Dragon Magazine Annual 5, 2000 - Text

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35.99US S 8.5 DC A N

The Royal Heralds • Feyr Redux • Tavern and Shop Name Generator
Pool of Radiance Rogues • Mapmahing Tips • New Ray Spells and Artifacts
71658 01825 5
Imagine your worst day
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•SYWvAVitards&Gt rtfbik&i:
Dragon Annual 5 FEATURES
2000 New rules, campaigns, and idea generators.
By Any Other Name (Pari One)
Sages, Shops, and Smithies.,^,,^ ,.1Q
Owen KC Stephens

By Any Other Name (Part Two)

Iaver ns..*, t. *... .14
Christopher tvesr

Fresh Starts.*,.,,.-........18
Christopher Wilkes

Rays of Light**.,,.
Stephen Schubert

G 0 rgol d an d's Gauntlet..*** ■39

Johnathan M. Richards l*

%ri,:W. All Over the Map ...■.t.53
Michael G, Ryan ■ [ : 'I-
\ h ■
After the Dragon ♦ **♦ ■ P ir*** Ul'pp^ppp pp«f«4l4r^> I VI PPPPltPlPp . ■>»»» I4rl <1< a 444 f> ■ **■ 4.»<fp 1 p I 4f4l 4#ll4Pp4lP II44IPI4P4IIIP fO ’
i ' • :i
•• *?,■ • : T • vj -* f
.: •
;v EdiGreenwcodl\ [ > ' s. >-!s^ i ri
M eh to r s. ,**.*....*...2-.2 *-*r ■70
David Chunn J

1 O 1 . Evil SchClTtOS-IPPP ..i4t>1,.'lP.<l<lifpi44P.p|.fFP.PI-< 4 4 I 4PPIW I PM I 41 lllll PH, ■«■«■ 4P1I1 I l»»,M Ml<l.*»4»tl IIP . | . » 4 ^4

All Over the Map .«*.*...****.*.*...— 53

Michael G• Ryan

Th e R oya 1 H e ra! d s ** ,*, ***,*, **** .**,.*, *, *„*. „■**,„.*, . **„ „ .****,.**** .**...82
Andy Collins

Class Combos. 90
James Wyatt

Forgotten Realms Survival Guide..^„.*.*,:t*i,,„WI 02

Sean K Reynolds

Humor, puzzlesf monsters, magic, and more.
Wyrnfs Turn...iri.....^,^,0
iris not every day that one gets to see a half- Bazaar of the Bizaar..*...28
dragon in full armor stop for an artist illustrator The Bestiary *„,..**,„**....*;.....,...32
Glenn Harrington claims that his subject refused Dork Tower.*.,.**..,,**,...*«„*■.*.,*,...,^8
to sir for the portrait, but grudgingly agreed to Dragonmirth 56
stand[ Class Acts.,*..*.*......,*....,..*...8o
Creature Godex,>,p,.„,^p^^p..„p....^...„...*.96
Though the armor was inspired by Italian Nodwick*.,*,.*.,**..,.*.I,'.**...*..96
Renaissance style, the peaceful face is drawn Rogges Gallery 108
from an ancient Ethiopian king's mask, for which Whafs New.,... 114
he was expelled from a Dallas museum after
snapping a photo,
-Peter Whitley, Art Director

in With the hew
ft doesn’t matter whether you thought
the millennium began last January
Group Publisher * Johnny Wilson
Publisher * Wendy Norltake
or starts next year. If you’re a D&tD
player, the new era began in August
Ediror-in-Chief • Dave Gross with the new edition of the rules.
Associate Editor • Chris Tbomasson
Assistant Editors ■ Eric Haddock, Matthew Sernelt
Even if you prefer other games, this
Contributing Editors * Ed Greenwood, year marks a huge turning point in an
Robin D. Laws, Christopher Perkins, Mike Sclinker,
Skip Williams, Ray Winnlnger
industry that had shrunk dangerously
Editorial Intern ■ Stacie A, Fiorlto since its boom years. We’re moving
from a rime when most paper game
Art Director * Refer Whitley
magazines couidn't survive, much less
Graphic Designers * Travers W Dow,
Kyle Stanley Hunter thrive, into a period in which we
expect-and welcome-some vita/ and
Circulation Director ■ Pierce Warrers
Advertising Sales Director ■ Bob Henning
exciting competition. Well even join in
Production Manager * John Dunn with some new magazines of our own.
Assistant Production Manager - Bobbl Maas
Circulation Assistant * Dawnelle Micsner f ffc ne of the great things about playing D&rD is its
Advertising Intern * Alice Chung I sheer popularity, Move to a new town, and chances
w are you’ll Find a D&tD player before someone who plays other roleplaying games.
That makes a big difference, since learning any new game takes time and effort you’d
Dragon Magazine {ISSN# 0270-5843) i$ published mcrithij?
for $34.95 par year by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., loot LIncJ rather spend playing. Even though the new version of D&tD is easier to learn and
Aw. m Reunion, WA 98055, United Stales of Amorim. teach, many people would rather use the mechanics they already know.
Periodicals Pamqo Paid ai Renton, wa, end at additional
mailing offltm postmaster: send address The dao system, the rules that form the basis of the D&tD game, also drives the new
CHANGES TO Diw™ Magazine!, PO. BOX 489107,
Star Wars roleplaying game (in stores soon). Since that game's bound to be hugely
ESCONDIDO, CA 02O4|#OtoWkSfds ot the Coast, Inc,
Ail rights reserved^ No part of this magazlno may bo popular, it already has its own magazine: Star Wars Gamer Magazine. The Star Wars
tapruducud {except for rtjvlaw purposes) without the prior
written permission of the published Material published herein game and magazine are only the beginning-several new games based on the dzo rules
doos not nocesaarlty rated the opinions cl Wizards of tie are already underway here at Wizards of the Coast, and by this time next year, you’ll
Coast, Inc., Ito employees, or Its.editorial staff, who arc riot
liable for opinions fexpraieed herald Mod product names urn be able to play any number of games and settings using the same rules you learned
tradoinarkii owned by the awnpanlos that publish Ihoso with D&tD. That’s not to say the rules for all the games are identical, but they're close
pitnJurts. Usd of tho name uf any product without inenlfori of
tmdurnark status should not be construed as a cfvaflange to enough that learning Stan Wans is a breeze if you've already learned D&tD,
such status. Wizards of the Coast; TSH; Dungeons &.
Dragc^s; Advanced Dungeons & Draoons; O&D; AMD;
Even other companies and individuals can jump on the dzo bandwagon, as the Open
Forgotten Realms; Dragqhlance; Planescafe: RAVENLSopffj Gaming License lets anyone publish dzo system games and supplements. In fact, the
BimiuLfOHr, Mvstara; Spellfike; Greykawk; Dafw Sun;
Bpeu^wmer; Al-Qadim; Councij. or- Wviiva; Masque of the first dzo system supplements were available at the Gen Con Game Fair, and it looks
Ri.d Dtaui; Mi Oomf^npium; Am mnkv; SwCDrwi., like plenly more are on the way. Titus, for anyone who knows how to play D&tD, learn¬
DAriK-MAi'i i:3i, Alien Compendium; Fir ih Aot; DUNOBQN
KU6Tefl; Player's Onon; Dtwjow; Dungeon; Polyhedron; ing another dao game is a snap. For more information on the OGL, set your browser
Umx Ctrv: Living Qheyhawk; Gen Con; RPGA are to www.opengamingfoundation.org.
trademarks ot Wizards or too Coast, Inc,
For those who demand that Dnaoon remain devoted exclusively to Dungeons &r
Slar Wars is a registered irademark of Dicasfilm Ltd, 01999
Dragons, have no fear. For dzo games other than D&rD and Stan Wars, we’ll bring you
Lucasfilm Lid. Ail rights reserved.
a completely new periodical named, surprisingly enough, dao Magazine. Watch for it
Tg'lODS, 1996, and 1998 Nintendo, Creatures, GAMEFREAK. j
ppkflmori r Jungle, Foasll.Gym Heroes, Team Rocket, Game
bundled with an issue of Dragon Magazine next summer.
Bey, Gotta catch 'em all, ancf the official Nintendo Seat are trade- f
marks of Nintendo.
£(2000 Nintendo of America.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: Contact Publishers Creative Systems at .. ..

Row 1 Spent My Summer Vacation
Dragon@pcspiiWlnk.com or coll 1'WXF39&7760. In tho In his Farewell editorial, Art Director Larry Smith left us with some advice that sunk
UK, contact NpypntmtJr@tnsofres.com or call 444-18-58- J
in only recently, when several of our staff-myself included-traveled to Great Britain
for a trade show and Gen Con U.K. Afterward, I went on to a whirlwind tour of book
ADVERTISING: Contact Dragon Magazine's Advertising
Sales Director, Bob Henning! at 425-204-7262, All ads are
stores on U.$. military bases throughout southern Germany. That's when I experienced
subject to approval by Wizards of the Coast, which first-hand the wisdom of Larry’s words: “Don't let your sense of adventure end at the
reserves the right to reject any ad for arty reason.
Advertisers andfor agencies of advertisers agree not to gaming table.'*
hold Wizards of the Coast liable for any loss or expense | Like most gamers, I’d have a hard time deciding between a week of nonstop gaming
from alleged wrongdoing that may arise out of the
publication of such advertisements. with my pals and a trip to Europe. As much fun as gaming ist imagining yourself on
Northeastern Advertising Representatives: Slg or Scott
the streets of Waterdeep doesn’t compare to standing inside the Tower of London,
Buchmayr, Buchmayr Associates, 137 Rowayton Avenue, Shakespeare’s Globe, or Heidelberg Castle. Even the gaming is more “authentic” when
Rowaytcn, CT 06853, {203) 855-3834.
everyone at the rable-weff, except the DMHs getting the English accent right.
. .Distribution Nationally and Internationally by Curtis You’ve got to wonder why more gamers aren’t world travelers. I think the time is
l Circulation Company, 730 River Road, New Milford, NJ
... Q7646.Tel: 201-834-7400. Fax: 201-634-7499 right for fantasy vacations for those of us who grew up only imagining such adven¬
tures. When will travel companies combine German castles with LARPs? Or how about

Printed in the USA

6 annual 2ooo
You are the very first dragon slayer, a tearless hero who
must combat the most horrific of enemies* You will
vanquish evil, marry the heroinet and continue your
heroic legacy with each new generation,You will fight as
9 brave characters in 3 action-packed story lines, and
battle to prove your worth, your might, your Dragon Valor.
a Mediterranean cruise with gaming emails turn into a veritable flood. The photocopy no larger than four letter¬
instead of showtunes? Hmm ... average number of article queries has at sized sheets* In return, well show your
The other lesson brought home during [east doubled in the two months since the brainchild to a celebrity critic, someone
the trip is that the universal constants of new Player's Handbook arrived, and we with plenty of experience in creating
gamer life ho id true overseas. Two play- expect it*H double again by the time this great fantasy worlds. Each month, well
testers in Ramstein lost patience and issue sees print. The new edition has pick four or five of the most interesting
attacked their parties just to try out the inspired a lot of new campaigns, which descriptions and print them, along with
new combat rules, and ! had to beat means more new contributors. We canT the critic's comments and his or her
down a rules lawyer in Wiesbaden, It was wait to see who the new "regulars" are a favorite entry. At the end of the year,
almost like being at Gen Con. year from now. well pick one lucky finalist for a full¬
Even if you don't have an article to blown article {not a series!) presenting
contribute, share your thoughts on the the campaign world for all to explore.
Dragon and You new game, the state of the magazine, or It could be your world.
Watching our circulation go up is great recent developments in your own cam¬ If you don't include a map, you can
in itself, but what we like even more is paign by sending a letter to "Scale Mail" send entries to scalemail@wizards.com
seeing the stream of your letters and or “Forum," If you have a superlative with the subject line "Campaign Clinic " If
player or DM, don't forget you include a map, send it and the
that you can nominate him description Together via regular post to:
or her as Player or DM of Campaign Clinic ,L/C. Dragon Magazine
the Month, with all the glory 1601 Lind Avenue S.W.
and humiliation that comes Renton, WA 98055
with it*
If that's not enough, now All Right, Go Ahead
there are two new ways you and Tell Us About Your Character
can become a part of If designing worlds isn't your thing,
McGuillotine's Dr A GON Magazin e in the maybe you'd like to see how your char¬
OVER1I00S6 coming year* While they acter design skills stack up. We've
SEVERED aren't contests in the tradi¬ tapped a few of the RPG R&tD gnomes
tional sense, you might enjoy To examine your D&tD characters and
the "prizes” they offer* show you how to get the most out of the
new skills, feats, and multiclassing. rules.
Campaign Worlds Each month, well print the criteria for
Practically every week, another round of reviews. (If you want a
someone sends us a pro¬ head start* check out the Dragon mes¬
posal for a series of articles sage board at www, wizards.com.) Until
detailing his of her campaign then, send us any ist-level character
world, which the writer along with a short paragraph describing
assures us is the Next Big your ideal of that character. "Shade is
Thing, Forget about the the ultimate bounty hunter" is a good
Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms, start, “I want a character who can track
or Dragonlaimce settings: this criminals and capture them alive" is
world is the one everyone even better, because ifs more specific.
will be playing five years Each submission should be fewer than
from now—if only The witty 200 words, including ability scores,
and handsome editors will feats, skills, and a brief description of
devote a few hundred pages what you'd like to accomplish with your
of Dragon to the authors character. Each month, well choose a
personal vision. few of the most interesting and let our
Weil, we re sick of these resident gnome show you how to make it
letters, and even more sick even better*
of turning them all down. So Send your characters to the same
at long last we re giving in *,. address, but with "Character Clinic" in
under a few conditions. the subject line or on the envelope.
Send us a very short While youVe at it, drop us a line to tell
description of your cam¬ us how you spent your summer. I hope
paign world s unique fea^ it had some gaming in it!
tures. When we say "short"
we mean liny-tike 200
words or fewer. You can
"BUSINESS WAS SLOW, SO I also include a map of the
world, but if should be a
Dave Gross • Editor-In-Chief

ft annual 2ooo
Servant of the Shard
R./V. Salvatore
The New York Times best-selunc
author of The Spine of the World
The dark elf Jartaxle is bent on becoming all-powerful
He gets his greedy hands on the Crystal Shard, but
soon the evil artifact's demonic force overcomes him.
His assassin compatriot, Artemis Entreri, tries to
help him break free, but the dark power of the
i Shard is too mighty. With time running out,
| they must seek help elsewhere.

The Nether Scroll Shadow's Witness The Cmr of RavensJ

Lynn Abbey Paul Kemp Richard Baker
Lost Empires Series Sembia Series The Dues Series
A young magic-user Gale, the loyal butler of jack Ravenwild's
sets out to avenge the Uskevren family, ambitions plunge him
the murder of his holds a terrible secret— into a plot to destroy
teacher and save her he knows the city of the city, a noble quest
son from a similar Selgaunt's dark comers. to find a lost hoard,
fate. Facing evil and When a ruthless evil is and a conspiracy to
treachery, he must unleashed, Gale’s ties to sente the reins of
brave the ruins of the underworld put the power. Worse yet, jack
Dekanter to find a enlire Uskevren family in must choose between
•Lynn-Abbey missing artifact that jeopardy. He has only a life of freedom and
might be a due to the one chance to prove saving the city he
source of all magic In his loyalty* doesn't even know
the Forgotten Realms, he loves*

by Owen K.C. Stephens

Both sections of this article can be used to generate the name of a locationf such as a shop or tavern.
The first part; Sages, Shops, and Smithies, uses a method that generates the type of place first, followed
by the name. The second section, Taverns, generates the name before the type of establishment

Both methods can be used to generate an interesting name. Using the Taverns section first might
Inspire you to create a place you hadn't thought of before, just because it has an interesting name.
Using Sages, Shops, and Smithies allows you to come up with a random establishment on the spot.

Sages, Shops, and Smithies dozens of shops from scratch every For example, a DM finds she needs
Almost every group of adventurers time a party of adventurers enters a the name of a smithy the PCs have
eventually comes back to town. new Town. With the help of these name found by the edge of the road. She
Whether the PCs seek to learn from the generators, that won't be a problem. decides to roll on Table C, getting a 6.
local alchemist, repair their armor after The following six tables (A-f) cover This leads her to roll once on Table 4
a long dungeon-crawl, or merely need a different types of businesses, such as and once on Table j. Doing so, the DM
place to buy additional supplies, adven¬ markets, shops, and stores for wizards determines the smithy is named Broken
turers need a selection of shops, crafts¬ and sorcerers. Whenever a DM needs a Beggar's Forge, If the DM doesn't like
men, and sages. Whenever a DM tells name she can roll on the appropriate that name, she can re-roll on just Table
the players their characters have found table to generate it. Each of these tables 4 or just Table 7 (perhaps producing
such a place of business, the players includes directions to roll on one or Beggars Forge or Broken Knights
respond all too often with the question, more of the numbered tables (1-8). If a Forge), or she could start back at
"What's it called?'' DM doesn’t like a particular name, she Table A.
Naming every business the PCs come can either make some changes or re-roll. Some shops, smithies, and farms are
across might seem like a needless chore, There are three methods for rolling named after a local or mythic figure, or
but it can add to the sense of reality on each of the numbered tables. The a creature or object associated with the
That some players crave. Rather than first is designed to generate names that figure (such as a magic shop named
simply going to an unnamed wayside are more gnome or dwarven in sound. Mordenkainen’s Hound). Since these
farmer's market, players who find their The second method creates elven or fey figures vary from campaign to cam¬
characters standing outside The Rats sounding names. The third Is the general paign, no such entries are provided on
Apples might well ask themselves if method and should be used when no any of the following charts. However,
they d rather hunt in the woods for their particular flavor of name Is desired. If the DM should always feel free to
provisions. Similarly, a fighter who the DM has name generators for other insert such a figure into an establish¬
needs some weapons repaired might races (such as "By Any Other Name: ment's name. Generally no more than
prefer the Crossed Arms Smithy to the Elves” in Dragon #251), he might even one in ten establishments is named
Iron House. It’s probably too much to wish to translate such names partially or after a legendary person or object.
ask a DM to come up with names for wholly into another language.

1o annual2ooo
How it Works Table A: Table D:
First roll on Table A and follow the FARMS AND MARKETS MERCHANT SHOPS
instructions given. For example, rolling Roll idio Roll id8
a V on a id 10 leads you to roll once on
Table Si to generate the first word of Table Sr Farms \ The Table Sis Table $6
the name, then once on Table Sz to
generate the second word, then add the The Table S7 's Market z from Tabic SB (s) to
Tabic SB (s)
word “Farms” to the end, yielding a The TableS/ ’s Table. S8_
resuil such as "Drunken Goaf Farms” &f Table SB 3 Traders Table ss

Table S8 S &t Table SB 4 Table S3 of Merchants

The Table S8 Table Sc 5 t .>bit ? 3 Table SB Dry Goods
The Table Si Table $7 's 6 The Table Si Table S7 Shop
Table SB &l Table SS
7 Table S6 Table SB &t Table SB
Barns 8 The hi s Bazaar
The Table S7 S Tabic SS Table $5

Table Sfi Orchards

Table B: Table E:
Roll id8 Roll id 8

The Table Ski Of Table 36 1 The Tabic Si Sage

The Tabic m Quill z Sorcerer’s * >

Tabic S5 of Table Sio (s) 3 The Table S7 S Table $12

Table 3ft
Table Sio Dl

The Tabic $7 ’$ Library 4 Table SG S £fl Potions

The Table Si Wizard 5 The *s Table S3

6 The Table Sis Table Sio

The Table Si2 Tibli

The fillli- &t Table Sio 7 The Table S3 of Table Sio S

8 The Table Siz Table S5

Table C: Table F:
Roll idio Roll idio

labl Table Sr t Table Si 's Table S3

PAGE 12 PAGE 13 Table SG £>t Table S6 Smithy 2 The Table Table Sr

The s Tuhle S9 3 The Table S7

Si S? S3 S7 S8 S9 The Table Si Blacksmiths 4 The Table S7 5 1 1 bio S,|

T-jt;ii; s.i Table S6 monger 5 The Table SB

Table Table S7 S Forge 6 The table Sq Table S3

Table Sr, (s) Ot Table So (s) 7 The Table Si Table S7

The Table 8 The Table Sih Table S6

The 9 The r,1L>b: S.i

The Table . Table S5 10 The Table SG Table S5

S4 S5 S6 Sio Si 1 S12
Table G: Table T2: Table Jt.
Roll ldioo
Roll idioo
Roll idao

1~2 The t sbb Table T3 1 Arcane 51 Lusty 1 Acrobat 51 Journeyman

Example; "The Mystic Monk” 2 Amorous 52 Lyrical 2 Adventurer 52 Knight
3 Bearded 53 Magical 3 Alchemist 53
2-3 The _Iablo.T2 Table T4 4 Bleary 54 Majestic 4 Apprentice 54 Lord
Example: “The Cozy Centaur” 5 Boorish 55 Mighty 5 Archer 55 Mage
6 Brawny 56 Mirthful 6 Armorer 56 Maid
The Table Tq 's Tabic. Is._ 7 Bumbling 57 Modest 7 Bandit 57 Maiden
Example: "The Pirate’s Saber' 8 Charming 58 Mysterious 8 Barbarian 58 Master
9 Chuckling 59 Mystic g Bard 59 Mercenary
6-7 Table T3 Table T8 10 Clever 60 Nomadic 10 Barkeep 60 Merchant
Example: "Rogue’s Den” 11 Cloaked 61 Peaceful 11 Barmaid 61 Mistress
12 Comical 62 Prancing 12 Bartender 62 Monk
8 The _ table T* ’s Table Tg 13 Contented 63 Proud 13 Barlerer 63 Navigator
Example: "The Gnoll's Claw” 14 Cozy 64 Rakish 14 Beggar 64 Paladin
15 Crazy 65 Reveling 15 Blacksmith 65 Peasant
The Table T4 S Table U t6 Curious 66 Roaming 16 Bouncer 66 Pilgrim
Example: “The Gremlin's Lair” 17 Dancing 67 Roaring 17 Bowman 67 Pirate
18 Dangling 68 Rowdy 18 Brigand 68 Prankster
10 The TabJe Is 19 Dazzling 69 Rumbling 19 Carpenter 69 Priest
Example: "The Trident" 20 Dreaming 70 Sagely 20 Child 70 Priestess
21 Drooling 71 Shady 2t Cleric 71 Ranger
IT The Table T5 Dl
Table I5 22 Drowsy 72 Shifty 22 Cut purse 72 Rascal
in any order.)
(Combine ihe Iwo words 23 Drunken 73 SiBy 23 Cutthroat 73 RoSue
Example: "The Hook &t Sickle” 24 Famished 74 Singing 24 Druid 74 Sage
25 Fearsome 75 Sleeping 25 Drunkard 75 Sailor
12 The Table Ts £>t Table T6 26 Festive 76 Sleepy 26 Enchanter 76 Savage
(Combine the two words In any order.) 27 Flying 77 Slumbering 27 Enchantress 77 Scoundrel
Example: "The Bolt Ot Buckler” 28 Foppish 78 Sneezing 28 Falconer 78 Scribe
29 Frolicking 79 Snoring 29 Farmer 79 Serf
The Table T6 Ot Table Tfl 30 Gasping 80 Snoozing 30 Fisherman 80 Shipwright
(Combine the two words in any order.) 31 Gentle 81 Sorcerous 31 Fool 81 Shrew
Example: "The Cloak Ot Gauntlet" 32 Giddy 82 Sprightly 32 Forester 82 Soldier
33 Gleeful 83 Stalwart 33 Friend 83 Sorcerer
34 Hanging 84 Sloul 34 Gambler 84 Squire
H-15 The Table T7 Table T5
Example: “The Spinning Saber” 35 Harmless 85 Stuffed 35 God 85 Stranger
36 Hapless 86 Stumbling 36 Goddess 86 Thief
t6-T7 The Table T7 Table T6 37 HaPPy 87 Sturdy 37 Guard 87 Thug
Example: “The Golden Chalice" 38 Honest 88 Tattooed 38 Guardian 88 Trader
39 Honorable 89 Thirsty 39 Guardsman 89 Traveler
l8 The Table T7 Table T8 40 Humble 90 Thoughtless 40 Handmaiden 90 Urchin
Example: "The Silent Keep” 41 Hungry 91 Tickled 41 Harlot 91 Virgin
42 Impish 92 Timid 42 Hermit 92 Vixen
19 The abt T0 43 Innocent 93 T'psy 43 Hero 93 Waif
Example: "The Battlement" 44 Jolly 94 Tired 44 Highwayman 94 Wanderer
45 Jovial 95 Traveling 45 Horseman 95 Warrior
20 The it Table Tp 46 Juggling 96 Tumbling 46 Hunter 96 Weaver
Example: “The Cozy Cookhouse" 47 Lazy 97 Virtuous 47 Huntress 97 Wench
48 Laughing 98 Wandering 48 Illusionist 98 Whelp
49 Lucky 99 Weary 49 Jester gg Witch
50 Lumbering 100 Woozy 50 Jeweler 100 Wizard
Table Si; Table Sa: Table $q:
Roll 3dm for dwarves, Roll 3dio for dwarves, Roll 184 for dwarves,
3dio+70 for elves, otherwise idioo 3dio+70 for elves, otherwise idioo 164+6 for elves, otherwise idio

01-04 frumpy 01-03 Serpent 51-53 Rooster 1 Den

05-08 Old 04-05 Badger 54-55 Tiger 2 Burrow
09-12 Stout 06-08 Frog 56-58 Hare 3 Lair
13-16 Crafty 09-10 Dragon 59-60 Wolf 4 Hole
17-20 Bold 11-13 Bat 61-63 Horse 5 Patch
21-24 Drunken 14-15 Boar 64-65 Wasp 6 Web
25-28 Sleeping 16-18 Mole 66-68 Raven 7 Lodge
29-32 Hearty 39-20 Bat 69-70 Eagle 8 Briar
33-36 Buxom 21-23 Hound 71_73 Gar 9 Nest
37-40 Blind 24-25 Ram 74-75 Bkioenix JO Eyrie
41-44 Crazy 26-28 Hog 76-78 Owl
45-48 Honest 29-30 Bear 79-80 Fox
49-52 Frowning 31-33 Monster 81-83 Hawk
53-56 Blinking 34"35 Eel 84-85 Pegasus
57-60 Wandering 36-38 Pullet 86-88 Drake
61-64 Welcoming 39-40 Beholder 89-90 Swan
65-68 Merry 41-43 Goaf 91-93 Stag
69-72 Good 44-45 Bul1 94-95 Falcon
73-76 Lucky 46-48 Lion 96-98 Unicorn
77-80 Laughing 49-50 Spider 99-100 Gryphon
81-84 Beautiful
85-88 Blue-eyed
89-92 Flying
93-96 Gallant
97-100 Fair

Table $4: Table Table S6r

Roil ^dio for dwarves, Roll id8+a for dwarves, Roll 3dro for dwarves,
4dro+6o for elves, otherwise idioo idio+20 for elves, otherwise 3dm 3dio+^o for elves, otherwise idioo

1-2 Wet 73"75 White 3 Clan 20 Moor 1-2 Lamp 51-52 Hammock
3"5 Half 76-78 Royal 4 Guild 2! Grove 3-4 Barrel 53-54 Tun
6-7 Red 79-81 Green 5 Keep 22 Court 5 Ale 55 Cobblestone
8-10 Secret 82-84 Wooden 6 Camp 23 Palace 6-7 Horn 56-57 Broom
11-13 Black 85-90 Roll on S?2 7 Bailey 24 Garden 8-9 Earth 58-59 Cart
14-19 Roll on $11 91-93 Blue 8 Bridge 25 Forest 10 Nail 60-62 Roll on Sg
20-21 Short 94-96 Ancient 9 Gate 26 House !i-i2 Arms 63-64 Board
22-24 Buried 97-100 Mystic 10 Castle 27 Lodge 13-14 Cleaver 65 Skull
25-27 Qray 11 Donjon 28 Vale 15 Anvil 66-67 Crown
28-30 Crossed 12 Ford 29 Meadow 16-17 Mug 68-69 'Lily
31-33 Honored !3 . Balcony 30 Coliseum 18-24 Roll on Sg 70 Star
34-36 Broken >4 Abby 25 Rock 71-72 Rod
37-39 Fireside ’5 Home 26-27 Boot 73-74 Crystal
40-42 Yellow 16 Room 28-29 Stone 75 Sun
43-45 T™ <7 Dale 30 Cork 76-77 Oak
46-48 Three 18 Barn 3T"32 Miter 78-79 Flute
49-51 Four '9 Galleon Anchor 80 Acorn
52-54 Five Fire 81-82 Air
35 '
55-57 Burning Basket 83-84 Staff
36”3 7
58-60 Frozen Book 85 Harp
3^ 39
61-63 Ashen 40 Coal 86-93 R<?| on Sg
64-66 Sweet 41-42 Bell 94 Rose
67-69 Hidden Bottle 95-96 Ring
70-72 Shining Caindle 97 Wand
46-47 Ash 98-99 Moon
48-49 Cup 100 Elm
50 Water

2 annual 2ooo
Table $7: Table S8: Table Sg:
Roll id8+3 for dwarves, Roll idto for dwarves, Roll idio for dwarves,
idio+30 for elves, otherwise 4dm id8+m for elves, otherwise idzo idio+io for elves, otherwise 1820

4 Warrior 26 Dwarf 1 Sausage 1 Gauntlet

5 Brewer 27 Gnome 2 Ale 2 Axe
6 Baker 28 Angel 3 Roast 3 Pick
7 Priest 29 Mariner 4 Mead 4 Helm
8 Merchant 30 Druid 5 Cabbage 5 Hammer
9 Lad 31 Lady 6 Mushroom 6 Pike
10 Lass 32 Lord 7 Soup 7 Mace
m Smith 33 Scholar 8 Pepper 8 Fiat!
12 Hero 34 Wizard 9 Cheese 9 Bolt
13 Witch 35 Kn'ghf to Bread 10 Hatchet
14 Corsair 38 Archer 11 Rye 11 Greave
15 Paladin 37 Dancer 12 Barley 12 Btade
16 Beggar 38 Woodsman >3 Fowl 13 Spur
57 Hag 39 Harper Cream M Mail
18 Brigand 40 Bard '5 Pastry 15 Spear
19 Sister l6 Berry 16 Dagger
20 Brother 17 Apple l7 Arrow
2] Mother l8 Wine 18 Shield
22 Father <9 Milk 19 Lance
23 Jester 20 Cake 20 Sword
24 Elf
25 Hatfling

Table Sto: Table S11: Table Sia:

Roll 184 for dwarves, Roll id4 for dwarves. Roll id4 for dwarves*
186+4 for elves, otherwise idio 184+6 for elves, otherwise idio 184+4 for elves* otherwise id8

1 Runesione Iron 1 Runic

a Book 2 Steel 2 Cryptic
3 Tome 3 Mithril 3 Magical
4 Manual 4 Brass 4 Divine
5 Text 5 Copper 5 Arcane
6 Parchment 6 Bronze 6 Mystic
7 Scroll 7 Silver 7 Secret
8 Folio 8 Gold 8 Sorcerous
9 Script 9 Platinum
10 Page 10 Adamantine

yrUj< IIfj1 I § plMiil

1 w w '' 1 1 ' s,<'1 vVu

by Christoper West

The heal tavern is a common feature How It Works

of nearly every town or city an adven¬ The tables below provide a wide variety If nothing else seems to work for you,
turing party is likely to enter during the of rolling options lo create different it's fine to Ignore the dice altogether
course of a DQtD campaign, it might he tavern names. Begin by rolling id20 and and simply pick words from the various
cliche, hut a vast number of campaigns comparing your result to Table Tt. This tables to build a name for your tavern.
begin and end within the walls of a suggests a roll or a series of rolls that Remember: While the tables below
popular drinking establishment. you can make to produce a name. If allow for the creation of a vast number
Considering how much time adventur¬ you like one particular name type fisted of tavern names, they should not be
ers often spend in such places, it seems on Table Ti, feef free to disregard the considered complete. If you think of a
fitting that each one should have its rest of them and roll the specific gen¬ word that would be great for a name
own unique name and personality. eration option that interests you. but isn’t included on these tables, by all
You might find that many of the means use it! This article is intended to
AH too often, though inns and tav¬ names created with this system seem spawn ideas, not limit them. Have fun
erns begin to sound alike, Knowing how absurd or just don't sound quile right. with it!
many of them a typical character visits In the case of words with two or more After the name is generated, you
during his adventuring career, this partst try discarding one of the words might wish to randomly select a type of
shouldn't come as a big surprise, After and picking a replacement word that establishment by rolling on Table Tg.
aiif DMs have whole worlds to populatet begins with the same letter as the word Some buildings are commonly referred
and its easy to gloss over each inn with you kept. For example. "The Dancing to with their full designation; other's
a generic treatment while worrying Dagger" might have a better ring to it aren't. For example, "The Weary
about the layout and devious traps of a than "The Dancing Talon ” Also, don’t Wanderer Inn" might be called "The
nearby dungeon. Ultimately, however, forget that a weird-sounding name Weary Wanderer" (or even "The
inns and taverns are some of the most might be valuable in suggesting an Wanderer") by many local residents.
Important locations an adventuring amusing theme or background for the Feel free to disregard Table Tg if you
party ever visits. Within the waifs of an place: The "Roaring Pixie Inn" might be don't plan on using such designations.
inn or tavern fights break out; allies are named after a diminutive guest who
met| rumors are exchanged, and heroes snored so loud that she woke the
and villains alike find shelter. whole neighborhood. _ _ __
These tables wifi help you come up
with freshr original, and often amusing
names for every tavern your charac¬
ters enter. Usually the name wifi then
suggest a theme or atmosphere for the
place; a clever DM can turn a simple
tavern name into a distinct and memo¬
rable identity. The players probably
won't remember the unremarkable inn
their characters last visited, but they're
sure to recall the “Happy Halfling
Alehouse" and the amusing antics of its
bumbling yet cheerful proprietor.

14 annual 2ooo
Table Ta: Table Table T6:
Roll idioo Roil idioo Roll idioo

1 Banshee 51 Jackal t Arquebus 51 Longsword 1 Ale 51 Lamp

2 Bear 52 KoboJd 2 Arrow 52 Mace 2 Anvil 52 Lantern
3 Beast 53 Leprechaun 3 Awl 53 Mallet 3 Armor 53 Mask
4 Brownie 54 Lich 4 Axe 54 Mancatcher 4 Banner 54 Mast
5 SuS 55 Manticore 5 Ballista 55 Missile 5 Barding 55 Mead
6 Bugbear 56 Mare 6 Bardiche 56 Morningstar 6 Barrel 56 Mirror
7 Cat 57 Mermaid 7 Bastard sword 57 Needle 7 Bauble 57 Mug
8 Centaur 58 Merman 8 Battleaxe 58 Net 8 Bell 58 Portal
9 Chicken 59 Minotaur 9 Battlehammer 59 Partisan 9 Biscuit 59 Potion
10 Chimera 60 Mongrel to Blade 60 Pick to Bone 60 Pouch
11 Choker 6t Monster ti Blowgun 6t Pike 11 Boot 61 Purse
is Cockatrice 62 Mule 12 Bolt 62 Point 12 Bottle 62 Quiver
13 Cow 63 Mummy 13 Bow 63 Pole 13 Bracer 63 Ring
14 Cur 64 Naga 14 Broadsword 64 Polearm 14 Brand 64 Rose
15 Demon 85 Nymph 15 Bullet 65 Poleaxe 15 Bread 65 Rune
16 Devil 86 Ogre t6 Cannon 66 Quarrel 16 Breastplate 66 Sail
17 Dog 67 Ore \j Cantrip 67 Quarterstaff 17 Buckle 67 Scabbard
18 Doppleganger 68 Owl 18 Catapult 68 Ranseur 18 Buckler 68 Scales
ig Dragon 69 Owlbear 19 Crook 6g Rapier 19 Cage 69 Shield
20 Drake 70 Pech 20 Claw 70 Razor 20 Candle 70 Sheath
21 Drow 71 Pegasus 21 Cleaver 71 Rod 21 Cap 71 Sigif
2Z Dryad 72 Phoenix 22 Club 72 Saber 22 Chalice 72 Skirt
23 Duck 73 23 Conjuration 73 Scimilar 23 Cloak 73 Skull
24 Dwarf 74 Pixie 24 Crossbow 74 Scourge 24 Coin 74 Soup
25 Eagle 75 Poltergeist 25 Cutlass 75 Shaft 25 Crest 75 sPel1
26 Elf 76 Pony 26 Dagger 76 Shield 26 Crock 76 Spellhook
27 Faerie 77 Rat 27 Dart 77 Short sword 27 Crown 77 Spice
28 Falcon 78 Satyr 28 Dirk 78 Sickle 28 Crystal 78 Spike
zg Familiar 79 Sea nymph 29 Edge 79 Sling 29 Cup 79 Spirits
30 Gargoyle 80 Serpent 30 Fang 80 Snare 30 Dress 80 Spoon
31 Genie 8t Shade 31 Fauchard 81 Spear 31 Flag 81 Standard
32 Giant 82 Shadow 32 Fist 82 Spell 32 Flask 82 Steel
33 Gnoll 83 Sphinx 33 Flail 83 Spetum 33 Flinl 83 Stew
34 Gnome 84 Spirit 34 Fork 84 Spike 34 Gate 84 Stone
35 Goat 85 Sprite 35 Glaive 85 Spine 35 Gauntlet 85 Stool
36 Goblin 86 Stallion 36 Greatsword 86 Staff 36 Gem 86 Symbol
37 Gremlin 87 Swanmay 37 Guisarme 87 Stake 37 Glass 87 Table
38 Griffon 88 Titan 38 Haft 88 Stick 38 Glove 88 Tack
39 Half-elf 89 Treant 39 Halberd 89 Stone 39 Harness 89 Tackle
40 Half“Orc 90 Troglodyte 40 Hammer 90 Sword 40 Helm 90 Tankard
41 Halfimg gi Troll 41 Handaxe 91 Talon 41 Helmet 91 Tinder
42 Harpy 92 Unicorn 42 Handle 92 Thorn 42 Hilt 92 Torch
43 Hawk 93 Vampire 43 Harpoon 93 Tooth 43 Hood 93 Treasure
44 Hlppogriff 94 Werebear 44 Hatchet 94 Trap 44 Horn 94 Trinket
45 Hobgoblin 95 Wererat 45 Hook 95 Trident 45 Jewel 95 trophy
46 Hog 96 Werewolf 48 Javelin 96 Vouige 46 Keg 96 Tunic
47 Horse 97 Wolf 47 Khopesh 97 Wand 47 Kettle 97 Whetstone
48 Hound 98 Worm 48 Kick 98 Waraxe 48 Key 98 Whistle
49 Human 99 Wyrm 49 Knife 99 Warhammer 49 Kilt 99 Window
50 Imp 100 Wyvern 50 Lance 100 Whip 50 Ladder too Wine
Table T7: Table T8:
Roll idao

1 Amazing 51 Helpful 1 Battlement

2 Ancient 52 Invisible 2 Castle
3 Astra! 53 Lawful 3 Cave
4 Avenging 54 Magical 4 Cove
5 Baleful 55 Mighty 5 Crypt
6 Baneful 56 Missing 6 Den
7 Bashing 57 Misty 7 Dungeon
8 Battered 58 Mirhril 8 Haven
9 Battering 59 Mystic 9 Hall
10 Biting 60 Neutral 10 Hideout
n Blazing 81 New-forged n House
12 Bludgeoning 62 Nicked 12 Keep
13 Brandished 63 Ornate *3 Labyrinth
14 Brass 64 Polished 14 Lair
15 Broken 65 Remarkable !5 Landing
t6 Bronze 86 Royal 16 Rookery
17 Chaotic 67 Rusty V Temple
■18 Colorful 68 Sentient 18 Tomb
19 Conjured 8g Sharpened *9 Tower
20 Copper 70 Shattered 20 Vault
21 Cracked 71 Shimmering
22 Cutting 72 Shining
23 Dancing 73 Shiny http^/www,hitpointe.com
24 Dangerous 74 Silent M jhI '■QnJtr Cajnc SK'fpc
Specahact to LLj*d aw] Qut-itf-Fruu
25 Disappearing 75 Silver
26 Dulled 76 Singing
NtL i:,smp»riEr? Wnlt torturon ptwc laH
Zj Dusty 77 Skewering
LU N Park Bh d Suite 351. UXt Origin ME 4XWI
28 Empty 78 Slashing Table To;
29 Enchanted 79 Spinning ESTABLISHMENTS
30 Ethereal 80 Splendid
31 Fabulous 8t Splintering
32 Fearless 82 Split
Discover Dragons!
33 Fearsome 83 Stabbing Encounter rare,
34 Flaming 84 Stinging mysterious, &
35 Flawless 85 Stolen whimsical dragons in
36 Flying 86 Sturdy , the world s only
37 Frail 87 Swinging 7^ all dragon catalog!
38 Fresh 88 Swirling Unique gifts &
39 Frightening 89 Tarnished collectibles, t-shirts,
40 Frosty 90 Tasty prints, pewter, &
41 Frozen 91 Tawdry limited edition artifacts.
42 Furious 92 Turning
i * Dancing Dragon*
43 Glass 93 Twisted
44 Glorious 94 Unforgettable www.dancingdragonx
45 Golden 95 Unremarkable
46 Grim 96 Vengeful
47 Gruesome 97 Vorpal
48 Handy 98 Wooden
49 Heavy 99 Weathered
50 Hefty too Whistling
20 Ways to Launch New Adventures
by Christopher Wilkes • illustrated by Terry Dykstra

You are all seated at the corner

table in the local tavern, just

R ow many times have you seen
campaigns begin with the
tired cliche of a job offer?
To help kick-start your next cam¬
paign, here are twenty unusual hooks
especially appropriate for the first
Yet the first session often adventure. They are grouped into four
about to raise your mugs to sets the tone for an entire general categories. “Roof!” hooks sud¬
campaign. Wouldn't you rather have denly drop the characters Into an
toast your new company of your next campaign explode with unexpected world. “Imprisoned” hooks
unexpected danger? When the plot place the characters into a position of
adventurers, when a stranger’s suddenly twists, your players wifi be instant danger, while in the “Castaways"
counting the days until your next ses¬ hooks, the characters must overcome
shadow falls across the table. In sion. Try something different, and your great adversity to get back home.
players will remember the start of that Finally, the “Mystery" hooks place the
the sudden silence, his sibilant campaign long after their characters characters in familiar surroundings with
are dust or demigods. mysterious happenings.
voice is dear. “I would like to

hire you for a job ...”

18 annual 2ogo

Market day takes an exceptional turn The PCs run afoul of a sorceress who It’s a quiet night at the lavern, The PCs
when a bidding war between wizards turns her problems into decorative gar¬ are almost alone in the common room.
erupts into a magical duel While den statuary. Centuries later, their old Just as they lift tankards for a toast to
everyone is scrambling for cover, a enemy is long gone, and the manse now auspicious beginnings, a bright purple
spell engulfs the characters and a push¬ belongs to another mage. His taste in Sight floods the common room, A hole
cart or two. Stranded in an unknown statuary is different, and he reverses in the air above their table loudly tears
land, ignorant of the local language, and the spells because he has a mission open, and howling kobolds in dark
perhaps missing some equipment, the for them: cowled robes wielding blackened silver
group faces a rocky road. The PCs will “Your services will pay for the spells I knives begin jumping through. They
hope there is something good in those used to bring you back,” he says. “Now leap in three and four at a time until at
pushcarts. get cracking, and mind you don’t leave least a score are present, all screaming
any pigeon droppings on the rugs!" and attacking everyone in sight.
Regardless of the outcome of the
THE TWILIGHT TOWER melee, the jagged hole In the air does
not go away. It continues to emit a
The PCs awake in a large tower that glaring purple light, a strange spicy-
stands alone amid a dreary marsh. They smelling mist, and whatever else tickles
have amnesia yet retain skills, feats, the DM’s fancy.
spells, and abilities—but no personal
knowledge, not even of each other.
Suitable equipment for each PC is pres¬
ent, as are provisions for several
months. If they leave the tower, they
feel nauseous, and the farther they go
the worse it gets. In the floor of the
tower's lowest basement is a large and
heavily barred trap door.
The PCs are prisoners chained together

The PCs1 beauty sleep is rudely inter¬

in a coffle and marching 10 a prison rupted when the roadside inn they’re
THE OTHER SIDE camp. A surprise attack by an enraged staying at comes under sudden attack.
grizzly bear distracts the guards and Raiders have set the inn afire and are
The characters are siblings or cousins kilts enough of them before it dies that slaughtering confused patrons as they
who have received a bequest from the PCs can overpower the rest. From stumble out Awakened by the shouts,
Their deceased grandmother to be overheard conversations, the group the PCs are surrounded by chaos and
shared between them. Part of the knows that the camp lies a few miles smoke, with sudden death awaiting
bequest is a marvelously detailed ahead. There, many other prisoners are without.
tapestry of an exotic castle. The Tapes¬ under light guard. Do they dare to free
try is a magical doorway through which the rest of the prisoners, or do they /-v
they can come and go at will into the just run for the hills? 10. ROOMMATES
unknown kingdom it depicts. ^_—---/
Each PC, new to the city and unac¬
8. JAIL BREAK quainted with the other PCs, jumps at a
DAWN OF THE LIVING DEAD __/ great deal on a fantastic magic item.
For reasons best left to the players to The problem is they’ve been conned by
Oops, the PCs die! This works best if invent, their PCs are residents of the a slick operator and have all bought the
you stage a climactic battle or sink their city jail awaiting the dispensation of same house. The con man and their
ship in a hurricane. No matter how, justice when fate intervenes. A severe money are gone when, on moving day,
they shuffle off this mortal coil Then, earthquake shakes the building and they all arrive with legal copies of the
suddenly, still shivering from the ley collapses the walls of their cell and the deed to the house. They must come to
touch of their deaths, they re alive jail. Not only are they free, but the city some agreement before the constabu¬
again. Wearing shrouds, they awake has far more to worry about than a lary arrives, “tipped off” that the PCs
lying on marble slabs in a ruined tem¬ few escapees. Fires have started, and were robbing the house.
ple. Nearby, a bejeweled gold medallion looters are drifting through the shat¬
glitters in the still-smoking charred tered city.
remains of a dead being.

