active complaints” page must be opened.
Related use-case(s) AC Working
After complete processing of complaint AC can close status of
complaint that is against Tehsildar so that user can give feedback.
Short description
We applied testing to ensure the working of close status module
when AC actually close it.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) successfully.
2. “Active complaints” page must be opened.
Input data AC click on Active Complaints option from side bar.
1. AC open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. AC enters valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and
Detailed steps select Ac role for login.
4. Click on SIGN IN button.
5. Click on Active Complaints option from side bar.
6. Click on close button.
Expected result(s) Status of complaint must be closed.
User is able to give feedback which shows status of particular
complaint is closed.
Table 69-TC-30

5.4.5 Test cases for Tehsildar: Test case when Tehsildar act as an officer

Tehsildar send informational message to complainant

Identifier TC-31
Priority High priority
1. There should an internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s)
3. Tehsildar must be login successfully.
4. “Check incoming complaints” page must be opened.
Related use-case(s) Tehsildar Working
All complaints are shown to Tehsildar that are against to Naib
Short description Tehsildar, Gadawar and Patwari and Tehsildar then accept
complaints and send complaint message (complaint message is in
Page 130
the form of date) to user who file complaint. We applied testing to
check when Tehsildar accept a complaint and write message then
whether it is send to user or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) successfully.
2. “Check incoming complaints” page must be opened.
1. Tehsildar click on complaint’s accept button.
Input data
2. Write date on Dated box to send informational message to user.
1. Tehsildar open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. Tehsildar enters valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha
and select Tehsil role.
4. Click on SIGN IN button.
Detailed steps
5. Click on ‘Complaints’ option and then click on “Check
incoming complaints”.
6. Click on accept button.
7. Writes suitable date on Dated box.
8. Click on send button.
Expected result(s) Message must be shown to user.
Post-condition(s) Message has been sent to user.
Table 70-TC-31
Tehsildar close complaint status
Identifier TC-32
Priority High priority
1. Tehsildar must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. “Active complaints” page must be opened.
Related use-case(s) Tehsildar Working
After complete processing of complaint Tehsildar can close status
of complaint that is against to Naib Tehsildar, Gadawar and Patwari
Short description
so that user can give feedback. We applied testing to ensure the
working of close status module when Tehsildar actually close it.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Pre-condition(s) successfully.
2. “Active complaints” page must be opened.
Input data AC click on Active Complaints option from side bar.
1. Tehsildar open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. Tehsildar enters valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha
Detailed steps and select Tehsildar role for login.
4. Click on SIGN IN button.
5. Click on Active Complaints option from side bar.
6. Click on close button.
Expected result(s) Status of complaint must be closed.
Page 131
User is able to give feedback which shows status of particular
complaint is closed.
Table 71-TC-32 Test case when Tehsildar act as a complainant

Register a Complaint
Identifier TC-33
Priority High priority
1. Tehsildar must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s) 3. Tehsildar must be login successfully.
4. Tehsildar must open ‘File a Complaint’ page from ‘Complaint’
Related use-case(s) Tehsildar Register Complaint
Testing is applied on Complaint form to check when Tehsildar
Short description enter valid information in all form fields then complaint will be
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. Tehsildar must be login successfully.
3. ‘File a Complaint’ page must be opened.
Input data Tehsildar enter correct data in all fields.
1. Tehsildar open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Tehsildar role for login.
Detailed steps 4. Click on Complaint option from sidebar.
5. Select ‘File a Complaint’ option from dropdown menu of
6. Fill all complaint fields with valid information.
7. Click on ‘submit’ button.
Expected result(s) Complaint must be registered.
Post-condition(s) System shows an alert of “Successfully Registered”.
Table 72-TC-33

