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(Illustrated In Fairytale 4 ply and Fairytale Spot Prints 4 ply)

time to be worked in this size;

Jacket, Bonnet, Bootees and Mitts Ml =make a st by picking up horizontal
Measurements loop lying before next st and working
Jacket into back of it.
To fit chest
46-51 cm U.S.A. Glossary
18-20 in Cast off=bind off; tension=gauge; knit
Finished iength, approx up=pick up and knit; stocking
29 cm yarn forward, yarn
st=stockinette st;
111^2 in
over needle or yarn round
Sieeve seam, approx
14 cm needle=yam over.
5“'/2 in

Width round face
12 in
With 3 mm needles, cast on 209 sts.

“Starting with a K row, work 2 rows
11 cm stocking st.
4'‘/2 in
Next row - K1 *yfwd, K2tog; rep from

Bootees *
to end (picot formed).
Length of foot
10 cm Starting with a P row, work 3 rows
4 in
stocking st.**
Spot Prints 4 piy (Tumble dry)
Change to 3 mm needles and patt
Patons Fairytale 4 piy (Tumble dry) (4300) or Fairytale

Jacket Row 1 - K1, *sL1K, K1, psso, (K1,

3 50 gram balls
yfwd) twice, K1 K2tog, K1 rep from
, ;

Bonnet to end.
1 50 gram ball

Bootees Row 2 and every alt row - P.

50 gram ball
Row 3 As row 1-

1 50 gram ball Row 5 K1 *yfwd, sL1 K, K1
, ,
psso, K3,
Quantities of yarn are approximate as they are based on average requirements. K2tog, yfwd, K1 ;
rep from to end.
Check actual yarn colour - as printing may not match yarn exactly.
Row 7 - K1 *K1 yfwd, sLI K, K1 psso,
, , ,

K1 K2tog, yfwd, K2; rep from * to end.


Row 9 - K1, *K2, yfwd, sLIK, K2tog,

psso, yfwd, K3; rep from to end.
Pair each Patons 3 mm (USA 3) and tension, and we cannot accept
mm (USA responsibility for the finished product
Rows 11 13 and 15 - As rows 5, 7 and
31/4 3) needles. Shirring if

elastic and 3 buttons for Jacket. any yarn other than the specified yarn
Length of ribbon for Bonnet, Bootees is used. Row 16 -P.
and Mitts. These 1 6 rows form patt.
K=knit; P=purl; st=stitch; stocking Rep these 1 6 rows twice more, then
Tension row P; garter st=every
st=1 row K, 1 rows 15 again, thus ending with
On 3 1/4 mm needles, 28 sts and 36 row K; tog=together; tbl=through WS

facing for next row.

rows to 10 cm (stocking st).
back of loops; inc=increase by
important to check your
is working and back of st;
into front Divide for Fronts and Back
Keeping patt correct, work thus:
tension before starting your dec=decrease by working 2 sts
garment. If there are too many together: beg=beginning; alt= Next row P50, cast off 4 sts, PI 01

stitches to 10 cm, your tension is alternate; rep=repeat; cont=continue; (including st on needle after cast-off),
tight and you should change to a meas=measures; foil=following; cast off 4, P to end.
larger size needle. If there are too rem=remain(ing); RS=right side; Next row - Patt 48 work 2tog turn and , ,

few, your tension is loose and you WS=wrong side; cm=centimetres; sliprem sts on a spare needle. Cent
should change to a smaller size in=inches; mm=millimetres; sL1K=
on these 49 sts for Right Front.
needle. slip 1 knitways;sL1P=slip 1 purlways;

yfwd=yarn forward; psso=pass slip st

Work 1 row. Dec 1 st at armhole edge

over; patt=pattern; 0=no st, row or

on next row. Work 6 rows.
It is essential to work to the stated Next row - P2, (P3tog, PI P2tog, PI) ,


, .. ..

6 times, P3tog, P1 (28 sts). Rows 7 to 10 - K. from to

Break yarn and leave these sts on a Row 11 - K10, (K2tog, K8) 11 times, Change to 3 ^^4 mm needles and work
spare needle. K2tog, K9 (119 sts). the 6 patt rows as on Back and Fronts

of Jacket, then rows 1 to 15 again.

With RS facing, rejoin yam to centre Rows 12 to 16 - As rows 6 to 10.
101 sts, for Back. Row 17 - K9, (K2tog, K7) 11 times,
K 3 rows, placing a marker at each end
of last row.
Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at each K2tog, K9 (107 sts).

end of next and foil alt row (97 sts).

