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Identify problem crime types
[FOR E.g., Take a look at the problem from multiple angles by looking at who, what, when, where, how, and why]

On 09.11.2019 at approximately 03:20 pm Mr. Ahmed Malik, age: 55 years, weight: 70 kgs, height: 5’6” was
found dead at XYZ buildings, office No. 10, Khajoori Khas. The body of the victim was found facing
upwards, eyes open in the middle of the room. At first glance, there are no marks or obvious injuries to the
victim’s body and no abnormalities in the clothing. Prima facie, the office where the body was found, seems
to be totally in order, nothing is out of place, and does not indicate any signs of a struggle. As per the
calendar found on the victim’s work desk (Exhibit no. 3), he was not ought to have any visitors in the office
that day. After primary investigation, it was revealed that the victim did in fact have three visitors that day.
That is, the victim’s wife, Mr. Singh and Jaideep Singh.

The victim has a legal history. In 2009, he was arrested on the charges of raping, detaining, and threatening
his 19-year-old domestic servant He was booked under Section 376 (rape), and Section 506 (threat to kill) of
the Indian Penal Code. However, during the trial, his maid (the victim) recanted her testimony and told the
court that she was never raped.

As per the Forensic reports, Plaques have been formed, and the cornea is found to be semi-turbid (Cloudy).
These symptoms indicate, that the body is at the fresh stage of decomposition, that is, the immediate period
following the death in which autolysis occurs. Further, the plaque formation indicates a possibility of heart
attack (myocardial infarction). This is due to a narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries usually caused
by the build-up of fatty material called plaque. However, a heart attack can be a result of certain toxins which
can be administered to the body and lead to immediate death. For example, strychnine is an odourless
crystalline powder that can be taken by mouth, inhaled or mixed in a solution, and given intravenously
(injected directly into a vein). Strychnine is a strong poison that in a span of 15-20 mins leads to heightened
awareness, muscle twitches and spasms, and hypersensitivity to stimuli. The proximate cause of death in
strychnine poisoning can be cardiac arrest, respiratory failure, multiple organ failure, or brain damage.

It is pertinent to mention that the victim was very susceptible to heart attacks as he was above the age of 45, a
smoker, and overweight. (BMI. 25 i,e Overweight category).

After interviewing the primary suspects who met the victim on 09.11.2019, we analyzed their relations to
Ahmed and his possible murder. As per our assumption the order in which the suspect’s met Ahmed is as

1. Mr. Singh: He is a business partner and a close friend of Mr. Ahmed. As per the information available
to us, it is clear that on that day Mr. Singh went to his friend’s office. He was there to discuss a
problem of a credit dispute between Mr. Ahmed and Mr. Jaideep Singh. He had a smoke with Ahmed
and left the office.
2. Jaideep Singh: He is one of Ahmed’s creditors who has given in his money for the investment
banking business of Ahmed. According to Mr. Jaideep’s testimony, that day he went to Ahmed’s
office for collecting his dues and due to certain unstated reasons had a fight with Ahmed, but no
bodily injury was found on Ahmed’s dead body and therefore nothing can be said to be violent or
potentially life-threatening about their fight. Soon after the fight, Jaideep exited the office.
3. Ahmed’s wife: She was the last one to visit Ahmed and also had an argument with him. In her
testimony she stated that she visited Mr. Ahmed regarding some legal document works and had an
argument over it and then left. However, we believe this wasn’t the event that took place that day. She
must have, somewhere during this small meeting with her soon-to-be ex-husband, mixed or injected
some sort of a cardiotoxic drug/poison in her husband’s body. After she left, the poison started to kick
in, and within a span of 20 mins, it induced a heart attack in Ahmed’s which left him dead in the
office mid-day.
[Describe the particular manner/ REASON in which a crime is committed]

As per the statement of the primary suspects, the wife has a clear motive to murder her husband. The couple
had marital problems. They were failing in marriage and about to soon get a divorce. But she was not ready to
get divorced. She visited Ahmed before his death regarding some legal document works and had an argument
over it. The reason why they were about to have a divorce was that Mr. Ahmed had an extramarital affair
with, Mrs. Tanishka, whom he met on a business trip in goa. The wife was aware of their love affair and
hence resided separately and was soon to get divorced. The wife was a housemaker, she didn’t have any other
source of income apart from her husband and was totally dependent on him.

