English Finals

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Why are stylistics and literary criticism complimentary?

Stylistics is a branch of linguistics concerned with the study of characteristic choices in use of language,
especially literary language, as regards sound, form, or vocabulary, made by different individuals or social
groups in different situations of use. Literary criticism is the study, evaluation, and interpretation of
literature. Modern literary criticism is often informed by literary theory, which is the philosophical
discussion of its methods and goals. Though the two activities are closely related, literary critics are not
always, and have not always been, theorists. The purpose of linguistic stylistics is to recognize and
categorize the constituents of language in a certain text. The purpose of literary stylistics is typically to
analyze certain literary texts (basically fiction). n certain cases, analysis of text can be supported by
computer programs. It is often used to make value judgments about the quality of imagination and
creativity in the writing (of particular texts). It is important to note that the study of language moves
into either ‘linguistic stylistics’ or ‘literary studies’ or ‘literary stylistics.’ As we can see, there is a
difference between stylistics (linguistic stylistics) and literary criticism (literary stylistics).

What does phonetics study?

Speech is a complicated process, and to study it requires a whole scientific subject – the science of
phonetics.Much of the attention of phonetics is taken up with considering the way in which speech
sounds (often called segments) are made and how phoneticians can classify them in a scientific way. This
is based on the fundamental distinction between vowels and consonants.

Closely associated with Phonetics is another branch of Linguistics known as Phonology. The
relationship between phonetics and phonology is a complex one. Another fundamental aspect of the
subject is the use of symbols. In phonetics, we must be able to use a particular symbol to represent a
particular sound.

Phonetics has links with many other subjects: when we look at the parts of the body which are in
speaking, when we look at how we hear and understand spoken messages, we are in the territory of
other subjects including audiology and cognitive psychology .

Phonetics formulates the rules of pronunciation for separate sounds and sound combinations. The
rules of reading are based on the relation of sounds to orthography and present certain difficulties in
learning the English language, especially on the initial stage of studying. Through the system of rules of
reading phonetics is connected with grammar and helps to pronounce correctly singular and plural forms
of nouns.

Theoretical significance of phonetics is connected with the further development of the problem of the
synchronic study and description of the phonetic system of a national language, the comparative analysis
and description of different languages.

What does lexicology study?

The term ,,lexicology” is of Greek origin from ,,lexic”-,,word” and ,,logos”-,,science”.

Lexicology is the branch of linguistics that analyzes the lexicon of a specific language.A word is the
smallest meaningful unit of a language that can stand on its own and is made up of small components
called morphemes and even smaller elements known as phonemes,or distinguishing sounds.Lexicology
examines every feature of a word-including formation,spelling,origin,usege and definition.

Morphems are divided into two groups:lexical morphemes and grammatical morphemes.Both types
morphemes can be free and bound.Free lexical morphemes are roots of words which express the lexical
meaning of the word,they concide with the stem of simple words.Free grammatical morphemes are
function words:articles,conjunction and prepositions.

Lexicology also considers the relationship that exist between words.In linguistics the lexicon of a
language is composed of lexemes,which are abstract units of meaning that correspond to a set of related
forms of a word.Lexicology look at how words can be broken down as well as identifies common patterns
they follow.In this case it is called historical lexigology.

Theoretical grammar

Theoretical Grammar is a section of linguistics that studies grammar system of language.

Grammar system of language refers to the whole complex of conformities to natural laws where the
latter defines ways of words alterations and also ways of word combination in phrases and sentences.

As any complex object Grammar is a complex system that is presented by elements and structure in
their mutually dependent organization.

Grammar elements refer to morphemes,word-combinations,words and sentences.Grammar structure

implies relations and connections among grammar elements or inner organization of the language
grammar system.

The subject of English Theoretical Grammar refers to the study of the English Lnaguge grammar
organization as a system parts of which are mutually connected with definite relations of differnet types
of complexity.

The main task of Theoretical Grammar is an adequate systematic description of language facts and also
their theoretical interpretation.

The difference between Practical and Theoretical Grammar refers to the following peculiarities:
Practical Grammar prescribes definite rules for the use of a language,gives instructions for the use of
language data,teaches how to speak and write.

Theoretical Grammar analyzes language data,interprets that,expounds the data but does not give
instructions as for the use of them.

