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Submitted by


Under the guidance of

Mrs. Suchetha Vijayakumar

PG Depts of Information Technology,
AIMIT, St. Aloysius College,
Mangalore-575 022.

Submitted to






This is to certify that the project titled

Submitted by




As a part of MCA 3TH SEM , is a bonafide record of the work carried out at
St Aloysius Institute of Management & Information Technology (AIMIT)

During the year

Mrs. Suchetha Vijayakumar Dr Hemalatha,Dean
Assistant Professor,Department of MCA PG Depts of Information Technology,

AIMIT, St. Aloysius College, AIMIT, St. Aloysius College,

Mangalore-575 022. Mangalore-575 022.

Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ

Director,AIMIT, St. Aloysius College 1.
Mangalore-575 022.

This is to certify that the project report entitled _______________________________

___________________________________________ submitted to Aloysius Institute of

Management and Information Technology (AIMIT), St Aloysius College, Mangalore affiliated to

Mangalore University in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of

MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (MCA) is an original work carried out by

Mr./Ms._____________________________________ Register no. ________________ under my

guidance. The matter embodied in this project is authentic and is genuine work done by the student

and has not been submitted whether to this University, or to any other University / Institute for

the fulfilment of the requirement of any course of study.

------------------------------ -------------------------------------

Signature of the Student: Signature of the Guide

Date: Date:

Name and Address Name, Designation

of the student and Address of the Guide
……… ……..

……… ……..

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Register No

1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Purpose, Scope, and Applicability
1.3.1 Purpose
1.3.2 Scope
1.3.3 Applicability
1.4 Achievements

1.5 Organization of Report



3.1 Problem Definition

3.2 Requirements Specification

3.3 Planning and Scheduling
3.4 Software and Hardware Requirements


4.1 Basic Modules

4.2 Data Design Project Structure

4.2.1 Schema Design
4.2.2 Data Integrity and Constraints

4.3 Procedural Design

4.3.1 Logic Diagrams
4.3.2 Data Structures
4.3.3 Algorithms Design
4.4 User interface design

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Testing Objective

5.3 Unit Testing
5.4 Integration Testing


6.1 Conclusion
6.2 Limitations of the System
6.3 Future Scope of the Project

Event Management comprises the coordination of all of the tasks and activities necessary
for the execution of an event regarding its strategy, planning, implementation and control, based
on the principles of event marketing and the methods of project management. The Rainbow Event
is designed for desktop systems for the ease of owners of event management(RAINBOW
EVENTS) of inventory data and customer details, which might include the events and their details
(i.e., event type, date etc) and also the customer details.

Welcome to newly designed project Rainbow Event management system is a

process of organizing a professional and focused event, for a particular target audience. It
involves visualizing concepts, planning, organizing and executing events such as a wedding,
musical concerts, corporate seminars, exhibitions, birthday celebrations, theme parties, etc.
A multi-million dollar industry, growing rapidly, with events hosted regularly. specially
designed to make your Event management better Log on, navigate and find out for
yourselves and if time permits leave your valuable feedback.

Surprisingly, there is no formalizing research conduct to access the growth of this

industry. The industry includes fields such as the MICE (Meetings, Incentives, and Events),
exhibitions, conferences and seminars as well as live music and sporting events. On the
profession side, event management is a glamorous and exciting profession that demands a
lot of hard work and dynamism. The logistics side of the industry is paid less than the
sales/sponsorship side, though some may say that these are two different industries

The event management system project in php github admin or staff will fill in the list of events that
the company is responsible for, as well as the specifics and content or description that will be
displayed on the website.


An event is a celebration or display of some theme to which people are invited. There are many
types of events including cultural celebrations, arts, family function, business events etc . Events
are important contributors to a destination’s economic, social and cultural fabric. However,
sometimes an event may create negative social and cultural impacts through crowding, crime,
traffic congestion, community displacement and commodification of culture, resulting in visitor,
sponsor, and community dissatisfaction. These impacts can disrupt the lives of locals for the
duration of the festival or event . The management of events must be seen as an interdisciplinary
task field requiring effective and efficient cooperation between diverse partners. The strategic
preparation, as well as the planning and coordination of the execution of an event require
professional handling in order to guarantee the optimal interplay between all participants.
Rainbow Event Management comprises the coordination of all of the tasks and activities
necessary for the execution of an event regarding its strategy, planning, implementation and
control, based on the principles of event marketing and the methods of project management .


