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All people around the world have their own favorite

cities. My favorite city is Poltava

Poltava is a city located in the northeastern part of

Ukraine, Poltava’s population is about 292,000 people.
Poltava is mostly known for its amazing natural
resources and its achievements.

So what can you do in Poltava? In Poltava is a

wellknown art museum there you can see very well-
known drawings. You can also visit a beautiful building
in Poltava called Belaya besedka. Belaya besedka was
build in 1909. A lot of Ukrainian students go to
graduate there. And also people who want to marry go
there as well

Why you should visit Poltava? Poltava is a very historic

city and has a very beautiful culture. The local people
are very happy to meet tourists from other countries

In conclusion, I think you should try to visit Poltava.

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