Briefly characterize the history of the Georgian translation theory

Georgia has strong tradition of translations.Old Georgian translations were mainly interpretations of
foreign texts.The texts translated were mostly eclessiastic:the bible,biblical commentaries,hagiographical
texts,liturgical texts,canonical text,poetry and other.

According to the translated texts Georgia had cultural connections mainly with the Eastern christian
and Muslim countries.

The old Georgians translated texts because ,,they were looked for and managed to find answers to the
most important questions which worried them”.-This can considered to be their main priority.

Georgian translated of religious texts were unique as the pagan sacred forms in the translation of the
first bible gave it a national coloring.

While translating poetry,Georgian translators used a number of Georgin poetic forms.For example
Kekelidze argues that the Greek verses.

As we know Shakespeare was translated into Georgian Iv.Matchabeli but the significance of
Machabeli’s translation is that the plays he translated into Georgian were translated from English and
not from Russian or other languages which was a common practise at that time.

One more fact was that the translations of the second half of the 19th century were made from more
available Russian version.Nevertheless,they sill played a significant role in the development of georgian

What does the term ,,style” denote

The word style is derived from the Latin word ,,stilius” which meant a short stick sharp at one end flat at
the other used. By the Romans for writing on wax tables.Now the word style is used in so mane senses
that it has become a breeding goround for ambiguity.

Style may refer to:

• Design,the process of creating something

• Human physicala appearance

• Style in fiction is an aspect of literary composition

The word style is also used to reveal the correspondence between thought and expression.It
sometimes refers to more general,abstract notions thus inevitably becoming vague and obscure.
In every individual style we can find both the general and the particular.The greater the author is,the
more genuine his style will be.If we succeed in isolating and examining the choices which the writer
prefers,we can define what are the particulars that make up his style and make it recognizable.

The individual of a writer is shown not only in the choice of lexical means but also in their
treatment.Individual style is a unique combination of language units and stylistic devices peculiar to a
given writer.


Stylistics is a branch of general linguistics that studies the style used in literary and verbal language and
the effect writer/speaker wishes to communicate to the reader/hearer.

The main object of stylistics is a text,interpretation of its various kinds,in other words reading and
studying text.

Why should we do stylistics?Stylistics was born in order to objectify claims made about the way in
which literary texts carry meaning:stylistics normally refers to the practice of using linguistics for the
study of literature.Literary stylistics directs attention to the larger-scale significance of what is
represented in verbal art.

Linguo-stylistics focuses on how this significance can be related to specific features of language,to the
linguistic texture of the literary text.we see that stylistic and literary analysis are complementary.

Briefly characterize the Middle English period

The history of the English language is divided into three periods:

Old English 5-11cc,Middle English 11-15cc,Modern English -the period since 1500..

Three features of middle English contrasted with old English :a greatly reduced system of grammatical
inflections,greatly increased lexical from other language.Middle English are more numeorus than old
English dialects.

The English language underwent distinct variations and developments following the old English
period.Middle English saw significant changes to its vocabulary,grammar,orthography and
pronunciation.Writing conventions during the Middle English period varied wodely.

Middle English was succeeded in England by Early Modern English,which lasted about 1650.

During the Middle English period many old English grammatical features either became simplified or
disappeared altogether.

Little survives of early Middle English literature ,due in part to Norman domination and the prestige
that came with writing in French rather than English.During the 14th century,a new style of literature
emerged with the works of writing including John Wycliffe and Geoffrey Chaucer.

Characterize the old English period

The history of the English language is divided into three periods:

Old English 5-11cc,Middle English 11-15cc,Modern English -the period since 1500..

Old English is the earliest recorded form of the English language,spoken in England and southern and
eastern Scotland in the early Middle ages.It was brought to Great Britain by Anglo-Saxon settlers in the
mid-5th century and the first old English literary works date from the mid-7th century.

Old English developed from a set of Anglo-Frisian or ingvaeonic dialects originally spoken by Germanic
tribes traditionally known as the Angles,Saxons and Jutes.As the Germanic settlers became dominant in
England,their language replaced the languages of Roman Britain:Common Brittonic,a celtic language and
Latin,brought to Britain by Roman invasion.Old English had four main dialects,associated with particular
Anglo-Saxon kingdoms:Mercin,Northumbrian,Kenish and west Saxon

Old English is one of the West Germanic languages and its closest relatives are Old Frisian and Old
Saxon.Like other old Germanic language it is very different from Modern English Modern Scots.