Page 132
Identifier TC-34
Priority High priority
1. Tehsildar must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s) 3. Tehsildar must login successfully.
4. Tehsildar must open ‘File a Complaint’ page from ‘Complaint’
option from sidebar of user dashboard.
Related use-case(s) Tehsildar Register Complaint
Testing is applied on Complaint form to check when Tehsildar
Short description leave Address and Complaine Text field empty then what
validation error will be shown by system to Tehsildar.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. Tehsildar must log in successfully.
3. ‘File a Complaint’ page must be opened.
All other fields are filled except Address and Complaine Text
Input data
1. Tehsildar open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Tehsildar role for login into dashboard.
4. Click on Complaint option from sidebar.
Detailed steps
5. Select ‘File a Complaint’ option from dropdown menu of
6. Fill all complaint fields except Address and Complaine Text
7. Click on ‘submit’ button.
Expected result(s) System must show a validation error to fill out field.
Post-condition(s) System shows a validation message of “Please fill out this field”.
Table 73-TC-34
Receive Informational Message
Identifier TC-35
Priority High priority
1. There should an internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s)
3. Tehsildar must be login successfully.
4. “Messages” page must be opened.
Related use-case(s) Tehsildar Working
Tehsildar can also file complaint against other AC so whenever
Tehsildar file complaint, complaint message and complaint status
Short description
has been send to Tehsildar. We applied testing to check whether
Tehsildar receives message or not.

Page 133
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. Tehsildar must log in successfully.
3. Dashboard must be opened.
Input data Click on ‘Messages’.
1. Tehsildar open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. Write valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Detailed steps Tehsildar role.
4. Click on SIGN IN button.
5. Click on ‘Messages’ option.

Expected result(s) Complaint message must be shown to Tehsildar.

System shows a message of “You have been summoned in
Table 74-TC-35
Give Feedback
Identifier TC-36
Priority Low priority
1. Tehsildar must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. Tehsildar must login successfully.
Related use-case(s) Tehsildar Feedback
Tehsildar registered a complaint and when complaint’s processing
Short description has been done then Tehsildar can give feedback. Now we applied
testing to check whether Tehsildar can easily give feedback or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. Tehsildar must log in successfully.
3. Messages option must be opened.
Input data Tehsildar click on feedback button in messages page.
1. Tehsildar open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Detailed steps
Tehsildar role for login into dashboard.
4. Click on Feedback button.
5. Give feedback in the form of selecting stars from Rating.
Expected result(s) Feedback must be submitted.
Post-condition(s) Feedback has been submitted in the form of stars.
Table 75-TC-36

Page 134
5.4.6 Test cases for Naib Tehsildar:

File a Complaint

Identifier TC-37
Priority High priority
1. Naib Tehsildar must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s) 3. Naib Tehsildar must be login successfully.
4. Naib Tehsildar must open ‘File a Complaint’ page from
‘Complaint’ option.
Related use-case(s) Employee Register Complaint
Testing is applied on Complaint form to check when Naib Tehsildar
Short description enter valid information in all form fields then complaint will be
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. Naib Tehsildar must be login successfully.
3. ‘File a Complaint’ page must be opened.
Input data Naib Tehsildar enter correct data in all fields.
1. Naib Tehsildar open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Naib Tehsildar role for login.
Detailed steps 4. Click on Complaint option from sidebar.
5. Select ‘File a Complaint’ option from dropdown menu of
6. Fill all complaint fields with valid information.
7. Click on ‘submit’ button.
Expected result(s) Complaint must be registered.
Post-condition(s) System shows an alert of “Successfully Registered”.
Table 76-TC-37

Page 135
Identifier TC-38
Priority High priority
1. Naib Tehsildar must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s) 3. Naib Tehsildar must login successfully.
4. Naib Tehsildar must open ‘File a Complaint’ page from
‘Complaint’ option from sidebar of user dashboard.
Related use-case(s) Employee Register Complaint
Testing is applied on Complaint form to check when Naib Tehsildar
Short description leave Address and Complaine Text field empty then what
validation error will be shown by system to Naib Tehsildar.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. Naib Tehsildar must log in successfully.
3. ‘File a Complaint’ page must be opened.
All other fields are filled except Address and Complaine Text
Input data
1. Naib Tehsildar open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Naib Tehsildar role for login into dashboard.
4. Click on Complaint option from sidebar.
Detailed steps
5. Select ‘File a Complaint’ option from dropdown menu of
6. Fill all complaint fields except Address and Complaine Text
7. Click on ‘submit’ button.
Expected result(s) System must show a validation error to fill out field.
Post-condition(s) System shows a validation message of “Please fill out this field”.
Table 77-TC-38
Receive Complaint Message
Identifier TC-39
Priority High priority
1. There should an internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s)
3. Naib Tehsildar must be login successfully.
4. “Messages” page must be opened.
Related use-case(s) Employee Working
Naib Tehsildar can also file complaint against other officers so
whenever Naib Tehsildar file complaint, complaint message and
Short description
complaint status has been send to Naib Tehsildar. We applied
testing to check whether Naib Tehsildar receives message or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Page 136
2. Naib Tehsildar must login successfully.
3. Dashboard must be opened.
Input data Click on ‘“Messages” Option.
1. Naib Tehsildar open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. Naib Tehsildar enters valid CNIC, valid password, correct
Detailed steps captcha and select Naib Tehsildar role.
4. Click on SIGN IN button.
5. Click on ‘“Messages”’ option.

