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Ferris State University COHP 350 Assignment 5: Probability Distributions page 1 ( of 4 )


A total of twenty ( 20 ) points are available for this assignment # 5. Please note that there are a total of ten ( 10 )
questions, some with sub-questions. Please answer all requested sub-questions for full credit.
Please note and use the z-score table(s) at the following link for Questions # 5-10:
All calculations must be shown step-by-step in order to receive full credit. If using a calculator or excel sheet ( or other
software ), describe necessary work steps and data input of relevant variables for credit.
For full credit, the following format: P ( ) = MUST BE INCLUDED as applicable. PLEASE SEE COURSE RULES. Assignment
must be submitted in this original format (not just an answer sheet). Double and triple--check to make sure and confirm
you are not submitting a blank form ( no deadline postponements ). Assignment # 5 is due on or before October 15th,
Questions 1 – 3 refer to Continuous Uniform Distributions ( refer to OpenStax text, Ch 5.2 pp. 314- 326 for examples )
Assume that a dentist’s appointment time is between 45 minutes and 65 minutes and is randomly selected. A) Draw the
appropriate distribution diagram and 2) calculate the final probability in decimals to 3 significant figures that the given
time described ( in questions 1, 2, and 3 below ) is selected and shaded in your drawing:

1. Between 46.5 minutes and an hour.

2. Greater than an hour.

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3. Less than 50.5 minutes.

Question 4 refers to Ch 6 and the Standard Normal Distribution ( consider pps 368-369 in our OpenStax course text )

4. A. Diagram the Empirical Rule. Label appropriately. Original, not copied from another source. This can be
hand drawn or sketched, but must have all relevant labels for full credit. (From previous discussions.)

B. How confident are you that your sample will fall within two ( 2 ) standard deviations of the mean ? Explain why.

Questions 5 – 10 refer to Standard Normal Distribution (use the z-score tables at the weblink provided previously)
**Please also note that this assignment is an exception to the 3 sig fig rule: You MUST use all 4 significant digits from
the probability ( area ) table. Do NOT round them as this will affect your probability calculations**

Assume that the readings on a pulse oximeter are of a standard normal distribution having a mean of 0. An oximeter is
randomly selected and tested. In each case, 1) first diagram (draw) and 2) then calculate the final probability in
decimals to 3 significant figures of each reading.

5. A standard normal distribution with a z-score greater than 1.35

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6. A standard normal distribution with a z-score greater than -1.82

7. A standard normal distribution with a z-score less than -0.75

8. A standard normal distribution with a z-score less than 2.14

9. A standard normal distribution with a z-score between -0.372 and 1.25

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Question 10 [notes- refer to p. 373 for how to convert “normal” values to standardized z scores ( and then areas )]

Assume that women’s weights are normally distributed with a mean given by µ = 167 pounds and a standard deviation
given by σ = 8.4 pounds.

10. If one woman is randomly selected, 1) draw the distribution diagram and 2) calculate the final probability in
decimals to 3 significant figures that her weight is between 162.5 pounds and 170.3 pounds.

** Have you checked to make sure you have used the following format ? : P ( ) = MUST BE INCLUDED as applicable.

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