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Artificial Intelligence: Savior or destroyer of


Artificial Intelligence: Blessing or Curse

Artificial Intelligence: A threat to mankind

Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane

Artificial Intelligence: its impacts and future of it



2. Advent of Artificial Intelligence:

3. Is Artificial Intelligence a blessing? “Yes.”

1) AI has brought Revolution in Modern Health


1.1. AI can be used to diagnose diseases. (Lung, skin and breast cancer and heart

Read medical images, x-rays, CT scan and MRI

1.2. AI also helps in find cure of incurable diseases

Robot-Assisted Surgery (prostate surgery, gynecological surgeries, and certain types of

cardiac surgeries.)


(Johns Hopkins University report)

1.3 Drug Discovery:

• A UK-based artificial intelligence company, has identified Baricitinib, a drug for

treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, as a potential treatment for Covid-19

2) AI being helpful in Agriculture sector

2.1. AI tools are used to identify or even predict crop diseases. (AI analyzes data from
drones and Crop Monitoring machines to detect disease from collected images. This
process involves distinguishing between healthy and stressed plants, detecting signs of
diseases, pests, or nutrient deficiencies. efficient monitoring, even across large
agricultural areas by drones

2.2. Can be used in Maintenance for Farm Equipment. (In Japan, Germany and Us
Farmers use AI-based systems to monitor and maintain agricultural machinery, ensuring
optimal performance and minimizing downtime.

3) AI assisting in economic development

3.1. increase productivity. (minimize your expense and time to maximize your profit)

AI can perform more efficiently and can work long time

3.3. AI IN FINANCE: increase global gross domestic product (GDP) by 7%—nearly $7

trillion—and boost productivity growth by 1.5%, according to Goldman Sachs Research)
Gen AI is a good fit with finance because its strength—dealing with vast amounts of
data—is precisely what finance relies on to function.

4) AI’s role in legal system of a country

4.1.AI helps in legal research: AI-powered algorithms can quickly sift through vast
volumes of legal documents, statutes, and case laws, significantly reducing the time and
effort required for lawyers to extract relevant information.
4.2. Legal Chatbots: Chatbots powered by AI can answer common legal questions and
guide individuals through basic legal processes online.

5) AI significant for education

5.1. Instant tutoring: help students by answering questions, providing explanations, and
offering additional resources to support learning.

5.2. Help with Language processing: AI can be used to overcome language barriers. It
can translate any language to ease overseas persons' lives and help them adjust

5.3. creates 3D modules that help students understand complex concepts easily.

• Many students struggle with science subjects. AI can assist by creating 3D models to improve

6) AI helpful for Environment/ Ecosystem

6.1. Curbing co2 emissions:

• Using electric vehicles and electrical air buses reduces CO2

emissions and helps prevent damage to the ozone layer.
6.2 AI assisting weather forecasting: AI significantly assists
in weather forecasting by improving the accuracy and efficiency
of predictions.

7. AI helpful in predicting natural disasters:

AI can be the best tool for early warning systems to avoid natural disasters like
earthquakes, flash floods, volcano eruption and cyclones.

AI Algorithm developed by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin, the AI

algorithm correctly predicted 70% of earthquakes a week before they happened
during a seven-month trial in China.

The World Health Organization estimates that earthquakes claimed

approximately 750,000 lives worldwide between 1998 and 2017, which accounts
for more than half of all deaths caused by natural disasters.

8.AI in politics:

8.1. Helps in Free and fair elections:

By introducing AI voting machines to get
perfect and fair results.

8.2. Helps in election campaign:

It helps to convey messages of political leaders

to the youth like Imran khan recently used AI
technology to address nation.

9. AI: Safeguarding Humanity Beyond Limits/AI

protecting human lives.

(defusing bomb, sending robot to space, exploring the deepest

part of ocean) self-driving cars to assist disable persons
improves road safety.

3. AI is a curse:

1. A lack of creativity:

Although AI has been tasked with creating everything from

computer code to visual art, it lacks original thought. "It can
only know what it knows. It can't think outside the box, no pun
intended," Kelly said. "It's limited by what it can ingest."

2. Job loss and displacement:

STRAWBERRY IN GERMANY). This is bad for farmers.

The equivalent of 300 million full-time jobs could be lost to

automation, according to an April 2023 report from Goldman Sachs

According to an OECD report, even with the low development of AI today,

14% of jobs in the world could be affected by the emergence of AI.

3. AI and Terrorism: The United Nations Office of Counter

Terrorism has released a report on the use of AI by terrorist
groups. The report mentions that terrorists have chosen to be
early adopters of new technologies

3.1 Drone attacks: AI-enhanced drones can be used for various

purposes, including surveillance and targeted attacks. Terrorist
groups might leverage AI to enhance the capabilities of
weaponized drones, making them more effective and harder to
defend against.

3.2: Autonomous Weapons:

the development of autonomous weapons, powered by AI, raises concerns about

their potential use by terrorist organizations. These weapons could be deployed for
targeted attacks without direct human control, leading to increased risks of
indiscriminate violence.

3.3. Financial Crimes:

AI can be utilized for financial crimes such as money laundering, cryptocurrency

transactions, and fundraising activities to support terrorist activities. Advanced
algorithms can help evade detection by traditional financial monitoring systems.


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