Expected result(s) Complaint message must be shown to Naib Tehsildar.

Post-condition(s) Message has been displayed.
Table 78-TC-39
Give Feedback
Identifier TC-40
Priority Low priority
1. Naib Tehsildar must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. Naib Tehsildar must login successfully.
Related use-case(s) Employee Feedback
Naib Tehsildar registered a complaint and when complaint’s
processing has been done then Naib Tehsildar can give feedback.
Short description
Now we applied testing to check whether Naib Tehsildar can easily
give feedback or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. Naib Tehsildar must log in successfully.
3. Messages page must be opened.
Input data Naib Tehsildar click on feedback button in messages page.
1. Naib Tehsildar open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Detailed steps
Naib Tehsildar role for login into dashboard.
4. Click on Feedback button.
5. Give feedback in the form of selecting stars from Rating.
Expected result(s) Feedback must be submitted.
Post-condition(s) Feedback has been submitted in the form of stars.
Table 79-TC-40

Page 137
5.4.7 Test cases for Gadawar:

File a Complaint

Identifier TC-41
Priority High priority
1. Gadawar must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s) 3. Gadawar must be login successfully.
4. Gadawar must open ‘File a Complaint’ page from ‘Complaint’
Related use-case(s) Employee Register Complaint
Testing is applied on Complaint form to check when Gadawar enter
Short description valid information in all form fields then complaint will be
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. Gadawar must be login successfully.
3. ‘File a Complaint’ page must be opened.
Input data Gadawar enter valid data in all fields.
1. Gadawar open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. Enters valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Gadawar role for login.
Detailed steps 4. Click on Complaint option from sidebar.
5. Select ‘File a Complaint’ option from dropdown menu of
6. Fill all complaint fields with valid information.
7. Click on ‘submit’ button.
Expected result(s) Complaint must be registered.
Post-condition(s) System shows an alert of “Successfully Registered”.
Table 80-TC-41

Page 138
Identifier TC-42
Priority High priority
1. Gadawar must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s) 3. Gadawar must login successfully.
4. Gadawar must open ‘File a Complaint’ page from ‘Complaint’
option from sidebar of user dashboard.
Related use-case(s) Employee Register Complaint
Testing is applied on Complaint form to check when Gadawar leave
Short description Address and Complaine Text field empty then what validation error
will be shown by system to Gadawar.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. Gadawar must log in successfully.
3. ‘File a Complaint’ page must be opened.
All other fields are filled except Address and Complaine Text
Input data
1. Gadawar open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Gadawar role for login into dashboard.
4. Click on Complaint option from sidebar.
Detailed steps
5. Select ‘File a Complaint’ option from dropdown menu of
6. Fill all complaint fields except Address and Complaine Text
7. Click on ‘submit’ button.
Expected result(s) System must show a validation error to fill out field.
Post-condition(s) System shows a validation message of “Please fill out this field”.
Table 81-TC-42
Receive Informational Message
Identifier TC-43
Priority High priority
1. There should an internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s)
3. Gadawar must be login successfully.
4. “Messages” page must be opened.
Related use-case(s) Employee Working
Gadawar can also file complaint against other officers so whenever
Gadawar file complaint, complaint message has been send to
Short description
Gadawar. We applied testing to check whether Gadawar receives
message or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Page 139
2. Gadawar must login successfully.
3. “Messages” page must be opened.
Input data Click on “Messages” Option.
1. Gadawar open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. Write valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Detailed steps Gadawar role.
4. Click on SIGN IN button.
5. Click on “Messages” option.

Expected result(s) Complaint message must be shown to Gadawar.