• To help the customers or users to Book events, online in a Systematic way.

• To help the employs handle the events that are scheduled in more easy way.
• To perform a thorough analysis of working of the whole System.
• To study the problems in the System through fact finding techniques.
• To develop conceptual, logical and physical model for the system.
• To develop Graphical User Interface (GUI) as per convenience of the user.
• To implement the physical model, being tested as per the standards.
• To document our efforts and analysis in a proper comprehensible manner.

1.3 Purpose, Scope, and Applicability

1.3.1 Purpose
• The project is basically targeted at those people who would like to planed Events and have
an Internet access.
• To make a database that is consistent, reliable and secure.
• To provide correct, complete, ongoing information.
• To develop a well-organized information storage system.
• To make good documentation so as to facilitate possible future enhancements

The project has a wide scope, as it is not intended to a particular organization. This project
is going to develop generic software, which can be applied by any businesses organization.
More over it provides facility to its customers. Also the software is going to provide a huge
amount of description of every product.
We always wanted a system that will perform to search and Event Management, online
according to categories. Thus, there is a big need of an Event Management System, which
provides all the Above- mentioned facilities and many more. And customers can give
information about the date and time and all the necessary things required for the event to the
employees in a systematic way. The Rainbow Events website helps you to make your life
events more beautiful and memorable.


The strategic preparation, as well as the planning and coordination of the execution of an
event require professional handling in order to guarantee the optimal interplay between all
participants. Rainbow Events comprises the coordination of all of the tasks and activities
necessary for the execution of an event regarding its strategy, planning, implementation and
control, based on the principles of event marketing and the methods of project management
.Using the Rainbow Events it is very easy to book your special events .You just need to fill
the details and the employees of Rainbow events will analyse those details and they will make
your event more blissful.

1.5 Organization of Report

This website helps to store all the details and the list of items needed to conduct an event . When
a customer contacts the company for event management, he/she provides the details of the event
and its requirements. He explains its aims, when and where the event will take place, how long it
will last, its format , expected number of delegates/guests, equipment and furniture required,
whether any delegate pack or promotional material is to be distributed, and other facilities
required. The Event Manager studies the requirements of the event carefully and using the event
management system finds the estimated cost and informs the customer about it. The customer
may check whether the cost suits the financial provisions of the event.


The standardized data structure will facilitate database development, storage, and maintenance;
metadata development, storage, and maintenance; and support database functionality, including
tabular data queries, evaluation.
The database management system should be stable and secured, have high performance
(in terms of speed and efficiency/effectiveness), and be easy to maintain. This component is
central to the effort and is thus of highest priority.

Operating environment for the Rainbow events Website to work properly is as listed below-:
• Operating System is Windows XP or above
• Language used is : BackEnd: PHP
FrontEnd: HTML, CSS.
• Database used is : PHPMYADMIN

The system has the following constraints:

Both side of users will need to have a stable internet connection in order to use the system. The
system does not support multilingual language. The system will not be 100% responsive for all
smart phones. The system does not include payments options.


Definition of PHP:

PHP can be defined as a programming language for Database access from the web's browser. In
other words, it is an HTML-embedded scripting language. It focuses on the logic of how a page
responds to user input and not how the page looks that i.e. not the primary appearance of the page.

PHP runs on the server side, which means that the web server that sends an HTML file to a user's
browser, will carry out the instructions found in the embedded PHP code first, and then send the
output of the PHP code along with the HTML code. The result is a webpage with dynamic content.
PHP and its Uses:

Php can help read and write files. It also can do basic files and directory maintenance; therefore it
basically can help one in editing documents. It can also take content that can be used in the
generation of files in various formats which can include HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and
It also can help manage graphical content which include charts. Not only can it do the above but
can it also read, write information in a database. You can make a PHP script to run it without any
server or browser. You only need the PHP interpreter to use it. PHP's abilities include outputting
images, PDF files, and even Flash movies. PHP can help also output easily any text, such as XML.


