CE4PRJ Marking Rubric - Research Proposal - 2023-24

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CE4PRJ: Research Project

Assessment of the Research Proposal



Content to be assessed: Mark

a) Abstract and summarise relevant information presented in the research
b) Present a comprehensive Introduction, including the over-arching aims of the
proposed project.
c) Present a review of key previous works and relevant literature. /40

d) Present research objectives of the proposed project. 10

e) Present a coherent work plan for a research project, stating the
techniques/software to be used and initial Gantt chart of the proposed work.
f) Outline the impact of the proposed research in academia and beyond. /5

g) Structure and present a satisfactory research proposal. /10

Total /100
Feedback and comments

a) Abstract and summarise relevant information presented in the research proposal.

What was good:

What could be improved:

b) Present a comprehensive Introduction, including the over-arching aims of the proposed

What was good:

What could be improved:

c) Present a review of key previous works and relevant literature.

What was good:

What could be improved:

d) Present research objectives of the proposed project.

What was good:

What could be improved:

CE4PRJ: Research Project

e) Present a coherent work plan for a research project, stating the techniques/software to be
used and initial Gantt chart of the proposed work.
What was good:

What could be improved:

f) Outline the impact of the proposed research in academia and beyond.

What was good:

What could be improved:

g) Structure and present a satisfactory research proposal.

What was good:

What could be improved:


I have looked at the Turnitin report for this report and, in my opinion, there is no evidence of
academic malpractice.

The Turnitin score is:

Supervisor: Date: Final mark


CE4PRJ: Research Project

Marking Rubric of the Research Proposal

a) Abstract and summarise relevant information presented in the research proposal.
Class Mark/5 Performance classification
Fail 0 – 2.5 Poor abstract giving an unclear and inadequate summary of the report.
2.2 2.5 – 3 Solid abstract giving a reasonable summary of the report but lacking some
important information.
2.1 3 – 3.5 Good abstract giving a good summary of the report, including all the
important information.
1st 3.5 – 4 Very good abstract, written in a clear and scientific way giving an excellent
summary of the report.
High 1st 4–5 Outstanding abstract, written in a clear, concise and scientific way, providing
an excellent summary of the project and triggering the interest of the reader.

b) Present a comprehensive Introduction, including the over-arching aims of the proposed project.
Class Mark/10 Performance classification
Fail 0–5 There is little attempt to present the context to the project. Limited account of
project aims. Very small number of disjointed references cited and/or many
statements are not supported by references.
2.2 5–6 There is an attempt to present the context to the project. Project aims are
mentioned but very briefly and superficially. Enough references cited.
2.1 6–7 The context of the project is presented. Project aims are well presented and
clear. Good number of references cited. All statements are supported by
1st 7–8 The context and background to the project is presented using excellent
narrative. The aims of the research demonstrate good understanding of the
project. Good number of references cited. All statements are supported by
High 1st 8 – 10 The context and background to the project is presented using excellent
narrative. The aims of the research demonstrate thorough understanding of
the project. Good number of references cited. All statements are supported
by the most up-to-date and reliable references.

c) Present a review of key previous works and relevant literature.

Class Mark/40 Performance classification
Fail 0 – 20 Very poor attempt for literature review. Small number of disjointed references.
Very little attempt to be critical or to present a narrative.
2.2 20 – 24 Some attempt for literature review supported by a reasonable number of
references. Limited amount of analysis.
2.1 24 – 28 Good literature review supported by a good number of references from
trustworthy sources. There is moderate analysis and good narrative.
1st 28 – 32 Thorough literature survey accompanied by critical analysis and excellent
narrative. The references used show that the student searched the wider
scientific literature.
High 1st 32 – 40 Same as 1st, but also provides original figures and/or tables to compare and
link previous works on the subject.

d) Present research objectives of the proposed project.

