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Colours and Markings

 Last Updated: Thursday, 06 August 2015 05:28
 Published: Wednesday, 07 May 2014 05:53
 Hits: 19747

When the Tempest V entered service in April 1944 they were delivered in standard day-fighter camouflage o
pattern of Dark Green over Ocean Grey with the underside painted in Medium Sea-Grey. Spinners were Sky
inches wide band was carried around the rear fuselage. Squadron and aircraft i/d letters were also in Sky. A
stripe was painted along the leading edge of each wing extending from the outboard wing cannon to the wing
On the Tempests entering squadrons service early summer 1944 were Black (12 in.) and White (18 in.) ident
painted on the undersides of each wing extending outwards from the wingroot.These stripes were originally s
Typhoons, where they were intended as a quick ground-to-air recognition feature.

Next change to the tactical identification markings as applied to the Tempests occured on or around the 5th J
Allied Air Expenditionary Force (AAEF) introduced Black and White stripes to be painted around the wings a
all allied aircraft in preparation for the allied landings of the Normandy Invasion finally scheduled for 6th June
were to be 18 in. wide and to be painted commencing 6 in. inbording from the upper wing roundels (replacing
special i/d stripes) and 18 in. forward of the leading edge of the tailplanes.

As the allied moved inland after the invasion the identification stripes were usually within easy reach of enem
ground fire. AAEF ordered the stripes to be removed from the aircraft wings. This order was implemented be
August and 10 September. Paintwork was brought into immediate effect from those visible from underneath t
the stripes remained on the belly of the machines roughly along the line of the original upper/lower camoufla

From 17 August Tempests were flying with Air Defence Great Britain (ADGB) operating on defensive sorties
airfields in Britain, engaged in "Operation DIVER", the anti-V1 patrols. Those Tempest had the Yellow stripes
the leading edge of their wings but retained the Sky painted spinner fuselage bands and codes.
Tempests operating with Second Tactical Air Force (2TAF) in Europe had their spinners repainted in
Sky-coloured fuselage bands were removed. Some squadrons did use colours other than Black for p
spinner. Such as for example Red, Blue or Yellow.

From 3rd January 1945 the upper wing roundels of the Red/Blue TYPE "B" pattern were replaced by TYPE "
red/white/blues with a narrow yellow outer ring. The invasion stripes and the Sky fuselage band were painted
spinners were painted Black.
From 31st March 1945 orders were issued that Fighter Command could dispense the wartime camouflage a
with "silver" doped overall or polished metal finishes. However, aircraft already in service plus others already
production lines retained the basic wartime colouring and markings as seen January 1945.

In 1946 a firm order was issued whereby ALL camouflage was to be dispensed with and airframes were to re
polished metal or silver doped finishes. Codes were then normally painted in Black as were serials. Flight co
reintroduced by some squadrons for the spinners and aircraft serials were added beneath the wings.
Mk. II with 1946 standard camouflage scheme. Fuselage band and codes in Sky. Code-letter order is the sam
sides. SEAC ID markings (intended for Far East Service) on tailplanes and cowling front in White. The serial
Black beneath the wings. Type C1 roundels on fuselage, C on lower surfaces.

The next change occured in May 1947 when the original TYPE "C", "C1" and wartime originated fin flashes e
replaced by the new style TYPE "D" roundels (1/3rd Red, 1/3rd White and 1/3rd Blue with equal width).

Mk. II with 1948 camouflage scheme. Fuselage band and codes in Sky. Serials and spinner in Black.

Some No 213 Sqn Tempest Mk. VIs in Egypt were in July 1949 painted in a "desert-scheme". They were pai
Earth and Light Slate Grey upper surfaces with Medium Sea Grey lower surfaces. The code-letter was painte
the serial was painted Black beneath the wings.

An Indian Tempest Mk. II with the early style IAF roundel, but the first Tempests retained the RAF insignias. T
were Aluminium overall.

The Indian Tempests later received the new Indian Orange/White/Green roundels and fin flashes.

The Pakistani Tempests received a new camouflage of Dark Earth, Mid-Stone and Azure Blue. Insignias wer
the fuselage and wings, and a squared insignia with crescent and star on the fin. Serials were Black and cod
Tempest TTs were finished in Aluminium with diagonal Black and Yellow stripes, the Black 36" wide and 72"
underside was painted Black, and the elevators and ailerons were Yellow. On the upper wings and around th
were Yellow stripes painted. Some a/c had a Black anti-dazzle panel forward of the windscreen.

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