What are Cascading Style Sheets?

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are a collection of rules we use to define and modify web pages.
CSS are similar to styles in Word. CSS allow Web designers to have much more control over their
pages look and layout. For instance, you could create a style that defines the body text to be
Verdana, 10 point. Later on, you may easily change the body text to Times New Roman, 12 point
by just changing the rule in the CSS. Instead of having to change the font on each page of your
website, all you need to do is redefine the style on the style sheet, and it will instantly change on
all of the pages that the style sheet has been applied to. With HTML styles, the font change would
be applied to each instance of that font and have to be changed in each spot.

CSS can control the placement of text and objects on your pages as well as the look of those objects.

HTML information creates the objects (or gives objects meaning), but styles describe how the
objects should appear. The HTML gives your page structure, while the CSS creates the
“presentation”. An external CSS is really just a text file with a .css extension. These files can be
created with Dreamweaver, a CSS editor, or even Notepad.


HTML is an acronym which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language which is used for creating
web pages and web applications. Let's see what is meant by Hypertext Markup Language, and Web

HTML is a markup language which is used for creating attractive web pages with the help of
styling, and which looks in a nice format on a web browser. An HTML document is made of many
HTML tags and each HTML tag contains different content.


3.1 Problem Definition

Every Organization, whether big or small, has challenges to overcome and managing every event.
Also the customers have difficulty in finding the event designs that they like and knowing about
the prices of the decorations. Also, the customers have difficulty in choosing the best design for
their event that suits their price range.

Managing your online Event management system may seem tricky, but a Online Event
management system is a part of E-commerce Service System (Application support direct contact
with users).

• Existing sytems are not user friendly.

• Admin panel need improvement for getting more options for easy working.
Event management searching many different options need more filters

3.2 Requirements Specification

Functional Requirements

REQ1: Admin Page

The users can be created only by the admin. The admin decides the roles for each user. The
users will be assigned to different teams and the scheduled events will be assigned to different
teams. The employees in that team will look into the events that are assigned to their team.

REQ2: Database
Establish a database. The database will support a variety of data types and formats to
store the event details that are entered by the customer, so that the admin can assign the teams
specific events and the employees of the team can work on these events.

REQ3: External Interface Requirements

User Interfaces
• GUI along with meaningful Frames and buttons
• Login Form
• Admin Main Page
• Calendar page(Displays events booked)
• Home page
• Create Event and Viewing event Page.
• Any error or exception catching will be displayed to the user with friendly messages.

Hardware Interfaces
• Microprocessor → Any 64 bit processor
• Clock Speed → 2.13 GHz
• RAM → 2GB and above
• Hard disk → 40GB and above
• Keyboard → Standard keyboard
• Mouse → Standard mouse

Software Interfaces
• Front End → HTML, CSS
• Back End → PHP

• Operating System → Windows XP or above

When invalid inputs are given to the modules then the error messages will be popped up in order
to inform the user that the input provided is not taken. When incomplete information is provided
by the user and the user tries to submit the form in order to store the details in the DB, the system
will pop up a message box asking the user to enter all the details required.

Communication Interfaces
• Uses internet connection.
• It also uses browsers to communicate or search required contents. Some of the browsers
are like Chrome, Firefox or any other browsing application.
Other Non-functional Requirements

Safety Requirements
If there is extensive damage to a wide portion of the DB due to destructive failure, such
as a disk crash, the recovery method restores a copy paste of the DB that was backed up to archival
storage (tape) and reconstructs a more current state by reapplying or redoing the operations of
committed transactions from the backed up log, up to the time of failure.

Security Requirements
The security requirements deal with the primary security. The software should be handled only
by the administrator and authorized users. Only the administrator has right to create new accounts
and give that accounts to authorized users. Administrator and authorized users have separate
username and password to login into the system. Only administrator and authorized users can
access the system with their own username and password.