A rough ocean voyage rums into a fight

As hired mercenaries, the PCs and their

With a sudden mental snap, the PCs

for life as the PCs' ship founders during unit march through the night to join the are aware that their surroundings
a storm. The crew takes to the boats main army* Out of nowhere they are have drastically changed. They find
and disappears, abandoning the group. ambushed by a vastly superior force. themselves scattered throughout an
The sinking ship is driven upon rocks As the battle degenerates into scream¬ otherwise deserted mansion wearing
and starts to break up at the height of ing chaos, the PCs find themselves near strange outfits. They are dressed as
the storm's Fury. The PCs are the only its edge, right beside the wagon con¬ cooks, maids, butlers, harem girls, or
survivors, and they awake the next taining the paymaster's war chest 1 Of guards. Sprawled on the floor of the
morning on the sands of a seemingly course, even if they do escape with it, dining room, beside a spilled goblet
unpopulated island beach amid the flot¬ their unit is destroyed; they are tired, of poisoned wine, is the body of a
sam and jetsam of their sundered ship. lost, cut off from friendly forces, and tail dark man. The last thing any of
deep inside a war zone. them remembers is that man saying,
“! would like to hire you for a job."

The characters are home, but home is in

terrible trouble. An unstoppable coali¬ Sentenced to exile in the wastes of the
tion of evil humanoids smashes the local Endless Sands for unknowingly trans¬
army and overruns the entire country gressing the laws of the land, the PCs
before breaking up into clans fighting are forced out of the city. Behind them
for the spoils. The PCs come back From on the ramparts, a priest of the city's
a sojourn, only to find black smoke bil¬ temple proclaims their crimes to the
lowing from the local towns and crowd inside the city, while soldiers
internecine warfare rampant in the land. close the great bronze gates. The sun
bears upon the trackless dunes of the
vast desert.


lured to an isolated ruin a day s jour¬

ney from town by an anonymous note
invited to a friend's estate to celebrate
her engagement, the PCs instead dis¬
they are now the sole owners* Of
course, the rumors say The mine has a
death curse on it, the Captain of the
Civic Guard considers the PCs to be
promising a lucrative job, the PCs find cover mayhem underway. Their friend the prime suspects in the deaths of the
no one. On the way back they spot a is dead, and her fiance is being pulled, other investors, and the real murderer
wanted poster for themselves! While kicking and screaming, through 3 magic considers them the next victims.
away, they were framed for a crime portal by hulking humanoids. Delayed
they didn't commit, and now they have
a price on their heads.
by a rearguard, the group has just
enough time to follow before the portal
closes, if they do, they exit at a lake c 20. i KNOW WHAT YOU DID

over 20 leagues away, only to see the Each PC receives a token of proof that
l/. THE FORBIDDEN ZONE abductors aboard a boat already someone knows about a very embar¬
underway. Then the portal-the only rassing or deadly secret in their pasts.
During a trip by stagecoach, the PCs way home—winks out of existence* Let the players each decide their PCs
and their fellow travelers are suddenly secret. Arriving singly at a clandestine
paralyzed. Large apes appear and begin

pay-off meeting with the blackmailer
carrying off victims one by one. When IQ. MURDER MOST FOUL (or possibly an ambush), the PCs dis¬
only the PCs remain, bright flashes and cover a body with a stiletto In its back*
the sound of combat come from out¬ The PCs are all investors in the Blue
side the coach. The paralysis wears off, Yonder mine. One by one, all the other
but there is no sign of the other travel- investors have died in suspicious acci¬
ers, the abductors, or their foes. dents. The group should rejoice, for

2o annual 2ooo
Raised by

DESfiriED to
Pkepare for. An
ORjGinAL Epic--

CorninG in 2000

UJ UHJU. S \f .ITT m OTTER: .GOtil'

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by Stephen Schubert • illustrated by David Day

M eldar the Great, as he called him-

self, was one of rhe most power¬
and destroyed much of his homeland just
to obtain some rare spell components,
Helvarian instead compiled his notes and
carefully made three copies. He bound
ful and evil ray-slinging sorcerers Helvarian vowed to see Meldar pay. The each copy into a book and sent them to
in history* He developed ray spells that good eiven mage knew he was no match three of Meldar's strongest foes.
were particularly suited to defeating for Meldar’s power, so he became deter¬ Only Helvarian’s spellbook contains all
those who tried to destroy him* mined to find a weakness and exploit it. of the spells that were documented and
For the mighty warriors and paladins He dusted off his crystal ball and began researched. These spells and his notes
that came knocking on his tower door, to watch and learn. were bound into one large tome, fully
Meldar created rays to drain their Helvarian studied Meldars habits and one hand thick when dosed. The cover
strength and resolve: ray of weakness behaviors, but more importantly he and spine were carved from a fallen
and ray of entropy. Rival wizards sent studied Meldar s spells and casting oak tree, and then protected by black
their own creations, but their golems fell methods, in addition to the above-men¬ gorgon leather. Embossed In gold on the
to his ray of deanimation before they tioned spells, Helvarian witnessed the spine is the title, in Elven, Rays of Light.
crossed his drawbridge, and their rust ray, the targeting ray and the utili¬ The pages have varying looks to them,
hordes of undead were cut down by his tarian ray of light. He saw Meldar affect ranging from fine parchment covered in
greater disrupt undead rays* When the the abilities of his foes with ray of clum¬ Helvarian’s notes to the rare pages
wizards deigned to show themselves, siness and ray of sickness. holding rhe final spells. The book has no
rays of stupidity would rain down to rob He rook detailed notes on every spell, lock or clasp*
them of their best spells. and in rime his understanding of the The three copies made for Meldar s
Meldars power over the ray allowed theories and applications of ray spells enemies detail the workings of the ray,
him to refocus *he energy of his spells* surpassed even that of Meldar* but each of them contains less than half
He could cause a ray to affect more Helvarian then designed ray spells of his of the full body of work (some spells
than one target or appear as a cone of own, including the stun rayf sting ray, appear in more than one copy). The
magical energy that affected everyone distracting ray, and the ray of dizziness. covers are made of Ve-inch thick elven
in its path* Even more alarming were Once he understood the ray's mechan¬ steel, polished to a mirrorlike finish. The
the rumors of Meldar casting a ray spell ics, if was a relatively simple matter to tomes are enchanted to protect against
that struck everyone around him. create rhe perfect defense: reflection. rust and the elements. Inscribed on the
Even if Meldars rivals had defeated He was able to implement different rays cover in flowing Elven is the same title
him, they would not have found his of reflection specifically designed to as the original work: Rays of Light. The
secrets* Meldar was a sorcerer, so he combat ray effects. spine is elven steel as well, with golden
kept no speilbooks or research notes. Of course, during the years that hinges riveted to the spine and covers*
His knowledge was his alone—until he Meldar was being studied he continued The pages are finely pressed and
crossed paths with Helvarian* to grow in power. Helvarian knew that treated bark from an ancient stand of
Helvarian Sihdenueven was a peaceful he could not face Meldar directly and aspen trees. They are filled with words
elven wizard* But when Meldar invaded hope to win, nor was that ever his goal. m the flowing hand of Helvarian; every-

22 annual 2ooo
thing is written in Elven except where opening. Instead, the expectant reader dragon allegedly waylaid the tome's
the arcane language is used. The books must intone, "Meldar the Great?” courier. The third copy, whose contents
each have exactly 91 pages, with 80 phrased as a question—a bit of a joke on are presented here, was passed from its
pages of spells and 11 pages of notes The part of Helvarian. Once the words wizard owner to his apprentice, then to
detailing ray spells and how to enhance are spoken, the lock opens with a click. his apprentice, and so on. It is well worn
them. Holding each book closed is an It is believed that one of the copies from two hundred years of use.
intricately designed lock made of gold was destroyed during a failed attempt to
and elven steel. The lock, however, is a defeat Meldar. A second copy never
ruse and has no mechanical means of made it to its destination, as a red

Effect: Cone of light or ray Effect: Ray

iST-LEVEL SPELLS Duration: \o minutes/level (D) or Duration: 1 round/level
instantaneous Saving Throw: None
Ray of Clumsiness Saving Throw: See text Spell Resistance: No
Transmutation Spell Resistance: See text The caster creates a luminous ray that,
Level: Sor/Waz 1 A narrow cone of light is emitted from with a successful ranged touch attack,
Components: V, S the caster's palm. This light provides pulsates between the target and the
Casting Time: One action illumination equivalent in intensity to a caster. The ray acts as a rangefinder
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft,/a levels) torch. for the caster and any allies within 20
Effect: Ray Instead of the sustained light, the spell feet of her. It provides a +1 insight
Duration: 1 mlnute/level can be focused into a short ray and bonus per three caster levels to all
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates directed at the eyes of a target. If the ranged attacks at the target for the
Spell Resistance: Yes caster succeeds at a ranged touch duration of the spell. The caster s allies
A crackling ray leaps from the caster s arrack, the subject is blinded for id4 need not see the caster, but they must
outstretched hand, requiring a success¬ rounds (Fortitude save negates and spell be able to see the ray. The caster can
ful ranged Touch attack to hit. The resistance applies). A blind character, in otherwise act normally for the duration
energy of the ray stiffens the target's addition to the obvious effects, suffers a of the spell. Allies who can see the tar-
muscles and joints, making it more diffi¬ 50% miss chance tn combat (all oppo¬ get receive the bonus even if the
cult for the target to move. The subject nents have full concealment), loses any caster loses line of sight.
suffers a -id6 enhancement penalty to Dexterity bonus to AC, grants a +2 Focus: a small metal or stone tube.
Dexterity, with an additional -1 per two bonus to attackers' attack rolls (they are
caster levels (maximum additional effectively invisible), moves at half
penalty of -5). This subject’s Dexterity speed, and suffers a -4 penalty on most 2ND-LEVEL SPELLS
score cannot drop below 1. Strength- and Dexterify-based skills.
Distracting Ray_
Ray of Flame Stun Ray__^_ Abjuration
Evocation [Flame] Conjuration (Creation) [Electricity] Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Level: Sor/Wiz 1 Level: Sor/Wiz i Components: V, S
Components: V, S, F Components: VT ST M Casting Time: One action
Casting Time: One action Casting Time: One action Range: Close (25 Ft. + 5 f\Ji levels)
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft/2 levels) Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft ./a levels) Effect: Ray
Effect: Ray Effect: Ray Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 round plus 164 rounds Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None (see text) Saving Throw: Fortitude partial Spell Resistance: No
Spell Resistance: Yes Spell Resistance: Yes This ray attempts to undo magic as it is
A burning ray shoots out at the target; A quick jolt of electricity darts from the being cast. Used in the same manner as
with a successful ranged touch attack, caster to the target. This ray of electric¬ a counter spell (as a readied action), the
it deals kJ6 points of fire damage, plus \ ity requires a successful ranged touch ray interferes with the manipulation of
point per caster level (up to +5). If the attack to hit The target is stunned by divine or arcane magic by dazzling rhe
target or its equipment is flammable, rhe ensuing shock for one round and an target with bizarre swirling and flashing
the target must also make a Reflex save additional id4 rounds unless a success¬ lights. If the ray successfully strikes a
or catch fire, taking rd6 points of fire ful Fortitude save is made. spellcaster (ranged touch attack roll
damage the Following round. Material component: a coiled required), and that spellcaster is in the
Focus: a small, polished glass lens. copper wire. process of casting a spell, then the
target spellcaster must make a Con¬
Ray of Light_ Targeting Ray_ centration check to avoid losing his
Evocation [Light] Divination spell. The DC of the Concentration
Level: Brd r, Sor/Wiz 1 Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz i check is equal to the save DC of the
Components: V, S Components: V, ST F distracting ray (12 4- caster's relevant
Casting Time: One action Casting Time: One action ability modifier) + spell level of the spell
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ftJz levels) Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) the target is casting + i/level of the
caster. Thus, if a 3rd-level wizard with Saving Throw: See text
an Intelligence of 16 attempts to cast a Spell Resistance: Yes 3RD-LEVEL SPELLS
distracting ray on a sorcerer casting a A cyan ray beams from the casters
fireball spell, the sorcerer would need to fingertips and, with a successful ranged Minor Reflection
make a Concentration check with a DC touch attack, hits the target. If used as Abjuration
of 21 (15 [distracting rays save DC] + 3 a simple attack, the ray inflicts id6 Level: Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 3
[fireball's spell level] + 3 [wizard's level]). points of cold damage for every 2 lev¬ Components: V, S, F
els of the caster, to a maximum of 5d6 Casting Time: One action
Ray of Dizziness at 10th level. A Fortitude save halves Range: Personal
Enchantment (Compulsion) the damage. Duration: 1 minute/level
[Mind-Affecting] Alternatively, the ray can be used Saving Throw: None
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2 to encase objects or targets in ice. A Spell Resistance: No
Components: V, $, F sword could be frozen in its scabbard, As the spell is cast, a brief shimmering
Casting Time: One action feet frozen to the floor, and so on. appears around the caster. For the
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ftJz levels) Freezing an item or a creature still duration of the spell, the caster is pro¬
Effect: Ray requires a successful ranged touch tected against ranged touch attacks,
Duration: 1 round/level attack, and creatures are allowed a including ray spells and creature ray
Saving Throw: Will negates Reflex saving throw to avoid being attacks. Any ranged touch attack
Spell Resistance: Yes trapped. Freeing encased items (includ¬ directed at the caster is automatically
The ray from this spell shoots toward ing feet) is a standard action and reflected back at the original caster.
the target in a spiraling corkscrew. If requires a Strength check with a DC Focus: a glass prism.
the ranged touch attack is successful equat to the spells save DC. A creature
and the saving throw is failed, then the whose feel are frozen to the floor Rust Ray
target experiences strong feelings of receives no Dexterity bonus to AC and Transmutation
vertigo and is considered to be stag¬ incurs a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Level: Sor/Wiz 3
gered. Staggered characters can only If used on a body of water, the spell Components: V, S, M
take partial actions when they could freezes a circular area with a diameter Casting Time: One action
normally take standard actions. In addi¬ in feet equal to the caster s level (maxi¬ Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft/2 levels)
tion, affected characters suffer a -2 mum of to feet diameter), to a thick¬ Effect: Ray
penalty to AC, melee attack rolls, melee ness of the caster's level in inches Target: One non-magical ferrous
damage rolls, and Reflex saves. (maximum 10 inches). object or one ferrous creature
Focus: a small top. Material Component: snow, ice, or Duration: Insranraneous
melted snow or ice. Saving Throw: None
Ray of Sickness_ Spell Resistance: No
Necromancy Ray of Stupidity _ With a successful ranged touch attack,
Level: Sor/Wiz 2 Enchantment (Compulsion) this russet ray corrodes metal that it
Components: V, S [Mind-Affecting] touches. It can effectively destroy any
Casting Time: One action Level: Sor/Wiz 2 nonmagical iron or iron alloy object.
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft/2 levels) Components: V, S, M Such objects struck by the rust ray take
Effect: Ray Casting Time: One action ad6 points of damage +1 per two caster
Duration: 1 round/level Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ftJ2 levels) levels (maximum +10), ignoring hardness.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Effect: Ray The caster can also target a weapon
Spell Resistance: Yes Duration: 1 minute/level being wielded or metal armor being
With a successful ranged touch attack, a Saving Throw: Will negates worn. Metal armor affected by this ray
sickly green ray strikes the target. The Spell Resistance: Yes takes normal damage from the spell and
ray makes the target temporarily nause¬ With a successful ranged touch attack, loses id4 points of Armor Class through
ated. Nauseated characters are unable a bright yellow beam strikes the target. corrosion. If a weapon is reduced to o
to attack, cast or concentrate on spells, The ray temporarily reduces the sub¬ hit points, it is destroyed. Ferrous crea¬
or do anything else requiring attention. ject’s Intelligence with an enhancement tures struck by the ray take the same |
The only action an affected character penalty of -id4, with an additional -1 damage as objects.
can take is a single move (or a move- per two caster levels, to a maximum Magic items can negate the effect
equivalent action) per round. additional penalty of -5. The spell can¬ with a successful Fortitude saving throw.
not reduce Intelligence below t. If the (See page 136 in the PHfor details.)
Ray of Ice target Is a wizard, she might Temporar¬ Material Component: rust dust or a
Evocation [Cold] ily lose the ability to cast some or all of piece of a rust monster.
Level: Sor/Wiz 2 her spelts if her Intelligence score
Components: V, Sr M drops too low. The ability to cast those Sting Ray
Casting Time: One action (prepared) spells returns at the expira¬ Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ftJz levels) tion of the spell. Affecting]
Effect: Ray Material Component: a miniature Level: Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Duration: Instantaneous cone-shaped hat. Components: V, S, M

24 annual 2ooo
for Servant of the
and hobby stores

Alt; trademarks., including-a H character names and their distinctive.liken esses, are property of Wizards of the Coastline. ©20CIG Wizards.
Casting Time: One action Ray of Weakness
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 f\Jz levels) Necromancy KEW FEATS
Effect: Ray Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Duration: Instantaneous Components: V, S Feat Type Prerequisite
Saving Throw: Will negates Casting Time: One action Ray Burst Metamagic
Spell Resistance: Yes Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 Ft,/2 levels) Ray Coning Metamagic -
When this ray successfully strikes, it Effect: Ray Ray Extension Metamagic ~
creates a sensation of many tiny Duration: See text Ray Focus General ~
insects biting and crawling on the vic¬ Saving Throw: Fortitude half Ray Splitting Metamagic
tim's body. The target can attempt a Spell Resistance: Yes
Will save each round to shake off the A dark ray drains the strength of its Ray Burst [Metamagic]
effects. Until the spell is shrugged off, target, if a successful ranged touch You change the effect 0? a ray spell to
the victim is hampered by the unsettling attack is made. The target suffers 2d6 a 30-foot radius burst centered on
feeling of all the stinging and biting and points of Strength damage +\ per two yourself.
is staggered, able only to perform a caster levels, to a maximum of 2d6 + Benefit; A ray burst hits aft targets {friend or foe)
within 10 feet. Targets within 30 feel are allowed a
partial action each round. The victim 10 at 20th level If the larget succeeds
Reflex save 10 avoid the bursi. Any targets, that do
also suffers a -2 penalty to AC, If the at a Fortitude saving throw, she takes not avoid the effect are treated as if they were hit
victim attempts to cast a spell, she must only half damage. by the ray spell. Any target with 100% cover with
succeed at a Concentration check with respect to the caster is nol affected. A ray burst
a DC equal to the sting ray's DC + the Ray of Deanirciafion_ spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher than
the spell's actual level.
level of the spell the target is attempt¬ Abjuration
ing to cast So, if a 6th-level sorcerer Level: Sor/Wiz 4
with a 16 Charisma casts sting ray on a Components: V, S Ray Coning [Metamagic]
wizard casting a fireball, the Casting Time: One action You expand a ray spell to a 30-foor
Concentration check DC is tg (16 [sting Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) cone.
ray DC] + 3 [fireball spell level])* Effect: Ray Benefit: All targets in the area of effect receive
Reflex saves to avoid the effect, but are otherwise
Material component; four dried sting¬ Target: One construct
affected as if they were bit by the ray spell. A
ing insects (bees, spiders, and so on). Duration: Instantaneous coned ray uses up a spell slot two levels higher
Saving Throw: Will half than the spell's actual level.
Greater Disrupt Undead_ Spell Resistance: Yes
Necromancy This ray interferes with magical anima¬
Level: Sor/Wiz 3 tion, degenerating the magic bound Ray Extension [Metamagic]_
Components: V, S within constructs and effectively caus¬ You maintain a ray spell for an addi¬
Casting Time: One action ing damage. With a successful ranged tional round.
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./z levels) fouch attack, the ray causes id6 points Benefit: When the extended ray spell is cast, you
can use your next action lo attack with the same
Effect: Ray of damage per caster level lo con¬
ray. You can designate either a different targei or
Duration: Instantaneous structs, to a maximum of iod6. the same target. A successful ranged touch attack
Saving Throw: None is required for the second target. If any other
Spell Resistance: Yes 5TH-LEVEL SPELLS actions are taken, or the spell is disrupted before
This spell works as the cantrip disrupt your next action, then you lose The extended spell
(though any previous effects remain). An extended
undead, except that this ray causes td6 Ray of Entropy __
ray uses up a spell slot one level higher than the
points of damage per caster level to Necromancy spell's aciual level
any undead, to a maximum of iod6. If Level: Sor/Wiz 5
part of the damage is sufficient to Components: V, S
destroy the first undead, then the ray Casting Time: One action Ray Focus [General]
continues through that target to strike Range: Ciose (25 ft. + 5 ft/2 levels) Your ray spells are more effective than
at any undead behind. This process Effect: Ray normal.
continues until all damage is dealt. The Duration: 1 minute/level Benefit: Add +2 to the DC for all saving throws
against all ray spells that you cast.
caster must succeed at a separate Saving Throw: Fortitude half (see
Special: The effects of this Feat stack with the
ranged touch attack for each target. text) effects of the Spell Focus feat.
For example, a 5th-levef wizard casting Spell Resistance: Yes
greater disrupt undead at a group of With a successful ranged fouch attack,
zombies succeeds at his ranged touch a ray of negative energy consumes the Ray Spotting [Metamagic]
attack and deals 18 points of damage. life energy of the target, making the You can attack three adjacent targets
The first zombie has only 16 hit points, target weaker, slower, and less healthy. with a ray speli.
so the zombie behind it takes the last 2 The target must make a Fortitude sav¬ Benefit: A split ray can hit three largets. A success’
points of damage if the caster succeeds ful ranged touch attack is needed for each target,
ing throw if the caster succeeds at a
and each roll incurs a -4 penalty to Hit, A target
at another ranged touch attack. ranged touch attack. If the saving throw cannot be at lacked more than once with a given
fails, the target suffers a -4 effective spell. A split ray uses up a spell slot Iwo levels
decrease to Strength, Constitution, and higher than the spelts actual level.
Dexterity for the duration of the spell.

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I f magic remains a mysterious and rarely-mastered force,
then enchanted weapons are undoubtedly few and far-
meteoric iron are welt known for their use in weapons and
armor, and other materials such as silver are known to be
between. A 11 fongswordbecomes a major find, and special particularly effective against certain creatures.
weapons like keen or flaming short swords or a +2 fongsword
bane vs. giants become once-m-a-lifetime acquisitions—The
DfrtD campaign equivalent of Excalibur. NEW METALS AND MATERIALS
Of course, player characters always search for any advan¬ Campaign worlds'are vast, and the secrets of new metals
tage in combat. The scarcity of magic weapons inspires that can be used to forge unique weapons are just waiting to
weaponsmiths to hone their skills in creating weapons of be found. These secrets mighl be held closely by dwarven
exceptional quality, or to experiment with alloys or technolo¬ forgers deep underground, or they might be discovered by
gies to create more powerful weapons. Adamantine and an alchemist on accident.
Other characters might call upon their nonhuman allies to
1ABLE I: WEAPON MODIFICATION COSTS share the secrets of eiven steel or the dwarven "oreslayer”
Modification Bonus; notes Market Frice metal suggested in the City of Ravens Bluff accessory.
Lenaer wood -25% weight, +10 gp per Conversely, they mighl lake on the research for new "super-
■ho ft, to range incre¬ pound of items metals" themselves,
ment for ranged weapons normal weigh I’
Mindsteel +4 to Will saving throws +9000 gp LENAER WOOD
vs, mind-influencing Eiven smiths turn to their forest homes to make use of unique
effects; weight increased woods in their weapons. Lenaer trees (easily identified by their
by 55%; less-effective swirling gray bark, sweet sap, and thick veined leaves shaped
AC bonus (normal bonus
iike seven-pointed stars) are the only source of this special
^e), armor check penalty
wood. Lenaer wood is pale and extremely light (akin to balsa
increased by one
wood), and it is often used by elves for simple artistic carving.
Vakar +266 damage to elves +8,000 gp When properly cured, however, lenaer wood is extremely
"Breakaway" reduced carrying size; +1,000 gp durable while remaining lightweight. Weapons of lenaer wood-
weapons threat on natural typically staves and bows—weigh 25% less than ordinary
20 only weapons. Ranged weapons such as spears and arrows con¬
Copper- weapon damage idS, +4,500 gp structed of lenaer enjoy a 10-foot bonus To their range incre¬
a dam an tile alloy idio, or idi2: +1 damage ment. For example, the range increment of a shortbow
Slug crystal* -25% weight +50Q gp shooting linear arrows would be 70 feet instead of 60 feet.
Lenaer wood adds 10 gp per pound to the cost of items
1 iron-filled 2 +2 to damage +5,000 gp made with it, using the item's normal (non-lenaer) weight as a
guide, A quiver of lenaer arrows costs 31 gp, for example.
1 Ranged weapons crafted of Shis material are ruined after one use. Melee weapons are
somewhat more durable, but each successful hit in irieJee r.nmbur leaves a significant
notch, dent, or similar imperfection and reduces the damage modifier by 1 {to +1, u, -1,
arid 30 01a}. Any bit that inflicts no damage as a result of these modifiers indicates that Miners might run across the extremely rare mokklor or
the weapon has shattered and is beyond repair. “mindsteef" metal. !l is a soft, dull-gray metal sometimes used
p Maces, morningstars, hammers, and other items with larger striking areas remain the in the construe lion of armor. Mokklor resembles lead and
easiest to construct, and receive the full +2 damage bonus. Items such as swords or
shares many of that metal’s physical properties (including a
bailleaxes require much greater skill Imposing a -10 penalty lo a weaponsmiths roll to
create such an item. Furthermore, I he limited volume of material that can be used to fill low melting point and extreme malleability). Armor formed of
such a weapon limits the damage bonus to n. Small items like daggers and arrowheads mindsteef weighs 25% more than normal (Increase the armor
cannot bo created using l his process.
check penalty by one,) It offers less of an AC bonus (by two)

28 annual 2ooo
Duriand’s Armor
compared to steel armors of the same
type. For example, mokklor full plate
offers a +6 armor bonus instead of the
normal +8, weighs 62 pounds instead of
50 pounds, and has an armor check
penalty of -7 instead of -6. The benefit
of mindsteel armor is that it naturally
dampens mind-influencing effects tar¬
geting the wearer. Mindsteel provides
the wearer with a +4 circumstance
bonus to Will saving throws vs. such

Enterprising adventurers who probe
the depths of the dwarves' mountain
homes might come across a vein of
vakar. This durable bluish-black metal
can withstand extreme heat during the
tempering process and exudes a
strange oil. Weapons made with vakar and lovingly crafted a suit of intricate elven forces and single-handedly
metal receive a +1 bonus to damage. full plate. defeated dozens of the finest elven
Furthermore, The oil exuded by vakar is Durand’s Armor is sized for a human warlords (one for each hash mark on
causTic to those of pure elven blood, female and is engraved with intertwin¬ the blade). When the elves and the
raising painful welts and dealing +2d6 ing vines laden with lilies. When Isabel dwarves finally united against the com¬
points of damage to elves. returned from her exploits years later, mon threat of a goblinoid invasion,
she was the sole survivor of an attack Xenos’ army turned on both races to
by mind flayers and credited her "lucky side with the goblins. The forces of evil
armor" for her safe return. were ultimately turned back, and the
The gray metal the dwarves provided traitorous general was killed and his
The following items have been created was actually mindsteel, and that metal's weapon lost during the pitched battle.
using materials like these, combined properties enabled Isabel lo survive the The metallic part of the axe con¬
with advanced techniques in weapon illithid attack that claimed her compan¬ stantly seeps a clear, odorless oil that is
construction. Although each provides ions, The alloy developed by Roman was corrosive to elven skin. Merely touch¬
bonuses in combat, these bonuses are unique and as durable as regular steel- ing the oil causes painful burns and
due solely to exceptional material or eliminating the penalty to Armor Class blisters, while wounds inflicted with the
workmanship rather than enchantment. normally associated with mindsteel weapon burn fiercely.
armor-but the impurity of the mindsteel Leafcutter provides a +1 bonus to hit
DURAND’S ARMOR affected the psionic properties of the as a result of its exceptional balance
Roman Durand was a human armor- metal. Thus, Durand's Armor has an and edge, it is forged of vakar alloyed
smith of unsurpassed skill; the dwarves armor bonus of +8 but provides only a with silver, and retains the effectiveness
of the nearby mountains considered +2 circumstance bonus to Will saving of both metals. Because of the vakar
him an honorary dwarf in appreciation throws vs. mind-influencing effects. metal, Leafcutter also receives a
of his talents. When Roman's daughter Market price: 11,800 gp bonus to damage. When attacking elves
Isabel expressed a desire to seek (not half-elves), Leafcutter inflicts an
adventure, Roman resolved to create a LEAFCUTTER additional 2d6 points of damage. The
suit of armor that would protect her Leafcutter is a battleaxe forged of an vakar-salver alloy is called "vereef by
even away from home. He persuaded unusual bluish-silver metal with a per¬ the dwarves, and it is as effective as
Isabel to postpone her departure for a petually oily sheen. The haft is carved pure silver against creatures wilh an
year, asking the dwarves to train her from the ihighbone of a fire giant, and intolerance For that metal.
with the battleaxe and crossbow while the grip has been wrapped with a fine Market price: 11,315 gp.
he worked on a masterpiece. steel chain. Minute etchings along one
Roman’s dwarven friends provided of the axe's double edges appear lo be EWARD’S SWORD
the smith with several bars of dull gray runes, though closer inspection reveals The warrior Eward (a 7-foot beast of a
metat that they had unearthed in an that they are merely a series of hash man from the wicked berserker tribes
ancient dwarven temple. They sus¬ marks: There are forty-seven in all. of distant badlands) was the failed proj¬
pected the metal had special properties The weapon was forged centuries ago ect of several ambitious priests of the
and invited Roman to use it when con¬ during a heated war between the elves god of justice. The priests lured Eward
structing his daughter's armor. He and the dwarves. H was presented as a to their city with promises of rigorous
alloyed the dwarven metal with steel gift to the human general Xenos, who warrior training and glorious battles to
and a small amount of gold (for color), led his mercenary army against the come. They had intended to educate

be scraped away, heated to a low melt¬
ing point, and used as a lightweight sub¬
stitute for some metals. The items
produced are a rich golden color and
capable of holding an edge, lhough they
are somewhat brittle.
Lowri used lenaer wood to craft the
shafts of the arrows, so these missiles
increase the ranges at which they can be
accurately fired as described above.
Such arrows also receive a +1 bonus to
attack rolls, as the length and aerody¬
namic nature of the fletching and arrow¬
heads increases the arrows’ accuracy.
Marker price: 63 gp per 20 arrows

Created by the legendary dwarven
smith Athdar Steelbreaker, Rejavik is a
warhammer, surprisingly light for Its
Eward, augment his considerable hit on a natural so, though if is still sub¬ larger-than-normal size. The haft is
combat skills with the finest fencing ject to a feat (such as Improved Critical) carved of black wood, half again as long
instructors available, and present their and spells (such as keen edge) that and thick as a standard warhammer. The
"converted” paladin to their superiors. affect critical ranges. head itself is twice normal size and con¬
Ultimately, their project failed. Eward The exceptional quality of Eward's structed of iron. Thick leather wraps the
learned as much as he could from the Sword provides a +1 bonus to attack lower half of the haft, and beneath
priests and the half-dozen swordsmen rolls. The green metal used to create these wrappings runic carvings identify
hired to train him. When he felt they had the blade is an alloy of adamantine and the weapon s name and creator, it
nothing more to offer, Eward fumed on copper its exceptional temper provides weighs no more than an ordinary
the priests, sacking their temple and a +1 bonus to damage. It rakes a full- warhammer (8 pounds).
leaving the city to become one of the round action to assemble or disassem¬ The head of the hammer is actually
most feared mercenaries in the land. ble the sword. crafted of two separate pieces, expertly
Like his clansmen, Eward was highly Marker price: 4,850 gp. joined so that the seam can only be
suspicious of magic, but he wanted a detected with a successful Search skill
superior, even unique, weapon. When LOWRrS ARROWS check (DC 25). The head is hollow and
he had amassed a small fortune as a In the annals of elven history, there the cavity is half-filled with a mixture of
hired sword, he commissioned a special might be no greater archer than the iron filings and quicksilver. The ham-
non-magic weapon from an aging dark warrior-maiden Lowri. Though she is mer’s unique design enables the wielder
elf who lived as a hermit in the moun¬ remembered for her considerable skill, to deliver blows of incredible might.
tains of the north. The drew weapon- she is also known for the unique When Rejavik is swung, the quicksil¬
smith created an immense greafsword arrows she created. ver and iron filings fill the upper por¬
for Eward, a blade of sickly green metal Lowri’s arrow shafts are crafted tion of the hammerhead, increasing the
with a hilt of blackened steel The pom¬ from pale wood that is lightweight and speed at which the hammer is swung
mel consisted of a large bloodstone, and sturdy, while the arrowheads appear to through the air. When the hammer
the crossguards resembled muscular be crafted from honey-colored amber. strikes, this mixture is flung forward,
arms culminating in grasping claws. The The arrowheads are thicker at the base filling the front half of the head and
weapon could be disassembled and car¬ than most but taper to razor-sharp ser¬ increasing the impact of the blow,
ried in a special case that appeared to rated edges and a lethal point. The granting a +2 bonus to damage.
house a simple lute. The sword is fletching of the arrows is nearly twice Market price: it6oo gp.
designed to broken down into four as long as one would expect and
pieces: The blade separates halfway crafted from thin, nearly transparent
along its length into two interlocking segments of the same material used in NEW CREATIONS
sections, and the bloodstone pommel the arrowheads. Many of the modifications described
unscrews to permit the grip and cross- The materia! lowri used to create the above can be incorporated into other
guards to detach and slide away from fletching and arrowheads was harvested weapons. The costs appear on Table 1:
the fang of the blade. The sword is from a nest of blind cave slugs. These Weapon Modification Costs. All cost
expertly designed and precisely creatures are 6 inches long and unintel¬ modifiers are cumulative, so a master-
counter-balanced to protect the delicate ligent, but reasonably friendly (as slugs work longsword created from slug
mechanisms that hold it together-but go). Thick trails of crystallized golden crystal and filled with quicksilver and
the sword still suffers in combat. slime coat the floor, walls, and ceilings iron filings has a total cost modifier
Eward’s sword only threatens a critical of the slugs' nest, and this material can of +5,800. ^

3o annual 2ooo
^active, Devetoffed by Cryo Interactive. The
*t> Interactive Software the Take Two fo-ac
are properties of their respective owners. Wi
by James Jacobs illustrated by Paolo Parente

could actually absorb and utilize the

arms of its victims as its own.
Perhaps the most infamous of the
beasts is the julajimus. These monsters
were too dangerous for the cult 1o keep
nearby, so they were often magically

U ntold centuries ago, there

existed a terrible cult of
world. Most of these temples were con¬
centrated in the Yati! Mountains, but in
transported into the wilderness near
small villages or towns where they
could wreak incredible devastation
depravity whose only goals the months after the Dark Gods' banish¬ in a short period of time.
were to spread feart despair, and ment many of them were destroyed. Finally, there are the rogue eidolons.
insanity to the rest of the world. This They exist now only as ruins, often These constructs were the pride and
cult comprised hundreds of chapters serving as lairs for creatures unsus¬ joy of the cult. When a chapter had
scattered across the Flanaess, yet they pecting of The history of their homes, especially pleased Tharizdun, the Dark
were unified in their devotion to their A more concrete and menacing God would invest one of the temple
Dark God: Tharizdun, Eventually the legacy of the time of Tharizdun are the statues with a portion of divine power,
evils of the Cult of Tharizdun grew too various creatures the cult used as causing the thing to transform into a
much for its enemies to bear, and the guardians and minions. At Its height, the potent guardian and advisor. 1 hese
Dark God was imprisoned in a different cult was notorious for the use of these eidolons possessed incredible intelli¬
dimension. Yet the Dark God s legacy terrible and unique monsters. Since the gence and wisdom, but the imprison¬
remains. Mere mention of his name can cult's demise, most of these monsters ment of their god drove them insane
send chills down the spine of even the have died off. with rage and hatred. Many of these
bravest adventurer. The least of these creatures is the rogue eidolons destroyed their cult
Today, the Cult of Tharizdun is all but kurge, a vile undead being originally cells before wandering off into the
extinct. After their god's imprisonment, created to serve as a temple guardian. surrounding wilderness.
the various cuits rapidly succumbed to The captured bodies of powerful ene¬ This is but a sample of the various
internal strife. The Scarlet Brotherhood mies who opposed the cult were often beasts associated with Tharizdun. Who
has been known to use the Dark Gods transformed into kurge and returned to knows what terrible fiends still lurk in
name as a threat, but how much they their homelands to spread fear and undiscovered cult temples from the
truly know about him is anyone’s guess. disease. Another undead creation of Ihe time of the Dark God?
At its height, the Cult maintained dozens cult was the destructive rotripper. An
of huge, gothic temples throughout the animated ogre corpse, this creature

32 annual 2ooo

A julajimus stands a bir more than

18 feet ta]l and looks vaguely
like a massive baboon, its arms
are long and muscular, with four fully
articulated joints each. The body is cov¬
ered with dark blue or black fur, and it
has a large blue reptilian tall. The mouth
of a julajimus is drsproportaonally large
for the head and is filled with razor-
sharp teeth the size of scimitar blades.
Villagers often tell stories of the jula¬
jimus to their children. At some point
in the story, the main character, a child,
takes in a cute animal as a pet despite
repeated warnings from their parents
that there isn't enough food or room
to house Ihe creature. The story ends
with the rebellious child hiding the crit¬
ter In his room, only to have It turn
Into a julajimus one night and eat him
alive. In fact, the name “julajimus” is
derived from an ancient phrase "jul
ajimolusJ” or “eater of children/'
The julajimus is territorial, gathering
In pairs only once a decade to mate.
The presence of a julajimus has a
strange effect on nearby wildlife, caus¬
ing animals to become more aggressive
than normal. Increased attacks on
domestic animals by wildlife can indicate
the arrival of a julajimus. The monster is
not afraid of civilization, and the lights of
a village at night can attract a curious
julajimus to investigate.
Ancient texts hint that, in rimes long
past, the cult of Tharizdun created the
first julajimus from human prisoners.
While these text don't indicate what the must make a Will save (DC so) or Roar (Su): Three times a day, a
purpose of the julajimus is, it seems succumb to panic. Those who save suc¬ julajimus can roar out Tharizdun's
clear that they were created for one cessfully are immune to this ability for name; this roar can be heard for
purpose; to spread fear in the hearts 24 hours. Panicked victims are frozen All creatures within 60 feet must
of the non-believers. motionless in fear; each round a new a Fortitude save (DC 19) or become
saving throw can be attempted to deafened for 3d 6 hours. Those who
Combat throw off this effect. This saving throw also suffer 6d6
The julajimus enjoys the sensation of Stunning Attack (Su): If a julajimus points of subdual damage.
gnawing living creatures and always successfully scores a critical hit with its Immunities (Ex): A julajimus is
attacks with its bite first It follows with claws, the victim must make a Fortitude immune to all spells of the
slashes from its two claws. Despite its save (DC 19) or be stunned by the Enchantment school.
size, the julajimus is terrifyingly fast force of the blow. Stunned victims can¬ Resistance (Ex): A julajimus has
and can easily outrun most prey. not act and lose any positive Dexterity resistance 20.
Cause Panic (Su): A julajimus radiates bonus to AC, while attackers get a +2 Polymorph Self (Su): The most
a supernatural aura that can chill the bonus on attack rolls against a stunned notorious ability of the julajimus is its
blood of the bravest warrior. Any living opponent. The victim of a stunning power to polymorph itself at will
creature within 20 feet of a julajimus attack remains stunned for id4 rounds. small, cuddly creature (such as a
®pmunk, or kitten). This allows the
|Ulajimus to lull its prey into a false
|ense of security before it shifts into its
latural form So attack. Reverting to its
‘true form is a free action.
Vulnerable to Sunlight (Su): A jula-
;jimus becomes paralyzed when exposed
■to sunlight. Each round, it can make a
fortitude save (DC 20) to resist paraly-
jsi. Once it is paralyzed, the creature is
A kurge is a disgusting undead
creature that appears as an
Kurge generally lie motionless on the
completely helpless (although its damage animated humanoid in an ground, waiting for victims to come
reduction and fire resistance still make advanced state of decay. Various body near. When someone does, they spring
it difficult to kill) and can be attacked in parts and limbs are often hanging up and attack, surprising the victim. A
relative safety. The monster is com¬ together only by a few rancid strips of successful Spot check versus a kurge’s
pletely aware of its surroundings during flesh. The unholy symbol of Tharizdun Hide check defeats such an ambush.
its time; it is simply powerless to act. is burned into its forehead, torso, and Kurge attack with two claws until they
The paralysis lasts for 1CI4 rounds after both arms and legs. Faint white flame are struck for damage. (See below.)
The exposure to sunlight ends. that radiates intense cold washes over Constitution Damage (Su): Kurge
the thing's body, but perhaps the seethe with an unholy cold fire that dam¬
strangest aspect of a kurge is the fact ages the lifeforce of those they touch.
that it floats about a foot off the ground Anyone struck by a kurge must make a
when moving. Fortitude save (DC 15) or take id4 points
Kurge were created by the Cult of of temporary Constitution damage.
Tharizdun as temple guardians. While Disease (Ex): Kurge are filthy crea¬
JULAJIMUS their creator lives (either alive or tures that swarm with parasites and filth.
Huge Aberration undead) the kurge are bound to strictly Anyone who is damaged by a kurge in
Hit Dice i6d8+8o (152 hp) and literally follow orders. Once their melee combat must make a Fortitude
initiative +2 (Dex)_ creator dies, however, the kurge save (DC 15) or catch a particularly vir¬
Speed 50 ft._ become uncontrolled. Such kurge ulent disease known as skinripple from
AC AC: 22 (“2 size, actively search for living mortals to the creature. If the Fortitude save is not
_+2 Dex, +12 natural) destroy out of hatred for life. successful, the damaged character rakes
Attacks I Bite +tg melee, Although all but forgotten, the id4 points of permanent Constitution
£ claws +14 melee process by which a kurge is created is damage after an incubation time of is
Damage Bite 3810+4, relatively simple and can be undertaken id4 days. Once per day afterward, the
_claws 388+4_ by any wizard with access to the school infected character must make a success¬
Face/Reach 10 ft. by 20 ft./io ft of Necromancy-once the appropriate ful Fortitude saving throw to avoid
Special Cause panic, stunning spells are known and available to be repeated damage. Two successful saves
Attacks attack, roar cast. The wizard must first slay a living in a row indicate that the character has
Special Damage reduction person (human or nonhuman) by inject¬ fought off the infection.
Qualities 20/+2, resist fire 20, ing the victim with a rare and lethal Initial symptoms include numbness,
immune to enchant poison known as haramere. Haramere chills, dizziness, and shortness of breath.
ments, polymorph self, ts difficult to find and brew, and often As the disease progresses, large watery
_vulnerable to sunlight costs in excess of 1,500 gp per dose. It blisters form on the victims body and
Saves j Fort -ho, Ref +7, Will no is an injected DC 18 poison that does the skin becomes loose and baggy.
Abilities Sir 28, Dex 14, Con 20, 2d6 initial Constitution damage and sd6 Anatomic Separation (Su): Whenever
Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14 secondary Constitution damage. Those a kurge is struck for damage, the mon¬
Skills Climb +22, Disguise slain by haramere begin to putrefy ster’s body splits apart into six compo¬
+io*f Intimidate +10, very rapidly, and within 6 hours are nents: a head, two arms, two legs, and
Jump +22, Listen +to, nothing but a skeleton in a pool of the torso. Each body part remains ani¬
_ Spot +1o_ liquefied filth. This decay can be stalled mated and can continue to attack by
Feats | Power Attack, Cleave by soaking the body in brine; this must slamming into targets with great force.
* when using polymorph ability be done for an entire night if a wizard These arracks cause temporary
wishes to create a kurge from the Constitution damage as detailed in the
Climate/Terram Temperate forests remains. Once these requirements are kurge sidebar. A kurge s face and reach
Organization Solitary met, the wizard must cast the following remain the same once it anatomically
Challenge Rating 12 spells on the body while it is stilt sub¬ separates; the body parts must remain
Treasure Double standard merged in brine: animate dead, levitate, fairly close together. Each body part
Alignment Always neutral evil geas, telekinesis, vampihc toucht and can attack different targets in melee
Advancement Range 17-32 HD gentle repose. With the last spell, the range, or They can all concentrate on a
(Gargantuan); 32+ HD (Colossal) body rises from the brine as a kurge, single target. The body parts continue
ready to obey its creator’s every whim. to fight until the k urge's hit points are

34 annual 2ooo
Medium Undead
Hit Dice 6di2 (39 hp)
Initiative +4 (Dex)
: TtSpeed 30 ft.
AC 17 (+4 Dex, +3
Attacks 2 claws +7 melee or 6
slams +5 melee
Damage Claw id6+3; slam id4
Face/Reach 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Constitution damage,
Atficks disease, anatomic
Special Particle cloud, feather
Qualities fattf fast healing 1,
undead immunities
Saves Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +6
Abilities Str 16, Dex t8, Con
Int to, Wis t2, Cha 14
Skills Climb +9, Escape
Artist +4*, Hide +to,
Move Silently +io,
Search +6
J Feats Multiattack, Combat
* When anatomically separated the
kurge receives a +iq bonus to
Escape Artist checks.

