Open Water Diver Course Instructor Guide

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Discover Scuba Diving

Conduct and Recommendations

The PADI Discover Scuba Diving program introduces people to scuba diving in a highly
supervised, controlled and relaxed manner. It dispels common misconceptions about scuba by
letting individuals try it for themselves. Under the guidance of a PADI Professional, nondivers
learn basic safety concepts, put on equipment and swim around underwater while being closely
supervised. The PADI Discover Scuba Diving program can take place in a swimming pool, in a
protected confined open water area and at an open water dive site.
PADI Professionals conducting the Discover Scuba Diving program should maintain
awareness that the participants in their programs have varying degrees of aquatic comfort and
experience, and differing expectations. Some may have thought about such an adventure a great
deal, some may have joined in on the spur of the moment and some may be there primarily at
the urging of a friend or partner. These participants need and deserve a high-level of patience,
attention and sensitivity, both for their safety and for their enjoyment of the program.
The real reward for the PADI Professional offering the Discover Scuba Diving program is
the day-to-day opportunity to guide people through, and share with them, a truly remarkable
experience in discovering diving.
After trying scuba, based upon the quality of their individual experiences, Discover Scuba
Diving participants may decide to repeat the program, if not immediately, then on other
occasions, or they may enroll in a PADI Open Water Diver course. The goal, then, of the
Discover Scuba Diving program is to provide nondivers a careful, enjoyable and closely
supervised experience that introduces them to the joys of diving and the underwater world,
while encouraging further participation.
As with any PADI course or program, diver safety is the first priority when planning,
organizing and conducting Discover Scuba Diving.

Though you have a choice of using either the Discover Scuba Diving flip chart or Discover
Scuba Diving instructor cue card to conduct the experience (regardless of location), using both
is helpful. The flip chart makes it easy to deliver complete briefings and you can take the cue
card in the water as a reference.
Use the Discover Scuba Diving brochure for every experience (pool, confined open water and
open water) to go over information with participants. The brochure includes the administrative
paperwork requirements for Discover Scuba Diving and includes a written Knowledge and
Safety Review. Participants answer questions based on your briefing and review of the safety
rules. Participants must have a complete understanding of this safety information before getting
in the water on scuba equipment.

Teaching Techniques

Pool Experiences
The Discover Scuba Diving program may be used by PADI Professionals as an introductory
experience in a swimming pool, as well as in confined open water or open water. Due to the very
controlled nature of swimming pools, you simply help participants with equipment, have them
practice inflating and deflating their BCD at the surface, and closely supervising them as they swim
around – first in shallow water, then deeper water, if they are comfortable.
These experiences are ideal when a student diver brings a friend to try diving after an Open Water
Diver course confined water session or when holding other try-dive promotions.
Since conducting Discover Scuba Diving experiences in confined open water and open water
brings the higher risks associated with the natural environment, more skills are introduced and
practiced as listed in the Confined Water Performance Requirements (Section Three of the Discover
Scuba Diving Instructor Guide).

Skills Introduction
Before going to deeper water for a confined open water or open water dive, you introduce breathing
techniques and the basic required skills to participants in shallow water (as listed in the Confined
Water Performance Requirements, Section Three of the Discover Scuba Diving Instructor Guide.)
Take your time with these novice participants, and give them the attention and opportunity they
need to gain comfort with the skills you present. The more acclimated and comfortable they feel, the
more they will enjoy the experience, and the more successful you will be as their dive professional.
For skill teaching recommendations, see the Open Water Diver Course – Confined Water Conduct
and Technique Recommendations section of this manual.

Open Water Descent Lines, Hang Bars and Platforms

When making an open water dive where shallow water is not available for skills practice, the required
skills may be introduced using a descent line, horizontal bar or platform that is near the surface.
Practice skills with just one participant at a time. Position the participant just beneath the surface, so
it’s easy to reach the surface by standing up or ascending a bit on a line. When using a line or hang
bar, hang on to both the line or bar and the participant to secure both of you and to easily ascend
with the participant when needed.
NOTE: See illustrations of techniques for using a line for control under Open Water Diver Course, Open Water
Conduct and Technique Recommendations, Controlled Emergency Swimming Ascent in this manual.
When using the descent line option, you or a certified assistant need to be positioned so that you can
make immediate physical contact with and render assistance to all participants at all times. Do not
leave participants unattended at any time. If more than one participant is under your supervision,
and if other participants are in the water, you or a certified assistant must keep them positioned
together at the surface in close proximity to yourself or a certified assistant, so that you or a certified
assistant can make immediate physical contact with, and render assistance to, all participants at any
time. Maintain the 2 meters/6 feet maximum depth limit with the participant practicing the required
skills and provide the required instruction one-on-one, thus meeting the intent of the Discover Scuba
Diving skills performance requirements and also the Discover Scuba Diving supervision standard
with all participants.
After participants meet skill performance requirements and are comfortable, they may progress to
the open water dive.
Teaching Techniques


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