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Science, Technology, and Society - Construct a hypothesis

- Test your hypothesis by doing an

Lesson 1: An introduction to STS as field
of study
- Analyze your data and draw a
- Report your results (was your
What is Science? hypothesis correct?”
- From Latin word “Scientia” =
- It is a system of acquiring knowledge John Heilbron (Famous American Science
through scientific method. Historian) stated that…
- It is a process used to solve problems
Modern science is a discovery as well as
or develop an understanding of
nature that involves testing possible
answers. - Discovery of regularity in nature,
- An organized body of knowledge enough for natural phenomena to be
about how the universe behaves or described by principles and laws.
works. - Required invention to devise
- Discovery of regularity in nature, techniques, abstractions, apparatuses,
enough for natural phenomena to be and organizations
described by principles and laws.
(Ex. Law of Inertia, Law of
Conservation of mass, Theory of What is Technology?
- Tries to discover facts and - Comes from Greek root “Techne” =
relationships and then tries to create “Art, skill, or cunning of hand”
theories that make sense of these - Application of scientific knowledge,
facts. laws, and principles to produce
services, materials, tools and
machines aimed at solving real-
world problems.
Scientific Method
- Refers to methods, system, and
- Defined: Series of steps to collect devices which are the result of
information or solve problems. scientific knowledge being used for
1. Observation practical purposes.
2. Hypothesis - A human attempt to change the
3. Experimentation world by creating products that make
4. Data Analysis our life easier.
5. Conclusion

Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Facebook)

- Ask a question defines technology as…
- Do bg research
- Something that takes a human’s Summarization:
sense or ability and augments it and
- Science is organized body of
makes it more powerful. So, for
example, I wear contact lenses or
- Technology is application of science.
glasses; that is a technology that
- Society is one who uses science and
enhances my human ability of vision
technology to make life easier.
and makes it better.”

What is Society?
- From the Latin word “societas” = “a
friendly association with others”
- Large group of people who live
together in an organized way, making
decision about how to do things and
sharing work that needs to be done.
- A group of individuals which
characterized by common interests
and may have distinctive culture and

Lewis Wolpert (2005) compares science

and technology and its interactions in
society as…
The Medawar Lecture 1998: Is Science
Dangerous? Interaction: Society, Technology, and
- Reliable scientific knowledge has no Science
moral or ethical value which meant - Science drives technology by making
to explain how nature and the new technology possible through
universe work and that the scientific breakthroughs.
obligations of scientists is to explain - Medical and allied health related
the possible uses and applications of professional focus on using science
scientific knowledge. to develop products.
- Science is not the same as - Without technology, some science
technology. The nature of science experiments would not be possible
that it is not possible to predict and vice versa (Ex. RT-PCT Test,
scientific discoveries and how these Vaccine)
discoveries may be applied. - Very questions that scientists ask are
shaped by the available technology
Dynamism and Immensity of Scientific
and Technological Progress
- Huge role in our life
- Make difficult and complicated task
- Gradual improvements

Scientific and Technological progress pose

challenges and drawbacks.

Carl Sagan (Popular American Scientist)

- In Tom Head’s Book (2006), we live
in a society absolutely dependent on
science and technology and yet have
cleverly arranged things to that
almost no one understands science
and technology. That’s a clear
prescription of disaster.

2018 Ethical dilemmas and policy issues

1. Helix – a digital app store designed
to read genomes
2. Bless2 U Pepper – 1st robot priest
and monk
3. Emotion-Sensing Facial Recognition
– software that assess your reactions
to anything such as shopping and
playing games
4. Ransomware – way of holding data
hostage through hacking and
requiring ransom to be paid.
5. Textalyzer – a device that analyzes
whether a driver was using his/her
phone during an accident.
6. Social Credit System – scoring
citizens through their actions by
placing them under constant
7. Google Clips – hands-free camera
that lets the user capture every
moment effortlessly
8. Sentencing software – a mysterious
algorithm designed to aid courts in
sentencing decisions
9. Friendbot – app that stores the
deceased’s digital footprint so no one
can still “chat” with them
10. Citizen app – notifies users of
ongoing crimes or major events in
specific area.

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