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Virtual Sales Negotiations:

Everything You Need to

Know about Closing Deals
in the Digital World
Table of Contents

Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 3

How to Negotiate over Chat Apps............................................................................................4

How to Negotiate Over Email...................................................................................................... 9

How to Negotiate Over the Phone.........................................................................................15

How to Negotiate Over Video Conferencing.................................................................. 19

Continue Your Sales Negotiation Training with The Black Swan Group.....23

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 2

Though several modes of digital communication have emerged and

proliferated in the business world in recent years, The Black Swan
Group’s teachings remain the same: Whenever possible, you should use
these mediums to drive your counterpart to a face-to-face conversation.

Of course, in a world that’s still reeling from a global pandemic, that

isn’t always feasible. Plus, as more millennials and Gen Zers climb the
corporate ladder and end up sitting across the proverbial table from
you, it’s increasingly likely that your counterpart will prefer using digital
modes of communication over meeting in the flesh and talking face
to face.

Regardless of our preference, virtual sales negotiations are here to stay.

Keep reading this e-book to learn more about methods you can use
to successfully negotiate over chat apps, email, phone calls, and video
conferencing platforms like Zoom.

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 3
How to Negotiate over
Chat Apps
How to Negotiate over Chat Apps

Yes, it’s possible to negotiate over chat apps. But you should avoid having
the bulk of your conversation over chat if possible. For the best results, each
interaction you have via text should attempt to drive the other side to a
verbal conversation—whether that’s in person, over the phone, or via Zoom
is up to you.

Although you should lean on chat the least out of every available
communication medium, you still want to ensure your efforts are effective
when you do negotiate over chat. Use these tactics to make sure
that happens.

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 5
How to Negotiate over Chat Apps

1. Lean on the Black Swan skills

The Black Swan skills are best utilized in verbal conversations, but they still
apply over text. Next time you find yourself negotiating over a chat app, think
of each message as a long moment that the other side will contemplate and
use the opportunity to set expectations around next steps.

No-oriented questions are a great skill to lean on here. For example, you
might ask your counterpart something like: Would it be impossible to meet
for lunch next Tuesday at 12:45 p.m.? If your counterpart is trying to conduct
the entire negotiation via text, you can use Dynamic Silence™—at least the
chat-based version of it—by replying with an ellipsis (...) that indicates you’re
done talking.

2. Take advantage of additional tools

When you find yourself using a chat app to negotiate, never forget that
your smartphone gives you access to several additional tools you can use
to fortify your communications.

Chief among them? The voice memo. Remember, the whole objective of
negotiating over a chat app should be to drive your counterpart to a verbal
conversation. By sprinkling voice memos into your text conversation,
you can convey your tone of voice, reducing the likelihood that your
counterpart will misinterpret your message. When used correctly, the
voice memo also relieves the other side from having to think too much,
restoring their autonomy.

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 6
How to Negotiate over Chat Apps

When you think about negotiating over chat apps, you probably don’t
think about using GIFs and memes. But when done tastefully, these
tools can help you deliver more context and expand the message. For
example, after meeting a counterpart in person, you might send a GIF
that demonstrates that you appreciated the engagement. Not only will
it help your counterpart see things from your perspective, but it also
makes work more enjoyable.

Remember, the whole objective of

negotiating over a chat app should be
to drive your counterpart to a verbal

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 7
How to Negotiate over Chat Apps

3. Sprinkle emojis into the mix

One of the hardest parts about text messaging is communicating your

tone to the other side. Contrary to what you might think, the tone is always
determined by the receiving party. To make sure they interpret your words
the way you intend, consider using emojis to ensure your message is
received as you meant to deliver it.

There is a seemingly endless amount of emojis, with more and more

appearing at regular intervals. It’s important to avoid using too many emojis
or using ones that are less common and therefore open
to interpretation.

To ensure your emoji-enhanced messages are received as you hope, stick

to the basic emojis, such as the standard smiley face and frowny face. If
you get too creative, the other side can misinterpret your intentions. So use
emojis sparingly, and err on the side of simplicity.

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 8
How to Negotiate Over Email

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 9
How to Negotiate Over Email

The business world runs on email, with the average worker receiving 121
emails every day.

Although you should use your email engagements to drive the other side to
a face-to-face conversation—or at least a Zoom or phone call—this medium
can help you get better business outcomes. You just need to know how to
use it effectively.

In this section, we’ll examine some tactics you can use to

make the most out of business emails.

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 10
How to Negotiate Over Email

1. Know how to use email

First things first: You’re not using email to write a tome on your life story or
an essay about how your company’s product is the best thing ever. Instead,
you should use email for one of three reasons:

† To summarize conversations and confirm you’re on the

same page,

† To follow up with your counterpart and set future meetings.

† To obtain additional information.

If you’re using email for any other reason,

you’re doing it wrong.

Once you’ve figured out your purpose for sending an email, you also need to
keep these two tips in mind:

† If you’re sharing bad news, use Tactical Empathy™ to soften the blow:
This will sound harsh. I’ve got some bad news, and you’re not going to
like it.

† The last impression is the lasting impression, so end each email you
send on a positive note. While you’re at it, provide a clear call to action so
that your counterpart knows what the next steps are.

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 11
How to Negotiate Over Email

2. Keep your messages short

Communicating over email is like a virtual game of chess. You make a

move, your counterpart makes a move, and then you make a move again.

That being the case, it’s critical to keep your emails short. What do we
mean by short? Anything more than five sentences is probably too long.
Don’t overload them with too much information.

Ideally, you’ll aim to make a single point or ask a single question in each
message. Maybe two, at most. If you are trying to do more than that,
you’re using the wrong form of communication.

