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10/2/23, 12:24 AM Linear Algebra Advanced Problems

Problem 3: Vector Space and Subspace

Let V be a vector space over the field R and W a subspace of V . Prove that the intersection of any
finite number of subspaces of V is also a subspace of V .

Solution 3:

Let W1 , W2 , … , Wn be subspaces of V . We want to prove that W

​ ​ ​ = W1 ∩ W2 ∩ … ∩ Wn is also a
​ ​ ​

subspace of V .

Containment of Zero Vector:

Since Wi is a subspace, it contains the zero vector. Therefore, 0 ∈ W as it is in every Wi .
​ ​

Closure under Addition:

Let x, y ∈ W . This means x, y ∈ Wi for all i. Since Wi is a subspace, x + y is also in Wi , and hence
​ ​

x + y ∈ W for all Wi , implying x + y ∈ W .

Closure under Scalar Multiplication:

Let x ∈ W and c be a scalar. Since x ∈ Wi for all i, cx ∈ Wi , and therefore cx ∈ W for all Wi ,
​ ​ ​

implying cx ∈ W .

Thus, W is a subspace of V .

Problem 4: Linear Transformation

Let T : R3 → R2 be a linear transformation defined by T (x) = Ax, where A is a given 2 × 3 matrix.

Determine the matrix A such that T is a linear transformation.

Solution 4:

A linear transformation T : Rn → Rm can be represented by an m × n matrix A such that T (x) = Ax

for all x ∈ Rn . In this case, n = 3 and m = 2, so A is a 2 × 3 matrix.

a b c
Let A =[ ].
d e f
​ ​ ​

The ith column of A corresponds to T (ei ), where ei is the ith standard basis vector of R3 . Since T is
​ ​

defined by T (x) = Ax, we have T (ei ) = Aei . ​ ​

So, we need to find A such that Ae1 , Ae2 , and Ae3 correspond to the images of the standard basis
​ ​ ​

vectors of R3 under T . 1/2
10/2/23, 12:24 AM Linear Algebra Advanced Problems

These problems and solutions encompass vector spaces, subspaces, and linear transformations. If
you'd like more problems or have specific topics in mind, feel free to let me know! 2/2

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