Climate/Terrain Any
Organization Solitary or gang (2-5)
Challenge Rating 6
Treasure Half standard goods or
Alignment Always chaotic evil
Advancement Range 7-12 HD

reduced to o, at which time the body id3 points of damage per round from
parts drop To the ground and rapidly this cbud. mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep
rot away. Magical forces prevent the Feather Fall (Sp): Although their paralysis, stunning,
body parts from being disassociated means of locomotion might resemble subject to critical hits, subdual
and taken from the square the kurge flight, it is actually a form of levitation ability damage, energy dram, or
occupies. Grapple attempts against that allows horizontal motion. A kurge from massive damage.
separated kurge parts are treated as always remains no more than a foot off Skills: A kurge gains a 4-10
though made against a huge creature. the ground. A falling kurge is protected Escape Artist checks when its
Particle Cloud (Su): When a kurge’s by a continual feather fall effect. separation power is active.
anatomic separation power activates, Fast Healing (Ex): A kurge heals dam¬
hundreds of tiny bits of bone and age very quickly at the rate of 1 hit point
leathery Flesh explode off of the per round. If this returns the kurge to
kurge’s body, surrounding each body full hit points, its body parts instantly re¬
part with a stinging swarm of whirling attach. This healing ceases once the
decay. Anyone in melee combat with kurge is brought to o hit points.
a separated kurge automatically takes

T ypically 12 to 14 feet tall.
The exact appearance of one
destroying themselves in a fit of
suicidal rage, but a few wandered off
rogue eidolon differs wildly into the wilderness. Since Tharizdun's
from the next. They are always con¬ imprisonment, no new constructs of
structed of purple stone (often this type have been created, and the
magically treated to achieve such rogue eidolons that still function have
a distinct color). As a general degenerated into complete psychosis
rule, they are humanoid in and are little more than destructive
shape, badly weathered, and forces of evil
possess monstrous deformi¬
ties. The only other constants Combat
from one rogue eidolon to A rogue eidolon almost always attacks
the next is the fact that Iheir any living creature it encounters due to
hands are always pitch black, a burning need for revenge for the loss
and their faces are com¬ of its god. The nature of the insanity
pletely blank save for a that afflicts a rogue eidolon is com¬
crude symbol of Tharizdun pletely unpredictable, though, and it's
carved violently Into the oth¬ possible that it simply ignores intruders.
erwise featureless visage. When a rogue eidolon attacks, it does
This symbol leaks a thick so by smashing victims with its stony
fluid that looks like blood and fists. Tactics mean little to a rogue
evaporates within minutes of eidolon. Its attacks are so single-minded
dripping to the ground. that it often ignore easier targets once
Many centuries ago, when it has selected a victim.
the Dark God was still free, the most Confusion (Sp): A being struck by a
powerful cult cells created large statues rogue eidolon must make a Will save
in the images of their leaders. The faces (DC 15) or be confused Insane charac-
of these statues were left blank save ters suffer from a continuous confu¬
for the symbol of Tharizdun to indicate sion effect; this effect can be removed
ROGUE EIDOLON the Dark God's mastery over his fol¬ only by greater restoration, limited
large Construct lowers. These statues were always wish, miracle, and wish.
Hit Dice | gdio (49 hp) placed at honored locations in the Dark Blood Spray (Su): On the First round
Initiative +0 God s temples were they stood over of combat and every fourth round
Speed 30 ft. (can’t run) countless sacrifices. Those cult cells thereafter, the rogue eidolon can spew
AC 21 (-1 size, 4*12 natural) who particularly pleased the Dark God a gout of thick blood from the seeping
Attacks 2 slams +10 melee were sometimes rewarded; Tharizdun symbol carved into its face at a target
Damage Slam 286+7 himself would send the tiniest shred of within 30 feet. This is a free action, A
Face/Reach 5 ft by 5 ft/10 ft his power across the dimensions to creature struck by the blood spray
Special Confusion, blood infuse the cult's statue, granting it sen¬ must make a Will save (DC 15) or be
| Attacks spray tience and the ability to serve as a sort afflicted with a terrible madness that
Special Damage reduction of avatar for the Dark God. These forces the victim to see all friends as
Qualities so/+2t SR tg. "awakened*’ eidolons were fully aware, hated enemies. A creature that suc¬
! construct wielded a devastating array of divine cumbs to this rage will attack its closest
Saves ; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1 spells, and usually took the roles of ally immediately; this rage prevents
Abilities 1 Str zo,.Dex 10. Con —, advisors to the cell. In certain cases spell casting but not the activation of
Int 4, Wis 6, Cha iz where the members of a cult displeased magic Items that require spell comple¬
Tharizdun, the eidolon would eradicate tion. This murderous frenzy lasts for
Cinnate/Terrain Any the cult cell before deactivating itself. 3d6 rounds.
Organization Solitary With the Dark God’s imprisonment, Construct: Rogue eidolon are
Challenge Rating 9 the many eidolons operating throughout immune to mind-influencing effects,
Treasure None the world were instantly cut off from poison, disease, and similar effects.
Alignment Always chaotic neutral the source of their power. While they They are not subject to critical hits,
Advancement Range 11-18 HD retained their intelligence and mobility, subdual damage, ability damage, energy
(Large), 19-27 HD (Huge) this sudden loss of divine power drove drain, or death from massive damage.
them completely insane. Most of these
eidolons slew their cults before

annual 2ooo
A rotripper (pronounced down victims who had escaped the
rot-ripper) appears as a cult's clutches.
decaying lo-foot-tall ogre Animals avoid rotripper lairs;
corpse with more than two arms: some birds and insects won't even fly
rotrippers possess more than twelve over them.
arms in all, each of different sizes and A rotripper is impossible to
shapes. A rotripper created from a control without powerful magic.
humanoid or giant other than an ogre The necromancers or priests who
is exceedingly rare. create these undead beings gener¬
The rotripper understands that lair¬ ally do not want them to serve as
ing in heavily populated areas is dan¬ guardians or servants as a result.
gerous and thus prefers to lurk in Generally, a rotripper is created
out-of-the-way locales such as moun¬ only to sow destruction and pain
tain passes or roads through dense in the world
forests. Every rotripper is incredibly Creating a rotripper requires
patient and persistent, and only death an armless ogre corpse. This
stops it from tracking a victim once it corpse must have a pair of living
decides It wants the victim s arms. This ogre limbs grafted to its body by
obsession with collecting arms was magical means. Next, the body
likely instilled long ago when the Cult must be anointed with the blood of
of Tharizdun created the first rotrip¬ a vampire and the spittle of any
pers as a sort of “bloodhound” to track demon. The creator must then
animate the body by means of
ROTRIPPER either a limited wish spelt or a spe¬
Large Undead cialized version of the raise dead
Hit Dice $dt2 {52 hp) spell. The newly created rotripper might Rend (Ex); If a rotripper hits with
Initiative -1 (Dex) attack its creator in an attempt to steal at least two daw attacks, it latches
Speed 1 30 ft. her arms, so a means of restraining or onto the opponent's body and tears the
AC 15 {-1 Dex, -1 size, controlling it is recommended. flesh. This attack automatically deals an
+7 natural) additional 2d8+y points of damage. A
Attacks 2 claws +8 melee, Combat rotripper that hits a single target with
additional claws +6 The rotripper is fairly intelligent, but its four arms can rend a victim twice.
melee insatiable greed for new arms often Unlike the rend attacks of other
Damage primary daws id8+5f forces it to throw tactics to the wind creatures, if a victim is slain (reduced
secondary claws *d8+a and simply wade into combat, arms to -10 hit points) by a rend attack, the
Face/Reach 5 ft. by 5 ft,/10 ft. flailing. The two original arms grafted rotripper has ripped the victim's arms
Special Grab, remove limb. onto its body during its creation are off. The following round, the rotripper
Attacks rend the rotripperis primary attack; any uses its absorb limb ability to fuse the
Special Undead, damage additional arms comprise the monster's victim's arms with its body.
Qualifies reduction 10/+1, secondary attacks. A Large rotripper Absorb Limb (Su): Once a rotripper
absorb limbs can possess up to 2d8 arms, while a removes a limb, it attaches it to its own
Saves Fort +2, Ref +5, Will -ho Huge one can possess up to 468 stolen torso. It rakes a move-equivalent action
Abilities Str 20, Dex 8, Con limbs. Fortunately, a single target can to absorb one arm; it takes a full-round
Int i2t Wis 14, Cha 13 be attacked by no more than four arms action for the rotripper to attach two
Skills Climb +13, Hide +3, at once. The rotripper can split its arms. Once the arm is attached, the
* Intuit Direction +10, attacks among any targets in melee. rotripper heals idt2 hit points and a set
Search +9, Wilderness Improved Grab (Ex): The rotripper is of talons rapidly grow from the arm's
Lore +10 supematurally strong and gains the hand. The rotripper can attack with a
Feats Track, Multrattack appropriate bonuses to attack rolls and new arm the round after it is attached,
damage with its attacks, despite the though it can still only target a single
Climate/Terrain Any musculature of the arm employed. Each opponent with a maximum of four arms.
Organization Solitary or gang (3-8) time a rotripper makes a successful Undead: Rotrippers are immune to
Challenge Rating 7 attack, it can make a free grapple check mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep,
Treasure Standard without provoking an attack of oppor¬ paralysis, stunning, and disease. They
Alignment Always chaotic evil tunity. It gains a +1 bonus to this are not subject to critical hits, subdual
Advancement Range 9-16 HD grappling check for each arm that is damage, ability damage, energy drain,
(Large), 17-24 HD (Huge) already grappling the victim. or death from massive damage. ^

ANY00PY M />foO Yatfl SELL
f Really, Fori ITT -a v TFNf J

Will AW



BABES /M TTfr, should sojlit Fo« IT'LL 8FCHEAP AT FIFTV BUCKS,
CITY op death! /£ THOUGHT^* .TCNPOLLflftS/ v a HANp'UjRineE) Mf)mscrnpr
SHOULD be WORTH ANP your first conMEdcmc
TAKE IT. Really?/ ANP IT'5 GOT
etp bA0Cj/




38 annual 2ooo

Gorgoldarid’s Gauntlet
Adventurers Welcome!
by Johnathan M. Richards
cover by Stephen Walsh • illustrated by Dennis Cramer • cartography by Diesel

"Gorgoldand’s Gauntlet" is a DOtD adventure suitable for four ist-level PCs. It takes
place in a cave network in the side of a cliff overlooking a lake and can easily be
inserted into any campaign. The adventure can be adapted for characters of up to
4th level, as described in the "Scaling the Adventure" sidebar.

? Monster Statistics y* Trap Statistics Iff Object Statistics f Non-player Characters (NPCs)

Adventure Background
A gold dragon calling himself “Gorgoldand" (an anagram of created by the gold dragon, as well as some slightly more devi¬
"gold dragon") converted a cave network into a testing ground ous and dangerous ones added by the scheming jermlaine. If
to surreptitiously test the abilities of local adventuring bands. they make if all the way to the end of the Gauntlet, they’ll have
He did this by posing (in human form) as a book collector and gained access to a magic item that can have a significant
hiring each band to unearth a small cache of important tomes impact on their adventuring careers.
said to be stored in the deep recesses of a cave network
known as the “Gauntlet.” As the adventurers struggled Through For the Players
the various traps and obstacles Gorgoldand had put in their The PCs are brought into the adventure by following a map
way, the dragon observed their progress with the help of his that leads to the Gauntlet They could have found the map in a
pseudodragon companion, Snooky. If the adventurers were treasure hoard during a previous adventure, or Snooky might
ultimately successful, Gorgoldand retrieved the tomes and have simply left a copy at the PCs’ campsite as they slept. In
allowed the heroes to keep the other treasure he'd stocked in either case, the map directs the PCs to the entrance of the
the Gauntlet from his hoard. Always included in the treasure Gauntlet but provides no information on the interior of the
was a magic sword of his own design, through which he could cave network (and thus it is not provided as a player handout).
keep tabs on the band. Details on this magic sword are pro¬ The map specifically mentions hidden treasure at the end of
vided in the "Hoardmaster" sidebar. Once the adventurers the Gauntlet but does not indicate what that treasure is.
were gone, Gorgoldand would restock the treasure room in
preparation for the next adventuring band. The Gauntlet
Recently, however, Gorgoldand vanished. Lacking further Unless otherwise mentioned, the interior of the Gauntlet is
guidance in the months since his masters disappearance, dominated by rough floors and is unlit, PCs without darkvision
Snooky has done his best to keep the testing facility running: need to provide their own light sources.
feeding the rust monsters and distributing copies of the maps
that lead adventurers to the Gauntlet. When a band of 1* Cliff Ledge,
jermlaine moved into the cave network a few months ago, The PCs map leads them to the top of a cliff overlooking a
Snooky grudgingly approved of the modifications they made large lake.
to the Gauntlet, his love of practical jokes winning out over his A metal piton hammered into the stone near the edge of the
sense of fair play. All in all, Snooky sees the jermlaine as a self- cliff gives silent testimony that others have been this way
sustaining “upgrade" to his absent master s Gauntlet. before, although the rope that would normally be attached to
The piton is missing. The narrow cave entrance to the Gauntlet
Adventure Synopsis is some 60 feet below the top of the cliff.
“Gorgoldand’s Gauntlet" is a site-based adventure with a pre- The jermlaine band removed the rope that the last adven¬
dominance of puzzles and traps. The PCs discover a map lead¬ turing band used to climb down to the cave entrance. The PCs
ing to the Gauntlet and explore it looking for treasure. They can attach their own rope to climb down or do so without
test their srrength and wits against various traps and puzzles rope. Climb checks (DC 20 without rope or DC 10 with rope)

4o annual 2ooo

are required from each character. Anyone falling from the Along the north waif of the cavern is a secret door. The
cliff face plummets to the lake surface below. The cave secret door opens to a passageway that leads to a set of four
entrance is 20 feet above the surface of the water. (The lake holding pits in area 16 and the jermlaine central lair in area 17.
is 40 feet deep in that area.) PCs plunging from the top of the If the dust of sneezing and choking trap is triggered (see
cliff fall a lotal of 80 feet before hitting water Use the Tailing below), etves do not get their normal chance of detecting this
into Water5' rules on page 02-113 °F Dungeon Masters secret door merely by passing within 5 feet of it. This restric¬
Guide to calculate falling damage, as appropriate. tion remains in effect until the magical dust cloud settles to the
ground gd4 rounds after being triggered. If the Trap is not
2, Cave Opening, triggered, or once the dust has settled, elves have their nor¬
The cave opening is a narrow, upright slit in the side of the mal chances of noticing the secret door.
cliff wall. There is no illumination within, Trap (EL 2): You might want to allow PCs in the front half
PCs must walk single file until reaching area 3. The DM of the group a Spot check (DC 20) to see the ropes attached
should determine the party’s marching order to see who gets to the spider. If the characters fait this check, the PCs auto¬
to experience the trap just ahead. matically strike first, as the spider is just a hollow husk shed by
its previous owner and thus does not actually attack.
3. Spider Trap. However, the jermlaine have filled the husk with a packet of
The jermlaine have added some refinements to the Gauntlet in dust of sneezing and choking taken from a slain adventurer.
the few short months since moving in. Atong the 20-foot-high Anyone inflicting damage on the dessicated spider husk with a
cavern ceiling they've anchored a "spider web" of crisscross¬ piercing or slashing weapon rips it open and flings the magi¬
ing rope lines. Two jermlaine stand on watch here, ready to cal dust in a 10-foot radius that fills the room.
drop the husk of a large spider onto the first PC who enters V* Dust of Sneezing and Choking Trap: CR 2; Fortitude save
the cavern. negates (DC 15; initial 2d6 temporary Constitution, secondary
Read or paraphrase the following to the player of the lead id6 temporary Constitution); Search (DC 15); Disable Device
character: (DC 15).
Creature (EL '/*): After loosing the spider husk on the PCs,
The narrow passageway widens into a cavern. A hairy, mul¬ the two jermlaine hide in the crevices of the cavern ceiling;
tilegged form drops down on you from the shadows above! PCs trying to spot the jermlaine must make a successful Spot
skill check opposed by the creatures' Hide skill checks. If the

The Gauntlet
One square — 5 feet

Scaling the Adventure animated statue lo area 14. If you use the rogue (with statistics identical to
Although this adventure is designed for optional encounter at the end of the Rashanda's) to the final encounter.
ist-level PCs, the module can be run for adventure, give Breagar the dwarf 4th-levd PCs: Run the adventure
2nd- to 4th-level PCs by changing the another level of rogue, with the changes discussed above, but
strength and number of opponents and 3rd-level PCs: Run the adventure with make the following additional modifica¬
traps. The “Encounter Level Table" at the the changes discussed above, plus the fol¬ tions: Deepen the pit trap in area 4 lo 30
end of the adventure lists the encounter lowing additional modifications: Give the feet deep, give the merrow two levels of
levels for all the encounters. Use this as merrow a single level of fighter (instead fighter, have the paralysis minefield in
a baseline for modifying the adventure of a level of warrior), have the paralysis area it deal id6 points of damage on a
in the manner suggested below: minefield in area 11 deal id 4 points of misstep, and add another stone slaiue to
and-level PCs: The adventure, as damage on a misstep, and add another area 14 (five statues total). Goat the fish¬
written, is a bit too easy for snd-level animated skeleton statue to area 14 (four hooks in area 6 with poison (DC 18; ini¬
PCs. Add one jermlaine to each of the statues total). Also, make the statues tial and secondary damage of id6
three jermlaine encounters, and deepen stone, which gives them a Hardness of Temporary Strength). Finally, make
the pit trap in area 4 to 20 feet. Give the 8. Additionally, coat the fishhooks in Rotvil a 3rd deve! barbarian if you use
merrow a single level of warrior, have area 6 with a mild venom (DC 14: initial the final encounter.
the paralysis minefield deal idg points of and secondary damage id4 temporary
damage on a misstep, and add one more Strength). Finally, add another ist-level

PCs’ Listen skill checks are higher than the jermlaine’s Move not, requires a successful Jump check* (The pit is 10 feel
Silently skill checks, they hear catlike chitterings reminiscent of across.) A running jump is possible as long as the dust has
laughter. If discovered, these jermlaine skitter off into secret cleared in area 3; otherwise, entering the dust cloud again
passageways carved into the cavern wall. The tunnels are forces another Fortitude check to avoid its hazards.
much too small for the PCs to follow. These passageways are V* Pit Trap: CR '/*; no attack roll necessary (id6); +10 melee
near ceiling level and wind back and forth before spilling out (id4 spikes for id4 points of damage per successful hit); Reflex
into area 16. save (DC 20) avoids; Search (DC 21); Disable Device (DC 20).
# Jermlaine (2): CR Diminutive Monstrous Humanoid (i y* Moss Trap: CR ’/*; no attack roll necessary: id2 points of
ft* tall); HD ,4d8; hp 2 each; Init +2 (Dex); Spd 40; AC 14 (+2 temporary Dexterity damage; Fortitude save (DC 16) negates.
Dex, +2 size); Aik 4-0 melee {id3-2, tiny club) or +2 ranged Creatures (EL 1); To add Insult to injury, when the PCs crawl
(^4-2, small halfspear); SQ darkvision 60 ft*, +15 racial bonus back out of the pit (or while jumping over it) four jermlaine
to Hide and Move Silently checks, +5 racial bonus to Listen approach from the east. Each throws a spear at the PCs and
checks; AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 6, Dex 15, Con then retreats, giggling all the way. PCs who make a successful
10, Int io, Wis 17, Cha 9. Spol skill check (DC 15) see that each jermlaine also carries
Skills; Animal Empathy +2, Handle Animal +2, Hide +22, what appears to be a small shepherd’s crook*
Listen -ho, Move Silently +20, Open Lock +5, Spot +4. Feats: % Jermlaine (4): hp 3 each; see area 3 for full statistics.
Skill Focus (Hide),
Possessions: Tiny club, small ha If spear. 5* Chasm Entrance*

4. Trapped Room* As you pursue the tiny tormentors, you see a chasm ahead.
Once again, the passageway narrows, forcing travel in single The little humanoids dive over the ledge feet-firsr, one at a
file. Dangling from the cavern ceiling is a thin rope, ending in time, with their crooks held out above them. Suddenly, you
a loose Sasso made from hair along the ground. The words brush up against several slim strings and feel the tug of
“PUT FUT HEER” has been scrawled in chalk in the middle of sharp metal on your face and arms!
the open lasso-obviously, this is someone's childish idea of a
snare. The boxed text below assumes the PCs are in hot pursuit of
The area immediately beyond the rope lasso snare is a pit the spear-throwing jermlaine. If this is not the case, modify The
trap (see Trap below). The jermlaine added the simplistic and text accordingly.
blatantly obvious snare trap to draw attention away from the Trap (EL 1): Across this area of the Gauntlet the jermlaine
real danger. The rope lasso is only weakly attached to the cav¬ have hung hundreds of fishhooks on slim lines woven from
ern ceiling and can be pulled down easily. (A PC cannot use it hair. The fishhooks are staggered at various heights ranging
to prevent falling into the pit.) from 2-6 feet from the cavern floor; the foot-tall jermlaine
Trap (EL 1): Gorgoldand created a simple pit trap here to test rush by at full speed, confident that they'll avoid entanglement.
the adventurers. Two hinged trap doors open inward to a 10- DMs might want to allow the PCs a Spot cheek (DC 20) to see
foot pit if more than 50 pounds is placed on them. The the trap as they chase the jermlaine. (The DC is only 15 if the
jermlaine have since modified the pit, wedging the snapped-off PCs proceed with caution.)
blades of a few daggers into cracks in the stone pit floor. A successful Dexterity check (DC 20) is needed to get free
Furthermore, the devious little pests have lined the pi! with a of the fishhooks; each unsuccessful attempt deals another
rare underground moss with effects similar to poison ivy. point of damage. Optionally, any PC not entangled can cut
Jumping over the pit trap, whether it's been activated or an entangled companion free with a slashing weapon. A

42 annual 2ooo

successful Search check discovers the trap. Ir can be disabled (a running jump is not possible unless the fishhooks in area 5
with a successful Disable Device check, are cut down); or climb down the chasm, swim across, and
y* Fishhook Trap: OR i; +8 melee {184+1) and entangle as the climb back up the east side of the chasm. See the Players
spell; Reflex save negates entangle effect (DC 20); Search (DC Handbook for rules governing Climb and Swim skill checks.
14); Disable Device (DC 10). PCs falling into the wafer take no damage from the fall but
might drown if they are wearing heavy armor; they might also
6. Chasm, find a nasty surprise waiting for them in the dark wafers of the
A 20-foot wide chasm cuts across the dungeon corridor. The lake (see area 7).
sound of splashing water emanates from
the chasm bottom. On the stone floor
across the expanset a visored helmet sits
upon the ground.
Closer examination of the chasm reveals
some recent jermlaine modifications. A tiny ACROSS THE DUNGEON CORRIDOR.
pi ton hammered into I he stone on the
southwest side supports a thin thread
woven from hair (most of It human); this
thread acts as a zip-line for the jermlaine,
who “ride” the line using their crooks down
to a small hole in the ledge on the south east
side of the chasm. A similar setup exists for
sliding down From the northeast surface to the northwest 7. Underwater Cave.
ledge. The threads do not support more than 25 pounds. This large cavern is completely submerged and pitch black. The
The jermlaine slide down the zip-lines to a hidey-hole in the PCs need dark vis ion or some type of magical illumination lo
southeast ledge; this connects to a set of jermlaine-sized stairs see the caverns contents: a 16-fool wooden plank (originally
leading up to a small hole in the cavern floor covered by a positioned by Gorgoldand at the west end of the chasm, later
visored helmet. From inside the helmet, a single jermlaine can pitched into the water by the jermlaine) and a few scattered
use a tiny blowgun against the PCs under the benefit of 90% bones (human and jermlaine). Hidden under a large rock is a
cover, providing a +io bonus to AC. The blowgun darts deal 1 canvas sack filled with 750 sp and 250 gp, A successful
point of damage each; there are two dozen darts stored inside Strength check (DC t8) is required to move the rock.
ihe helmet. Once the PCs make it across the chasm, they can Creature (EL 2): Since Gorgoldand first set up his Gauntlet,
simply lift the visored helmet up off the ground, exposing the a marrow, outcast from his own tribe, has moved into the
narrow jermlaine tunnel and stairway below. At this point, the underwater cavern. Depending on the relative strength of the
jermlaine retreat, using a tiny passageway that leads to their party, the merrow might be present during the adventure or
main lair in area 17. The PCs are unable to navigate the tiny out hunting fish in the lake. If present, he hears anyone splash¬
jermlaine passageways. ing into his cavern from above and approaches to investigate.
A similar setup exists along the north side of the chasm. The He attacks immediately upon discovering intruders. The
jermiame-sized stairs lead up to a hole in the floor at the jermlaine are aware of the merrow s lair and avoid the water
northwest side of the chasm; this hole is covered by a small at all costs,
rock. At the bottom of the stairs is a side-shaft that leads back ^ Merrow (Aquatic Ogre): CR 2; Large Giant (g ft. tall); HD
to the jermlaine den in area 17. 488+8; hp 26; Init -1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft., swim 40 ft; AC 16 {-1
The chasm is 20 feet wide and angles down to the lake size, -1 Dex, +5 natural, +3 hide); Ark +8 melee (188+7, i°n8“
below. The chasm is only 15 Feet wide at the level of the spear); AL CL; SV Fort +6; Ref +0; Will +1; Str 21, Dex 8t Con
jermlaine ledges, some 10 feet below the dungeon floor and an 15, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7,
equal distance above the surface of the water. PCs can elect Skills: Climb +4, Listen +2, Spot +2. Peats: Weapon Focus
to climb the north or south walls of the chasm; jump the chasm (longspear).






Spelled front to back it's a person’s

name or a preventive guard, it's

Spelled back to front, it's what you do

with a bow, a blank page, or a curtain.

8. Underwater Entrance. within 60 feet.

This passageway is about to feet wide and leads from area 7 SQ—Immunities (Ex): Pseudo dragon 5 are immune to sleep
to the lake. The entry way is 10 feet below the surface of the and paralysis.
water and cannot be seen from above the waterline. PCs Treasure: Snooky's measure consists of two small wooden
investigating the cliff wall from below the waterline can find boxes of nails, three metal gauntlets, two tin spoons, a belt
this passageway with a successful Spot check (DC 12). pouch filled with 38 gp (all of which Snooky doles out to the
rust monsters in area io), a single leather glove (a left-handed
g. Pseudodragon Lair, glove of storing), 3 jar of Keogh tom s ointment, and a dozen
Snooky the pseudodragon lairs atop a high ledge along the cav- copies of the map the PCs used to find the Gauntlet.
ern overlooking the eastern side of the chasm. The lair is
engulfed in shadows and can't be seen by the PCs unless they 10. Rust Monster Lair.
can levitate, fly, or otherwise gain access to the cavern celling. This chamber is blocked from side to side by a low wall of
A secret passage at the back of Snooky *s lair leads to a mortared bricks. The wall stands 8 feel tall, while the ceiling of
shadowy overhang in area 11, the cavern is 15 feet high.
Creature (EL 1): Snooky stays our of sight, not wishing to PCs should have little difficulty climbing over the wall; it’s
reveal his presence. Once the PCs pass by area 6, he surrep¬ low enough that a boost up by a friend should get even the
titiously follows them, keeping track of their progress without shortest PC to the top. Once the PCs have reached the top of
aiding them or revealing himself. the wall, read or paraphrase the following:
£ Snooky, Pseudodragon: CR 1; Tiny Dragon (3 ft. long); HD The door inscription Is a riddle, which reads:
2di2+2; hp 17; Init +0; Spd 15 ft., fly 60 ft. (good); AC 18 (+2
size, +6 natural); Atk +4 melee M3 and poison, sting), -1 melee The wait is 1 foot thick. Behind and built into the wall is a 5-
(1, bite); SA poison; SQ see invisibility, telepathy, immunities, foot-high shelf that runs parallel to the Floor. An odd wooden
SR 19; AL NG; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4; Str n, Dex 11, Con door is set into the far end of The cavern. Words have been
13, Int iQ, Wis 12, Cha 10. carved into the door, but at this distance it’s impossible to
Skills: Hide +8 (+16 in forests and overgrown areas), Intuit make our whar they say.
Direction +3, Listen +5, Search +2, Spot +5. Fear: Alertness.
SA—Poison (Ex): PCs struck by the pseudodragon's sting
must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 12) or fall asleep for SPELLED FRONT TO BACK, ITS A PERSON'S NAME
1 minute. One minute later, another DC 12 Fortitude save is OR A PROTECTIVE GUARD, FOR CERTAIN.
required; failure causes idg days of steep. SPELLED BACK TO FRONT, IT’S WHAT YOU DO
SQ—See in visibility (Ex): Pseudodragons continuously see WITH A BOW, BLANK PAGE, OR CURTAIN.
invisible as the spell, with a range of 60 feet.
SQ- Telepathy (Su): Pseudo dragons can speak telepathically Below the door are four wooden dials, each with four
with beings that speak Common or Sylvan, provided they are different letters carved on its surface. The answer to the r

44 annual 2ooo

riddle is therefore a four-letter word, which must be spelled feet by smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to
out with the four dials. The diagram above shows which letters 6o feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet.
appear on each dial. The answer to the riddle is “WARD." The rust monsters head for the largest concentration of
Creatures (EL 5): Even if the players solve the riddle right- metal (such as a well-armored PC). Being somewhat ungainly,
away, the PCs are attacked by the two rust monsters hiding they cannot climb onto the shelf sticking our of the wall,
under the brick shelf jutting out from the wall. The rust men- although their antennae can reach PCs perched there. PCs not
sters attack before the PCs can turn the four dials into the wishing to lose most of their metallic armor and equipment can
correct configuration. The rust monsters are hungry, but they climb back onto the wall, out of the rusi monsters’ reach, while
have been trained to wait until the PCs step on the floor of the they puzzle out the solution to the riddle.
cavern before attacking. If the PCs peek over the edge of the Once the four dials are in the correct configuration, the
overhang and discover the rust monsters, the creatures attack door swings outward into the next room, supported on hinges
immediately. at the top instead of at the side. The fact that the entire door
f Rust Monsters (a): CR 3; Medium-size Aberration (5 ft. is made of wood prevents the rust monsters from corroding it
long); HD gdS+g; hp 25,21; Init +3 (Dex); Spd 40 ft.; AC 18 (+3 and gaining access to other parts of the Gauntlet
Dex, +5 natural); Atk +3 melee (rust, 2 antennae), -2 melee If the players cannot figure out the riddle, the door must be
(idg, bite); SA rust; SQ scent; Al_ N; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will opened through other means. It can easily be opened from the
+5; Str to, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 3, other side, where the locking mechanisms are visible.
Skills: Listen +9, Spot +9. Feat: Alertness. Ip Locked Wooden Door: 1.5 in. thick; Hardness 5; hp 15;
SA—Rust (Ex): A rust monster that makes a successful touch Break (DC 18); Open Lock (DC 25),
attack with its antennae causes the target metal to corrode,
falling fo pieces and becoming useless immediately. The size of ii. Paralysis Minefield *
the object is immatenal-a full suit of armor rusts away as The floor of the cavern is smooth, although the walls remain
quickly as a sword. Magic armor and weapons, and other jagged stone. Twenty feet ahead, the floor is divided into 160
enchanted items made of metal, must succeed at a Reflex save squares, each a 2-foot by 2-foot metal plate, forming an 8
(DC 20) or be dissolved. A metal weapon that deals damage to square by 20 square grid.
a rust monster also corrodes immediately. Wooden, stone, and By the time the PCs arrive in this part of the Gauntlet,
other nonmettalic weapons are unaffected. Snooky the pseudodragon has crawled through the secret
SQ-Scent (Ex): Rust monsters detect opponents within 30 passageway in the back of his lair to perch on a shadowy


0 0 0 1 2 -* 2 0 i 1 1 2 *- 2 1 \ 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 2 3 1 1 ■* 2 3 2 1 ■+ 1 0 1 2 2
1 ■* 2 2 2 ■+ 2 2 1 3 ■* 4 2 2 1 1 1 2 * *
t 3 * 2 \ 3 + 2 1 3 + 4 2 1 T 3 4 5 3
0 3 * 3 0 3 * 3 1 * 2 3 + 3 2 * 4 4 *
0 2 * 4 2 3 * 3 3 3 2 1 2 X 3 2 3 3 1

1 2 3 * * 2 1 2 *- * 2 t 1 2 * 2 2 1 1 0

] * 2 2 2 \ 0 1 2 3 * 1 0 1 2 * 1 0 0 0

overhang looking into this room. Using his telepathic powers, the PC steps back onto the trapped square at a later time, how¬
he contacts the PCs; ever, she must make another Fortitude save to avoid the dam¬
Trap (EL 2): Each time a PC steps onto a square, Snooky age and paralysis.
The easiest way for the PCs to get through the minefield
Suddenly, a voice speaks in your head. “Many of the squares is to write down how many traps each square is adjacent to*
ahead are trapped,” it says. “I wifi not tell you where the Any time the PCs stand on a square that is adjacent to no
traps are located, but as you stand upon a square, I will telf traps, they know that it is safe to stand on each of the (up to)
you how many trapped squares are adjacent to that one. The eight squares touching that one. The way the traps have been
rest is up to you ” positioned, if is possible for the PCs to make it through the
gridwork without losing a member of the party to a trapped
(true to his word) informs her of how many trapped squares square.
are adjacent to that one. Diagram 1 shows the locations of the Climbing along the natural stone walls requires a Climb
traps and the number of traps adjacent to each square, so you check (DC 20). If a climbing PC falls, the DM must determine
can pass the information, square by square, to the players. which square she lands on, as the PC might need to make a
Diagram 2 can be given to the players so they can track Fortitude save to avoid paralysis.
their characters’ progress, filling In the information on the Once the PCs have made it past the trap they come to a
squares as the PCs move down the corridor. standard wooden door. The door is unlocked, and opens out¬
Anyone stepping on a trapped square takes t point of elec- ward into the next room.
V* Electrified, Paralyzing Floor: CR 2; t
point of damage and paralysis for 3dio+3o

EACH Of THE ASCfMDIMG minutes per square contacted; Fortitude

save negates paralysis (DC 20).

STAIRS KAS A WORD f NGRAVfD Creatures (EL r): If the PCs take longer
than 5 minutes to cross the room, four
jermlaine come to investigate. The four
OMITS FRONT FACE; jermlaine descend the stairs on the other
side of the door (they have discovered the

THE WORDS All G10W SUGHTLY secret of the stairs through Trial and error,
though they can’t read the message written
on them—see area for details) and push it
open enough for two of them at a time to
trical damage and must make a successful Fortitude saving hurl javelins at paralyzed PCs. (Treat the jermlaine as having
throw (DC 20) or be paralyzed. Triggering a trapped square three-quarters cover from the door.) The jermlaine hoot and
does not make that square “safe,” as anyone else subsequently taunt the PCs as they struggle through the room, but they
stepping onto that square also runs the risk of paralysis, A leave if any of the PCs get dose enough to jump into the door¬
paralyzed PC that remains standing on a trapped square is not way or if they run out of javelins, whichever happens first.
automatically paralyzed or damaged again when the initial pap¬ ^ Jermlaine (4): hp 3 each; see area 3 for full statistics.
al yzation wears off; she can step freely from that square. If

46 annual2ooo

12* Stairway, Open Lock (DC 24).

Beyond the door is a narrow corridor. Unlike the rest of the Treasure; Any of the weapons can be taken from the
natural cave network seen so far, this passageway is carved plaques and used by the PCs. The two siangham, spiked metal
Into the rock; the floor, ceiling, and walls are smooth. gauntlet, and falchion are all +1 weapons. The sound of ocean
Each of the ascending steps has a single word engraved on waves breaking upon a beach emanates from the falchion
its front face; the words all glow slightly, making them easy to whenever its hilt is grasped.
read even in the gloom of the corridor Beginning at the bot¬ tf the weapons are examined using a detect magic spell,
tom step and reading up, the words say; each one emanates Transmutation magic. While the PCs are
free to use any of these weapons while inside the Gauntlet,
IT SEEMS EVERY SECOND OR THIRD TIME I STEP AWAY, once the weapons are brought outside the cave complex they
FATE IS THERE, WITHOUT A DOUBT, TO TRAP MY COURSE, automatically teleport back to the plaques in this room. If the

The solution to this stairway is found by reading

every third word; doing so reveals the message
every third step, they can ascend to the upper level
without incident.
Trap (EL 2): Anyone stepping on one of the third
steps triggers a magic trap. Instantly, an iilusionary
sheet of flames whooshes up from the step, obscur¬
ing anyone or anything on that step from view. At
the same time, the person or object on the step is
fekported to a holding pit in area 16. The next round the plaques are removed or destroyed, the weapons reappear on
flames automatically extinguish, leaving nothing behind. the floor of the chamber.
Gorgoldand’s intention was to make it seem as if the person or
object triggering the trap was instantly incinerated, taking him 14* Skeleton Trap.
out of the picture without actually causing the individual any Read or paraphrase the following text to the players when the
real harm. PCs enter this room:
Each trapped step can be activated more than once, but only When the PCs enter the room, they can make a Spot skill
a total of four victims (or objects) can be claimed by this trap. check (DC 20) to notice a set of narrow grooves rising verti¬
See area 16 for details. cally from the floor along each side of the doorway leading
Y* Teleportation Trap: CR 2; teleport to area 16; Reflex save into the room. As they approach the center of the room, they
avoids (DC 27); Search (DC 25); Disable Device (DC 32).
Beyond the door is a short passageway leading to an open
13* Gorgoldand’s Den. archway 20 feet high. The 30-foot by 40-foot room beyond
At the top of the stairs is a small room with a metal door set sports a 25-foot-high ceiling and is lit by golden-hued con¬
into the far wall. Hanging on the walls are various weapons tinual flame spells. Four columns stretch from floor to ceil¬
mounted on wooden plaques. ing. The entire chamber has been carved from stone and
The weapons might be unfamiliar to some PCs, as they’re painstakingly smoothed and polished, giving the room the
not weapons chosen by most adventurers. Mounted on a appearance of a fancy hall in a lord’s manor rather than part
plaque of dark wood is a pair of siangham; the plaque is of a dungeon. Flanking a mirror mounted to the far wall are
engraved: "PA’S HAND WEAPONS, GUTST1CKERS.” two skeletons, each grasping a shortsword. Letters are
On the second wooden plaque is a metal gauntlet (right carved into the wall above the mirror, but at this distance
hand) with spikes protruding from the knuckles. The legend you can’t make them out.
“PA'S GAUNTLET, FIST OF PAIN” Is carved into the plaque.
On the wall across from the other two plaques is a longer can tell that the skeletons and their swords seem to be carved
one, upon which is hung a falchion. The inscription below it from white stone. (The statues are actually carved from wood
reads: “PA’S SWORD, ISLETS LAUGHTER." and painted white, but their swords are made of stone.) Their
Anyone touching the doorknob of the metal door activates a skulls are smooth where the eye sockets should be. The letters
permanent magic mouth that says: “Not without the password, carved above the mirror spell out the word “TIRIANISPORI-
you don’t. Whafs the password?” This recurs any time the door TIUS." Furthermore, anyone gazing into the mirror sees an
is touched without first saying the password. The password, of exact reflection of the room, except that the room in the mir¬
course, is in plain sight of the PCs, written on the falchion’s ror shows a pile of loose coins, gems, and several weapons
plaque inscription. By rearranging the spaces between the let¬ scattered upon the floor, with a set of six large tomes stacked
ters to form new words, “PA’S SWORD, ISLETS LAUGHTER” in the corner.
becomes “PASSWORD IS LET SLAUGHTER." The mirror is a magical transport device, activated by
The door is locked. The PCs need only speak the words “let speaking the proper command word. The command word can
slaughter” in Common before opening the door. Optionally, be gleaned by noting the eyeless skeletal statues and applying
they can try picking the lock or bashing their way through the that to the word carved above the mirror. Removing the "fs”
door, but this is a difficult process. from the word “Tirianisporitius" gives the true command word;
Ip Iron Door: 2 in. thick; Hardness 10; hp 60; Break (DC 28); “transports"


If the command word is spoken within 15 feet of the mirror, Scattered about the floor are loose heaps of coins and gems,
the mirror's image darkens to an inky black and acts as a with the occasional weapon poking out of a pile. Six large
dimension door that leads straight to the treasure room in area tomes are stacked in the corner.
15. A similar mirror graces the interior of the treasure room, One round after the PCs enter the room, the scattered
which works in the same manner. The treasure room is other¬ treasure starts to move, telekinetically dragging across the
wise shielded against teleportation magic. floor of the room counterclockwise, as if drawn by an invisi¬
Touching the mirror or statues without first uttering the ble whirlpool. The objects move faster and faster around a
proper command word (see below) triggers the Trap and acti¬ central point in the middle of the room, forming an upward-
vates the Creatures. thrusting pillar of treasure. Gradually, this pillar takes on a
Trap (EL 1): Touching the mirror or statues without first vaguely draconic shape with a head, a tail, four legs, and a pair
of short wings.
Creature (EL 4): The “coin dragon”

THE TREASURE STARTS TO MOVE [llfp immediately attacks everyone in the room,
slapping opponents with its tail or wings. In


addition, the coin dragon can shoot a bar-
rage of coins and gems from its mouth like
a breath weapon. After firing a coin bar-
CENTRAL POINT, AS IF DAAWNBY |\|_ Jf rage, the coin dragon must telekinetically
reabsorb the coins and gems back into its
AN INVISIBLE WHIRLPOOL. body the following round, so it is restricted
to a tail- or wing-slap attack the round
after using its breath weapon.
Most ordinary weapons do little or no
uttering the command word causes a portcullis to crash down damage to the coin dragon. Piercing and slashing weapons
in the doorway (along the grooves), blocking escape from the slide right through the loose objects in its “body,” doing no
room. Anyone standing directly under the portcullis when it damage, A blunt weapon like a mace or club might dislodge a
fails must make a successfui Reflex saving throw (DC 15) or be handful of coins, but these are easily returned to the coin
struck for ad6 points of damage and pinned. A PC pinned dragon the following round. (They are sucked back into the
under the portcullis must make a Strength check or an Escape creature’s body telekinetically.)
Artist check (DC 20) to extricate himself. A maximum of three A dispel magic cast upon the creature causes the disparate
(pinned or unpinned) PCs can help lift the portcullis high objects forming the dragon's body to crash to the floor, leaving
enough to allow others to crawi underneath it* (Use the “Aid the dragon “bodiless.” The creature reforms its “body” Ihe fol¬
Another” rule in the Player's Handbook.) lowing round, but this allows PCs time to escape. The creature
V* Portcullis Trap: CR 2; +10 melee (ad 6 points of damage Is not permanently destroyed until it loses all of its hit points.
to PC underneath, blocks passage); Search (DC 16); Disable The coin dragon never leaves its treasure room and natu¬
Device (DC so). rally heals 3 hit points per day. PCs in combat with a coin
Creatures (EL 3): As the portcullis falls, the skeletal statues dragon might find it necessary to do some damage, leave the
animate and attack everyone in the room. The statues fight treasure room to heal up and prepare new spells, then con¬
until they are destroyed, the intruders are slain, the intruders tinue the assault later (possibly over the course of several
leave the room, or the correct command word is spoken aloud. days, depending upon the strength of the party),
(In all but the former case, they immediately cease battle and # Coin Dragon (1): CR 4; Medium-Size Construct (7 ft, long);
resume their original positions flanking the mirror.) The stat¬ HD 3dio; hp 18; Init +0; Spd 40 ft,; AC 14 (+4 natural); Atk +4
ues do not leave this room of their own accord under any con¬ melee (id6+2, tail slap or wing slap); SA breath weapon; SQ con¬
ditions. Despite having no eyes or eye sockets, the skeletal struct, damage reduction 10/+1, resistances; AL N; SV Fort +0,
statues act as if they have 6o-foot darkvision. However, Ref +oP Will -5; Str 14, Dex 10, Con -, Int -P Wis 10, Cha 1.
despite their skeletal appearance, the statues are not undead SA-Breath Weapon (Su): The coin dragon can breathe a 20-
(they’re carved from wood) and thus cannot be turned. foot cone of coins and gems that deals id8+2 points of dam¬
^ Animated Skeletal Statues (2): CR 2; Medium-size age to anyone in the area of effect; a successful Reflex save
Construct; HD adio; hp 12 each; Init +0; Spd 40 fL; AC 15 (+5 (DC 14) halves the damage. The breath weapon is usable only
natural); Atk +2 melee (tdG+i, stone shortsword); SQ construct, once every other round,
hardness; AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref +oP Will -5; Str 12, Dex 10, SQ—Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison,
Con Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1. disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, sub¬
SQ—Construct: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, dual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from mas¬
disease, and similar effects. Not subject to critical hits, sub- dual sive damage.
damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive SQ—Resistances (Ex): The coin dragon has acid, cold, elec¬
damage, tricity, and fire resistance 5.
SQ—Hardness: The wooden statues have a Hardness of 5, Treasure: Once the coin dragon is slain, the PCs are free to
15, Treasure Room, recover rhe treasure that made up its body, as well as the six
The interior of this 30-foof by 40-foot room is lit with contin¬ tomes that Gorgoldand often used as an excuse to send heroes
ual flame spells. The ceiling is 25 feet high and supported by into the Gauntlet in the first place. The tomes are all completely
four pillars, and the entire room has been carved from stone. blank. (Gorgoldand, in his role as a human sage, would claim

48 annual 2ooo

that the writing was invisible, requiring a special sei of magic scious captive back to the cavern entrance at area 2 to be dis¬
spectacles to read.) The PCs are free to use the blank tomes covered by the rest of the adventuring band upon their return
as diaries, journals, for mapping, or as future spellbooks. to the surface.
Besides the tomes, the accumulated treasure breaks down to This agreement keeps everyone happy (with the possible
2,000 cp; 550 sp; 300 gp; 16 gemstones worth 250 gpt 100 gp exception of the victim). The jermlaine get to humiliate a mem¬
(X3), 50 gp (x/), and 10 gp (x5) respectively; two masterwork ber of “the giant races" and acquire more hair for their ropes,
daggers; a light mace; a scimitar; and Hoardmaster, a while Smoky gets to play a practical joke on an adventurer
longs word detailed in the sidebar. (who, in all fairness, would have been slain if the teleport trap
was as lethal as Gorgoldand made it appear). The pseudodragon
*6. Holding Pits. ensures that the jermlaine don't kill their victims and uses
These holding pits are accessed by a secret passage in area 3. metal objects from victims to feed the rust monsters.
Anyone or anything activating the trap in area 12 is teleported
without error into one of the four pits (pits A,
B, C, and D, in that order). Once each pit has
a victim or object within, it no longer func¬
tions as a teleport destination until such time
as the pit is no longer occupied. The pits are
to feet on all sides, carved into the stone

floor of the cavern, and topped with a 3-foot

by 3-foot door of iron bars that opens out THEIR LATRINE PIT, SHAVED HIM BALD ...
from the cage lop.
Gorgoldand originally intended these pits as AND FEASTED ON HIM FOR A WEEK.
holding areas for adventurers who had fallen
victim to his teleporr trap in area 12.
Gorgoldand would escort these victims back to
the cavern entrance and cast a lesser gees spell on them, com¬ 17. Jermlaine Den,
pelling the adventurers to refrain from telling anyone else about The jermlaine have tiny passageways carved throughout this
the secrets of the Gauntlet and Gorgotdand’s involvement. area, leading to their diminutive living alcoves and scattered
Unfortunately, the jermlaine soon discovered the secret treasure troves. Because of the size of their tunnels, only
door in area 3 and made their lair in a series of twisting pas¬ those as small as a jermlaine can traverse the passageways.
sages connected to the holding pits. The pits were put to good Creatures (EL varies): A combined total of 30 jermlaine live
use as jermlaine middens, and the vicious little creatures see in the dan: 2 from area 3, 4 from area 4, 4 from area it, and 23
no reason to stop the practice just because an occasional others. Of these, twelve are non combatant children. The other
adventurer pops into existence inside their latrine pits! eleven have 3 hit points each; see area 3 for complete statistics.
The jermlaine slew the first adventurer that teleported into Treasure: In the event the PCs somehow manage to force
Iheir latrine pit, shaved him bald, used his hair to weave their the jermlaine to hand over their treasure, it consists of 14 gp,
ropes and nets, and feasted on him for a week. Snooky was 103 sp, seven gems valued at 10 gp each, two potions of cure
outraged at this betrayal; up until then, he thought the jermlaine light wounds, and a scroll of levitate. The jermlaine are illiter¬
were just playing elaborate, if somewhat dangerous, practical ate and unaware of the scroll's value: After the chieftain's chil¬
jokes on those adventurers willing to try their hand at the dren fingerpainted crude images on the back of it in mud, he
Gauntlet. Eventually, they agreed to a compromise: Snooky hung it in his den. The jermlaine band also has the equivalent
would use his tail venom to put any victims who teleported into of 150 feet of rope cut into various lengths, all woven from
the holding pits to sleep; the jermlaine would strip the victim of humanoid hair.
all possessions (except for some metal bits Snooky keeps),
shave him bald, and bind the victim’s ankles and wrists. Then
Snooky and the jermlaine would drag the helpless and uncon-


Hoardmaster bringing Hoardmaster with them as a weapon or leaving it

Gorgoldand slocks I he treasure room of hts Gauntlet with behind to guard their other treasures. Gorgoldand doesn't
various treasures, but one thing he’s sure To include each mind at when adventurers leave their Hoardmasters behind,
time is a Hoardmaster sword. Each Hoardmaster is a +/ as it allows him to scry their treasure for any interesting
longsword with a hilt carved to resemble a dragon’s head. magical items. If he sees anything interesting, he's not against
Two rubies take the place of the dragon's eyes. These ruby using a teleport without error spell to show up and study the
"eyes” are actually scrying devices, allowing Gorgoldand to item of interest. Gorgoldand created the Hoardmasters so
see through them as if they were his own. This allows the gold that he would nor trigger any coin dragon attacks himself. Of
dragon to keep tabs on the adventuring bands wise and pow¬ course, the gold dragon would never steal anything from the
erful enough to make it to the end of his Gauntlet, for they adventurers’ hoard.
might prove useful to him some day. Hoardmaster can detect coins once/day, upon command.
Hoardmaster gets its name from its ability to create a coin The sword points to the largest collection of coins within a
dragon if placed within a loose pile of coins and gems. This 6o-foot radius, regardless of intervening walls, hidden pas¬
allows a treasure hoard to more or less guard itself; details on sages, or the like. The ability functions for 10 rounds each
the coin dragon are provided in the description of area 15. time it is used.
Whoever places the sword with some treasure can later Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: Enchant Arms and
retrieve it without activating the coin dragon. Others are not Armor, scry, telekinesis, unseen servant; Market Price: 18,312
so lucky. Of course, this means the PCs must choose between gp; Weight: 4 lbs.

