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- Raja Subramaniyan Contents

Part I Intro to Mind

Part II Understanding Mind

Part III Analyzing Mind Part III Controlling Mind Part IV Using Mind
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Understanding Mind Contents 1. 2. Source of Thoughts Knowledge, Intelligence and Wisdom

3. Thoughts and Actions

4. 5. 6. 7. Visible and Invisible Organs Sense Organs and Sense Objects Preferences (Likes and Dislikes) Origin and growth of personality

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Lesson 3: Thoughts and Actions All our actions are initiated by our thoughts. It is not possible for us to do any action without the active direction of corresponding thoughts. We may or may not be aware of such thoughts. A building is built with thoughts in the mind of an architect before it is built on the ground. Before writing a letter the word existed as thoughts in the mind of the author. We are aware that thought is the driving force for all such planned actions. Mind sends detailed and appropriate instructions to all the parts of the body to perform many actions without our knowledge. For example, an activity like bathing or swimming will involve the coordinated effort of our muscles and thoughts drive such actions as well. This can be demonstrated by EEG. Breathing, digesting food and such involuntary actions are under the control of our physiological system and do not depend on our thoughts. The internal clock within the computer runs on a battery and therefore the time is kept correctly even during the period when the computer is turned off. Similarly, our physiological system takes care of these vital functions even when mind is completely turned off during deep sleep. The EEG taken while sleeping shows that mind does not work during deep sleep. Other than these involuntary actions, all our actions are results of our thoughts. What we study, how we work and the way we communicate etc depend on our thoughts. It is not possible for us to do any action without thoughts and there is no exception to this rule. It is not possible to give a comprehensive and complete answer to the question what did you do yesterday? We do millions of actions in a day. EEG will show that our mind is active throughout the waking period executing many different actions. Due to ignorance we claim only few of these actions as my actions. We make two mistakes due to this ignorance. Firstly, we are not aware that our Ego is also a thought. Therefore, it is not possible for the me to do any action. All the actions are done by our mind and our Ego does not have any role in this respect. Secondly, we assume that there can be few mind-less or thought-less actions. There are none. Slip of tongue, absent-minded action and such abnormal actions are also prompted by thoughts. Forgetting that we ate is not fasting. Similarly, not paying attention while driving a car does not mean our hands and legs are driving. It is our mind which drives the car using our body. The body cannot do any action without the active support of the mind. Thoughts are flowing from the mind on what to write, when we type at a speed of 90 words per minute. In addition, mind also sends separate instructions to each finger on where to hit the keyboard. The mind works at an enormous speed to execute this action. The fingers merely move as directed by the mind. A computer shows facts and figures on the monitor or prints them on a printer. Prior to such tasks the information is compiled in software in the form as 0s and 1s. Thus, the software has complete and full control on the hardware. Similarly, all the actions of this natural robot our body are fully controlled by our mind. Therefore, all our actions can be referred as manifested thoughts. You may post your questions to the author at

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