Software Quality Requirements

• Availability : The software will be available to administrator authorized users created by

the administrator of the organization and the product as well as report and billing details
will be recorded by him. They can add new events and can manage them.

• Correctness : The system should contain the exact details of the event. It should properly
categorize the events based on the occasions like wedding, birthday, business events etc.
The price of the events should be displayed properly.
• Maintainability : Backups for DB are available. The administrator and the authorized
users/employees maintain the correct details of the email and updates it regularly.
• Reliability : The software will not be able to connect to the DB in the event of the server
being down due to a hardware or software failure.
• Availability :- The system must be made available 24 hours a day, 7 days in a
week without any problem.
Performance Requirements
Easy understanding of records, reports and updating of records can be done. All the
requirements relating to performance characteristics of the system are specified in the section
below. There are two types of requirements.

A. Static Requirements
These requirements do not impose any constraints on the execution characteristics of the
system. They are:

• Number of Terminals: The software makes use of an underlying DB that will

reside at the same system, while the front end will be available to the administrative
• Number of Users: The number of users can be administrator only, but this software can
be extended to applications for almost all staff members of the organization.

B. Dynamic Requirements
These specify constraints on the execution characteristics of the system. They typically include
response time and throughput of the system. Since these factors are not applicable to the
proposed software, it will suffice if the response time is high and the operations are carried out
precisely and quickly.

Easy understanding of records, reports and updating of records can be done. If there is extensive
damage to a wide portion of the DB due to destructive failure, such as a disk crash, the recovery
method restores a copy paste of the DB that was backed up to archival storage (tape) and
reconstructs a more current state by re-applying or re-doing the operations of committed
transactions from the backed up log, up to the time of failure. The security requirements deal with
the primary security. The software should be handled only by the administrator and authorized
users. Only the administrator has right to create new accounts and give that accounts to authorized
users. Administrator and authorized users have separate username and password to login into the
system. Only administrator and authorized users can access the system with their own username
and password.
3.3 Planning and Scheduling

Our client, ‘Rainbow Events’ requires a platform in which they can manage their events and
customer details and also receive any event orders online. As per the requirement from our Client,
our team decided to plan a event for our client in order to fulfill their request. We have come out
with our website, called The Rainbow Events. This system hopes to help our Clients to make all
their events in the best way by a well planned and organised website. With this a system, customers
are able to come to our Clients and tells the clients about the events and the way they are planning
to conduct the event. The Rainbow events website is accessible to customers via devices such as
mobiles, tablets, laptops, personal computers or even smart phones as long as the devices have a
built-in web browser with a stable internet connection. The system will be used by our client
‘Rainbow Events’. There will be two primary types of users for this system. The first type will be
administrators and the second is frontdesk staff. Given the condition that not all the users are
computer-literate. Some users may have to be trained on using the system. Event classification
refers to the organization of the different types of events that customer needs. Event classification
can help professionals in all levels of business, as it can also help determine event details, demand,
pricing and all other further information.

3.4 Software and Hardware Requirements

Software Requirement
• Microsoft Windows 7/8.
• Apache Server
• My SQL.
• Ms-Office package.

Hardware Requirements:

• Intel Processor 2.0 GHz or above.

• GB RAM or more.
• 160 GB or more Hard Disk Drive or above


4.1 Basic Modules

The system performs the following functions. The functions depend on the user’s level
and permission package.

Administrator : Rainbow event Management System is managed by Administrator

• Login : This function allows the to enter admin into the application. The login
page for admin will have Username and Password. They should provide
username and password. After authentication user will have access to main
menu. If the username and Password is wrong, Then we will have the ‘Invalid
Username and Password’ Error message Displayed. Availability of menu
functions depends on user’s level and permission package.
• Alloted Work : It will display the scheduled work and to which team it is
Allotted. It will display all the details about the events that are scheduled to the
specific team.
• Add Team member/user : After login to the system the admin is able to
add/create new user or employees. Admin can create a new User by adding
the Username, Inputting his/her Mobile number and Assigning the User to a
Specific Team.
• View team member: This will display the details of each user and the teams
to which they are alotted.

