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Intema Revenue ce: Treasury ces Ari Ka Village tema Fever 2193946 Colabash Bay Postal Agency Onsen Uh ace IR recto Pains, saint Eieabeth,Comwal County Jamaica 2199946 2193946 Intemal Revenue Creditor: Sharon Ann Peart Johnson as Bonding Fiduciary for the UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA, Afri Ka Village, Calabash Bay Postal Agency Pedro Plains, Saint Elizabeth, Cornwall County, Jamaica Debtor/Taxpayer: 2193946 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC 251 Little Falls Drive Wilmington, Delaware 19808 302-636-5440 A IMMEDIATE TAX LEVY (SEIZURE) To: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC ‘As of August 3, 2018, we have not received your overdue tax after sending several notices to you. Because you have not paid your balance which is past due, we have levied (seized) property claimed by you and your claimed rights to property. Each year, more than 8 out of 10 taxpayers pay their taxes. You are part of a minority that hes not fled that duty. ‘Amount Past Dus: 100,000,000 gold United States Dollars / Suis Francs for each Moorish American National Trust pursuant to Universal Commercial Code 1 Lien Affidavit dated August 3, 2018 Final Bankruptcy Judgement was issued on August 11 , 2022 at 4:30pm Pacific Time You are required to do the following actions: Due to your inability to pay the stated debt, all property is hereby placed in the possession and custody of and for the original indigenous ancient sovereign people who are the Moorish National Republic Federal government, possessing custodians and Intemal Revenue. This Congressional affidavit is effective immediately upon all debtors, agents, principals, heirs assigns and any and all derivative debtors thereof. For Your Reference 2193946 August 11, 2022 Federal Employee Identification Number 2193946 Case reference number 2193946 More information Internal Revenue Your Billing Summary Formatte Number Amount You owe Total Tax Period ending 08/11/2022 1040 $100,000,000 $100,000,000 for each Moorish for each Moorish American National Trust American National Trust Amount Due Immediately $100,000,000 for each Moorish American National Trust Notification: All locations are ancient land locations. All addresses are living corporate situs trust addresses. 31 United States Code § 1501: Documentary evidence requirement for Government entitiements (a) Amount shall be recorded as a paid entitlement for, of and by the United States government when supported by documentary evidence of (1) a binding agreement between an agency and another person (including an agency) that is, (A) in writing. by affidavit, and for a purpose authorized by law; and (B) executed before the end of the period of availability for entitlement of the appropriation or fund used for specific goods to be delivered, real property to be bought or leased, or work or service to be provided; (2) a loan agreement showing the amount and terms for repayment; . (3) a court command required by law to be placed with an agency; (4) a court command issued in alignment with a law authorizing purchases without advertising (A) when necessary because of a national programme for the public; (B) for natural foods or perishable subsistence supplies: or (C) regardless of specific monetary limits; (5) a grant, subsidy or national programme (A) from appropriations made for payment of by law or by formulas prescribed by law: (B) by an agreement authorized by law: or (C) by plans approved consistent with and authorized by law: (6) a liability that may result from pending litigation: (7) employment, work or services of persons or expenses of travel in alignment with the law: (8) services or works provided by public utilities: or (9) other general welfare entitlement for the Government from a constitutional appropriation or fund. (b) A statement of entitlements provided by Congress or a Congressional member shall include only those amounts that are entitlements consistent with subsection (a) of this section. Title 12 United States Code 95a, part B2 Regulation for actions in exchange for gold and silver, property transfers, and entitlements; . (2) Any entitlement, payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment, or property delivery, made to or for the United Sates, or as otherwise directed by this competent court, pursuant to this section or any rule, regulation, instruction, or direction issued hereby shall be a full acquittance and discharge or tendered payment and marked paid in full, for all entitlements issued hereby. The Constitution for the United States Article I Section IX Money shall be paid from the Treasury in alignment with national appropriations made by or contributions to, amounts paid in specific amounts fixed Sincerely, Sharon Ann Peart Johnson, Fiduciary, Trustee, Attorney in Fact internal Revenue 8585 ‘CREDITORS rare, sot adn cy own al oC, Cou ara apnea 2 arte pot cose. and eons a.” ee tn aes [sean eo Sharon Ann Peart Johnson as Bonding Fiduciary forthe F-22022 "4999. UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA AciOMOG parker Debt Cancellation ‘Afri Ka Village, Calabash Bay Postal Agency Bihteest,incudedin box? | GACaeaYor Pedro Plains, Saint Elizabeth, Cornwall County, Jamaica | "o\o¢ ae | CREDITORS DENTIACATIONNUEER. ;TAKIDENTICATONNUMBER | 4 Debt description — ‘All parties receive a: 122+050+860 2193946 Amount past cue for Levy and) Setzure:$100,000,000 gold intemal Revenue ne {fei i Snr pach ostor ‘neta Natal Ta prsarto Ps One oo UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC Sree [tercieencats Cty | OI, ny pose an aay erty conan pots ‘Aida Form 1096 heat areas Grangap Ta Tec ar Str was posal Tae pares 251 Lite Falls Drive ‘epmont fhe dt -» [el] conan Redvton Law City or town, state oF province, Country, Pow Otic Code foean postal code ao ‘tiimingion, Deleware 19808 faructane arin arene ‘6 Kientiiable event code ]7 Accepted for Valve a 2046 ABCDEFS 100,000,000 per trust ‘T099C Version 0007 Category 25280W Tatu iemal even 31 United States Code § 1501: Documentary evidence requirement for Government