World English

World English is a term for emerging localized or indigenized varieties of English,especially varieties that
have developed in territories influenced by the United Kingtom or the United States.The study of World
Englishes consists of identifying varieties of English used in diverse sociolinguistic contexts globally and
analyzing how sociolinguistic histories,multicultural backgrounds and contexts of function influence the
use of English in different regions of the world.

The issue of World Englishes was first raised in 1978 to exemine concepts of regional Englishes
globally.Pragmatic factors such as appropriateness,comprehensibility and interpretability justified the
use of English as an international and intra-national language.In 1988,at a Teachers of English to speakers
of other languages conferences in Honolulu,Hawaii,the international committee of study of World
Englishes was formed.

In 1992 the ICWE formally launched the international association for World Englishes at a conference
of ,,World Englishes Today” at the University of Illinois,USA.

Currently there are approximately 75 territories where English is spoken.It is difficult to establish the
total number of Englishes in the world,as new varieties of English are constantly being developed and

Briefly characterize the family of the Germanic language

Today will be talking about Germanic languages,the term ,,Germanic” means a closely related group of
languages,which constitutes of the branches of Indo-European languages family.Indo-European is a vast
family and comprisnig many cognate language of Europe and Asia.

Except from the Germanic languages,Indo-European lnguage family consist of the following
branches:Romance languages,Iranian languages,the Greek language,Baltic languages,Indian
languages,Slavic languages,Celtic language,the Albanian language,the Armenian language,also some
branches of extinct languages.

In Germanic language,we mean all the language that were once part of the language ancestor Proto

There are about 47 living German language today and they are divided into three groups:the
Northen,Eastern and Western languages.

Germanic languages developed from the dialects of the Germanic or Teutonic tribes,which occupied a
vast territory in central Europe.In the first century BC.Germans also occupied jutland and the southern
parts of the scandinavian peninsula.Germanic tribes were subdivided into three groups:East Germanic
tribes,Vindils,comprosing Goths,Vandal,Burgunds.West Germanic tribes:Ingaevons,Istaevons,Herminos
and North Germanic tribes-Hillevions.

Name and characterize types Grammar

Language consists of three parts:the phonological system,the lexical system and the grammatical
system.Only the unity of these three elements forms a language.

•Prescriptive or traditional grammar-its purpose it to give strict rules of writing and speaking correctly.

•Descriptive grammar is a system of approach to language units at the present stage of development.

•Communicative grammar states which grammar structure are used to express a linguistics
meaning,grammatical structures are connected with situation,use and meaning.The emphasis in not on
formation,but the usage of grammatical forms.
•Historical-comparative grammar studies the peculiarities o similar structures of different languages
within the framework of historical development.

•The aim of theoretical Grammar of a language is to presnet a description of its grammatical system i.e
to scientifically analyze and define its grammatical categories and study the mechanisms of grammatical
of utterances out of words in the process of speech making.

Grammatically a language may be characterize by how the relationships of words are marked in a
sentence English is considered to be an analytic language because of the scarcity of grammatical and a
relatively large number of analytic grammar forms.

There are three types of country in the world in terms of their relationship to the English language.

First, there are nation-states in which English is a native language(ENL) – where people have English as
their mother-tongue.

Second, there are countries where English is a foreign language (EFL), as in Poland, China and Brazil –
sometimes known as ‘Expanding Circle’ nations.There are places where people do not speak English
natively and where,if they do speak English,they use it to speak to foreigners.

And, third, there are places where English is a second language (ESL). In ESL or ‘Outer Circle’ countries
such as India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Kenya and Singapore, English is not typically spoken as a mother-tongue,
but it is used as a means of communication within the country, at least among the educated classes.

Since RP speakers make up a very small percentage of the English population,many native speakers
working as teachers of English are not native speakers of RP.

Thus,the recent world-wide diffusion of English,so that it now looks set to become a world
language,has raised not just concern among speakers of other languages,but controversy among

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