With the right approach, you can convince your counterpart to switch to
a different mode of communication because they want to have a more
in-depth conversation. And the best part? They’ll think it’s their idea.

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 12
How to Negotiate Over Email

3. Read emails out loud and use email softeners

Whatever your intended tone is, the email recipient will think it’s harsher.
Mitigate that misconception by using email softeners like I’m sorry and I’m
afraid in every place they fit.

Before sending an email, read it out loud and figure out where you can
insert email softeners. For example, instead of writing If this issue doesn’t
get resolved, it could lead to additional problems, go with I’m afraid that if
this issue doesn’t get resolved, it could lead to
additional problems.

It may seem like a minor difference, but email softeners can help soften the
blow and increase the chances your counterpart reads the email in the tone
you intend.

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 13
How to Negotiate Over Email

4. Don’t forget about subject lines and signoffs

Although the body of the email is certainly important, don’t overlook the
impact a well-written subject line or a unique signoff can have.

Everyone is receiving countless emails every day, so it’s important to

create subject lines that make your messages stand out to increase the
chances your note catches the recipient’s eye. This is where no-oriented
questions can be helpful: Have you decided to give up on our deal?
This simple technique can ensure that your message becomes your
counterpart’s top priority.

Remember, the last impression is the lasting impression. In addition to

ending on a positive note, optimize your email signoffs to make the most
out of that precious piece of email real estate. Use a phrase like Very
humbly or With all sincerity to drive home your message and help you
come across as genuine and likable.

Remember, the last impression

is the lasting impression.

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 14
How to Negotiate Over
the Phone
How to Negotiate Over the Phone

Many negotiators enjoy talking on the phone because nobody can see
them. And in the age of Zoom fatigue, that privacy is increasingly rare.
Here are some tactics to ensure your next phone negotiation is a success.

1. Use Labels™
Next time you find yourself negotiating over the phone, remember one thing
above all else: tone of voice reigns supreme.

In these instances, Labels™ can be particularly helpful. If you end up saying

something that causes the other side to raise their voice, you might Label
that response like this: It seems like I’ve said something that upset you.

Who knows how your counterpart will respond? But that’s the beauty of it.
You’ll be more informed by their response, making it that much easier to
achieve the outcome you want.

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 16
How to Negotiate Over the Phone

2. Get down to business quickly

If you’re like most people, you hop on a phone call and kick off the
conversation with some variation of the following: How is it going? How are
the kids? How is the weather?

You’re just trying to be nice. But what you’re really doing is wasting your
counterpart’s time.

Prove to the other side that you respect your time by getting down to
business right away. Next time you’re negotiating on the phone, use Labels
to commence the conversation: It seems like you spent a lot of time
preparing for our call. This approach puts you on the highway to discovering
hidden Black Swans.

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 17
How to Negotiate Over the Phone

3. Use the Rule of 3

Simply put, the Rule of 3 aims to have your counterpart confirm their
position three times, helping you understand how firm their commitment is
to the deal. To use the Rule of 3, use three of our skills in tandem: Labels,
Mirrors™, and Paraphrasing.

For example, you might kick off the conversation with a Label: It seems like
you’ve been looking for a solution to this problem for a while. Your counterpart
will respond with something like this: Yeah, that’s accurate. We’ve had this
problem for a long time. Here’s where you use your Mirror: A long time? Your
counterpart will reiterate their stance, giving you the second confirmation.

Now, it’s time to Paraphrase the conversation: Just so we’re clear, you’ve been
having this problem for a long time and think that we may be able to fix it?
There’s your third confirmation, and now you know there’s a deal to be had.

Each event attendee gets to

participate in three follow-up
group coaching calls.

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 18
How to Negotiate Over
Video Conferencing
How to Negotiate Over Video Conferencing

It’s no secret that more and more business is done via video conferencing
these days. Although platforms like Zoom and Google Meet can help us
connect with our counterparts virtually, the experience is often unnatural
and uncomfortable for many of us.

Use the tips to win your next negotiation over a

video conferencing platform.

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 20
How to Negotiate Over Video Conferencing

1. Pay attention to body language

Your image will take up a huge chunk of your counterpart’s screen, so you
need to pay attention to your body language. One of the easiest things to
do here is to nod yes throughout the conversation to show your counterpart
that you’re engaged with what they’re saying and on the same page.

At the same time, pay attention to your counterparts’ body language. You’ll
want to particularly pay attention to “off-target” individuals who aren’t
speaking to see how they react to what you’re saying.

2. Take notes

Taking notes when someone else is speaking makes them feel awesome.
You’re so engaged with them that you’re capturing their wisdom. Plus, it
gives you a chance to think and makes it easier to absorb the information
you’re learning.

As a bonus, taking notes allows you to slow the conversation down. This can
increase the chance you either make a better deal or avoid making a
bad one.

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 21
How to Negotiate Over Video Conferencing

3. Stand up

Just because you’re working on a computer doesn’t mean you need to

sit down. These days, there’s no shortage of standing desk options on the
market. Studies show that standing up can optimize your thought processes
and give you more energy, so this is a no-brainer to at least try out on your
next video call.

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 22
Continue Your Sales Negotiation
Training with The Black Swan Group

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 23
Final Thoughts

Now that you have a better idea of some tactics you can use to increase
sales while negotiating in a virtual world, it’s time to continue your

When you’re ready to sharpen your skills even further, join us at a live
event or enroll in Black Swan training courses. We hope to see
you soon!

Sign up for our training course

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speaking engagements or coaching?

Contact us

Everything You Need to Know about Closing Deals in the Digital World 24
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speaking engagements or coaching?


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