Exiting the Gauntlet and moved on in either triumph or disappointment. One par¬
The PCs should have no trouble exiting the Gauntlet, as they ticular band, Rotvifs Rogues, entered the Gauntlet and were
will have already encouniered all of the traps on their way in, quickly rebuffed. Not willing to be driven away from possible
and the jermlaine wont he looking for them anymore. PCs who treasure by a bunch of stinking jermlaine, but also not partic¬
were "incinerated” by the stair trap at area 12 are found naked, ularly eager to return to the Gauntlet's interior, the Rogues
bound, and probably fast asleep (under the effects of pseudo¬ have been camping out in the area, licking their wounds and
dragon venom) in area 2 when the PCs return. All of their gear keeping an eye out for other adventuring bands. When the PCs
is gone: Metallic items have been taken to Snooky’s lair in area approached and entered I he cavern network, Rotvil and his
g; everything else has been claimed by the jermlaine. gang saw their chance for some quick riches: All they had to
Any of the magic weapons taken from area 13 (the two do was hang around until the PCs returned from the Gauntlet
siangham, the spiked gauntlet, and the falchion) automatically and take their accumulated loot from them.
teleport back to that room when taken outside the confines of By the time the second PC climbs up to the top of the cliff,
the Gauntlet. Any weapons taken from the Treasure room in she finds a party of four humanoids racing on foot toward the
area 15 remain with the PCs as they exit the Gauntlet. cliff from 300 feet away, hollering like banshees. (The Rogues
As “Gorgoldand’s Gauntlet” is primarily a puzzle-based had intended on getting here earlier and setting up an ambush,
adventure, players who prefer "more action, less thinking" but as usual, poor planning and a sleepy sentry got in the way
mighl feel short-changed. If your players are of that bent, the of their ambitions.) Rotvil, the leader, is a half-ore barbarian;
following scenario can be Inserted at the very end of the despite their name, only one gang member is a rogue. The oth¬
adventure when the PCs climb back up to the clrfftop after ers are a dwarven ranger and a human monk. All four have
exiting the Gauntlet. Remember that by the time the PCs have weapons drawn as they race toward the PCs. Rotvil wields a
finished the Gauntlet, they should be 2nd level. (They won't greatsword, the monk has a javelin, and the other two wield
gain a level until they have rested, however.) PCs weakened by loaded crossbows. Their plan was simple: take the first PC
their ordeal in the dungeon will find this encounter challeng¬ hostage if possible, disarm him, and repeat the process with
ing, As the DM, you must take a careful measure of the parly each PC as he reached the top of the cliff. Unfortunately for
before throwing this encounter their way. them, their tardiness means the PCs have a better chance of
Creatures (EL 4): The PCs aren't the only ones with a copy holding on to their well-earned treasure.
of the map leading to the Gauntlet. Several other adventuring Tactics: Rotvil rages and races headlong into melee combat.
bands have already experienced the Gauntlet for themselves Montego the monk hurls his javelin and then doses for hand-
Encounter Level Chart
Area Encounter Description EL Area Encounter Description EL
3 Dust of Sneezing and 2 11 Paralysis Minefield 2
Choking Trap 11 4 Jermlaine I
3 2 Jermlaine .'•1/2 T2 Teleportation Trap 2
4 Pit Trap and Moss Trap 1 74 Portcullis Trap 1
4 4 Jermlaine 1 34 2 Animated Skeleton Statues 3
5 fishhook Trap i *5 Coin Dragon 4
7 Merrow 2 *7 Jermlaine Tribe varies
9 Snooky the Pseudodragon ‘ .1 Exit Rotvifs Rogues 4
10 2 Rust Monsters ;.::5

5o annual 2ooo

to-hand combat as well. The other two hold their distance and spot. (Don’t make this a common occurrence, lest the players
use iheir crossbows, switching to melee weapons only when come to expect their powerful gold dragon buddy to show up
they run out of bolts or the PCs close in on them. every time they get into a jam.) Of course, Gorgoldand need
f Rotvil, Male Half-ore Bbn2: CR 2; Medium-size Humanoid not present himself in dragon form, but merely as a human
(6 ft. tall); HD 2di2+2; hp 20; hit +1 (Dex); Spd 40 ft.; AC 14 (+1 sage, wizard, or sorcerer. In any case, if the PCs gain
Bex, +3 armor); Aik +4 melee {2d6Wcrit 19-20, greatsword) Hoardmaster, you have a possible link to future adventures.
or +4 melee (id^i+2/crft 19-20, dagger); 3A rage ?/day; SQ Any of the following ideas could be developed into a further
half-ore, uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AC); AL NE; SV Fort adventure:
+4; Ref +1; Will -1; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 10.
Skiffs: Climb +6, Jump +6, Listen +3, Wilderness Lore 4-2. * A Hoardmaster sword is stolen from another adventuring
Feat: Weapon Focus (greatsword). band who survived a previous excursion into the Gauntlet.
Possessions: Studded leather armor, greatsword, dagger, These NPCs learn of the PCs’ Hoardmaster, jump to the erro¬
waterskin, backpack. neous conclusion that the PCs stole the sword from them, and
$ Breagar, Male Dwarf Rgn: CR 1; Medium-size Humanoid make appropriate plans for payback.
(4 ft. 2 in. fall); HD idio+2; hp 12; Init +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved
Initiative); Spd 20 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex, +3 armor); Atk +2 ranged * It turns out that Gorgoldand pul a few extra abilities in his
{idS/crif 19-20, light crossbow) or +3 melee (id^/crtt 19-20, Hoardmaster swords. After succumbing to a magic trap leav¬
dagger); SA favored enemy (goblinoids); SQ dwarf, track; AL ing him petrified but still conscious, the dragon sends his will
LE; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Wilt -1; Str 11, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 9, Wis out to the nearest Hoardmaster (the one owned by the PCs,
9, Cha 8.
Skiffs: Lisren +2, Move Silently +3, Intuit
Direction +2, Wilderness Lore +2. Feat:
Improved initiative. SO, WHERE’S GORGOLDAND?
Possessions: Studded leather armor,
dagger, light crossbow with 20 bolts, water¬ If THE DRAG ON DEEMS THEM
skin, backpack, potion of cure fight wounds.
f Montego, Male Human Mnki: CR 1;
Medium-Size Humanoid (5 ft. g in. tall); HD
id8; hp 8; Init +2 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2
Dex); Atk +0 melee (id6, unarmed strike) or
+2 ranged (id6, javelin); SA stunning attack;
SD evasion; AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will
+2; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int gT Wis 10, Cha 10. naturally) and uses the sword to point the way to his location.
Skiffs: Climb +3, Jump 4-4, Listen +3, Move Silently +5,, The PCs must follow l he sword to Gorgoldand s location, brav¬
Swim +3, Feats: Dodge, Mobility. ing whatever dangers face them on the way.
Possessions: Javelin, waterskin, backpack, monk's outfit.
£' Rash and a, Female Human Rogi: CR 1; Medium-size Human¬ # A sorcerer holding Hoardmaster finds that, perhaps due to
oid (5 ft., 6 in, tall); HD id6-i; hp 5; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft.; the legendary claim that dragon blood courses through a sor¬
AC 13 (+i Dex, +2 armor); Atk -1 melee (idG-i/cril 19-20, short cerer's veins, she can actually scry through Gorgoldand’s
sword) or +0 ranged (idfi/crit 19-20, light crossbow); SA sneak eyes! This might be a good way for the PCs to learn of the
attack +id6; AL CE; SV Fort -iT Ref +4, Will -ho; Str 9, Dex 13, sword’s link to the gold dragon that created it and could eas¬
Con g, Int 11, Wis to, Cha 12. ily lead to adventures based on knowledge obtained through
Skiffs: Bluff +5, Climb 4-3, Disable Device +5, Hide +5, Jump Gorgoldand’s vision. ®
+3, Listen 4-4, Move Silently +5, Open Locks +5, Search 4-4.
Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Run, Johnathan is the author of several Dungeon Magazine modules,
Possessions: Leather armor, shortsword, light crossbow with including the popular “Challenge of Champions" series. He has
20 bolts, waterskin, backpack. also written several Ecology articles for Dragon Magazine,
including 'The Ecology of the Jermfaine” and (iThe Ecology of
{ Concluding the Adventure the PseudodragonP
So where’s Gorgoldand? That’s a question that’s been deliber¬
ately left for you to answer, as best fits your campaign. It’s
possible that the gold dragon is off visiting the outer planes or
engaged in a tricky bit of spell research; he might even have
been captured by a powerful enemy. Rescuing the gold dragon
might be a task for the PCs once they reach higher levels and
learn of his existence.
At she DM’s option, Gorgoldand can keep a watchful eye
over the PCs’ actions through the scrying ability of their
newly-acquircd Hoardmaster sword. If l he dragon deems them
worthy, he might approach them in the future to hire them for
a specific task, or possibly even help the PCs get out of a hard
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Making D&J) Maps the Wizards of the Coast Way
by Michael G. Ryan
Every DM has done it: bought a pad of graph paper and mapped out a dungeon lair, a coastal village, or
an entire nation for the players to explore. In short order, that map gets scuffed up by pencil marks
showing the characters’ travel route, Xs where pitfalls are hidden or where dungeons are located, and
the wear-and-tear that inevitably comes from a group of people handling it constantly.

Now imagine making those maps for a living.

s The most anticipated roleplaying the Coast two years ago gave him
release in many years, the new an additional advantage when it came
D&tDgame required a consistent to mapmaking.
look across the board, from the charts The new D&tD maps aren't necessar¬
that show how to attack to the sample ily the traditional “how to get from here
maps of dungeons and villages. Given to there" maps; combat diagrams and
the incredible buzz about the product, myriad other charts that explain the
those maps needed to be detailed, rules in a visual format also fall under
colorful, and striking. They needed to the purview of the cartographers* A
provide a new visual foundation for casual flip through the brand-new
a game that's undergoing a major Player’s Handbook turns up various
reconstruction. charts to illustrate the game. The
Enter Rob Lazzaretli and Todd process by which these maps come to
I Gamble. Along with Dennis Kauth, a be is simple yet challenging. The sketch is then carefully checked for inconsistencies
longtime veteran of mapmakirg for First, hand-drawn sketches come to or Illogical arrangements before the cartographer a start
any mapping.
DfrtD, these cartographers set out to the cartographers from the game
create the new look. Rob has worked for designers, who provide an outline of
Wizards of the Coast (and TSR) for how they'd like to see the final product
more than six years, designing maps for turn out* Depending on the level of
such well-known lines as Plane scape and detail the designers are after, these
Dark*Matter (in addition to dozens of sketches might be accompanied by
other projects both big and small), Todd descriptive text ro give the cartogra¬
Gamble did all of the mapwork for the phers a better sense of what the
Pokemon Jr. Adventure Game, and his designer envisions. This text often
The first round is drawn by a cartographer onto vellum
experience in building model railroads includes a list of various details on the based on the designer's original concept.

full-time prior to coming to Wizards of map and their dimensions. Some maps
are not as thoroughly outlined, of before-that particular map was updated
course, and this gives the cartographers from one that appeared in the original
some options as they close in on the DMG. Todd and Rob agree: This map
final product* (In the D&tD Adventure was the most difficult and detailed to
Game, for example, a poster-sized map produce of all the D&tD maps so far.
of a dungeon and the counters that
accompany it offered the cartographers Today
a great deal of creative freedom.) Rob Lazzaretti and Todd Gamble are
Some products require a "rougher now getting ready to begin work on the
Feel*” so instead of being produced on a maps for the relaunch of the massive
computer from the earliest steps, their Forgotten Realms campaign setting,
creation begins as Ink drawings by the which calls for some incredibly detailed
cartographers* These drawings are then mapping to bring it all ro life. They're
scanned into a computer for more intri¬ also preparing an exceptional amount of
cate manipulation, but they retain that work for the upcoming Return to the
hand-drawn look that makes them seem Temp/e of Elemental Evil due out in mid-
more "real.'1 All colors and terrain keys 2oot. “We've had a few meetings with
are then added by the mapmakers; in the designer about it” Rob says* "and it
fact* the specific guidelines for those looks like it’s going to be huge'.'
keys have been around for years, Compared to the fifteen or so maps in
dating back to the early days of D&fD, the Players Handbook and Dungeon
Additional keys for new terrain types Masters Guide combined* Rob anticipates
are generated by the cartographers* as many as thirty maps in Return to the
Birthright, for example, required more Temple of Elemental Evil. Of course,
detailed keys than Greyhawk* so the there's still an astonishing amount of
mapmakers needed to create numerous new D&tD material to prepare*
new symbols to account for the addi¬ What advice do the pros have for
tions. These new symbols were added DMs who will soon be making maps of
to the catalog of existing keys for their own? For the amateur cartogra¬
future use. pher, thinking ahead will save you a
The level of detail—that is, how realis¬ great deal of grief when you begin to
tic it ultimately needs to look-in any draft your own maps. "Plan your world
given map dictates how difficult a map is from the ground up,” Rob suggests* "If
to produce* In some cases, a mapmaker you're building a whole world, think
like Todd Gamble goes the extra mile to about how the continents are going to fir
add those details that bring the map to on it* then narrow down to focus on the
life, “The original sketch for an inn might area of your adventure. If you branch
not call for a chimney,5' he says, “but out from I he city where you want your
you know there's got to be one there. adventure to begin, it can get really
And putting a woodpile out back adds a messy. Think on a God-like scale.'1
Tricks of the Trade greater sense of realism to what you're Not surprisingly* both Rob and Todd
According to Rob Uzzaretff* senior cartogra¬ seeing. I really enjoy working on Jbig pic¬ have art degrees, and both men agree
pher at Wizards of the Coast. there's a simple ture' maps* but the detail work is also that understanding programs like
way to develop your maps that saves you an fun and challenging.” Photoshop and familiarity with
amazing number of headaches in the long run:
The accuracy of such additions is a Macintoshes are vital if you want to
Use overlay vellum sheers ro protect your
original maps. must, so both cartographers maintain a pursue cartography as a profession. The
It's not tracing paper.” Rob cautions, "bur collection of photos and magazine clip¬ ability to draw is invaluable* of course,
vellum. It lasts longer* If you use this to add new pings to use as reference materials* The "You can always find shortcuts when
locations to your maps, ifII keep you from ruin¬
Internet, of course* is yet another making your maps," Rob says, "but you
ing your originals by drawing all over them”
Also, scan your originals: you can take them
Invaluable tool for verifying the logical really have to understand basic design
to any professional copier if you don't have placement of these extras* to make any of this happen."
your own scanner and have them put onto a In D&tD game products, many of the ©
disk for you. Then you can manipulate the orig¬ maps are quite detailed, including Todd's
inals on your computer without doing any irre¬
most impressive work* a cross-section
versible damage to them, or you can make
printouts to mark up or give to your players. that shows the various levels of a dun¬
Finally, consider laminating your originals, geon. “Robs always pushing me to
"We helped [President of Wizards of the Coast] excelI ” he says* "and with that motiva¬
Peter Adkison with his campaign maps," Rob
tion* I actually progress faster as a car¬
says, "He had several binders full of laminated
maps, and he could take them out and lay them
tographer" Players might also recognize
together like files whenever he needed them. It the sample dungeon from the Dungeon
Drawing by hand is an essential skill! to develop even
was amazing, and it worked very well” Masters Guide as one they've seen though about of a cartographer's time is spent
working on the computer.

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The Kingdom of Cormyr Today
by £d Greenwood • illustrated by Rob Hinds

It would Take three Annuals to examine the events recounted in the

novel Death of the Dragon, and another to summarize the ranks,
strength, and behind-the-scenes power struggles currently
unfolding within the Purple Dragons of Cormyr, so here’s an
admittedly fragmentary overview of the situation at court in
Cormyr right after the events of the novel.

T he armies of Cormyr have been

decimated, along with much of the
remains secure largely because the War
Wizards are alertly and vigilantly pre¬
borne by scarred veieran soldiers, the
most beautiful ladies among the War
fighting nobility. Ore and goblin pared to back it. A si rang rebel faction Wizards, and the oldest, most loyal
bands hold Arabef and roam its vicinity, of War Wizards or a Royal Magician nobles who'd fought alongside the King.
burning and blighting crops across the opposed to the Crown would mean dis¬ Vangerdahast also shamelessly used
realm. Granaries in Suzail and the naval aster for the Forest Kingdom, Even magic to make the corpses smile, testily
base in Marsember survived, so star¬ nobles who grumble at every royal calling it “the last thanks they can give
vation doesn’t quite threaten the reaim. edict and change of clothing acknowl¬ their people” when Alusair objected.
But shortages have already driven edge: “Well, at leas I we have The Steel Regent and the Dowager
provender prices up sharply and made Vangerdahast, gods strike him!” Queen walked at Ihe head of the pro¬
(in the words of Royaf Sage cession; Alusair insisted on wearing her
Alaphondar) “a dent one can certainly THE ROYAL REMAINS armor, still bloodstained, dirt-caked, and
notice in the royal treasury” sword-scarred from the battlefield, and
King Azoun IV and his heir, Ihe In keeping with ancient Cormyrian tra¬ bearing her drawn sword.
Crown Princess Tanalasta, perished in dition (actually at the command of A visiting Sembian merchant,
Ihe fighting, as did Gwennalh, Lady- Vangerdahast, who judged it good for Harondro of Yhaunn, who watched the
Lord High Marshal of Cormyr, and Cormyr’s morale), The spell-preserved procession discreetly from an upper
many others of note, remains of King Azoun and Crown window along the Promenade, said it
Tanalasta s infant son, Azoun V, is Princess Tanalasta were paraded was hard to tell who wept harder: the
king, but the realm is ruled by the Steel through SuzaiL The tour took a wide citizens or the royal women. There
Regent, Princess Alusair Nacacia circuit around the city lhat ended at were no drums or horns; save for the
Obarskyr. Much of the real power is the Palace. crying and the sounds of people's boots
held by the Dowager Dragon Queen, War Wizard magic was ready to on the cobbles, it all happened In eerie
Azoun’s widow, Frlfaeril, and the Royal ward off anything hurled at the proces¬ silence,
Magician Vangerdahast. sion. Other spells levitated the open Harondo also said that for the first
The Obarskyr rule in Cormyr coffins so their weight could be easily time In his life, he was terrified of the

58 annual 2ooo
commoners of Suzail; as the proces¬
sion approached, without any coaching
or command, they all knelt or saluted,
according to their rank, and pressed
forward to touch someone in the pro-
cession. They thereafter fell silent and
followed the funeral train. By the time
the funeral procession reached the
Palace, it seemed that "almost the
entire city" was walking behind old
Bastable Galarth, oldest of the Purple
Dragons to survive the Dragonfall
Battle, He walked alone behind the
coffins in his own battered armor, car¬
rying the riven shield of his dead King
in his gnarled hands.
When the royal remains vanished into
the Palace, the citizens turned to talk,
reminisce, and pray at impromptu altars
set up by priests of every faith and
stripe save the most evil. Thereafter,
they roamed the city from tavern to
tavern, raging in their grief and looking
ready to tear apart any foe of ventures too near without knowing Regency and the blessings of the
Cormyr-or anyone they saw as such- just how to do so.” (Knowledge of the Dowager Queen. The infant king was
wilh their bare hands. proper approach is said to be shared not shown to the people until the Royal
Harondro saw a shipmaster from by the Royal Magician, Lady Laspeera Anointing and promenade three days
Westgate, who made the mistake of of the War Wizards, Royal Sage later, wherein the nobles of the realm
laughing at a jest, vanish under the Alapahondar, the Steel Regent, the swore fealty to the Regent and then
furious fists and clawing hands of fat Dowager Queen, and at least two paraded their war strength before the
Cormyrian goodwives, who screamed others: one within the realm and one surviving royals and the citizenry of
the names of dead sons, husbands, and without.) SuzaiL
relatives as they struck. Above all rose No memorial was raised at the site of Azoun Rhigaerd Palaghard Duar
constant keening of "For Azouni” and either royal passing, for as Filfaerii said, Obarskyr, Dragon Prince of Cormyr,
“The Purple Dragon!” “I do not want to look at where my Right Royal Duke of Suzail, and King
Cloaked in protective magics, Azoun Azoun died and see a stone" Ascendant of the Dragon Throne,
and Tanalasta were interred in the Courtiers agree that the real reason Stagmaster of the Realm and Lord
Royat Crypt, deep beneath the Palace no memorial stones were placed was to Admiral of the Western Fallen Star
of the Purple Dragon. His Majesty was prevent them becoming rallying-places Waves, is a vocal, chubby-cheeked babe
laid lo rest in his armor, clasping his for foes of the Crown. However, in a with dark hair; piercing, gold-flecked
brown eyes; and an already strong-

YAHGERDAHAST USED MAGIC looking forehead, nose, and jaw. In the

words of one of his wetnurses, Alatha

TO MAKE THE CORPSES SMILE. of Brokenturrets, “Aye, he'll be charm¬

ing the ladies at an even greener age

CALL1HG IT “THE LAST THANKS than his sire.”

Not counting the War Wizards spying
from afar, and equipped with telepori
THEY CAR GIVE THEIR PEOPLE.” rings that battle-mages can use to be at
the royal side in a breath or iwo, Azoun
sword on his breast and wearing the rumor widely suspected to be true, the V is at all times surrounded by three
recently-fashioned Lion Crown, a Royal Magician is said to have snarled, wetnurses and two physics. There are
rugged circlet made to be worn over “Aye, let stones be raised and let them in fact three shifts of such persons-all
his battle-helm. The Crown Princess gather: I can blast them to ashes in human females rumored to be War
sleeps forever beside him in gray groups and waste fewer spells on such Wizards, Harpers, or both.
mage-robes, clasping the workbooks scum, saving my power for rebuilding These Attendants of the Royal Person
she kept as she learned magic. Both the realm ” are always augmented by a Royal
lie in separate closed coffins among After the tolling of bells marked the Guard (known as "the Brafs Body¬
magical defenses that Vangerdahast burial, trumpeters sounded fanfares in guard,” in the barracks), of 4 War
describes only as “offering more than the dusk and the reign of Azoun V was Wizards, 4 warriors, and 2 pages to run
one deadly surprise to anyone who proclaimed, with mention of the errands and deliver messages.

The boy King’s father is said to be, in
the words of the relevant royal procla¬
mation: “Rowen Cormaeril, nobly born, a
young man and true, who came to the
gods-blessed union fully pardoned by the
King—and who gave himself in the strife
C7he Cormyte Regency so that Cor my r could rise again.”
Nothing more is said or confirmed
about Rowen’s fate or standing, and
those who ask questions about such
* Otoe Rjegevifr speaks and acts as a ruling monarch* with ait
matters too loudly have received
mult, Hides, and courtesies, hut cannot exile, Imprison, unwelcome visits from bands of War
Wizards guarded by grim Purple
endanger, or end the life of any Obarskyr or throne heir,
Dragons who’ve warned citizens openly
nor commit such ngals to marriage or the judgments of that they’re just waiting for an excuse
/ore^n powers, nor accept their abdication or renunciation to sink their swords to the hilts in any
traitor to the realm.
of crown or birth rights, It’s somehow become an open secret
around the Dragon Court that the Royal
Magician has taken blood and tissue
* & Regent cannot bind Cormyr or its troops, monies, or
samples of Azoun V, Alusair, and
territory in any disposition, arrangement, or pact with for- Filfaeril for use in cloning or other
magics. He’s said to have hidden sets
eign powers intended or tgreed-upon to outlast the Regency.
of them in several places, none of
which is the vault treasonously vandal¬
* Regent can execute any being- only for treason or mur¬ ized during “the Bleth Affair.” Visitors
are warned that this is considered a
der, and then only with the avowed public agreement of at Crown secret. The penalty for speculat¬
least three senior peers of the realm not related by blood or ing or discussing it—if overheard by or
reported to the authorities-is imprison¬
marriage to the Regent or to each other. One of the peers
ment and unpleasant magical interroga-
must be a serving Purple Dngon officer or nVar ("Wizard tion by War Wizards, followed by
execution if treason of intent or action
not related by blood or marriage to the Regent or Hie other
is discovered.

* Should the Regent predecease the Xing' Ascendant, amttoer

regent shall be appointed by the Dowcger Q&een, or grtnvfol-
taw (Jailing' her survival? by the Royal £toa^cian, or grim-
Ofie Dragon Court
follow by the Royal Saj^ or grtm/ollow by the head of the
oVar rWi^ards at that time, unless Slzoun V has reached
Alusair Nacacia Obarskyr rules in
his /ourteenirh year and is judged both fit and ready to Suzail, though the Dragon Throne itself
rule by all of the surviving members of Hie list of appoint- sits pointedly empty; she uses a lower
chair but more often strides around the
ers just given- If Vangerdahast still lives, the head of the dais in front of the royal seat.
rWur Hoards is considered a separate office for this Judy* In the words of Vangerdahast:
"Daughter must obey mother, but so
ment only* and their second-tn-command (currently, the
long as that’s done, Princess Alusair
sorceress Caspeera) receives a vote in this judgment. can be king in all but name until Azoun
comes of age—which he shall do upon
the seventeenth anniversary of his
birth. If he is deemed in any way unfit
to rule, the regency will continue, this
decision being made only after agree¬
ment by a majority public vote of six
senior War Wizards (nobles who are
heads of houses that can trace their
ennobled lineage back more than seven

60 annual 2 oo<
hundred years), the Royal Sage, and Magician does not discuss. Nor should before both of them disappeared
any other surviving Obarksyrs .” he ever be addressed as “Vangey" by "within a shimmering."
The rules governing this Regency persons desiring to comfortably abide
were crafted by Vangerdahast in light in Cormyr thereafter. THE DOWAGER
of the actions of Salember the Rebel, When not at Filfaerifs side, DRAGON QUEEN
who refused to surrender the realm to Vangerdahast is often giving orders to
the rightful Obarskyr, Rhigaerd, and En the senior War Wizards. He's proud of Queen Filfaeril Sefazair Obarskyr
brief are described to the left. the loyal brotherhood of mages he (female human, Ftr3, NG)
In truth, much of the day-to-day leads, considers them essential to the (Mirtul 4, 1311 DR- )
governance of Cornyrian affairs is, as survival and good governance of The Dragon Queen is a brilliant, insight¬
always, in Vangerdahast’s hands. Cormyr, and he is determined never to ful woman (and master chess player)
However, recent events have so let them grow over-proud, corrupt, or who holds clearer foresight of future
events and intrigues yet hatching than

PURPLE DRAGONS WARN CITIZENS anyone En the Forest Kingdom save

Vangerdahast. Her fragile, delicate
beauty conceals stubborn bravery and
OPENLY TRAT THEY’RE JUST WAITING a mind that notices everything. She has
little interest in warfare and in doings
f OR AN EXCUSE TO SINK THEIR outside Cormyr, and spends most of her
time sizing up folk who come to court,

SWORDS TO THE HILTS IN ARY learning of their doings and moods so

as to be of help to the regent in her

TRAITOR TO THE REALM. judgements. She’s never really over¬

come the death of her first child, Foril
(a son born Mirtul 1,1332, who died on
shaken the usual order of things at the treacherous toward the crown. Uktar n, 1334 at the hands of an assas¬
Dragon Court that the individual deeds Recent rumors of his own hunger to sin); those who wish to anger or wound
and decisions of the three most power¬ rule and possible treason are just that: her need only recall Foril to her.
ful Cormyrians will most shape the rumors. The most probing gossips and Although Filfaerifs not physically
realm in the years ahead. enemies looking for scandals to trumpet strong, she's very quick and deft.
have been unable to learn anything of Since Forifs death, she's taken private
THE ROYAL MAGICIAN AND possible consorts or a private life out¬ weapons-training with dagger, spear,
COURT WIZARD OF CORMYR side of court, though court legend and shortsword. Though she's rarely
whispers of a hut in the forest from faced would-be assassins, she’s sur¬
Vangerdahast which Vangerdahast came, and to prised (and wounded) several unsuc¬
(male human, WiztS, LN) which, some day-none too soon for the cessful kidnappers.
(1224 DR- ) liking of many-he’ll return. Since the deaths of Azoun and
Vangerdahast can call on a vast array Vangerdahast Is paunchy and jowly Tanalasta, the Queen has become
of magic items, including many battle- and has a close-trimmed beard and colder and harder; it’s clear she misses
ready rings and wands, and he won't well-kept hair of white, formerly red¬ Azoun’s embrace as well as his friend¬
hesitate to do so. dish-brown hue. His eyes are dark ship. She’s taken no lovers from among
Rightly called by many (though it’s brown and kindle almost to red when the many elder nobles who've dis¬
not wise to say so openly at Court) he’s enraged. Otherwise, his manner is creetly offered her their embraces,
“the true ruler of Cormyr ” this long- kindly but stern, and during court cere¬ though she’s been much seen in the
lived, stout, plain-spoken, and often monies he can be solemn, dignified, and company of the Royal Sage of late, and
testy mage tutored Azoun and his chil¬ impressive. gossips never tire of reminding
dren, and he remains the Crown's most The people of Cormyr respect him as Cormyrian society that the two of them
trusted advisor. He often wears a plain, a good and loyal man, though his wiz- went into hiding somewhere together
heavy brown robe, bound about the ardly powers awe them; outside Suzail, during the Bleth Affair.
waisl with a tasseled rope of pale his entrance into an inn or shop typi¬ Filfaeril has ice-blue eyes, blonde
mauve. A gruff man who has little cally causes a hush. hair, a slender figure, and alabaster-
patience for courtly fripperies, he Since the death of his longtime friend white skin; she retains a poise and
adheres firmly to court etiquette save Azoun IV, Vangerdahast has aged visi¬ dignity that makes up for the slow
in emergencies. bly. His hands often tremble now, he fade of her once-stunning beauty. She
Vangerdahast is known to have walks more slowly, and he’s seen in and Azoun were far more equal part¬
trained briefly, and long ago, under the public less often. Interestingly, no less a ners than most ruling couples of
archmage Elminster, and, he now main¬ personage than Lord Giogi Wyvernspur Faerun, and her influence helped make
tains a running, if friendly, feud with recently witnessed Vangerdahast the court a civilized, cultural place, (In
the Old Mage. The reasons for this, and watching a lone, cowled figure-a earlier times, it was all too apt to be a
other details of Vangey’s life and magi- human woman, by her shape-cast succession of drunken revels and
cal training, are subjects the Royal spells in the depths of the King’s Forest duels between feuding nobles.)
THE KNIGHTS ROYAL of Knights Royal of Cormyr. These They wear small, e verb right-treated
men (formerly the Kings' Blades, the silver pendants at their throats, each
Outside the Palace, Filfaeril travels at personal guards of Azoun IV) are shaped like an upright, right-handed
a[[ times with a loyal personal body¬ Jostlyn Huntsilver, Asbras Orthwood, gauntlet, with the Purple Dragon inset
guard of six tall, armed, and capable Baeryn Dauntinghorn, Albryn in its open palm. These are passkeys
highknights (each a LG human male Emmarask, Ondyn Thundersword, and only slightly lesser In rank than the
Ftrg/HighKnightg) who bear the titles llbreth Truesilver. fabled Purple Dragon rings. At all times,

New Prestige Class; Class Features per day (gases included); if the result
Purple Dragon Highknight Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The of the first save is unfavorable, a sec¬
highknight is proficient with all simple ond roll can be attempted. At ioth
A highknight of Cormyr is a recently and martial weapons, all types of level, immunity to secondary damage
created rank of service to the Crown. armor, and shields. Note that armor becomes automatic. This is a supernat¬
Trained in Court etiquette and realm check penalties for armor heavier than ural ability.
law as well as in the use of weapons, leather apply to the skills Balance, Magic Resistance: At 3rd level, by
highknights are regularly mind-read by Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move exposure to spells {working with a War
War Wizards to guarantee their contin¬ Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble. Wizard), the highknight gains resist¬
ued loyalty, as well as to guard against Dauntless Guard: Beginning at 1st ance to a single chosen magical attack
magical influences or impostors posing level, when a highknight guards a form, such as cold, electricity, fire, or
as real knights. Highknights usually known or familiar area in accordance acid. During each round of damage
draw difficult duties, such as investi¬ with orders, such as a single room, from that sort of magic, subtract 1
gating suspected traitors among the doorway, or passage, he gains the fol¬ point from each die of damage suf¬
ranks of superior Purple Dragon offi¬ lowing abilities while fighting in that fered by the highknight. This immunity
cers or the nobility, or guarding roy¬ area: improves to 2 points per die at 6th
alty or unpopular visiting envoys. * ■+£ Strength level and 3 points per die at gth level.
In Cormyr, highknights speak with * +2 Constitution This is a supernatural ability*
royal authority, and they can always * +2 resistance bonus on all saves Natural Armor: The highknighfs nat¬
gain audience to any royal or Court * +4 dodge bonus to AC ural armor rating improves by +1 at
personage (though they’ll face penal- The increase in Constitution raises 4th level, and an additional +1 at 8th
lies for frivolous use of this privilege). the highknight’s hit points by 1 point level. This is an extraordinary ability.
Most highknights are fighters, but per level, but these hit points go away Uncanny Dodge: At 2nd level, the
Filfaeril and Vangerdahast (joint cre¬ the moment the highknight moves highknight does not lose his Dexterity
ators of this rank) desire the office to away from the area or ceases fighting bonus to AC from being flat-footed. At
be open to bards, rangers, and other or defying possible foes. This is an 7th level, opponents do not gain any
persons difficult to fit into the normal extraordinary ability. attack bonuses for flanking the high¬
Court hierarchy. Rowen Cormaeril, for Poison Resistance: At 5th level, a knight.
example, has been accorded the rank of highknight gains a second chance on
highknight, as has his brother Beliard, Fortitude saves vs. any poison once
bladebrother to Alusair and bastard son
of Azoun IV. Both would otherwise
share exile with the rest of their family. Fort. Ref. Will
Highknights can be encountered any¬ Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special
where in the Dragonreach and Dragon t +t +2 +0 4*0 Dauntless guard
Coast, but they are most likely to be 2 4-2 +3 4-o 4-0 Uncanny dodge
found in Cormyr proper._ (Dex bonus to AC)
3 +3 +3 +t +1 Magic resistance 1
To qualify to become a highknight, a 4 +4 4-4 +t Natural armor +1
character must fulfill all of the follow 5 +5 +4 +t +1 Poison resistance
ing criteria: 6 +6 +5 4-2 4-2 Magic resistance 2
Alignment: Any good 7 +7 +5 +2 +2 Uncanny dodge (can't be
Race: Any flanked)
Base Attack Bonus: +8 8 +8 +6 4-2 -t-2 Natural armor 4-2
Feats: Dodge, Endurance, Great 9 +9 +6 +3 +3 Magic resistance 3
Fortitude 10 +10 4-7 +3 +3 Poison resistance (immu¬
nity to secondary damage)
The highknrghfs class skills (and the key Levd: Thfi level of the highknight.

ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Attack Bonus: The highknighfs attack bonus, added to the character's normal attack bonus.

Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Fort. Save: The save bonus on Fortitude saving throws, added to the character's normal save bonus.

Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Ref. Save: The save bonus on Reflex saving throws, added to the character’s normal save bonus.

Motive (Wis), and Spot (Wis). Skill Will Save: The save bonus on Will saving throws, added to the character's normal save bonus.

Points at Each Level: 2 4- Int modifier. Special: Level-dependent class features.

