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Tulagan, Peter Aedrian O.


1. Based on your observation, experience and knowledge gathered from sources such
as internet, news, documentary, shows, stories, told by friends. Which among the seven
Leave no Trace principles is usually not being followed and observed in Philippines?
Why is it not usually being observed in the country? How can you help address this
concern? Provide an appropriate explanation for your answer, Refers to news, articles
or a personal photograph from your experience and cut it and paste it to support your

 I believe that the most often ignored guideline is appropriately disposing of

rubbish. Some people have a tendency to dispose of their waste anywhere
without considering the impact on the environment, which could result in
to potential threats to human safety, such as landslides, flash floods, and other
issues. I believe that enacting legislation that will save the environment from
unneeded garbage and make sure that individuals dispose of their waste
properly can solve this issue.

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