Post-condition(s) Message has been displayed.
Table 82-TC-43
Give Feedback
Identifier TC-44
Priority Low priority
1. Gadawar must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. Gadawar must login successfully.
Related use-case(s) Employee Feedback
Gadawar registered a complaint and when complaint’s processing
has been done then Gadawar can give feedback. Now we applied
Short description
testing to check whether Gadawar can easily give feedback and it
is submitted or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. Gadawar must log in successfully.
3. Dashboard must be opened.
Input data Messages page must be opened.
1. Gadawar open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page.
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Detailed steps
Gadawar role for login.
4. Click on Feedback button.
5. Give feedback in the form of selecting stars from Rating.
Expected result(s) Feedback must be submitted.
Post-condition(s) Feedback has been submitted in the form of stars.
Table 83-TC-44

Page 140
5.4.8 Test cases for Patwari:

File a Complaint

Identifier TC-45
Priority High priority
1. Patwari must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s) 3. Patwari must be login successfully.
4. Patwari must open ‘File a Complaint’ page from ‘Complaint’
Related use-case(s) Employee Register Complaint
Testing is applied on Complaint form to check when Patwari enter
Short description valid information in all form fields then complaint will be
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. Patwari must be login successfully.
3. ‘File a Complaint’ page must be opened.
Input data Patwari enter valid data in all fields.
1. Patwari open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Patwari role for login.
Detailed steps 4. Click on Complaint option from sidebar.
5. Select ‘File a Complaint’ option from dropdown menu of
6. Fill all complaint fields with valid information.
7. Click on ‘submit’ button.
Expected result(s) Complaint must be registered.
Post-condition(s) System shows an alert of “Successfully Registered”.
Table 84-TC-45

Page 141
Identifier TC-46
Priority High priority
1. Patwari must have internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s) 3. Patwari must login successfully.
4. Patwari must open ‘File a Complaint’ page from ‘Complaint’
option from sidebar of user dashboard.
Related use-case(s) Employee Register Complaint
Testing is applied on Complaint form to check when Patwari leave
Short description Address and Complaine Text field empty then what validation error
will be shown by system to Patwari.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. Patwari must log in successfully.
3. ‘File a Complaint’ page must be opened.
All other fields are filled except Address and Complaine Text
Input data
1. Patwari open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
3. Enter valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Patwari role for login.
4. Click on Complaint option from sidebar.
Detailed steps
5. Select ‘File a Complaint’ option from dropdown menu of
6. Fill all complaint fields except Address and Complaine Text
7. Click on ‘submit’ button.
Expected result(s) System must show a validation error to fill out field.
Post-condition(s) System shows a validation message of “Please fill out this field”.
Table 85-TC-46
Receive Complaint Message
Identifier TC-47
Priority High priority
1. There should an internet access.
2. System must be running successfully.
Related requirement(s)
3. Patwari must be login successfully.
4. “Messages” page must be opened.
Related use-case(s) Employee Working
Patwari can also file complaint against other officers except DC so
whenever Gadawar file complaint, complaint message has been
Short description
send to Patwari. We applied testing to check whether Patwari
receives message or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
Page 142
2. Patwari must login successfully.
3. “Messages” page must be opened.
Input data Click on ‘“Messages” Option.
1. Patwari open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
3. Enters valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Detailed steps Patwari role.
4. Click on SIGN IN button.
5. Click on “Messages” option.

Expected result(s) Complaint message must be shown to Patwari.

Post-condition(s) Message has been displayed.
Table 86-TC-47

Give Feedback
Identifier TC-1
Priority Low priority
1. Patwari must have internet access.
Related requirement(s) 2. System must be running successfully.
3. Patwari must login successfully.
Related use-case(s) Employee Feedback
Patwari registered a complaint and when complaint’s processing
Short description has been done then Patwari can give feedback. Now we applied
testing to check whether Patwari can easily give feedback or not.
1. ACS (Automated Complaint System) must be running
2. Patwari must log in successfully.
3. “Messages” page must be opened.
Input data Messages page must be opened.
1. Patwari open UI successfully.
2. Navigate to User Login page (user must be registered before).
Detailed steps 3. Enters valid CNIC, valid password, correct captcha and select
Patwari role for login into dashboard.
4. Click on Feedback button.
5. Give feedback in the form of selecting stars from Rating.
Expected result(s) Feedback must be submitted.
Post-condition(s) Feedback has been submitted in the form of stars.
Table 87-TC-48