• Developers who can view project's abilities and can easily understand to add
more features for future development
• Logout: After performing necessary operations admin can sign out.

Customer User Interface: The dynamic and user-friendly interface that the customer can access is the
Customer User Interface.
• Login : This function allows the customer/user to enter into the application. If
the User is registered, then he can click on Login, and Enter the username and
Password and then login to the Website, and if the User is not registered, then
the user , has to click on register and enter the required credentials and register
himself. Ince he is registered, then he can login to the Website. If the username
and Password is wrong, Then we will have the ‘Invalid Username and
Password’ Error message Displayed.
• Create Event: This Function allows the user to create a new event by giving
specifications like, Event name, From and To Dates of the Event, From and To
Time of the Event, Entertainments, Decoration , Food , details Etc. Once the
User Clicks on Register Now, The event details will be stored.
• View Event: This function will Display the current events that are booked by
the logged in user. It will Display the Status of the event which it is pending or
successfully Accepted by the employees of Rainbow Events
• Services: This Function will display all the services that are provided by
Rainbow Events. Here , the various details of all the events that are provided
by Rainbow Events are Displayed.
• About Us: This function Displays the basic introduction and details about
Rainbow Events.
• Logout: After performing necessary operations admin can sign out.

4.2 Data Design Project Structure

Schema Design
Data Integrity and Constraints
Data integrity and constraints: These are crucial in any database management system, especially in a
medical store management system where the data can be sensitive and critical. Here are some of the
data integrity and constraints that can be implemented in a medical store management system.
Primary key constraint: This ensures that each record in a table has a unique identifier. For example,
in the medical store management system, each medicine item should have a unique item code.
Foreign key constraint: This ensures that a relationship exists between two tables. For example, in the
medical store management system, the sales table should have a foreign key that references the product
table, indicating the medicine that was sold.
Check constraint: This ensures that a condition is met before inserting or updating a record. For
example, in the medical store management system, the quantity of an item in stock should not be
Not null constraint: This ensures that a field cannot be null or empty. For example, in the medical
store management system, the name of a medicine should not be empty.
Unique constraint: This ensures that a field or combination of fields in a table is unique. For example,
in the medical store management system, the medicine id should be unique.
Data type constraint: This ensures that the data in a field is of the correct data type. For example, in
the medical store management system, the price of an item should be a numeric data type.
By implementing these constraints, data integrity can be ensured, and the data in the medical store
management system can be kept accurate and consistent.

Use Case Diagram:

 Use case diagram consists of use cases and actors and shows the interaction between
them. The key points are:

 The main purpose is to show the interaction between the use cases and the actor.

 To represent the system requirement from user’s perspective.

 The use cases are the functions that are to be performed in the module.
Add Team

View team


Order view

Alloted work

• Use Case Diagram between ADMIN and SYSTEM:


Add Event

View event


Use Case Diagram between USER and SYSTEM:

ER Diagram:

An ER (Entity-Relationship) diagram is a type of data modeling diagram used to visualize the

entities, attributes, and relationships involved in a database system. It is a graphical
representation of the data requirements of a system and is commonly used in database design
to create a conceptual schema or database blueprint. In an ER diagram, entities are represented
by rectangles, and attributes are represented by ovals or ellipses. Relationships between entities
are represented by diamond shapes that connect the entities, and lines between the diamonds
and entities indicate the type of relationship.

User Id password



User title Date to

Relation from
Book Id



Booking Event Dance

Reg id

Status flower no

light Statu Email


Id mobile Status password

Email name
4.4 User Interface Design

The user interface for this project, online clothing website is designed to be intuitive, user-
friendly, and efficient. Here are some essential features of the system:





5.1 Introduction
Software testing is a crucial process in software development that involves evaluating software
applications and systems to ensure that they meet their intended objectives and perform as
expected. Testing helps to identify bugs, errors, and other issues that may affect the quality,
functionality, and performance of software. The primary goal of software testing is to provide
stakeholders with confidence that the software is reliable, secure, and meets the user's requirements.