62 annual2ooo
Vw nobles wunb bo admit" itr+ 621lusair is now Hie best battle master in the realm.

they permit passage inlo any part of ing against the Tuigan hordes. she strikes the eye as slimmer and
any royal fortress, as well as access to Her contrary nature when dealing more agile than most warriors wearing
any member of the royal family or any with her Father and resulting extended the Purple Dragon. The armor, a gift of
court or military official, up to and absences from the realm stem from the dwarves, earned her the nickname
including Vangerdahast himself. Unlike the impatience she inherited from “the Mithril Princess," a term largely
the Purple Dragon rings, they don’t Azoun-save that she got thrice what ignored these days in the shadow of
compel enforced obedience from such he ever had. the more popular “Steel Princess”
officials, though such a person would Accomplished in battle, strategy, hard appellation.
be wise to treat the bearer of such a living, and the mastery of horses, Her eyes are oak-brown, and at their
pendant as a superior officer. Alusair has spent most of her life fight¬ corners, her face is just beginning to
Each Knight Royal has three full ing and riding the Stonelands with acquire its first wrinkles.
knights squired to him as understudies, noble sons and heirs of the realm who Alusair was reconciled with Azoun
and from the ranks of these “rising admiringly dubbed her “the Steel when they fought the Tuigan horde, and
knights,” impromptu bodyguards can Princess” for her battle-prowess and she subsequently rode on patrol with
quickly be assembled for all Obarskyrs spirit. Though few nobles want to admit Purple Dragons stationed throughout
and court officers desiring or needing it, Alusair is now the best battlemaster Cormyr, trying to learn all she could of
protection at any time. (general) in the realm-though better in the kingdom so she could serve it ably
raids and skirmishes than in matters of as a battlemaster.
THE STEEL REGENT diplomacy and pomp. Now that her Regency has come,
As Alusair grew older, shattering a lot Alusair has discovered she hates Court
Princess Alusair Nacacia Obarskyr of her youthful ideals on the hard life and diplomacy every bit as much as
(female human, Ftrao, CG) swordpoints of reality, she became she feared she would. Her anger at her
(Eleint gr 1335 DR- ) much closer to her father. She still lacks role makes her precise, clear, and cold
A rebellious tomboy in youth, the hot- patience for the endless revels, gossip, in her diplomatic dealings, but the wise
tempered, impulsive youngest child of and meaningless Court ceremonies. advice of Vangey and Filfaeril, coupled
Azoun and Filfaeril rose to prominence in Alusair has ash-blonde hair but black with her own battlefield experience,
The realm (and won a place in the hearts eyebrows. Although she stands as tall as means that she misses few nuances and
of the common Folk) for her valiant fight¬ any knight In her mlthril plate armor, usually does the right thing.
Her primary aim now is to rebuild awarded them the Cormaeril lands, serving as the Regent's sword in places
the morale and military strength of the but they’re useful in ferreting out Alusair can’t spare the time to visit.
realm by reclaiming all Cormynan terri¬ conspiracies, shifting loyalties, and (See page 28 of Cloak &t Dagger)
tory and getting folk back onto their hidden schemes by means of Giogfs
land* She must do this without letting buffoonery at feasts and revels, and Laspeera Naerinth
investors from Semhia and Westgate Cat’s careful observations of the (human female, Wizi6, NG)
get too firm a hold in Cormyr, and she reactions to Giogi. Laspeera was made Lady Eveningsplre
two summers ago by Azoun IV (who

OBARSKYR RULE CONTINUES awarded her the Eveningspire estate

from Crown lands near the eastern

BECAUSE THE WAR WIZARDS end of Hullack Forest). Second-in-

command of the War Wizards and
proprietress of the House of Grace
VIGILANTLY SUPPORT IT. school for young ladies in SuzaiL
Laspeera is a diplomatic, careful, beau¬
rebuffs alt attempts to control and Glarasteer Rhauligan tiful woman of great wisdom and dis¬
influence Cormyrian affairs. (human male, Ftrg, CG) cretion, legendary for her patience,
So long as she can pour her rage out An irreverent and independent-minded perceptiveness, and the iron wifi
in occasional sword-bouts or private Harper and sometime lover of Alusair, beneath her gentleness.
wrestling sessions with "the Blades” this traveling merchant often visits Privately, Laspeera welcomes the rule
(the young nobles she's ridden to war Sembian clients. He is trusted by the of women, but she sees her own task as
with and trusts implicitly), Alusair will Steel Regent to truthfully and percep¬ "taming Alusair, with spells used like
be a good and increasingly contented tively let her know who’s doing what in whips, if need be, to make her the
Regent, Helming a kingdom is a task Cormyr and Sembia, as well as chang¬ leader Cormyr needs,”
she’s good at, and the death of her ing moods and conditions in the
father-a fate he foresaw and Dragonreach In general. He's possessed Lord Dauneth Marliir
embraced, as she sees if, because he of iron calm when necessary, with hair (human male, Ftrn, LG)
would not flee his duty-has given her that's starting to gray and wrists as Thomdor’s successor as Lord High
determination not to ruin the realm for strong as steel. He usually faces danger Warden of the Eastern Marches, this
the nexl Azoun. She is also determined with merriment, (See Cormyr: A Novel honorable noble is known to have been
to avoid being goaded by dever- and “The Grinning Ghost of Taverton the King's favorite intended husband
tongued envoys into doing things that Hall” in Realms of Mystery*) for Tanalasta, though those close to the
aren’t in Cormyr’s best interests. royal family say she liked but never
Emthrara Amberdown loved him.
(human female, Ftry/Rog6, CG) The youngest son of the Maritir
A tavern dancer and courtesan of family, he participated in the Redlance
Suzall known intimately to many at Rising, later supported Salember finan¬
Court, this spirited, quick-witted, and cially, and then tried to evade tax
good-natured Harper agent often works payments fo King Rhigaerd IL Dauneth
with Rhauligan, has saved royal lives on was treated somewhat coldly when he
Loyal and CTrm diverse occasions, and is known for her presented himself at Court because of
skill with a thrown dagger. his lineage, but he acquitted himself
Though it’s blunt truth that the with loyalty and discretion.
Obarskyr rule continues because the Alaphondar Emmarask Though many envy his swift eleva¬
War Wizards alerlly and vigilantly sup¬ (human male, Arig, NG) tion, his courteous manners and discre¬
port it, the fact that the bulk of the Sage Most Learned of the Royal Couri tion have impressed* As one of she
populace is highly loyal, and there are Alaphondar fs an expert on the history, wealthiest nobles at court, he can't be
specific people the Crown can call upon genealogy, and laws of Cormyr, snubbed-quite-and with his loyalty,
and trust is also crucial to the stability Sembia, and the Dragon Coast. He is a unfailing politeness, and swift grasp of
of the Dragon Throne. Some key diplomatic, farsighted, self-effacing man situations, he's of ever-growing impor¬
friends of the Crown to watch (all of who’s become Filfaerifs lover and con¬ tance to the Crown.
whomT by the way, know of one or fidant (though it’s dangerous So speak Dauneih stands a very slim 6 feet tail
more secret ways into the Palace of such matters publicly). but seems awkward—all gawky, bony
and/or the Court) include: knees-and-elbows. He has level gray
Myrmeen Lhal eyes and sandy brown hair.
Cat and Giogi Wyvernspur (human female, Rgng, CG) Accomplished with longsword and
(human female, Ari6, CG; Myrmeen is the righteous Lady of dagger, he's taken extensive weapons¬
human male, Ariy, CG) Arabel and a fearless battle-leader training since being named Warden-
This noble couple prefers to avoid who’s itching to reclaim that city. and he still likes to try wielding
political prominence. They are unpop¬ Gravely injured an the fighting, she's “trollswords' (huge to-foot-long wavy-
ular In many circles because Azoun IV become a firm friend of Alusair, often biaded swords) that he can barely lift*

64 annual 2oo<

Arphoind Bleth Tystam Dauntinghorn

(human male, Ftrg, LE) (human male, Fty, CG)
The leader of the Bleths, Arphoind is Tystarn is a dashingly handsome young
known to be plotting against the Crown traveling-trader for Dauntinghorn
cjhe KFair Grower from Westgate* Grasping, scheming, interests whose jaunts have aroused
and sneeringly sophisticated, he’s also War Wizard suspicions. (See page 57
Of liability aging and growing indolent. of C/oak Dt Dagger.)
It would Take a book Thicker than the Increasingly interested in Westgate,
city walls of Suzail to detail the line¬ once he gets coin enough to compen¬ Raves Calantar
ages, holdings, doings, and alms of the sate for the seized Bleth lands, (human male, Ftrg, CN)
living Cormyrian nobles. As they tend Arphoind might completely lose interest Ravos is a dedicated stag-hunter and
to be wealthy, strong-willed, and self- in Cormyr. chaser-of-brigands who is bored with
indulgent, noble families of Cormyr life and looking to do great things. He’s
embrace a very wide range of hobbies, Kargerth Cormaeril now consumed with hatred for the
vocations, political views, and opinions (human male, Rog7, N) Obarskyrs due to their execution of his
on just about everything. Barring a few The head of the other recently exiled aunt, the matriarch of his house (during
specific grievances, it's almost impossi¬ house, Kargerth is thought to be Death of the Dragon).
ble to truthfully say ‘"The Orthwoods sponsoring a new rash of smuggling
feel that ..." because Auldo Orthwood, through Marsember* The Cormaerlfs Storn Tathcrown
Danither Orthwood, and their mother might hold grudges, but they’re too (human male, Fty, NE)
Malassra Orthwood probably bitterly sensible and too deeply loyal to The dark and brazenly handsome
disagree on all sorts of things, from the openly strike against the Crown. Their youngest son of a recently ennobled
color of bathchamber hangings in hand is more likely to he raised in an family, Storn hungers for money and
Orthwood Half to obedience towards attempt to cause “accidents" to befall power. He is known for his agility and
the current Regent. individual Obarskyrs until the Dragon cleverness and is said to possess an
So here's a very brief summary of Throne passes into new, possibly iron self-control.
individual nobles the Crown Is taking more friendly hands. He fought alongside the Obarskyrs in
special notice of. the defense of Arabel but made sure to
avoid dying in the Dragonfall Battle by
posing as an envoy between Giogt

Otie Storm atoms 7fm\A

GFbrest -


/yV /v, —■ '<tfRu*ider —‘

- ) 'XV

f\ /W\A - ’ 7 /YX\-
Wyvernspur on Jester's Green and the he can make his mark and earn thereby-just as soon as the
main army under the King. respect back in Saerloon and Obarskyrs go to the trouble of win¬
Storn sees raking the throne as his Selgaunt. If the stiff-necked Obarskyrs ning the city back for him. Dardreth
best way to wealth, and the clearest would just allow themselves to be cares not who sits on the Dragon
path to achieve that is to marry Alusair bought, they and their countryfolk Throne or talks first at councils, so
and then dispose of the other could live in luxury in an ever-grow¬ long as he can get both hands on the
Obarskyrs in an "accident" He’s wary ing realm that would soon swallow the royal treasury whenever he desires.
of the War Wizards' mind-scrying-with rest of the Dragon Coast.
good reason, for they've already DUNDERHEADS
reported his treasonous thoughts to UNSCRUPULOUS
Laspeera and Vangerdahast. So far, The great bulk of nobles, like the com¬
he's done nothing, but arranging a trap Those nobles who care nothing for moners beneath them, are what
for him is something on the War laws, allegiances, or appearances—save Alaphondar is wont to call the “loyal,
Wizards' "to do" list. as such things affect their luxuries, muddling dunderheads."
profits, and lifestyles—this group has Of these, those showing some energy
CLEAVING TO SEMB1A many members, but its most energetic and ambition of late include:
proponents include:
Emlar Gold sword Estetner Ebonhawk
(human mate, Frrzf/Rog^ CN) Fraeyer lllance (human male, Ftr5, NG)
Emtar is a greedy mercenary who hates (human male, Ftr6, NE) Estelner is the young, nervous Baron of
and fears the Obarskyrs (he came Fraeyer is a tall, thin, darkly handsome newly-created Warmshores (the hilly
within an inch of being executed in and soft-spoken cold heart. He's one of coastal country west of Suzail where
Death of the Dragon), and he would the younger and better-traveled of the western edge of Cormyr meets the
prefer a Cormyr ruled by a merchant this traditionally “difficult" family and Dragonmere). Warned often by royal
council. He was judged a possible spon¬ is now the most energetic in promot¬ agents to guard his crops well because
sor of rebets by the Crown but is both ing his family's interests, which follow the realm needs them (that need will
loo cowardly and too wise to actively the motto: “Freedom from all laws, and make his fortune), Estelner is eager to
rebel, a spur to all profits, daggers for our show well in royal eyes and become
foes, and a pox on all lawmakers and someone important.
Belmer Huntcrown keepers.”
(human male, Fn^/Rogg, NE) Forigar Silverhorn
A load-faced, fat middling son of a Melot Silversword (human male, Ffr6, LG)
many-branched family, this quietly (human male, Ftr4, CN) Forigar is the Earl of Starwater, a
ambitious collector-of-wines is shoui- The suave, aging, still-handsome head recently-founded territory consisting
der^deep in Sembian intrigues and quiet of the Silverswords is a self-serving, of the eastern bank of the Starwater
investment cabals. He specializes in greedy man who deeply enjoys the across from Marsember. Forigar is an
forging business alliances between timid pleasures of life despite the costs to old veteran Purple Dragon known for
merchants who recoil from trading those around him who might suffer his girth, stubbornness, and slow wits.
companies and costers, and using their from his appetites. He was made an earl both as a
pooled funds to speculate on goods reward and to catch smugglers who,
shortages and buy properties. lahadinol Longbrooke during the fighting made unchecked
Thus far Sembian city holdings (human male, Ftr8, LN) use of his lands.
(having by far the greatest value Lahadinol is a bluff, burly, bearded man
among available properties In the ter¬ who cares only for appearances-he Lord Brestim Talcontin
ritory he’s Familiar with) have been should always look heroic, the (human male, Ftrg, LG)
Belmer's chief interest, but he's Obarskyrs should keep the kingdom An aging "dapper dandy," Brestim
increasingly looking at Marsember and strong and prosperous so it can serve returned rich from life In Amn to
the coastal lands east of it, and think¬ him best as a playground, and so on. A wrench his way through Suzail's “high
ing of how much coin could be made if coward at heart, Longbrooke always society.” There he's fast becoming
he quietly founded his own port... seeks lo do and say the right rhing-but known for amusingly thick-headed
when the goblin hordes come, he'll be utterances and deeds—and a monade
Talados Thundersword one of the first to break and run, that's constantly flying off.
(human male, Ftry, CN) despite his splendid armor.
A brawling, hunt-loving young giant UP-AND-COMERS
with a love of swordplay, plentiful Dardreth MaHiir
wine, and even more plentiful women, (human male, Ffr6/Rog6, CE) The ambitious or recently fortunate,
Talados was gifted some Sembian A cold and calculating older son of these are the ones to watch. They are
investments by a dying uncle some the Marliirs, Dardreth regards his tackling life with some energy and will
years ago and has become very rich. brother Dauneth as a servile idiot inevitably make things happen as they
He sees Suzail as ripe for buying, Dardreth seeks to win true Of secret) spectacularly succeed or fail, notably:
warehouse by shop by house, so that rule of Arabel and endless riches

66 annual2ooo
Brester Orthwood Barandos has the added talent of he mg a Hector Daimtinghorn
(human male, Ftr3, NG) pleasant person, not the least sanctimo¬ (human male, Ftrn, LN)
The mGSl restless and competent son of nious or difficult. He's also one of the The head of his house and veteran
this recently-ennobled house, Brester is very few Cormyrians who places his naval officer in the service of Cormyr,
a man who gallops wildly into the thick coins where they'll do the most good for this greying patriarch was shocked by
of whatever is his latest enthusiasm. the realm first. the revealed ruthlessness of Filfaeril
His fancies don't last long, but he man¬ Barandos is no fool, however—and and Tanalasta in the Council of Iron
aged to becoming enthused with fight¬ when others do him dirty, he likes lo hire (see Death of the Dragon), as well as
ing at just the right time for Cormyr adventurers to get even for him rather the battle-skills of Alusair and he was
and was noticed doing so; Crown than doing such dirty work himself. shocked into awe and almost worship
agents are watching him to see if he ll of the Obarskyr women. This is the
make something of himself—or fall Korvarr Rallyhom greatest realm in all Toril, and these
under ihe influence of evil folk or foes (human male, Ftrg, LG) are royals he's proud lo serve. He'll
of the Crown. A valiant lionar of the Purple Dragons give his life for them without hesitation.
who resigned his rank due to the
Darvaer Huntinghorn actions of his younger brother (as seen Roland Emmarask
(human male, Ftrg, CG) in Death of the Dragon), Korvarr (human male, Wiz6/Ftr6, LN)
A master huntsman and sometime spon¬ marked himself for royal attention with Head of the Emmarask family, Roland is
sor of adventuring bands to make forays his valor in aiding and defending Crown known to be a thoughtful student of
into the Stonelands, this young noble is Princess Tanalasta. Shaken by what he Cormyrian history, especially of dis¬
smart, self-effacing, courteous, and saw of blood, death, and betrayal in the putes among merchants and nobles. He
doing exactly what the Crown hopes alt fighting, Korvarr has become the always takes "the long view," trying to
nobles will do. He's a bit too good to be Crown s strongest ally among the see what's best for the realm, and
telling either his cousin Alaphondar (the

INCREASED TRADE IS WELCOMED. Royal Sage) or the Dowager Queen his

opinions and his learning. His candor is

BUT AN INCREASED SEMBIAN OR valued, his loyalty confirmed many

times over, and his collection of maps

WESTKAV1AN PRESENCE IS NOT. unsurpassed-even in the Palace.

Idamoar Hardcastle
true, and Crown agents are closely nobles, quietly urging them to support (human male, Ftrm, LG)
watching his forays against trolls, gob- this or that Grown suggestion or Idamoar is the head of his house and a
lins, and ores in the Stonelands-in case decree, pointing out both high and self- balding but still vigorous man. His
he turns out to be secreily meeting with serving reasons to do so. War Wizards sons Guldrin and Rathtar died bravely
Zhentarim or worse. have suspiciously probed his thoughts in the fighting. After returning to
on many occasions, looking for any sign Suzail, with her own father and sister
Elvran Torchtower of him building future treason but have still unburied, Alusair personally took
(human male, Flrb, CG) found only guilt and a need to serve. the news of his sons to Idamoar. The
One of the few nobles of this youngest His rank was personally reinstated by moment he saw her at his gates in her
generation to seem eager and happy Alusair (whom he’s now hopelessly in blood-drenched armor, tears stream¬
doing sword-service with the Purple love with), and Korvarr might well soon ing down her face, he knew why she'd
Dragons, this tall, quiet, competent man rise in royal service. come. Yet he felt so honored by the
is being watched to see if hell make a way she told him the fates of his sons,
good battle-officer. He's already a STAUNCHLY LOYAL and the thanks she gave, that she
lionar, and he might yet become one of somehow lit a tamp in the darkest day
the youngest ever battle-masters of The Crown traditionally counts "the of his life. She's met with Idamoar
Cormyr. Crown families" of Crownsilver, several times since, taken him drinking
Huntsilver, and Truesilver as loyal, with young nobles and made him
IN FAVOR though their actions during Ihe Bleth laugh, and all but bullied him into
Affair have made the Obarskyrs look fathering more children in his twilight
Barandos Hawklm hard at them. The Wyvernspurs and years. He reckons he owes the Steel
(human male, Flry, LN) Rowanmantles have both traditionally Regent his Eife back and will spend it
“The Hawk of Hawklin ” remains as pop¬ and recently demonstrated personal for her if he must.
ular and prosperous as ever. This keen- loyalty to Azoun IV and are also
willed, shrewd investor is as debonair deemed loyal.
with the ladies as ever, but he has held There are nobles, however, whose
to his integrity through several covert loyally was proven during Death of the
War Wizard tests and earned much Dragon. Many of them died demon¬
Crown respect thereby, Unshakably hon¬ strating their loyalty; of those who did
est men are a rarity in any realm, and not, the most prominent are:
greatly unfortunate further regrettable (and commoner's hut) all across
incidents would be to the financial Cormyr.
future of Cormyr,” the Steel Regent Any or all of the sons among these
sent back this blunt message: "While might well challenge for the crown if the
Sembia concerns itself with coins, we realm is weak or imperiled at some later
purple policies of Cormyr worry about food, lives, time; speculators would do well to
and having our swords ready. With remember such names as Beliard
In the fledgling days of the Regency, our larders bare, the ores and goblins Cormaeril, the brothers Dauntryn and
Cormyr has rebuffed envoys from wiiJ look east to Sembia and see a land Deice Dauntinghorn, Brace Skatterhawk,
Sembia and Westgate with stiff that hasn’t yet enjoyed its share of and Ondryn Thundersword-among
requests to “allow us time to order the 'regrettable incidents/ The Crown of many, many others.
realm once more without your pressing Cormyr fondly hopes ihat the good Should any such shadow-kin of the
requests to spend coins among us that merchants of Sembia, when next Obarskyrs move to take the throne,
come with strings firmly attached to counting their coins, find some wisdom others of similar standing are sure To
them” Increased trade is welcomed, but lying on the fab!e-and for once, pause hotly contest their right to rule-and
an increased Sembian or Westhavian long enough from their money-grub¬ Cormyr could well experience a
presence (warehouses, businesses, bing to pick it up.” bloody civil war. The stability and
agents, and property purchases) is not. Alusair is determined to retake longevity of the Obarskyr rule have
Alusair has signaled that this might Arabel before the next snows fly, and thus far made the strength and pros-
change in the future, but such changes then scour both the King’s Forest and perity of their realm, and if that fails,
wifi be at her own pleasure—which the Hullack Forest of all ores, goblins, Cormyr could rapidly become an array
never Flourishes under duress. brigands, and monsters. If holding of tiny, warring “vestpocket" baronies
In contrast, merchants from the Cormyr secure means building a line of like the Border Kingdoms on the Lake
Dales have been openly welcomed and fortresses along the edge of the of Steam.
encouraged to settle, found new busi¬ Stonelands, that's what shell do. Azouns philandering was so ener¬
nesses or wayposts of their established At the same time, although Cormyr getic that when he married Filfaeril on
concerns, and offers of Cormyrian officially welcomes neither the Harpers Eleint 2, 1329, he was compelled to offi¬
armed escorts for caravans have been nor any other independent organiza¬ cially renounce his favorite pastime.
made. tions, Alusair wants an unofficial Though the proclamation was no more
At least one Zhent agent has agency of the Crown to spy on the specific, it was openly identified by one
demanded the same treatment and been doings of exiled Cormyrian nobles and indelicate noble as "wenching his way
coldly refused, but representatives other known foes of the realm in through the nobility of Cormyr." When
from Hillsfar and Elversult have been Sembia and Westgate. She wants the Azoun came to the throne En 1336 DR,
politely encouraged into negotiations on agency independent of the War Vangerdahast ceremonially reaffirmed
the same topics-dealings that despite Wizards, though, and doesn't quite the King's commitment to be faithful to
attractive offers from Cormyr seem to know how to do that-or if she can his Queen and the needs of the Throne.
have stalled in endless meetings. trust the agency to serve only her if Unfortunately for Cormyr, the dead
When Sembia reacted angrily lo she asks GJarasteer Rhauiigan to estab¬ King's many unofficial offspring have
being treated less favorably by Cormyr lish it. made no such commitment—and it's
than these more distant places, the Alusair doesn’t anticipate being left likely, in the years to come, that one or
Steel Regent coolly requested the alone to pursue such ends, however; more of them might see their rightful
immediate pay men I of outstanding loans she expects Faerun to soon hand her place as on the Dragon Throne and
and debts in the matter of the road¬ too many crises to handle. Zhent and actually do something about it. ^
works near Daerlun. She also Dragon Cult ambitions, Westhavian As the long-ago Cormyrian bard
demanded the salvage of the Sembian plots and schemes, and rebel doings in Londlas of Immersea sang:
caravels Jhalavanther s Luck and Lady Marsember are some of her primary
Rubytresses, which Cormyrian navy concerns, for example. Then there’s the “No backwater realm of trees this be.
vessels towed to Marsember after they matter of royal pretenders... Most favored Cormyr, dear / love thee,
were abandoned in the Neck, sunk to For as I sit under my favorite tree, Every
the waterline and endangering other peril of Faerun comes to visit me, ”
Malanker Gadroun, Lord Factor of
Westward (the western border of
Sembia) has protested against these
demands personally to the Sled Regent. Pretenders
She then promised to sheathe his own
ceremonial sword up his backside if he It’s common knowledge in Cormyr that
ever spoke so haughtily to her or any Azoun, and many of his ancestors
other Cormyrian again. before him, have had a way with the
When his report brought a stiff ladies, and that bastard offspring of
warning from Ordulin as to "how royal blood dwell in many a noble house

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Give your PCs a
little guidance
by David Chiinn
illustrated by Dennis Calero

M entors such as Merlin, Obi-wan

Kenobi, and Gandatf have trained*
rescued, and equipped the greatest
heroes of mylh. They are a staple of heroic
fiction* and therefore roleplaying adven¬
tures. Often* they are the heroes of the
previous generation counseling the new.
Using mentors in your campaign could
provide new plot twists, add character
interaction to skill-level training, or boost a
lagging storyline by giving PCs a mission.
To effectively use a mentor, you must
first understand his role. The mentor is a
channel through which PCs gain access to
the wisdom, encouragement, or tools nec¬
essary to complete their quests. Second,
you must define the mentor according to
the needs and personalities of the PCs.

Group and Personal Mentors

You'll need at least one major NPC mentor
during a campaign, and he should be a
group mentor capable of uniting and moti¬
vating all of the PCs toward a common goal.
You'll also need minor NPC mentors to
add depth and complexity to your story.
Some might apply to only one PC, others to
the whole group* bur when should you use
each type?
Use a personal mentor if a PC requires
specific, individual training unlike that
needed by anyone else. A PC can receive
individual missions from a personal mentor.
This is often the case with clerics, paladins,
and knights.
Also, players might want a personal Adventure Hook: The Weapon Companion
mentor to add depth to their characters
backgrounds, especially if a character One of The PCs finds an ancient, sentient broadsword named
comes from an exotic culture. For Forrel, who reveals himself after he sees the PC perform a
example, a shaman mentor might give a heroic deed. In addition to allowing the use of his powers, Forrel
tribal warrior PC warnings from the land offers to train the PC in combat and military tactics. Sometimes
of dreams. he gives tactical advice during the battle (at those times when
Use a group mentor if the PCs have you want to warn them before they screw up big time).
trouble staying together whether
because of different motivations or
enmity. Usually, the major NPC mentor
fulfills this role. However, he might not
Adventure Hook: Rival Mentors
always be available.
Two of the PCs mentors, Hogart the Brave and Magus Tibbel, are rivals.
If the PCs hit a tough spot and need
Besides bickering as to which is stronger, magic or the warrior's skill, they
fresh encouragement or a new mission,
place small bets on their students’ quests, and sometimes they exert strong
a minor group mentor can step in and
pressure on the PCs to outdo their rivals. Make sure their rivalry never
get things moving again. Finally, if all (or
grows so intense that it splinters the group. Friendly competition
a large portion) of the PCs have similar
keeps things interesting and provide a few moments
training needs, you can save time by
of humor.
using one teacher for everyone.
Alternately, the two mentors could sponsor
different adventurer groups. In this case, the
Caveat: Intrusive Mentors competition between the PCs and another
Sometimes, DMs use mentors who
group could grow fierce, perhaps deadly.
adventure alongside the PCs. If this
NPC often saves the day and steals the
spotlight, players grow bored. If you’re
doing This, you’ve abandoned your role Mentor Gifts and Tests The proper use of magical gifts is
as storyteller in favor of playing a pow¬ In many stories, a mentor grants the often part of a hero’s ongoing testing.
erful character, one in which you have hero magical gifts in addition to advice The noble hero uses a magic gift only
a vested interest. Take a break from and training. These items should have a for honorable purposes. A mentor-given
DM mg and play in someone else’s story specific use, along with good limi¬ item might stop functioning or disappear
campaign. tations. Most such gifts are low-powered when used for the wrong reasons.
Analyze the mentors you're using. but useful-healing potions, minor scrolls, Keep in mind that the value of an
Don't drop a Gandalf into your campaign luck talismans, and so on. item is subjective. A knight might be
when a typical scholar could do the job.
Of course, powerful mentors can be
used well if, like Gandalf, they’re never
around when the PCs think they need NEW PLOT TWISTS OR BOOST A LAGGING
them. Besides, Gandalf-types have other
responsibilities. Send them off on mis¬ STORYLINE BY GIVING PCS A MISSION.
sions of their own, or give them other
important story tasks.
In Star Wars, Obi-wan deactivates the A powerful gift should be granted ecstatic to receive a magic longsword,
Death Star's tractor beam and sacrifices only after a PC proves himself worthy while a peasant-hero would be happy to
himself to stall Darth Vader. Both actions through a difficult, lengthy, and often get a high quality spear. The peasant s
are essential plot tasks. At the same deadly test. For instance, a shaman test might be to answer a riddle, while
time, Luke barely survives other mean¬ leads the PCs on a long, dangerous the knight might have to fight a giant.
ingful and difficult challenges. This sort vision quest through the dream-world
of structure maintains the mentors \o recover artifacts that will increase Seven Common Mentor Tvnes
importance to the campaign world by their abilities. However, to get those This mentor list is not exhaustive, and
allowing him to use his full abilities with¬ objects, each PC must face a powerful the different types could be blended to
out spoiling The players’ fun. guardian who represents his or her construct new types. Each type will be
worst nightmare. altered by the distinct personality and
character of the mentor you create,
Adventure Hook: Don’t Mind My Ambition i. Helper
z. Squad Leader
Tagano, the local weapons-master, is always willing to take on students. Though 3. Teacher
Tagano has good intentions, he also has strong political ambitions that will one 4. Sponsor
day conflict with the PCs’ ideals or pi I him or his other students against the PCs' 5. Retired Hero
allies. Tagano is willing to overlook these differences, but can the PCs? 6. Shadow
Adventure Hook: Go Away, I’m Retired adventurer might have more skill knowl¬
edge, but due to age he's starting to slow
Teppy Crawl, an old explorer, is the only person to have down and lose power.
crossed the Jungle of Plagues-a place to which the PCs In a military-style campaign, make the
must adventure. The problem is that Teppy vowed never Squad Leader one or two levels better
to talk about exploration again after accidentally causing than the PCs, then progress him at a
a rock slide I hat killed two of her companions. If the PCs similar rate. This way he remains helpful
want lo succeed, they must convince the grief-siricken and slightly superior, yet he’s never
Teppy to divulge her secrets, if not personally guide capable of outshining them by any great
them through the jungle. Neither is going to be easy. means. At some point, the PCs should
surpass or equal him in ability.
Even the Squad Leader's wisdom can
be tricky to handle. The PCs need to
Adventure Hook: Dark & Mysterious solve their own problems and not
become dependent on the mentor’s opin¬
A person known only as the Dark Mask sponsors the PCs. ions and ideas. One way to handle this is
She demands little except the occasional seemingly to make the mentor wise but not neces¬
inconsequential mission such as delivering a per¬ sarily smart, perhaps even a bit dull.
sonal letter. Yet, she equips and trains them, This way, he makes good but slow deci¬
even gives them a small base of operations. sions and doesn’t come up with all the
Shell work to earn their trust, and one day ideas. But don’t overdo it. PCs tend to
shell reveal her identity and motives. Who get tired of people perceived as idiots,
she is and whether she’s been up to good or especially ones who are in charge.
evil is up to you.
The Teacher is a standard advisor or
Helper Some inexperienced PCs nearly died instructor who hangs around the PCs
The PCs have crossed the Wastes of fighting trolls, A Helper heals them, home base waiting to train them when
Doom. They Ye starving, wounded, and advises them to use fire, and even sells their skill-level increases. This type is
lost. Luckily, they encounter Basala the them some flasks of oil Now the PCs best used for individual PCs who need
hedge witch, who heals them. When she have a better chance, buf they still have specialized training.
finds out they're on a quest to kill to do the dirty work Themselves. Some Teachers take an active inter¬
est in the PCs actions and train them to
A SINISTER SHADOW MIGHT SIND PCS accomplish a specific task—take over as
sharif, liberate the nation, become a Jedi

Oh QUESTS THAT SEEM1NN0CENT BUT and defeat the Empire, and so on. Others
trust the PCs' integrity and have no
ACTUALLY FURTHER THE CAUSES OF EVIL. vested interest or in pul as fo what the
PCs do. Unless the PC is apprenticed to
his mentor, the Teacher has her own
Karoom the Corrupt, who murdered her Sauad Leader agendas and other students.
brother, she gladly gives them healing Because of their wisdom and skill, Squad A Teacher who strictly advises could
potions, directions to his keep, and Leaders can easily steal glory from the be a PCs mother, a wise priest, or an
advice on how to defeat him. PCs. Therefore, be cautious in their cre¬ old bard who knows many legends. Such
A mentor like Basala, who might ation and in playing them. All of the mentors work well because they possess
appear once or twice in a campaign, is a advice here applies to any mentor com¬ a lot of wisdom about life but know little
Helper. Pul simply, this common mentor panion who travels with the PCs, tf anything about solving puzzles or
type is a plol device that appears when regardless of whether he’s in charge. fighting dragons.
the PCs need specific help-perhaps a Try to find creative ways to limit the i
small gift or information to get to the Squad Leader's raw power. An older
adventure's next stage.
Always have an extra Helper ready Adventure Rook: The “Honest" Bureaucrat
in case something goes wrong—the PCs
get lost, nearly all of them die, they can’t Lord Crabot, the PCs’ Sponsor Mentor, appears honest,
solve a problem, and so forth. However, but he’s actually a corrupt bureaucral. He manipulates the
be sure to devise a plausible reason for information he gives the PCs, making his enemies seem
the Helper to show up. guilty of horrible crimes, though they’ve done nothing
The Helper doesn't fix the PCs’ prob¬ wrong. The PCs are paid to seize, harass, or kill these
lems herself. Instead, she gives Ihem a enemies. They think they're doing a good deed until
fresh perspective or a better opportu¬ they find out the truth.
nity to do it themselves. For example:

72 annual 2ooo
Sponsor Adventure Rook; Sliding Toward the Dark Side

The Sponsor is the best archetype to
use early in a campaign because he can When The campaign began, the PCs’ Sponsor, j

give missions to start the ball roiling as Brogfel the High Priest of Tyr, was proud, honest, h
well as provide background information and noble. However, after Tyr refused to heal his j j
to set up future events and ease the dying sister, Brogfel became despondent then j It
players into the campaign world. maniacal. He has turned to evil, systematically III
Common Sponsors are rich mer¬ destroying the religion he helped build. The PCs M1jk
chants, nobles, priests, and scholars- must defeat him or find a way to get him back I||
people who have the resources to equip under control. || Si
the PCs and provide for their training.
But don’t make the Sponsor too gener¬
ous, otherwise the PCs will become
over-equipped and complacent. truth is revealed, mentor gifts might A popular Shadow, used as a
The best Sponsors have limitations become curses, and other adventurers Sponsor, is the mysterious benefactor.
to their giving. An exiled prince wont be might distrust the PCs. This mentor keeps his identity secret
able to reward the PCs substantially until Shadows can sometimes be redeemed while financially supporting the PCs and
he retakes the throne. Remember, most by the heroism of their students. The providing them with missions.
people don't have powerful artifacts and PCs might grow dose to their mentor, Don’t use the Shadow too often
magic items. Those who do keep them and when they discover his evil nature, as a major NPC, because players will
to themselves. they might want to turn him because begin to unfairly distrust every mentor
The agenda of an important Sponsor, They’re determined he’s good inside. you introduce.
like an exiled prince seeking to retake his Whether this works is up to you, but
throne, can often become the central PCs should be rewarded for trying such
quest of the campaign. valiant actions.

Retired Hero Mentor Tests

This old hero, whether a soldier, thief, or
crime-fighter, has seen it all but can’t or SEEK Bt RETRIEVE
doesn’t adventure anymore. Maybe she The mentor tells the PCs the location of Kabbat’s Grimoire, which contains spells
lost heart, grew too old, or was critically they need to defeat an upcoming enemy. To recover it, the PCs have to defeat
injured. the book’s ancient and powerful guardians.
If physically possible, however, a
Retired Hero might adventure again if OLYMPIC TRIAL
she’s needed to save the world or coun¬ The mentor requires the PCs to swim across the raging Gorl River, scale Mount
try. Such old heroes often have a Olympia, and return in three days with a marker from the summit. Such trials
climactic death in which they ensure the are designed to test knowledge and willpower as much as physical capability.
survival and success of younger heroes,
as with Obi-wan Kenobi sacrificing him¬ RIDDLE ME THIS
self to allow Luke and the others to The PCs must answer a riddle to receive help. The best riddles not only test the
escape the Death Star. PCs’ wisdom but also provide foreshadowing or personal advice. Some riddles
Any Teacher, Sponsor, or Helper don’t have set answers but can be solved multiple ways with any intelligent or
could be a retired hero, but as a compassionate response being the correct answer,
recurring NPC, the Retired Hero type
represents someone who wants little DEMONSTRATE YOUR SKILL
to do with the old adventuring life. The PCs’ would-be mentor, the bronze dragon Tabboth, requires them to prove
He’s likely to be little more than a friend, their worth in combat against him. This gives inexperienced PCs a chance To
giving advice and encouragement to fight one of the big guys and see how they measure up without the risk of
I the PCs. dying. Remember, they don’t have to know it’s a test at first.

Nol all mentors are conspicuously good
guys. These mentors have secret, possi¬
bly sinister agendas. An NPC fulfilling
the role of any other mentor type can
also be a Shadow.
A sinister Shadow might send PCs on
quesrs That seem innocent but actually
further the causes of evil Ultimately, the
PCs' loyalties are strained when they end
up in conflict with the Shadow. After the
101 Evil Schemes*
101 (Mostly) Foolproof Plots for Villains
by E.W. Morton

The measure of a villain is his motive. With that in mind, here are
dozens of villainous schemes for your consideration. Use them as story
ideas or simply fantastic rumors. Use them as hooks and background.
Use them alone, or strung together. But however you would use them,
just remember that it’s the scheme that makes the villain.

not work outside of their home plane,

but this is not yet known. The tanarYi
must be stopped, either on its way back
A killer stalks the streets. The twist? A local wizard has established an acad¬ to the Abyss or in the high-lech uni¬
The killer is a paladin who has been con¬ emy and is hiring adventurers to verse itself.
vinced by an imposter cleric that the uncover lost tomes for its library.
murders will stop the results of a dire
prophecy. The imposter knows that this
murder spree will fulfil! the dark
Unknown to all, the academy is the pet
project of a mind flayer clan that hopes
to attract learned (and tasty) minds.
An advisor to the king uses illusions to
prophecy, not prevent it. convince the sovereign that his lost love

A vampire, Ii red of undeath, uses magic
is secretly being held captive by an ally.
The advisor hopes to take the throne
from The “mad king” after he starts a
A foreign agent hires an evil dragon to to switch bodies with a living woman. war and alienates his supporters.
prey on local livestock. The agent hopes The victim of this scheme, now undead
that local heroes will slay the dragon and consumed with unimaginable
and that its sire, a great wyrm of leg¬ hunger, is on a ravenous murder spree,
endary power, will descend in rage upon regretting her actions but unable to help A woman seeks adventurers to confront
the land. herself. When confronted, she begs to an ancient evil. What she doesn't say is

be returned to her own body. that the evil will be freed when tres¬
passers enter its lair. The woman is a
foreign agent who wants this misfortune
A madman hires the PCs to bring him a to befall the land.
sphere of annihilation. He has been col¬ A nemesis of the PCs has devised a
lecting such items for years and plans
on conjoining enough of them to rip
apart the fabric of the universe. The
nasty strategy; He leads several carrion
crawlers inl o I he PCs* camp. The para¬
lyzing carrion crawlers soften up the
The tarrasque has been devastating the
madman, an expert at controlling the PCs for the main attack. countryside, but a planewalking “tar-
spheres, plans to destroy the heroes rasque hunter” has recently opened a
using the sphere they bring him.
A frost wizard decides that all of
vast gate with which to whisk the crea¬
ture away. All the traveler needs are a
few volunteers to lure the tar rasque into
society's problems can be blamed on the porlai. The mad “tarrasque hunter” is
A wizard seeks spell components ihat he emotions. He begins replacing people actually trying to destroy his home world,
plans to use to transport his city to rhe in his homeland with simulacra, as per as the tarrasque will be deposited there.
Upper Planes, where it will forever exist the spell.
in peace, A local warlord, whose armies
will no longer face opposition once the
wizard’s city is gone, secretly inspired
this idea.
A tanar’ri ventures into a high technol¬
ogy universe to acquire a nuclear
A conniving rogue has devised a means
by which to bring down the PCs. With
the help of a wizard, he crafts a set of
weapon. Such technological devices do cursed items, each of which is a replica

74 annual 2ooo
of an object carried by one of the PCs. result of a manipulative koboid that has destroying several communities to warm
One by one, he replaces each of the become an "imaginary friend” to several his own,
PCs valuable items with its cursed children, whom it is using as larcenous
replica. pawns.

Elves are long-lived but not immortal. A wizard collects monsters and keeps
A bored god of strife has provoked a
healed argument between several god¬
desses, persuading them to pick a mortal
One decides that she will become the them in a menagerie. She hires powerful arbiter. Regardless of this arbiter’s deci¬
latter. She founds a cult in her name adventurers to collect them. Little do sions, he is likely to upset at least one of
and demands unswerving loyally from they know that she plans to use them to the goddesses, who will bring misfortune
her followers, even though she knows attack a college of magic that banned upon him and his companions.
that this results in their execution for her for her evil experiments.
heresy. She hopes that this sacrifice in
her name will further her quest tor
immortality. A necromancer has been digging tun¬
An ore general has found an interesting nels between Ns manor and the city
use for a dan of giants. He has the graveyard to steal corpses. When a
giants toss ores with feather fail cast on grave digger discovers the tunnels, the
A lich is weary of meddling in the them over the walls of each city his mayor calls for help with catching the
affairs of the mortal world and wants to horde encounters. These ores make their necromancer and his zombie minions.
die. He doesn’t want anyone to take his way to the city gates and open them
accumulated treasures without effort, so before the startled defenders can react.
he threatens a nearby city with destruc¬
tion unless some adventurers hazard the An ancient lich has uncovered the hid¬
dangers of his lair and destroy him. ing place of a hibernating vampire. To

A flock of cbakers has made an alliance
with a sadistic merchant, who now "sells”
A tyrant fears that the people will revolt
if not taught thal his harsh ways are
necessary. He tricks two powerful guilds
into a vicious conflict and uses it to jus-
tify his ruthless policies.
rid himself of this potential rival, the lich
poses as the vampire and preys on the
local populace. When confronted, The
lich flees into the vampire’s crypt then
teleports away, leaving the PCs to finish
the cloakers to unsuspecting buyers, as off his enemy.
rhe monsters are almost indistinguishable
from fine cloaks. Together, the merchant
and ihe cloakers hope to seize control of A clever band of gargoyles has chosen
the immediate area. as its home a city in which ranged Magic items are all but priceless. A
weapons are forbidden and statuary is fledgling wizard realized this and has
commonplace. They can hide amid the created several items that look magical
inanimate gargoyles decorating the using Nystufs magic aura. He has put
A madman, obsessed with studying the rooftops and can fly unchallenged. these items up for sale, claiming that
psychology behind fear, has created a Attempts a I driving them away have yet they’re actual magic items.
golem to spread panic. The madman fol¬ to succeed.
lows his evil creation, observing as it
terrorizes the local peasantry.
© A priest of an evil sea god, posing as a

A mangy clan of gnolls resides in the
A mercenary captain looking for
employment poses as a highwayman. His
mercenary company is hired and inter -
navigator, leads a passenger vessel into
kraken territory, where he plans to sac¬
rifice the ship and its passengers to a
city sewers and works to cave in these lionally fails to capture the highwayman. minion of his wicked patron.
underground pipelines. If they are not When others are asked to join in the
stopped soon, the damage to the city’s hunt, the mercenaries decide to frame
foundations will be too great, and the the newcomers for the robberies.
population above the surface will be A messenger from the Upper Planes has
forced to flee the resulting ruin.
© become as evil as the fiends he fights.
The celestial hires the PCs to battle a

Upstanding members of the community,
Of late, winters have been especially
harsh. A conjurer tries to fix the prob¬
lem by traveling to the Underdark and
fiend he is hunting, but he intends on
helping the fiend defeat them. He
believes that he can better rally support
all of whom claim to be innocent, appear opening vortices to the Elemental Plane for his cause if the PCs become martyrs.
to have committed all manner of petty of Fire. His plan will flood many miles of
crimes. The crime spree is actually the inhabited caverns with magma,
the crown, the king accuses them of celestial beings to cast it. The fiend has
having been hired by a neighboring gathered a small army of Its kind and
kingdom to steal it, thus justifying a dec¬ wants to enchant them, allowing them to
The leviathan is a creature of good, laration of war. operate freely on the Upper Planes. All
ever fighting the evils of the sea. the fiend must do is lure some celestials
Sahaugin send agents to an island nation into a trap it has set using hired mortals
with fabricated stories aboul the evils of as pawns.
the leviathan, stories supported by A vigilante has hounded the guild master
“leviathan attacks” that are actually
sahaugin raids for which the leviathan
has been framed.
of a local thieves guild for years. To
stop this, the guild master assassinates
several citizens of questionable but for-
A local human king, tired of elves
givable morals and frames the vigilante. harassing his nation's loggers, hires a
People begin to fear that their protector hand of adventurers to deliver a mes¬
has finished with thieves and moved on sage of peace to the elven court.
With the help of a cloud giant clan, a to those who commit the smallest of Unknown to the messengers, the scroll
wizard has discovered a spell that can offenses. The citizens now seek some¬ carrying this message has been coated

destroy magic cloud islands. The wizard one to hunt down the vigilante. with a poison that afflicts only elves.
has already tested his spell on the isle of The king hopes to provoke the elves
the cloud giants, sending most of the into open warfare.
dan plummeting to their deaths. He now
plans on dispelling a cloud island Inhab¬ In a city where the ownership of quality
ited by a silver dragon to steal the pets is a status symbol, an evil trans-
dragon's treasure. muter has polymorphed his many dop- Everyone thinks about vampires, but no

Rakshasas have conquered an entire city
pelganger minions into fine animals and
sold them to the nobility. Once each
noble owns one of these false pets, the
doppelgangers, which can counteract
one ever remembers the insidious lamia.
One particular lamia is feeding off the
local population and throwing off inves¬
tigators by spreading rumors suggesting
with one swift attack and then masked it polymorph spells on a whim, will replace the presence of a vampire.
with powerful magic to preserve an illu¬ the entire upper class,
sion of of normality. Rumor of the attack
is rampant but no one is sure which city
the rakshasas now control. & A coven of hags shares a friendly
To avoid being caught, a vampire devel¬ wager. They hope to humiliate an adven¬
ops a spell that gives people a strong turing party by having one of the
aversion to garlic, sunlight, running adventurers unintentionally kill another.
An old man claims to have escaped the water, and mirrors. Whenever a new The first among the hags to successfully
slave pits of a powerful warlord. He has hunt for the vampire begins, the crea¬ pull off this scheme wins the bet.
the layout of the warlord's fortress
memorized and can lead interested par¬
ties straight to the throne room. In real¬
ity, the old man is the warlord himself,
ture casts the spell on someone else,
leading hunters to believe that the spell's
victim is the vampire being hunted.
Currently, the vampire plans on making
A crafty rogue has been pursuing an
looking to fake his own death so he can a “Troublesome” paladin or priest this uninterested maiden for some time. When
work from the shadows. unique spell's next target. a dragon attacks the countryside, the

The monstrous yuan-ti hope to smuggle
A wizard has been dominating powerful
rogue sees his chance. He convinces the
local villagers that they must sacrifice the
object of his attention to the dragon. He
plans to kidnap the girl when she is left
their ruler out of their lair In a particu¬ individuals to use as pawns with a for sacrifice. Unfortunately for all, the
lar city. They infest the market with unique variant of the dominate person dragon hears that a maiden is being
deadly serpents, creating a diversion. As spell that not only controls the victim offered and plans to show up for dinner.
the citizens panic, the serpentine ruler hut also causes that person to believe
of the yuan-ti is on the move. that the source of the spell is someone
of the wizard's choosing. Using this
special spell, the evil wizard frames a
A band of lizard folk has decided to
powerful, good-aligned rival. divert a river and flood a city, which
An aging warrior-king wishes to die in they will then claim as their own.
battle and so must start a wan He gives
his crown to some of his men and hires
a band of adventurers to reclaim the
A fiend has created a spell that allows
Fortunately, a traveler has glimpsed their
riverside excavations and asked adven¬
turers to investigate.
Item, which the king tells them has been recipients to become native to the
stolen. When the adventurers acquire Upper Planes, but it must sacrifice many

76 annual 2ooo
in value more than the contents of every where the jars shatter and unleash their

ocean in the world. lethal contents: green slime!

A famous artist, recently snubbed by

the nobility, takes dormant yellow mold m
and uses it to color the yellow portions A powerful werewolf has learned a The king’s remote summer estate has
of the paintings of his rival just before a magical rile that IransPorms infected become infested with ghosts, much to
gala exhibition at a noble’s mansion, TTie lycanthropes into true lycanthropes. He the monarch's chagrin. In reality, the so-
people at the exhibition notice nothing is now offering true lycanthropy to any called ghosts are illusions, created by a
amiss except for a strange odort but a who will swear allegiance to him, and he spellcasting gnome squatter who wishes
day later they all feel the mold's deadly is slowly turning local thugs and once- to keep the royal residence to himself.
effect. vanquished villains into formidable foes.

An evil priest poses as a member of a
Local hobgoblin bands have enlisted a To monopolize a given trade route, a good-aligned church to gain political
human traitor as a spy. The spy has ruthless conglomerate of merchants power. In return for an annual human
concocted special ink that is visible only enlists the aid of several goblinoid tribes sacrifice, the evil priest’s patron pro-
to darkvision, and he has been writing to attack rival caravans. tects him from detection by members of
messages to the hobgoblins on the sides the church. To fulfill this year's sacri¬
of wagons leaving his home city. fice, the priest secretly builds a dun¬

0 © geon to be used in an ambush and asks

A planar explorer bottles the waters adventurers to investigate,
from the River Styx and somehow pre¬
An ore general is planning on attacking serves their mystical amnesia-causing
a certain city, in the sewers beneath properties. He returns home to wreak
this city, the ore has raised a large herd vengeance upon his enemies by stealing An aging sage has discovered the lair
of rust monsters. Unless they are dis¬ their memories. of a lich and agrees to lead the PCs

covered and destroyed, they will be there to confront the creature. The
unleashed upon the city armory, crip¬ sage doesn’t actually want the heroes to
pling the city’s militia even as the ores slay it for he hopes that the lich will
move to attack. A con man is selling false treasure somehow help him cheat death. If nec¬
maps. To insure that his scheme essary the sage will turn on the PCs to
remains uncovered, each of the man’s save the zombie lord from destruction.