Page 143
5.5 Performance testing
Performance testing is a type of testing for determining the speed of a computer, network or
device. It checks the performance of the components of a system by passing different
parameters in different load scenarios. Keeping in view the performance requirements,
performance testing has been applied to Automated Complaint System to check response
time, load that ACS can handle and also apply stress testing to ensure the quality of system.
Performance testing is applied on the basis of following testing:
 Load Testing
Load testing is the process that simulates actual user load on any application or website.
It checks how the application behaves during normal and high loads. This type of testing
is applied when a development project nears to its completion. Automated Complaint
System is design to accept maximum number of complaints. It shall be able to handle at
least 100 transactions/inquiries per second. For checking this performance requirement
we apply load testing by registering complaints from citizen, officer and employees at
the same time and then check either each of them receive immediate response in the form
of complaint status or not. And ACS pass this load test as every user can see his complaint
status and informational message too just after filing a complaint
 Stress Testing
Stress Testing verifies the stability & reliability of the system. This test mainly
determines the system on its robustness and error handling under load conditions. So in
case of ACS when we apply load testing on system by registering complaints from
different logins the reliability of system does not effect as it shows proper validations
error and also navigate user from one page to another without taking much delay.
5.6 Security testing
It is performed to verify if the application is secured on web or not. The system must have
protection from unauthorized users. The system should display the error message if any
unauthorized person try to use this app. In ACS all the administrative, officers and employees
of Revenue Department have unique logins so system can understand who is login in to the
system right now.

Page 144
Nobody can change record and valuable data except the admin. Sessions are used to prevent
the unauthentic use of any user’s personal information and complaint record. Also user’s web
browser not displaying a user’s password. It is always be echoed with special characters
representing typed characters.
5.7 Regression testing
Regression Testing is basically a full or partial selection of already executed test cases which
are re-executed to ensure existing functionalities work fine. This testing is done to make sure
that new code changes should not have side effects on the existing functionalities. It ensures
that the old code still works once the new code changes are done. ACS also pass this test as
we made test cases three times whenever we modify the code of system. In all test cases
Login, Registration and Complaint module is not effected by addition of any other module.

Page 145

Page 146
6. Tools Used
a. Language/ Technologies
 JavaScript
 JQuery
b. Applications
 Brackets Editor
 Xampp Server
c. Libraries
 Bootstrap library
 Fontawesome library

Page 147

Page 148
7. Summary and Conclusion
This section describes that the web-system runs successfully on the given system like laptops. The
web-system runs successfully and covers it’s all the modules in the system. It will be helpful in
registering all sorts of complaints against the officers of Revenue department, Punjab and related to
all the land related issues. The citizens will just have to sign up to start registering complaints online.
All the manual work would be eliminated. In future, we will enhance its features and make this web-
system more efficient for the use of citizens. It will be installed and made for all other districts as
well so no any district remain un-computerized for registering complaints for Revenue Department.
The Automated Complaint System allows people to register complaints in a more convenient way,
by using available resources which could facilitate the complainers during filing complaints.
Its main purpose is to convert the Revenue Department free from negative aspects such as bribery
and corruption. The integration of the system to the Revenue System will provide an efficient way
to do their all tasks, free of fraud, free of corruption and bribery and to make the system more
trustable, fair and fast. The use of CNIC deepens the process of ensuring – one man, one login portal
– is fully enforced. The project will provide immense benefit to Sialkot as it protects and secures the
integrity of the complaints registration, reduces administrative work, and improves the creditability
rating which subsequently strengthens internal democracy and trust among the complainers.

