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Igor – a very socially withdrawn 16-year-old.

Doesn’t have many

friends and spends most of his free time on his own.
Igor’s mother – caring „in her own way”, but she wants what’s best
for her son.
Igor’s father – wants to help Igor and cares for him deeply. Open
minded and calm.
Igor’s teacher –calm, rational and wise. The only person Igor isn’t
afraid to talk with.

SCENE 1. In the kitchen. It’s seven o’clock. It’s totally silent.

The only thing you can hear is an old toaster preparing breakfast.
The weather outside is gloomy. It’s raining lightly. Only Igor and
his parents are in the kitchen.

IGOR sitting at the table and slowly eating cereal.

IGOR’S PARENTS looking at Igor while eating toast.
IGOR thinking
I wish they’d just stop caring so much. I’m fine and I don’t need
help. I wish everything would just go back to normal and everyone
would act like they always have. It’s really not a big deal.
IGOR’S PARENTS start to get ready for work still glancing at Igor
(Igor’s mom helps Igor’s dad get ready.)
IGOR goes upstairs to get ready for school.
IGOR brushes his teeth trying not to look at his reflection in the
mirror. Puts on the same baggy jeans he wore yesterday on his
bruised, skinny legs.
IGOR starting to get worried
Where’s my hoodie? It was here yesterday.
IGOR frantically searches his room
It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s going to be fine. Why do you loose stuff
so much. How are you so useless?
IGOR takes a few deep breathes and picks out a regular t-shirt.
He looks out of the window of his dark room, squinting his eyes at
people going about their day.

IGOR thinking
I really don’t want to go outside.
IGOR Packs his notebooks, lunch, phone and headphones and heads off
to school.

SCENE 2. At Igor’s school. Igor hesitantly goes into his school

trying to get through the hallway as fast as possible. The school is
overcrowded with people. It’s unbearably loud. Everyone is talking,
shouting or blasting bass-boosted music.

IGOR thinking
I feel like everybody’s looking at me. Why did I put this stupid
shirt on? I should’ve just found a different hoodie.
IGOR feels his heart pounding, almost as if it was going to explode.
He starts sweating. His body starts feeling weak.
IGOR thinking
They’re not looking at me, they’re not. Why would they care? You
just want attention. Why would you think anyone cares about you? How
are you so self centered?

IGOR goes into the bathrooms, so nobody sees him. The awful smell in
there makes him gag, because the last time this place was cleaned
was probably over a month ago. He quickly runs past the mirrors and
enters a free stall and locks himself in. He opens his backpack and
finds his hoodie.

IGOR to himself
Thank god.

He calms down almost instantly.

He sits in the stall for a minute more and goes on to attend his
first class.

At the beginning of biology class.

IGOR walks into the classroom located on the very end of the school
and sits in the last school desk far away from everyone.

A random classmate sits next to Igor.

IGOR thinking
Oh no. Just don’t say anything. Sit normally. Breath normally.

IGOR’S heart starts pounding faster, he feels sweat pouring down his
back. He becomes dazed, unable to think clearly, he feels as if
everything around him isn’t real, as if he was in a dream.

Mr. Glass calmly walks into the class. He is today’s substitute


IGOR thinking
That means that I’ll be able to work by myself.

IGOR feels more relaxed about everything since he doesn’t have to

worry about other people. He stops worrying and is able to do the
assigned work well.

Scene 3. After all his classes Igor comes back home. He enters the
house quietly. He can still hear the cicadas from outside. The sky
outside is dark and slightly covered with clouds. There’s nobody
inside the house.

IGOR thinking
Where are my parents? Did they go somewhere?

He goes in the kitchen and living room to see if there is any sign
of his parents.

He can feel the fear settling in. Paranoid thoughts taking control
over his mind.

IGOR thinking
Did they die? Were they kidnapped? Did they leave me because they
don’t love me? Where my parents even ever here? I want them to come
back. Was it something I did? Did someone hurt them? No, no, no…
He starts panicking. His vision gets blurry and breath becomes
shallow. The fear he’s feeling overwhelms him to the point where he
collapses onto the floor. He starts to cry uncontrollably. He
doesn’t know what’s happening around him. Thoughts are racing
through his mind and he doesn’t know what thoughts he can trust.
IGOR runs out of the house in terror calling out for his parents, to
no avail. He stumbles down the steps of the entrance to the house.
He runs down the dirt road leading up to his house and reaches a
nearby abandoned park.
He is incredibly distraught and distressed. His psyche and body
can’t stand it anymore and Igor falls onto the grass. He tries to
cover his ears from the thoughts in his mind, to no success.
IGOR starts counting in his mind, in the last, seemingly futile
attempt to calm down.
Shortly after his parents come down to the park and find their son
laying on the ground. They run up to him and start asking what
Igor looks at his parents.

IGOR thinking
Everything’s okay. Nothing happened.

He feels relieved. He hugs his parents tightly.

Igor’s parents continue asking if he’s okay and what happened

After taking a moment to think he decides that it’s best to tell his
parents about everything.

Scene 4. Two months later Igor and his parents are at a

psychologists office. The room is all white with an abstract
painting on the wall. The sunlight is coming through the windows as
well as a slight breeze.

So will you promise to be more open with your problems with your

Y-Yeah I think I’ll try.
He smiles lightly in his parents direction.
Igor’s mom smiles back and his dad gives him a slight pat on the

They thank the doctor and walk out. They walk towards a the bright
sunlight, still a little bit awkward, but this time truly happy.

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