In a land plagued by the walking dead,

an undead hunting wizard offers train¬
ing in return for assistance. Unknown to
maps leads explorers to the lair of a
deadly beast, where they will presum¬
ably meet their doom.
A bored god of strife decides to use a
the wizard, the idea to train others in social outcast as entertainment. He
his profession was secretly suggested © grants the man divine power, no strings
by a lich, who needs pawns with which The high priest of a destructive god is attached. Now, the mortal-turned-avatar
to battle an undead rival granted an earthquake spell and now capriciously torments the society that
heads toward a city at the foot of a cast him out. The only hope of ending

One of the nobility discovers that the
dormant volcano. If not intercepted, the
priest casts earthquake upon the moun¬
tain and triggers a violent eruption.
his reign of terror is for someone to
convince him to willingly give up the
divine gift he has received.
king is sending a peace offering to one¬
time enemies and convinces the people
that their king has betrayed them. The
citizens support the nobility in a political An efreeti has created a band of almost
The sultan of the efreet decides to flex
coup unless the truth is revealed. unstoppable minions by granting a dan his muscles by brightening the flames
of trolls their wish to have immunity to of the sun and turning the world into an
fire. The trolls now stalk the land with arid desert. To prevent this, someone
impunity, ruling in the name of their must travel to the City of Brass and
A greedy wafer elemental has opened a efreeti ally. convince the sultan that his malicious
vortex in the middie of the ocean and is display of power isn’t necessary.
intent upon draining the seas back into
the elemental plane from which they
came. To stop the elemental from turn¬ An army of goblins laying siege to a vil¬
ing the world into a desert, the creature lage has devised a wicked lactic, They A seafaring merchant has hoarded
must be offered something that it would begin catapulting stone jars Into the city, grain. He wants to sell it at the highest
price he can. To this end, he has mortal, whom it plans to have take the spirit with that of a doppelganger, and
secretly infested his vessel with vermin blame for any interference it's inspired. then returned him in the doppleganger s
from a distant continent* These vermin body but in his own form. The abductee
will cause terrible crop blights in his
homeland unless someone keeps them
from being brought ashore.
A clockmaker building a clock tower for
is unaware that he is now a doppel¬
ganger, but the PCs might learn this fact
and think their henchman is an imposter.
the city requests the .PCs' help to rid his When they find the doppelganger in

A drow learns that a surface elf has
tower of gremlins. In truth there are no
gremlins. The clockmaker was paid to
assassinate the PCs and he equipped the
their friend’s body, they might assume
the worst and believe him to be a real
shape shifter*
been coflecting cursed items and storing clock tower with deadly traps*
them in an anti-magic vault. Looking to
wreak havoc, the drow slays the elven
collector and distributes the cursed A villain, using a magical portal, has
items far and wide. A medusa has decided to build herself a traveled back in time. Fearing that the
sanctuary constructed of petrified villain will try to change the past, the
humanoids* Towards this end, she PCs must use the same portal to go
has enlisted the services of notorious back after him. The villain does not
An island temple has been declared kidnappers* actually dare interfere with history. His
taboo; should any mortal set foot within real goal Is to keep the PCs out of the
it, terrible plagues will ravage the land. A present so that his allies’ present-day
man whose wife died of an illness wants schemes go unchallenged.
everyone to share his misery. He seeks The PCs learn that an ancient Etch has
to find and enter the temple. tempted one of their spellcasfer allies,

A treaty with the local elves prohibits
convincing the man to become a lich. To
save their friend’s soul, the PCs must
prevent the ritual that will transform him
into one of the undead.
To discourage thieves, a mighty wizard
once cut a deal with a powerful, evil
entity, insuring that any unauthorized
human travelers from harming any veg¬
etation in the surrounding woods. An
evil cfan of minotaurs is using this to
their advantage and has been planting
A vampire has gained control of one of
persons entering his keep would be
transported to a replica of the keep on
the Lower Planes. The wizard has long
since passed away and no warning
brambles for years, turning the wood the PCs’ former allies. She hopes that remains about his extradimensional trap.
into a giant hedge maze. the PCs will attempt to save him, for she

Q secretly desires to transform one of

their number into a vampire*
To prevent two kingdoms from allying
A manipulative temptress has decided
that the PCs would make nice pawns. To
make them hers, she has asked a sly
One of the heroes’ cohort has developed
against them, a band of goblins has been
making border raids upon both nations,
framing each kingdom for attacks upon
rogue to slip potions of love into each an eye for a particular PC. She goes to the other* Anyone wanting to protect
of their drinks just before she encoun¬ any length to keep the PC out of danger, the alliance must venture to the goblins
ters them. even going so far as to undermine the warrens and uncover evidence of the
PCs every action in the hopes of per¬ creatures’ trickery.

A young cleric has been given the
suading him to retire from adventuring*

honor of conducting a special holiday An evil wizard has set out on a venture
ritual. Her lazy brother, long jealous of To generate distrust among the PCs, to the center of the world, from which
her success in life, has been interfering one of their long-time foes has kid¬ he plans to retrieve a powerful artifact*
with the preparations for the ritual, try¬ napped and later returned one of the He will be stopped only if someone else
ing to make her look incompetent. The party members. The abductee has no ventures through the Underdark and
clergy fears that evil spirits are behind memories of his abduction but radiates beats him to the prize.
the mishaps, moderate Enchantment magic. The villain
has no real control over the abductee;

0 he merely wishes it to look as if he does.

An aboleth has decided to build an out¬
A glabrezu looks to interfere with the
ritual that keeps it at bay, but it can’t
enter the town where the ritual is being
A devious necromancer has captured
post in a murky, aboveground lagoon. It
has trapped the inhabitants of a fishing
village at the bottom of the lagoon for
held. It has enlisted the aid of a foolish one of the PCs' cohorts, swapped his use as slave labor.

78 annual 2ooo
To remain the best in the land, a
Of late, the waters of the bay are
One of the PCs’ nemeses has reformed
breeder of prize chickens steals his becoming murkier, driving away wildlife and hopes to earn redemption by fight¬
rivals' chicken eggs and replaces them and making life difficult for the fisher¬ ing evil at their side. Unfortunately, one
with cockatrice eggs* These eggs hatch, men. The source of the silt is a ruthless of this individual’s evil rivals sees an
and the cockatrices run amok across the wizard, who is using his magic to pollute opportunity to destroy both the PCs and
countryside. the bay. He hopes that this will force an their newfound ally; this foe has
elusive mermaid to surface for capture. recruited some of the reformed villain’s

A dragon has concocted a plan to elimi¬

© disappointed minions to attack their for¬
mer master and the characters.

nate potential threats. Using a crystal

ball the dragon uncovers the identities
An elf seeks the heart of an ancient
wood, where he claims he will study a
• ©
of local adventuring professionals and small band of benign drow renegades. In Grimlocks, who are born blind, have
has its minions ambush these individuals truth, the man Is a half-elf whose elven shrouded a human city in a cloud of
before they become too experienced. mother was slain by evil drow. He wants smoke generated by an unusually potent
to test a poison on ihe renegade drow eversmoking bottle. The smoke doesn't
before risking his life to deliver the toxin reach indoors, but on the streets, where
Into the water supply of their evil kin. vision is completely obscured, the grim¬
An archeologist ventures into the deep locks reign supreme. The only way to
desert, where a living idol trapped free the city is to find and seal the
beneath the sands is using most of its eversmoking bottle.
remaining power to demand the archeol¬ A conniving thief has stolen a religious
ogist's assistance. The evil idol hopes icon and planted it in the house of a
that the ensorcelled archeologist will particular noble. He cares nothing about

unearth it. the icon but instead wants the noble to A kraken with a taste for land-dwellers
be executed so that no one remains 1o has developed a potent magical talent
attest to the exact size of the noble’s that allows it to open magical doorways
gem collection, from which the thief will connecting its lair to other watery
An infamous bard wants to add to his pilfer a fair percentage. locales. The sea monster has been using
legend. He helps the PCs defeat a par¬ this magic to snatch victims through
ticular beast but then turns upon them poofs, wells, and even bathtubs*
so that he can claim to be the sole sur¬
vivor of the glorious quest. Even if the A bitter dwarven weaponsmith has
bard fails to murder the adventurers, made it his mission to spread misery
stones of his deeds will be spread sim¬ throughout the world* To this end, he The city has fended off several umber
ply for making the attempt. sabotages every weapon he makes. hulk attacks, but the monsters are learn¬

An evil treant has decided to wage a
Though all of his wares appear to be of
the highest quality, each fails dramati¬
cally after several weeks of use.
ing* They have started working as sap¬
pers, destroying city structures from
below. If the umber hulks are not
stopped, the city will be undermined and
war against civilization using animated collapse.
trees as soldiers. The treant has
attacked several hamlets* The survivors A particular rogue was raised to dislike
of these strikes have fled, believing the wizards, and he has found a way to do
forest to be cursed* away with them. The man breeds book¬ With the birth of his daughter sixteen
worms, which he makes sure to unleash years ago, an evil game hunter appar¬
upon any tome or library he can reach ently gave up his wicked ways. He
using his roguish talents. retired from hunting and reared his
A baron hires adventurers to eliminate a daughter to be a perfectly virtuous
band of goblins that has been destroying young woman. In truth, the hunter is
his crops and digging up his fields. What using his daughter in a sixteen-year-old
the baron doesn'r tell those in his A villain's follower has convinced both scheme* Once adventurers make the
employ is that the goblins are actually the villain and his heroic rivals to travel surrounding woodlands a safe place in
searching for their young, whom the through a magical portal. The henchman which his daughter can stroll, he hopes
baron has kidnapped to work as slaves plans to destroy the portal, sfranding his that she will befriend the wood's elusive
in his mines. It is the location of these boss and his enemies so he can to take unicorn, bringing it into the open so that
hidden mines that the goblins seek with over his former master’s criminal empire. he can claim its horn as a trophy. (Jj
their mysterious excavations*
try Monte Cook * illustrated by D, Alexander Gregory


orced to dwell among creatures
larger and stronger than they,
gnomes have often turned to
their unique strengths to survive. The
phrase "they might be big, but were z 4-Z +0 +3 +0 Slippery, illusion expertise
smart” is a common one among their 3 -H +3 . +1. False charm
kind, as is “if you can't beat them, trick 4 *3 +1 +4 +T Size combat
them ." The gnome trickster prestige 5 +4 -H +4 -H Extended illusion
class provides a model in which the 6 +5 +2 +5 4-2 Repeated strike
"tricky little guy” archetype of the 7 +6 +2 +5 +2 Enlarge illusion
gnome is quantified with formidable 8 +2 +6 4-2 Bonus illusion
game mechanics. 9 +7 +6 +3 Quickened illusion
10 +8 +3 +7 +3: Fade away
Gnome Trickster
The trickster is a gnome specializing in Lvl: The level of the trickster,_ Rtt Save: The save bonus on Reflex
the use of deception and misdirection 'Attack Bomss: The trickster's attack saving throws, added to the character's
to get ahead. He can be playful and bonus, added to the characters normal normal save bonus.
light-hearted, but he just as often uses attack bonus,__ Will $8ve: The save bonus on Will
his skills to fool his foes in deadly situa¬ Fort* Save: The save bonus on saving throws, added to the character's
tions. A trickster employs the skills of Fortitude saving throws, added to the normal save bonus, _
both illusionists and rogues fused character's normal save bonus. Special: Level-dependent class
together in a uniquely gnomish features.
Tricksters are most often rogues or REQUIREMENTS
wizards, but just about any gnome To qualify to become a trickster, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:
character—short of perhaps a paladin—
has taken up the role of the trickster. Must be a gnome_ Hide skill ranks: 3
NPC tricksters are usually loners Must be able to cast at least ist-level Pick Pocket ranks: 5
looking for fun, adventure, riches, or arcane spells of the Illusion school Bhiff ranks: 7_
all of the above. Heroic feats: Expertise

8d annual2do6
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 +

The trickster's class skills (and the

key ability for each skill) are:

Balance (Dex)
Bluff (Cha)
Escape Artist (Dex)
Hide (Dex)
Innuendo (Wis)
Listen (Wis)
Move Silently (Dex)
Perform (Dex)
Pick Pockets (Dex)
Sense Motive (Wis)
Spot (Wis)
Tumble (Dex)

CLASS FEATURES J • Repeated Strike; At 6th level,

* Weapon and Armor Proficiency: trickster in combat can attack a foe
The trickster is proficient with at! simple he has already hit that round
weapons, but no type of armor or shield, as a free action, once per round.
* Misdirection: Once per day, for The gnome uses the same attack
every three levels of the trickster, the bonus used in the attack that
trickster can, as a free action, force struck the foe. This is an
one foe of greater than 2 Int within to extraordinary ability.
feet to make a Will save with a DC of * Enlarge Ittuskm:
10 + the tricksters class level If the 7th level, one of the
saving throw fails, that foe is treated as Illusion spells the
flat-footed uniil the foe's next action. trickster can cast
This ability involves some sort of com - is forever treated as
munication between the trickster and being enlarged, as per the
the target-a Few words, a gesture, and Spell, though with no modification
so on. This is an extraordinary ability. level This is a supernatural ability.
* Slippery; At and level, gnome * Bonus Illusion; At 8th level,
tricksters gain a +2 bonus to Escape the trickster gains a bonus Illusion
Artist and Tumble checks. This is an spell at each spell level known.
extraordinary ability. This is a supernatural ability,
* luskm Expertise; The Trickster can 9 Quickened Ifiyskm; At gfh
use his character level rather than his level one of the illusion spells
class level in regards to any level-based the trickster can cast is forever
effects of Illusion spells (duration, treated as being quickened, as
range, and so on). per the feat Quicken Spell, though
* False Cham: At 3rd level, the with no modification in level This
trickster gains a +-2 bonus to his Char¬ is a supernatural ability,
isma, This is an extraordinary ability, * Fade Away: At 10th level the

* Size Combat: At 4th level, the trickster can use a dimension door
trickster gains a +1 competence bonus as a spell-lke ability once per day
to attack all creatures larger than Small as a free action as if he were a
size. This is an extraordinary ability. sorcerer of his trickster class level
* Extended Illusion; At 51 h level
one of the Illusion spells the trickster
can cast is forever treated as being
extended, as per the feat Extend Spell,
though with no modification in level
This is a supernatural ability.
mm mm
Mi _5
1 ■ JS

Her Majesty’s Secret Servants

by Andy Collins • illustrated by Mike Yilardi

Jack Dav slipped quietly through the shadowy halls of the Grand Viziers
T he Royal Heralds serve as the
eyes and the ears of the Queen,
palace. His fingers had been twitching throughout the length of the Reporting directly to Lord
seemingly endless wedding reception. but patience had won out Now, with Chamberlain Kell Fleming, the Heralds
the palace quiet and the viziers "elite guards^ unconscious behind himt he travel far and wide, gathering informa¬
was finally free to complete his mission. tion as they go. Most people see the
Royal Heralds as little more than a
The lock clicked open under Jacks expert fingers. After moving into the
group of diplomats, messengers, and
viziers private studyr he paused briefly to let his eyes adjust to the
errand-runners, and that's exactly
darkness. A quick glance about the room located the enormous portrait of how the Heralds want it.
the vizier-without the warts of course-thaf according to his intelligence
reports, concealed a secret compartment containing the empires war plans. HISTORY Of THE ROYAL HERALDS
His smile was cut short by a light appearing behind him and the chortle The first Royal Heralds were exactly
that: messengers of the Crown. Over
of the vizier's chief of security. “So, it would appear that we have found a
the years, however, the monarchs of
spy Guards hurt him ” the kingdom had occasional need for a
As Jacks far-from-ceremonial rapier leaped Into his hands he couldn't particularly trusted errand-runner or
help thinking, Thank Pelor for Sergeis fencing lessons! information gatherer. When a wise lord
chamberlain (whose name has been lost
to history) grew fired of repeatedly
recruiting such trustworthy individuals,
he created a network of skilled agents
that would report directly to him. Once
identified and recruited, each new
Herald was Trained in spycrafi and dipio-
macy-at first by the lord chamberlain
himself, and later by the chamberlain's
hand-picked officers and senior agents.
Within a generation, the group's
founder had passed on and been
replaced. But the network of Heralds
lived on, thriving in the kingdom s

82 annual 2ooo
climate of political intrigue. As time bards and rogues, with their appropriate The Lord Chamberlain,
passed, the organization continued to array of class skills—tend to make better Kell Fleming
grow. While occasional lapses in secu¬ Heralds than others. Still, the Heralds
rity have threatened to pull away the employ plenty of fighters, monks, and Male human, Gth-lEvel aristocrat/
Heralds’ cover of secrecy, they have rangers; a cleric, sorcerer, or wizard Gth-level herald
managed time and again to turn crises with the right mix of spells can also be
into opportunities. an exceptional Herald. Druids, paladins, Strength 10 (+0) Fort. Save +5
Today, no one person knows all the and barbarians tend to make poor Dexterity 15 (+2) Ref. Save +9
Heralds' identities, but it Is believed that Heralds, though rare exceptions exist. Constitution 12 (+1) Will Save +13
the group numbers over two hundred. Ifs rumored that the Lord Chamberlain Intelligence 12 (+1) Alignment Nfi
Lord Chamberlain Kell Fleming retains employs a few assassins for particularly Wisdom 16 (+3) Speed 30
his leadership of the Heralds, though he devious assignments. The most prized Charisma 16 (+3} Size Mifflin
secretly realizes that even he is no Heralds, of course, are those who actu¬
longer fully in control of his network ally advance in the herald prestige class. Armor Class 12 Melee Attack +B/+3
of spies and agents, (See below.) Bit Points G5 Ranged Attack +1D/+5
A Herald’s most important ability
HERALD RESPONSIBILITIES scores are Charisma, Wisdom, and Special: Evasion, false alignment, non-
The chamberlain assigns some Heralds Dexterity. While Heralds tend to have a detection, sneak attack +3d6, uncanny
for “internal duties " meaning that they wide range of skills, aptitude in interac¬ dodge (Dex bonus to AC),
restrict their activities to within the tion, detection, and stealth are critical. Skills: Bluff +16, Diplomacy +18, Gather
kingdom. These Heralds watch for Skills such as Bluff, Diplomacy, information +13, Intimidate -ho, Listen
potential insurgency, foreign spies, gov¬ Disguise, Forgery, Hide, Listen, Move +10, Read Lips +5, Search +5, Sense
ernment corruption, and other problems Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Motive +13, Spol +9.
facing the kingdom. They pose as minor Spot are all important to a good Herald. Feats: Alertness, improved Initiative,
officials, traveling merchants, itinerant Gather Information is a must-if a Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Bluff).
performers, or even adventurers, Herald can’t dig up rumors, he’ll have Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven.
depending on the Task and area. trouble handling missions. Spells Known (5/4/4/.2): o-daze, ghost
Heralds working within the kingdom Above all else, a Herald must be sound, guidancet mage hand[ prestidigi¬
can count on strong support. Most jun¬ absolutely loyal to the Queen. The Lord tation; change seif, charm person,
ior Heralds work "internal” until they Chamberlain doesn't accept even the glib tongue, message; 2nd- detect
prove their ability to work Independ¬ rumor of disloyalty, and he won’t hesi¬ thoughts, invisibility, lords charisma,
ently. They file frequent reports to tate to use magical means to confirm suggestion; 3rd-detect scrying, illusory
their superior officers and are kept on or dispel such suspicions. script
a short leash. Possessions: +2 dagger, ring of mind
The majority of Heralds are assigned PC HERALDS shielding figurine of wondrous power
to “foreign affairs." These Heralds Obviously, player characters who belong (silver raven), goggles of night
travel to other kingdoms far and near, to the Royal Heralds have a dual alle¬ Background: Kell Fleming was a typical
where they use Iheir formidable skills to giance: both to their fellow adventurers lazy aristocrat working as an assistant
learn the kingdoms' secrets, deliver and to the Crown. This can create many to the former Lord Chamberlain when
clandestine messages, rescue prisoners, interesting situations, but it shouldn't be he stumbled across a secret meeting of
kidnap nobles, or foment discord. Most allowed to interfere with the group's the Royal Heralds. Faced with the need
carry a title like “emissary" or “ambas¬ enjoyment. PC Heralds can have a to control the possible leak, the Heralds
sador* that helps get them into foreign longer leash than other Heralds-per- decided to recruit Fleming rather than
courts. Those working incognito might haps the PC is a special operative who silence him. To their (and his) good for¬
pose as traders, wealthy travelers, or works only occasional missions, or a tune, Fleming took to the work with a
even minor royalty. “sleeper agent” who waits for a passion and proved a natural at spy-
Heralds assigned to foreign kingdoms particular event for activation. craft. Over the years, his contacts
must rely almost completely on their It also isn’t critical that all characters among the nobles of the land proved
own abilities. Only rarely can the Lord belong to the Heralds, though any extremely useful, and when the former
Chamberlain supply any assistance to Heralds in the group should keep either chamberlain died in his sleep two years
these faraway servants. In some cases, the organization's motives and activities ago, the Queen named Fleming as his
Heralds must go without contact from relatively quiet or be absolutely certain successor.
home for months or years. Stories per¬ of the group s ability to keep secrets.
sist of one Herald who posed as a spice
merchant in a distant empire for six BENEFITS Of MEMBERSHIP
years before he was able to complete The chief benefit derived from mem¬
his mission, bership in the Royal Heralds is the
authority vested by the Queen. Every
REQUIREMENTS FOR MEMBERSHIP Herald, from the rawest recruit to the
The Royal Heralds accept characters of most senior veteran, carries with him
all classes, though some—particularly the authority to act in the Queen's best
Jherrith Martdrakesson, Former Herald

Male halfling, Sth-level cleric/3rd-level

herald/2n«Tlevel rogue

Strength 8 (-1) Fort. Save +G

Dexterity 14 (+2) Ref, Save +11
Constitution 8 (-1) Will Save +12
Intelligence 10 (+0) Alignment K
Wisdom IS {+3) Speed 20
Charisma 14 {+21 Size M(3J2")

Armor Class 18 Melee Attack +11+2

Hit Points 35 Ranged Attack +10/+5

Special: Evasion, False alignment,

rebuke undead, sneak attack +2d6,
uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AC),
Skills: Bluff +12, Concentration +4,
Diplomacy +13, Disguise +5, Gather
Information +12, Knowledge (nobility
and royalty) +7, Listen +9, Sense
Motive +11, Speak Language (Dwarven),
Spot +9,
Feats: Alertness, Expertise, Improved
Disarm, Improved Initiative,
Languages: Common, Dwarven,
Cleric Spells (5/4/3/2): o-guidance interests and the knowledge that his EMEMIES
(x2), light, mending, read magic: 1st— actions will be supported by her agents. As the existence of the Heralds
command comprehend languages, This support can take the form of gold, remains a secret, no group realizes
obscuring mist, sanctuary; an6-animal weapons, magic, supplies, letters of mar¬ who is behind the thwarting of their
messenger, silence, zone of truth; 3rd- que, or royal dispensations, to name a plans. Still, it is safe to say that most
cure serious wounds, dispel magic. few. While serving as a Royal Herald, a foreign rulers and governments would
Domain Spells; 1st-change self, character is an extension of the Queen's count the Heralds among their enemies.
entropic shield; 2nd —aid Invisibility; own hand and is treated as such. However, there are those within the
3rd —nondetection, protection from With that benefit comes a drawback, organization whose goals differ from
elements. however. Despite the support of the the Lord Chamberlain's. After many
(Jherrth is a cleric of Otidammara; his Queen, the Herald must work in com¬ years of loyal service, veteran Herald
domains are Luck and Trickery.) plete secrecy. He cannot share the Jherrith Mandrakesson (a cleric of
Herald Spells Known (3/2/1): o- knowledge of his responsibility and Olidammara) believes that the Lord
distract, ghost sound\ mage hand, authority with those outside the organi¬ Chamberlain no longer has the Queens
open/dose: isr-glib tongue, sleep; zation, nor can he take advantage of his best interests at heart. Deciding to
2nd-suggestion. position for personal gain. He also loses choose for himself who should be
Possessions; +f short sword, +1 hand a measure of personal Freedom, as he investigated, what kingdoms should be
crossbow, 20 +/ bolts, +1 glamered can be ordered to travel hundreds of sown with discord, and which foreign
studded leather, +1 cloak of resistancef miles at a moment's notice. royals should be assassinated, Jherrith
+t ring of protection, ring of mind Still, the Queen rewards those who has recruited his own secret cell within
shielding, potion of neutralize poison, serve her well. Royal Heralds who the Heralds that he uses to accomplish
potion of cure serious woundsf potion survive the first few years can enjoy missions of his own planning. Some¬
of baste. 3 life of moderate luxury, while those times he even uses these recruits to
Background: See "‘Enemies” section. who manage to retire after many years thwart the actions of other Heralds,
of service find themselves well com¬ The twelve rogues, bards, and wiz¬
pensated for their loyalty and bravery. ards working for Jherrith operate ouf
Titles, tracts of land, and cushy of an abandoned warehouse near the
positions among the Queen’s ministers docks. So far, Jherrilh has managed to
await the Herald who finally decides to maintain the group's cover, and the
take if easy. Lord Chamberlain hasn't connected
recent Herald failures with an organ¬
ized resistance.

84 annual 2ooo
ALLIES to the Royal Heralds and give the Lord Melea Arbrynnen, Royal Herald
Due to their need for secrecy, the Royal Chamberlain some idea of their loyalty
Heralds don't have true allies. Individual to the Crown. female half-elf, IstTevel herald/
agents often have many contacts, • The PC members of the Heralds Sth-level rope
resources, and safe houses that they are assigned to spy on one of the
use from time to time during missions. Queen's ministers. The Lord Strength 10 (+0) fort. Save +2
Chamberlain suspects the man of being Dexterity 10 (+3) Ref. Save +10
WITH A TWIST... a traitor to the Crown, but he needs Constitution 10 (+0) Will Save +5
If you want a different spin on the strong evidence because of the man's Intelligence 14 <+2] Alignment LN
Royal Heralds, here are a few options. connection to wealthy families. At the Wisdom 13 (+1) Speed 30
* The Heralds serve the Lord DM s discretion, Fleming’s suspicion Charisma 15 (+2) Size M (5" 4“)
Chamberlain as his personal secret might or might not be well-founded-the
police* without any authorization or minister might be a spy, a double agent, Armor Class 15 Melee Attack +4
knowledge of the Queen. Eventually, or even a patsy for someone looking to Hit Points 25 Ranged Attack +7
Fleming plans to use his network of cover up his own illicit activities.
spies and assassins to launch a coup. * The only copy of a peace treaty Special: Evasion, false alignment, sneak
* The Heralds don't actually work for between the PCs' kingdom and a neigh¬ attack +3d6, uncanny dodge (Dex
the Lord Chamberlain at all—that's just boring land has gone missing from the bonus to AC, cant be flanked).
what the person who recruited the PCs Royal Depository. While the document Skills: Bluff +it, Diplomacy +7, Gather
wants them to think. In actuality, the in question doesn't contain state secrets Information +iit Hide +12, Listen +13,
Royal Heralds are an independent or other valuable information, Its loss Move Silently *12, Read Ups +11,
organization dedicated to digging up the could prove a serious blow to future Search +11, Speak Language (Gnome),
secrets of every kingdom in the region. talks between the two kingdoms. The Spot +8.
Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Expertise.

DUE TO THEIR NEED Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven,

Spells Known (a/t): o-distract, wage
f OR SECRECY. ROYAL HERALDS hand; 2nd— comprehend languages
Possessions; +i short sword\ +t leather
PORT RAVE TRUE ALLIES. armor, ring of chameleon power,
potion of fly, potion of cure moderate
wounds, mas ter work hand crossbow,
with the goal of blackmailing nobles PCs must track down the stolen to bolts.
and fomenting wars for profit. document quickly-before word of its Background: Mdea Arbrynnen is a
* Use the Heralds as written, but disappearance leaks out-and return it, typical mrd-rank Royal Herald. She can
assign them to the service of a king¬ intact, to the Lord Chamberlain. The serve as a recruiter for the PCs, an
dom at war with the PCs1 homeland. treaty might have been stolen by some¬ agent assigned to watch over them, or
The Heralds can make a great enemy one within the government who wishes a potential double agent pitted against
organization to pit against your PCs, to ruin relations between the two king¬ the PCs.
particularly as the characters become doms, by an agent of a third kingdom,
influential in the kingdom. or even by a thief who didn't realize
the value of what she now holds.
ADVENTURE HOOKS * One of the senior Heralds assigned vocally pushing for his lord to declare
* The PCs are traveling across the to foreign affairs has been arrested on war against the PCs' home nation. The
countryside not far From the Queens charges of treason against the kingdom Lord Chamberlain fears that the lord in
Castle and find a dead man lying by the to which she is assigned. Though her question, a rather weak-willed man,
side of the road. The man, a Royal true mission remains a secret (for might soon agree with Vasily's viewpoint
Herald working "internal," was killed by now), the Heralds cannot risk her and orders the PCs to assassinate the
brigands who didn't know his identity. knowledge being disclosed. The Lord duke before war is declared. Of course,
Though his possessions are gone, he Chamberlain sends the PCs to the for¬ they must carry out their mission wilh
still carries a small scrap of paper eign kingdom with simple orders: They the utmost secrecy-if anyone even sus¬
concealed in the seam of his tunic must either rescue the imprisoned pects that the PCs’ kingdom is behind the
(Search check DC 15 to find). The Herald (without her captors realizing duke's death, war will resull. This mission
paper is addressed to the Lord her escape is part of an organized plan) is not appropriate for good-aligned PCs
Chamberlain and bears the Herald’s or ensure that she does not live to unless the DM wishes to challenge the
final report on a group of rebels divulge her secrets. Good-aligned PCs characters' morals and ethics.
plotting the assassination of a local might have difficulty with the second
dignitary. Curious characters can option and must weigh their conscience
investigate the report or deliver it against their duty to the Queen. The Royal Herald prestige class...
directly to the chamberlain. This adven¬ * Duke Vasily Rasputin, a prominent
ture hook can both introduce the PCs nobleman of a neighboring kingdom, Is
• Uncanny Dodge: Starting at 3rd
level, the herald gains the extraordinary
ability to react to danger before her
senses would normally allow her to do
so. At 3rd level and above, she retains
her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any)
regardless of being caught flat-footed
or being struck by an invisible attacker.
She still loses her Dexterity bonus to
AC if immobilized. At 7th level, the her¬
ald can no longer be flanked, as she can
react to opponents on opposite sides of
her as easily as she can react to a sin¬
gle attacker This defense denies other
characters the ability to use flank
attacks to sneak attack her The excep¬
tion to this defense is that a rogue at
least four levels higher than the char¬
acter can flank her (and thus sneak
attack her).
The characters herald levels are
cumulative with her levels in any other
class that has the uncanny dodge ability
her alignment or aura (such as with a for the purposes of determining the
Herald Prestige Class detect good spell or the divine version character's total uncanny dodge. For
of the true seeing spell). The DC of the instance, a 6th4evel rogue/gth-level
Class Features saving throw is 10 + the spells level + herald would have uncanny dodge equal
■ Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A the caster's ability modifier. If the saving to an nth-level herald.
herald is proficient with all simple and Ihrow is successful, the herald can dis¬ ■ Nondetection: Starting at 5th level,
martial weapons, and with light armor. guise her alignment with an alignment of a herald has a permanent nondetection
* Spells: A herald casts arcane spells her choice. This is a supernatural ability. effect (as the spell). If a divination is
from the herald spell list. (See below.) * Sneak Attack: A herald can strike a attempted against the herald or any¬
She casts these spells without needing vital spot for extra damage. Any time thing he carries, the caster of the div¬
to prepare them beforehand or keep a the herald's target would be denied a ination must succeed in a caster level
spellbook. Heralds receive bonus spells Dexterity bonus to AC (whether her check bdao + caster level) against a DC
For high Charisma. To cast a spell, a target actually has a Dexterity bonus or of 15 + the herald's class level This is a
herald must have a Charisma score of not), or when the herald flanks the tar¬ spell-like ability.
10 + the level of the spell The Difficulty get, the herald’s attack deals extra dam¬ * Skill Mastery: At 9th level the her¬
Class for a saving throw against a her¬ age. The extra damage is +id6 at and ald selects a number of skills equal to 3
ald's spelt is to + the spell's level + the level and an additional id£> every two + her intelligence modifier. When making
herald’s Charisma modifier. The herald's levels thereafter. This ability is other¬ a skill check with one of these skills, the
effective casting level is equal to her wise identical to the rogue's sneak herald can take 10 even if stress and dis¬
herald class level. attack and is cumulative with any sneak tractions would normally prevent her
* False Alignment: A herald of ist attack capability the character has from from doing so. She becomes so certain
level or higher receives a Will saving other classes. in those skills that she can use them reli¬
throw against any attempt to discern ably even under adverse conditions.

Table 1: The Herald ___ Hit Die= d6

Fori. Ref. Will Spells
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special 0 1 2 3 4
1 +0 +0 +2 -1-2 False alignment 2 0 - —
2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Sneak attack +id6 3 1 - -
+2 +1 +3 +3 Uncanny dodge (Dex bonus) 3 1 0 —
+1 Sneak attack +2d6 3 2 1 — : —•
4 +3 +4 +4
+4 +4 Nonderecrion 4 2 1 0 —
5 +3
6 +4 +2 Sneak attack +3d6 4 2 2 \ —
+2 +5 Uncanny dodge (can’t be flanked) 4 3 2 \ 0
7 +5 +5
8 +6/+1 +2 4-6 +6 Sneak attack +4d6 4 3 2 2 1
+ 6/+T +3 +6 4-6 Skill mastery 4 3 3 2 1
10 +7/+2 V +7 Sneak attack +gdS 4 4 3 2 2

86 annual2oou
Table 2: Herald Spells Known N.ew Spells

Spells Known Distract Lord's Charisma

Level 0 1234 Enchantment [Compulsion] Transmutation
1 3 T - - Level: Hrd o Level: Hrd 2
2 4 2 - - - Components: S Components: V, S
3 4 2 i* ~ S4: Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
4 4 3 2 - - Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels) Range: Touch
5 5 3 a r - Target: One creature Target: Creature touched
6 5 332- Duration: One round Duration: 1 hour/level
7 5 4 3 2 1* Saving Throw: Will negates Saving Throw: None
8 5 4332 Spell Resistance: Yes_ Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
9 5 4432 This spell distracts its target for a full The transmuted creature becomes more
10 5 4 4 3 3 round, giving it 3 -to penalty to any personable, charming, and socially
Spot or Listen checks during that time. graceful. The spell grants an enhance¬
^Provided the herald has sufficient The spell is commonly used to give the ment bonus to Charisma of id4+i
Charisma to have a bonus spell of caster the ability to dan across an open points, adding the usual benefits to all
this level. hallway guarded by a sentry or to per¬ uses of the Charisma score modifier.
form a move-equivalent action without No additional bonus spells are granted
being detected. If the creature is cur¬ by the increased ability score.
Requirements rently being threatened or attacked by
To qualify to become a herald, a
you or your allies, however, it receives a Sudden Mastery
+5 circumstance bonus on its saving Transmutation
character must fulfill all the following
criteria: throw. Any act that threatens the dis¬ Level: Hrd 4
Base Arrack: +4 or better tracted creature breaks the spell, as does Components: V, S
Bluff ranks: 4 any attack made against it. Casting Time: 1 action
Diplomacy ranks: 6 Range: Personal
Gather Information ranks: 6 Eagle Eyes Target: You
Transmutation Duration: 10 minutes/level_
Sense Motive ranks: 4
Level: Hrd 3 You gain a +20 competence bonus to a
Special: Must speak at least three
Components: V, S, M single skill of your choice. You can't select
Casting Time: \ action a skill that is exclusive to another class*
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level HERALD SPELL LIST
Saving Throw: None o-Level Spells
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)_ Dancing lights, daze, distract* ghost
The target of This spell gains extraordi¬ sound, guidance, know direction, light,
nary visual acuity. This grants a +20 mage hand\ open/dose, prestidigitation.
bonus to Search and Spot checks for ist-Level Spells
the duration of the spell. Alarmf change self, charm person,
Material Component: A pinch of comprehend languages, endure ele¬
diamond dust (worth 10 gp) sprinkled ments, detect secret doors, glib tongue \
over the target s eyes. messager sleepr spider climb♦
2nd-Levef Spells
Glib Tongue Arcane lock, cats grace, darkness,
Transmutation detect thoughts, invisibility, knock,
Level: Hrd 1 locate object lord's charisma4, silence,
Components: V, S suggestion,
Casting Time: 1 action 3rd-level Spells
Range: Touch Clairaudience/ clairvoyance, darkvision,
Target; Creature touched detect scrying, eagle eyes * hold person,
Duration: to minutes/level illusory script, Leomunds tiny hut, non-
Saving Throw: None detection, shrink Item, tongues.
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)_ 4th-levd Spells
You grant the target of the spell a +4 Discern lies, dimension door, dominate
competence bonus to Diplomacy and person, freedom of movement, legend
Bluff skill checks. This bonus increases fore, modify memory, scrying, sending,
by +2 for every Two levels of the caster speak with dead, sudden mastery *
beyond ist (+6 at 3rd, +8 at 5th, and so
on) to a maximum of +16 at 9th level. * New herald spells <3

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Class Combos
Give ’Em the Old One-Two
by James Wyatt • illustrated by Darrell Riche

The new edition of the DOtD

game allows truly unlimited
T here are some multiclass combina¬
tions that are merely simple ways to
one level of rogue, you don't get access
to evasion or uncanny dodge, some of
get a benefit for your character. On the rogue’s best abilities.
multiclassing. There are 55 the surface, these “cheesy multi cl asses” You’ll also end up wirh more skills
different two-class seem like almost ridiculous attempts to than you can really maintain once you
combinations, and when you maximize a character's abilities. Actu¬ start advancing levels in another class.
consider combinations of up to ally, these combinations demonstrate the While you might have nine or ten skills
power and flexibility of D&l DTs multi¬ at 4 ranks at ist level (assuming you
four classes, there are 550 have a positive Intelligence modifier),
classing rules, because even these
total options! In the context of combinations don't break the game. when you reach and level you can only
the game world, people might While you might gain something you raise three or four of them by i rank if
think of many of these want from these combinations, you you take a class with only 2 skill points
combinations as distinct sacrifice some advantages as well-and per level. In other words, you’ll start
your character remains balanced with with a lot of skills, but you’ll only mas-
professions or classes. You can
the other PCs in the game. ter a few of them in the long run. If
think of them as a way to make that's what you’re looking for, starting
your character fill a niche that A Level of Rogue off with a level of rogue is not a bad
no one else can. Starling as a ist-level rogue before idea, but remember that the ultimate
switching to another class gets you a lot cost for any “cheesy multiclass’' is
of skill points to start with. You'll also that you'll have one less level of your
gain the ability to sneak attack (for +id6 second class.
damage) and a good starting Reflex
save, which never hurts. On the other A Level of Fighter
hand, you'll start with only 6 hit points You take a level of rogue for the skill
(plus your Constitution modifier), which points, but you take a level of fighter if
is less than you’d get with most other it's feats you’re after. This is a good
classes. You’ll also notice that with just option: You start off with 10 hit points,

CHAMPION The champion (cleric/fighter) is a martial

priest, taking the combat training of the
single-classed cleric one step further with
occasional levels of fighter. As the name implies, they often serve as the elite mili¬
tary force of a militant temple or a war deity's clergy.
Champions take more cleric levels than fighter levels. This allows them decent
spell access, while still providing them with martial weapons proficiency, extra
feats, and more hit points from the fighter levels.

{over single-class cleric) (compared to single-class cleric)
* More bit points (on average) - Slower spell progression
* Better base attack • Worse Will saves
* Better Fortitude saves
- Proficiency with all martial weapons
* Four bonus Feats
* Access to weapon specialization
* Access lo fighter class skills

9o annual 2ooo
a bonus feat, and a +1 base attack WIZARD OR SORCERER?
bonus. What you lose is skill points, The s pel (File her and spell sword are multi cl ass arcane spe I Icasfers—rogues and fighters,
and, of course, a level of your second respectively. The sample level progressions use the wizard class as the spellcasting class for
both of these multi classes. The main reason For this is that multi classing already slows down
class* You can begin as a fighter and
She process of gaining new spell levels, and advancing as a sorcerer instead of a wizard
then multiclass to paladin to help you
would only compound that effect. Also, a sorcerer’s slightly better weapon selection offsets
mastert sayt the mounted combat feats
one of the primary benefits of taking another ciassr making the sacrifices a little harder
earlier than you would otherwise, but because the payoff is slightly smaller. Otherwise, sorcerer is not at all a had choice for these
the price you pay is waiting another multidass combinations, particularly since they tend to focus on a small selection of core
level before you get your special mount spells anyway.
(as well as the other class abilities of
the paladin). If you start as a fighter
and then multidass to rogue, your skills base attack bonus and the extra feat ICONIC MULTICLASSES
really suffer for want of the bonus you might have had if you had started While the "cheesy mulficlasses” are
points at ist level. Assuming you have as a fighter. ways to gain a slight edge for your
an above-average Intelligence, youl! character, iconic multiclasses are class
start with four or five skills at 4 ranks A Level of Sorcerer combinations that represent a distinct
each. When you reach and level and You probably won’t want to start your character archetype, in the same way
take your 1st level of rogue, you’ll get g character as a sorcerer with the inten¬ the eleven standard classes do. These
or to skill points—allowing you just five tion of advancing primarily in another iconic multfclasses include the champion
or six skills at 5 ranks. If you'd started class. Starting with only 4 hit points, (deric/flghter), nature’s champion
as a rogue, you’d have nine or ten skills even with a high Constitution, is quite a (druid/ranger), scout (ranger/rogue),
at 5 ranks by 2nd level. That really drawback for a fighter-type, and 2 skill skald (barbarian/bard), spellfilcher
hurts a rogue, whose skills are one of points hurts a rogue-to-be. Still, sor¬ (rogue/ wizard or sorcerer), spe 11 sword
her best class abilities, cerer is not a bad class to pick up at (fighter/wizard or sorcerer), and the
2nd level—you’ll get a handful of useful trac ke r (b a r bar ran / ra nger).
A Level of Cleric spells that you can cast many times. Each ’Iconic multidass" has a sug¬
There's nothing to sneeze at here. Your Pick those spells carefully, since they’ll gested level progression that maximizes
whole party will thank you for the extra need to be as useful to you when the benefits from each class. An even
healing potential you bring to the you’re ioth level as they are at 2nd level progression is often not the best
group. You'll start with a decent 8 hit level You can also get a familiar, plan, particularly when spellcasting
points (plus your Constitution modifier), though it won’t advance as it would if classes are involved. However, if nei¬
the ability to turn undead, and a you were gaining sorcerer levels. As ther class is a character's racially
respectable handful of spells to con¬ usual, the price you pay for all this favored class, a more even level pro¬
tribute, whether in combat or for heal¬ extra flexibility is the levels you would gression is a good idea. The level pro¬
ing afterward. As with a level of otherwise have gained in another gressions offered are suggestions only.
fighter, though, you’ll suffer where skill class-along with the hit points, skill
points are concerned. If you multidass points, spells, and the other class fea¬
by taking a class of fighter or another tures of your second class.
combat-oriented class, you’ll miss the +1


RpF Will
Fighters and clerics have the same skill point allot¬
ment (2 + Ini modifier per level.), but there is little i Err t +1 42 40 40 10 Martial weapon proficiency.
overlap between the class skills of the two classes. bonus fighter feat
Mosl champions begin with fighter class skills like 2 Ftr i/Clr 1 +6 44 40 +2 14 0- and 1st-level spells, turning
Climb, Jump, and Swim, and they advance these 3 Ftr i/Clr 2 +2 ±5 40 *3 i8 Feat
skills only when they gain fighter levels. They then 4 Ftr i/Cir 3 +3 +5 41 +3 22 2nd-levd spells, ability increase
lag behind their maximum ranks in clerical skills like 5 Ftr 2/Clr 3 +4 46 +1 +3 27 Bonus fighter feat
Knowledge (religion) and Spcllcrafi. 6 Ftr 2/Clr 4 +5 +7 +1 ±4_J3 L Feat
Champions tend to focus on combat-oriented 7 Ftr 2/Clr 5 *5 +7 41 44 35 3rd-level spells
rather than m eta magic or item creation feats. 8 Ftr 3/Clr 5 +6/+1 +7 42 +5 40 Ability increase
Some do take Extra Turning, and a few maximize 9 Ftr 3/Clr 6 +7./+2 48 +3 46 4d Feat
the combat effectiveness of their spells with me ta¬ 10 Ftr 3/Clr 7 +S/+3 +8 +3 46 48 4th-levd spells
rn agio feats like Maximize Spell and Empower Spell. ti Ftr 4/Clr 7 +9/44 +9 +3 46 53 Bonus fighter feat.
To cover their weak Reflex saves, many champions weapon specialization
also choose Lightning Reflexes. Even so, feats like 12 Ftr 4/Clr 8 -r IO/45 410 43 +7 J}7 Feat, ability increase
Weapon Focus, Power Attack, and Weapon *3 Ftr 4/Clr 9 4l0/+5 410 44 +7 61 5th-levd spells
Specialization are the champion's favorites. M Ftr 5/Clr 9 +ti/+6/+t 410 44 +7 66
15 Ftr 5/Clr 10 412/47/42 411 4& ?Q Fear
16 Ftr 5/Clr 11 4*3/48/43 411 44 48 74 Gthdeve! spells, ability increase
'7 Fir 6/Clr 11 414/49/44 412 +5 *9 79 Bonus fighter feat
18 Ftr 6/Clr 12 415/410/45 +l3 4& 410 83 Feat
19 Ftr 6/Clr 13 415/410/45 46 410 87 7th-level spells
20 Ftr 6/Cfr 14 +i6/+tt/+6/+t +14 46 +n 91 Ability increase
NATURE’S What the champion is to temples, the
natures champion (druid/ranger) is to

CHAMPION druidic circles: a priestly figure with

extensive combat training. They mifitantly
guard their territories and hunt down enemies of their circles.
Nature's champions choose more druid levels than ranger, maximizing their
druid spell progression while gaining the key benefits of the ranger class.

(over single-class druid) (compared to single-class druid)
» More hit points (on average) - Slower access to spell levels, maximum
* Better base attack 8th-leve1 spells
* Better Fortitude saves * Slower wild shape progression
■ Class abilities: two-weapon fighting. Track, * Weaker Wifi saves
favored enemies, ranger spells
* Access to ranger class skills

Whether surveying unfamiliar terrain,

assessing an enemy’s defenses, or prepar¬
ing an ambush, scouts (ranger/rogues)
combine stealth and combat prowess to deadly effect. They often serve as elite
military forces, but they are just as effective in an adventuring party.
Scouts advance levels in their two classes evenly, balancing the abilities of
each class. With each rogue level, the scout gains valuable skill points, sneak
attack, and other benefits, while each ranger level increases the base attack bonus
and hit points.