entitlements (a) Amount shall be recorded as a paid entitlement for, of and by the United States government when supported by documentary evidence of (D)a binding agreement between an agency and another person (including an ageney) that is, (A) in writing, by affidavit, and fora purpose authorized by law and () executed before the end ofthe period of availabilty for entitlement of the appropriation or fund used for specific goods to be delivered, real property to be bought or leased, or work or service tobe provided; (2). loan agreement showing the amount and terms for repayment, G)a court command required by law to be placed with an agency; (4) a court command issued in alignment with ala authorizing purchases without advertising (A) when necessary because of a national programme for the public; (B) for natural foods or perishable subsistence supplies; or (©) regardless of specifi monetary limits; (6) grant, subsidy or national programme (A) from appropriations made for payment of, or contributions to, amounts pad in specific amounts fixed by law or by formulas prescribed by law; (B) by an agreement authorized by law; or (C) by plans approved consistent with and authorized by law; (6) liability that may result from pending litigation; employment, work or services of persons or expenses of travel in alignment with the law; (8) services or works provided by public utilities; or (©) other general welfare entitlement forthe Government from a constitutional appropriation or fund (©) A statement of entitlements provided by Congress or a Congressional member shall include only those amounts that are entitlements consistent with subsection (a) ofthis ection, Title 12 United States Code 9a, part B2 Regulation for actions in exchange for gold and silver, property transfers, and entitlements; Q) Any entitlement, payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment, or property delivery, made to or for the United Sates, or as otherwise ditected by this competent court, pursuant to this section or any rule, regulation, instruction, or direction issued hereby shall be a full acquittance and discharge or tendered payment and marked paid in full, forall entitlements issued hereby. ‘The Constitution for the United States Article I Section IX Money shall be paid from the Treasury in alignment with national appropriations made by law. [1 CORRECTED (i checked) ‘CREDITORS namo, acres oy and ite 1 eet een 11, 2022, = ‘Sharon Ann Peart Johnson as Bonding Fiduciary for the |_Avgust 11. . UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA Zamomerowrceees | 1099C | Debt Cancellation ‘Afri Ka Village, Calabash Bay Postal Agency $10,000,000 per trust Pedro Plains, Saint Elizabeth, Cornwall County, Jamaica | Sie "incwdedinsecion2 | For calendar yar 0.00 20.22" EReERORS aCCBaRGTOTGER [RATTSTARERTFEATENNNGG | ADO aeecpor 122+050+860 2193946 fooripeccatriay a Senresioamoceonaiutes | COPY B as ne Sean proses Naser DEBTORS rane TepmetbteumertemmmiGcsTisams, | fOr Debtor Aina 218 Caosuuntralbeainiecrts TeesGmits | The rier Revenue UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC ety pomescnandemay Bows oyarmarsnrce | hes been nomad et ie | tistrnsocion. The ‘Set ase flung apt 0) 5 GASH Ts GW PORTS BOTT Debtors rere 251 Lite Fals Drive ‘epmect of he doe > Ge repo income rom tis City or town, state or province, country, Post Office Code | Lieeeeeeah Wiington, Delaware 19808 rier Team Te 2189048 ABCDEFS 100,000,000 per trust 1069 Debt Concslnion Vrsan 000% Caapoy 2620007 Treseuy_aal Revenue 31 United States Code § 1501: Documentary evidence requirement for Government ctiements (a) Amount shall be recorded as a paid entitlement for, of and by the United States government when supported by documentary evidence of (Gabinding agreement between an agency and another person (ineuding an agency) that i, (A) in writing, by affidavit, and for a purpose authorized by law; and {@)exccted bere the end of te period of saab forenttiement ofthe appropriation or fund used for specific goods tobe delivered, real propery to be bought o leased, or work or service to be provided: (Q)aloan agreement showing the amount and terms for repayment: {@) cour command required by law to be placed with an agency: (4) court command issued in alignment wth a law authoring purchases without advertising (A) when necessary because of a national programme for the public; (B) for natural foods or perishable subsistence supplies; or (C) regardless of specific monetary limits; (6) gran, sbsidy or national programme (A) from appropriations made for payment of or contributions to, amounts pid in specific amounts fixed by law or by formulas prescribed by la: (@) by an agrocment authorized by law; ot {(©)by plans approved consistent wih and authorized by laws (6th may rs rom pending fiigation: (7) employment, work or services of persons or expenses of travel in alignment with the law; (8) services or works provided by public utilities; or {O)other general welfare entitlement forthe Government fom a constitutional appropriation o find, (©) A statement of entitlements provided by Congress ora Congressional member sal nchde nly those amounts that are entilements consistent with subsection (a) ofthis section, Title 12 United States Code 95a, part B2 Regulation for actions in exchange for gold and silver, property transfers, and entitlements; (2) Any entitlement, payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment, or property delivery, made to ot for the United Sates, or as otherwise directed by this competent court, pursuant to this section or any rule, regulation, instruction, ot direction issued hereby shall be a full acquittance and discharge or tendered payment and marked paid in full, forall centitlements issued hereby. ‘The Constitution for the United States Article I Section IX Money shall be paid from the Treasury in alignment with national appropriations made by law. FILED IN GOUNTY OLERK’S OFFICE FILED FED 03 702 FEB O2 2220 ence COUNTY. WASHINGTON BEY, URT suveen Cats,, GONE’ ve Tee eon 202 FNL PH 28S hus SUP’

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