Page 149

Page 150
8. User Manual
Admin Dashboard

FIGURE-99: Admin Dashboard

Admin Profile

FIGURE-100: Admin Profile

Page 151
Admin View Notification

FIGURE-101: Admin View Notification

Page 152
Admin Forward Complaints

FIGURE-102: Admin Forward Complaints

Page 153
Admin View User

FIGURE-103: Admin View User

Page 154
User Dashboard
User Dashboard

FIGURE-104: User Dashboard

User Profile

FIGURE-105: User Profile

Page 155
User Edit Profile

FIGURE-106: User Edit Profile

User Change Password

FIGURE-107: User Change Password

Page 156
User Complaint Form

FIGURE-108: User Register Complaint

User Complaint Status

FIGURE-109: User Complaint Status

Page 157
User Message Page

FIGURE-110: User Message Page

User Feedback Page

Page 158
FIGURE-111: User Feedback Page

Page 159
DC Dashboard

FIGURE-112: DC Dashboard
DC Profile Page

FIGURE-113: DC Profile

Page 160
Incoming Complaints Page

FIGURE-114: DC Incoming Complaint Page

Page 161
Send Information Message Page

FIGURE-115: DC Send Message

Page 162
AC Dashboard

FIGURE-116: AC Dashboard
AC Profile Page

FIGURE-117: AC Profile

Page 163
Messages Page

FIGURE-118: AC Received Message

Tehsildar Dashboard

FIGURE-119: Tehsildar dashboard

Page 164
Tehsildar Profile Page

FIGURE-120: Tehsildar Profile

Naib Tehsildar Dashboard

FIGURE-121: Naib tehsildar Dashboard

Page 165
Naib Tehsildar Profile Page

FIGURE-122: Naib Tehsildar Profile

Patwari Dashboard

FIGURE-123: Patwari dashboard

Page 166
Patwari Profile Page

FIGURE-124: Patwari Profile

Page 167

Page 168
9. Lessons Learnt and Future Work
Lessons Learnt:
As every aspect of life teaches some lessons during the passage of time. Similarly this project did
too. During this project development, we learnt so many things and experienced a lot of stuff.
Lessons which we learnt were about:
 Time Management
 New Technologies/Languages
 Team coordination
 Many new software engineering concepts
 Decision Making
 Meeting deadlines etc

Future Work:
In Future a lot of improvements can be made to this project, to enhance the usability and
functionality of automated complaint system.
In future, it will be helpful in registering all sorts of complaints against/to the officers of Revenue
department, Punjab and related to all the land related issues. The citizens will just have to sign up
to start registering complaints online. All the manual work would have been eliminated. In future,
we will enhance its features and make this web-system more efficient for the use of citizens. It will
be installed and made available for all other districts as well so no any district remain un-
computerized for registering complaints for Revenue Department. Also, the modules of divisional
based officers and members of Revenue Department will also be added in the system so that the
copies of result could be transferred to them.

Page 169

Page 170
Appendix A: Project Management Documents
a. Team Structure


FIGURE 125: Team Structure

b. Roles & Responsibilities
ABC. XYZ and LMN have managed and operated all activities of
this project.
Requirement Analysis

 ---------
 -----------
Managing and Documenting
 -----------
 -------

 ----------
 ---------

 -------
Project Supervisor
 Prof. _______
Page 171
c. WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
Following is the Work Breakdown Structure that we used to organize our work into
manageable sections.


Page 172
d. PERT Diagram
Following is the Program Evaluation Review Technique Chart which we used to schedule,
organize, and coordinate tasks within our project.

FIGURE 130: PERT Diagram

e. Scope Statement
Project Scope Statement
Project Name Automated Complaint System
[Revenue Department]
Project Supervisor Prof. ----------------
Date Of Project Approval 05-Dec-2018
Scope Description This is Automated complaint system for Revenue
Department that provides the facility to the public to
register complaints about various issues in their areas
regarding land taxation, land revenue etc. People can
just log in and register a complaint online. Provide
information about issue, check the status of
complaints and give the feedback regarding it. This
web system is Tehsil based system that gets
complaints from citizens of a specific Tehsil
(Currently we are dealing with Sialkot Tehsil only).

Page 173
Constraints  GUI is only in English
 this system is working for single server.
 The computers must be equipped with
web browsers to use the system.
 The system shall run on Windows
Operating System.
 The development environment will be
windows 7 or higher.
 The system will be web based
 Server must have greater than 500 MB
storage space and Hard disk greater
than 1 GB.
 The design must be in html.
 Php must be used.

Assumptions[5]  There will be a risk that people who

don’t have any knowledge about online
registration might not use our system
especially the people of rural areas of
 No other government institution can
implement this system as the
hierarchy of Revenue Department is
totally change from other
 A complaint’s status must be closed
in order to give feedback about it.
 Any user of the system must check
the roll in login form for login to the
 Project will follow waterfall
methodology throughout execution.
Acceptance Criteria The project will be determined successful if it works
correctly. And second, if the system implements in

Page 174
Project Deliverables It will provide a platform to public to register their
complaints online instead of registering manually.
Complainant’s feedback will provide information to
the district’s authority about whether citizens are
satisfied with the working of officers or not. The
complainant will easily be able to check the status of
his/her complaint. The citizens will able to register a
complaint at any time and at any place.