CE4PRJ: Research Project

Class Mark/10 Performance classification

Fail 0–5 The presentation lacks clear or relevant research objectives for the project,
making it difficult to understand what the project is aiming to achieve, OR any
objectives presented are unrealistic in scope or feasibility, rendering them
unattainable within the project's constraints.
2.2 5–6 The presentation of research objectives is limited and lacks clarity or
specificity. While objectives are presented, some of them are vague or
loosely related to the project's aims, OR there are unrealistic objectives that
are challenging to achieve within the project's constraints.
2.1 6–7 The presentation effectively communicates clear and relevant research
objectives for the project. Objectives are generally realistic and aligned with
the project's scope and feasibility, though some minor refinements may be
needed for precision and specificity.
1st 7–8 The presentation skillfully articulates well-defined and highly relevant
research objectives for the project. Objectives are realistic, precise, and
closely aligned with the project's scope and feasibility. They effectively guide
the project's direction and goals, demonstrating a strong foundation for
successful execution.
High 1st 8 – 10 The presentation masterfully communicates exceptionally clear, precise, and
highly relevant research objectives for the project. Objectives are not only
realistic but also innovative, demonstrating a profound understanding of the
project's scope and feasibility. They serve as a compelling and
comprehensive roadmap, showcasing a superior foundation for the project's

e) Present a coherent work plan for a research project, stating the techniques/software to be used and initial
Gantt chart of the proposed work.

Class Mark/5 Performance classification

Fail 0 – 2.5 Limited account of the techniques to be used in the project. Work plan poorly
thought-out and lacking in detail, with little attention to milestones.
2.2 2.5 – 3 Solid account of the techniques to be used in the project. Work plan
reasonable with some level of detail, with reasonable attention to milestones.
2.1 3 – 3.5 Thorough account of the techniques to be used, with some extra insight.
Good work plan containing necessary details and appropriate milestones.
1st 3.5 – 4 Full in-depth account of the techniques to be used in the project
demonstrating knowledge and understanding. Detailed and easy to follow
work plan containing appropriate milestones and deliverables.
High 1st 4–5 Same as 1st, but also contains a paragraph or table for contingency plan (risk

f) Outline the impact of the proposed research in academia and beyond.

CE4PRJ: Research Project

Class Mark/5 Performance classification

Fail 0 – 2.5 The proposal fails to address the research's impact in academia or beyond. It
lacks any mention of significance or contributions, with a lack of clarity or
2.2 2.5 – 3 The proposal briefly touches on the potential impact of the research in
academia and beyond. However, the discussion lacks depth, and the
significance or contributions are not fully articulated. Further elaboration is
needed to provide a clearer understanding of the research's broader
2.1 3 – 3.5 The proposal effectively outlines the potential impact of the research in
academia and beyond. It provides a clear and reasonably detailed discussion
of the research's significance and contributions. While solid, further
elaboration could enhance the understanding of the broader implications.
1st 3.5 – 4 The proposal adeptly outlines the substantial impact of the research in
academia and beyond. It offers a comprehensive and well-detailed discussion
of the research's significance and contributions. The implications are clearly
articulated, showcasing a profound understanding of the research's broader
reach and importance.
High 1st 4–5 The proposal brilliantly outlines the exceptional impact of the research, both
in academia and beyond. It offers a thorough, insightful, and highly detailed
discussion of the research's significance and contributions. The implications
are profound, showcasing a remarkable understanding of the research's far-
reaching and transformative potential.

g) Structure and present a satisfactory research proposal.

Class Mark/10 Performance classification

Fail 0–5 Badly written proposal that is lacking in logical structure or is poorly
structured. The grammar is poor with many spelling mistakes. The proposal is
difficult to read and follow. References are not cited correctly and/or are not
presented in a consistent way in the reference list.
2.2 5–6 There are some grammatical and spelling mistakes, as are errors and
inconsistencies in the structure, but the majority of the proposal can be
followed and understood. Some references are cited correctly and presented
in a consistent way in the Reference list.
2.1 6–7 The proposal is well organised throughout with a high level of coherence. The
level of written English is good, and there are logical links between sections.
There are some minor grammatical and spelling mistakes. Figures, diagrams
and tables are clear and aid effective communication. Most references are
cited correctly and presented in a consistent way in the Reference list.
1st 7–8 A well organised and structured, highly coherent proposal containing clear
diagrams and presentation of data, edited to a high standard. There are
minor grammatical and spelling mistakes. The language is scientific and
engaging. Figures, diagrams and tables are clear and aid effective
communication. All Figures/Tables/Equations/Reactions are labelled
correctly. References are cited correctly and presented in a consistent way in
the Reference list.
High 1st 8 – 10 A proposal of exceptional quality that contains no grammatical or spelling
mistakes, is easy to read and edited to a very high standard. The language is
scientific and shows that the student has an exceptional flair for written
communication. Figures, diagrams and tables are clear and aid effective
communication. All Figures/Tables/Equations/Reactions are labelled
correctly. References are cited correctly and presented in a consistent way in
the Reference list.

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