Rows 18 to 22 - As rows 6 to 10.
Work as for Back and Fronts of Jacket
** **.
Work 6 rows. from to
Row 23 - K9, (K2tog, K6) 11 times,
Next row - P7, (P3tog, PI , P2tog) 14 K2tog, K8 (95 sts). Shape crown
times, P6 (55 sts). Row 1 - (K7, K2tog) 8 times, K1
Rows 24 to 28 - As rows 6 to 1 0.
Break yarn and leave these sts on a Rows 2, 3 and 4 - K.
spare needle.
Row 29 - K4, (K2tog, K3) 17 times,
K2tog, K4 (77 sts). Row 5 - (K6, K2tog) 8 times, K1
With RS facing, rejoin yam to rem 50
sts for Left Front.
Change to 3 mm needles and Row 6 P. -

starting with a P row, work 3 rows Rows 7 and 8 - K.

Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at stocking st.
armhole edge on next and foil alt row Row 9 (K5, K2tog) 8 times, K1

Next row - K1 *yfwd, K2tog; rep from

(48 sts). Work 6 rows. * to end (picot formed).

Row 10 K. -

Next row - PI P3tog, (PI P2tog, PI

, , Row 11 (K4, K2tog) 8 times, K1
Starting with a P row, work 3 rows
P3tog) 6 times, P2 (28 sts).
stocking st. Cast off. Row 12 P. -

Break yarn and leave rem sts on a Row 13 (K3, K2tog) 8 times, K1.

spare needle. MAKE UP

Row 14 -K.
SLEEVES Do not press.
Row 15 (K2, K2tog) 8 times, K1.

Join sleeve seams. Sew Sleeves to

Row 1 6 K.
With 3 mm needles, cast on 57 sts and Back and Fronts.

** **.
work as Back and Fronts from to Row 1 7 (K1 K2tog) 8 times, K1
- ,

Fold hems on lower

at picot holes
Change to 3 needles and mm edge, neck and Sleeves to WS and
Row 18 P. -

work the 1 6 rows as for Back andpatt

sew in place. Row 19 (K2tog) 8 times, K1 (9 sts).
Fronts twice, then rows 1 to 15 again.
Break yarn. Thread end through rem
Left FrontBorder
Shape top With RS facing and 3 mm needles, sts, draw up and fasten off securely.
Keeping patt correct, cast off 2 sts at
seam of hem at neck, knit
starting at
beg of next 2 rows. Dec 1 st at each up 74 sts down front edge, working
end of next and foil alt row (49 sts).
through both thicknesses at lower Do not press.
Work 5 rows.
edge. K 3 rows. Cast off knitways.
Join back seam from crown to
Next row - P5, (P3tog, P3) 7 times, P2
Right Front Border markers.
(35 sts).
Work as for Left Front Border, with the With WS facing, mark a row 2 rows on
Break yarn and leave rem sts on a addition of 3 buttonholes on 2nd row, each side of row of holes for picot
spare needle. come level with first set of ridges
first to before shaping for crown. Oversew
on Yoke, 2nd level with 3rd set of these 2 rows together, thus forming
YOKE ridges and 3rd level with 5th set of picot hem on RS.
With RS facing and 3 mm needles, ridges.
Fold hem to WS at picot holes round
slip sts on left-hand needle thus: 28 sts To make a buttonhole: yfwd, K2tog. face edge and sew loosely in position.
of Left Front,35 sts of first Sleeve, 55
Thread 2 rows of shirring elastic
sts of Back, 35 sts of second Sleeve, Neck Border
together along top of hem on Sleeves. With RS facing and 3 mm needles,
then 28 sts of Right Front (1 81 sts).
Sew on buttons.
knit up 48 sts along lower edge. K4
Shape yoke Do not dry handknits in harsh sunlight rows. Cast off knitways.
Row 1 - (RS), *(K3, K2tog) twice, (K2, as fading or yellowing may occur.
Make rosettes with ribbon, leaving
K2tog, K3, K2tog) twice*; rep from to
You may tumble dry your garment with ends to tie and stitch to sides of
twice more, (K3, K2tog) twice; rep
confidence in any domestic tumble Bonnet.
from *
to * 3 times, K3 (143 sts).
dryer at temperatures of up to 60‘C.
Do not dry handknits in harsh sunlight
Rows 2, 3 and 4 - K. Recommended by Hoover. as fading or yellowing may occur.
Row 5 - K10, (K2tog, K9) 11 times,
BONNET You may tumble dry your garment with
K2tog, K1 0(131 sts).
With 3 mm
needles, cast on 73 sts and confidence in any domestic tumble
Row 6 - P. work as Back and Fronts of Jacket dryer at temperatures of up to 60*C.