There are various types of software testing, including functional testing, performance testing,
security testing, and usability testing, among others. Functional testing involves testing the
functionality of the software to ensure that it meets the user's requirements. Performance testing
involves evaluating the software's speed, scalability, and stability under different conditions.
Security testing is conducted to ensure that the software is secure and protected against
vulnerabilities and threats. Usability testing evaluates the software's ease of use, navigation, and

The software testing process typically involves the following stages: test planning, test design, test
execution, and test reporting. Test planning involves defining the testing objectives, identifying the
testing scope, and determining the testing approach. Test design involves creating test cases and
test scenarios based on the requirements and design specifications. Test execution involves running
the tests and identifying and reporting defects. Test reporting involves summarizing the test results
and providing recommendations for improvements.

Software testing assures the quality of software and represents final review of other phases of
software like specification, design, code generation etc.
5.2 Testing Objectives

Testing meets 3 objectives:

1. Identification of Errors:

These are obvious anomalies that show up in the behavior of a program or a unit or a
component. Such behavior as the following is considered an error:

o Wrong totals

o Misalignments

o Messages that say the wrong thing

o Actions that do not execute as promised: the Delete button does not delete, the
update menu does not update properly, etc.

2:Conformance to requirements:
These errors are the result of testing the functions in the software against the Requirement
Definition Document to ensure that every requirement, functional or non-functional is in the
system and that it operates properly. This is often called an Operational Qualification.
However, note that even if some of the requirements do not seem to be “Operational”, this
Is an operational test. For example, the software may be required to display
copyright message on all acquired components.

3:Performance Qualification:
These are not “errors” as such but failures to conform to performance requirements.
Technically, they can be part of the second type. However, Performance
Qualification (PQ) became a standard way of testing for historical reasons. Some systems
will perform differently under different loads and conditions. For example, a citizen lookup
application may need to operate within a specific time response for a load of up to 300 queries
an hour. The software application may be designed properly, ie, may pass the Operational
Qualification, but may fail to meet the required loads because of poor programming or too
many database calls.
5.3 Unit Testing

Unit testing is a type of software testing where individual units or components of a software system
are tested in isolation to ensure that they are functioning as expected. The purpose of unit testing is
to identify and eliminate defects in each unit of the code before they are integrated into the larger
system. This helps to ensure that the system works as a whole and reduces the time and cost required
to identify and fix issues later in the development cycle.

In unit testing, each unit of code is tested independently using mock objects or stubs to simulate
the behavior of other parts of the system. Unit tests are typically automated and run as part of the
build process to provide rapid feedback on the quality of the code. The tests are designed to cover
all possible inputs, outputs, and error conditions that the unit may encounter, ensuring that the code
works as expected under different scenarios.

Unit testing is essential for developing high-quality software. It helps to catch defects early in the
development cycle, reduces the cost of testing, and improves the overall quality of the code. Unit
tests can also serve as documentation for the code, helping to ensure that it is easily maintainable
and reusable. Moreover, unit tests can be used as a regression test suite to ensure that changes to
the code do not break existing functionality.

Overall, unit testing is a crucial part of software development that helps to ensure that each unit of
code works correctly and that the system functions as expected. By catching defects early in the
development cycle, unit testing can reduce the time and cost required to deliver high-quality

5.4 Integration Testing

In integration testing a system consisting of different modules is tested for problems arising from
component interaction. Integration testing should be developed from the system specification.
Firstly, a minimum configuration must be integrated and tested.

In my project I have done integration testing in a bottom up fashion i.e. in this project I have started
construction and testing with atomic modules. After unit testing the modules are integrated one by
one and then tested the system for problems arising from component interaction.
Test Cases:

Test cases are specific scenarios or conditions designed to test the functionality of a software
system. They consist of a set of procedures and inputs that are executed to verify the behavior of
the software under specific conditions, with the aim of identifying any defects or issues that may
impact the quality or performance of the system. Test cases are an important component of software
testing and help to ensure that software meets its intended objectives and performs as expected.