(over single-class rogue) (compared to single-class rogue)
* More bit points (on average) * * Slower access to class abilities
* Better base attack
■ Better Fortitude saves
* Class abilities: two-weapon fighting. Track,
favored enemies, ranger spells
* RogueTs skill points and class skills overlap
where it counts: Hide. Listen, Move Silently,
Search. Spot

SKALD Skalds (barbarian/bards) are epic story¬

tellers, an inspiration to their companions,
and accomplished combatants. They
are the lorekeepers of barbarian tribes-historians, entertainers, sometimes
even chieftains.
Skalds advance their levels in both classes evenly. The skill-based nature of the
bardic music class ability allows skalds to get full use of that ability even when
advancing barbarian levels.

(over single-class bard) (compared to single-class bard)
* More hit points (on average) ■ Slower access to most class abilities and
* Better base attack bard spells
* Better Fortitude saves * Other skills suffer for the sake of Perform

92 annual 2ooo
Druids and rangers have I he same skill point allot¬ 1 :f- ||Rgr 1 fi pp +2 +□ +0 10 Track, favored enemy, two-weapon fighting
ment per level (4 + Inr mod) and a nearly identical 2 HgRgr r/Drd 1 +1, 8 +4 +0 0 and ist-level spells, nature sense
list of class ski Us. Most natures champions avoid 3 > jpiRgr i/Drd 2 +2 - "V -• +.5 *0 +3 JL Woodland stride, feat
skills that are class skills for only one of their '4. vTT gRgr i/Drd 3 *3 +t +3 22 znd-level spells, trackless siep.
classes, choosing instead to maximize thetr ranks in @11 ability increase
the skills that are common to both classes—key 5 1| Rgr z/Drd 3 H- +1 +3 27
nature skills like Animal Empathy, Handle Animalf 6 ||| Rgr 2/Drd 4 H *7 +1 +4 Resist nature’s lure. Feat
In I u it Direclion, Knowledge (nature ), and 7 Rgr 2/Drd 5 +5 : : TO +7 +1 *4 35 3rd-level spells, wild shape (t/day)
Wilderness Lore. 3 glRgi-3/Drd 5 I+6/+1 i+7 +2 +5 40 Ability increase
Most nature’s champions find that the ranger’s ff 111 Rgr 3/Ord 6 wjjrji+z HI +3 +6 44 Wild shape (2/day), feat
free Feats—Trackf Two-Weapon Fighting, and 10 gPg^/Drd 7 i +S/+3 pFTs“ +3 +6 48 4th-level spells, wild sh3pe (3/d ay)
Ambidexterity-a re all the combat feats they need, 11 KgRgr 4/Drd 7 +$/+4 Ijl +9 +3 +6 53 isi-level ranger spells
focusing on m eta magic and item creation feats 52 j Rgr 4/Drd 8 ]+fo/+5 ||||§ +3 *7 57 Wild shape (Large), fear, ability increase
instead. They have a reputation as prolific brewers *3 . jRgr 4/Drd 9 j^tio/+5 ® +1° +4 *7 gth-level spells, venom immunity
of potions. pRgr 5/Drd 9 : ; +to +4 +7 06 Second favored enemy
■Rgr q/Drri to . +11 +4 +8 70 Wild shape (4/day), feat
16 ; p Rgr S/Drd 11 -H3/+8/+3 || +” +4 +8 ; ■ 6th-leve! spells, wild shape (Tiny),
ability increase
m H«r 5/Drd e |pj/+g/+4 +5 '!) Wild shape (dire), Feat
18 %r 5/Drd i3p4/+9/+4 H +12 *5 >9 -W 7th-level spells, a thousand faces
[//Rgr 5/Drd 14^15 -10/^5 M +13 +5 +ip 86 Wild shape (5/day)
50 Pgr 5/Drd T5 |+tS/+u/+;8/H t| +13 +6 +10 90 Bth-level spells, wild shape (Huge),
Wm timeless body, ability Increase
Character Class Avg
Rogues have many more skill points than rangers, Rog 1 +G +0 Sneak attack +id6, skills!
so most scouts focus on a selection of skills that Rgr i/Rog t -h +2 +0 Track, two-weapon fighting,
are class skills for both classes. Starting as a rogue martial weapons, favored enemy
at 1st level means that a scout can have maximum Rgr i/Rog 2 Evasion, feat
ranks in these skills and a good selection of others. Rgr 2/Rog 2 +0 Ability increase
4 *3 +3 +3 *9
When advancing a ranger level, the scour can Rgr 2/Rog 3 +1 22 Uncanny dodge (dex bonus),
5 +4 +4 +3
improve these core skills; when advancing a rogue sneak attack +2d6
level, she can improve all her skills. 6 Rgr 3/Rqg 3 +2 Feat
+5 +4 +4
A scout's ranger class gives her three free +6/+1 +5 +2
7 Rgr 3/Rog 4 +4 3°
Peats: Track, Two-Weapon Fighting, and 8 Rgr 4/Rog 4 +7/+2 +2 ist-level spells, ability increase
*5 +5 35
Ambidexterity, Most scouts focus on the archery +7/+2 ■1-5 +2 Sneak attack +3d6, feat
9 Rgr 4/Rog 5 +5 3l
feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Far Shot, 10 Rgr 5/Rog 5 +S/+3 +2 Second favored enemy
+5 +5 43
Rapid Shot, and Shot on the Run. Some prefer u Rgr 5/Rog 6 +9/4-4 +6 +6 46 Uncanny dodge (can't be hanked)
feats that pur their Dexterity to good use and +4
15 Rgr 6/Rqg 6 *W+5_ +7 +7 Ability increase, feat
compensate for the light armor they prefer, like Rgr 6/Rog 7 Sneak attack +4d6
■3 +11/+6/+1 +7 +7 +4 54
Dodge and Mobility. 14 Rgr 7/Rog 7 +12/+7/+2 +7 +7 +4 59
15 Rgr //Rog 8 +13/+8/+3 +7 +8 +A 62 Feat
36 Rgr 8/Rog 8 +14/+9/44 +8 +8 +4 67 2nd-level spells, ability increase
l7 Rgr 8/Rog 9 +14/+9/+4 +8 +5 7° Sneak attack +5d6f feat
r8 Rgr 9/Rog 9 +i5/+io/+5 +9 +9 +6 75
19 Rgr g/Rog 10 +1B/+11/+6/+1 +9 +10 +6 78 Rogue special ability
20 Rgr to/Rogio +tj/ +W+//+2 +10 +10 +6 ®3 Third favored enemy, ability increase

1 Character Class Avg ■gl

The key skill for a skald, as for a bard, is Perform. Bbn 1 +1 +2 +0 +0 12 Rage i/day, fast movement
Though most skalds begin as barbarians (the extra Bbn i/Brd 1 +1 +2 +2 +2 Bardie music (inspire courage, countersong,
2 15
6 hit points are too hard to pass up), they still gen¬ fascinate), bardic knowledge, o-level spells
erally start with a ranks in Perform (using all of Bbn 2/Brd 1 +2 +3 +2 +2 21 Inspire competence, uncanny dodge, feat
their skill points except any gained from Bbn 2/Brd 2 ist-level spells, ability increase
4 *3 +3 +3 +3 24
Intelligence) and keep it as high as possible after Bbn 3/Brd 2 +4
5 +3 +4 +4 3°
that. At and level. Perform hecomes a class skill 6 Bbn 3/Brd 3 +5 +4 Suggestion* feat
*4 +4 33
and a skald can buy 3 more ranks in it, bringing if 7 Bbn 4/Brd 3 +6/+1 +4 +4 Rage 2/d ay
+5 39
to the maximum of 5 ranks. From that point on. a S Bbn 4/Brd 4 +y/+2 and-level spells, ability increase
+5 +5 +5 4*
skald should increase Perform by 1 rank every Bbn 5/Brd 4 +5 4s Inspire greatness, uncanny dodge
9 +S/+3 +5
level-using 2 skill points when gaining a barbarian (can't be flanked), feat
level, but only 1 when gaining a bard level. While 10 Bbn 5/Brd 5 +5
+S/+3 +5 +5 55
skalds" other skills suffer, these characters are as 8 bn 6/8 rd 5 +g/+4 +6 +6 +6 57
effective with their bardic music ability as single- Bbn 6/Brd 6 +7 60 Ability increase, feat
12 +10/+5 LtZ *7
classed bards. Bbn 7/Brd 8 +ii/+6/+i +7 6b
13 +7 +7
Since skalds rend to focus more on combat than j Bbn 7/Brd 7 +12/+7/+2 3nd-level spells
14 +7 +7 +7 69
magic, they tend to choose combat-related feats- ■ Bbn 8/Brd 7 +13/+8/+3 +8 Rage 3/day, feat
>5 *7 +7 75
Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Cleave—rather than 36 ;Bbn 8/Brd 8 +14/+9/+4 +8 +8 +8 Ability increase
metamagic or item creation feats. Using metamagic ; Bbn g/Brd 8 +15/+10/+5 +8 84 Feat
I? +9 +9
feats on a bard spell turns it into a full-round i8 Bbn g/Brd 9 +15/+10/+5 +9 +9 +9 J7.
action, and most skalds don't care to waste that Bbn 10/Brd g +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 Uncanny dodge (+1 vs. traps)
*9 +9 +9 93
much time. Some skalds do learn Extend Spell, so 20 Bbn 10/Brdm +I7/+J2/+7/+2 +10 +10 +10 gB 4thdevd spells, ability increase
they can cast spells to aid their allies before com¬
bat begins and ensure that those spells will last the
duration of the battle.

SPELLF11CHER Combining stealth through skill with stealth
through magic, the spellfEtcher (rogue/wiz-
ard) is the consummate thief. Magic can
penetrate defenses that would foil an ordinary burglar. Some speltfilchers concen¬
trate on mundane prizes-gold, gems, and objects of art—but more commonly, they
target magic items or even wizards’ spellbooks, hence their name.
Spellfilchers advance primarily as wizards, taking rogue levels only occasionally
to boost skill points while getting as many spells as possible.

[over single-dass wizard) (compared to singfe-dass wizard)
* More hit points (on average) * Worse Will save
* Better base attack * Slower access to metamagic feats and
► Better Reflex saves high-level spells
* Rogue co its bar effectiveness: weapon
proficiency, light armor, sneak attacks,
evasion, and uncanny dodge
* More skill points and class skills for thievery

SPELLS WORD Weaving magic with martial prowess,

speliswords (fighter/wizards) fill many
roles, Speliswords often support military
units, while others use their magic to make magic items they can use in combat.
Some speliswords concentrate on touch attack spells and unarmed combat, while
others focus on archery and long-range attack spells.
Most speliswords advance their spellcasrmg class faster rhan their fighter class
to gain high-level spells more quickly.

(over single-class wizard) (compared to single-class wizard)
* More hi! points (on average) * Worse Will save
* Better base attack * Slower access to bonus wizard feats and
* Better Fortitude saves high-level spells
■ Fighter combat effectiveness: weapon and
armor proficiency [most wear only light armor),
four bonus combat Feats

TRACKER The tracker (barbarian/ranger) is a master

of wilderness lore. Whether finding quarry
for the tribe s hunters or stalking more
intelligent prey, the tracker is at home in the wild, and shares its primal fury.
In order to get the most of both classes’ abilities, trackers advance levels in both
classes evenly-beginning with barbarian for the hit points.

(over single-class ranger) (compared to single-class ranger)
* More hit points (on average) * Slower access to class abilities and ranger spells
* Better Fortitude saves
* Barbarian class abilities: rage, fas! movement,
uncanny dodge
- Shared skills like Handle Animal, Intuit Direction,
Listen, and Wilderness Lore

94 a nnu uJ 2boo
Character Class Avg
Sneak attack ndG, weapon proficiency
Spellfilchers use spells when they can {invisibility. llRog1 +0 +0 +2 +0 6
2 ^®Rog i/Wiz ! +0 +0 +2 42 8 0 and ist-level spells, familiar,
Silence, knock), often in preference to skills (Hide,
Scribe Scroll
Move Silently, Open Lock), Therefore, they use
3 Rog i/Wiz 2 f +1 +0 +2 10 Feat
their Rogue skill points on Bluff, Climb, Disable +3
Device, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, 4 Rog i/Wiz 3 ■H +1 +3 +3 12 2nd-level spells, ability increase

5 Rog 2/Wiz 3 +2 +! +4 +3 15 Evasion

and Pick Pocket. Since They Take comparatively few
Rog 2/Wiz 4 +3 , +1 +4 +4 37 Feat
rogue levels and receive fewer skill points as wiz¬
7 " Rog a/Wiz 5 *3 4-1 +4 +4 f ’9 ^rd-level spells, bonus wizard feat
ards. spellfilchers never master all of these skills
and usually concentrate in a few, Rog 3/Wii 5 +4 4-2 +4 +5 | 22 Uncanny dodge (Dex bonus),
sneak attack +2d6, ability increase
Spellfilchers love the metamagic feats Silent
Rog 3/Wiz 6 +5 __ +3 +5 +6 . Feat
Spell, Still Spell, and Quicken Spell. Though their 9
spell progression is slower than that of a single- TO Rog 3/Wiz 7 +5 +3 +5 +6 I 26 4th-leve1 spells
n Rog 4/Wtz 7 +6/+1 +3 +6 +6
class wizard, they still gain higher-level spells
12 Rog 4/Wiz 8 1 H7/+2 +6 +7 .3.1 Feat, ability increase
quickly enough to make these feats worthwhile.
Rog 4/Wiz 9 j +7A2 +4 +7 +7 33 5rh-level spells
They are not inclined towards item creation, bur ^3
■4 Rog 5/Wiz g Tr7/+2 +4 +7 +7 3& Sneak attack +gd6
love Spell Mastery, as it allows them to prepare
!5 Rog 5/Wiz io *8/+3 +4 +7 +8 38 Bonus wizard fear, feat
spells even when captured and imprisoned.
; Rog 5/wiz n +8/+3 +4 +7 +8 40 6th-level spells, ability increase
17 §Rog 6/Wiz 11 +9/+4 +5 +8 +9 43 Uncanny dodge (can't be flanked.)
18 '" Rog 6/Wiz 12 + 10/+5 +6 49 +10 : 47 Feat
Rog 6/Wiz 13 ; +T0/-+5 +6 49 +10 49 7th-level spells
so Rog 6/Wiz 14 +11/+G/41 46 +9 +ii 1 51 Ability increase
OR Rog 7/Wiz 13 +it/+6/+i +6 +9 +30 ; 52 Sneak attack +4d6, ability increase
| Character Class Avg
v. 11 r- ■ HIMmbWill
* j 11 m
1 Ftr 1 41 42 40 +0 to Weapon and armor proficiency,
Fighters and wizards have the same allotment of
bonus fighter feat
skill points but almost no overlap in class skills.
2 Ftr i/Wiz 1 +1 42 +0 +2 12 0 and ist-level spells, Scribe Scroll
Some spells words purchase Spdlcraft or
3 Fit i/Wiz 2 +2 42 +0 +3 14. Feat
Concentration as cross-class skills at tst level,
A Fir i/Wiz 3 +2 +3 +1 +3 l6 2nd-level spells, ability increase
while others buy multiple ranks when They take
5 Ftr 2/Wiz 3 +3 +4 +1 +3 21 Bonus fighter feat
their first wizard level (at their and character
6 Ftr 2/Wiz 4 +4 +4 +1 +4 23 Feat
level). They generally try to find a balance between
Ftr 2/Wiz 5 +4 44 +1 +4 *s 3rd-level spells, bonus wizard feat
skills that are useful to wizards and more physical 7
8 Ftr 3/Wiz 5 +5 44 +2 +5 30 Ability increase
skills* like Jump and Climb.
9 F\r 3/Wiz 6 +6/+T 45 +3 +6 .3,2. Feat
Likewise, spells words choose metamagic and
to Ftr 3/Wiz 7 +6/+t +5 +3 +6 34 4th-level spells
item creation feats as well as combat feats. Since
ti Ftr 4/Wiz 7 +7/+a 4-6 +3 +6 39 Bonus fighter feat, weapon specialization
both of their classes bestow bonus feats, this bal¬
12 Ftr 4/Wiz 8 +8/+3 +6 +3 +7 41 Feat, ability increase
ance is not so difficult to attain. Combat Casting is
Ftr 4/Wiz g +8/+3' +7 +4 +7 43 gth-levd spells
virtually a requirement For these battle mages, and T3
■4 Ftr 5/Wiz 9 +g/+4 +7 +4 +7 <ts
mosr choose Weapon Specialization al nth level.
Ftr 5/Wiz to +10/+5 +7 +4 +8 50 Bonus wizard feat, feat
Since most spells words have high Intelligence 15
16 Ftr 5/Wiz n +10/+5 +7 +4 +8 5£ 6th-level spells, ability increase
scores, they fight intelligently and take advantage
17 Ftr 6/Wiz it +u/+6/+3 48 *5 +9 57 Bonus fighter feat
of the feats Expertise, Improved Disarm, and
iS Fir 6/Wiz 1? +I2/+7/4:2 ■ ' +9 +6 410 59 Feat
Improved Trip.
19 Ftr 6/Wiz 13 +12/+7/+.z ! *9 +6 +10 6t 7th-level spells
20 Ftr 6/Wiz 14 4T3/+8/+3 +9 +6 +11 63 Ability increase

1 Character Class Av£

Trackers focus on skills that maximize their effec¬ r Bbn 1 +1 42 +0 +0 12 Rage, fast movemenl
tiveness in the wild, particularly Wilderness Lore, 2 Bbn f/Rgr 1 +2 +4 +0 40 17 | Track, two-weapon fighting.
which is a class skill for both the barbarian and favored enemy
ranger. Other favored skills include Intuit Direction, Bbn 2/Rgr 1 +3 +0 +0 23 Uncanny dodge (dex bonus), feat
3 L±5
Search, and Spot. 4 Bbn 2/Rgr 2 +4 +6 40 +0 28 Ability increase
Trackers, like scouts, often master archery feats 5 Bbn 3/Rgr 2 +5 46 +1 +1 34
like Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid a Bbn 3/Rgr 3 4-6/+1 4-6 +2 +2 39 Fear
Shot, and Shot on the Run. Alertness, Dodge, Bbn 4/Rgr 3 +?Az *7 +2 +2 45 Rage 2/day
I Mobility, and (occasionally) Improved Two-Weapon
a Bbn q/Rgr 4 +S/+3 +8 +2 +2 5° ist-level spells, ability increase
Fighting are other favorites. 9 Bbn 5/Rgr 4 +9/+4_ 48 +2 +2 Uncanny dodge (can’t be flanked), feat
10 Bbn 5/Rgr 5 -HO 5 A 48 +2 +2 61 Second favored enemy
n Bbn 6/Rgr 5 +I1/46/+1 49 +3 +3 67
12 Bbn 6/Rgr 6 412/+7/+2 410 +4 +4 Ability increase, Feat
>3 Bbn 7/Rgr 6 +13/+S/+3 i 410 +4 +4 7*
14 Bbn 7/Rgr 7 +T4/49/+4 +10 44 +4 fi3
Bbn 8/Rgr 7 +15A10/+5 411 +4 +4_ 19 Rage 3/day, feat
16 Bbn 8/Rgr 8 +i6/*it/+6/+i + 12 +4 +4 94 2nd'4cvcl spells, ability increase
Bbn y/Rgr 8 -1-17A12/4-7/4-2 1 +12 +5 +5 TOO Feat
18 Bbn 9/Rgr 9 +l8/ -M 3/4-8/4-3 _ + 12 +6 +6 J£5
Bbn 10/Rgr 9 +19/+14/+9A4 p3 +6 +6 M3 Uncanny dodge (+1 vs. traps)
20 Bbn 10/Kgno +20/4-15/4-10/ +5ii +|4 +6 +6 tl6 Third favored enemy, ability increase
Creature Codex: by Kevin N. Haw • illustrated by Dennis Cramer

hissed Baron Wolf. "Have with the Naturalists' Guild of Elfmist a power that grips us when the situa¬
you found the La kite scum City, but he recently moved to our town. tion is dire. Some conquer it, some
who strangles my citizens in He is an expert on a creature that succumb to it* but even the bravest
the night?" might be responsible for the killings,” know its touch. A ‘feyr/ on the other
"My lord, the investigation continues." “Why, yes," rasped the elderly hand, is a creature made From that
“‘Continues,5 Blackmon?" roared the scholar* interrupting the First Minister. emotion, nourishing itself with the stuff.
Baron, punctuating the outburst with a “1 study the feyr, sir. Pleased to make It's a parasite, a hunter, a killer. And
fist on his desk, Tm not paying you to your acquaintance." Baron, it is something you don't want
dally about and continue' your investi¬ The Baron looked down at the old running about your city.”
gation. fm paying you to get results, mans outstretched hand, the contempt “Yes, l believe I've heard Blackmon
and get them quickly!” on his face showing how he felt about suggest something like this in the past.
The Baron's First Minister bit back a touching a commoner. What makes you think this is what's
response and instead locked a granite Tr " mumbled Lord Blackmon, stand¬ happening in Opaltown?"
smile on his face, saying: “While I am ing between the pair and brushing aside “Well* I would be more sure if you
pursuing numerous avenues, my ford, the offending hand. “Just skip the pre¬ would help by answering some ques¬
there is someone I want you to meet. liminaries and tell him your theory about tions. The Lakttes began settling in your
A specialist with an alternate theory the murders." city two years ago. Refugees from a
about the rash of strangulations" "Of course. Well, to begin with* the civil war, as I understand it,”
“Does he share your absurd views?" feyr is a poorly documented creature “Regrettably/5 grumbled the Baron.
“Does he want to find the murderer at best—" “A curse they've been too, with their
and not simply blame the Lakite minority “Wait!" snapped the baron. uWhar bizarre rituals and Foreign ways. When
in our city? Yes." poppycock are you selling? Why do they first arrived I imposed a curfew
“Don't waste my time " you speak of fear as if ifs a beast?” and gave them some land near the dump
“Please, sir. You really should hear "Because, in this case* that's exactly to keep them from soiling the rest of the
him out" what it is.” town. When the murders began three
The Baron growled an obscenity that Baron Wolf was rarely at a loss for weeks ago* the culprit was obviously
wasn't an explicit refusal, so Blackmon words, yet the sage's reply had Lakite, so I imposed greater restrictions.
signaled a guard to lead his guest into achieved exactly that. Benedict contin¬ I'd hoped someone would come forward
the Baron's office. ued into the silence. with the name of the killer* but they
“This, my lord, is Arnold Xavier “You see, you confuse the two terms, remained silent* showing no gratitude to
Benedict. Previously, he was affiliated Baron. As you said, 'fear1 is an emotion. those who gave them a new home.”

i iti g*ime terms, whenever a spell is cast lhaf Search check (DC 17) Id find it. Anything less asylums make Ideal hatcheries.
directly manipulates emotion (spells like fear, than ideal conditions (clean, level floor, good 4. $w the “fear immunity” listing in the appendix
emotion, or cause fear), there is a \% chance lighting, and so on) increases Ihe difficulty of to this article for information about how spells
per level of the spell that a feyr egg is pro¬ The check to DC 25 or more, that inflict or counter fear affect a feyr,
duced. Thus, I he Fear spell cast by a wizard has 3. Rough handling (using a broom ro sweep one up, 5. 3-m the Attached Appendix for statistics on the
a 4% chance of creating an egg. picking one up with hands rather Shan iweezers. larval feyr,
Note that charm spells do not meet this crite¬ and so forth) has a 25% chance of destroying 6. Except for Absorbing emotions from other crea¬
rion as they change the larger g attitude about the eggs. Also, they must be nourished with the tures or eatipg their kin. which are rich in
the easier, nor the target's entire emotional state, emotions of Iwenfy or more fearful or angry stored emotional energy, a Feyr never takes any
z, Feyr eggs arc transparent, jelly like beads. people within 50 feet before zdq days pass or other form of nourishment,
A character looking for one must make a they spoil. As indicated in the text. prisons and 7. Once slain, a leaser or greater feyr s body

96 annual2ooo
"Intriguing,” said the sage, “but I'm
more interested in what skills these
refugees brought with them,”
"Well,” said Lord Blackmon, "The
Lakites are renowned for their glass-
work and pottery* The taxes on that
trade have been a boon for the city
coffers* They also brought scores of
wizards and priests, who freely con¬
tribute their skills for the city’s good ”
"Yes,” nodded the scholar, “Magical
activity, or rather magical accidents, are
required for a feyr’s egg to be created.
Certain spells, especially those manipu¬
lating emotion, create a spark in the
ether when they're miscast. Into that
gap, through a process I’m still studying,
a feyr egg sometimes forms.”
"So, an egg appears and plops to
the floor of a wizards workshop, eh?"
laughed the Baron, "Now that’s a
miscast spell!”
"It’s not like that, sir,” corrected the This is as close as anyone should ever want to get to a feyr.
scholar. “A feyr egg looks nothing like a
hen's* They’re tiny, smaller than a rice
grain* The eggs are almost insubstantial, location downwind of the asylum.” “What? One of these creatures was
invisible in all but the brightest light. One “Larva? What do they look like?” stalking our streets? Why didn't you
ancient text calls them 'ghost eggs”'4 "TheyYe relatively small, perhaps half tell me this, Blackmon!?” demanded
"You said feyrs feed on emotion ” a foot long, and they look like large the Baron.
"Yes, my lord ” interrupted Blackmon* worms with a forked tail. They’re light¬ “I tried to, sir, but you weren’l
Tve read works by Master Benedict weight and can climb walls easily. interested, I believe your quip was, *A
and other scholars, and they indicate Although they feed on fear, their monster attacking Lakites? Can we give
that magic only creates the egg* It is ability to cause it in other animals is it a medal?”’
emotion that allows it to mature. The quite minimal/ The Baron shifted uneasily in his seat,
egg is very fragile, though. If harsh "Once they mature, they reach their then nodded at the scholar to continue.
light hits it or if it isn't nourished within adolescent form, commonly known as a "Actually, Lord Blackmon," inter¬
a few days, it withers away”3 lesser feyr,' The body changes shape to jected the scholar, "your letter neg¬
"The First Minister is right, Baron,” a sphere two feet in diameter white the lected a detail I need to know. Was the
said the scholar* “If, however, a draft Forked tail becomes a pair of tentacles beast attacking or fleeing when your
picks the egg up and blows it like a that it uses to crawl about. During this men slew It?”
speck of dust, it might land in more time the creature is ravenous, feeding "The sergeant reported they sported
fertile ground. Stuck to the eaves of a on emotion both directly and by de- the creature on Griffon Lane, attacking
tenement building or in a shadowy cor¬ vouring its siblings.0 The hunger is never a vagrant* The watchmen chased it to
ner of a poorhouse, it has a chance to sated, though. The beast haunts the the market square, where they cor¬
mature. As long as there are anxious night, seeking more victims to terrorize. nered and killed it."
or fearful people nearby, the egg is "from the description in Lord 1 suspected as much, A lesser feyr Is
nourished, and a larval feyr will hatch*4 Blackmon’s letter, I suspected immedi¬ not very intelligent. It will always attack,
For years we had that problem in ately that it was a lesser feyr that your even when outnumbered. Perhaps it
I Elfmist City until the town council city watch slew in the La kite Quarter thinks more opponents means more vic¬
moved the weekly Mages' Bazaar to a two weeks ago*”7 tims to terrorize. The fact that this one

deflates like a balloon, releasing noxious fumes See ttw appendix to this article for details on to. To clarify, larval feyrs only invoke terror in
over a ao-foot radius that linger for id6 rounds the "budding" ability of the greater feyr* those They physically arrack. Lesser feyrs do
Anyone inhaling the fumes must make a Will 9* What Benttfict says is partially true. If a greater this but also cause if in anyone who witnesses
save (DC 15} or suffer the fear arrack from rhe feyr chooses to migrate, it wilt split into two them attacking a victim. Finally, greater feyrs
beast. The deflated skin of the feyr dissolves SHE) creatures (see appendix): one that stays have these abilities and can also manipulate vic¬
into dusl 3d6 rounds after the beast's death* At behind and one that makes rhe trek to the new tims from a distance while invisible or hidden. In
the DM's discretion, the gas and skin might be location. This is only dene if the feyr believes addition to using its emotion ability to directly
of value in the fabrication of emotion control¬ the new location is a richer hunting ground. For cause fear, a greater feyr uses it for tactical
ling potions or items. Safely capturing the gas simple procreation, a feyr uses the egg advantage. If pursued, it might incite hate in a
and preventing the decay of the skin, however, laytng/smorhering technique described below. band of onlookers in hopes of causing a fight to
might prove difficult* serve as a distraction while it escapes, Another

was fleeing indicates it was spawned quite well It begins manipulating events think he'd go after at least a few of his
from an adult or 'greater feyr/” in the community to create even more fellows that were cooperating with the
"A greater feyr?” asked Baron Wolf. nourishment for itself,” non-Lakites. View them as traitors, you
“Yes. Much as larval feyrs feed upon "Nourishment? You mean fear.” know," said Blackmon. “These messages
each other to mature into adolescents, "Well, yes. But I’m unsure if-" and murders, on the other hand, sound
an adolescent feyr attacks others of its “How?” much more like the work of a feyr and
kind on sight. The victor matures into “Well, theoretically, a greater feyr its familiar”
an adult or ‘greater feyr/ Among its can take a familiar, a person to serve as “Walt!" demanded the baron. “Aren’t
skills is the ability to peel off some of its agent. It herds a likely candidate to we jumping to conclusions here?
Sts life force, spawning a lesser feyr.a its lair and then holds the wretch cap¬ Benedict says it’s only a theory. How
This might serve as an alternate tech¬ tive." It crawls on top of the victim, do you know these familiars exist?"
nique for reproduction, but thats only crushing and smothering him, and at the "Although he is skilled,” said
a theory,0 In most cases, however, the last moment allows him a few desperate Blackmon, “Master Benedict is not the
duplicate is expendable, created to per¬ breaths. This continues for several days only scholar to study these beasts,!
form a specific mission such as scouting as the feyr uses its power of despair to found a text by a Master Thadeus that
claimed there have been several cases

THE CREATURE IS RAVENOUS- over the past century. In the worst, a

greater feyr played the factions of King

FEEDING ON EMOTION Fallon the True's sons against each

other during the War of Succession

BOTH DIRECTLY AND BY thirty years ago. The beast lived in the
capital and ordered its familiar, the

DEVOURING ITS SIBLINGS. town simpleton, to kidnap the wife of

one of Prince Atkin's retainers. He
strangled the poor woman and left the
a new hunting ground or herding prey destroy the victim's will. If he survives body on the doorstep of Prince Lethy's
towards the creature's lair.” the process, the familiar is a complete chief lieutenant. By the time the familiar
“Or decoying my watchmen away slave, willing to do anything the feyr was interrogated and the feyr was slain
from the adult,” grumbled the baron, commands. He serves as the eyes and a month later, rioting had killed hun¬
Tm afraid that’s the logical condu- hands of his master, performing tasks dreds and burnt a quarter of the city
sion, sir/' the feyr is physically unable to do.* to the ground.”'3
“The more I hear of this creature, the “Of course," said the scholar, “it's “This theory sounds plausible to me,”
more formidable it appears. Does it have only a theory. I've never been able to conceded the baron. "Bur if there’s a
any other skills we should know about?" prove—” familiar doing a feyr’s bidding here, did
“Well, a few, but fm not sure how “It would explain the chalk messages, he perform all these murders simply to
important—" though, Baron,” Lord Blackmon said. cause trouble between my people and
"Tell the Baron about the invisibility," “Messages?" asked the scholar. the La kites?”
interrupted Blackmon, “Yes," answered Blackmon. “Near “That would be part of it,” answered
“Er, yes. The adult’s ability to turn two of the murder scenes and at Benedict. “However, Thadeus believed
invisible is well documented, as is its several other locations, we have found it would be the creature itself, not a
immunity to sunlight. Lesser feyrs are taunting messages chalked on walls. familiar, that committed the killings.
destroyed by the direct light of the sun. Written in Lakite and very incendiary" Lord Blackmon's letter indicated that
The adult is much tougher in combat ‘“Vengeance is ours/" quoted the although the victims were all suffo¬
than the adolescent creature. Also, it baron gloomily, cated, there were no bruises around
can manipulate a victims emotions in “Lakite messages ..." mused the the throat. I would suspect that they
subtle ways.10 The most disturbing scholar, rubbing his chin, “And none of were all smothered, not strangled."
aspect, though, is its intelligence. To the victims were Lakite?” “Why?"
reach adulthood, the beast has “Out of eight murders, no, not one." “Well, first, the feyr gets more
absorbed phenomenal amounts of emo¬ "If a Lakite were angry at the main¬ nourishment that way. Being slowly
tion, and it knows the nature of fear stream population of the city, you'd smothered by the monster would be

Savored lactic is lo use despairon a victim it cooperating with wererats and vampires have Instead, I he feyr derives greater and greater
is about lo attack to make an ambush more been recorded, but the DM should fed free to levels of terror from the victims as ihey starve.
successful. use any intelligent predalor as an ally. 12. The feyr usually chooses the village idiot or
it. A greater feyr makes irs lair in an abandoned Should the PCs find the iair of a greater some other menially deficient person to be ils
warehouse, sewer, or a similar locale. If it has a feyr, I he DM should roll percentile dice. On a familiar. (See "make familiar” in the appendix at
familiar Through whom ir can negotiate (see 01-50, there are 2d^ ist-level commoners held the end of this article.) Only rarely will someone
below), it strikes a bargain with any other mon¬ captive. On 51-70, there are ist-level com¬ be able to break free of the feyr's control.
ster's nearby. In exchange for the feyr making moners and also an adventurer of comparable Should that happen, though, the poor souks
victims easier targets with its emotion ability, its level to the PCs. Finally, on 71-00, no living vic¬ warnings about ihe feyr are likely dismissed as
partners slay the victim slowly, providing extra tims are found. Captives are kept bound and the ravings of a weak-minded lunatic.
nourishment for the feyr. Cases of feyrs gagged by the familiar, but they arc not fed. 13. In addition to those techniques spelled out in

98 mmuui 2ooo
incredibly terrifying for the victim.
Second, having direct physical contact
might allow it to leech more emotion
from its prey.1-1
“There's a third reason, although \
hesitate to mention it because it is also
“These beasts seem more theory
than fact ” growled the Baron.
“I did say it was a poorly documented
creature,” said Benedict defensively.
“Go ahead.”
“Well, ive described how a misfired
spell from a mage might create a feyr
egg. The feyr s ability to generate fear is
very similar to an emotion spell If the
beast were able to force a victim to
reach an incredible level of terror-an / -

epiphany of fear as it were—it is possible

that dozens of eggs would be generated.'*1®
“Ye gods!” murmured the baron.
“Every one of the murders—”
“Directly upwind of the Lakite A single slow death by smothering can nourish the feyr for a week or more.
quarter,” finished Blackmon, nodding.
“It's using the place as a hatchery.
Unless we act soon, well be facing an his head. He spun to see the faint out¬ A torrent of images and emotions
infestation. When that happens, the line of the feyr resolving itself against flooded the old mans mind, unspoken
chaos in the capital during the War of the alley's entrance, cutting off his commands from the feyr. The intensity
Succession will look like nothing.” escape. He fought down a scream as he hit him like a lightning bolt, and he fell
The baron was thoughtful for a felt tendrils of the creature's anger himself slip into a seizure. When the
moment, then rose from his desk. brush the edges of his mind. Terrified, agony finally passed, he sensed his
“Well, thank you for your counsel, rhe old man threw himself to the filthy master had left the alley but was still
Benedict,” the baron said, taking the cobblestones and began to sob. nearby. The scholar rose from the
sage’s hand. Tm still not completely con¬ Because of you they now know more ground and stumbled into the street.
vinced, but you have done us a great about me. You wifi be punished It would be a long night: preparing
service nonetheless. My exchequer will “No!” the scholar begged in a hoarse the note In Lakite, waiting for the feyr
see that some silver is delivered to your whisper, "Please don't! j told them noth¬ to incapacitate or distract the guards,
residence in the morning. Now, though, ing useful, just repeated what the figuring out which room in lord
It is late, and Lord Blackmon and I must Baron s man already knew from his Blackmon's villa was used as the nurs¬
confer on the things you have told us.” research! Don’t blame me because ery for his two daughters. But before
The sage nodded politely and [eft, leav¬ Blackmons clever! Besides, fear of you all that there was one errand to run,
ing the other two alone. As the door will cause great panic!” and he feared what his master would
closed, he heard an argument begin There was a moment of complete do if he didn't get it done in time.
between the two men, but he kept walking. silence and then the scholar gasped Where was he going to find a meal
On the street in front of the palace, with relief as he felt the creature with¬ cleaver at this hour of the night?
the sage scampered briskly through the draw from his mind.
Turn the page to jkce the new fear..
early evening crowd. He was late. You are right about Blackmon, He is
A quick left turn and two rights found indeed clever, too level-headedl i will
R him alone in a trash-strewn alley, waiting. not kill you ... yet. Instead, f have a task
You did poorly, hissed a voice inside for you* sla ve.
Benedict's lecture, feyrs use a number of other discredit the victim) or directly (by manipulating created. However, due to the large amount of

tactics to wreck havoc. One favored ploy is to emotions ro drive the leader to self-destructive nourishment present during their creation,

lurk nearby when its familiar plants false evi¬ behavior}. By neutralizing the moral leadership they are much hardier specimens than those

dence, using the hate option of its emotion abil¬ of a community, a feyr hopes to make the formed by simple spell miscasting. Specifically,

ity on those who discover ihe evidence to whip inhabitants easier pickings for its later attacks, they are Immune to the effects of sunlight, arc

them into a frenzy. It might also lurk near 14. See the appendix for details of the greater less susceptible to damage (treat them as glass

funerals of victims and invoke either despair or feyr’s “smother" attack. beads for hardness, hit points, handling, and

hate to further its schemes. Finally, a Feyr might 15, ff a feyr kills a victim by smothering while saving throws), and remain viable for six

attack civic leaders, either indirectly (having its simultaneously attacking it with the fear option months without nourishment.

familiar uncover or fabricate evidence to of its emotion power, 4b 6 feyr eggs are

The feyr (pronounced “fear") is a magic parasite, nourished by negative emotions
from humans and other humanoid races,

Diminutive Aberration
L arval feyrs resemble 6-fneh long, translucent maggots with a single eye and
forked tail. They are spawned by concentrations of magical activity and nega¬
Hit Dice ■/ssdS^t (1 hp) tive emotions such as raget sadness, and terror. Cities with a wizards quarter or
Initiative +5 (Dex) cluster of temples adjacent to a prison, asylum, or ghetto are prime spawning
Speed 15 ft.T climb 10 ft. grounds for the beasts, which lurk in the shadows and drop on victims from
AC 19 (+4 size, +5 Dex) above. Eventually, they mature into lesser feyrs and begin wandering the streets in
Attacks Bite, -4 melee search of victims to terrorize.
Damage Bite idg-4
Face/Reach 1 ft. by 1 Ft./1 ft.
Combat critical wounds, Conversely, a spell that
Special Cause fear
A larva! feyr clings to 3 wall or ceiling, counters fear injures the feyr in a similar
avoiding sunlight. If four or more are pres¬ manner, (A 1st-level remove fear acts as
Special Darkvision (30 ft.), fear
ent, they drop from their perches on a lone inflict light wounds.)
Qualities immunity, light sensitivity
individual (usually a child or elderly person) Cause Fear (Sp): Any creature attacked
Saves Fort -it Ref Will -2
and attack. After the attack, all the larvae by a larval feyr must make a Will save
Abilities Str 3, Dex 20, Con g,
flee the scene and seek new perches from (DC to) or be subject to the effects of a
Int 2, Wfs 2, Cha 11
which to hunt. cause fear spell as though cast by a
Skis Climb +7, Hide +8
Fear JimrumiTy (Ex): Larva! feyrs are 1st-lev el sorcerer.
Feats -
immune to magical and nonmagicaf fear. Ssmfight Sensitivity: A larval feyr must
Climate/Terrain Urban
Emotion controlling magic normally has no make a Fortitude save (DC 15) every round
Organization Swarm (idso)
effect, but spells that cause or counter fear it is exposed to direct sunlighl or immedi¬
Challenge Rating V4
respectively act as cure spells or inflict ately die. With a successful save, it suffers
Treasure None
spells of the equivalent level. Thus fear idfi damage.
Alignment Always neutral
cast by a wizard is equivalent to cure
Advancement Range 1-2 HD (Tiny)

LESSER FEYR L esser feyrs have lumpy, roughly spherical bodies about a foot wide, with two
thick 2-foot-long tentacles that serve as legs. They have three gold and copper
Small Aberration eyes set just above very Impressive jaws.
Hit Dice 3d8+6 (19 hp)
Initiative +1 (Dex)
Speed 40 r. Combat fear injures the feyr in a similar manner.
AC 18 (+1 size, +1 Dex, Lesser feyrs lurk quietly in darkened alleys (A 1 st level remove fear acts as inflict light
+6 natural) or stairwells, but once they attack a victim, wounds,)
Attacks Bite, +2 melee; tentacle they show no restraint. They will chase a Fear (Sp): Any creature attacked by a
slam, -3 melee fleeing victim down the street and not break lesser feyr must make a Will save (DC 14) or
Damage Bite id6; tentacle slam ids off the pursuit, even if confronted with be subject to the effects of a fear spell as
Face/Reach 5 by 5 ft-/s ft- superior odds or if their prey Rees into full though cast by an 8th-Ievel sorcerer.
Special Fear sunlight. (See "light sensitivity/1 below.) Additionally, anyone witnessing a lesser feyr
Attacks Fear immunity (Ex): Lesser feyrs are attack must make a Will save (DC 14) or be
Special Darkvision (30 ft.), fear immune to magical and nonmagical fear. subject to the effects of a Fear spell as
Qualities immunity, light sensitivity Emotion controlling magic normally has no though cast by an 8rh-level sorcerer
Saves Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1 effect, but spells that cause or counter fear SunBght Sensitivity: A lesser feyr must
Abilities Str io, Dex 13, Con 15, respectively act as cure spells of inflict make a Fortitude save (DC 15) every round
Int 5, Wis g, Cha 16 spells of the equivalent level. Thus fear cast it is exposed to direct sunlight or immedi¬
Skiffs Climb +4, Hide +7, by a wizard is equivalent to cure critical ately die. With a successful save, ri suffers
Intimidate +7 wounds. Conversely, a spell that counters idfi damage.
Feats -
Ciimate/Terram Urban
Organization Loose band (sd4)
Challenge Rating 2
Treasure None
Alignment Always chaotic evil
Advancement Range 4-7 HD (Medium-
size), 8-10 HD (Medium-size)

loo annual2ooo
G reater feyrs have lumpy, roughly spherical bodies often wider than a man is
tall Two massive, 8-foot-long tentacles serve as legs and arms, and a multi¬

