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Disciplina: Limba Engleză

Autor: Telișcă Irina

Unitatea școlară: Liceul Teoretic ,,Grigore Antipa,, Botoșani
Nivel: A2
Competențe specifice vizate:
 Identificarea mesajului dintr-un text audiat
 Selectarea informațiilor necesare pentru îndeplinirea sarcinii de lucru

Suport audio: “Help yourself” by Tom Jones


Tipul documentului: Fișă de lucru – develop students’ listening and comprehension


1. Match the halves:

Love is like candy want you to do.

You want to taste take a few
The sweetest things are there for you
Help yourself, and help yourself
That's what I on a shelf

2. Fill in the missing word:

We're always told repeatedly
The very best in life is …………….…
And if you want to prove it's true
Baby I'm telling you
This is …..…….... should do
Just help ……………. …….
To my arms just say the word, and they are ……………….
Just help …………………….. to the love,
In my heart your smile has opened up the door
The greatest wealth that exists in the world,
Could never buy what …………. can give
Just help ………………….. to my lips
To my arms, and then lets really start to live.

3. Cross out the extra word:

My heart has not love enough for two
More than enough love for me and you
I'm so rich with love, a millionaire
I've so much, that it's unfair
Why don't you just take a share?
Teacher’s sample

Love is like candy on a shelf

You want to taste and help yourself
The sweetest things are there for you
Help yourself, take a few
That's what I want you to do.

We're always told repeatedly

The very best in life is free
And if you want to prove it's true
Baby I'm telling you
This is what you should do
Just help yourself to my lips
To my arms just say the word, and they are yours
Just help yourself to the love,
In my heart your smile has opened up the door
The greatest wealth that exists in the world,
Could never buy what I can give
Just help yourself to my lips
To my arms, and then lets really start to live

Allllllllll right. Yeah

My heart has love enough for two

More than enough for me and you
I'm rich with love, a millionaire
I've so much, it's unfair
Why don't you take a share
Just help yourself to my lips
To my arms just say the word, and they are yours
Just help yourself to the love,
In my heart your smile has opened up the door
The greatest wealth that exists in the world
Could never buy what I can give
So help yourself to my lips, to my arms
And then lets really start to live
Just help yourself to my lips
To my arms just say the word, and they are yours
Just help yourself to the love

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