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Join the sentences so that the 2nd sentence

becomes a defining relative clause. Use relative
pronouns: who, which, whose, when, where.

1. I have just greeted the girl. She is sitting next to

my brother.
2. Is David the student? David gets the best
12. Carol is a nice girl. She has always helped
marks in your class.
me whenever I’ve got a problem.
3. We met at the restaurant. Sally recommended
13. Do your children like the food? You cooked
it to us.
it especially for them last Sunday.
4. The headmaster phoned Mrs Brown. Her
14. Paul gave me the address of the hotel. He is
daughter didn’t come to school yesterday.
spending his holiday there.
5. Can I borrow the book? You enjoyed reading it
15. My dad decided to apply for a new job. He
last week.
found it more rewarding.
6. Patrick will never forget the day. His son was
16. Granddad brought a box of chocolate
born then.
biscuits. Unfortunately, nobody liked the
7. Let’s take the children to the park. The park
has a nice playground.
17. Have you started the history project? It is
due for next Monday.
8. Do you remember Jenny? She used to work in
my office.
18. Alan broke her leg in a football match. He
was playing the match yesterday afternoon.
9. You should go to the new shopping centre.
There are a lot of fashionable shops there.
19. Nobody told me the homework. Mrs White
had given the homework to us last Tuesday.
10. Why don’t you wear the blue sweater? I gave
it to you at Christmas.
20. We spent our holiday in a village. There are
only 250 inhabitants there.
11. Will you come home for dinner next Friday?
We can prepare a tasty curry that day.
21. Pam introduced me to Mrs Peters. Her
daughter is in my class.
22. We attended an interesting lecture. It was
delivered by a well-known scientist.

1. I have just greeted the girl WHO is sitting next 12. Carol is a nice girl WHO has always helped
to my brother. me whenever I’ve got a problem.

2. Is David the student WHO gets the best marks 13. Do your children like the food (WHICH) you
in your class? cooked especially for them last Sunday?

3. We met at the restaurant (WHICH) Sally 14. Paul gave me the address of the hotel
recommended us. WHERE he is spending his holiday.

4. The headmaster phoned Mrs Brown WHOSE 15. My dad decided to apply for a new job
daughter didn’t come to school yesterday. (WHICH) he found more rewarding.

5. Can I borrow the book (WHICH) you enjoyed 16. Granddad brought a box of chocolate
reading last week? biscuits (WHICH) unfortunately, nobody liked.

6. Patrick will never forget the day WHEN his 17. Have you started the history project WHICH
son was born. is due for next Monday?

7. Let’s take the children to the park WHICH has 18. Alan broke her leg in a football match
a nice playground. (WHICH) he was playing yesterday afternoon.

8. Do you remember Jenny WHO used to work in 19. Nobody told me the homework (WHICH)
my office? Mrs White had given us last Tuesday.

9. You should go to the new shopping centre 20. We spent our holiday in a village WHERE
WHERE there are a lot of fashionable shops. there are only 250 inhabitants.

10. Why don’t you wear the blue sweater 21. Pam introduced me to Mrs Peters WHOSE
(WHICH) I gave you at Christmas? daughter is in my class.

11. Will you come home for dinner next Friday 22. We attended an interesting lecture WHICH
WHEN we can prepare a tasty curry? was delivered by a well-known scientist.

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