Further as per, succession law, in the case of the death of the husband, the wife is considered to be the Class I
Heir and thus will inherit all the property owned by the husband, if the husband dies intestate. This could be
the possible reason why the wife chose to murder Mr. Ahmed.

The particular manner in which the wife chose to go ahead with killing her husband was probably by,
administering a drug or a poison/toxin which induces heart attack, for example, aconite, azalea, death camas,
false hellebore, foxglove, lily of the valley, meadow saffron, mountain laurel, common oleander, yellow
oleander, rhododendron, suicide tree, and yew (Cardio-toxic plants). She was aware of the fact that her
husband was prone to heart attacks, and hence administering poison through food or drink was her preferred
Addresses [Investigation Findings]
1. We have discovered that there is no sign of physical aggression. The room was completely in order,
nothing was out of place or messed up. Even the forensic reports suggest that there is no bodily injury
to Mr. Ahmed and there were no abnormalities were found in his clothing either. It is to be concluded
that the office room shows no signs of a physical assault or struggle. The books are properly arranged on the
table along with a photo frame. Also the furniture is in order.
2. We have reached the conclusion that when the body of Ahmed was discovered, the body was still very
fresh and in the early stages of decomposition. The 3 early post-mortem changes occur while the body
is still in the fresh stage before the breakdown of soft tissues, namely algor mortis, livor mortis, and
rigor mortis, which are of forensic significance. The eye changes during the early post-mortem period
include corneal turbidity/opacity and tache noire formation. Algor mortis is the post-mortem cooling
of body temperature until it equalizes the temperature of the surrounding environment. Livor mortis is
a passive process of blood accumulating within the blood vessels in the dependent parts of the body as
a result of gravity, causing a discoloration of the skin that varies from pink to dark purplish. Rigor
mortis (post-mortem rigidity) is the stiffening of the muscles of the corpse due to the depletion of
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) after death with the subsequent build-up of lactate in muscle tissue
resulting in an inability to release the actin-myosin bond. We conclude that when his body was
discovered it had only been 2-3 hours.
3. When the body was discovered, the forensic report states that it had cloudy cornea, what we infer
from the piece of evidence that there was the presence of certain toxins in Mr. Ahmed’s system,
which further substantiates our theory in which certain heart attack-inducing drugs were put into
Ahmed’s body which led to his demise. We conclude that there was the presence of toxins/poison in
the victim’s body.

Suggestions [Appeal from JUSTICE SYSTEM]

It is our humble request to the court to direct further internal post mortem examination of the three cavities
Cranial cavity, Thoracic cavity, Abdominal cavity and further, provide the following details to reach a
conclusive stage.
1. History of medication
1. Anti-psychotic drugs
2. Cardiac drugs.
2. History of narcotic drug or alcohol abuse
3. Family history:
1. Ischemic heart disease
2. Genetically transmitted disease
3. Emphysema
4. Diabetes
5. Hypertension etc.
4. History of recent surgical interventions
1. Cardiac surgery
2. Interventional cardiac procedures
3. Barium enema
4. Endoscopic procedures
5. Bronchoscopic biopsies,etc.
5. Investigation findings
1. ECG findings
2. Serum electrolytes
3. Blood urea/ serum creatinine
4. Radiological findings (Chest X-ray, ultrasonography, CT scan)
6. Recording files of the camera that is present in the office.
7. Property papers of the victim along with will if any.
8. Interrogate office staff if any and the maid who filed a case against him in 2009.
9. Toxicology analysis of food and drink that Mr. Ahmed would have taken on that day.

Additional Notes [Which you want to point out specifically]

1. Evaluation of Postmortem Changes
2. Defining Adult Overweight & Obesity
3. Drug-induced corneal epithelial changes
Survey of Ophthalmology Volume 62, Issue 3, May–June 2017, Pages 286-301
4. A cause of Sudden Cardiac Deaths on Autopsy Findings; a Four-Year Report

Verification of Participant

We, APGCSL -07 have read and understood the instructions. We confirm that the reports submitted is our own
work, is not copied from any other person's work (published or unpublished), and has not previously submitted
for assessment elsewhere.

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