Recommended by Hoover. Row 3 - P. Row 6 - K.

BOOTEES Rows 4, 5 and 6 - K. These 6 rows form patt.

With 3 V4 mm needles, cast on 40 sts. These 6 rows form patt. Rep these 6 rows once more.
Row 1 - Inc in first st, K1 8, inc in each Rep these 6 rows once more, then Next row - K.
of next 2 sts, K17, inc in next st, K1 rows 1 and 2 again.
Next row K1 *yfwd, K2tog; rep from

Row 2 - K. Change to 3 mm needles and *

to end, thus forming holes for ribbon.
starting with a P row, work 3 rows
Row 3 - Inc in first st, K20, inc in each Next row - K.
stocking st.
of next 2 sts, K1 9, inc in next st, K1
Starting with row 4, cont in patt until 7
Row 4 - K.
Work picot row, then a further 3 rows
stocking st. Cast off loosely.
sets of ridges, including holes for
Row 5 - Inc in first st, K22, inc in each ribbon, have been worked, ending with
of next 2 sts, K21 inc in next st, K1 (52
, MAKE UP row 3.
With WS facing, mark a row 2 rows on Shape top
K4 rows. P 1 row. K5 rows.
each side of row of holes for picot, then Row 1 - K3, (K2tog, K4) 5 times,
Starting with a P row, work 5 rows oversew these 2 rows together, thus K2tog, K2 (31 sts).
stocking st. forming a picot hem on RS round top
of foot.
Row 2 - P.
Next row - K1 *yfwd, K2tog; rep from

* to last st, K1 (picot formed). Join foot and leg seams. Row 3 - K2, (K2tog, K3) 5 times,
K2tog, K2 (25 sts).
Starting with a P row, work 3 rows Fold hem to WS at picot holes and sew
stocking st. loosely in position. Row 4 - K.

Thread ribbon through holes at ankles. Row 5 - K1, (K2tog, K2) 5 times,
Shape foot
K2tog, K2(19sts).
Row 1 K30, sL1 K, K1 psso, turn.
Do not dry handknits in harsh sunlight

Row 2 - sL1 P, K 8 P2tog, turn. ,

as fading or yellowing may occur. Row 6 - K.

Row 3 - sL1 K, K 8 sL1 K, K1 psso, , ,

You may tumble dry your garment with Row 7 - K1, (K2tog, K1) 6 times, (13

confidence in any domestic tumble sts).
dryer at temperatures of up to 60'C.
Rows 4 and 5 - As rows 2 and 3. Break yarn. Thread through rem sts,
Recommended by Hoover.
draw up and fasten off.
Row 6 - sL1 P, P 8 ,
P2tog, turn.
Row 7 - As row 3. With 3 mm needles, cast on 37 sts. MAKE UP
Rep rows 2 to 7 once more, then rows
Starting with a K row, work 2 rows Do not press.
2 to 6 again. stocking st.

Next row - sL1 K, K to end.

Fold hem at picot holes to WS and sew
Next row - K 1 *yfwd, K2tog; rep from ,
loosely in position.
Next row - P across all sts (34 sts). * to end (picot formed).

Thread ribbon through holes and tie in

Next 2 rows - K. Starting with a P row, work 2 rows
a bow.
stocking st, thus ending with a K row.
Next row - K1 *yfwd, K2tog; rep from
Do not dry handknits in harsh sunlight
to last st, K1 thus forming holes
for Change to 3 mm needles and patt may occur.
as fading or yellowing
ribbon. thus:

Row 1 - (WS), K. You may tumble dry your garment with

Patt thus:
confidence in any domestic tumble
Row 1 - (WS), K. Rows 2, 3 and 4 - K.
dryer at temperatures of up to 60*C.
Row 2 - K. Row 5 P. - Recommended by Hoover.

To help you keep your

We shal be pleased to deaf with your queries I you write erx:. a ball
hancjknits looking their best, band of the yarn specified and a sa.e. to Knitting Queries Dept.
we recommentj Psions & Bsridwins
Ltd., Alba. Scotland FK10 1EG or phone 0259

Dreft Automatic.
WARhING • CX)PYRK}»fr Al Patons patterns aieprotecte^
law of copyright and may not be reproduced either by photocopying
or arw other rneans. T^ae sold on oondrtbn that they are used
only tor norvoorrinercia purposes. Al other rights
l we
raswved by Palons & Babv^ Ltd.

BOOKLET 4507 PAGE 4 Made arxt printed in Great Britain A418 ©Patons & Baldwins Ltd 1991 Distributed in U.S.A. by Susan Bates 263 3

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