Login Page:

Test Case Event Expected Comments Result

no. Output Test
1. If email address is left “You have not Only with valid Success
blank given a correct
e-mail email address
address” if that the user has
email is not
entered. registered, users
can login
2. If email address “Please Email address Success
entered is Invalid include an entered must be
“@” in the in correct email
email address, format with
email is “@”, then we
missing @” can login
3. If password entered is “email or Password Success
incorrect or empty password is entered for the
incorrect” username
message should be
appears correct
Register Page:

Test Case No. EVENT Expected Comments Result

Output Test
1. If ‘name’ field The input value The UserName Success
is shorter than
is less than 2 should be more
2 characters
characters 2 Characters
2. If ‘Mobile’ The input value The ‘Mobile Success
field is less than is shorter than 2 number’ field
2 characters characters should be more
2 Characters
3. If ‘Email’ field ‘The input The ‘Email’ Success
is less than 2 value is shorter field should be
characters and than 2 inputted in
does not have characters’ proper format.
valid Inputs ‘Please enter a
valid email
4. If ‘Password’ The input value The password Success
field is less than is shorter than 2 should be
2 characters characters inputted with
more than 2
Admin Login Page:

Test Case No. EVENT Expected Comments Result

Output Test
1. If ‘Admin Invalid Email Enter Valid Success
Email address’ admin email
is invalid or address
2. If ‘Password’ is Invalid Enter Valid Success
blank or less password Password
than or equal to
6 characters
3. If ‘Password’ email or Enter Valid Success
entered is password is Password
wrong incorrect

6.1 Conclusion
This system allows the event managers to manage the events and booking in a systematic way and
customers need not to contact the event managers again and again for any details instead they can
find it in the website and the employees will look into it. The customer can find the event design
and the price related to it.

6.2 Limitations of “RAINBOW EVENTS”:

Besides the above achievements and the successful completion of the project, we still feel
the project has some limitations, listed as below:

• It is not a large scale system.

• Only limited information provided by this system.
• No payment method.
• SECURITY CONCERNS: Our website involves sensitive information, which can make it
a target for hackers and cybercriminals. It is important to ensure that the website is secure
and protected against potential security breaches.

6.3 Future Scope

• Getting accurate information about what kind of design user likes and this information in
cookies, by which we can show recommended Event designs to user.
• USE RESPONSIVE DESIGN: A responsive design ensures that the website looks great on
any device, whether it's a desktop computer or a mobile phone. This can improve the user
experience and make the website more accessible to a wider audience.
• We offer minimum amount and Discount of booking Event planning also in future.



Lee Babin, “Beginning Ajax with PHP”.

Leon Atkinson,“ Core PHP Programming”

Luke Welling & Laura Thompson, “Beginning Ajax with PHP”.

Roger S.Pressman, “Software Engineering”.


Acronyms and Abbreviations

• DB => Database
• DBMS => Database Management System
• SQL => Structured Query Language
• UI => User Interface
• GUI => Graphical User Interface
• IDE => Integrated Development Environment
• SRS => Software Requirement Specification


• DB: A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data,

typically stored electronically in a computer system
• DBMS: Database management system is a software which is used to
manage the database. · DBMS provides an interface to perform various
operations like database creation, insertion, deletion and modification.
• GUI: A graphics-based operating system interface that uses icons, menus
and a mouse (to click on the icon or pull down the menus) to manage
interaction with the system.
• IDE: It is a software for building applications that combines common
developer tools into a single GUI.
• Interface: An equipment or program for communication or interaction.
• Create: To make a new data in the database.
• Administrator: The person who maintains and operate a computer system
or network for a company. The administrator is charged with installing,
supporting and maintaining the products as well as with user management.
• User : Any person who uses the system and is registered within the system.
It means that he or she has the user login.
• Authorized User: The user who has logged into the system and has a right
to perform some operation. The system “knows” the identity of the user and
permission that are granted to this user.
• System : It is a basic, complete and functional hardware and software setup
with everything needed to implement computing performance.
• Report: A defined view on the project that contains the specified project
attributes tasks and resources and provides information about project status.

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