f. Project Charter
Project Charter
[Revenue Department, Punjab]
Project Description The automated complaint system(ACS) provides way to solve public’s
land related problems and issues easily, on district level, by registering
online complaints, tracking the status of the complaint and giving the
feedback related to the solved issues and complaints. This system acts
as an interface between the public and Deputy Commissioner (DC). The
Intention for creating ACS is to simplify the process of registering
complaints and making it quicker and cheaper.
Project Supervisor Prof. ------------- Date Approved 05-Dec-2018
Risk and Constraints Expected Goals
 There will be a risk that people who don’t  The goal of ACS is to provide a platform
have any knowledge about online to public to register their complaints online
registration might not use our system instead of registering manually.
especially the people of rural areas of  System’s goal is to provide public a
Punjab. friendly user-interface and a secured
 One of the obstacle will be the training of platform for recording complaints.
the employees of the department as they  Goal is to save the time of citizens so they
are not well trained computer users and the don’t have to visit the complaint cell
cost of computer systems and internet personally.
devices would increase govt.’s budget.  Major goal is to abolish corruption.
 Employee resistance can also be a risk.
 GUI is only in English.
 The computers must be equipped with web
browsers to use the system.
 The system shall run on Windows
Operating System.
 Server must have greater than 500 MB
storage space and Hard disk greater than 1
Team Members Milestones
Name Role Activities Weeks
Requirement Elicitation 1 Weeks
Page 175
UML Diagrams 2 Week
ABC Group Member Interface Design 1 Week
Testing 3 Week
Requirement Analysis 2 Week
XYZ Group Member Managing and Documentation 5 Week
Coding 6 Weeks
Database Design 2 Weeks
UML Diagrams 2 Weeks
LMN Group Member Coding 6 Weeks
Database Design 2 Weeks
Testing 3 Weeks

g. Meetings Summary

Page 176
Page 177
Page 178

Page 179
Appendix B: Bibliography / References
 [1]L. Espy, "How to Create a Project Assumptions List: Examples and Template Included -
Project Bliss", Project Bliss, 2019. [Online]. Available:
 [2]"Developing Website Requirements-(Functional vs. Non-Functional)-
New2HTML", New2HTML,2019.[Online].Available:
 [3]"FastVal Functional Requirements Template | Ofni Systems", Ofni Systems, 2019. [Online].
 [4]w. What is the definition of user classes and S. Bailey, "What is the definition of user classes,
with respect to software use?", Software Engineering Stack Exchange, 2019. [Online]. Available:
 [5]L. Espy, "How to Create a Project Assumptions List: Examples and Template Included -
Project Bliss", Project Bliss, 2019. [Online]. Available:
 [6]PHP 6 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web Sites: Visual QuickPro Guide, 1st ed. Peachpit Press,
2007, p. 648.
 [7]"Unified Modeling Language (UML) | State Diagrams - GeeksforGeeks", GeeksforGeeks,
2019. [Online]. Available:
state-diagrams/. [Accessed: 04- Jun- 2019].
 [8]"UML State chart Diagram with solved Example(HINDI) || IGNOU || MCS-032", YouTube,
2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 04-
Jun- 2019]
 [9]"Test Case",, 2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 04- July-
 [10]"Web Application Testing",, 2019. [Online]. Available:

Page 180

Page 181

A 57, 58, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 154,

159, 182, 187, 188
AC, vii, viii, ix, x, xi, 8, 9, 10, 14, 24, 26, 32, Constraints, vi, 13, 187, 188
33, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43, 62, 78, 79, 80, 81, 87, Corruption, 7
88, 89, 90, 91, 124, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137,
138, 139, 142, 175, 176 D
Activity Diagram, vi, x, 68, 69
Admin, vii, viii, ix, x, xi, 7, 10, 24, 25, 26, 27, Data Flow diagrams, vi
28, 29, 61, 64, 71, 72, 73, 74, 115, 129, 132, Database, vi, x, 14, 60, 112, 188
133, 134, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165 DC, vii, viii, ix, x, xi, 5, 8, 10, 14, 24, 26, 29,
authority, iii, 2, 5, 10, 14, 26, 28, 131, 132, 133, 30, 31, 32, 61, 64, 75, 76, 77, 78, 132, 133,
187 134, 135, 136, 152, 172, 173, 174, 188
Automated, i, ii, iii, 7, 11, 13, 14, 108, 113, Deputy Commissioner, 5, 8, 14, 24, 61, 134,
116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 188
126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, Design, vi, x, 13, 60, 110, 188
135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144,
145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, E
154, 159, 186, 187 ERD, vi, 61, 64, 65
Automated Complaint System, i, ii, iii, 7, 11, experience, 7
13, 14, 108, 113, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121,
122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, F
131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140,
141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, feedback, iii, 3, 6, 7, 10, 15, 28, 42, 43, 46, 50,
150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 159, 186 57, 58, 111, 131, 132, 135, 136, 138, 139,
140, 143, 146, 149, 150, 153, 187, 188
B Feedback, vii, ix, x, xi, 3, 7, 8, 9, 42, 46, 50,
57, 63, 64, 89, 90, 94, 95, 98, 99, 105, 106,
Bibliography, vi, 193 110, 111, 115, 131, 132, 142, 143, 146, 149,
150, 153, 170, 171
C Functional, vi, 7, 193
citizens, iii, 3, 6, 7, 159, 182, 187, 188
closed, 6, 7, 10, 31, 33, 36, 42, 46, 50, 57, 131, G
136, 138, 140, 187 Gadawar, iii, viii, xii, 8, 9, 10, 14, 24, 26, 62,
CNIC, 9, 10, 14, 25, 29, 32, 35, 38, 40, 44, 48, 134, 138, 139, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 178,
53, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 179
124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132,
133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, I
142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150,
151, 152, 153, 159 Introduction, vi, 2, 108, 109
complainant, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36,
37, 134, 135, 136, 138, 140, 187 L
complainants, iii, 24 land, iii, 2, 7, 14, 159, 182, 187, 188
Complainer, 7 Languages, vi, 182
complaint, iii, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, Lessons, vi, 182
15, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 41, login, iii, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32,
43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 56, 58, 60, 111, 115, 116, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
127, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 111, 115,
137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130,
146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151,152, 153, 154, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 138, 140, 141,
182, 187, 188 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150,
complaints, iii, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 26, 28, 29, 151, 152, 153, 154, 159, 187
32, 35, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51,
Page 182
M 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,
100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106
manually, iii, 5, 187, 188
sign up, iii, 10, 159, 182
Meetings Summary, vi, 189 Software, vi, ix, 12, 14, 15, 109, 113, 193
status, iii, 3, 6, 7, 10, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37,
N 43, 47, 51, 58, 111, 129, 131, 135, 136, 137,
Non-Functional, 193 138, 139, 140, 142, 145, 154, 187, 188
system, iii, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 24,
O 25, 60, 62, 64, 68, 70, 71, 108, 109, 112,
114, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125,
office, 5, 12 126, 127, 130, 141, 145, 148, 151, 153, 154,
officers, iii, 12, 24, 62, 145, 149, 152, 154, 159, 155, 159, 182, 187, 188
182, 187
online, iii, 5, 6, 159, 182, 187, 188 T
P tehsil, iii
Tehsil, 5, 7, 14, 139, 187
password, 9, 10, 12, 25, 29, 32, 35, 38, 40, 44, Tehsildar, iii, vii, viii, ix, x, xi, xii, 8, 9, 14, 24,
48, 53, 55, 118, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 26, 35, 36, 37, 44, 45, 46, 47, 62, 81, 82, 83,
127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 84, 85, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 134, 136, 138,
136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 176,
145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 177, 178
155 Test Cases, vi, vii, viii, 116
Patwari, iii, viii, xii, 8, 9, 10, 14, 24, 26, 62, Testing, vi, 108, 109, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116,
134, 138, 139, 150, 151, 152, 153, 179, 180 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125,
people, 5, 6, 64, 159, 187, 188 126, 127, 128, 130, 140, 141, 143, 144, 147,
PHP, 13, 14, 157, 193 148, 150, 151, 154, 155, 184, 188, 193
Problem, vi, 2 Tools, vi, 157
References, vi, 193
Use Case, vi, vii, ix, x, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
register, iii, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 27, 41, 43, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,
45, 47, 49, 51, 56, 58, 116, 126, 134, 159, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
187, 188 54, 55, 56, 57, 58
relevant authority, 5, 10, 132, 133 User Manual, vi, xi, 161
Revenue, i, ii, iii, 2, 5, 6, 7, 12, 14, 24, 154,
159, 182, 186, 187, 188 V
S Vice Tehsildar, iii
Security, vi, 12, 154
Sequence Diagram, x, xi, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, W
77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, WBS, vi, xii, 185
web-system, iii, 159

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