Large Aberration
tude of lesser tentacles help to grapple and subdue prey. The greater feyr has Five
Hit Dice i6d8+64 (160 hp)
eyes and four mouths. The mouths are used for combat and terrorizing victims,
Initiative +5 (Dex)
not for feeding, as the feyr feeds exclusively on the emotion of its victims and
Speed 30 ft,, fly 60 ft. (good)
requires no physical nourishment.
AC 22 (-1 size, +1 Dex,
Greater feyrs leave their birthplace and seek out new homes, often migrating
+12 natural)
for hundreds of miles over several weeks. They settle m any place with an ade¬
Attacks 4 bites +16 melee;
quate concentration of emotional energy to nourish them, most often in another
urban area, but greater feyrs have even been known to follow armies across a 2 tentacle slams,
continent, knowing them to provide a steady supply of terror and despair. 414/4-9/4-4 melee
Damage 4 bites 2d6+4, 2 tentacle
Combat Emotion (Sp): five times a day, greater slams id6+2
The greater feyr is more intelligent and cun¬ feyrs have the innate ability to manipulate
Face/Reach 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 Ft.
ning than its previous forms. It prefers to creatures1 emotions as the arcane spell emo-
Special Emotion, fear, improved
work from afar, avoiding combat except rion, although they can exercise only the
Attacks grab, smother
when the odds are in its favor. despair, fear; hate, or rage options. The ability
Special Budding, darkvision
Fear Immunity ($u): Greater feyrs are has a range of 150 feet and affects all crea¬
Qualities (60 ftJ, fear immunity,
immune to magical and nonmagical fear. tures rn a 15-foof radius. Victims must make a
improved invisibility;
Emotion controlling magic normally has no Will save (DC 20) to resist the effects.
make familiar, SR 20
effect, but spells that cause or counter fear Budding (Ex): A greater feyr can split off
some of its life Force to create one or more Saves Fort 4-9, Ref 4-6, Will +12
respectively act as cure spells or in flier spells
of the equivalent level. Thus fear cast by a feyrs under the parent’s control Usually these Abilities Str 19, Dex 13, Con 19,
wizard is equivalent to cure critical wounds. offspring are used for specific, short-term Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 22
Conversely, a spell that counters fear Injures missions such as reconnaissance or to decoy Skills Hide +6, Intimidate +25,
the feyr in a similar manner. (A tst-Tevel pursuers. The feyr can divide its Hit Dice as Listen +13, Sense Motive
remove fear acts as inflict light woundsJ desired between itself and its offspring, as +18, Spot -H3
FaartSp): Any creature attacked by a long as the smaller creature receives at least Feats Alertness, Combat
greater feyr must make a Will save (DC 20) 4 Hit Dice and the parent retains more Hit Reflexes, Flyby Attack,
or be subject to the effects of a fear spell as Dice than any of the offspring. It rakes 2 Improved Initiative,
though cast by a 14 th-level sorcerer. rounds for the split to occur, during which Multi attack
Additionally, anyone witnessing a lesser feyr rime the feyr can perform no other action and Climate/Terrain Urban
attack must also make a Will save (DC 20) or can not use its power of improved invisibility. Organization Solitary
be subject to the effects of a fear spell as After the split, roll hit points for the new crea¬ Challenge Rating 14
though cast by a i^th-level sorcerer. ture, deducting that total from the larger Treasure Standard
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, creature. For game purposes, treat any feyr Alignment Always chaotic evil
the greater feyr must hit a Medium-size or with 4-6 Hit Dice as lesser feyrs and 7-10 Hit
Advancement Range 17-32 HD (Huge)
smaller opponent with two tentacle slams in Dice as greater feyrs.
the same round. If it gets a hold in this fash¬ Once spawned, the other Feyrs immediately The feyr maintains 3 telepathic link wilh the
ion, it deals normal damage and attempts to leave at their maximum movement to perform familiar with 0 range of 4 miles. If a distance
start a grapple as a free action without pro¬ their assigned mission. The parent maintains a greater than 4 miles separates the feyr from
voking an attack of opportunity. Once a vic¬ telepathic link with the smaller creatures, com¬ its familiar, the link is broken and the target
tim has been grappled, the feyr can initiate its manding rhem and seeing what they see. cannot be made a familiar by that feyr again.
smother attack. If the smaller feyrs survive the mission, they Nothing else short of a limited wish, wish, or
Improved fnvfstb&ty (Sp): A greater feyr return to their parent and are devoured, miracle spell can break this bond.
gains the benefits of improved invisibility at will. restoring the feyr to its original Hit Dice, The greater feyr can see and hear every¬
Smother (Ex): A greater feyr can smother Should the offspring perish, the feyr hunts to thing that the familiar does, and it can com¬
a grappled victim. The victim being smothered smother victims, it recovers 1 Hit Die for each mand and converse with the familiar at will.
can hold her breath for a number of rounds victim of greater than animal intelligence that it The feyr gains knowledge of all languages at
equal to double her Constitution, After this kills by smothering. Roll hit points for each the same level of fluency as the familiar. If
time, the victim must make a Constitution recovered Hit Die. commanded to rake actions contrary to her
check (DC 10) every round in order to con¬ Make Famfisr (Su): A greater feyr can make nature, the familiar can make a Will save with
tinue holding her breath. Each round the DC a creature its familiar by terrorizing if for 2d4 a DC equal to a new Intimidate check made
increases by 1, When the victim fails her days. The feyr must successfully use the by the feyr plus a bonus of +1 to +4, depend¬
Constitution check, she begins to suffocate. In despair power of its emotion ability on the vic¬ ing on the type of action required. Obviously
the first round she falls unconscious (0 hp). In tim three times each day and suffocate the vic¬ self-destructive orders are not carried out
the following round, she drops to -1 hit points tim to unconsciousness at least once each day. and break the feyris control A successful
and Is dying. In the third round, she dies. At the end of this time, it uses its Intimidate skill save indicates the largei has broken free of
Victims of greater than animal intelligence on the victim. The victim must then make a Will the feyr s control and cannot be made into a
killed by smothering grant the greater Feyr save with a DC equal to the greater feyrs familiar again.
temporary hit points equal to 4 x the victim s Intimidate check result. A successful save indi¬ A greater feyr can have only one familiar
HD. The temporary hit points last for a num¬ cates the target has broken free of the feyr s at a time. ®
ber of hours equal to the victim’s control and is immune to further attempts to be
Constitution. A greater feyr cannot move or made into that feyr’s Familiar. Failure indicates
attack while smothering. that the victim has become the feyr s familiar.
en Realms 2000

Your primer to the new Torgoiten. Realms Campaign Setting

by Sean K Reynolds

v m »iTh the introduction of the new edition of

■ A m Dungeons Dt Dragons, an entire world of roleplay-
1111 ers are making the switch to the best RPG ever
JV crafted. The changes wrought with the new edition
leave players and DMs of the Forgottin Realms faced with
a multitude of decisions regarding character creation,
domains for deities, and other essentia! components.
In order to allow all of you to adventure in the Forgotten
Realms using the new D&tD rules, weVe releasing this
"survival guide" of information that will get you through to
The release of the campaign setting in June,
Are al the changes that will befall Toril hinted at below?
Not at all, but this information will allow you to play in the
Forgotten Realms for the next few months.
In the coming months, well reveal some of the other
exciting changes we've got underway. You'll be able to see
glimpses of those changes in the pages of Dragon
Magazine, through the RPG A, and on the website.
Until Swords Part,
Jim Butler, Brand Manager
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting

The Forgotten Realms campaign setting interval, increasing by 25 pounds per
is well-known for its magic, so here are interval to a maximum of 1,000
some of the more popular magic items pounds), ending when the creature
from Myth Drannor and other regions. leaves the mythal
Seeing how we converted these items » use of detect poison at will, plus an
should help you do the same for the awareness of the body to immediately
other items your characters wield until recognize attacks, infestations, diseases,
you can get your hands on the new or other affronts to the body when
campaign setting book. they might otherwise be concealed
(such as anaesthetic attacks by certain
Blueglow moss: Blueglow moss is a blood-draining creatures), ending when
magic plant growth, powered by the the creature leaves the mythal
mythal and imbued with many healing ■ +2 resistance bonus to saving
abilities. At night it glows with blue throws against petrification and
faerie firet and a creature that rests polymorph effects, ending when the
upon a bed of blueglow moss is cured creature leaves the mythal
of id4 points of damage for every con¬ • a regenerate spell (requires 12
MATT WlEOIst tinuous hour spent there. If 6 or more hours of exposure, cumulative but with
continuous hours are spent upon the no more than 1 full day in-between
moss bed, the following effects occur: exposures).
* a remove disease spell Blueglow moss cannot survive
* the use of darkviston at will, ending outside of a mythal and cannot be
when the creature leaves the mythal created independent of spells that
* The ability to levitate self at will create a mythal.
(naked self only after first 6-hour

lo2 annual2ooo
Dovers Harp: This magic item's original
name has been lost, and its current
name derives From Dove Faleonhand,
who owns such a harp. This is a mas¬
ter work harp, triangular in shape, with
20-36 strings. When it is played, all
within 20 feet of the harp are tem¬
porarily cured of any insanity (as if a
greater restoration were in effect) and
are protected by a cairn emotions spell.
Those who listen to it for 2 rounds or
more receive the benefits of cure fight
wounds spell as if cast by a ist-Jeve!
cleric, although this power can only
affect a being once every ten day.
While its magic is being invoked, the
harp and harpist radiate light. Use of
the harp requires the Perform (harp)
skill and is a standard action.
Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft
Wondrous Item, calm emotions, greater
restoration, healing circle, light; Market
Price; 45,000 gp; Cost to Create;
22,500 gp + i,8oo XP

Fanged Mask: This half-mask is like one

wears to a masquerade party, but the
bottom edge has numerous sharp-look¬
ing catlike teeth. The wearer can use
the mask to bite in combat for 164
points of damage (not in addition to
normal bite damage), and the mask is +1
weapon, A bitten creature must make a SAM WOOD
Fortitude save (DC 13) or be stunned
for 1 round.
Caster Level: 3rd: Prerequisites: Craft
Wondrous Item, spiritual weapon;
Market Price: 4,302 gp; Cost to Create.
2,151 gp + 172 XP. Some of the races in the Forgotten Realms setting differ from those in the
Player 5 Handbook and other core D&fD sources. Listed below are the ability
Harper Pm: Harper pins are fashioned score modifiers of the standard player character races. Note that these races
from silver that has been enchanted to have additional abilities beyond their ability scores; these will be revealed in the
be as hard as adamantine (hardness 20, campaign setting book.
9 hit points, +5 on all saving throws).
Their wearer is protected by the fol¬ Human: as Players Handbook human.
lowing constant effects: immune to Dwarf, gold: +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity,
magic missiles, nondetection, protection Dwarf, shield: as Players Handbook dwarf.
from elements (electricityl undetectable Elf, drow: +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, 120 ft.
alignment, and a +5 resistance bonus to darkvision and spell resistance as per the Monster Manual
saves against mind-influencing effects. Elf, moon; as Players Handbook elf.
Some harper pins turn black and make Elf, sun: -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence,
discordant jangling sounds when worn Elf, wild: +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence.
by evil beings._ Elf, wood: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence,
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft -2 Charisma.
Wondrous Item, nondetection, protec¬ Gnome, rock: as Player's Handbook gnome.
tion from elements, resistance, shield, Half-elf: as Playerfs Handbook half-elf (half-drow get 60 ft. darkvision
undetectable alignment (plus detect evil instead of low-light vision).
and ghost sound For harper pins that Half-ore: as Player's Handbook ha If-ore.
respond to an evil bearer); Market Halfling, lightfoot: as Players Handbook hatfling.
Price: 75750 gp (78,750 gp for the
The new Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting has over thirty new domains tai¬ version that reacts to an evil bearer);
lored for the deities of Faerun. The details of those domains and their granted Cost to Create: 37,875 gp + 3,030 XP
powers are too lengthy to go into here (and we don’t want to spoil the sur¬ (39.375 SP + 3>'5° XP)-
prise), but what follows are the living deities from the Faiths &t Avatars trilogy
(plus the entire ore pantheon) and their Player *$ Handbook domains. Some of Jump Dagger: When grasped, this
them look pretty skimpy, but that's generally because there are more Forgotten dagger acts as a ring of feather falling,
Realms domains that aren't mentioned here. If you're unhappy with the domain and also allows the one holding it to
choices for your favorite deity, don't worry, there’s plenty of good stuff in the make one Jump (useable every other
campaign setting book* round)* If the dagger touched to an
object weighing 5 pounds or less, the
Abbathor: Evil, Luck, Trickery Erevan lie sere: Chaos, Luck, Trickery wielder can use the weapon's jump
Aerdrie Faenya: Air, Animal, Eshowdow: Chaos, Evil, Destruction power to gently propel the item up to
Chaos, Good Fenmarel Mestarine: Animal, Chaos, 30 feet in any direction (usually used to
Akadi: Air, Travel, Trickery Planf.Travel pass weapons, keys, or valuables to
Angharradh: Chaos, Good, Finder Wyvemspur: Chaos someone else). If this power is used
Plant, Protection Flandal Stedskm: Good against an objeci held by a creature,
Anhur: Chaos, Good, Strength, War Gaerdal Ironhand: Good, Law, consider the attack a Strike a Weapon
Arvoreen: Good, Law, Protection, War action, and if successful have the tar-
Protection, War Garagos: Chaos, Destruction, geted object's owner make a Will save
Audi: Air, Evil, Water Strength, War (DC it) to avoid the effect; if the save
Azuth: Knowledge, Law, Magic Gargauth: Evil, Law, Trickery is failed the creature can make a
Baervan Wildwanderer: Animal, Garl Glittergold: Good, Strength check (DC 15) to grab or hold
Good, Plant, Travel Protection, Trickery onto the item, preventing its loss*
Bahgtru: Chaos, Evil, Strength Geb: Earth, Protection Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft
Baravar Cloakshadow: Good, Ghaunadaur: Chaos, Evil Wondrous Item, jump, mage hand;
Protection, Trickery Good: Earth, Fire, Knowledge Market Price: 16,052 gp; Cost to
Berronar Truesilver: Good, Gorm Gulfhyn: Good, Law, Create: 8,026 gp + 3,210 XP.
Healing, Law, Protection, Protection, War
Beshaba: Chaos, Evil, Luck, Trickery Grumbar: Earth Mirror Mask: This mask is circular, with
Brandobaris: Luck, Travel, Trickery Gruumsh: Chaos, Evil, Strength, War dark lines radiating outward from the
Calladuran Smoothhands: Earth Gwaeron Winds from: Animal, Good, poini between the eyes. The wearer
Knowledge, Plant, Travel gains a +5 resistance bonus to all saves
Haela Brightaxe: Chaos, Good, against gaze attacks and spells that
Luck, War work through sight (such as flare,
Hanali Celanrl: Chaos, Good pattern spells, a vampire's domination
Hathor: Good ability, and so on)* Furthermore, any
Helm: Law, Protection, Strength creature that views the wearer's face
Hoar: Law, Travel while the mask is worn sees their own
Horus-Re: Good, Law, Sun face rather than the wearer's*
llmater: Good, Healing, Law, Strength, Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft
llneval: Evil, Destruction, War Wondrous Item, change self, resistance;
Chauntea; Animal, Earth, Good, Isis: Good, Magic, Water, Market Price: 8,759 gp; Cost to
Plant, Protection Isttshia: Destruction, Travel, Water Create: 4,379 gp + 350 XP*
Clangeddin Silverbeard: Good, Jergal: Death, Law
Law, Strength, War Purple Dragon Ring: This item is a
Corellon Larethian: Chaos, brass ring engraved with Purple
Good, Protection, War Dragon symbol of the Obarskyr royal
Cyric; Chaos, Destruction, family. The wearer can use it to create
Evil, Trickery fight once per round, either on the ring
Cyrrollaiee: Good, Law or up to 40 feet away; this effect lasts
Deep Duerra: Evil, Law 10 minutes, and (unlike the fight cantrip}
Deep Sashelas: Chaos, Good, cannot be dispelled by the ring, its sec¬
Knowledge, Magic, Water ond power is a combined detect magic
Deneir: Good, Knowledge Kelemvor: Death, Law, and detect poison power activated by
Dugmaren Brightmantle: Chaos, Protection, Travel, command word (usually inscribed on
Good, Knowledge Kiaransafee: Chaos, Evil the inside of the ring, and typically
Dumathoin: Earth, Knowledge, Kossuth: Destruction, Fire “Bonthar'); when this power is acti¬
Protection, Labelas Enorefh: Chaos, Good, vated and the ring touched to a food or
Eilistraee: Chaos, Good Knowledge drink, it glows an eerie gold-green if
Eldath: Good, Plant, Protection, Water Laduger: Evil, Law, Protection, Magic the substance is poisonous and a bright
CONTINUED OK PAGE m blue if it is enchanted (including

lo4 annual2ooo
potions). The ring cannot identify what Monks and paladins have the restric¬ Monk of llmater: cleric of llmater
sort of poison or magic is present. tion that if they ever take a level in Halflmg Monk: fighter or rogue
These rings are normally found only another class, they cannot return to Monks of The Yellow Rose; ranger
in the hands of the Purple Dragons of the path of the monk or paladin. On Paladin of Chauntea: cleric of
Cormyr (of fionar rank or higher), the Torrf, there are some monk and pal¬ Chauntea
royal family of that nation, or by indi¬ adin orders that break this restriction, Paladin of Helm; cleric of Helm,
viduals performing special missions on allowing them to gain levels in a par- fighter
behalf of the crown. The Purple ticular class without sacrificing the Paladin of llmater: cleric of llmater
Dragons use them ro protect the royal ability to return, A few examples of Paladin of Lathander: cleric of
family from assassination attempts by these groups, and their available Lathander
poison, and also to verify that mer~ mulriclassing options, are listed in the Paladin of Moradin: cleric of
chants claiming the sale of magic sidebar to the right: Moradm, Fighter
potions are not being fraudulent. Over Paladin of Torn: any one other class
four thousand of these rings are known Paladin of Tyn cleric of Tyr, fighter
to have been made, and there are said Paladin of Yondalla; monk
to be stores of them in all three of
Cormyr s major cities in case many are
needed in an emergency, Ir is likely that spell, and so on. As long as the bearer
there are rings with similar functions in can hear the sword’s song, she gains a Winged Mask: The edges of this full-
circulation, created for nobles or mer- +3 morale bonus to hit and damage. face mask are made to resemble feath¬
chants fearing poison or trickery. Furthermore, she gains a +5 morale ers or wings. The wearer can fly at
Caster Level: ist; Prerequisites: Forge bonus to saves against mind-affecting will, but glows with white light when¬
Ring, detect magic, detect poison, light; spells and effects (and the only sort of ever this ability is used. The mask can
Market Price: 2,125 gPi Cost to Create: emotion spell that can affect the only carry the wearer and 50 pounds
1062 gp + 85 XP. wtelder is rage). The sword's song of other material. If grappled or
quells shriekers, negates the song weighted down in mid-flight, the wearer
Ring of Dragons: These brass rings are effects of harpies within 100 feet, and is borne to the ground under the
created by the Cult of the Dragon and once per day can act as an enthrall effects of a feather fall speli._
are greatly prized by the higher tiers of spell to creatures with 2 or fewer Hit Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft
its organization. There are about sev¬ Dice (and affecting them with a sugges¬ Wondrous Item, feather fail fly, light;
enty in existence: some look like snakes tion spell if they fail a second saving Market Price: 36,000 gp; Cost to
or dragons biting their own tails. The throw). Some of these weapons are Create: 18,000 gp + 1,440 XP.
wearer can use the following abilities: intelligent and aligned chaotic good.
* verbally or telepathically communi¬ Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Skull Mask: This mask is shaped like a
cate with any true dragon Magic Arms and Armor, bless, enthrall skull and painted black around the eyes.
* cast a figment of a dragon (as suggestion, creator must have 3 ranks When worn, the wearer's visage
silent image) once per day within 60 of Perform (the chaotic good intelligent transforms to look like an actual skull.
feet of himself: the dragon resembles singing swords must be created by a The wearer gains a +4 morale bonus to
any dragon the user has personally being of that alignment); Market Price: saving throws against disease, fear
seen (this power is typically used as a 9>5S5 gP: Cost t0 Create: 4,792 gp + effects, and paralysis, and is immune to
recognition symbol or a diversion) 383 XP. life draining attacks. The wearer imme¬
* transmit a call to a named dracolich diately recognizes any creature seen as
or evil dragon; the target knows the Spectral Blade; Fashioned from the alive, dead, undead, or inanimate (never
wearer's location and can home in on bone of a creature that died violently, alive, such as a lifelike statue). Undead
the call if they choose to respond, this appears to be just a sword hilt are drawn to the wearer of a skull
although there is no compulsion to do made of bone. When grasped by a mask, attacking that creature in prefer¬
so (the call remains active until the ring creature, a “blade” of light that seems ence to all others.
is removed, the wearer dismisses the to be constructed of faerie fire Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft
call, or the wearer dies)__ appears. The blade has no attack bonus Wondrous Item, deathwatch, defect
Caster Le vet 15th: Prerequisites: Forge but an wiefder attacking with it requires undead, negative energy protection,
Ring, detect thoughts, sending, silent a successful touch attack; any target remove fear; Marker Price: 50,000 gp;
image, tongues; Market Price: 100,000 struck is affected by a chiii touch spell. Cost to Create: 25,000 gp + 2,000 XP.
gp; Cost to Create: 50,000 gp + Different varieties of spectral blades
4,000 XP. have been created to resemble many Staff of Night: This staff of black wood
different bladed weapons, from daggers is carved with runes of darkness, stars,
Singing Sword: These stiver to greatswords. and night, with one resembling an
greats words are believed to have been Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft umber hulk. The staff has the following
created for use by the Harpers. When Magic Arms and Armor, chill touch; powers:
drawn, they sing loudly and constantly, Market Price: 10,000 gp; Cost to * immunity to the confusing gaze
although the singing can be countered Create: 5,000 gp 4- 250 XP. power of umber hulks (no charges)
normally by a skilled bard, a silence • dark vision
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 104 * low-light vision (duration as if
Sheda Peryroyl: Air* Plant casting the darkvision spell)
Shevarash: Chaos* War * dispel magic (only works against
Shiallia: Animal, Good, Plant light-creating spells such as light, con¬
Siamorphe: Knowledge* Law tinual flame, and so on)
Silvanus: Animal, Plant* Protection, * darkness
Water * summon monster VI (summons one
Solonor Thelandira: Chaos, Good, umber hulk* useable only once every
Plant* War tenday, 2 charges)
Sseth: Chaos, Evil* Knowledge If the summoned umber hulk is slain,
Sune: Chaos, Good, Protection the staff crumbles to dust.
TaJona: Chaos* Evil, Destruction Caster Level: nth; Prerequisites: Craft
Lathander: Good, Protection, laics: Chaos, Evil* Destruction, Fire Staff, darknessf darkvision, dispel
Strengthp Sun magic, summon monster VI; Market
Lliira: Chaos, Good Price: 50*000 gp; Cost to Create:
Lolth; Chaos, Evil 25,000 gp + 2,000 XP.

Staff of Vision: This staff has the

following powers:
* darkvision {1 charge)
* remove blindness (2 charges)
* see invisibility (1 charge)
* true seeing (2 charges)
Tempos: Chaos, Protection* The staff has an unusual side effect.
Strength, War Using it is mentally tiring, and each use
Thard Harr: Animal, Chaos, requires a Will save (DC 12) or the
Loviatar; Evil, Fire, Law, Strength, Good* Plant bearer suffers 1 point of temporary
Lurue: Animal, Chaos, Good, Healing Thofh: Knowledge* Magic Intelligence damage*__
Luthic: Earth, Evil, Healing Tiamat: Evil* Law Caster Level: 12th; Prerequisites: Craft
Malar: Animal Chaos, Evil, Strength Torn: Good* Healing* Law, Staff, darkvision* see invisibility;
Marthammor Duin: Good, Protection, Strength remove blindness, true seeing: Market
Protection, Travel Tymora: Chaos, Good, Luck* Price: 24*000 gp; Cost to Create:
Mask: Evil, Luck, Trickery Protection* Travel 12*000 gp + 960 XP.
Mielikki: Animal, Good, Plant, Travel Tyr: Good, Knowledge* Law, War
Milil: Good, Knowledge Ubtao: Plant, Protection War Wizard Cloak (Weathercloak):
Moradin: Earth, Good, Law, lilutiu: Animal, Law These full-cut, black cloaks hang to mtd-
Protection, War Umber lee: Chaos, Destruction* boot on an average human. Cut to
Mystra: Good, Knowledge, Magic Evil* Water overlap on the chest and cover the
Nephthys: Chaos, Good, Protection Urdlen: Chaos, Earth, Evil wearers arms* they have a high collar
Mobanion: Animal, Good, Law Urogalan: Earth* Death* Law, and a separate pull-over hood. They are
Oghma: Knowledge, Luck, Protection embroidered with a white upraised
Travel, Trickery Uthgar: Animal, Chaos, Strength, War human palm in a circle on the right col¬
Osiris: Death, Good, Law, Plant Valkur: Air* Chaos, Good, Protection lar* a purple dragon on the left collar*
Red Knight: Law, War Velsharoon: Death, Evil, Magic and another on the center point of the
Rillifane Raliathil: Chaos, Good, Vergadain: Luck, Trickery hood (so it is displayed to the rear when
Plant, Protection the hood is pulled back). The cloak con¬
Savras: Knowledge, Law, Magic stantly provides the wearer with the
Sebek: Animal, Evil, Water following benefits: endure e/ements
Segojan Earthcaller: Good, Earth (cold), darkvision, and feather fall (self
Sehanine Moon bow: Chaos, Good* only)* Once per day, the wearer can use
Knowledge, Travel dimension door, lesser ironguard, pro¬
Selune: Chaos, Good, tection From arrowsr and sending.
Protection, Travel These cloaks are normally only worn
Selvetarm; Chaos, Evil, War, by Cormyrian war-wizards, nobles, or
Set: Air, Evil, lawT Magic Vhaeraun: Chaos, Evil* Travel, specially chosen agents, although with
Shar: Evil, Knowledge Trickery the number of dead war-wizards
Sharess: Chaos, Good* Travel Waukeen: Knowledge* Travel, caused by the war against the dragon
Shargass: Chaos* Evil, Trickery Protection Nalavara, it is likely that some have
Sharindlar: Chaos, Good, Healing Xvim: Law* Destruction* Evil been looted from corpses and can be
Shaundakul: Air, Chaos, Protection* Yondalla: Good* Law* Protection Found in other hands.
Travel Yurtrus: Evil, Death, Destruction, Caster Level: gth; Prerequisites: Craft

106 annual2ooo
Wondrous Item, darkvision, dimension SEMEMMDK
doot\ endure elements, feather fall,
lesser ironguard, protection from
arrows, sending; Market Price: 30,3/5
gp; Cost to Create; 15,187 gp +
1,215 xp.

As with magic items, the Forgotten
Realms campaign is known for its
unusual spells. The war wizard cloak
(above) refers to the lesser ironguard
spell, so this spell is included here to
allow you to fully utilize that item s

Lesser ironguard
Level; Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

The caster or a creature touched LUCK OF HEROES [General]

becomes immune to nonmagical metal Your people survive when no one
Nonmagical metal items (including metal expects them to come through.
weapons) simply pass through the Regions: Aglarond, Dafelands, Tethyr,
affected creature, and the target of the Vast.
the spell can walk through nonmagical Benefit: You get a +1 bonus to alt
metal barriers such as iron bars. Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saves.
Attacks delivered by metal Items
(such as poison on a dagger) MERCANTILE BACKGROUND
affect the creature normally. [General]
If the spelt expires while You come from a family that excels
metal is inside an affected at a particular trade.
creature, the metal object Regions: Gray Dwarf, Impillur, Lake
is shunted out of its body of Steam, lantan, Sembia,
(or the body away from the The new Forgotten Realms campaign Svirfnebiin, Tashatar, Tethyr, Thesk,
meral, if the metal is an immovable setting has more than fifty new feats. the Vast.
object like a set of iron bars). One of the new concepts we devel¬ Benefit: Choose a Craft or Profession
The affected creature and the object oped is the regional feat: a feat you skill You get a +2 bonus to all Craft
take id6 points of damage as a result can get only if you come from a or Profession checks for that skill and
(ignoring the object’s hardness rating particular area or study with people a +2 bonus to all Appraise checks.
For determining damage to it). from there. As the RPGA's Living City
Because the target of the spell campaign is very popular and takes THUG [General]
passes through metal, it can ignore place in the Forgotten Realms, we Your people know how to get the
armor and hardness bonuses on oppo- decided to help out those LC players jump on the competition and push
nents it attacks with unarmed attacks. converting their characters over to other people around.
Material Components: a tiny shield the new edition, so here are three of Regions: Calimshan, Dragon Coast,
made of wood, glass, or crystal. © the new Forgotten Realms feats, all of Moonsea, Pirate Isles, Unther, the
which are available to natives of the Vast, Vilhon Reach, Waterdeep.
Vast (and* you'll note, a few other Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on
places). These regional feats use a Initiative checks, and a +2 bonus on
feat slot just like any other feat; you Intimidate checks.
don't get them for free just for being
from a particular place.
by Carrie Bebris * illustrated by Dev Madan

F antasy characters lead pretty

rough lives. Every time they
turn around, it seems some¬
one’s trying to rake over
undead creatures at every turn, the
intrepid band must ally with the city’s
ghostly guardians to restore the cor¬
rupted Myth at. Only then can they con¬
to magic enables her to adapt her spell-
casting as circumstances demand.
Durwyn, the brawny fighter, provides
quiet strength-both of arms and of
the world* front the Cult of the Dragon, its sinister character—when the party needs it most*
This time it's the Cult of the Dragon, pool, and its diabolical leaders. Kestrel, the fiercely independent rogue
led by an evil sorceress and her dracol- Poof of Radiance: Ruins of Myth with a sixth sense for danger, discovers
ich general. The dastardly duo has found Drannor is the companion novel to the she must cooperate with the rest of the
a way to control the Mythal, the ancient new SSI computer game of the same party in order to survive.
magic that once protected the ruined name. Its also the first novel to feature Kestrel, Corran, Ghleanna, and
elven capital of Myth Drannor. Together characters inspired by the new edition Durwyn begin their journey as talented
they have used the Mythal's power to of the Dungeons Of Dragons game. but untested adventurers. As they con¬
resurrect the Pool of Radiance, a life- Archmage Kya Mordrayn and her min¬ front cult forces and hone their skills,
draining menace that Faerunians think ions wield spells in a manner never they evolve into formidable champions.
was destroyed years ago. The pool will before seen in Faerun. Cult fighters dis¬ They are presented here as they
enable the cult to-you guessed it— play their superior weapon mastery with prepare to challenge Mordrayn and
achieve world domination. lethal precision. The dracolich Pelendrataar in the climactic final
Alas, will the forces of evil never Pelendrafaar puts a terrifying new face showdown.
learn? on undeafh.
Enter four adventurers who thought But the heroes prove themselves wor¬
they had signed up to keep an eye on thy opponents to these and the other
the reawakened pool, only to find them¬ villains they encounter. Corran D’Arcey
selves thrown into the middle of the discovers that pa lad inhood is more than
cuffs nefarious plot. Ah, well-the blustering about faith and smiting evil in
course of true heroism never did run the name of one’s god* Sorceress
smooth. Battling dark sorcerers and Ghleanna Storm lake's intuitive approach

108 annual 2ooo


\ Kestrel anyone she encounters.

She wears her
female Human, 14Ui-tevel Rogue colored hair in a short*
Strength 13 (+1) Fort, Save +6 boyish cut to keep it
Dexterity 19 (+4) Ref, Save +13 out of the way.
Constitution 15 (+2) Will Save +7 Kestrel is left-handed
Intelligence 17 (+3) Alignment NS but can throw a dag¬
Wisdom 16 (+3) Speed 30 ft. ger from both hands
Charisma 14 (+2) Size MO1) with equal skill. She
bears a long, thin
Armor Class 19 Melee Attack +11 /+G scar on her left
Hit Points 98 Ranged Attack +14/+9 wrist from trying
to pick an
Special: Sneak attack +jd6, evasion, ensorcelled lock
uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AC, can't three years ago.
be flanked, +2 vs, traps)* opportunist,
improved evasion. Background
Skills: Appraise +8, Balance +12* Bluff Kestrel was barely a year old when
+8* Climb +15, Concentration +6, bandits attacked her family's cottage.
Disable Device +14, Decipher Script +8, Her mother managed to hide her in the
Escape Artist +8, Gather Information root cellar moments before the noisy team up with Corran* Ghleanna* and
+8, Hide +17, Innuendo +8, Intimidate cutthroats burst in* killed her parents, Durwyn to complete what she consid¬
+9, Jump +8, Listen +17, Move Silently stole what little they could find of value* ers a suicide mission. But the more
+18, Open Lock +17, Pick Pocket +14, and burned the dwelling to the ground. she works to thwarf the cult's plans,
Search +15, Sense Motive +12* Spot Hours later* an old rogue named Quinn the more the party's cause becomes
+12* Swim +8, Tumble +17* Use Magic heard the baby's hungry cries coming her own.
Device +7, Use Rope +8, from the smoking rubble. He named the
Feats: Alertness, Ambidexterity* orphaned child Kestrel, for the tiny girl's Roleplaying Notes
Expertise* Quick Draw, Weapon Finesse fierce eyes reminded him of a falcon. Kestrel dislikes depending on others and
(dagger), Weapon Focus (dub). Quinn raised Kestrel as a daughter* at is very slow to trust anyone* especially
Languages: Common, Dwarven, first trying to protect her from the rogues and arcane spellcasters. Too
Halfling, Ore. shady side of his life but ultimately much knowledge of their general psyche
Possessions: A gift from HaHdain teaching her everything he knew. His makes her wary of fellow rogues; too
Ironbar (a ghostly lord of Myth apprentice proved a talented pupil: little information steers her clear of
Drannor)* Kestrels +3 leather armor When Quinn died in a tavern brawl, the sorcerers and wizards. She has stayed
enables her to move as freely as if twelve-year-old was well able to fend alive by trusting her five senses.
wearing a silk shirt. Her pair of mantfe for herself. After his death* Kestrel When senses fail* she relies on instinct—
rings can absorb spells up to 4th level. drifted from city to city, plying her particularly the tingling sensation along
They hold 8 remaining charges; each trade. She and Quinn had often fanta¬ her collarbone that warns of serious
charge protects the wearer from one sized about accumulating enough wealth danger.
spell Kestrel carries three ordinary¬ to retire from thieving and live a pam¬ Years of working alone have made
looking daggers, one in each boot and pered life, and she carried this dream Kestrel impatient with group dynamics.
one in her belt. Loren's Blade* the dagger with her as she wandered. Slowly* her She speaks her mind with little regard
at her side, is a +j dagger of returning. stash of treasure grew. for diplomacy and becomes frustrated
She also carries Boreas Blood, a blue Quinn had often counseled her that when her suggestions are overruled.
crystal shard that functions as a +2 dag¬ there was no honor among thieves, and This attitude leads to frequent disagree¬
ger of icy burst Her more mundane to beware trusting a fellow rogue. His ments with her fellow party members,
possessions include a telescoping steel advice proved sound. When Kestrel whom she tends to regard as naive
dub* thieves' tools* a grappling hook, and was sixteen* she briefly teamed up with do-gooders. She dashes most often
a pair of weighted dice. a forger named Eaden, Once he won with Corran* whose arrogance (not to
her trust* he framed her for one of his mention overt prejudice) gets under
Appearance solo jobs and absconded with her life her skin like nothing else.
Though only twenty-two years old* savings while she dealt with the author¬
Kestrel looks closer to thirty due to her ities. She resolved to never again leave
rough-and-tumble life. Short and slight herself vulnerable to betrayal and has
of build, her body seldom relaxes—even worked alone ever since
in sleep she is on the alert. Her pene¬ Until now. Circumstances beyond
trating emerald eyes are quick to assess Kestrel's con trot have forced her to
Corran D’Arcey
Male Human, 13thJlevel Paladin of Tyr
Strength 18 (+4) fort. Save +11
Dexterity 14 (+2) Ref, Save +6
Constitution 10 (+3) Will Save +6
intelligence 17 (+3) Alignment LG
Wisdom 15 (+2) Speed 20 ft.
Charisma 13 (+1) Size M(G')

Armor Class 22 Melee Attack +17/+12/+7

Hit Paints 147 Ranged Attack +15/+1G/+5

Special: Detect evil divine grace, lay

on hands; divine health, aura of
courage, smite evil, remove disease
(4/week), turn undead, warhorse, profi¬
cient with all simple and martial
weapons, all types of armor, and
Skills: Climb +10, Concentration +12,
Diplomacy +14, Heal +17, Intimidate +5,
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +6,
Knowledge (religion) +13, Ride +9,
Sense Motive +7.
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Expertise,
Extra Turning, Improved Critical Background Roleptaying Notes
(longsword), Weapon Focus (long- Corran comes from a long line of pal¬ As the third son of a baron, Corran has
sword), Weapon Focus (warhammer). adins *n a region that crawls with holy always known the privileges of high
Languages: Common, Elven, Ore, knights. His father (Baron Ethelred station. He has never wanted for any¬
Celestial. D'Arcey of Sarshef) and brothers alt thing, and-for all hts lofty blustering
Spells (2/2/1): 1st— cure light wounds, serve Tyr, as did countless generations about charity-lacks a true understand¬
divine favor; and—resist elements, of D'Arceys before them* Corran has ing of what life is like for those less
shield other; 3rd-prayer. thus been indoctrinated from the cradle fortunate. He speaks with the assump¬
Possessions: Corran wears dwarven in the worship of Tyr, the duties of pal- tion of authority, a manner perceived
plate and a large, steel +2 shield of adinhood, and the nobility of his calling. (often accurately) as bossy or arrogant
Necromantic spell turning that provides In fact, he never deliberated over the to fhose who don't know him well,
added protection from mundane choice to become a knight of Tyr: If Corran holds romanticized notions
weapons as well as the ability to reflect was expected of him, and he accepted about honor and what it means to be
Necromantic spells back at rheir caster the vocation without question. honorable, but these theories were
(as the spell spell turning). The paladin Corran received his military training never put to the test until he arrived in
also carries Pathfinder (a +2 longsword} in the keep of a neighboring noble Myth Drannor. Now he finds that the
and a holy symbol of Tyr. (Baron Artur Gheinte, whose family concept of honor must be tempered
traditionally trains D’Arcey heirs, and with the realities of survival, a gradual
Appearance vice versa). He received his religious awakening that causes him no small
Though of average build, Corran instruction from the high priest of the amount of worry and discomfort*
D'Arcey nevertheless cuts a formidable local temple. After taking his paladin As a paladin, Corran is intolerant of
figure. At twenty-three, he is a man vows at sixteen, he fought in several rogues on general principle, a bias that
confident of his place in the world and small campaigns to free Impiltur of blinds him to Kestrel's value to the
moves about as if he has a right to be encroaching monsters. But he found party and causes him to clash with her
there-wherever ‘There” is at the that wherever he went, he could not continually. He respects Durwyn's bat¬
moment. His gray eyes can appear cold escape the tong shadows cast by his tle skills and Ghleanna’s command of
as steel when battling enemies and dark older brothers, father, and paladin magic: they, in turn, have accepted him
as storm clouds when provoked to ancestors. He resolved to leave Impiltur as the party's de facto leader. His
anger, but his whole visage softens for a time in order to prove himself training has made him a talented strate¬
when in prayer or ministering to an worthy to serve Tyr In his own right. gist, and he has the good heart and
injured comrade. Over his armor, When, in the course of his travels, he noble motives a paladin should possess.
Corran wears a tabard emblazoned with heard rumors of the reawakened Pool But in Kestrels opinion, Corran could
the scales-and-warhammer symbol of of Radiance in nearby Phfan, he readily use a little humility.
Tyr. A helm usually covers his short volunteered his sword.
dark hair.

llo annual 2ooo

m <*<***»

Ghleanna Stormlake Ghleanna Stormlake is the
female Half~eif, 12th’level Sorcerer product of a tryst between
Strength 11 (+0) Fort. Save +9 a human adventurer and
Dexterity 13 {+1} Ret. Save +8 a noble elf maiden*
Constitution 14 (+2) Will Save +15 Gbleanna's mother,
Intelligence 18 (+4) Alignment C£ Jesenalae, was a
Wisdom IB (+4) Speed 30 ft young girl when her
Charisma 17 (+3) Size M (5* G*) own parents died
and she went to live
Armor Class 11 Melee Attack +G/+1 with her brother.
Hit Points 58 Ranged Attack +7/+2 Adualacathus
Stormlake was a hard
Special; Proficient with all simple man with little compas¬
weapons. sion for his orphaned
Skills; Concentration +17, Diplomacy sister. When Jesenalae
+10, Hide +8, Knowledge (arcana) +18, reached adolescence, she
Knowledge (elven history) +it, Speflcraft ran away from the tyranny of
+19, Spot +6. her brother's house. She did not
Feats: Combat Casting, Empower Spell, get far before stumbling upon a
Maximize Spell, Quicken Spell, Spell human named Garth, who lay wounded
Penetration. from hunting a magically protected stag waif whose natural talents were wasting
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, in the elven woods. Jesenalae helped away with disuse. At his invitation,
Halfling, Sylvan, Ancient Elven. Garth reach a cabin just outside the Ghleanna departed with her half-
Spells {6/7/7/7/675/3 from the fol¬ forest, where she lingered a few days brother and never looked back.
lowing list): o —daze, detect magic, dis¬ too long nursing his injuries. Garth Gbleanna's brother knew little of the
rupt undead, ghost sound, light, mend, seduced the kindness-starved girl, then arcane arts himself but arranged for
prestidigitation, read magic, resistance; returned to his human wife and child her to meet a wizard friend of his. The
1 st-burning hands, mage armor, magic with nary a thank-you-ma am. mage, recognizing an unusually intuitive
missile, protection From evil, sleep; Devasrated-and desperate when she element in Ghleanna s magical talent,
2nd-blindness, flaming sphere, in visibil¬ discovered she was pregnant— brought the girl to the attention of
ity, knockr web; 3rd— dispel magic, Jesenalae returned to her brother s Elminster. The famous wizard look her
haste, hold person, slow; 4th- confu¬ house. He grudgingly took her in, but on as an apprentice to both instruct
sion, fear, improved invisibility; 5th— she received no end of verbal abuse and study her.
feebiemind, hold monster; 6 th—globe of for her folly. Intending to leave as soon Under 0min$ter*s guidance, Ghleanna
invulnerability. as possible after her child was born, has learned how to channel her powers.
Possessions: The sorceress wears a she did not reveal that the baby's But fully mastering them is something
cloak of resistance (bonus included father was human, for she knew the she must figure out for herself, for her
above) and snakeskin boors that pro¬ fact would only enrage Adualacathus instinctive method of spellcasting—with¬
vide her with a +2 bonus to Fortitude further. When Jesenalae died in child¬ out spell books or scrolls—lies beyond
saves vs. poison. Her staff absorbs fire birth, Adualacathus wanted to quietly the direct experience of even the great
and fire-based spells that target her as smother her "half-breed spawn," but mage of Shadowdale.
a rod of absorption, Ghleanna can his normally timid wife intervened. He
release such spells from her staff on spared the child but warned his wife to Roleplaymg Notes
command within 24 hours of capturing never intercede on Ghleanna's behalf Because she grew up in a hostile house
them. Ghleanna also carries several again. She didn't. where she could never do anything
potions of cure serious wounds con¬ Ghleanna thus grew up unloved and right, Ghleanna often falls inlo her
cocted from blueglow moss, a plant ostracized in her uncle's house. Though much-practiced role of mediator—trying
native to Myth Drannor. she exhibited a gift for magic from an to placate both sides in disagreements
early age, Adualacathus forbade her to that arise within the party. Her child¬
Appearance develop It. Ghleanna was ordered to hood isolation has also made her an
A slender young woman, Ghleanna has tamp down the mystical power that introvert, though she isn't afraid to
long golden hair, gold-flecked blue eyes, pooled and welled within her, just as state an opinion when she believes she
and slightly pointed ears that reveal the she was forced to quell her spirit. Then has one worth sharing. She regards the
moon elf heritage on her mother’s side. came the wondrous day when fellow orphan Kestrel as a bit of a kin¬
Though she dons mage robes while in Ghleannas human half-brother arrived. dred spirit, Durwyn as a gentle (but
the laboratory or library, she normally Garth had made a deathbed confession puissant) giant, and Corran as a man
wears brown leggings, leather knee- about the seduction, and his more hon¬ whose goodness is surpassed only by
high boots, a loose-fitting shirt, and a orable son had gone in search of the her half-brother's.
dark green cloak when traveling. wronged Jesenalae afterward. Instead
he discovered Ghleanna, a neglected

7 I IT
Human Male, llth-level Fighter
Strength 2D (+5) fort. Save +11
Dexterity 10 (+0) ReJ. Save +3
Constitution 18 (+4) Wilt Save +3
Intelligence 9 (-1) Alignment LG
Wisdom 11 (+0} Speed 20 ft.
Charisma 14 (+2) Size M (6‘ T)

Armor Class 18 Meiee Attack +1G/+11/+G

Hit PointsISI Ranged Attack +11/+G/+1

Special: Proficient with all simple and

martial weapons, all types of armor,
and shields.
Skills: Climb +13, Jump +6, Ride +5,
Spot +7.
Feats: Cleave, Expertise, Far Shot,
Point Blank Shot, Great Cleave,
Improved Critical, Power Attack,
Weapon Focus (battleaxe), Weapon
Focus (light crossbow), Weapon Focus
(shortbow), Weapon Specialization
Possessions: Durwyn wears magic
armor (+3 chainmail) given to him by To ease the strain of such a large frightening tales of the poofs first
Harfdain ironbar. His weapon of choice family, one of Durwyn s older brothers appearance live on in local legend.
is the battleaxe, but he is also an excel¬ left home for the “big city” and joined Despite personal risk, Durwyn will do
lent marksman with his short bow. Phlan’s city guard. When Durwyn anything to protect his home and family
Along with his ordinary ammunition, he turned thirteen, he followed suit. from the encroaching evil.
carries three bronze-tipped arrows Though young and untrained, the burly
with unusual carvings. teen exhibited such impressive raw Roleplaying Notes
strength that the guard captain readily Easy to dismiss at first, Durwyn is a
Appearance accepted him and arranged for proper person one comes to appreciate more
Durwyn is a large man with wide shoul¬ weapons training, upon better acquaintance. By his own
ders and muscular limbs. He wears his Durwyn proved a skilled fighter, admission he contributes mostly muscle
coarse blond locks tied back and excelling in the use of the battleaxe and to the party, but he offers some sur¬
trimmed short on top to keep hair from shortbow. In his five years as a guard, prisingly good suggestions at times-
falling in his eyes during battle. His he has earned the notice of his com¬ while others endlessly debate strategy,
square jaw gives way to a neck thickly manding officers for unmatched loyalty he comes out with a simple “Why don't
corded with muscles. During battle, his and discipline. He competently and we just do this?” solution.
eyes reflect fierce determination, but in unquestioningly carries out orders, and Durwyn has a good heart. He wants
times of peace they reveal kindness volunteers for tough assignments with to do the right thing but isn't always
unexpected in one whose body seems alacrity. But he has never been consid¬ sure what that is. He is unwaveringly
sculpted for brute force. ered for a promotion: Durwyn is a fol¬ loyal to his companions and trusts them
lower, not a leader. Even he recognizes to do most of the thinking. When dis¬
Background that he lacks the quick Thinking neces¬ cord arises, he finds himself tom, want¬
Durwyn grew up on a farm just outside sary for crisis command. Until his ing to follow what all sound like clever
of Phlan, The eighth of eleven children, adventures in Myth Drannor, he was ideas to him. He admires Corran for his
he was raised as much by his older sib¬ happy to simply do what he was told military prowess and his command
lings as by his parents. The bustling, and give half his pay to his parents capabilities; Ghleannas magical powers
noisy household was often brimming each week. impress him beyond words. Initially
with laughter and always full of love, When the Pool of Radiance returned, intimidaled by Kestrel's sharp tongue,
but there was never quite enough food Durwyn’s commanding officer assigned he soon grew to admire her quick wits
on the table or enough patches for the him to guard it. But the warrior would and keen senses. ®
threadbare hand-me-downs into which have volunteered for the duty anyway.
young Durwyn struggled to squeeze his While he is too young to remember the
rapidly-growing body. events of nearly thirty years ago.

112 annual 2ooo


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SMM>,KAI>0BiW£VE\ / oecaj6se.u£ \ MQUR FIRST V / W JWENCWUES,

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